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2. Documents can be classified as Image Documents and Non-Image Documents.

->Image Documents are generally scanned paper Documents or Imported Documents for e.g.
BMP, JPG, Tiff, GIF, TIF etc.
->Non-Image Documents are generally Word-processed documents, Presentations,
Spreadsheets etc. generated through various applications.Non Image Documents are generally
in Word, XLS, PPT, and DOC Format.

TIFF type of image document supported.

3. Supports archival for major type of documents like Spreadsheets, Email, Attachments,
Presentations, CAD/CAM designs, TIF, PDF/A, DOC, XLS, System Monitoring Charts, GIS Video
Clips, mp3, mp4, etc

4. Image server is responsible for storage and retrieval of documents and for the entire
document lifecycle management, moving documents from online to offline storage, data
caching, replication etc.\
Report formats- xls,csv,pdf

SMS supports caching

5. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
6. OD supported in English, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Finnish, Czech, etc
7. OD is n-tiered
8. supports FTS, full text search

9. Built using robust server-side Java and J2EE technologies

10. Operating System: Windows, Linux, HP-Unix, Solaris, AIX etc
11. Application Server: JBOSS, BEA Weblogic, IBM Websphere, Oracle etc
12. Database : MS-SQL, Oracle and PostgreSQl,

13. Browser: Internet Explorer and Mozilla

14. Browser: Internet Explorer and Mozilla
15. Available on Windows, Linux and UNIX platforms
16. OD Enterprise service available on multiple thirdparty Application and Web servers on
HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Windows, Linux platforms.
17. Multiple Image volumes can be defined for an SMS. Multiple SMS can be deployed for a
single Image Server.
Dataclass can be exported in xml file format


1. In data class in omnidocs following field type can be marked as secure

integer can logout omnidocs client session from

Webcustom screen
custom desktop screen,
Both (true)
None can logout od client session from

Master desktop screen
Custom desktop screen(false)

3.which streaming server is supported in omnidocs


4 home site
is the site fromwhere user can would wish to retrive his document (False).
Where the document of that image volume get added by default.(True)

5. is the site from where user would wish to retrive his document.
Preferred site(true)
Home site
Default site
Logical site
6. multiple sites can be added having same ip address – false

7. In OmniDocs, one can assign data class to a folder from:

OmniDocs Admi
Omni Docs Client
Both of the above(false)
None of the above

8. to enable pci-compliance, which kms is provided by od by default

azure key-vault
all kms
hadoop kms to change od logo

Od admin-> configure desktop-> desktop settings->change logo
Od admin-> configure desktop->change logo
Od admin-> change logo
Not possible(false)

10. Only ____ files can be used as an icon for custom tabs in od-

12. A single volume is divided into several _______

volume bocks

13. Image type pdf documents are shown in which viewer

pdf reader
IVApplet(true) opall (also true)
acrobat reader

13.While viewing docs in od, 4 applet client must have accepted


16. It is possible to have more than one web server for od deployment--true

18. Dataclass can be attached to

action items

19 how can we lock a document such that while reading or modifying no one else can change

20. Sms supports caching—true(true)

21. We can have more than one web server in od?--true(true)

MAYBE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

22. Keywords in od that are associated with a doc to perform search are of
2 (false)

23.which is not an option while creating dataclass field in od---

Useful (true)

24.dataclass in omnidocs is used to facilitate


25. Can full text search (fts)be combined with index search—
search if user gives parameter for it both(true)

26. To enable 3rd party viewer where does one changes code for integration--(od
abde galat h,
ad galat h
bce galat
BD (sahi).
28. Custom actions are defined for which module--

29. Landing page config is applicable only for--

system tabs
only for doc search(false)
1 nd 2

30. Immediate replication as well as delayed replication terms are related to which omnidocs

31. Audit trails available at


32. Which of the following is valid volume replication type in od


34. How many levels of security exist in od


36. Supervisor can add folder at the following

36.Administrator of omnidocs can create
Root folder
Sub folder
Both root and sub

37.normal user of omnidocs can create

Root folder
Sub folder(true)
Both root and sub
None omnidocs which group is associated with supervisor user by default?

Both 1st and 2nd option(true).

37. custom operations->


39. What are Actions items

Action item facilitates to automate a workflow through omnidocs shared cabinet

40. Each image archive is logically divided into one or more

image volumes(pdf)
logical site
home site

41. Omnidocs uses connection pool


42. Omni Docs is a desktop application.


43. Meta data for omnidocs documents are stored in database


44. Multiple volumes can be created on a single site in omnidocs


45. In od, a ______ is a notification that would be flashed/ emailed to all the selected users

46. How to add custom tab in od

via admin console(true)
via componentIntegration.xml(false)
via OSA
via eworkstyle.ini

47. In od to enable 3rd party viewer where does one changes code for integration

48. Od document viewer is built using which technology

html-ajax and html5-angular(true)

48.document viewer is built using which technology


49. What is a site

location where application server is running
loc where od is installed
loc wrapper is running
loc where image files are stored and can be accessed thereafter

50. Od 8.x is not released on which server

sun jsas(true)

51. Is easy search also an integration type while configuring the od web api

52. Sms in od supports caching


53. to enable pci-compliance, which kms can be supported by od

azure key-vault
all kms(true)
hadoop kms

54. In od which group is associated with normal user by default


55. Image server is responsible for

storage and retrieval of docs
for entire document life cycle management
moving documents from online to offline storage

56. Default batch size for document listing in od is


57. every volume in od has default volume path which is a ----- on sms

58. which types of image docs are supported

scanned pdf

59. A record in od is an ____ doc which can be stored as per the retention policies

60. What is the limit of doc storage in od

1 tb

61. _______ report is generated to give info about all the documents created within the specified
created data range.
doc initiation
upload status
doc creation(true)
upload status

62. To provide 3rd party utility to use od search/doc view without login to od. What is the easiest
methodology for that
one has to write integration code
use webservice
use web-API(true)
not possible

63.A site in omnidocs is identified by two attributes viz namely ___&____

sms ip and sms port(true)
ap server ip and ap server port
site Ip and site port
64. How many cabinets in od can be connected by single user at one time

65. During volume creation in od, size of volume block represents

Max size of volume(false)
min size of volume
min size of pn file
max size of pn file

66. Which can be used as storage media with sms in od

tape drives
san or nas(maybe)
network routers

67. Is it possible to have more than one web server for od deployment

68. How to apply global index on folder in omnidocs?

Global index are not supported on folder
None of the above

69. The core bussiness logic is implemented in which tier

Database storage tier(false)
Database server(true)
Application server
Od webserver

70. One of the following is not an ex of structured content

Scanned images(true)
Db tables
Excel sheets

71. Set of indexes that can be associated with the folder or doc by providing the unique entity to them is
Global index
Data class

72. What are groups created by default in cabinet


73.what is the default group created in omnidocs?


73. Once dataclass is added in od, how to add another field to it

By edit(true)
By modify
By renaming
Not possible

73. By default folders in od have sharing rights


74. Which one of the following is correct regarding od deployment and functioning
Od needs at least one backend db for deployment nd function(true)
Od can run without any db
Od can run with db and without db also
Od maintains data in windows file system in sms

75. Select which among the following is not allowed datatype in dataclass field type in od

76. In od, using opallviewer, which type of docs can be viewed

.png, .xls

77. In od where is the data related to the images stored

Pn files

78. How does od achieve platform independence

Web services
.net api
File sharing approach
Xml based api(true)

80. Does OD architecture support platform independence

Depends on how it is deployed
No as it is purely desktop based application

79. Od works on all ___ operating system, ___ databases, aplication servers and web servers
Intel based, standard
Window base, content
Open source, relational
Major, industry standard

80. In OD the default client port for sms is


80. In OD the default admin port for sms is


81. Which of the following is not an image server operation

Add document
User creation(true)
Move volblock

82. Rights can be assigned to dataclass

At the time of creation of dataclass
After creation
Both of the above
Not possible

82.while making any data class field secure in omnidocs ,we can perform following operations:
Data class field can be marked secure only on creation(true)
Data class field can be marked un-secure any time
Data class field can be marked secure any time
Only secure global index can be part of data class.

83. Is FTS available immediately after a document has been uploaded?

Yes, FTS is available immediately after a document has been uploaded(false).
No, admin has to explicitly trigger text extractionfor that document for FTS to work(false)
No, uploading user has to explicilty trigger text extraction for the document for FTS to work(false)
No, text will be extracted and indexed automatically in the next extraction cycle(true)

84. In OD, notification of alarm can be done through

A flashing icon in OD web desktop to the specified user
Emailing to the user on the occurrence of the specified event

85. Even distribution of jobs and associated communications across computing and networking
resources is termed as
Distributed system
Fail over
Load balancing
Shared system

86. We can have more than one webserver in od


87. What is od web api

Newgen created a web-based framework using which one create custom applications
Newgen created web-based framework for running od applications
Newgen created a web-based framework for the integration of any external application with od(true)
Newgen created web-based framework for running newgen created web applications

88. During configuring search in omnidocs admin, if all data classes check-box is selected then
User is not able to select any dataclass
User is able to select dataclass(false)
It is a choice of a user whether to select dataclass or not(false)

89. How does OD EJB component connect to database

Using ODBC bridge(false)
Using JDBC-ODBC bridge(false)
Using JDBC API(true)
Using system DSN

90. Method of communication between web tier and middle tier

Socket connection(false)
Xml based
File read write
Shared buffer

91. In omnidocs “create shortcut” feature creates

New document of same size
Create document reference only

92. ___________ is a component of image server on OD which provides the actual storage and retrieval
of image data
Image management server
Database server
Image storage server
Storage management server

93. Size of Volblock in OD

Cannot be changed(false)
Can only be increased(true)
Can be decreased and increase both (false)

94. OD is _________, __________ platform independent solution

DMS, Multi tiered
Scalable, Multi tiered(true)
Scalable, Single tiered
ECM, Single tiered omnidocs architecture scalable?

Yes vertically
It is both h and v(true)

95.Each Image Volume has a home site. This is where the documents of that image volume get
added by default.
Home site(true)
Place site
Default site

96. Bulk upload to od is

Tiff based

98. Idm [integrated document management] does not include

Doc management
Doc imaging
Web publishing(true)

99. A voliume in od is
Cannot be replicated
Can be replicated across multiple sites
Can be replicated across only one site

100. Which of the following is incorrect wrt od architecture

Od web component directly interact with database(true)
Od web component never interacts with db directly
Od ejb component directly interact with db(false)
Od web component interacts with db via ejb component(False)

101.choose the correct option


102.which of the following is false wrt to newgen document archival solutions:

Post processing documents can be archived to external content server
Post processing archive documents is done automatically(true)
Does not support archive to SAP archive link based content repository(false)
None of the above is false

103.which omnidocs service is responsible to create documents thumbnail?


104.what to do if a user wants to make document visible only to the owner or the supervisor?
Mark as private
Both 2nd and 3rd

105.groups in omnidocs can be

Created by admin
Created by user having group privileges
Imported from LDAP based directory
All of the above

106. OD native view can be used to view

Image files(true)
Multimedia files
Ms office files

107. Document management system helps an organisation to better manage of electronic documents
Creation, revision and approval(false)
Creation, revision and consumption
Creation, revision and approval and consumption(true)
Creation approval retrieval(false)

108. which option related to document is not present in OD


109.User can search doc in od on the basis of

Keywords (true)

110. Rights in od can be assigned to

Groups and users
Users and supervisors
User group and role(true)
Groups and role

111. Efficient use of bandwidth is achieved in omnidocs document viewer because it..
Fetches document byte by byte
Fetches document in synchronised stream
Fetches document in asynchronised stream
Fetches document page by page

112.which component of omnidocs is actually used by end user using browser?

Od web component
Od EJB component(false)
Both web and EJB components(false)

113.Which OCR engine is used to extract data from scanned documents?

Scansoft omnipage
OCR feeder

114.Can we link a document to itself in omnidocs ?

Linking is not a feature

115. How can we lock a doc in od

Select doc->lock option->set lock
Select doc->select properties->set lock
Doc can't be locked
Checkout doc ->automatically

116. Does full text search give a relevancy ranking

Gives no of occurrences of the word
Giving an indication of how relevant the search string is(false)
Gives no ranking(false)
Docs are ranked based on their usefulness

117. What is omnidocs?

A web based application for managing(True)
A desktop based application for managing

118. in latest version of omnidocs special character used for file convention name is :
# latest version of od file convention is mandatory for

Document type configuration

119. you want to perform replication in such a way in od so that the data that is getting added at the
source should also get added at the replica side at the same time:
Immediate adding

120. User in omnidocs is :

Imported from external ldap based directory
Omnidocs internal user
Omnidocs external user
Both 1 and 2

121. Omnidocs is a ________ application:

Browser based(True)
Desktop based

122. Site in od could be created at which loc

Jboss is running
Jts is running
Sms is running

123. Od GUI is written in which language


124. Can web browser directly interact with ejb component of od

Yes ,if ejb components are deployed on web server(false)
No only od web component can be accesed directly via web browser

125.using the omnidocs web api a user can have the following advantages:
A. create an application for configuring any external system for image enabling .
B. configure the display functionality to customize the view to whether a single document or document

Statement A&B are correct(false)

Statement B&C are correct(false)
Statement C&A are correct(false)
All the above statement are correct(true)

126. Omnidocs allow users to manage image as well as electronic documents in a

Multiple database
Multiple compressed
Single centralized(true)
Dual compressed

127.od admin is also known as

Cabinet management
Document management
Queue management
Process management

128.which of the following statement is /are true regarding od

Enterprise class document archival and retrieval system
Enterprise class scalability ,disaster recovery ,fault tolerance and availability
Unicode complaint and supports complete document life cycle management
None of the above

129.od server architecture is based on


130.replication between the local and central storage servers requires direct
Network connectivity
Full access of both the server
Tcp/ip connectivity

131. Which of the following statement about label is true?

Once made, label cannot be changed
Only location of the label can be changed(true)
Only name of the label can be changed
Both the name and location of the label can be changed

131. Label is
Physical path
None,od document addition will only be possible when users have:

Rights on folder(false)
Rights On group(false)
Rights On dataclass
Rights On folder and dataclass

133.od provides integration adapter for

Microsoft project

134.maker checker feature can be applied to

135.image server admin operations are:
Add document, view document,and download document
Replication and compaction
Replication and compaction, and move volblock
Move volblock only

136.od password policy manager allows setting

Minimum length of password
Password case sensitive
Number of days for password expiry
A minimum no of login attempts od what would be thesecurity level ,to restrict access rights validation at folder and document
Cabinet level
No security

138. Which entity can be set by user in advance option of user management?
Date of birth
Fax no(true)
Phone no
Department name

139.Od support document searching on

140.Od support folder searching on

141.In OmniDocs, what would be the security level, to restrict Access Rights validation
at folder and document level?
Cabinet Level(true)
No Security
Object Level
142. Sms=site=client

143. Timeout/web
Time in seconds,session gets expired(true)
144. Document searching-
not specific date wala

145. An account of the operation that are performed on a specified object

Action items(false)
Audit log
1.Which type of image can be imported into DMS

Which type of image can be eported into DMS


2.delete job after export what does it mean?

Delete the database and images after export

3.omniscan can export to:


4. in which section of ini user can define indexes

Data class
data Section

5. lowest net framework version -

net framework 3.0
net framework 2.0(true) omniscan to select any particular field from the document which field is to be clicked –
Get Zone(true)
Set zone
Get data
any omniscan which of the following is not the default option provided for folder name –
10. By default OmniScan Export Document is for which Workflow?
Share Point(False)
Window WorkFlow (WWF)

11.Lowest version of omniscan -net framework 2.0

12. In OmniScan, which compression is supported for gray 8 bit PDF image?
Flat Decode

13.The concept of Workitem and process is in which of the following BPM?


14.OmniScan can export images using:

All of the above (True)

15. Managed code is used for which dll type---


16. What is optimized way of exporting doc from omniscan to omniflow nd omnidocs—
Multi cell export
single call export

17. Which of these is the licence key file of omniscan---


18. which of these adapter file is required for exporting documents from omniscan to omnidocs---
Pandb connector

19. Which type of external dll is not supported in omniscan---flat dll

20. In which section of ini user can define indexes---
data section(true)
Job section
Export section
Dataclass section
21.Entries of registered cabinet from omniscan are by default stored at which location
current users
22. In omniscan which of the following is not present in saved image type---half tone
23. In omniscan what is the recommended DPI level needed to extract a barcode from image
250 DPI
100 DPI
300 DPI (true)

24. Following feature is not provided in export to omniflow from omniscan---

delete workitem(true)
Create workitem
Move to next stage
Update workitem

26. What option is used to export the job just after creation of records in omniscan
Auto fill
auto upload

27. What are the scanning protocols supported in omniscan

twain chequescanner

28. What is ready for export option in omniscan

this feature allows user to move the job (mdb+image) to a local system folder for future export

30. What option is used to create a new template or to update an existing one
Create template
Manage template(true)

30. Which option is present in os to generate ini file

-manage template(true)
Generate ini

31. Which is not scan protocol-

paper scanner

32.In os, following is not a type available to export records to dms-

Export next
export previous

33. In os how , many doc types can be defined in doc type section-

34. In os, can datafields and doc types be made mandatory for the user to enter---


35. Is document versioning functionality available in os--- single export

36. Which file format is not supported for export reports in os---text, excel, access(nahi pta)

37. Following is the value of class name field in the ini foe export from omniscan to omnidocs


38. Following feature is not provided in export from omniflow to omniscan --- delete workitem

39. In os, single call export feature is avail for which of these dms---omniflow

42. In os, is it possible to save any template as default template and same will be opened without
prompting user to select one when he clicks on new---new job config(set->preferences)

43. Is it possible to maintain os template at a centralized loc nd all scanning machine will download it
from there---ini settings

44. Is it possible to run multiple instances in omniscan — by configuring ngbulkscan.ini

45. Under which selected condition in folder section an error folder is created while saving a doc--

46. by default which ocr engine is enabled in omniscan TESSERACT.

46. third party OCR engine - caere and tesseract

47. Exporting Credentials once asked not be asked again preferences ->save config(set->preferences)

48. which section has to be filled so as to allow distributed scanning---flow ya user

49. addins is defined in which ini---job.ini

50. Which of these image types cannot be imported in omniscan—





51. In omniscan What is the max length of a string a text field—255

52.Folder Identifiers: No Identifier, Blank Page, Barcode, Barcode Sticker, Standard Form, Fix Page

53.can be overwrite with omniscan

54.We can lock the folder from OmniScan

55.OmniScan Desktop Production-grade batch scanning solution that enables users to capture
enterprise level content and convert it into actionable data.
56.Twain scan protocol supported by OS
57.Thumb View of all the images of record is also shown

Color image= JPEG

59. Which compression apply on Grey image?

59. Which compression is supported for color 24 bit PDF image?

Flat decode

59. Which compression is supported for gray 8 bit PDF image?

Flat decode

58.In omni scan, user can associate function key


60.which of the following image format is not supported for exporting from omniscan

61. Which of these is not a type to register cabinet


62. Which type of extraction is supported for document identifier

Extract from form(true)
Hdd file name

62. Which type of identifier is not supported for folder identifier

Barcode sticker
Extract from form(true)
Blank page(false)

62. Which identifier is used in os to separate the docs on the basis of given page
Barcode sticker
Fix page(true)
Standard form

62. Which type of identifier is not available as folder identifier

Fix page
Blank page
Extract from the defined doc(true)

63. Which ocr engine is enabled in os?


64. Which symbology is used for 2d barcode extraction


65. Which is the barcode symbology used to extract the barcode


66. which are scanning protocols supported

Both twain and ct scanning protocol(false)
Both twain and isis(false)
67. Which sharepoint version is supported by omniscan
Sharepoint online
Sharepoint on premises
Sharepoint webservices(true)

68. Which section is to be filled so as to allow distributed scanning

Export features
Flow section(true)
User defined section

70. Under which selected condition in folder section an error folder is created while saving a doc
Selecting option 1 and folder already exists(true)
Selecting option 2 and folder already exists
Selecting option 1 and folder doesn’t exist(false)
Selecting option 2 and folder doesn’t exist

71. If the doc with the same name already exist in od then what is appended to the name of the doc
Always overwrite the doc

72. Adf in a scanner

Automatically defined function
Alternative display facility
Automatic document feeder(true)
Allocation and distribution of file

73. which short cut key is available for getting gui to create ini

74.short cut key is available for scanning?


74. production grade scanning capability is supported by which product


75. Wrong
On os user can remove speckles, deskew image, adjust page orientation and more(false)
Multiple users cannot be assigned(true)
Omniscan captures documents
Oraganisation look for centralised bulk scanning to optimize their scanning operation

76. A job in os is
Collection of images
Collection of records(true)
Collection of database

77. The concept of workitem and process is in which of the following bpm??

78. Single call export feature is available for which of these dms

78. omniscan export document by default is for which workflow – omniflow

79. An image exported from omniscan to any dms is in which format


80. Which section is not mandatory section to be filled while creation of template in os
Data section(false)
Data class section(false)
Folder section
Job section(true)

81. Which exe is used to run to launch os


1. On the basis of what conditions, sheet handling is done in iForm?

Process Name
Activity Name (False)
User Name
All of the above (true)

2. In User Management component of iBPS, users can be searched on which of the following criteria?

Filter on Process
Filter on Worksteps
Filter on Queue (False)
Both the options 1st & 2nd (true)

3.In IBPS, how many type of layouts can be configured in WorkDesk?

Fixed, Editable Layouts(false)

Editable Layout(false)
No Layout is Defined(true)
Multiple including Custom WorkDesk.(false)

4.In iBPs, which of the following is not a default Interface available in WorkDesk?
Form View
Process View(true)
Document View(false)

5.In iBPS, how can we enable collaborative chat on a WorkItem?

Enabled by default for all workitems (false)
Enabled on sharing workitem(false)
Collaboration server must be running(true)
Both the options 2nd & 3rd(false) ibps ,who can make changes to a workitem while working in shared mode ?
Any user to whom workitem is shared
Any supervisor user to whom workitem is shared
Owner of the workitem if workitem is not in read –only mode(true)
Any supervisor user

7. in ibps ,which one of the following options is not a standard interface?

To do list
Jms producer(true)
Scan tool (false) ibps ,how can a group be associated with queue?

Using queue management component
Using user management component
Using process designer
All of the above true

9.which combination is not as per BPMN:

Parallel distribute –parallel collect
Inclusive distribute- inclusive collect

10. as per BPMN standards which statement is correct

Mile stones can have milestones within them.
Swimlanes can have swimlane with in them.
Pools can have have swimlanes with in them
Mile stones can have pools with in them.

11.what is the purpose of custom control id in iforms?

For identification of controls used in iforms
For custom coding
Both of the option 1 st & 2 nd (true)
Not an option in iforms

12. In ibps ,how can we search workitems on based on registration number in search component?
After selecting process
After selecting queue
After selecting process and queue(false)
Without selecting process and queue ibps for which object audit log can be generated using audit log component?
All of the above(true) ibps , which type of viewer is currently supported in webdesktop?
Applet viewer
HTMLform viewer
Both of the above(true).
None of the above

15.Which of the following is not a BPMN term:

Mile stone
Group box

16.which of the following SQL operation is the only one allowed in ibps (BAM)

17. What two options are available for datepicker(for us) label –input alignment in iforms?
Top-down ,left-right(true)
left-right ,bottom –up
No option is available
Both of the options 1st and 2nd

18. Which all events are available for a section in event configuration within iform?
All of the above ibps attachment can be added with:

Process, milestone
Process, activity(true)
Process, milestone , activity ibps specific workstep queue cannot be made for which workstep?
21. In ibps which component is used for setting workitem audit?
Audit log(false)
User management(true)
Process management
Rights management ibps how can we create custom link in web client?

As an external application component in omniapp(true)
As an internal application component in omniapp
Both of the above (false)
None of the above ibps (process designer), for re deployment of the process which of the following must to be
Process name
Project name
Registration no(true)
Process version ibps (process designer), rules cannot be associated with:

Todo list

25.maker checker feature can’t be enabled on the following operations:

Add table
Modify table
Import table
Upload data(false)

25.Process designer Maker checker feature can be used on which operation

Create external table
Process enable/disable
Create table
New interface inclusion in process omniflow ,messaging agent is configured in:

Process manager(true)
Process modeler
Configuration server
Processing server
27. In omniflow, what flows from one queue to another?
Workitem (true)
Email ibps, how we can change value of dynamic constant defined in process?
Open registered process in process designer and change
Open checked out process in process designer and change
Through process management component in webdesktop
Both the options 2nd & (true)3rd

29in ibps,which feature is not available in embedded workdesk view?

Save/done/initiate workitem
Edit layout and add /import document(true)
Both the options 1st and 2nd ta (false)

30. In ibps constraints on reports are defined in BAM for:

Availability and downloading of reports
Viewing of reports
Both of the above
None of the above ibps what is the use of search variable?

For searching any process
For searching workitem
For searching variables
For searching queues ibps ,queue list component is available in which default view?

Business admin view
User desktop view(true)
Supervisor view
Process designer view many queue variables are present in ibps?

36 ibps where is registered template used?

In launch application trigger
In data entry trigger
In set trigger
In generate response trigger register a view in omniapp, which information is not required?

View name
Group name
User name(true)
Min/max button ibps, which type of attachments extensions can be attached in process designer?
Both of the above
None of the above

40.which type of application can be associated in omniapp?

Newgen applications only
External applications only
Newgen applications and External applications both(true)
None of the above

41. In ibps process designer ,checkout option is not available on which of the following?
Swimlane ibps, which document is/are not viewable in default document viewer?
None of the above text is available in which control of iforms?

Text box
Text area(true)
Both of the above
None of the above ibps what types of methods are managed through catalog definition window?
External functions
Method exposed as webservice
Sap functions
All of the above(true)
45.What type of associations can user have with groups /profiles in ibps?
Permanent assignment
Assignment till date
Both of the above(true)
None of the above

46. for which object audit log can be generated using Audit Log component?
All of the above

47. not a type of inbuilt trigger


48. MDM Web logs folder can be located in server with the name
Mdm web

48. Mdm backend log folder


49. Which isa not a type of todo list


50. Rights management do

Rights on process
Rights on queue
Accessibility rights to user

51. Background color can be applied on below controls


52. Rule with audit as an operation can be defined as

Distributed work step
Data exclusive

53.queue management component is available with

All users
Members of supervisor grp
User having badmin rights(true)
1 nd 3

54. Rules in ibps (bam) helps in

Apply the color coding of the data when some rule condition satisfies
Sends mail to the group or userss when some rule condition satisfies
Sends the mail to some specific mail ids when some condition satisfies

55. Which operation is not performed on registered process

Check out
Check in(true)
Save as local
Enable process

56. Which feature of mdm enables to take the input of column from other table
Custom picklist
Data picklist
Associated picklist

57. If filter allowed checkbox is checked for a field it signifies

Column is searchable in data tab
User can specify the search criteria for row data

58. How many objects can be associated with user for an object type
Depends on object type
59. How can we search workitems that are at end event
Selecting all workitem option in search workitem options(true)
Selecting in process option in search workitem options
Not feasible(false)

60. Which cannot be set as a priority of workitem(answer=low,high,very high,medium)

Very high
2 nd 3

61. Can we change the display name of the fields in bam in ibps
Yes, while creating report in wizard mode
Yes, while modifying report in wizard mode
Bam do not provide such feature
1 nd 2

62. Report cannot be generated in which format


63. Execution of workflow of the process cannot start with

Web service(true)
Condition start

64. Omniapp app can be registered in

Secure mode
Secure nd insecure mode
Insecure mode only

65 in mdm. How rights on a table can be given

Option in the table definition(none)
Through rights management(true)

66. Rights management component should be available by default

Business admin(true)
Process designer
Web desktop

66. Queue management component is available to;

All the users
Members of supervisor group
User having business admin view rights(true
Both the options 1st and 3rd

67. Can we delete default generated queues in queue management component

Yes all queues
Yes but not default system queues(true)
Yes but not introduction queues(false)

68. Default dashboard for a user can be reset

Only while creation of the new group dashboard list
On first login
Default dashboard cannot be reset

69. Which is not an artifact in process

Group box(false)
Message end(true)
Data object(false)

70. Which workstep cannot be used to start/restart the process


71. True in context with attach view functionality

View must be present for mapping
Helps to map table column with view column

72. The theme configured through omniapp is specific to

User level(false)
Group level
Cabinet level(true)
Application level(false)

73. Available for omniapp views

View can be maximize and minimize
Component instance can be resized dragged nd dropped
Component instances can be restored

74. Change password on first login is mandatory

Depends on password policy
Mandatory setting not available in ibps

75. Which is not Component of web desktop?

Both 2 and 3(false)

75. Formats available in web desktop to save audit logs?

Both 1 and 2(true)

76. Formats available in web desktop to save workitem history


77. Which worksteps cannot have incoming and outgoing links

Receive type introduction
Custom workdesk

78. Eah view can be associated with ___ group


79. Options not available in omniapp configuration

External application
Process configuration

80. Which is not an object type

Process client menu(false)
Pmweb menu management
Bam general reports
Create report(true)

Mdm table rights

Local project management
Bam scheduler management(true)

81. Audit log operations in mdm signifies

Logging and history generation of operations
Enables user to view the history of operations done by him/her
Enables user to view history of table between some specific dates

82. Mdm can import

Only exported tables
Only tables created through mdm interface
Tables created through database as well as from mdm interface

83. The property label as a subsection can be configured through which control in iform
Section property
Theme configuration
Label property

84. How to configure tab indexing in iforms

Via iform properties
Via control properties
Not applicable
Both 1 nd 2

86. Which is incorrect for swim lane

Swimlane can have a default queue associated to it
Swimlane can have inner swimlane
Worksteps can’t be dropped outside swimlanes
A name to a swimlane can be given

87. which is not supported for uploading data into mdm table
Xls on linux environment(false)

88. Is it possible to fetch distinct records in bam report

Not possible
In wizard mode, it is not possible
In query mode, it is possible through query or procedure
2 nd 3(false)

89. If the theme is applied from omniapp configuration it will be applied for
Process designer

90. User inherits rights from profiles groups and user-object rights. What rights the user will finally
Union of rights from profiles, groups, object rights(true)
Intersection from profiles, groups, object rights
Profiles rights overwritten by groups and group rights overwritten by users(false)

91. Process management component allows to do which of following operations

Enabling/disabling of process
Define tat of process
Unregistering process
1 nd 2(true)

92. If one has associated all the workitem interfaces with activity then which of the folloeing
interfaces will be displayed by defaut in pop up workitem
Form, document , todo
Form, document(true)
Todo, exception

93. The property “label as a subsection” can be configured through which control in iForm?
Label property(true)
Section property

94.BAM output format of the scheduled report could be:

Txt and HTML
95. how can we capture report data over a period of time in BAM?
Through alert
Using report trends
Through scheduler
none BAM to make the report hidden signifies that:

The report is not available in general category list
The report is available in general category list but cannot be generated
The report is hidden from the users other than the one who is created it

96.minimum number of activities required in any milestone in process are:


96. Swimlane minimum activities


97. What privileges a member of supervisor group has

As defined for the user
All privileges
All when privileges are not defined for user and user defined when privileges defined for the user
Has no privileges

98. Rights on the bam reports can be defined

Using od
Using option available in report designing
Through rights management

99. Which can have duplicate name

Start event
Work desk
Data object(true)
End event(false)

100. Which of the following is true

(i) default
(ii) workdesk
(iii) only applet
Only (i)(false)
Both (i) nd (iii)(false)
(i),(ii),(iii) correct

101. Which can add /modify/delete reports from group dashboard in bam
Group members
Supervisor use
Both 2 nd 3

102. Application creation comes under which module

Web desktop(false)
Process designer(true)

103. Drill down reports in ibps(bam) provides

A link to other bam report
A link to other external url

Ibps shrishti

1.queue management is through:

Processs manager(true)
Process modeler(false)
Configuration server
Processing server omniflow exceptions are associated with diifferent worksteps through:

Raise rights
Clear rights
View rights
All of the above (true). Omniflow message agent is used for?

Process workitem from one queue to another queue
Creating workitem history(true)
Sending emails to mail server
None of the above

4. In omniflow ,initiating agent is used for

Creating workitem through email
Completing existing workitem on the event of receiving email
Adding emails attachment as a document with workitem
All of the above true

5.workitem list cannot have:

Process instance id, entry time date(false)
Queue variables
Raised exception names(true)
None of the above

6.the queues in omniflow are similar to ‘shared-in-baskets', which are available to multiple users for
processing workitem contained in them
Workinprocess queue(true)
Process queue(false)
None of the above

7. in omniflow what flows from one queue to another?


8. How many time can a workitem be referred?

More than 3(true)
None of the above

9. document /images in omniflow application are viewed using:

Newgen applet viewer(true)
Irfan viewer
Imaging professional
Picture and fax viewer omniflow ,quick search can be made on:

Process –instance –id(false)
Quick search variables
All of the above(true)

11. In omniflow ,PFE utility is used for

Sending email
Sending email with attachment
Creating workitem history
Both a and b true Omniflow message agent is configured in:

Process manager
Process modeler
Configuration server true
Processing server (false)

13.after login to web client which queue is shown:

Dynamic queue
My queue(true)
Search queue
None of the above

14. Initiating agent is used for

Creating workitem through email
15. _____ are the basic unit or basic components on which work or operations are done in the
workflow in omniflow

16. My queue contains

List of workitems pending to user
List of all the workitems of all queues(false)
List of only those workitems on which user has rights(false)

19. Workitem list cannot have

Process instance id, entry date time(false)
Queue variable
Raised exception names

20. Workitem can be introduced in

Any queue
Any queue on which user have rights
Queues of type introduction
Queues of type introduction with rights(true)

21. A new workitem can be initiated in


1. Each Image Volume has a home site. This is where the documents of that image volume get
added by default.
2. Document can be classified as Image Documents and Non Image Documents.
 Image Documents are generally scanned paper Documents or Imported Documents for e.g.
BMP, JPG, Tiff, GIF, TIF etc.
 Non-Image Documents are generally Word-processed documents, Presentations,
Spreadsheets etc. generated through various applications.Non Image Documents are generally in
Word, XLS, PPT, and DOC Format.
TIFF type of image document supported.
3. Supports archival for major type of documents like Spreadsheets, Email, Attachments,
Presentations, CAD/CAM designs, TIF, PDF/A, DOC, XLS, System Monitoring Charts, GIS Video
Clips, mp3, mp4, etc
4. Image server is responsible for storage and retrieval of documents and for the entire document
lifecycle management, moving documents from online to offline storage, data caching,
replication etc.
SMS supports caching
5. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
6. OD supported in English, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Finnish, Czech, etc
7. OD is n-tiered
8. supports FTS, full text search
9. Built using robust server-side Java and J2EE technologies
10. Operating System: Windows, Linux, HP-Unix, Solaris, AIX etc
11. Application Server: JBOSS, BEA Weblogic, IBM Websphere, Oracle etc
12. Database : MS-SQL, Oracle and PostgreSQ,
13. Browser: Internet Explorer and Mozilla
14. Available on Windows, Linux and UNIX platforms
15. OD Enterprise service available on multiple third_party Application and Web servers on HP-UX,
Sun Solaris, Windows, Linux platforms.
16. Multiple Image volumes can be defined for an SMS. Multiple SMS can be deployed for a single
Image Server.
17. In data class in omnidocs, text field type can be marked as secure
18. one can logout omnidocs client session from both (webcustom screen,custom desktop screen)
19. Wowza streaming server is supported in omnidocs
20. Multiple sites can be added having same ip address - false
21. To enable PCI Compliance, all(AWS-KMS, Azure Key-Vault, Hadoop KMS) KMS can be
supported by OmniDocs:
22. A single volume is divided into several labels
23. It is possible to have more than one web server for od deployment--true
24. Can full text search be combined with index search—search if user gives parameter for it
25. Which of the following is valid volume replication type in od -delayed
26. Immediate replication as well as delayed replication terms are related to which omnidocs
component - Volume
27. Od document viewer is built using which tech(ajax-json/html5-angular)
28. To provide 3rd party utility, to use od search/ doc view without login to od. Which is the easiest
methodology for that (use web-api)
29. custom operations-> All(folder, document, record, Filepart)
30. In OmniDocs, one can assign data class to a folder from:
OD Admin, OD Client, Both of the above(not the answer),None
31. Idm (integrated document management )does not include--(workflow
32. In Od, to enable 3rd party viewer, where does one changes code for integration? A.
omnidocs.war B. Custom.war C. Opall.war D. eworkstyle.ini E. Componentintegration.xml - Only
B, D
33. in dataclass of OD, following field can be marked secure - integer
34. It is possible to have more than one web server for OD Deployment - True
35. In OD, Custom Actions re defined for which module - Search, Reports,Repository
36. integration type is not available in OD Web API - Folder View
37. OD uses connection pool - True
38. In latest version of OD, special character used for file convention name is - %
39. In OD, name of PN file includes info about - VolBlockID
40. The feature of data highlighting is called - Zone definition
41. define omnidocs_logs folder location -
42. In OD, which component listens on a TCP/IP socket and communicates with Application Server -
43. OD component for adding and viewing document - OSA
44. Which module is not configured as Landing Page in OD?- Trash
45. A site in OD is identified by two attributes viz. namely, - SMS IP & SMS Port
46. Main features of OD are: All (Filing of folder/ images, Indexing/ Processing/ Searching, Reports)
47. To which of the following feature would you associate OD with - vague reports for monitoring
48. SMS port used while adding site in OD Admin - Admin port/ Any port can be given
49. Default groups created in OD during installation - 2
50. groups created by default in cabinet? - All(Supervisor, Everyone, Public)
51. Replication between the local and central storage servers require direct - TCP/ IP Connectivity
52. In latest version of OD, OmniProcess root folder is a parent folder for: Both (Draft/ Submit)
53. In latest version of OD, OmniProcess Submit folder is a look in folder for - Maker
54. Audit Log is an account of the operations that are performed on the specified object (viz.
cabinet, folder or document) by any of the members of the cabinet.
55. Export scanned batches in to CSV
56. Automatic data extraction using OCR, MICR and Barcode
57. OD web component directly interact with database - False
58. OD web component interact with Database via EJB
59. While making any data class field secure in Od, we can perform following operations - Data class
field can be marked secure only on creation
60. Is FTS available immediately after a document has been uploaded - No text will be extracted and
indexed automatically in the next extraction cycle...
61. Is OD architecture Scalable - Yes, scalable vertically
62. If dataclass is of array type, it can be mapped with - Listview
63. tags mandatory for all Newgen Product API - Cabinet Name, TableName
64. OD web server is built on - SOA


66. Folder Identifiers: No Identifier, Blank Page, Barcode, Barcode Sticker, Standard Form, Fix
67. can be overwrite with omniscan
68. We can lock the folder from OmniScan
69. OmniScan Desktop Production-grade batch scanning solution that enables users to capture
enterprise level content and convert it into actionable data.
70. Twain and Chequescanner scan protocol supported by OS
71. Thumb View of all the images of record is also shown
72. In OmniScan, user can associate func key with index
73. Managed code is used for Dot NET DLL Type
74. Single call export optimised way of exporting document from OmniScan to OmniFlow and
75. OmniScan.lic license key file of OmniScan
76. PanDB connector is required for exporting documents from omniscan to omnidocs
77. Flat dll type of external dll is not supported in OmniScan
78. PDF417 2D barcode extraction
79. User can define indexes in data section of ini
80. Unlimited document types can be defined in DocType Section
81. LZW compression apply for grey image
82. In OmniScan, jpeg compression is supported for gray 8 bit PDF image
83. Compression for color image - G4
84. tif->pdf type of image can be imported into DMS
85. delete job after export mean Delete the database and images after export
86. OS can export to all(Omniflow, Omnidocs, FTP)
87. lowest net framework version - net framework 2.0
88. omniscan export document by default is for omniflow
89. In omniscan INI NAME is not the default option provided for folder name
90. Delete workitem is not provided in export to omniflow from omniscan
91. Job Section is not a mandatory section to be filled while creation of template in omniscan
92. AutoUpload option is used to export the job just after creation of records in omniscan
93. What is ready for export option in omniscan---this feature allows user to move the job
(mdb+image) to a local system folder for future export
94. What option is not available in os as folder identifier---- extract from the defined doc
95. Which option is present in os to generate ini file-manage template
96. Which is not scan protocol--- paper scanner
97. In os, following is not a type avail to export records to dms---export features
98. In os, can datafields and doc types be made mandatory for the user to enter---both
99. Is document versioning functionality available in os--- single export
100.Following is the value of class name field in the ini foe export from os to
101.sharepoint version is supported by os---webservices
102.In os, is it possible to save any template as default template and same will be opened without
prompting user to select one when he clicks on new---Save new job config
103.Is it possible to maintain os template at a centralized loc nd all scanning machine will download
it from there---ini settings
104.Is it possible to run multiple instances in os—configuring ngbulkscan.ini default TESSERACT ne is enabled in omniscan
106.Exporting Credentials once entered and user will not be asked again preferences
->Setup->Preferences->save config
107.which section has to be filled so as to allow distributed scanning---export section
108.In omniscan what is the recommended DPI level needed to extract a barcode from image---300
109.Which section has to be filled so as to allow distributed scanning---flow
110.addins is defined in which ini---job.ini
111.Which of these image types cannot be imported in omniscan—doc
112.In omniscan What is the max length of a string a text field—255 omniscan to select any particular field from the document which field is to be clicked - Get
114.Under which selected condition in folder section an error folder is created while saving a
document - Selecting Option 1 and folder already exists
115.If doc with same name already exists in OD then timestamp is appended to nae of doc
116.OmniScan can export images using all(HTTP, HTTPS, TCP/IP)
117.SAP functions are not defined in INI for case - None of the above
118.which file format is not supported for export reports in OS - Access
119.In omniscan which of the following is not present in saved image type - Million of colors
120.Is it possible to maintain OS template at a centralized location and all scanning machine will
download - Need to define "Setup->Pref-> INI Settings" opt in OS win
121.shortcut for scanning - ctrl + s
122.Shortcut for getting GUI to create INI - Ctrl + M
123.Unique id for documents in SAP- SAP doc ID
1. start and conditional start can start
2. attachments can be added with process, activity,
3. Sheet Handling - The factor for hiding sheets can be a value from any external table or the value
of an activity name
4. ComboBox for DropDown
5. Refresh is used to roll back to the last saved stage of the process.
6. To is mandatory in Mail Trigger. CC, Priority and BCC - not mandatory
7. In iBPS, methods are managed through Catalog Definition window
8. We can change font style and size from theme config within iForm
9. In iBPS(Pro Des), renaming operation is not possible on Process
10. In iBPS(Pro Des), text annotation can be placed outisde swimlane
11. DatePicker and DateTimePicker date types present in date picker - iForms
12. In iBPS(Pro Des), data object can have duplicate name
13. In iBPS(Pro Des), want to delete latest and all versions option will be prompted to user while
trying to delete a local process
14. In iBPS, to undo changes made to a checked out process, user should undo checkout the
15. In iBPS, in generate response trigger registered template used
16. In iBPS(Pro Des), rules can't be associated with triggers
17. Execution of workflow of process can't start with WebService Activity
18. Collect workstep is used only if distribute WS is used
19. Pools can have swimlane in them
20. In iForm, default 300 height, 300 width of image box
21. On Load available in section event config
22. Query as no incoming or outgoing links
23. Reply workstep can't start/restart process
24. The concept of Workitem and process is in OmniFlow BPM
25. On the basis of what conditions, sheet handling is done in iForm? - all True(Process,
Activity, User)
26. In User Management component of iBPS, users can be searched on which of the following
criteria? - Both 1st and 2nd(Filter on Process and Workstep)
27. In iBPS, each view can be associated with groups - Unique
28. how many objects can be associated wth user for an object type? - Multiple
29. Purpose of Custom control in iForms - both(identification/ custom coding)
30. for which object audit log can be generated using Audit Log component? - All of the
above(process, Cabinet, Queue)
31. who can save the changes to a workitem while working in shared mode? - Owner of the
workitem if workitem is not in read-only mode
32. who can save the changes to a workitem while workitem in shared mode? - Owner of the
33. Application creation comes under Process Designer module in iBPS
34. how can we enable colloborative chat on a workitem? - Collaboration server must be running)
35. Can we delete default generated queues in Queue Management Component - Yes, But not intro
queues/ No
36. New control have been added in latest version of iBPS - 4
37. Work-item cannot have - Raised Exception Names
38. In OF, Initiating Agent is used for - All of the above
39. Not a default interface available in Workdesk - Process view
40. Which type of viewer is currently supported in Webdesktop - Both of the above(Applet/ HTML)
41. Which feature is not available in embedded Workdesk view? - Save/Done/Initiate Workitem
42. How can we change value of dynamic constant defined in process? - Both(Open Checkout
process in Pro Des and change/Through Process Mgmt component in Web desktop)
43. The views are configured using “Omniapp configuration” once logged in.
44. Option not present in column Layout - 8
45. In iForm, Read Only Property is available for which control - Listview
46. Application configuration is available for - All the users
47. Examples of newly added component instances in iBPS 5 over previous versions include – widget
view, workitem list, search component etc.
48. default value of max length of textbox before mapping - 50
49. Forward and reverse mapping not present in - Exit Workstep
50. ComboBox does not have multi select property
51. Attachment - both
52. not a type of inbuilt trigger - Todo
53. not an artifact in process - Message End
54. Report Format - HTML, XLS, PDF, TXT, CSV
55. Type property is associated with the TextBox and Masked TextBox controls.
Q. 1 Which constraint is imposed for tablename while adding table through
• Table name should contain only numbers
• Table name should contain only alphanumeric letters
• Table name should contain only alphanumeric letters or _ with first letter
starting with alphabets
• Similar to Constraints for the table creation in database

Q. 2 For multiple selection from a list, which control is used within

• Combo Box
• List Box
• Text Box
• None of the above

Q. 3 In OmniFlow, PFE utility is used for _________________. Marks:1

• Sending email
• Sending email with attachment
• Creating Workitem history
• Both (a) & (b)

Q. 4 Documents/Images in OmniFlow application are viewed

• Newgen Applet Viewer
• Irfan Viewer
• Imaging Professional
• Picture and Fax viewer

Q. 5 As per BPMN standards which statement is

• Mile Stones can have milestones with in them.
• Swimlanes can have swimlanes with in them.
• Pools can have swimlanes with in them.
• Mile Stones can have Pools with in them.

Q. 6 Which of the following options is not available in OmniApp

• External Application
• View
• Theme
• Process Configuration
Q. 7 In iBPS, what privileges a member of supervisor group has? Marks:1
• As defined for the user
• All the privileges
• All when privileges are not defined for user and User defined when
privileges defined for the user
• Has no privileges

Q. 8 Maker checker functionality enables: Marks:1

• Better control over data by enabling some users to perform table and data
• Better control over data by authorizing supervisor user to approve the
• User A to perform operation and User B to approve his/her operations
• All of the above

Q. 9 In iBPS, which type of attachments extensions can be attached in process

• .xls
• .doc
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 10 In iBPS(Process Designer), which of the following can be placed outside swim

• Start Event
• Work Desk
• Text annotation
• End Event

Q. 11 In iBPS, who can change save changes to a WorkItem while WorkItem is in shared
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem
• Any supervisor user.

Q. 12 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple
Q. 13 Which of the following is not a BPMN
• Mile Stone
• Pool
• Group Box
• Swimlane

Q. 14 Which of the following is not the default view available in

• Business Admin
• User Desktop
• Supervisor
• Process Designer

Q. 15 The Queues in OmniFlow are similar to ‘shared-in-baskets’, which are available to

multiple users for processing Workitems contained in them.
• WorkInProcess Queue
• Prcoess Queue
• Queue
• None of the above

Q. 16 In iBPS, how can we search workitems that are at end event

• By selecting All WorkItem option in Search Workitem options
• By selecting In Process option in Search Workitem options
• Not feasible
• None of the above

Q. 17 In iForm, Background color can be applied on below

• Combo box
• Radio button
• Check box
• All of the above

Q. 18 What type of associations can user have with groups/profiles in

• Permanent Assignment
• Assignment Till Date
• Both of the above
• None of the above
Q. 19 In iBPs, which of the following is not a default Interface available in
• Form View
• Process View
• Document View
• Exceptions

Q. 20 How many times can a Work-Item be referred? Marks:1

• 1
• 2
• More than 3
• None of the above

Q. 21 Which one of the following is correct wrt

• Collect WorkStep can be used without any distribute WorkStep.
• Collect WorkStep used when at least two distribute WorkStep present in the
• Collect WorkStep is used only if distribute WorkStep is used.
• None of the above.

Q. 22 In OmniFlow, Initiating Agent is used for ________________. Marks:1

• Creating Workitem through Email
• Completing existing Workitem on the event of receiving Email
• Adding email’s attachment as a document with Workitem
• All of the above

Q. 23 In iBPS (BAM) reports can be generated in following

• Tabular
• Graphical
• Matrix
• All of the above

Q. 24 In iBPS, how can we create custom link in Web

• As an external application component in omniapp.
• As an internal application component in omniapp
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 25 What are the different date types present in date picker within Marks:1
• Date picker and date time picker
• Date time picker
• Date picker and date time zone picker
• All of the above

Q. 1 In iBPS(Process Designer), Process Icon is used to distinguish between various types of

processes. Which of the following have same icon in tree?
• Enabled and disabled processes
• Registered and checked-in process
• Local and registered process
• Registered and checked-out process

Q. 2 In iBPS, to which group(s), Rights Management component should be available by

• Business Admin
• Process Designer
• Web Desktop
• All of the above

Q. 3 As per BPMN standards which statement is

• Mile Stones can have milestones with in them.
• Swimlanes can have swimlanes with in them.
• Pools can have swimlanes with in them.
• Mile Stones can have Pools with in them.

Q. 4 In iBPS(Process Designer), which is not a type of inbuilt

• Exception
• Set
• Todo
• Data Entry

Q. 5 In iBPS, which component is used for setting WorkItem

• Audit Log
• User Management
• Process Management
• Rights Management
Q. 6 In iBPS, audit log configuration can be done
• Cabinet
• Workitem
• Process
• Both 1st & 3rd options

Q. 7 In iBPS(Process Designer), mandatory fields in defining the Mail Trigger

• To
• Cc
• Priority

Q. 8 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 9 In OmniFlow, Message Agent is used for? Marks:1

• Process Workitem from one queue to another queue
• Creating Workitem history
• Sending e-mails to mail server
• None of the above

Q. 10 In iBPS, if one has associated all the WorkItem interfaces with activity then which of
the following interfaces will be displayed by default in popup WorkItem?
• Exception
• Form, Document, Todo.
• Form, Document.
• Todo, Exception.

Q. 11 Which of the following is the log file folder of the BAM web logs in
• CR_Logs
• CF_Logs
• BAM_Server
• MDM_Web

. 12 Documents/Images in OmniFlow application are viewed Marks:1

• Newgen Applet Viewer
• Irfan Viewer
• Imaging Professional
• Picture and Fax viewer

Q. 13 __________ are the basic unit or basic components on which work or operations are
done in the workflow in OmniFlow.
• Workflow
• Workstep
• Workitems
• Queue

Q. 14 For multiple selection from a list, which control is used within

• Combo Box
• List Box
• Text Box
• None of the above

Q. 15 Which combination is not as per BPMN: Marks:1

• Start – End
• Parallel distribute – Parallel Collect
• Inclusive distribute – Inclusive Collect
• Receive – Reply

Q. 16 In iBPS, who can change save changes to a WorkItem while WorkItem is in shared
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem
• Any supervisor user.

Q. 17 What are the different date types present in date picker within
• Date picker and date time picker
• Date time picker
• Date picker and date time zone picker
• All of the above

Q. 18 In iBPS, which feature(s) is not available in embedded WorkDesk

• Save/Done/Initiate workitem
• Actions
• Edit Layout and Add/Import document
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 19 What is OmniApp? Marks:1

• Used to design process
• Used to design form
• Web portal that provides single point access to applications across the
• None of the above

Q. 20 Work-Item can be introduced in: Marks:1

• Any of the Queue
• Any of the Queue on which user have rights
• Queues of type Introduction
• Queues of type Introduction with rights

Q. 21 In iBPS, what does Rights Management do? Marks:1

• For giving rights on Process
• For giving rights on Queue
• For giving accessibility Rights to User
• All of the above

Q. 22 In MDM (wrt iBPS), how rights on a table can be

• Option in the Table definition
• Through Rights Management
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 23 Which all events are available for a section in event configuration within
• OnFocus
• OnChange
• Load
• All of the above

Q. 24 Which one of the following is NOT a feature of

• Web based interface for database operations
• Support for DDL operations
• Support for DML operations
• Support for developing reports

Q. 25 In OmniFlow, Initiating Agent is used for ________________. Marks:1

• Creating Workitem through Email
• Completing existing Workitem on the event of receiving Email
• Adding email’s attachment as a document with Workitem
• All of the above

Q. 1 In MDM (wrt iBPS), how rights on a table can be

• Option in the Table definition
• Through Rights Management
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 2 In iBPS, how can we enable collaborative chat on a
• Enabled by default for all workitems
• Enabled on sharing workitem
• Collaboration server must be running
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

Q. 3 Which control in iForm is used for making a

• Text box
• Check box
• Combo box
• List box

Q. 4 In OmniFlow, Message Agent is used for? Marks:1

• Process Workitem from one queue to another queue
• Creating Workitem history
• Sending e-mails to mail server
• None of the above

Q. 5 Which all events are available for a section in event configuration within
• OnFocus
• OnChange
• Load
• All of the above

Q. 6 In iBPS (Process Designer), which WorkStep cannot be used to start/restart the Marks:1
• Introduction WorkStep
• Receive WorkStep
• Reply WorkStep
• Message WorkStep

Q. 7 In iBPS(Process Designer), which of the following Priorities is not available while

defining Requirement?
• High
• Low
• Alert
• Medium

Q. 8 Operations can only be reverted in MDM

• If Maker-checker functionality is enabled
• User didn’t commit the operation
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 9 In iBPS, WorkItem sharing can be done with how many users at a

• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 10 In iBPS, who can save the changes to a WorkItem while working in shared
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem if WorkItem is not in read-only mode
• Any Supervisor user

Q. 11 In iBPS, Change Password on first time login is

• True
• False
• Depends on Password Policy
• Mandatory setting not available in iBPS

Q. 12 The property “label as a subsection” can be configured through which control in

• Section Property
• Theme Configuration
• Label Property
• None of the ablove

Q. 13 In iBPS, which of the following is NOT a valid object

• Process Client Menu
• Local Project Management
• BAM Scheduler Management
• MDM Table Rights

Q. 14 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 15 In BAM (wrt iBPS), in the list of Dashboards in left corner, users can see list
• All dashboards in the system
• My Dashboard + Group Dashboards of groups of which he/she is a member
• Group Dashboards of groups of which he/she is a member only
• All Dashboard, with disabled links for other groups

Q. 16 Workitem can be introduced in: Marks:1

• Any of the Queue
• Any of the Queue on which user have rights
• Queues of type Introduction
• Queues of type Introduction with rights

Q. 17 In OmniFlow, Initiating Agent is used for ________________. Marks:1

• Creating Workitem through Email
• Completing existing Workitem on the event of receiving Email
• Adding email’s attachment as a document with Workitem
• All of the above

Q. 18 __________ are the basic unit or basic components on which work or operations are
done in the workflow in OmniFlow.
• Workflow
• Workstep
• Workitems
• Queue

Q. 19 The theme configured through OmniApp is specific

• User Level Only
• Group Level Only
• Cabinet Level Only
• Application Level Only

Q. 20 As per BPMN standards which statement is

• Mile Stones can have milestones with in them.
• Swimlanes can have swimlanes with in them.
• Pools can have swimlanes with in them.
• Mile Stones can have Pools with in them.

Q. 21 Which of the following is not a BPMN

• Mile Stone
• Pool
• Group Box
• Swimlane

Q. 22
In OmniFlow exceptions are associated with different Worksteps
• Raise Rights
• Clear Rights
• View Rights
• All of the above

Q. 23 In iBPS, which of the following is incorrect for Swim

• Swimlane can have a default Queue associated to it
• Swimlane can have an inner swimlane
• Worksteps can't be dropped outside swimlanes
• A name to a swimlane can be given

Q. 24 In iBPS, audit log configuration can be done

• Cabinet
• Workitem
• Process
• Both 1st & 3rd options

Q. 25 In iBPS, can we delete default generated queues in Queue Management

• No
• Yes, All the queues.
• Yes, but not Default System Queues.
• Yes, but not Introduction Queues.

Q. 1 In iForm, what is the default height and width of Image

• H|100, B|100
• H|300, B|300
• H|400, B|400
• None of the above

Q. 2 Which combination is not as per BPMN: Marks:1

• Start – End
• Parallel distribute – Parallel Collect
• Inclusive distribute – Inclusive Collect
• Receive – Reply

Q. 3 The theme configured through OmniApp is specific

• User Level Only
• Group Level Only
• Cabinet Level Only
• Application Level Only

Q. 4 In iBPS(Process Designer), which file format is not allowed while uploading the
document under Attachment tab?
• Doc
• Docx
• xls
• txt

Q. 5 Which of the following statements is/are correct wrt

(i) Default View of WorkItem (WorkDesk) cannot be set. Marks:1
(ii) WorkDesk layout is fixed.
(iii) Only Applet forms are available in WebDesktop.
• Only (i) is correct.
• Both (i) & (iii) are correct.
• (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
• None of the statements are correct.

Q. 6 In iForm, zoning is associated

• Frame
• Text box
• Table
• Header

Q. 7 __________ are the basic unit or basic components on which work or operations are
done in the workflow in OmniFlow.
• Workflow
• Workstep
• Workitems
• Queue

Q. 8 In iBPS, what privileges a member of supervisor group has? Marks:1

• As defined for the user
• All the privileges
• All when privileges are not defined for user and User defined when
privileges defined for the user
• Has no privileges

Q. 9 In iBPS Process Designer, maker-checker feature can be used on which

• Create External Table
• Process Enable/Disable
• Create Table
• New interface inclusion in Process

Q. 10 In iBPS, WorkItem sharing can be done with how many users at a

• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 11 MDM web logs folder can be located in server with the

• CF_logs
• mdm_web
• OF_Server
• Pmw_logs

Q. 12 In iBPS, Change Password on first time login is

• True
• False
• Depends on Password Policy
• Mandatory setting not available in iBPS

Q. 13 In iBPS(Process Designer), minimum number of activities required in any milestone in

process is/are:
• o
• 1
• 2
• 3

Q. 14 As per BPMN standards which statement is

• Mile Stones can have milestones with in them.
• Swimlanes can have swimlanes with in them.
• Pools can have swimlanes with in them.
• Mile Stones can have Pools with in them.

Q. 15 MDM can import: Marks:1

• Only exported tables
• Only tables created through MDM interface
• Tables created through database as well as from MDM interface
• None of the above

Q. 16 In iBPS, how can we capture report data over a period of time in

• Through Alerts
• Using Report Trends
• Through Scheduler
• None of the above

Q. 17 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 18 In OmniFlow, Messaging Agent is configured

• Process Manager
• Process Modeler
• Configuration Server
• Processing Server

Q. 19 Workitem list cannot have: Marks:1

• Process-Instance-Id, Entry-Date-time
• Queue Variables
• Raised Exception Names
• None of the above

Q. 20 Which of the following is not the default view available in

• Business Admin
• User Desktop
• Supervisor
• Process Designer

Q. 21 In OmniFlow, Initiating Agent is used for ________________. Marks:1

• Creating Workitem through Email
• Completing existing Workitem on the event of receiving Email
• Adding email’s attachment as a document with Workitem
• All of the above

Q. 22 How many date formats are available for date picker in

• 5
• 3
• 4
• 2

Q. 23 In OmniFlow, Message Agent is used for? Marks:1

• Process Workitem from one queue to another queue
• Creating Workitem history
• Sending e-mails to mail server
• None of the above

Q. 24 In iBPS, Queue Management component is available Marks:1

• All the users
• Members of Supervisor group.
• User having Business Admin View rights.
• Both the options 1st & 3rd

Q. 25 In User Management component of iBPS, users can be searched on which of the

following criteria?
• Filter on Process
• Filter on Worksteps
• Filter on Queue
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 1 On the basis of what conditions, sheet handling is done in

• Process Name
• Activity Name
• User Name
• All of the above

Q. 2 In iBPS (Process Designer), which WorkStep cannot be used to start/restart the

• Introduction WorkStep
• Receive WorkStep
• Reply WorkStep
• Message WorkStep

Q. 3 In OmniFlow, PFE utility is used for _________________. Marks:1

• Sending email
• Sending email with attachment
• Creating Workitem history
• Both (a) & (b)

Q. 4 Which of the following statement is TRUE in context of Attach View

• View must be present for mapping
• Helps to map the table column with view column
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 5 Which of the following files are not supported for uploading data into MDM
• Csv
• Txt
• Xls on Linux environment
• All of the above

Q. 6 In iBPS, WorkItem sharing can be done with how many users at a

• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 7 In iBPS, who can change save changes to a WorkItem while WorkItem is in shared
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem
• Any supervisor user.

Q. 8 In BAM (wrt iBPS), which of the following can add/modify/delete reports from group
• Group Members
• Controller
• Supervisor users
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

Q. 9 The Queues in OmniFlow are similar to ‘shared-in-baskets’, which are available to

multiple users for processing Workitems contained in them.
• WorkInProcess Queue
• Prcoess Queue
• Queue
• None of the above

Q. 10 In iBPS, which feature(s) is not available in embedded WorkDesk

• Save/Done/Initiate workitem
• Actions
• Edit Layout and Add/Import document
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 11 Which of the following options is not available in OmniApp

• External Application
• View
• Theme
• Process Configuration

Q. 12 OmniApp Application can be registered

• Secure mode only
• Secure and insecure mode (both http & https)
• Only Insecure mode (http only)
• Insufficient options

Q. 13 In iBPS, which document type(s) is/are not viewable in default Document

• None of the above

Q. 14 In iBPS Process Designer, maker-checker feature can be used on which

• Create External Table
• Process Enable/Disable
• Create Table
• New interface inclusion in Process

Q. 15 In iBPS, which among the following is NOT an Object

• Process Client Menu
• PMWEB Menu Management
• BAM General Rights
• Create Report

Q. 16 In OmniFlow, Initiating Agent is used for ________________. Marks:1

• Creating Workitem through Email
• Completing existing Workitem on the event of receiving Email
• Adding email’s attachment as a document with Workitem
• All of the above

Q. 17 Which combination is not as per BPMN: Marks:1

• Start – End
• Parallel distribute – Parallel Collect
• Inclusive distribute – Inclusive Collect
• Receive – Reply
Q. 18 In iBPS, which of the following is/are not the component(s) of
• Audit Log
• Process Management
• Rights Management
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

Q. 19 In iBPS, attachments can be added with? Marks:1

• Process
• Process, Milestone
• Process, Activity
• Process, Milestone, Activity

Q. 20 Queue Management is done

• Process Manager
• Process Modeler
• Configuration Server
• Processing Server

Q. 21 In iForm, zoning is associated

• Frame
• Text box
• Table
• Header

Q. 22 What two options are available for label-input alignment in

• Top-down, Left-right
• Left-right, Bottom-up
• No option is available
• Both of the option 1st and 2nd

Q. 23 Work-Item can be introduced in: Marks:1

• Any of the Queue
• Any of the Queue on which user have rights
• Queues of type Introduction
• Queues of type Introduction with rights
Q. 24 As per BPMN standards which statement is
• Mile Stones can have milestones with in them.
• Swimlanes can have swimlanes with in them.
• Pools can have swimlanes with in them.
• Mile Stones can have Pools with in them.

Q. 25 In iBPS, to which group(s), Rights Management component should be available by

• BusinessAdmin
• ProcessDesigner
• WebDesktop
• All of Above

Q. 1 OmniApp and Application Configuration are shown for which

• WebDesktop User
• ProcessDesigner User
• Supervisor User
• BusinessAdmin User

Q. 2 Which all events are available for a section in event configuration within
• OnFocus
• OnChange
• Load
• All of the above

Q. 3 In iForm, zoning is associated

• Frame
• Text box
• Table
• Header

Q. 4 In iBPS, what type of rights can be given on the defined

• View
• Modify
• Allow Addition
• All of the above

Q. 5 In iBPS, which type of Viewer is currently supported in Marks:1

• Applet Viewer
• HTMLFormViewer
• Both of the Above
• None of the Above

Q. 6 Which combination is not as per BPMN: Marks:1

• Start – End
• Parallel distribute – Parallel Collect
• Inclusive distribute – Inclusive Collect
• Receive – Reply

Q. 7 __________ are the basic unit or basic components on which work or operations are
done in the workflow in OmniFlow.
• Workflow
• Workstep
• Workitems
• Queue

Q. 8 Which constraint is imposed for tablename while adding table through

• Table name should contain only numbers
• Table name should contain only alphanumeric letters
• Table name should contain only alphanumeric letters or _ with first letter
starting with alphabets
• Similar to Constraints for the table creation in database

Q. 9 In iBPS (BAM), output format of the scheduled report could

• pdf
• xlsx
• txt and HTML
• All of the above

Q. 10 In iBPS, who can change save changes to a WorkItem while WorkItem is in shared
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem
• Any supervisor user.

Q. 11 In iBPS, WorkItem sharing can be done with how many users at a

• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 12 How many times can a Work-Item be referred? Marks:1

• 1
• 2
• More than 3
• None of the above

Q. 13 Queue Management is done

• Process Manager
• Process Modeler
• Configuration Server
• Processing Server

Q. 14 In iBPS(Process Designer), mandatory fields in defining the Mail Trigger

• To
• Cc
• Priority

Q. 15 Which of the following statements are correct?

i. WebDesktop can be run from OmniApp Marks:1
ii. WebDesktop can be run standalone
• Only (i) is correct.
• Only (ii) is correct.
• Both of the statements is correct.
• None of the statements is correct.

Q. 16 What are the different date types present in date picker within
• Date picker and date time picker
• Date time picker
• Date picker and date time zone picker
• All of the above

Q. 17 In iBPS, which of the following is incorrect for Swim

• Swimlane can have a default Queue associated to it
• Swimlane can have an inner swimlane
• Worksteps can't be dropped outside swimlanes
• A name to a swimlane can be given

Q. 18 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 19 Audit log of operations in MDM

• Logging and history generation of operations
• Enables user to view the history of operations done by him/her
• Enables user to view history of table between some specific dates
• All of the above

Q. 20 In OmniFlow, Message Agent is used for? Marks:1

• Process Workitem from one queue to another queue
• Creating Workitem history
• Sending e-mails to mail server
• None of the above

Q. 21 In iBPS, how many objects can be associated with user for an object
• One
• Two
• Depends on the Object Type
• Multiple

Q. 22 In iBPS, what privileges a member of supervisor group has? Marks:1

• As defined for the user
• All the privileges
• All when privileges are not defined for user and User defined when
privileges defined for the user
• Has no privileges

Q. 23 In iBPS, which formats is/are available in WebDesktop to save Audit

• xls
• pdf
• csv
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 24 In OmniFlow, Initiating Agent is used for ________________. Marks:1

• Creating Workitem through Email
• Completing existing Workitem on the event of receiving Email
• Adding email’s attachment as a document with Workitem
• All of the above

Q. 25 In iBPS, Queue Management component is available

• All the users
• Members of Supervisor group.
• User having Business Admin View rights.
• Both the options 1st & 3rd

Q. 1 Which of the following files are not supported for uploading data into MDM
• Csv
• Txt
• Xls on Linux environment
• All of the above

Q. 2 In iBPS, how can we search workitems on based on registration number in Search

• After selecting Process
• After selecting Queue
• After selecting Process and Queue
• Without Selecting Process and Queue

Q. 3 In iBPS, who can change save changes to a WorkItem while WorkItem is in shared
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem
• Any supervisor user.

Q. 4 In BAM (wrt iBPS), in the list of Dashboards in left corner, users can see list
• All dashboards in the system
• My Dashboard + Group Dashboards of groups of which he/she is a member
• Group Dashboards of groups of which he/she is a member only
• All Dashboard, with disabled links for other groups
Q. 5 In iBPS, how can we create custom link in Web
• As an external application component in omniapp.
• As an internal application component in omniapp
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 6 How many date formats are available for date picker in

• 5
• 3
• 4
• 2

Q. 7 In OmniFlow, PFE utility is used for _________________. Marks:1

• Sending email
• Sending email with attachment
• Creating Workitem history
• Both (a) & (b)

Q. 8 In iBPS, where is registered template used? Marks:1

• In Launch Application Trigger
• In Data Entry Trigger
• In Set Trigger
• In Generate Response Trigger

Q. 9 A new workitem can be initiated only

• Introduction Queue
• FIFO Queue only
• WIP Queue only
• None of the above

Q. 10 Execution of workflow of the process cannot start

• Start Event
• Web Service Activity
• Condition Start
• Receive Activity

Q. 11 MDM web logs folder can be located in server with the

• CF_logs
• mdm_web
• OF_Server
• Pmw_logs

Q. 12 In iBPS, WorkItem sharing can be done with how many users at a

• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 13 In iBPS, which type of Viewer is currently supported in

• Applet Viewer
• HTMLFormViewer
• Both of the Above
• None of the Above

Q. 14 Queue Management is done

• Process Manager
• Process Modeler
• Configuration Server
• Processing Server

Q. 15 In iBPS, what does Rights Management do? Marks:1

• For giving rights on Process
• For giving rights on Queue
• For giving accessibility Rights to User
• All of the above

Q. 16 In OmniFlow, Messaging Agent is configured

• Process Manager
• Process Modeler
• Configuration Server
• Processing Server

Q. 17 As per BPMN standards which statement is

• Mile Stones can have milestones with in them.
• Swimlanes can have swimlanes with in them.
• Pools can have swimlanes with in them.
• Mile Stones can have Pools with in them.

Q. 18 In iForm, what is the maximum number for column

• 12
• 10
• 16
• 9

Q. 19 In iBPS, embedded WorkItem Component is available in which

DefaultView ?
• Business Admin
• User Desktop
• Supervisor
• Process Designer

Q. 20 What two options are available for label-input alignment in

• Top-down, Left-right
• Left-right, Bottom-up
• No option is available
• Both of the option 1st and 2nd

Q. 21 In iBPS, which among the following is not an Object

• Process Client WorkList
• PMWEB Menu Management
• BAM General Rights
• Create Report

Q. 22 In OmniFlow, Initiating Agent is used for ________________. Marks:1

• Creating Workitem through Email
• Completing existing Workitem on the event of receiving Email
• Adding email’s attachment as a document with Workitem
• All of the above

Q. 23 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple
Q. 24 In iBPS, what is the use of query WorkStep in a
• For searching any workitem
• For searching any process
• For searching any queue
• None of the above

Q. 25 OmniApp and Application Configuration are shown for which

• WebDesktop User
• ProcessDesigner User
• Supervisor User
• BusinessAdmin User

Q. 1 Audit log of operations in MDM

• Logging and history generation of operations
• Enables user to view the history of operations done by him/her
• Enables user to view history of table between some specific dates
• All of the above

Q. 2 In iBPS, embedded WorkItem Component is available in which

DefaultView ?
• Business Admin
• User Desktop
• Supervisor
• Process Designer

Q. 3 In iBPS, who can change save changes to a WorkItem while WorkItem is in shared
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem
• Any supervisor user.

Q. 4 After login to Web client which queue is

• Dynamic Queue
• My Queue
• Search Queue
• None of the above
Q. 5 In iForm, line break is used for what
• To create space between controls
• To shift the control to next line
• To create row space between controls
• None of the above

Q. 6 In iBPS(Process Designer), which of the following is not an artifact in

• Group Box
• Annotation
• Message End
• Data Object

Q. 7 In OmniFlow, PFE utility is used for _________________. Marks:1

• Sending email
• Sending email with attachment
• Creating Workitem history
• Both (a) & (b)

Q. 8 In OmniFlow, Messaging Agent is configured

• Process Manager
• Process Modeler
• Configuration Server
• Processing Server

Q. 9 In iBPS, if one has associated all the WorkItem interfaces with activity then which of the
following interfaces will be displayed by default in popup WorkItem?
• Exception
• Form, Document, Todo.
• Form, Document.
• Todo, Exception.

Q. 10 Maker checker functionality enables: Marks:1

• Better control over data by enabling some users to perform table and data
• Better control over data by authorizing supervisor user to approve the
• User A to perform operation and User B to approve his/her operations
• All of the above

Q. 11 Which combination is not as per Marks:1

• Start – End
• Parallel distribute – Parallel Collect
• Inclusive distribute – Inclusive Collect
• Receive – Reply

Q. 12 In iBPS, how can we enable collaborative chat on a

• Enabled by default for all workitems
• Enabled on sharing workitem
• Collaboration server must be running
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

Q. 13 In OmniFlow, Initiating Agent is used for ________________. Marks:1

• Creating Workitem through Email
• Completing existing Workitem on the event of receiving Email
• Adding email’s attachment as a document with Workitem
• All of the above

Q. 14 The Queues in OmniFlow are similar to ‘shared-in-baskets’, which are available to

multiple users for processing Workitems contained in them.
• WorkInProcess Queue
• Prcoess Queue
• Queue
• None of the above

Q. 15 In iBPS, what privileges a member of supervisor group has? Marks:1

• As defined for the user
• All the privileges
• All when privileges are not defined for user and User defined when
privileges defined for the user
• Has no privileges

Q. 16 In iBPS, for which object(s) audit log can be generated using Audit Log
• Process
• Cabinet
• Queue
• All of the above

Q. 17 In iBPS, is it possible to fetch distinct records in BAM

• Not possible
• In wizard mode , it is not possible
• In query mode, it is possible through query or procedure
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

Q. 18 In iBPS (Process Designer), which WorkStep cannot be used to start/restart the

• Introduction WorkStep
• Receive WorkStep
• Reply WorkStep
• Message WorkStep

Q. 19 In iBPS, a user inherits rights from Profiles, Groups and User-Object Rights. What
rights the user will finally have?
• Union of rights from Profiles, Groups and Object Rights
• Intersection of all the Profiles, Groups and Object Rights
• Profiles rights overwritten by Groups and Group rights overwritten by Users
• None of the above

Q. 20 In iBPS(Process Designer), which is not a type of inbuilt

• Exception
• Set
• Todo
• Data Entry

Q. 21 In iBPS, WorkItem sharing can be done with how many users at a

• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 22 What is the purpose of custom control id in

• For identification of controls used in forms
• For custom coding
• Both of the option 1st & 2nd
• Not an option in iForms

Q. 23 How do you configure tab indexing in

• via iForm properties
• via control properties
• Not Applicable
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 24 What is OmniApp? Marks:1

• Used to design process
• Used to design form
• Web portal that provides single point access to applications across the
• None of the above

Q. 25 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 1 In iBPS, how can a Group be associated with Queue? Marks:1

• Using Queue Management Component
• Using User Management Component
• Using Process Designer
• All of the above

Q. 2 In OmniFlow, what flows from one queue to another? Marks:1

• WorkItem
• Alert
• Document
• eMail

Q. 3 In iBPS, to which group(s), Rights Management component should be available by

• Business Admin
• Process Designer
• Web Desktop
• All of the above

Q. 4 How many times can a Work-Item be referred? Marks:1

• 1
• 2
• More than 3
• None of the above
Q. 5 In iBPS, attachments can be added with? Marks:1
• Process
• Process, Milestone
• Process, Activity
• Process, Milestone, Activity

Q. 6 In iBPS, Component View can be configured through which

• Process Modeler
• OmniApp
• Webdesktop

Q. 7 In iBPS, to which group(s), Rights Management component should be available by

• BusinessAdmin
• ProcessDesigner
• WebDesktop
• All of Above

Q. 8 In User Management component of iBPS, users can be searched on which of the

following criteria?
• Filter on Process
• Filter on Worksteps
• Filter on Queue
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 9 MDM can import: Marks:1

• Only exported tables
• Only tables created through MDM interface
• Tables created through database as well as from MDM interface
• None of the above

Q. 10 In OmniFlow, PFE utility is used for _________________. Marks:1

• Sending email
• Sending email with attachment
• Creating Workitem history
• Both (a) & (b)

Q. 11 Which all events are available for a section in event configuration within
• OnFocus
• OnChange
• Load
• All of the above

Q. 12 In iBPS, what types of methods are managed through Catalog Definition

• External Functions
• Method exposed as WebService
• SAP functions
• All of the above

Q. 13 In iBPS, WorkItem sharing can be done with how many users at a

• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 14 In OmniFlow, Message Agent is used for? Marks:1

• Process Workitem from one queue to another queue
• Creating Workitem history
• Sending e-mails to mail server
• None of the above

Q. 15 In iBPS (BAM), output format of the scheduled report could

• pdf
• xlsx
• txt and HTML
• All of the above

Q. 16 The property “label as a subsection” can be configured through which control in

• Section Property
• Theme Configuration
• Label Property
• None of the ablove

Q. 17 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple
Q. 18 In iBPS, which of these WorkSteps cannot have incoming and outgoing
• Query
• Introduction
• Receive type Introduction
• Custom WorkDesk

Q. 19 In iBPS, if one has associated all the WorkItem interfaces with activity then which of
the following interfaces will be displayed by default in popup WorkItem?
• Exception
• Form, Document, Todo.
• Form, Document.
• Todo, Exception.

Q. 20 Maker-checker feature can’t be enabled on the following

• Add table
• Modify Table
• Import table
• Upload data

Q. 21 Each OmniApp View can be associated with ______ Group. Marks:1

• One
• Two
• Multiple
• Unique

Q. 22 Which of the following is not a BPMN

• Mile Stone
• Pool
• Group Box
• Swimlane

Q. 23 In iBPS, who can change save changes to a WorkItem while WorkItem is in shared
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem
• Any supervisor user.

Q. 24 How do you configure tab indexing in Marks:1

• via iForm properties
• via control properties
• Not Applicable
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 25
In OmniFlow exceptions are associated with different Worksteps
• Raise Rights
• Clear Rights
• View Rights
• All of the above

Q. 1 In OmniFlow, PFE utility is used for _________________. Marks:1

• Sending email
• Sending email with attachment
• Creating Workitem history
• Both (a) & (b)

Q. 2 In iBPS, audit log configuration can be done

• Cabinet
• Workitem
• Process
• Both 1st & 3rd options

Q. 3 In iBPS, which of the following is/are not the component(s) of

• Audit Log
• Process Management
• Rights Management
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

Q. 4 In iBPS(Process Designer), which of the following can be changed while modifying

queue variable?
• Name
• Type
• Default Value
• Mapping
Q. 5 Which of the following is not a BPMN
• Mile Stone
• Pool
• Group Box
• Swimlane

Q. 6 MDM web logs folder can be located in server with the

• CF_logs
• mdm_web
• OF_Server
• Pmw_logs

Q. 7 In iBPS, if one has associated all the WorkItem interfaces with activity then which of the
following interfaces will be displayed by default in popup WorkItem?
• Exception
• Form, Document, Todo.
• Form, Document.
• Todo, Exception.

Q. 8 Which all events are available for a section in event configuration within
• OnFocus
• OnChange
• Load
• All of the above

Q. 9 As per BPMN standards which statement is

• Mile Stones can have milestones with in them.
• Swimlanes can have swimlanes with in them.
• Pools can have swimlanes with in them.
• Mile Stones can have Pools with in them.

Q. 10 Which of the following statement is TRUE in context of Attach View

• View must be present for mapping
• Helps to map the table column with view column
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 11 In iBPS(Process Designer), which of the following is not a type of Marks:1

• Mark
• Exception
• Trigger
• Pick List

Q. 12 Which combination is not as per BPMN: Marks:1

• Start – End
• Parallel distribute – Parallel Collect
• Inclusive distribute – Inclusive Collect
• Receive – Reply

Q. 13 Can we change the display name of the fields in BAM in

• Yes, while creating report in Wizard Mode
• Yes, while modifying report in Wizard Mode
• BAM do not provide such feature
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 14 The Queues in OmniFlow are similar to ‘shared-in-baskets’, which are available to

multiple users for processing Workitems contained in them.
• WorkInProcess Queue
• Prcoess Queue
• Queue
• None of the above

Q. 15 __________ are the basic unit or basic components on which work or operations are
done in the workflow in OmniFlow.
• Workflow
• Workstep
• Workitems
• Queue

Q. 16 On the basis of what conditions, sheet handling is done in

• Process Name
• Activity Name
• User Name
• All of the above

Q. 17 In iBPS, what type associations can user have with groups/

• Permanent Assignment
• Assignment till date
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 18 In iBPS, Component View can be configured through which

• Process Modeler
• OmniApp
• Webdesktop

Q. 19 In iBPS, which among the following is NOT an Object

• Process Client Menu
• PMWEB Menu Management
• BAM General Rights
• Create Report

Q. 20 Which control in iForm is used for making a

• Text box
• Check box
• Combo box
• List box

Q. 21 In iBPs, which of the following is not a default Interface available in

• Form View
• Process View
• Document View
• Exceptions

Q. 22 In OmniFlow, Message Agent is used for? Marks:1

• Process Workitem from one queue to another queue
• Creating Workitem history
• Sending e-mails to mail server
• None of the above

Q. 23 How many times can a Work-Item be referred? Marks:1

• 1
• 2
• More than 3
• None of the above

Q. 24 Which one of the following is correct wrt

• Collect WorkStep can be used without any distribute WorkStep.
• Collect WorkStep used when at least two distribute WorkStep present in the
• Collect WorkStep is used only if distribute WorkStep is used.
• None of the above.

Q. 25 In iBPS, who can change save changes to a WorkItem while WorkItem is in shared
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem
• Any supervisor user.

Q. 1 In iBPS, what type associations can user have with groups/

• Permanent Assignment
• Assignment till date
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 2 Which combination is not as per BPMN: Marks:1

• Start – End
• Parallel distribute – Parallel Collect
• Inclusive distribute – Inclusive Collect
• Receive – Reply

Q. 3 In iBPS Process Designer, maker-checker feature can be used on which

• Create External Table
• Process Enable/Disable
• Create Table
• New interface inclusion in Process

Q. 4 In OmniFlow, PFE utility is used for _________________. Marks:1

• Sending email
• Sending email with attachment
• Creating Workitem history
• Both (a) & (b)
Q. 5 In OmniFlow, Initiating Agent is used for ________________. Marks:1
• Creating Workitem through Email
• Completing existing Workitem on the event of receiving Email
• Adding email’s attachment as a document with Workitem
• All of the above

Q. 6 In iBPS(Process Designer), which of the following Priorities is not available while

defining Requirement?
• High
• Low
• Alert
• Medium

Q. 7 In iBPS, how we can change value of dynamic constant defined in

• Open Registered process in Process Designer and change.
• Open Checked out process in Process Designer and change.
• Through Process Management component in WebDesktop.
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

Q. 8 In iBPS, how can we search workitems on based on registration number in Search

• After selecting Process
• After selecting Queue
• After selecting Process and Queue
• Without Selecting Process and Queue

Q. 9 In iBPS(Process Designer), which operation is not performed on a registered

• Check-Out
• Check-In
• Save as Local
• Enable Process

Q. 10 Which of the following statement is TRUE in context of Attach View

• View must be present for mapping
• Helps to map the table column with view column
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 11 In iBPS (BAM), for which report type key field is mandatory to be

• Tabular type
• Tabular and Graphical type
• Graphical type
• Matrix type

Q. 12 In iBPS, which all formats are available in WebDesktop to save WorkItem

• txt
• xls
• csv
• All of the Above

Q. 13 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 14 Queue Management is done

• Process Manager
• Process Modeler
• Configuration Server
• Processing Serve

Q. 15 Which feature of MDM enables to take the input of the column from other
• Custom picklist
• Data Picklist
• Associated Picklist
• None of the above

Q. 16 As per BPMN standards which statement is

• Mile Stones can have milestones with in them.
• Swimlanes can have swimlanes with in them.
• Pools can have swimlanes with in them.
• Mile Stones can have Pools with in them.

Q. 17 What are the different date types present in date picker within
• Date picker and date time picker
• Date time picker
• Date picker and date time zone picker
• All of the above

Q. 18 Which of the following is not a BPMN

• Mile Stone
• Pool
• Group Box
• Swimlane

Q. 19 In iBPS, what does Rights Management do? Marks:1

• For giving rights on Process
• For giving rights on Queue
• For giving accessibility Rights to User
• All of the above

Q. 20 My Queue contains: Marks:1

• The list of workitems pending for the user
• The list of all the workitems of all the queues
• The list of only those workitems on which user has rights
• None of the above

Q. 21 The Queues in OmniFlow are similar to ‘shared-in-baskets’, which are available to

multiple users for processing Workitems contained in them.
• WorkInProcess Queue
• Prcoess Queue
• Queue
• None of the above

Q. 22 Which of the following feature(s) are available for OmniApp

• View can be maximize and minimize
• Component instance can be resized, dragged and dropped
• Component instances can be restored
• All of the above

Q. 23 Which of the following is not the default view available in

• Business Admin
• User Desktop
• Supervisor
• Process Designer
Q. 24 What is the purpose of custom control id in
• For identification of controls used in forms
• For custom coding
• Both of the option 1st & 2nd
• Not an option in iForms

Q. 25 How many date formats are available for date picker in

• 5
• 3
• 4
• 2

Q. 1 OmniApp Application can be registered

• Secure mode only
• Secure and insecure mode (both http & https)
• Only Insecure mode (http only)
• Insufficient options

Q. 2 What type of associations can user have with groups/profiles in

• Permanent Assignment
• Assignment Till Date
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 3 In iBPS, which of the following is/are not the component(s) of

• Audit Log
• Process Management
• Rights Management
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

Q. 4 In iBPS, who can change save changes to a WorkItem while WorkItem is in shared
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem
• Any supervisor user.
Q. 5 In iBPS, can we delete default generated queues in Queue Management
• No
• Yes, All the queues.
• Yes, but not Default System Queues.
• Yes, but not Introduction Queues.

Q. 6 In iBPS (Process Designer), Rules cannot be associated

• Exceptions
• Todo List
• Triggers
• Documents

Q. 7 Which constraint is imposed for tablename while adding table through

• Table name should contain only numbers
• Table name should contain only alphanumeric letters
• Table name should contain only alphanumeric letters or _ with first letter
starting with alphabets
• Similar to Constraints for the table creation in database

Q. 8 Documents/Images in OmniFlow application are viewed

• Newgen Applet Viewer
• Irfan Viewer
• Imaging Professional
• Picture and Fax viewer

Q. 9 In iBPS, WorkItem sharing can be done with how many users at a

• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 10 In iBPS(Process Designer), report cannot be generated in which of the following

• Doc
• Html
• pdf
• odt
Q. 11 In OmniFlow, Initiating Agent is used for
• Creating Workitem through Email
• Completing existing Workitem on the event of receiving Email
• Adding email’s attachment as a document with Workitem
• All of the above

Q. 12 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 13 In iBPS, to which group(s), Rights Management component should be available by

• BusinessAdmin
• ProcessDesigner
• WebDesktop
• All of Above

Q. 14 In iBPS(Process Designer), which one of the following is not a standard

• To Do List
• Exception
• JMS Producer
• Scan Tool

Q. 15 In OmniFlow, quick search can be made

• Queue
• Process-Instance-ID
• Quick Search variables
• All of the above

Q. 16 How do you configure tab indexing in

• via iForm properties
• via control properties
• Not Applicable
• Both the options 1st & 2nd
Q. 17 Which of the following is not a BPMN
• Mile Stone
• Pool
• Group Box
• Swimlane

Q. 18 In OmniFlow, Message Agent is used for? Marks:1

• Process Workitem from one queue to another queue
• Creating Workitem history
• Sending e-mails to mail server
• None of the above

Q. 19 An Overlay gets opened for which of the control in

• List View
• Table
• List Box
• All of the above

Q. 20 Which of the following statements are correct?

i. WebDesktop can be run from OmniApp Marks:1
ii. WebDesktop can be run standalone
• Only (i) is correct.
• Only (ii) is correct.
• Both of the statements is correct.
• None of the statements is correct.

Q. 21 __________ are the basic unit or basic components on which work or operations are
done in the workflow in OmniFlow.
• Workflow
• Workstep
• Workitems
• Queue

Q. 22 In iBPs, which of the following is not a default Interface available in

• Form View
• Process View
• Document View
• Exceptions

Q. 23 Which control in iForm is used for making a Marks:1

• Text box
• Check box
• Combo box
• List box

Q. 24 MDM web logs folder can be located in server with the

• CF_logs
• mdm_web
• OF_Server
• Pmw_logs

Q. 25 In BAM (wrt iBPS), default Dashboard (loaded on login) for a user can be
• Only while creation of the new Group Dashboard
• On clicking the tick next to Dashboard Name in Dashboard List
• On first Login
• Default Dashboard cannot be reset

Q. 1 In iBPS, which among the following is NOT an Object

• Process Client Menu
• PMWEB Menu Management
• BAM General Rights
• Create Report

Q. 2 In iBPS(Process Designer), for re-deployment of the process which of the following

must to be modified
• Process Name
• Project Name
• Registration No
• Process Version

Q. 3 In iForm, Background color can be applied on below

• Combo box
• Radio button
• Check box
• All of the above

Q. 4 In OmniFlow, Messaging Agent is configured

• Process Manager
• Process Modeler
• Configuration Server
• Processing Server

Q. 5 In OmniFlow, PFE utility is used for _________________. Marks:1

• Sending email
• Sending email with attachment
• Creating Workitem history
• Both (a) & (b)

Q. 6 In iBPs, which of the following is not a default Interface available in

• Form View
• Process View
• Document View
• Exceptions

Q. 7 Which one of the following is NOT a feature of

• Web based interface for database operations
• Support for DDL operations
• Support for DML operations
• Support for developing reports

Q. 8 In iBPS, WorkItem sharing can be done with how many users at a

• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 9 Audit log of operations in MDM

• Logging and history generation of operations
• Enables user to view the history of operations done by him/her
• Enables user to view history of table between some specific dates
• All of the above

Q. 10 In iBPS, Change Password on first time login is

• True
• False
• Depends on Password Policy
• Mandatory setting not available in iBPS

Q. 11 What is OmniApp? Marks:1

• Used to design process
• Used to design form
• Web portal that provides single point access to applications across the
• None of the above

Q. 12 In iBPS (BAM), filter criteria on report

• To filter the data of the report on report generation
• To filter the columns of the report on report generation
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 13 In iForm, what is the default height and width of Image

• H|100, B|100
• H|300, B|300
• H|400, B|400
• None of the above

Q. 14 The Queues in OmniFlow are similar to ‘shared-in-baskets’, which are available to

multiple users for processing Workitems contained in them.
• WorkInProcess Queue
• Prcoess Queue
• Queue
• None of the above

Q. 15 Which of the following is not a BPMN

• Mile Stone
• Pool
• Group Box
• Swimlane

Q. 16 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 17 In iBPS(Process Designer), which of the following is not an artifact in

• Group Box
• Annotation
• Message End
• Data Object

Q. 18 In iBPS, how many type of layouts can be configured in

• Fixed, Editable Layouts
• Editable Layout
• No Layout is Defined
• Multiple including Custom WorkDesk.

Q. 19 In iBPS, who can change save changes to a WorkItem while WorkItem is in shared
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem
• Any supervisor user.

Q. 20 The property “label as a subsection” can be configured through which control in

• Section Property
• Theme Configuration
• Label Property
• None of the ablove

Q. 21 How many times can a Work-Item be referred? Marks:1

• 1
• 2
• More than 3
• None of the above

Q. 22 The theme configured through OmniApp is specific

• User Level Only
• Group Level Only
• Cabinet Level Only
• Application Level Only
Q. 23 In iBPS(Process Designer), for sending a mail, which activity is
• Email
• Work desk
• Start Event
• End Event

Q. 24 In iBPS, for which object(s) audit log can be generated using Audit Log
• Process
• Cabinet
• Queue
• All of the above

Q. 25 In OmniFlow, Message Agent is used for? Marks:1

• Process Workitem from one queue to another queue
• Creating Workitem history
• Sending e-mails to mail server
• None of the above

Q. 1 MDM web logs folder can be located in server with the

• CF_logs
• mdm_web
• OF_Server
• Pmw_logs

Q. 2 OmniApp and Application Configuration are shown for which

• WebDesktop User
• ProcessDesigner User
• Supervisor User
• BusinessAdmin User

Q. 3 Which feature of MDM enables to take the input of the column from other
• Custom picklist
• Data Picklist
• Associated Picklist
• None of the above
Q. 4 In iBPS, can we delete default generated queues in Queue Management
• No
• Yes, All the queues.
• Yes, but not Default System Queues.
• Yes, but not Introduction Queues.

Q. 5 Which output formats are supported by iBPS (BAM)? Marks:1

• Xls, csv, pdf, txt,doc
• Csv,xls,txt,pdf,html,xlsx
• Pdf,xls,txt,pdf,html,jpg
• Html,pdf,xls,csv,txt

Q. 6 Documents/Images in OmniFlow application are viewed

• Newgen Applet Viewer
• Irfan Viewer
• Imaging Professional
• Picture and Fax viewer

Q. 7 In iBPS, Component View can be configured through which

• Process Modeler
• OmniApp
• Webdesktop

Q. 8 In iBPS, which one of the following options is not a standard

• To Do List
• Exception
• JMS Producer
• Scan Tool

Q. 9 In iBPS, Queue Management component is available

• All the users
• Members of Supervisor group.
• User having Business Admin View rights.
• Both the options 1st & 3rd

Q. 10 In OmniFlow, what flows from one queue to another? Marks:1

• WorkItem
• Alert
• Document
• eMail

Q. 11 In iBPS, a user inherits rights from Profiles, Groups and User-Object Rights. What
rights the user will finally have?
• Union of rights from Profiles, Groups and Object Rights
• Intersection of all the Profiles, Groups and Object Rights
• Profiles rights overwritten by Groups and Group rights overwritten by Users
• None of the above

Q. 12 In iBPS, to which group(s), Rights Management component should be available by

• Business Admin
• Process Designer
• Web Desktop
• All of the above

Q. 13 In OmniFlow, PFE utility is used for _________________. Marks:1

• Sending email
• Sending email with attachment
• Creating Workitem history
• Both (a) & (b)

Q. 14 Which all events are available for a section in event configuration within
• OnFocus
• OnChange
• Load
• All of the above

Q. 15 In iBPS(Process Designer), which one of the following is not a standard

• To Do List
• Exception
• JMS Producer
• Scan Tool

Q. 16 In OmniFlow, Message Agent is used for? Marks:1

• Process Workitem from one queue to another queue
• Creating Workitem history
• Sending e-mails to mail server
• None of the above
Q. 17 An Overlay gets opened for which of the control in
• List View
• Table
• List Box
• All of the above

Q. 18 Which combination is not as per BPMN: Marks:1

• Start – End
• Parallel distribute – Parallel Collect
• Inclusive distribute – Inclusive Collect
• Receive – Reply

Q. 19 Which of the following is not a BPMN

• Mile Stone
• Pool
• Group Box
• Swimlane

Q. 20 What two options are available for label-input alignment in

• Top-down, Left-right
• Left-right, Bottom-up
• No option is available
• Both of the option 1st and 2nd

Q. 21 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 22 How many times can a Work-Item be referred? Marks:1

• 1
• 2
• More than 3
• None of the above

Q. 23 In iBPS, who can change save changes to a WorkItem while WorkItem is in shared
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem
• Any supervisor user.

Q. 24 In iBPS, to undo the changes made to a checked out process, user

• Check-In the process with 'Overwrite' option
• Check-out the process again
• Un-register the process and Register the process again
• Undo check out the process

Q. 25 In iBPS, which WorkStep type can be used to Integrate with BRMS

• BRMS WorkStep
• BRT WorkStep
• Service WorkStep
• BRMS Service WorkStep

Q. 1 In MDM (wrt iBPS), how rights on a table can be

• Option in the Table definition
• Through Rights Management
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 2 In iBPS, which among the following is NOT an Object

• Process Client Menu
• PMWEB Menu Management
• BAM General Rights
• Create Report

Q. 3 In iBPS, to undo the changes made to a checked out process, user

• Check-In the process with 'Overwrite' option
• Check-out the process again
• Un-register the process and Register the process again
• Undo check out the process
Q. 4 In iBPS, which type of attachments extensions can be attached in process
• .xls
• .doc
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 5 Work-item list cannot have: Marks:1

• Process-Instance-Id, Entry-Date-time
• Queue Variables
• Raised Exception Names
• None of the above

Q. 6 Which of the following statements is/are correct wrt

(i) Default View of WorkItem (WorkDesk) cannot be set. Marks:1
(ii) WorkDesk layout is fixed.
(iii) Only Applet forms are available in WebDesktop.
• Only (i) is correct.
• Both (i) & (iii) are correct.
• (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
• None of the statements are correct.

Q. 7 Which all events are available for a section in event configuration within
• OnFocus
• OnChange
• Load
• All of the above

Q. 8 Which of the following statement is TRUE in context of Attach View

• View must be present for mapping
• Helps to map the table column with view column
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 9 The Queues in OmniFlow are similar to ‘shared-in-baskets’, which are available to

multiple users for processing Workitems contained in them.
• WorkInProcess Queue
• Prcoess Queue
• Queue
• None of the above
Q. 10 To Register a View in OmniApp, which information is not
• View Name
• Group Name
• User Name
• Min/Max Button

Q. 11 In iBPS, during WorkItem shared mode, how many users can simultaneously make
changes in workitem?
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 12 In iForm, line break is used for what

• To create space between controls
• To shift the control to next line
• To create row space between controls
• None of the above

Q. 13 OmniApp and Application Configuration are shown for which

• WebDesktop User
• ProcessDesigner User
• Supervisor User
• BusinessAdmin User

Q. 14 In OmniFlow, Message Agent is used for? Marks:1

• Process Workitem from one queue to another queue
• Creating Workitem history
• Sending e-mails to mail server
• None of the above

Q. 15 On the basis of what conditions, sheet handling is done in

• Process Name
• Activity Name
• User Name
• All of the above

Q. 16 In iBPS, who can change save changes to a WorkItem while WorkItem is in shared Marks:1
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem
• Any supervisor user.

Q. 17 Which of the following is not a BPMN

• Mile Stone
• Pool
• Group Box
• Swimlane

Q. 18 Queue Management is done

• Process Manager
• Process Modeler
• Configuration Server
• Processing Server

Q. 19 In iBPS(Process Designer), minimum number of activities required in any milestone in

process is/are:
• o
• 1
• 2
• 3

Q. 20 In iBPS, WorkItem sharing can be done with how many users at a

• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 21 In iBPS, Queue List Component is available in which Default

• Business Admin View
• User Desktop View
• Supervisor View
• Process Designer View

Q. 22 In BAM (wrt iBPS), default Dashboard (loaded on login) for a user can be
• Only while creation of the new Group Dashboard
• On clicking the tick next to Dashboard Name in Dashboard List
• On first Login
• Default Dashboard cannot be reset

Q. 23 In iBPS, how many objects can be associated with user for an object
• One
• Two
• Depends on the Object Type
• Multiple

Q. 24 In OmniFlow, Initiating Agent is used for ________________. Marks:1

• Creating Workitem through Email
• Completing existing Workitem on the event of receiving Email
• Adding email’s attachment as a document with Workitem
• All of the above

Q. 25 In iBPS, how can we create custom link in Web

• As an external application component in omniapp.
• As an internal application component in omniapp
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 1 Work-item list cannot have: Marks:1

• Process-Instance-Id, Entry-Date-time
• Queue Variables
• Raised Exception Names
• None of the above

Q. 2 Which of the following feature(s) are available for OmniApp

• View can be maximize and minimize
• Component instance can be resized, dragged and dropped
• Component instances can be restored
• All of the above

Q. 3
In OmniFlow exceptions are associated with different Worksteps
• Raise Rights
• Clear Rights
• View Rights
• All of the above

Q. 4 In OmniFlow, Message Agent is used for? Marks:1

• Process Workitem from one queue to another queue
• Creating Workitem history
• Sending e-mails to mail server
• None of the above

Q. 5 Which of the following is not a BPMN

• Mile Stone
• Pool
• Group Box
• Swimlane

Q. 15 Which combination is not as per BPMN: Marks:1

• Start – End
• Parallel distribute – Parallel Collect
• Inclusive distribute – Inclusive Collect
• Receive – Reply

Which feature of MDM enables to take the input of the column from other
• Custom picklist
• Data Picklist
• Associated Picklist
• None of the above

The Queues in OmniFlow are similar to ‘shared-in-baskets’, which are available to multiple
users for processing Workitems contained in them.
• WorkInProcess Queue
• Prcoess Queue
• Queue
• None of the above
Q. 1 Which of the following statement is TRUE in context of Attach View
• View must be present for mapping
• Helps to map the table column with view column
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 2 Which combination is not as per BPMN: Marks:1

• Start – End
• Parallel distribute – Parallel Collect
• Inclusive distribute – Inclusive Collect
• Receive – Reply

Q. 5 In iBPS(Process Designer), what is the purpose of Refresh tab present at the toolbar of
BPMN drawing view?
• To just refresh screen
• To get the last saved process data
• To open the project of current open process
• To refresh the properties of the activity

Maker checker functionality enables: Marks:1

• Better control over data by enabling some users to perform table and data
• Better control over data by authorizing supervisor user to approve the
• User A to perform operation and User B to approve his/her operations
• All of the above

In iBPS(Process Designer), which of the following can be changed while modifying queue
• Name
• Type
• Default Value
• Mapping

In iBPS(Process Designer), which file format is not allowed while uploading the document
under Attachment tab?
• Doc
• Docx
• xls
• txt
If filter allowed checked box is checked for a field, it signifies
• column is searchable in data tab
• user can specify the search criteria for row data
• Both of the above
• None of the above

In iBPS(Process Designer), which option will be prompted to user while trying to delete a
local process?
• Want to delete current version
• Want to delete all versions
• Want to delete minor version
• Want to delete major version

In iBPS, how we can change value of dynamic constant defined in

• Open Registered process in Process Designer and change.
• Open Checked out process in Process Designer and change.
• Through Process Management component in WebDesktop.
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

In OmniFlow, Message Agent is used for? Marks:1

• Process Workitem from one queue to another queue
• Creating Workitem history
• Sending e-mails to mail server
• None of the above

In iBPS (BAM), output format of the scheduled report could

• pdf
• xlsx
• txt and HTML
• All of the above

In iBPS, which type of attachments extensions can be attached in process

• .xls
• .doc
• Both of the above
• None of the above
In iBPS(Process Designer), which of the following can be placed outside swim
• Start Event
• Work Desk
• Text annotation
• End Event

Which of the following is necessary to view BAM - Report Designer component in

• The user must be admin
• The user must be part of business admin group
• License.txt is required only on server
• None of the above

In iBPS, how can we search workitems that are at end event

• By selecting All WorkItem option in Search Workitem options
• By selecting In Process option in Search Workitem options
• Not feasible
• None of the above

In iBPS(Process Designer), which is not a type of inbuilt

• Exception
• Set
• Todo
• Data Entry

In iBPS, which one of the following options is not a standard

• To Do List
• Exception
• JMS Producer
• Scan Tool

In iBPS (Process Designer), which WorkStep cannot be used to start/restart the

• Introduction WorkStep
• Receive WorkStep
• Reply WorkStep
• Message WorkStep

OmniApp Application can be registered

• Secure mode only
• Secure and insecure mode (both http & https)
• Only Insecure mode (http only)
• Insufficient options

My Queue contains
• The list of workitems pending for the user
• The list of all the workitems of all the queues
• The list of only those workitems on which user has rights
• None of the above

In iBPS(Process Designer), which of the following can be changed while modifying queue
• Name
• Type
• Default Value
• Mapping

Execution of workflow of the process cannot start

• Start Event
• Web Service Activity
• Condition Start
• Receive Activity

In iForm, zoning is associated

• Frame
• Text box
• Table
• Header

In iBPS, which type of Viewer is currently supported in Marks:1

• Applet Viewer
• HTMLFormViewer
• Both of the Above
• None of the Above

In iBPS, how many objects can be associated with user for an object
• One
• Two
• Depends on the Object Type
• Multiple

In iBPS, what types of methods are managed through Catalog Definition

• External Functions
• Method exposed as WebService
• SAP functions
• All of the above

How do you configure tab indexing in

• via iForm properties
• via control properties
• Not Applicable
• Both the options 1st & 2nd
Not all object types have Ojbects???
Can't Say

In OmniFlow, Messaging Agent is configured

• Process Manager
• Process Modeler
• Configuration Server
• Processing Server

Operations can only be reverted in MDM

• If Maker-checker functionality is enabled
• User didn’t commit the operation
• Both of the above
• None of the above

In iBPS, specific WorkStep queue cannot be made for which WorkStep? Marks:1
• WorkDesk
• WebService
• Reply
• Query

In iBPS, what privileges a member of supervisor group has? Marks:1

• As defined for the user
• All the privileges
• All when privileges are not defined for user and User defined when
privileges defined for the user
• Has no privilege

In iBPS(Process Designer), which one of the following is not a standard

• To Do List
• Exception
• JMS Producer
• Scan Tool

If the theme is applied from OmniApp Configuration, it will be applied

• Supervisor User
• ProcessDesigner User
• Desktop User
• All Users

In iBPS(Process Designer), for re-deployment of the process which of the following must to
be modified
• Process Name
• Project Name
• Registration No
• Process Version

In OmniFlow, quick search can be made

• Queue
• Process-Instance-ID
• Quick Search variables
• All of the above

Which of the following statement is TRUE in context of Attach View

• View must be present for mapping
• Helps to map the table column with view column
• Both of the above
• None of the above

How many times can a Work-Item be referred? Marks:1

• 1
• 2
• More than 3
• None of the above

The theme configured through OmniApp is specific

• User Level Only
• Group Level Only
• Cabinet Level Only
• Application Level Only

In iBPS, Forward and Reverse mapping tabs are not present in ______
• Sub-process
• Web Service
• Exit WorkStep
• None of the above

In iBPS(Process Designer), renaming operation is not possible

• Project
• Process
• Activity
• Swimlane

Queue Management is done

• Process Manager
• Process Modeler
• Configuration Server
• Processing Server

Each OmniApp View can be associated with ______ Group. Marks:1

• One
• Two
• Multiple
• Unique

Which of the following files are not supported for uploading data into MDM
• Csv
• Txt
• Xls on Linux environment
• All of the above

Which one of the following is NOT a feature of

• Web based interface for database operations
• Support for DDL operations
• Support for DML operations
• Support for developing reports

Workitem list cannot have: Marks:1

• Process-Instance-Id, Entry-Date-time
• Queue Variables
• Raised Exception Names
• None of the above

Which of the following is necessary to view BAM - Report Designer component in

• The user must be admin
• The user must be part of business admin group.
• License.txt is required only on server additionally
• None of the above

Which of the following feature(s) are available for OmniApp

• View can be maximize and minimize
• Component instance can be resized, dragged and dropped
• Component instances can be restored
• All of the above
n iBPS, which of the following is/are not the component(s) of
• Audit Log
• Process Management
• Rights Management
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

In iBPS(Process Designer), minimum number of activities required in any milestone in

process is/are:
• o
• 1
• 2
• 3

In iBPS, to which group(s), Rights Management component should be available by

• Business Admin
• Process Designer
• Web Desktop
• All of the above

In iBPS (BAM), for which report type key field is mandatory to be

• Tabular type
• Tabular and Graphical type
• Graphical type
• Matrix type

Which of the following statements are correct?

i. WebDesktop can be run from OmniApp Marks:1
ii. WebDesktop can be run standalone
• Only (i) is correct.
• Only (ii) is correct.
• Both of the statements is correct.
• None of the statements is correct.

In iBPS, how many type of layouts can be configured in

• Fixed, Editable Layouts
• Editable Layout
• No Layout is Defined
• Multiple including Custom WorkDesk.

In iBPS(Process Designer), which option will be prompted to user while trying to delete a
local process?
• Want to delete current version
• Want to delete all versions
• Want to delete minor version
• Want to delete major version

In iBPS, which of the following is/are not the component(s) of

• Audit Log
• Process Management
• Rights Management
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

If filter allowed checked box is checked for a field, it signifies

• column is searchable in data tab
• user can specify the search criteria for row data
• Both of the above
• None of the above

In iBPS, rule with Audit as an operation can be defined

• WorkDesk
• Distribute WorkStep
• DataBased Exclusive WorkStep
• None of the above

In iBPS, which WorkStep type can be used to Integrate with BRMS

• BRMS WorkStep
• BRT WorkStep
• Service WorkStep
• BRMS Service WorkStep

To Register a View in OmniApp, which information is not

• View Name
• Group Name
• User Name
• Min/Max Button

If filter allowed checked box is checked for a field, it signifies

• column is searchable in data tab
• user can specify the search criteria for row data
• Both of the above
• None of the above

In iBPS, each View can be associated with ______ Group. Marks:1

• One
• Two
• Multiple
• Unique

In iBPS(Process Designer), CheckOut option is not available on which of the

• Activity
• Process
• Project
• Swim lane

In iBPS(Process Designer), which of the following can have duplicate

• Start Event
• Work Desk
• Data Object
• End Event

In iBPS, Change Password on first time login is

• True
• False
• Depends on Password Policy
• Mandatory setting not available in iBPS
In iBPS, which feature(s) is not available in embedded WorkDesk
• Save/Done/Initiate workitem
• Actions
• Edit Layout and Add/Import document
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

In iBPS, if one has associated all the WorkItem interfaces with activity then which of the
following interfaces will be displayed by default in popup WorkItem?
• Exception
• Form, Document, Todo.
• Form, Document.
• Todo, Exception.

Each OmniApp View can be associated with ______ Group. Marks:1

• One
• Two
• Multiple
• Unique

In iBPS(Process Designer), report cannot be generated in which of the following

• Doc
• Html
• pdf
• odt

In iBPS(Process Designer), Save as Local feature allows user

• Saving local process as a new process in registered repository
• Saving registered process as a new process in local repository
• Saving local process as a new process in local repository
• Saving registered process as a new process in registered repository

If filter allowed checked box is checked for a field, it signifies
• column is searchable in data tab
• user can specify the search criteria for row data
• Both of the above
• None of the above
In iBPS, Decision WorkStep is also known
• Event based Gateway
• Data based Gateway
• Data based Exclusive Gateway
• Data based Inclusive Gateway

In iBPS, what is the use of search

• For searching any process
• For searching WorkItem
• For searching variables
• For searching queues

In BAM (wrt iBPS) - If the user has been assigned Modify Report rights
• User is only able to modify the report
• User is able to modify and delete the report
• User is able to modify and generate the report
• User is able to modify, generate and delete the report

If filter allowed checked box is checked for a field, it signifies

• column is searchable in data tab
• user can specify the search criteria for row data
• Both of the above
• None of the above

In iBPS, what is the use of query WorkStep in a

• For searching any workitem
• For searching any process
• For searching any queue
• None of the above

Which of the following operations occurs on checking out a process from

• Process is marked checked out and a copy of process data is moved into
temporary tables for modification
• All the existing WorkItems are frozen
• Process is disabled
• All of the above
In iBPS, rule with Audit as an operation can be defined
• WorkDesk
• Distribute WorkStep
• DataBased Exclusive WorkStep
• None of the above

In iBPS(Process Designer), Process Icon is used to distinguish between various types of

processes. Which of the following have same icon in tree?
• Enabled and disabled processes
• Registered and checked-in process
• Local and registered process
• Registered and checked-out process

Which of the following is necessary to view BAM - Report Designer component in

• The user must be admin
• The user must be part of business admin group
• License.txt is required only on server
• None of the above

In BAM (wrt iBPS), which of the following can add/modify/delete reports from group
• Group Members
• Controller
• Supervisor users
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

In iBPS, BAM Report Design Mode is visible only
• Supervisors only
• Users who have rights on Business Admin view
• Normal Users and Supervisors only
• Both the options 1st & 3rd

In iBPS, Change Password on first time login is

• True
• False
• Depends on Password Policy
• Mandatory setting not available in iBPS

In iBPS(Process Designer), which are the allowed operations with Marks:1

• Creation, Saving
• Uploading
• Creation and Deletion
• All of the above

In iBPS(BAM), batching on report can be applied

• Creating report through wizard and implementing in procedure
• Creating report through wizard and using simple select query
• Creating through wizard only
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

In iBPS, for which object(s) audit log can be generated using Audit Log
• Process
• Cabinet
• Queue
• All of the above

In iBPS Process Designer, maker-checker feature can be used on which

• Create External Table
• Process Enable/Disable
• Create Table
• New interface inclusion in Process

In iBPS(Process Designer), minimum number of activities required in any swim lane while
saving the process is/are:
• 0
• 1
• 2
• 3
Q. 1 In OmniScan, single call export feature is available for which of these
• OmniDocs
• OmniFlow
• SharePoint

Q. 2 SAP linking feature in OmniScan is available with following

• OmniFlow
• OmniDocs

Q. 3 In OmniScan, what is the maximum length of a string a text

• 255
• 8000
• 32000
• 64000

Q. 4 OmniScan uses which Database Management System to store information about all
records and jobs?
• Microsoft SQL server
• Oracle
• Microsoft Access

Q. 5 In OmniScan, which short cut key is available for getting GUI to create
• Ctrl M
• Ctrl C
• Ctrl G
• Ctrl A

Q. 6 What is Ready for Export option in

• It asks for user confirmation before exporting to OmniDocs
• It asks for user confirmation before exporting to OmniFlow
• This feature allows user to move the job (mdb + image) to a local system
folder for future export.
• No such feature is available
Q7. What is an ADF in a
• Automatically Defined Function
• Alternative Display Facility
• Automatic Document Feeder
• Allocation & distribution of File

Q. 8 Managed Code is used for which of these DLL

• VB
• Dot NET
• C++
• None of the above

Q. 9 Which option is present in OmniScan to generate ini

• Manage Template
• Generate INI
• Save INI
• Create INI

Q. 10 Following feature is not provided in export to OmniFlow from

• Delete workitem
• Create workitem
• Move to next stage
• Update workitem

Q. 11 Is it possible to maintain OmniScan template at a centralized location and all scanning

machine will download it from there?
• Yes, need to change ngbulkscan.ini
• Not possible
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> INI Settings” option in OmniScan
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> Download Settings” option in
OmniScan window

Q. 12 Which section is not a mandatory section to be filled while creation of template in

• Data Section
• Data Class Section
• Folder Section
• Job Section
Q. 13 OCR means Marks:1
• Optical Character Recognition
• Optional Character Recognition
• Optical Character Reader
• Only Character Recognition

Q. 14 In OmniScan which type of extraction is supported for document

• Extract from Form
• HDD File Name

Q. 15 In OmniScan, which Scan Type used to scan the

• Duplex
• Double Scan
• Fast Scan
• Rotate Scan

Q. 1 Following feature is not provided in export to OmniFlow from

• Delete workitem
• Create workitem
• Move to next stage
• Update workitem

Q. 2 In OmniScan, which type of identifier is not supported for folder

• Barcode
• Barcode Sticker
• Extract from Form
• Blank Page

Q. 3 What is the optimized way of exporting document from OmniScan to OmniFlow and
• Multi call export.
• Single call export.
• Both of the above take same time
• None of the above

Q. 4 Which is not Scan Protocol? Marks:1

• Twain
• Paper scanner

Q. 5 Which section is not a mandatory section to be filled while creation of template in

• Data Section
• Data Class Section
• Folder Section
• Job Section

Q. 6 Following feature is not provided in export to OmniFlow from

• Delete workitem
• Create workitem
• Move to next stage
• Update workitem

Q. 7 An image exported from OmniScan to any DMS is in which

• Any of the above

Q. 8 In OmniScan, what option is used to create a new template or to update an existing

• Create Template
• Update Template
• Manage Template
• Modify Template

Q. 9 In OmniScan, which of the following is not the default option provided for folder
• Job no
• Operator name
• INI name
• Location

Q. 10 Managed Code is used for which of these DLL

• VB
• Dot NET
• C++
• None of the above

Q. 11 In OmniScan, Addins section is defined in which

• Job.ini
• NGAppSettings.ini
• NGBulkScan.ini
• None of the above

Q. 12 SAP linking feature in OmniScan is available with following

• OmniFlow
• OmniDocs

Q. 13 In OmniScan which type of extraction is supported for document

• Extract from Form
• HDD File Name

Q. 14 OmniScan can export images using: Marks:1

• All of the above

Q. 15 OmniScan can export to: Marks:1

• OmniFlow
• OmniDocs
• All of the above

Q. 2 In OmniScan, is it possible to save any template as default template and same will be
opened without prompting user to select one when he/she clicks on new?
• Yes, need to change ngbulkscan.ini
• Not possible
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> Save Configuration” option in
OmniScan window
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> Save New Job Configuration”
option in OmniScan window

Q4. Under which selected condition in folder section an error folder is created while saving a
• Selecting Option 1 and folder already exists
• Selecting Option 2 and folder already exists
• Selecting Option 1 and folder does not exists
• Selecting Option 2 and folder does not exists

Q. 5 Which type of external dll is not supported in

• Managed dll
• COM dll
• Flat dll
• None of the above

What is a duplex
• A scanner with a feature where each document is scanned 2 times for
better image quality
• A scanner with a feature where a duplicate copy of each document is
created while scanning
• A scanner with a feature where both sides of the document are scanned
• A scanner with a feature consisting of document scanning as well as
document indexing

Q. 11 Which identifier is used in OmniScan to separate the Documents on the basis of given
• Barcode
• Barcode Sticker
• Fix Page
• Standard Form

Q. 12 What option to use to export the job just after creation of records in
• Auto Upload
• Auto Export
• Export All
• No such feature is available

Q. 13 Which compression apply on grey image? Marks:1

• G4

Q. 14 Which of the following is not a parameter type available in SAP function definition (In
export section of the template).
• Complex type
• Value type
• Reference type
• Constant type

Q. 1 SAP linking feature in OmniScan is available with following

• OmniFlow
• OmniDocs

Q. 2 Which type of compression should be set for Color Image? Marks:1

• G4
• None of the above

Q. 3 In OmniScan, how many document types can be defined in Doc Type

• 225
• 1000
• 255
• Unlimited

Q. 4 In OmniScan, which of the following is not the default option provided for folder
• Job no
• Operator name
• INI name
• Location

Q. 5 In OmniScan which type of extraction is supported for document

• Extract from Form
• HDD File Name

Q. 6 Which Scan Protocol is supported by OmniScan? Marks:1

• Auto Scan
• Twain
• Auto Display
• Simplex

Q. 7 Which type of external dll is not supported in

• Managed dll
• COM dll
• Flat dll
• None of the above

Q. 8 Following feature is not provided in export to OmniFlow from

• Delete workitem
• Create workitem
• Move to next stage
• Update workitem

Q. 9 Which section is not a mandatory section to be filled while creation of template in

• Data Section
• Data Class Section
• Folder Section
• Job Section

Q. 10 In which section of INI, user can define

• DataClass Section
• Job Section
• Export Section
• Data Section

Q. 11 In OmniScan, following is not the type available to export the records to

• Export All
• Export Previous
• Export New
• Export Current

Q. 12 In OmniScan, user can associate Function key

• Dataclass
• Doc Type
• Index
• Folder

Q. 13 OmniScan can export to: Marks:1

• OmniFlow
• OmniDocs
• All of the above

Q. 14 Following feature is not provided in export to OmniFlow from

• Delete workitem
• Create workitem
• Move to next stage
• Update workitem

Q. 15 In OmniScan, to select any particular field from the document which field is to be clicked? Marks:1
• Get Zone
• Get Data
• Set Zone
• Any of the Above

Q. 1 In which section of INI, user can define

• DataClass Section
• Job Section
• Export Section
• Data Section

Q. 2 In OmniScan, what is the maximum length of a string a text

• 255
• 8000
• 32000
• 64000

Q. 3 What is Ready for Export option in

• It asks for user confirmation before exporting to OmniDocs
• It asks for user confirmation before exporting to OmniFlow
• This feature allows user to move the job (mdb + image) to a local system
folder for future export.
• No such feature is available

Q. 4
What is a duplex
• A scanner with a feature where each document is scanned 2 times for
better image quality
• A scanner with a feature where a duplicate copy of each document is
created while scanning
• A scanner with a feature where both sides of the document are scanned
• A scanner with a feature consisting of document scanning as well as
document indexing

Q. 5 Which of these is not a type to register cabinet? Marks:1

• None of the above

Q. 6 In OmniScan which type of extraction is supported for document

• Extract from Form
• HDD File Name
Q. 7 Which Scan Protocol is supported by OmniScan? Marks:1
• Auto Scan
• Twain
• Auto Display
• Simplex

Q. 8 In OmniScan, single call export feature is available for which of these

• OmniDocs
• OmniFlow
• SharePoint

Q. 9 Is it possible to run multiple instances of

• No, this feature is not available.
• Yes, multiple instances can run by default.
• While installing OmniScan, we define how many instances we need to run at
a time
• By configuring NGBulkScan.ini we can run multiple instances of OmniScan

Q. 10 Which option is present in OmniScan to generate ini

• Manage Template
• Generate INI
• Save INI
• Create INI

Q. 11 Managed Code is used for which of these DLL

• VB
• Dot Net
• C
• None of the above

Q. 12 In OmniScan, which is the Barcode symbology used to extract the

• FindBarcode
• ExtractBarcode
• Code128
• Landscape
Q. 13 Which type of external dll is not supported in
• Managed dll
• COM dll
• Flat dll
• None of the above

Q. 14 Which Imaging Functionality is supported in

• Deskew
• Rotate
• Despeckle
• All of the above

Q. 15 In OmniScan, following is not the type available to export the records to

• Export All
• Export Previous
• Export New
• Export Current

Q. 1 By default which OCR engine is enabled in

• Kadmos
• Caere
• Tesseract
• Abbyy

Q. 2 In OmniScan, Addins section is defined in which

• Job.ini
• NGAppSettings.ini
• NGBulkScan.ini
• None of the above

Q. 3 Is it possible to run multiple instances of

• No, this feature is not available.
• Yes, multiple instances can run by default.
• While installing OmniScan, we define how many instances we need to run at
a time
• By configuring NGBulkScan.ini we can run multiple instances of OmniScan
Q. 4 Which Imaging Functionality is supported in
• Deskew
• Rotate
• Despeckle
• All of the above

Q. 5 In OmniScan, single call export feature is available for which of these

• OmniDocs
• OmniFlow
• SharePoint

Q. 6 Managed Code is used for which of these DLL

• VB
• Dot Net
• C
• None of the above

Q. 7 Which is not Scan Protocol? Marks:1

• Twain
• Paper scanner

Q. 8 Which Scan Protocol is supported by OmniScan? Marks:1

• Auto Scan
• Twain
• Auto Display
• Simplex

Q. 9
What is an ADF in a
• Automatically Defined Function
• Alternative Display Facility
• Automatic Document Feeder
• Allocation & distribution of File
Q. 10 In OmniScan, following is not the type available to export the records to
• Export All
• Export Previous
• Export New
• Export Current

Q. 11 Managed Code is used for which of these DLL

• VB
• Dot NET
• C++
• None of the above

Q. 12 In OmniScan, which data field property user needs to set if he/she wants its value to be
entered for single record and once saved, it should get reflected in all other records.
• Global Index
• Read Only
• Update To all
• Carry Forward

Q. 13 What option to use to export the job just after creation of records in
• Auto Upload
• Auto Export
• Export All
• No such feature is available

Q. 14 In OmniScan, which is the Barcode symbology used to extract the

• FindBarcode
• ExtractBarcode
• Code128
• Landscape

Q. 15 In which section of INI, user can define

• DataClass Section
• Job Section
• Export Section
• Data Section
Q. 1 In OmniScan, following is not the type available to export the records to
• Export All
• Export Previous
• Export New
• Export Current

Q. 2 Which is not Scan Protocol? Marks:1
• Twain
• Paper scanner

Q. 3 Which Scan Protocol is supported by OmniScan? Marks:1
• Auto Scan
• Twain
• Auto Display
• Simplex

Q. 4 The concept of Workitem and process is in which of the following

• OmniDocs
• OmniFlow

Q. 5 In which section of INI, user can define

• DataClass Section
• Job Section
• Export Section
• Data Section

Q. 6 In OmniScan, which is the Barcode symbology used to extract the

• FindBarcode
• ExtractBarcode
• Code128
• Landscape

Q. 7 Delete Job after Export. What does it mean? Marks:1

• Close the job after export
• Close the Database and image after export
• Delete the Database and Images after Export
• Close OmniScan after export

Q. 8 Following feature is not provided in export to OmniFlow from

• Delete workitem
• Create workitem
• Move to next stage
• Update workitem

Q. 9 Which of the following is not a parameter type available in SAP function definition (In
export section of the template).
• Complex type
• Value type
• Reference type
• Constant type

Q. 10 In OmniScan, how many document types can be defined in Doc Type

• 225
• 1000
• 255
• Unlimited

Q. 11 In OmniScan, what is the maximum length of a string a text

• 255
• 8000
• 32000
• 64000

Q. 12 Which is not Scan Protocol? Marks:1

• Twain
• Paper scanner
• All of the above

Q. 13 In OmniScan, single call export feature is available for which of these

• OmniDocs
• OmniFlow
• SharePoint
Q. 14 OmniScan can export images using: Marks:1
• All of the above

Q. 15 Managed Code is used for which of these DLL

• VB
• Dot NET
• C++
• None of the above

If the document with the same name already exists in OmniDocs then what is appended to
the name of the Document?
• Version
• Timestamp
• Always overwrites the document
• None of the above

Which of the following image format is not supported for exporting from

OmniScan can export images

• All of the above

Is it possible to maintain OmniScan template at a centralized location and all scanning

machine will download it from there?
• Yes, need to change ngbulkscan.ini
• Not possible
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> INI Settings” option in OmniScan
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> Download Settings” option in
OmniScan window

Which lowest version framework is required to run

• NET framework 1.0
• NET framework 2.0
• NET framework 3.0
• .Net framework 3.5

Choose the wrong statement : Marks:1

• Multiple users cannot be assigned in different systems who can enhance
image quality
• OmniScan captures documents in a centralized system
• In OmniScan user can remove speckles, deskew images, adjust page
orientation and more
• Organizations look for Centralized Bulk Scanning to optimize their scanning

Which SharePoint version is supported by

• SharePoint Online
• SharePoint On premises
• SharePoint WebServices
• All of the above

12 What is/are the scanning protocols supported in

• TWAIN only
• ISIS only
• Both TWAIN and CT Scanning Protocol
• Both TWAIN and ISIS

In OmniScan, which data field property user needs to set if he/she wants its value to be
entered for single record and once saved, it should get reflected in all other records.
• Global Index
• Read Only
• Update To all
• Carry Forward

Which of the following is not a parameter type available in SAP function definition (In
export section of the template).
• Complex type
• Value type
• Reference type
• Constant type

In OmniScan, Addins section is defined in which

• Job.ini
• NGAppSettings.ini
• NGBulkScan.ini
• None of the above

By default OmniScan Export Document is for which

• Share Point
• K2.Net
• Window WorkFlow (WWF)
• OmniFlow

In OmniScan, how many document types can be defined in Doc Type

• 225
• 1000
• 255
• Unlimited

Which of the following is not a parameter type available in SAP function definition (In
export section of the template).
• Complex type
• Value type
• Reference type
• Constant type

Q. 1 Which Symbology is used for 2D Barcode Extraction? Marks:1

• Code128
• USS39
• Smart
• PDF417

Q. 2 In OmniScan, single call export feature is available for which of these
• OmniDocs
• OmniFlow
• SharePoint

Q. 3 Which third party OCR engines are integrated in

OmniScan3.x ?
• Caere and Kadmos OCR.
• Caere and Abbyy OCR.
• Caere and Tesseract OCR.
• Kadmos and Tesseract OCR.

Q. 4 Which type of external dll is not supported in

• Managed dll
• COM dll
• Flat dll
• None of the above

Q. 5 In OmniScan, which short cut key is available for getting GUI to create
• Ctrl+M
• Ctrl+C
• Ctrl+G
• Ctrl+A

Q. 6 Is it possible to run multiple instances of

• No, this feature is not available.
• Yes, multiple instances can run by default.
• While installing OmniScan, we define how many instances we need to run at
a time
• By configuring NGBulkScan.ini we can run multiple instances of OmniScan

Q. 7 What is Ready for Export option in

• It asks for user confirmation before exporting to OmniDocs
• It asks for user confirmation before exporting to OmniFlow
• This feature allows user to move the job (mdb + image) to a local system
folder for future export.
• No such feature is available

Q. 8
What is an ADF in a
• Automatically Defined Function
• Alternative Display Facility
• Automatic Document Feeder
• Allocation & distribution of File

Q. 9 In OmniScan, Addins section is defined in which

• Job.ini
• NGAppSettings.ini
• NGBulkScan.ini
• None of the above

Q. 10 Which Scan Protocol is supported by OmniScan? Marks:1

• Auto Scan
• Twain
• Auto Display
• Simplex

Q. 11 Which section is to be filled so as to allow distributed

• Export Features
• Miscellaneous
• Flow Section
• User Defined Section

Q. 12 In OmniScan, what is the maximum length of a string a text

• 255
• 8000
• 32000
• 64000

Q. 13
Under which selected condition in folder section an error folder is created while saving a document?
• Selecting Option 1 and folder already exists
• Selecting Option 2 and folder already exists
• Selecting Option 1 and folder does not exists
• Selecting Option 2 and folder does not exists

Q. 14 Managed Code is used for which of these DLL Marks:1

• VB
• Dot Net
• C
• None of the above

Q. 15 In OmniScan, single call export feature is available for which of these

• OmniDocs
• OmniFlow
• SharePoint

Which SharePoint version is supported by OmniScan? Marks:1

• SharePoint Online
• SharePoint On premises
• SharePoint WebServices
• All of the above

Q. 1 By default OmniScan Export Document is for which

• Share Point
• K2.Net
• Window WorkFlow (WWF
• OmniFlow

Q. 2 In OmniScan, how many document types can be defined in Doc Type

• 225
• 1000
• 255
• Unlimited

Q. 3 In which section of INI, user can define

• DataClass Section
• Job Section
• Export Section
• Data Section
Q. 4 SAP linking feature in OmniScan is available with following
• OmniFlow
• OmniDocs

Q. 5 What is Ready for Export option in

• It asks for user confirmation before exporting to OmniDocs
• It asks for user confirmation before exporting to OmniFlow
• This feature allows user to move the job (mdb + image) to a local system
folder for future export.
• No such feature is available

Q. 6 In OmniScan, is it possible to save any template as default template and same will be
opened without prompting user to select one when he/she clicks on new?
• Yes, need to change ngbulkscan.ini
• Not possible
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> Save Configuration” option in
OmniScan window
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> Save New Job Configuration”
option in OmniScan window

Q. 7 OmniScan can export to: Marks:1

• OmniFlow
• OmniDocs
• All of the above

Q. 8 Which section is to be filled so as to allow distributed

• Export Features
• Miscellaneous
• Flow Section
• User Defined Section

Q. 9 Which Imaging Functionality is supported in

• Deskew
• Rotate
• Despeckle
• All of the above
Q. 10 Which Scan Protocol is supported by OmniScan? Marks:1
• Auto Scan
• Twain
• Auto Display
• Simplex

Q. 11 Following feature is not provided in export to OmniFlow from

• Delete workitem
• Create workitem
• Move to next stage
• Update workitem

Q. 12 In OmniScan, single call export feature is available for which of these

• OmniDocs
• OmniFlow
• SharePoint

Q. 13 In OmniScan which type of extraction is supported for document

• Extract from Form
• HDD File Name

Q. 14 Which Imaging Functionality is supported in

• Deskew
• Rotate
• Despeckle
• All of the above

Q. 15 Managed Code is used for which of these DLL

• VB
• Dot Net
• C
• None of the above
What option to use to export the job just after creation of records in
• Auto Upload
• Auto Export
• Export All
• No such feature is available

In OmniScan, is it possible to save exporting credentials once entered and user will not be
asked to enter again while exporting and saved credentials will be used?
• Yes, need to change ngbulkscan.ini
• Not possible
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> Save Configuration” option in
OmniScan window
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> Save New Job Configuration”
option in OmniScan window

Which of these is not a type to register cabinet? Marks:1

• None of the above

In OmniScan, which data field property user needs to set if he/she wants its value to be
entered for single record and once saved, it should get reflected in all other records.
• Global Index
• Read Only
• Update To all
• Carry Forward

OmniScan uses which Database Management System to store information about all records
and jobs?
• Microsoft SQL server
• Oracle
• Microsoft Access

In OmniScan, is it possible to save any template as default template and same will be opened
without prompting user to select one when he/she clicks on new?
• Yes, need to change ngbulkscan.ini
• Not possible
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> Save Configuration” option in
OmniScan window
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> Save New Job Configuration”
option in OmniScan window

Is it possible to maintain OmniScan template at a centralized location and all scanning

machine will download it from there?
• Yes, need to change ngbulkscan.ini
• Not possible
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> INI Settings” option in OmniScan
• Need to define “Setup :-> Preferences :-> Download Settings” option in
OmniScan window

Which section is to be filled so as to allow distributed
• Export Features
• Miscellaneous
• Flow Section
• User Defined Section

Q. 1 Which of the following image format is not supported for exporting from

Q. 2 Managed Code is used for which of these DLL

• VB
• Dot Net
• C
• None of the above

SAP linking feature in OmniScan is available with following

• OmniFlow
• OmniDocs
By default OmniScan Export Document is for which
• Share Point
• K2.Net
• Window WorkFlow (WWF
• OmniFlow

In OmniScan, Addins section is defined in which

• Job.ini
• NGAppSettings.ini
• NGBulkScan.ini
• None of the above

An image exported from OmniScan to any DMS is in which

• Any of the above

Which type of compression should be set for Color

• G4
• None of the above

Which type of Image can be exported into DMS Marks:1

• tif->pdf
• tif->jpeg
• doc->jpeg
• doc->pdf

OmniScan can export to: Marks:1

• OmniFlow
• OmniDocs
• All of the above
By default which OCR engine is enabled in
• Kadmos
• Caere
• Tesseract
• Abbyy

Which type of compression should be set for Color

• G4
• None of the above
Chhose the wrong statement

Multiple users cannot be assigned in different systems who can enhance

image quality
• OmniScan captures documents in a centralized system
• In OmniScan user can remove speckles, deskew images, adjust page
orientation and more
• Organizations look for Centralized Bulk Scanning to optimize their scanning

In OmniScan, user can associate Function key

• Dataclass
• Doc Type
• Index
• Folder

Which SharePoint version is supported by OmniScan? Marks:1

• SharePoint Online
• SharePoint On premises
• SharePoint WebServices
• All of the above

Which of these is not a type to register

• None of the above

Which type of Image can be exported into DMS. Marks:1

• tif->pdf
• tif->jpeg
• doc->jpeg
• doc->pdf

Which third party OCR engines are integrated in

OmniScan3.x ?
• Caere and Kadmos OCR.
• Caere and Abbyy OCR.
• Caere and Tesseract OCR.
• Kadmos and Tesseract OCR.

By default which OCR engine is enabled in
• Kadmos
• Caere
• Tesseract
• Abbyy
If the document with the same name already exists in OmniDocs then what is
appended to the name of the Document?
• Timestamp
• Always overwrites the document
• None of the above

A job in OmniScan is
• Collection of images
• Collection of records
• Collection of database
• None of the above
Q. 1 In OmniDocs, Custom Actions are defined for which
• OmniProcess
• Repository
• Search
• Reports

Q. 2
Operations that can be performed in
• Scanning
• Storage
• Indexing
• All of the above

Q. 3 OmniDocs Architecture is based on: Marks:1

• Model View Controller
• Model Viewer Container
• Mode View Controller
• Model Controlled View

Q. 4 OmniDocs native view can be used to

• Image files
• Multimedia files
• MS Office files
• All of the above

Q. 5 Home Site is: Marks:1

• Where the documents of that image volume get added by default
• The site from where the user would wish to retrieve his documents
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 6
OmniDocs is built
• J2EE
• VB
• .Net
• None of the above

Q. 7 Only ____ files can be used as an icon for Custom Tabs in

• png
• jpg
• svg
• tif

Q. 8 Immediate replication as well as delayed replication terms are related to which

OmniDocs component?
• Site
• Image
• Data
• Volume

Q. 9 OmniDocs is a desktop application Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 10 Metadata for OmniDocs documents are stored in database. Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 11 OmniDocs 8.x is not released on which

• Jboss.EAP
• Weblogic
• Sun JSAS
• Webshere

Q. 12 Expand OSA: Marks:1

• OmniDocs System Administration
• OmniDocs Server Administration
• OmniDocs System Applications
• OmniDocs Server Applications

Q. 13 SMS in OmniDocs supports caching. Marks:1

• Trues
• False
Q. 14 Choose the correct one: Marks:1
• It is possible to associate Dataclass to Folder only
• It is possible to associate Dataclass to Folder & Document
• It is possible to associate Dataclass to Document only
• All the above are correct

Q15. The three basic building blocks of SMS are ___________, __________, &
• Site, Volume, Image-index
• JTS, Site, Volume
• JTS, Site, Image-Index
• Site, Volume, VolBlock

Q. 16 Is FTS available immediately after a document has been uploaded? Marks:1

• Yes, FTS is available immediately after a document has been uploaded
• No, admin has to explicitly trigger text extraction for that document for FTS
to work
• No, uploading user has to explicitly trigger text extraction for that document
for FTS to work
• No, text will be extracted and indexed automatically in the next extraction

Q. 17 Multiples volumes can be created on a single site in

• True
• False

Q. 18 In OmniDocs, global index can be associated

• Document
• Folder
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 19 In OmniDocs, custom operations are defined for ____. Marks:1

A. Folder
B. Document
C. Filepart
D. Record
• Only A, C
• Only B, C
• Only A, B, C
• All of the above

Q. 20 Which option related to document is not present in

• Link
• Duplicate
• Forward
• Order

Q. 1 API stands for: Marks:1

• Application Programming Interface
• Application Package Import
• Application Package Information
• All of the above

Q. 2 We can have more than one web-server in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 3 Dataclass in OmniDocs is used to

• Indexing
• Searching
• Linking
• All of the above

Q4. OmniDocs allows users to manage image as well as electronic documents in a

___________ _________ repository.
• multiple database
• multiple compressed
• single centralized
• dual compressed
Q. 5
OmniDocs is supported
• English & Arabic
• English & Japanese
• English & Chinese
• All of the above

Q. 6 Expand SMS: Marks:1

• Storage Management Server
• System Management Server
• Storage Monitoring Server
• System Monitoring Server

Q. 7 What is a Site? Marks:1

• Location where application server is running
• Location where OmniDocs is installed
• Location Wrapper is running
• Location where Image Files are stored and can be accessed thereafter

Q. 8 Which full text search engine we use for MS-

• Lucene
• Microsoft Full-Text Engine for SQL Server (MSFTESQL)
• None of the above

Q. 9 During Search Configuration / making a Search in OmniDocs Admin, Include Full text
Search is applied on:
• Only on Document Search but not on Folder Search
• Only on Folder Search but not on Document Search
• This feature does not exist during making a Search
• On both Document and Folder Search

Q. 10 Metadata for OmniDocs documents are stored in database. Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 11 OmniDocs GUI is written in which

• .Net/ASP
• Pearl/HTML

Q. 12 Replication between the local and central storage servers requires direct
• Network Connectivity
• Full Access of both the server
• TCP/IP connectivity
• None of the above

Q. 13 Only ____ files can be used as an icon for Custom Tabs in

• png
• jpg
• svg
• tif

Q. 14 Multiples volumes can be created on a single site in

• True
• False

Q. 15 In OmniDocs, Custom Actions are defined for which

• OmniProcess
• Repository
• Search
• Reports

Q. 16 Which of the following can be used as storage media with SMS in

• Tape Drives
• CD
• Network routers

Q. 17 Is Easy Search also an integration type while configuring the OmniDocs Web
• Yes
• No

Q 18. OmniDocs is _____________,______________, platform-independent Marks:1

• DMS, multi-tiered
• Scalable, multi-tiered
• Scalable, single-tiered
• ECM, single-tiered

Q. 19 Can web browser directly interact with EJB components of

• Yes
• Yes, if EJB components are deployed on web server
• No, only OmniDocs web components can be accessed directly via web
• None of the above

Q. 20
OmniDocs is built using robust server-side _________________
• Java and J2EE
• C++
• Java
• Android

Q. 1 OmniDocs does not support following database: Marks:1

• Oracle
• Postgre SQL

Q. 2 OmniDocs is: Marks:1

• Multi tiered
• Single tiered
• Dual tiered
• Three tiered

Q. 3 During Search Configuration / making a Search in OmniDocs Admin, Include Full text
Search is applied on:
• Only on Document Search but not on Folder Search
• Only on Folder Search but not on Document Search
• This feature does not exist during making a Search
• On both Document and Folder Search

Q. 4 OmniDocs LDAP services______________________________________________________ Marks:1

• integrates with directory services for user authentication to ensure
maximum security to the user data
• that helps to import documents and indexes to OmniDocs cabinets
• are component of OmniDocs suite of applications and is used for acquiring
documents and files from various sources to OmniDocs
• All of above

Q. 5 Does OmniDocs Architecture support platform independence? Marks:1

• NO
• Yes
• Depends on how it is deployed
• No, as it is purely desktop based application

Q. 6 A ________________ is the site from where the user would wish to retrieve his
• Preferred Site
• Home Site
• Default Site
• Logical Site

Q. 7 SMS in OmniDocs supports caching. Marks:1

• Trues
• False

Q. 8 Replication between the local and central storage servers requires direct
• Network Connectivity
• Full Access of both the server
• TCP/IP connectivity
• None of the above

Q. 9 Metadata for OmniDocs documents are stored in database. Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 10 In OmniDocs, Custom Actions are defined for which

• OmniProcess
• Repository
• Search
• Reports
Q. 11 What is OmniDocs Web API? Marks:1
• Newgen created web based framework using which one create custom
• Newgen created web based framework for running OmniDocs application
• Newgen created web based framework for the integration of any external
application with OmniDocs
• Newgen created web based framework for running Newgen created web

Q. 12 Multiples volumes can be created on a single site in

• True
• False

Q. 13 Which one of the following is correct regarding OmniDocs deployment and

• OmniDocs need at-least one backend database for deployment and function
• OmniDocs can run without any database
• OmniDocs can run with database and without database also
• OmniDocs maintains data in windows file system in SMS \

Q. 14 Select which among below is not an option while creating dataclass field in
• Useful
• Mandatory
• Unique
• Size

Q. 15 Multiple site can be added in same OmniDocs installation having same IP

• True
• False

Q. 16 OmniDocs Document viewer is built using which

• HTML-Ajax
• Ajax-Json
• Applet
• None of the above

Q. 17 In OmniDocs, using Opallviewer, which type of documents can be

• .png , .xls
• .jpg, .png , .tif, .pdf, .bmp
• .tif, .ppt ,.doc
• .xls

Q. 18
Which of the following statements is correct for Volume in OmniDocs
• There is no limit on the physical storage occupied by an image volume
• Every volume has to be given different volume path
• Volume cannot be replicated
• All of the above

Q. 19 Can FTS be combined with index search? Marks:1

• Search is always combined
• Search is combined if user gives parameters on both
• Search can never be combined
• None of the above

Q. 20 In OmniDocs, custom operations are defined for ____.

A. Folder
B. Document Marks:1
C. Filepart
D. Record
• Only A, C
• Only B, C
• Only A, B, C
• All of the above

Q. 1 The core business logic is implemented in which

• Database Storage tier
• Database Server
• Application Server
• OmniDocs Web Server

Q. 2 OmniDocs uses connection pool. Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 3
OmniDocs is supported
• English & Arabic
• English & Japanese
• English & Chinese
• All of the above

Q. 4 We can have more than one web-server in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 5 Volume is a ___________ unit in OmniDocs Marks:1

• Logical
• Physical
• Methodical
• Basic

Q. 6 In OmniDocs, to enable 3rd party viewer, where does one changes code for
A. omnidocs.war
B. Custom.war Marks:1
C. Opall.war
D. eworkstyle.ini
E. ComponentIntegration.xml
• Only B, C, E
• Only A, D
• Only A, B, D, E
• Only B, D

Q. 7 Which option related to document is not present in

• Link
• Duplicate
• Forward
• Order

Q. 8 In OmniDocs, a WebAPI can have following themes?

A. Classic
B. Professional
C. Oceanic
D. None of the Above
E. Any color can be chosen
• Only B, C
• Only D
• Only E
• Only A, B, C
Q. 9 Only ____ files can be used as an icon for Custom Tabs in
• png
• jpg
• svg
• tif

Q. 10
You want to perform replication in such a way in OmniDocs so that the data that is getting added at
the Source should also get added at the replica site at the same time.
• Immediate Replication
• Delayed Replication
• Instantaneous Replication
• Immediate Adding Replication

Q. 11 Which OmniDocs service is responsible to create Documents

• Wrapper
• Thumbnail

Q. 12 Is FTS available immediately after a document has been uploaded? Marks:1

• Yes, FTS is available immediately after a document has been uploaded
• No, admin has to explicitly trigger text extraction for that document for FTS
to work
• No, uploading user has to explicitly trigger text extraction for that document
for FTS to work
• No, text will be extracted and indexed automatically in the next extraction

Q. 13 Multiple site can be added in same OmniDocs installation having same IP

• True
• False

Q. 14 Is Easy Search also an integration type while configuring the OmniDocs Web
• Yes
• No
Q. 15 Can web browser directly interact with EJB components of
• Yes
• Yes, if EJB components are deployed on web server
• No, only OmniDocs web components can be accessed directly via web
• None of the above

Q. 16 Choose the correct option: Marks:1

• Supervisor User cannot be deleted
• Supervisor User can be deleted
• Both of the above.
• None of the above.

Q. 17 In latest version of OmniDocs, special character used for file convention name
• $
• @
• %
• #

Q. 18
Which type of document(s) is supported by
• Image Documents
• Non-Image Documents
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 19 Using the OmniDocs Web API, a user can have the following advantages:
A. Create an application for configuring any external system for Image Enabling.
B. Configure the display functionality to customize the view to whether a single document or
document list is to be displayed.
C. Generate and use the sample integration code to be used in the external application for
carrying out the integration activity.
• Statement A & B are correct.
• Statement B & C are correct.
• Statement C & A are correct
• All the above statements are correct.

Q. 20
OmniDocs is built using robust server-side _________________
• Java and J2EE
• C++
• Java
• Android

Q. 1 LDAP stands for: Marks:1

• Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
• Light Document Access Protocol
• Light Drive Access Prototype
• Light Document Access Protocol

Q. 2
Which type of document(s) is supported by
• Image Documents
• Non-Image Documents
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 3 OmniDocs uses connection pool. Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 4 We can have more than one web-server in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 5 Can FTS be combined with index search? Marks:1

• Search is always combined
• Search is can be combined if user gives parameters on both
• Search can never be combined
• None of the above

Q. 6 A site in OmniDocs is identified by two attributes viz. namely, _________ &

__________ .
• SMS IP & SMS Port
• AP Server IP & AP Server Port
• Site IP & Site Port
• All of the above are synonymous

Q. 7 During Search Configuration / making a search in OmniDocs Admin, is selecting a Data Marks:1
Class and Global Index mandatory?
• Selecting a Data Class is mandatory but not Global Index
• Selecting a Global Index is mandatory but not Data Class
• Selecting both is mandatory
• All the above given options are INCORRECT

Q. 8 Metadata for OmniDocs documents are stored in database. Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 9 In OmniDocs, a WebAPI can have following themes?

A. Classic
B. Professional
C. Oceanic
D. None of the Above
E. Any color can be chosen
• Only B, C
• Only D
• Only E
• Only A, B, C

Q. 10 Which types of image documents are supported? Marks:1

• Scanned PDF
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 11 What is the need of managing content in organizations? Marks:1

• To abide to policies and rules laid by the Government
• Exert control over large volumes of records and documents
• Incorrect question. Do not need to manage
• Both option 1st & 2nd

Q. 12 In OmniDocs, Custom Actions are defined for which

• OmniProcess
• Repository
• Search
• Reports

Q. 13 How can we add Global Index in OmniDocs

• Add global index in global index tab
• Add a DataClass field keeping Global Index checkbox checked
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 14 Multiples volumes can be created on a single site in

• True
• False

Q. 15 In OmniDocs, RIS Stands for: Marks:1

• Remote image server
• Remote information system
• Rational informatic system
• None of the above

Q. 16 OmniDocs supports following browsers: Marks:1

• Internet Explorer
• Netscape
• Safari
• Opera

Q. 17 By default the folders in OmniDocs have _______________ sharing

• Public
• Private
• Inherited
• Shared

Q. 18 A Volume in OmniDocs: Marks:1

• Cannot be replicated
• Can be replicated across multiple sites
• Can be replicated across only one site
• None of the above

Q. 19 What is OmniDocs Web API? Marks:1

• Newgen created web based framework using which one create custom
• Newgen created web based framework for running OmniDocs application
• Newgen created web based framework for the integration of any external
application with OmniDocs
• Newgen created web based framework for running Newgen created web
Q. 20 Is OmniDocs Architecture Scalable? Marks:1
• Yes, scalable horizontally
• No, Not scalable
• Yes, scalable vertically
• It is scalable horizontally and vertically both

Q. 1
Operations that can be performed in
• Scanning
• Indexing
• Storage
• All of the above

Q. 2 Metadata for OmniDocs documents are stored in database. Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 3 Is Easy Search also an integration type while configuring the OmniDocs Web
• Yes
• No

Q. 4 In Data Class of OmniDocs, following field type only can be marked

• Date
• Float
• Text
• Integer
Q. 5 What is FTS? Marks:1
• Full Text Search
• Full text Sort
• Filter text Search
• None of the above

Q. 6 In OmniDocs, custom operations are defined for ____.

A. Folder
B. Document Marks:1
C. Filepart
D. Record
• Only A, C
• Only B, C
• Only A, B, C
• All of the above

Q. 7
One of the following is not an example of structured content.
• Records
• Scanned Images
• Database Tables
• Excel Sheets

Q. 8 Inherit Ownership option available at: Marks:1

• Cabinet Level and Folder Level
• Folder Level
• Data Class Level
• User & Group Level

Q. 9 API stands for: Marks:1

• Application Programming Interface
• Application Package Import
• Application Package Information
• All of the above

Q. 10 In OmniDocs, a WebAPI can have following themes?

A. Classic
B. Professional
C. Oceanic
D. None of the Above
E. Any color can be chosen
• Only B, C
• Only D
• Only E
• Only A, B, C

Q. 11 During volume creation in OmniDocs, size of Volume block

• Max size of the volume
• Min size of the volume
• Min Size of a PN file
• Max Size of a PN file
Q. 12
Which type of document(s) is supported by
• Image Documents
• Non-Image Documents
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 13
What are the components of Image Server?
• Image Cabinet and SMS
• JTS and SMS only
• JTS only
• SMS only

. 14 OmniDocs does not support following database: Marks:1

• Oracle
• Postgre SQL

Q. 15 Which full text search engine we use for MS-

• Lucene
• Microsoft Full-Text Engine for SQL Server (MSFTESQL)
• None of the above

Q. 16 SMS in OmniDocs supports caching. Marks:1

• Trues
• False

Q. 17 OmniProcess is used for: Marks:1

• Distributed scanning and centralised indexing.
• File creation through Maker-Checker approvals
• For creating documents in OmniDocs
• All of the above

Q. 18 Efficient use of bandwidth is achieved in OmniDocs Document viewer because

• fetches document byte by byte
• fetches document in synchronised stream
• fetches document in asynchronised stream
• fetches document page by page

Q. 19 OmniDocs Architecture is based on: Marks:1

• Model View Controller
• Model Viewer Container
• Mode View Controller
• Model Controlled View

Q. 20 OmniDocs is a desktop application Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 1 OmniDocs Server architecture is based on below

• J2EE
• .Net
• Both J2EE and .NET
• J2ME

Q. 2 What is OmniDocs Web API? Marks:1
• Newgen created web based framework using which one create custom
• Newgen created web based framework for running OmniDocs application
• Newgen created web based framework for the integration of any external
application with OmniDocs
• Newgen created web based framework for running Newgen created web
Q. 3 During Search Configuration / making a search in OmniDocs Admin, is selecting a Data
Class and Global Index mandatory?
• Selecting a Data Class is mandatory but not Global Index
• Selecting a Global Index is mandatory but not Data Class
• Selecting both is mandatory
• All the above given options are INCORRECT

Q. 4
OmniDocs Admin provides:
• User Management
• Quick Search Management
• Document Addition, Deletion, Modification
• Process Variable Mapping

Q. 5 How many themes are there in OmniDocs?
A. Classic
B. Professional
C. Oceanic
D. None of the Above
E. Any color can be chosen
• Only B, C
• Only D
• Only E
• Only A, B, C

Q. 6 Multiple site can be added in same OmniDocs installation having same IP

• True
• False

Q. 7 To enable PCI Compliance, which KMS can be supported by

• Azure Key-Vault
• All KMS
• Hadoop KMS

Q. 8 The core business logic is implemented in which

• Database Storage tier
• Database Server
• Application Server
• OmniDocs Web Server

Q. 9 A site in OmniDocs is identified by two attributes viz. namely, _________ &

• SMS IP & SMS Port
• AP Server IP & AP Server Port
• Site IP & Site Port
• All of the above are synonymous

Q. 10 Which streaming server is supported by OmniDocs? Marks:1

• VLC Player
• Wowza
• Any Streaming Server
• Xuggler
Q. 11 Which option is true after performing delete operation on
• Document permanently deleted from OmniDocs repository.
• Move to Trash
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 12 A document management system is used for Marks:1

• Document Archival
• Document Retrieval
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 13 In OmniDocs, Custom Actions are defined for which

• OmniProcess
• Repository
• Search
• Reports

Q. 14 Is FTS available immediately after a document has been uploaded? Marks:1

• Yes, FTS is available immediately after a document has been uploaded
• No, admin has to explicitly trigger text extraction for that document for FTS
to work
• No, uploading user has to explicitly trigger text extraction for that document
for FTS to work
• No, text will be extracted and indexed automatically in the next extraction
cycle after completing all documents or completing documents as per “Document

Q. 15 To provide 3rd party utility, to use OmniDocs search / document view without login to
OmniDocs. What is the easiest methodology for that?
• One has to write integration code.
• Use Webservice
• Use web-api
• Not possible

Q. 16 Multiples volumes can be created on a single site in

• True
• False
Q. 17 What are the available replication types in OmniDocs? Marks:1
• Delayed
• Immediate
• Neither
• Both option 1st and 2nd

Q. 18 Metadata for OmniDocs documents are stored in database. Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 19 OmniDocs is a desktop application Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 20 In latest version of OmniDocs, special character used for file convention name
• $
• @
• %
• #

Q. 1 Is Easy Search also an integration type while configuring the OmniDocs Web
• Yes
• No

Q. 2 In OmniDocs, a WebAPI can have following themes?

A. Classic
B. Professional
C. Oceanic
D. None of the Above
E. Any color can be chosen
• Only B, C
• Only D
• Only E
• Only A, B, C

Q. 3 Is OmniDocs Architecture Scalable? Marks:1

• Yes, scalable horizontally
• No, Not scalable
• Yes, scalable vertically
• It is scalable horizontally and vertically both

Q. 4 OmniDocs does not support following database: Marks:1

• Oracle
• Postgre SQL
Q. 5 What is OmniDocs Web API? Marks:1
• Newgen created web based framework using which one create custom
• Newgen created web based framework for running OmniDocs application
• Newgen created web based framework for the integration of any external
application with OmniDocs
• Newgen created web based framework for running Newgen created web

Q. 6
An account of the operations that are performed on the specified object (viz. cabinet, folder or
document) by any of the members of the cabinet is:
• Notifications
• Action Items
• Audit Log
• None of the above

Q. 7 OmniDocs is a desktop application Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 8 Choose the correct option wrt OmniDocs: Marks:1

• By default security at cabinet is Object level
• By default security at cabinet is Cabinet level
• By default security at cabinet is No security
• By default security at cabinet is Inherited

Q. 9
Main features of OmniDocs
• Filing of folders/images
• Indexing, Processing and searching
• Various monitoring reports like usage reports, audit reports, etc
• All of the above

Q. 10
Groups in OmniDocs can be ____________________:
• Created by Admin
• Created by user having group privileges
• Imported from LDAP based directory
• All of the above

Q. 11 In OmniDocs, what are groups created by default in

• Supervisor
• Everyone
• Public
• All of the above

Q. 12 Even distribution of jobs and associated communications across the computing and
networking resources is termed as ___________________
• Distributed System
• Fail Over
• Load Balancing
• Shared System

Q. 13 How many types of user are there in

• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5

Q. 14 We can have more than one web-server in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 15 Multiples volumes can be created on a single site in

• True
• False
Q. 16 Can FTS be combined with index search? Marks:1
• Search is always combined
• Search is can be combined if user gives parameters on both
• Search can never be combined
• None of the above

Q. 17 Bulk Upload to OmniDocs is: Marks:1

• TIFF based
• TXT based
• XLSX based
• CSV based

Q. 18 What to do if a User wants to make document visible only to the owner or the
• Mark as Private
• Inherited
• Shared
• Both 2nd & 3rd

Q. 19 API stands for: Marks:1

• Application Programming Interface
• Application Package Import
• Application Package Information
• All of the above

Q. 20
In OmniDocs, a___________ is a notification that would be flashed / emailed to all the selected users
• sms
• message
• reminder
• alert

Q. 1 In OmniDocs, Document Addition will only be possible when users

• Rights on Folder
• Rights on Group
• Rights on Data Class
• Rights on Folder and Data Class

Q. 2 What type of Views are supported for folders and documents: Marks:1
• List view
• Grid View
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 3 What security options are available at Cabinet Level in

• No Security
• Cabinet Level
• Object Level
• All of the above

Q. 4 It is possible to have more than one web server for OmniDocs

• True
• False

Q. 5 Options for creating users, group and data classes are present/available
• System Administration
• Configure Desktop
• Service Management
• License Management

Q. 6 Multiple site can be added in same OmniDocs installation having same IP

• True
• False

Q. 7 What is OmniDocs Web API? Marks:1

• Newgen created web based framework using which one create custom
• Newgen created web based framework for running OmniDocs application
• Newgen created web based framework for the integration of any external
application with OmniDocs
• Newgen created web based framework for running Newgen created web

Q. 8
One of the following is not an example of structured content.
• Records
• Scanned Images
• Database Tables
• Excel Sheets

Q. 9 Replication between the local and central storage servers requires direct
• Network Connectivity
• Full Access of both the server
• TCP/IP connectivity
• None of the above

Q. 10 OmniDocs uses connection pool. Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 11
What is the Default port for site creation in OmniDocs?
• 9000
• 10000
• 900
• No default port

Q. 12
Integrated Document Management [IDM] does not include:
• Document Management
• Document Imaging
• Workflow
• Web Publishing

Q. 13 Which full text search engine we use for

• Oracle Text
• Lucene
• None of the above

Q. 14 Metadata for OmniDocs documents are stored in database. Marks:1

• True
• False
Q. 15
When can a user create document versioning in OmniDocs?
• During the check-in operation.
• During the check-Out operation.
• Both during check-in and check-out operations
• None of the choices are true

Q. 16 Is OmniDocs Architecture Scalable? Marks:1

• Yes, scalable horizontally
• No, Not scalable
• Yes, scalable vertically
• It is scalable horizontally and vertically both

Q. 17 To provide 3rd party utility, to use OmniDocs search / document view without login to
OmniDocs. What is the easiest methodology for that?
• One has to write integration code.
• Use Webservice
• Use web-api
• Not possible

Q. 18 OmniDocs 8.x is not released on which

• Jboss.EAP
• Weblogic
• Sun JSAS
• Webshere

Q. 19 In OmniDocs, to enable 3rd party viewer, where does one changes code for
A. omnidocs.war
B. Custom.war Marks:1
C. Opall.war
D. eworkstyle.ini
E. ComponentIntegration.xml
• Only B, C, E
• Only A, D
• Only A, B, D, E
• Only B, D

Q. 20
Which of the following is valid volume replication type in OmniDocs?
• Delayed
• Postponed
• Logical
• Physical

Q. 1 Does OmniDocs Architecture support platform independence? Marks:1

• NO
• Yes
• Depends on how it is deployed
• No, as it is purely desktop based application

Q. 2 What is FTS? Marks:1

• Full Text Search
• Full text Sort
• Filter text Search
• None of the above

Q. 3 SMS in OmniDocs supports caching. Marks:1

• Trues
• False

Q. 4 Which of the following statement is true for Global Index in

• A Data Class can be used as a part of a Global Index
• Generally used as search criteria for searching documents and folders
• Can be searched across all the created Cabinets
• All of the above

Q. 5
Which of the following statements is correct for Volume in OmniDocs
• There is no limit on the physical storage occupied by an image volume
• Every volume has to be given different volume path
• Volume cannot be replicated
• All of the above

Q. 6 OmniDocs provides integration adapter for: Marks:1

• Microsoft Project
• Notepad

Q. 7 In OmniDocs, RIS Stands for: Marks:1

• Remote image server
• Remote information system
• Rational informatic system
• None of the above

Q. 8 What are the available replication types in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• Delayed
• Immediate
• Neither
• Both option 1st and 2nd

Q. 9 In OmniDocs, a Label is: Marks:1

• A physical location where PN files are stored.
• The physical path where the data files corresponding to volblocks will be
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 10 OmniDocs uses connection pool. Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 11 How to add Custom Tab in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• Via Admin Console
• Via ComponentIntegration.xml
• Via OSA
• via eworkstyle.ini

Q. 12 Only ____ files can be used as an icon for Custom Tabs in

• png
• jpg
• svg
• tif
Q. 13 Is Easy Search also an integration type while configuring the OmniDocs Web
• Yes
• No

Q. 14
OmniDocs allows users to manage image as well as electronic documents in a
___________ _________ repository.
• multiple database
• multiple compressed
• single centralized
• dual compressed
Q. 15
What is OmniDocs?
• A desktop based application for managing and viewing the documents
• A web based application for managing and viewing the documents stored
• Both of the above
• None of the above
Q. 16 Multiple site can be added in same OmniDocs installation having same IP
• True
• False

Q. 17 Which full text search engine we use for MS-

• Lucene
• Microsoft Full-Text Engine for SQL Server (MSFTESQL)
• None of the above

Q. 18 To provide 3rd party utility, to use OmniDocs search / document view without login to
OmniDocs. What is the easiest methodology for that?
• One has to write integration code.
• Use Webservice
• Use web-api
• Not possible
Q. 19 How does OmniDocs EJB components connect to database Marks:1
• Using ODBC bridge
• Using JDBC-ODBC bridge
• Using JDBC API
• Using System DSN
Q. 20

A user wants to fetch information about the customer-related folders existing in the cabinet. In Marks:1
this case, the user will select the particular data class in the _____________ report and generate
the report.
• Corporate skills
• Enterprise Content
• Folder Data
• Product knowledge
Q. 1 Multiples volumes can be created on a single site in
• True
• False

Q. 2 What is a Site? Marks:1

• Location where application server is running
• Location where OmniDocs is installed
• Location Wrapper is running
• Location where Image Files are stored and can be accessed thereafter

Q. 3 It is possible to have more than one web server for OmniDocs

• True
• False

Q. 4 OmniDocs Application server layer is built on which

• SOA-advanced

Q. 5
Which type of document(s) is supported by
• Image Documents
• Non-Image Documents
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 6 API stands for: Marks:1

• Application Programming Interface
• Application Package Import
• Application Package Information
• All of the above

Q. 7 Which streaming server is supported by OmniDocs? Marks:1

• VLC Player
• Wowza
• Any Streaming Server
• Xuggler

Q. 8 In OmniDocs, custom operations are defined for ____.

A. Folder
B. Document Marks:1
C. Filepart
D. Record
• Only A, C
• Only B, C
• Only A, B, C
• All of the above

Q. 9 Multiple site can be added in same OmniDocs installation having same IP

• True
• False

Q. 10
One of the following is not an example of structured content.
• Records
• Scanned Images
• Database Tables
• Excel Sheets

Q. 11 Choose the correct interaction sequence. Marks:1

• OmniDocs <---> JTS <---> Database
• OmniDocs <---> Database <---> JTS
• Database <---> JTS <---> OmniDocs
• None of the above

Q. 12 Home Site is: Marks:1

• Where the documents of that image volume get added by default
• The site from where the user would wish to retrieve his documents
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 13 In OmniDocs, a Label is: Marks:1

• A physical location where PN files are stored.
• The physical path where the data files corresponding to volblocks will be
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 14
Users can search documents in OmniDocs on the basis of ________________.
• Keywords
• Folder
• picklist
• indexes

Q. 15 Choose the correct one: Marks:1

• It is possible to associate Dataclass to Folder only
• It is possible to associate Dataclass to Folder & Document
• It is possible to associate Dataclass to Document only
• All the above are correct

Q. 16 What is OmniDocs Web API? Marks:1

• Newgen created web based framework using which one create custom
• Newgen created web based framework for running OmniDocs application
• Newgen created web based framework for the integration of any external
application with OmniDocs
• Newgen created web based framework for running Newgen created web

Q. 17 We can have more than one web-server in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 18 In OmniDocs, what would be the security level, to restrict Access Rights validation at
folder and document level? Is it
• Cabinet Level
• No Security
• Object Level
• None of the above

Q. 19 Which one of the following is correct regarding OmniDocs deployment and

• OmniDocs need at-least one backend database for deployment and function
• OmniDocs can run without any database
• OmniDocs can run with database and without database also
• OmniDocs maintains data in windows file system in SMS

Q. 20 Can FTS be combined with index search? Marks:1

• Search is always combined
• Search is can be combined if user gives parameters on both
• Search can never be combined
• None of the above

Q. 1
Which type of Document(s) is supported by
• Image Documents
• Non-image Documents
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 2 Is Easy Search also an integration type while configuring the OmniDocs Web
• Yes
• No

Q. 3 How to apply keyword on folder in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• Open a folder. On properties tab - Add keyword Option is visible. Click on
that. Add keyword and click on save
• Keywords are not supported on folder
• Open a folder. On properties tab - Add keyword Option is visible. Click on
that. Add keyword
• None of the above

Q. 1 Rights can be assigned to data class Marks:1

• At time of creation of data class
• After creation
• Both of the above
• Not possible
Q. 2 The authentication of the user’s login attempts to Newgen application will be validated
against domain authentication. This is the Newgen enhanced security feature:
• Active Directory
• Single Sign On
• OmniDocs Authentication Manager (LDAP)
• None of the above

Q. 3 SMS in OmniDocs supports caching. Marks:1

• Trues
• False

Q. 4
User can view the last login details in OmniDocs. It displays_________________________.
• The last login time, Last Login Failure Time, Failure Attempt Count
• The last login time, Last Login Failure Time
• The last login time, Last Login Failure Time, Last Login Username
• The last login time, Failure Attempt Count, Last Login Username

Q. 5
Keywords in OmniDocs act as a quick reference for the ________________?
• Documents
• Folders
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 6 API stands for: Marks:1

• Application Programming Interface
• Application Package Import
• Application Package Information
• All of the above

. 7 Which of the following statements about linking of document is

• Documents of same folder can be linked
• A document can be linked to only one document whether in same folder or
different folder
• A document can be linked to one or more document in the same folder
• A document can be linked to one or more document in the different folder
Q. 8 The core business logic is implemented in which
• Database Storage tier
• Database Server
• Application Server
• OmniDocs Web Server

Q. 9 Does OmniDocs Architecture support platform independence? Marks:1

• NO
• Yes
• Depends on how it is deployed
• No, as it is purely desktop based application

Q. 10 What to do if a User wants to make document visible only to the owner or the
• Mark as Private
• Inherited
• Shared
• Both 2nd & 3rd

Q. 11 OmniDocs Application server layer is built on which

• SOA-advanced

Q. 12 In OmniDocs, a WebAPI can have following themes?

A. Classic
B. Professional
C. Oceanic
D. None of the Above
E. Any color can be chosen
• Only B, C
• Only D
• Only E
• Only A, B, C

Q. 13 How to add Custom Tab in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• Via Admin Console
• Via ComponentIntegration.xml
• Via OSA
• via eworkstyle.ini
Q. 14 Metadata for OmniDocs documents are stored in database. Marks:1
• True
• False

Q. 15 OmniDocs uses connection pool. Marks:1

• True
• False

Q. 16 LDAP stands for: Marks:1

• Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
• Light Document Access Protocol
• Light Drive Access Prototype
• Light Document Access Protocol

Q. 17 OmniDocs Server architecture is based on below

• J2EE
• .Net
• Both J2EE and .NET
• J2ME

Q. 18 Can FTS be combined with index search? Marks:1

• Search is always combined
• Search is can be combined if user gives parameters on both
• Search can never be combined
• None of the above

Q. 19 It is possible to have more than one web server for OmniDocs

• True
• False

Q. 20
To which of the following features would you associate OmniDocs
• Complex tool for Document Scanning, Indexing and Storage
• Vague reports for monitoring
• No rights at document level for sharing
• Configurable password policies

In Data Class of OmniDocs, following field type only can be marked

• Date
• Float
• Text
• Integer

How to add Custom Tab in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• Via Admin Console
• Via ComponentIntegration.xml
• Via OSA
• via eworkstyle.ini

Select which among the following is not allowed data type in Dataclass field type in
• Integer
• Date
• Float
• Double

Q. 14 In OmniDocs, custom operations are defined for ____.

A. Folder
B. Document Marks:1
C. Filepart
D. Record
• Only A, C
• Only B, C
• Only A, B, C
• All of the above

To enable PCI Compliance, which KMS can be supported by

• Azure Key-Vault
• All KMS
• Hadoop KMS
Is FTS available immediately after a document has been uploaded? Marks:1
• Yes, FTS is available immediately after a document has been uploaded
• No, admin has to explicitly trigger text extraction for that document for FTS
to work
• No, uploading user has to explicitly trigger text extraction for that document
for FTS to work
• No, text will be extracted and indexed automatically in the next extraction
cycle after completing all documents or completing documents as per “Document

What is the limit of document storage in

• 10 GB
• 100 GB
• 1 TB
• Unlimited

Latest version of OmniDocs 7.0 8.x is not released on which

• Jboss.EAP
• Weblogic
• Sun JSAS
• Websphere

In OmniDocs, Custom Actions are defined for which

• OmniProcess
• Repository
• Search
• Reports

To provide 3rd party utility, to use OmniDocs search / document view without login to
OmniDocs. What is the easiest methodology for that?
• One has to write integration code.
• Use Webservice
• Use web-api
• Not possible

Using the OmniDocs Web API, a user can have the following advantages: Marks:1
A. Create an application for configuring any external system for Image Enabling.
B. Configure the display functionality to customize the view to whether a single document or
document list is to be displayed.
C. Generate and use the sample integration code to be used in the external application for
carrying out the integration activity.
• Statement A & B are correct.
• Statement B & C are correct.
• Statement C & A are correct
• All the above statements are correct.

What is volume block in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• It is the physical storage area of the document.
• It is the logical storage area of the document.
• It signifies the path of the document
• None of the above

How does OmniDocs EJB components connect to database Marks:1

• Using ODBC bridge
• Using JDBC-ODBC bridge
• Using JDBC API
• Using System DSN

Can FTS be combined with index search? Marks:1

• Search is always combined
• Search is can be combined if user gives parameters on both
• Search can never be combined
• None of the above

In OmniDocs, one can assign data class to a document

• OmniDocs Admin
• OmniDocs Client
• Both of the above
• None of the above

OmniDocs supports following browsers: Marks:1

• Internet Explorer
• Netscape
• Safari
• Opera

How many types of user are there in

• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5

In OmniDocs to secure data, following information can be

• Data Class Field Values and Keywords
• Global Index values and Keywords
• Name of Document and Folder
• Data Class Field Values and Global Index values

In latest version of OmniDocs, special character used for file convention name
• $
• @
• %
• #

In OmniDocs, to enable 3rd party viewer, where does one changes code for
A. omnidocs.war
B. Custom.war Marks:1
C. Opall.war
D. eworkstyle.ini
E. ComponentIntegration.xml
• Only B, C, E
• Only A, D
• Only A, B, D, E
• Only B, D

In OmniDocs, where is the data related to the images stored? Marks:1

• PN Files
• Database
• Log
• None of the above

Only ____ files can be used as an icon for Custom Tabs in

• png
• jpg
• svg
• tif
Even distribution of jobs and associated communications across the computing and
networking resources is termed as ___________________
• Distributed System
• Fail Over
• Load Balancing
• Shared System

What are the available replication types in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• Delayed
• Immediate
• Both of the above
• None of the above

To which of the following features would you associate OmniDocs

• Complex tool for Document Scanning, Indexing and Storage
• Vague reports for monitoring
• No rights at document level for sharing
• Configurable password policies

If in a cabinet all folders are named fold1, fold2, fold3, fold4. How would you search them in
folder search tab?
• fo*
• f?ol*
• fol?
• fold

In OmniDocs, using Opallviewer, which type of documents can be

• .png , .xls
• .jpg, .png , .tif, .pdf, .bmp
• .tif, .ppt ,.doc
• .xls

Company which are HIPAA compliant. They have to secure following

• Credit Card Information
• Health Information
• Personal Data - Mobile No, Email etc
• Aadhar Card Information
A site in OmniDocs is identified by two attributes viz. namely, _________ &
__________ .
• SMS IP & SMS Port
• AP Server IP & AP Server Port
• Site IP & Site Port
• All of the above are synonymous

ormal users of OmniDocs can create Marks:1

• Root Folder
• Sub Folder
• Both Root Folder and Sub Folder
• None of the above

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding color themes in

• Admin can change for whole system
• Admin can change for whole system but not for users with their own theme
specified. Users have to select between specified themes
• Users can define their own Custom themes
• All of the above

Which OCR engine is used to extract data from scanned

• ScanSoft OmniPage
• OCRFeeder
• Scantron

One of the following is not an example of structured content. Marks:1

• Records
• Scanned Images
• Database Tables
• Excel Sheets

In OmniDocs, a___________ is a notification that would be flashed / emailed to all the selected users Marks:1
• sms
• message
• reminder
• alert

Bulk Upload to OmniDocs is: Marks:1

• TIFF based
• TXT based
• XLSX based
• CSV based

Replication between the local and central storage servers requires direct
• Network Connectivity
• Full Access of both the server
• TCP/IP connectivity
• None of the above

If we create a version in OmniDocs document, how can we recover old

• Old documents are not recoverable
• Select document --> versions--> select old version and view
• Select document--> see history of documents-->view document
• Select document--> Properties-->see history of documents-->view

In OmniDocs “Create Shortcut” feature

• New document of same size
• Create document reference only
• Both of the above
• None of the above

How to change OmniDocs logo, which appears top right corner of every OmniDocs
• OmniDocs-Admin --> Configure Desktop-->Desktop Settings --> Change
• OmniDocs-Admin --> Configure Desktop --> Change Logo
• OmniDocs-Admin --> Change Logo
• OmniDocs is proprietary product of Newgen. And logo removal is not

Integrated Document Management [IDM] does not include: Marks:1

• Document Management
• Document Imaging
• Workflow
• Web Publishing

While viewing documents in OmniDocs IVApplet, client must have

• Username / Password
• Security
• Certificate
• Slowness

Keywords in OmniDocs that are associated with a document to perform search are of? Marks:1
• 3 types
• 2 types
• 4 types
• Many types

Document Management Systems[DMS] helps an Organization to better manage ______________ Marks:

________________________________________________ of electronic documents. 1
• Creation, Revision, and Approval
• Creation, Revision, and Consumption
• Creation, Revision, Approval, and Consumption
• Creation, Approval, and Retrieval

In which format, dataclass can be exported or imported in OmniDocs

• comma separated value
• .xml format
• .txt format
• Not possible

While making any data class field secure in OmniDocs, we can perform following
• Data Class Field can be marked secure only on creation.
• Data Class Field can be marked un-secure any time.
• Data Class Field can be marked secure any time.
• Only secure global index can be part of Data Class.

Efficient use of bandwidth is achieved in OmniDocs Document viewer because
• fetches document byte by byte
• fetches document in synchronised stream
• fetches document in asynchronised stream
• fetches document page by page

OmniDocs Document viewer is built using which
• Ajax-Json
• HTML5-Ajax and HTML5-Angular
• All of the above
• None of the above

Keywords in OmniDocs that are associated with a document to perform search are of? Marks:1
• 3 types
• 2 types
• 4 types
• Many types

One can logout OmniDocs client session

• WebDesktop screen
• Custom Desktop screen
• Both of the above
• None of the above

It is possible to create a new version of a document in

• Yes, by using check –in check-out feature.
• Yes, download document, modify it and re-upload the document.
• Yes, download document delete it from OmniDocs, change in downloaded
document and upload.
• No, document versioning is not possible.

Size of VolBlock in OmniDocs: Marks:1

• Cannot be changed
• Can only be increased
• Can be increased and decreased both
• None of the above

Dataclass in OmniDocs is used to

• Indexing
• Searching
• Linking
• All of the above
Available Security levels in OmniDocs
i. Cabinet Level Marks:1
ii. Object Level
iii. No Security
• (i) and (ii)
• (i) and (iii)
• (ii) and (iii)
• (i), (ii) and (iii)

What are the components of Image Server? Marks:1

• Image Cabinet and SMS
• JTS and SMS only
• JTS only
• SMS only

In OmniDocs, in order to perform replication in such a way so that the data that is getting
added at the Source should also get added at the replica site at the same time.
• Immediate Replication
• Delayed Replication
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Select which among below is not an option while creating dataclass field in
• Useful
• Mandatory
• Unique
• Size

What is the default group created in

• Public
• Private
• Protected
• Restricted

One can logout OmniDocs client session

• WebDesktop screen
• Custom Desktop screen
• Both of the above
• None of the above

What is the timeout option in the OmniDocs Web

• This is the time in seconds, when the user is not using the application then
after the specified time, session gets expired.
• This is the time limit in milliseconds within which the request should reach
from the client to server.
• This is the time in milliseconds, when the user is not using the application
then after the specified time, session gets expired.
• This is the time limit in seconds within which the request should reach from
the client to server.

OmniDocs works on all________ operating systems, ___________ databases, application servers

and web servers.
• Intel based, standard
• Window-based, content
• Open source, relational
• Major, industry-standard

In latest version of OmniDocs, file convention is mandatory

• Document type configuration
• Folder type configuration
• Both of the above
• None of the above

What are the components of Image Server? Marks:1

• Image Cabinet and SMS
• JTS and SMS only
• JTS only
• SMS only

Which entity can be set by user in 'Advance' option of user

• Date Of Birth
• Fax No
• Phone No
• Department Name

Rights in OmniDocs can be assigned to _______________________________________. Marks:1

• User and supervisors only
• User and groups only
• User, groups and role only
• Groups, and role only

How to apply keyword on folder in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• Open a folder. On properties tab - Add keyword Option is visible. Click on
that. Add keyword and click on save
• Keywords are not supported on folder
• Open a folder. On properties tab - Add keyword Option is visible. Click on
that. Add keyword
• None of the above

Does Full Text Search give a relevancy

• It gives number of occurrences of the word
• It gives an indication of how relevant the search string is
• It gives no ranking
• Documents are ranked based on their usefulness

In OmniDocs, one can assign data class to a document

• OmniDocs Admin
• OmniDocs Client
• Both of the above
• None of the above

___________________________ is a component of Image Server in OmniDocs which provides the

actual storage and retrieval of Image Data.
• Image Management Server
• Database Server
• Image Storage Server
• Storage Management Server
Each Image Volume has a _________. This is where the documents of that image volume get
added by default.
• Default Site
• Home Site
• Preferred Site
• None of the above

Which option is true after performing delete operation on

• Document permanently deleted from OmniDocs repository.
• Move to Trash
• Both of the above
• None of the above

______________________ report is generated to give information about all the documents

created within the specified created date range.
• Document initiation
• Document upload status
• Document creation
• Upload Status

Maker Checker Feature can be applied to: Marks:1

• Data Class
• Site
• Volume
• None of the above

OmniDocs Admin is also known

• Cabinet Management
• Document Management
• Queue Management
• Process Management

Image Server Admin operations are: Marks:1

• Add Document, View Document, and Download document
• Replication and Compaction
• Replication, Compaction, and Move VolBlock
• Move VolBlock only

Which component of OmniDocs is actually used by end user using Marks:1

• OmniDocs Web component
• OmniDocs EJB component
• Both Web and EJB components
• None of the above

During Configuring Search in OmniDocs Admin, if All Data Classes check-box option is
selected then:
• User is not able to select any data class
• User is able to select data class
• It is choice of a user, whether to select data class or not
• None of the above

The core business logic is implemented in which

• Database Storage tier
• Database Server
• Application Server
• OmniDocs Web Server

Which of the following is not an Image Server

• Add Document
• Replication
• User Creation
• Move VolBlock

What is the Default port for site creation in OmniDocs? Marks:1

• 9000
• 10000
• 900
• No default port

In OmniDocs, a Label is created

• OmniDocs Admin
• Omnidocs Web Client
• All of the above
Once dataclass is added in OmniDocs, how to add another field to
• By edit option
• By modify option
• By renaming
• Not possible

In OmniDocs, the default client port for SMS

• 900
• 10000
• 9003
• 9080

In OmniDocs, what does the PN file consist of? Marks:1
• Images
• Metadata
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Select which among below is not an option while creating dataclass field in
• Useful
• Mandatory
• Unique
• Size

Image type pdf documents are shown in which

• Pdf Reader embedded in browser
• OpAll Viewer
• Acrobat Reader
• All the options are correct

In OmniDocs, which of the following information is required while creating

• Label Name
• Location of Media
• Both of the above
• None of the above
In OmniDocs, which group is associated with supervisor user by
• Supervisor
• Everyone
• Others
• Both 1st & 2nd options

How can we lock a document in OmniDocs, such that while reading or modifying no one else
can change?
• Select Document -->Lock option--> set lock
• Select Document-->Select Properties-->Set Lock
• Document cannot be locked
• Check out document-->automatically

Choose the correct option: Marks:1

• Supervisor User cannot be deleted
• Supervisor User can be deleted
• Both of the above.
• None of the above.

What is the need of managing content in organizations? Marks:1

• To abide to policies and rules laid by the Government
• Exert control over large volumes of records and documents
• Incorrect question. Do not need to manage
• Both option 1st & 2nd

What would be the security level, to restrict Access Rights validation at folder and document level in
• Cabinet Level
• No Security
• Object Level
• None of the above

In OmniDocs, notification of alarm can be done through: Marks:1

• A flashing icon in OmniDocs Web Desktop to the specified users
• Emailing to the users on the occurrence of the specified event
• Both of the above
• None of the above
Q. 1 NGOIsAdmin validates: Marks:1

Whether the logged in user is a member of the public Group

Whether the logged in user is a member of the Everyone Group

** Whether the logged in user is a member of the Supervisor Group

None of the above

Q. 2 For cabinet registration in MSSQL SERVER database where do the cabinet and database entries
go? Marks:1


** server.xml and odcablist.ini


All of the above

Q. 1 To enable Easy Search in OmniDocs, information to enable it is kept in: Marks:1




** eworkstyle.ini

Q. 2 In latest version of OmniDocs, OmniProcess Draft folder is a look in folder for: Marks:1

** Maker (Upload)

Step1 (Checker1)

Step2 (Checker2)

Step3 (Checker3)

Q. 1 In latest version of OmniDocs, OmniProcess Submit folder is a look in folder for:

Maker (Upload)

** Step1 (Checker1)
Step2 (Checker2)

Step3 (Checker3)

Q. 2 Which of the following OmniDocs component is used for adding or viewing the document?


** SMS


Alarm Mailer

Q. 2 Which call would you use to get the list of Versions of a document? Marks:1


** NGOGetVersionList



Q. 3 How does text indexing affect database performance? Marks:1

In no way

Database queries get slower

** Database size increases

None of the above

Q. 1 In latest version of OmniDocs, if instrument(document or folder) is saved but not submitted, it

will be saved to:


Submit folder

Root folder

** Draft folder
None of the above

Q. 1 In latest version of OmniDocs, OmniProcess Root folder is a parent folder for:

Draft Folder

Submit folder

** Both of the above

None of the above

Q. 1 Which module is NOT configured as Landing Page in OmniDocs?


** Trash


Custom Tab

Q. 5 Default Wrapper ports (if application server is NOT JBOSS EAP) are: Marks:1

900 & 10000

3333 & 9999

1099 & 1098

None of the above


Q. 1 Suppose User makes Search A as Favorite Search and Search B as Landing Page and Search
Module is Landing Page for

that user. Which search will be Landing Page? Marks:1

Search A

xx Search B

Search A & B

None of the above

Q. 1 What are the recommended scan settings to ensure good OCR results?

OCR is not dependent on settings

xx Document must be scanned at 100 DPI

Document must be scanned at 300 DPI

Document must be scanned at 600 DPI

Q. 1 Write the search string you will use if you want to search only documents which have two
particular words. Marks:1

Word1 & Word2

xx Word1 OR Word2

Word1 AND Word2

None of the above

Q. 1 FTS isn't working and you get an error indexing service is not running. What will you check

Check database text indexing service

Check whether TEM is running

Check whether AppServer is running

xx Check whether SMS is running

Q. 2 To upgrade OmniProcess from previous version to latest version of OmniDocs,

which of following statement is CORRECT:

• While upgrading from OSA, OmniProcesses are also upgraded

OmniDocs Admin UI is used to upgrade OmniProcess

• OmniProcesses from previous version cannot be upgraded. Need or create new

• Need to copy ApplicationConfiguration.xml and Criteria.xml from previous version to latest

version of OmniDocs
Q. 3 Which module is NOT configured as Landing Page in OmniDocs?

• Repository


• OmniProcess

• Custom Tab

Q. 4 Where do we configure supported Audio/Video formats in OmniDocs?


• IS.ini

• mediaConfiguration.ini

• ApplicationConfiguration.xml

Q. 5 How many default groups are created in OmniDocs during installation?

• 2

• 4

• 5

Q. 6 Which of the following languages are supported by OmniDocs 10.x?

• English (US)

• Arabic

Both of the above

• None of the above

Q. 7 What API would you use to dissociate globalindex from document

• NGORemoveGlobalIndexFromDoc
• NGODisAssociateGlobalIndexFromDocument

• NGORemoveGlobalIndexFromDocument


Q. 8 In case of web-api integration, which file gets populated with newly made application?

• Criteria.xml

• ApplicationIntegration.xml

• ComponentIntegration.xml

None of the above

Q. 9 In latest version of OmniDocs, if instrument(document or folder) uploaded and

immediately submitted then this instrument is moved to:

Submit folder

• Root folder

• Draft folder

• None of the above

Q. 10 Which protocol is used to play Audio/Video formats in OmniDocs Web?





Q. 11 What are the recommended scan settings to ensure good OCR results?

• OCR is not dependent on settings

• Document must be scanned at 100 DPI

Document must be scanned at 300 DPI

• Document must be scanned at 600 DPI

Q. 12 NGOGetFolderIdForName API is used:

• To fetch Folder name

To fetch Folder Index

• To fetch Folder properties

• None of the above

Q. 13 How can FTS work if it cannot use database inbuilt search engine?

• There is no way FTS can work without database support

• Write code to index text

Use a third party text engine like Lucene

• None of the above

Q. 14 Suppose User wants to make any Search as a Landing Page, What are the Prerequisites?

• Search has rights for everyone

• Even if Search has not rights for everyone, it can be set during making Search as Landing Page

• No rights concept applied before making any Search as Landing Page

Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 15 Write the search string you will use if you want to search only documents

which have two particular words.

• Word1 & Word2

• Word1 OR Word2

Word1 AND Word2

• None of the above

Q. 16 What are the different views available for displaying the search results in OmniDocs?
A. Combo box view
B. List View
C. Advance List view

• B & C only

• A & B only

• A & C only

A, B and C

Q. 17 In latest version of OmniDocs, OmniProcess Submit folder is a look in folder for:

• Maker (Upload)

Step1 (Checker1)

• Step2 (Checker2)

• Step3 (Checker3)

Q. 18 Where does JNDI Port entry go?

• NGOClientData.xml

• IS.ini

Both the options 1 & 2

• None of the above

. 19 What are various field constraint supported on data class?

• Unique

• Mandatory

All of the above

• None of the above

Q. 20 Default Wrapper ports (if application server is NOT JBOSS EAP) are:

• 900 & 10000

3333 & 9999

• 1099 & 1098

• None of the above

Q. 3 To view secured data in OmniDocs, which right is required?

• Read and Modify

• Modify Only

• Read Only

Read and View Secured Data

. 5 In OmniDocs, name of the PN file includes information about which of the following field(s):

• Volume ID

• Site ID

• VolBlock ID

All of the above

Q. 6 How to achieve the functionality of locking and unlocking of document, folder or Cabinet?

• NGOGetSetLocks

• NGOSetGetLocks

• NGOPerformLocks

Q. 10 FTS isn't working and you get an error indexing service is not running.

What will you check first?

Check database text indexing service

• Check whether TEM is running

• Check whether AppServer is running

• Check whether SMS is running

Q. 11 How can we trace as to what users did in OmniDocs, over a period of time?

• omnidocs_operation_logs

• AuditLogs

• Not possible to trace


Q. 13 Custom document viewer can be enabled in OmniDocs by doing which of the following configurations?

• Change CustomViewer flag to Y in eworkstyle.ini file.

• Provide custom viewer path in eworkstyle.ini file.

• Provide supported file type for custom viewer in eworkstyle.ini file.

All of the above

Q. 15 Which of the following databases OmniDocs 10.x does NOT support?

• Oracle 11g/12c

Mongo DB

• MSSQL 2016

• Postgres 9.3

Q. 18 Which application type is used to configure audio/video in OmniDocs?


• VOD-Edge

• VOD HTTP Origin

• audio/video Edge

Q. 20 How to fetch property of an OmniDocs Group?

• NGOFetchGroupProperty


• NGOFetchGroupPropertyExt

• NGOGetGroupPropertyExt

Q. 2 In OmniDocs, where does the entry for cabinet registration go?

• admin.ini and odcablist.ini

• eworkstyle.ini

• Both of the above

None of the above

Q. 8 Where does the entry for cabinet association go?


• odcablist.ini

• admin.ini

• eworkstyle.ini

Q. 9 OmniDocs 10.x is released on which of the following Operating System?

• RHEL 6.0/7.0
• Windows 2012

Both of the above

• None of the above

. 10 To increase mail sending time in alarm mailer, which flag needs to be configured in OmniDocs?


• timeformail

• Mailtime

• mailSendTime

Q. 11 Which of the following OmniDocs component is used for adding or viewing the




• Wrapper

• Alarm Mailer

Q. 12 Which API is used to create folder in OmniDocs?

• NGOCreateFolder

• NGOInsertFolder

• NGOAddFolder

• None of the above

Q. 15 How to get List of Groups in the System?

• NGOGetGroupList

• NGOGetGroupsListExt
• NGOGetGroupsList


. 20 TEM is not able to retrieve documents from SMS. What will you check first?

• Check database text indexing service

• Check whether TEM is running

• Check whether AppServer is running

Check whether SMS is running

Q. 9 From which API call one can get Session ID?

• NGOGetSessionID

• NGOGetUserDBId


• None of the above

Q. 13 Which of the following application servers, OmniDocs 10.x does NOT supports?

• Jboss EAP 6.4/7.0

• Weblogic 12c

Apache Tomcat

• WebSphere 8.5.5

Q. 15 To enable WebScan feature in OmniDocs, which of following configuration is required in ewrokstyle.ini?


• SannerDisplay

• DisplayScan
• None of the above

Q. 18 Which call is used to obtain the Log generated for the objects like user, group,

document, folder etc?

• NGOGetLog

• NGOGetObjectLog


• None

Q. 5 Which call would you use to get the list of Versions of a document?

• NGOGetDocVersionsList


• NGOGetDocVersionList

• NGOGetVersionsList

Q. 9 In OmniDocs Web API:

i. One create application and OmniDocs provides its name
ii. It is mandatory to provide the application name
iii. Application name is user defined
iv. Application name is mandatory and can be only system defined

• (i) and (ii)

(ii) and (iii)

• (i), (iii) and (iv)

• (i), (ii) and (iv)

Q. 10 Which call to be used to associate the Keywords with a document?


• NGOAddKeywordsToDocument
• NGOAttachKeywordsToDoc

• NGOAddKeywordToDocument

Q. 13 Which API is used to fetch list of DataClass available in cabinet?

• NGOGetDataDefList

• NGOGetDataClassList

• NGOGetDataClassListExt


Q. 14 Where does JNDI Port entry go?

• NGOClientData.xml

• IS.ini

Both the options 1 & 2

• None of the above

Q. 19 Time out in Web API is defined in:

• Minutes


• Milliseconds

• Nanoseconds

Q. 5 Which flag need to be enabled to enable performance optimization

feature in OmniDocs?


• Performance

• EnablePerformance
• None of the above

Q. 7 Which flag is used to Enable Google Drive check-in/check-out option in OmniDocs?


• GoogleDocsIntegration

• GoogleIntegration

• None of the above

Q. 8 In latest version of OmniDocs, OmniProcess Draft folder is a look in folder for:

Maker (Upload)

• Step1 (Checker1)

• Step2 (Checker2)

• Step3 (Checker3)

Q. 11 Where to define omnidocs_logs folder location?

• server.xml



Q. 12 How can you make connection with the cabinet using the OmniDocs Web API?

• User name

• User Session Index

• External Login

All the above statements are correct

Q. 15 In which tag, session ID will pass for API?

• <SessionID>

• <UniqueID>


• None of the above

Q. 20 For cabinet registration in MSSQL SERVER database where

do the cabinet and database entries go?


• server.xml and odcablist.ini

• eworkstyle.ini

• All of the above

Q. 3 Which call is used to obtain the Log generated for the objects

like user, group, document, folder etc?

• NGOGetLog

• NGOGetObjectLog


• None

Q. 4 How to fetch property of an OmniDocs Group?

• NGOFetchGroupProperty


• NGOFetchGroupPropertyExt

• NGOGetGroupPropertyExt
Q. 12 Which component is used for the synchronization of a domain

configured on any directory service to the cabinet?

OmniDocs Authentication Manager

• Thumbnail Manager

• Alarm Mailer

• Remote Image Server

Q. 4 While encrypting secure data in OmniDocs, following algorithm can be used:

AES - 256

• AES - 512

• PCI-256

• PCI-512

Q. 18 To enable Seclore feature in OmniDocs, LDAP related information is kept in:

• eworkstyle.ini

• SecloreConfiguration.xml

• StoredCredential

Q. 19 In OmniDocs, which search option is not available in Integration

type Document List?

• Document Name

• Data Class


• None of the above

Q. 3 In OmniDocs, a user can search the documents on what parameters when document view is used as an integrati
A. Document Name
B. Document Index
C. Data Class

• Both A & B

• Both B & C

• Both A & C

A, B and C

Q. 20 One can create Web API that connects with OmniDocs:

• With an username and password

• With OmniDocs user session id

Both options 1st & 2nd

• Web API does not have provision to connect with OmniDocs. An explicit connection needs to
be established.

Q. 5 How to apply Global Index on folder in OmniDocs?

• Open a folder. On properties tab - Add Global Index Option is visible. Click on that. Add
Global Index and click on save.

Global Index are not supported on folder

• Open a folder. On properties tab Add Global Index Option is visible. Click on that. Add Global

• None of the above

Q. 6 To enable Easy Search in OmniDocs, information to enable it is kept in:

• ApplicationConfiguration.xml
• admin.ini

• SecloreConfiguration.xml


Q. 10 Which SMS port is used when adding site in OmniDocs Admin?

Client port

• Admin port

• Any port can be given

• None of the above

Q. 20 If a data class field is of array type then it can be mapped only with a _________________


• Combo

• ListBox

• Masked Text Box

Q. 3 Which user(s) is/are created in OmniDocs during installation?

supervisor & supervisor2

• supervisor1 & supervisor2

• guest & owner

• supervisor only

Q. 6 To upgrade Search Configurations from previous version to latest version of

OmniDocs, which of following statement is CORRECT:

While upgrading from OSA, Search Configurations are also upgraded.

• OmniDocs Admin UI is used to upgrade Search Configurations

• Search Configurations from previous version cannot be upgraded. Need or create new

• Need to copy SearchConfiguration.xml from previous version to latest version of OmniDocs

Q. 8 To enable Seclore feature in OmniDocs, Policy Server Details are kept in:

• eworkstyle.ini



• StoredCredential

Q. 10 Which flag need to be enabled to enable integration with Seclore Policy

Feature in OmniDocs?

• EnableSeclore


• EnableSecureLink

• ShowSecloreLink

Q. 11 Components of RIS are:

• Image Server and Application Server

• Image Server and Web Server

• Application Server, Web Server and SMS

Image Server, Web Server, and SMS

Q. 16 Which privilege allows the user to create or modify a data class?

• Image Server Operations

Define/Modify Data Definitions

• Create User/Group
• Assign Rights

Q. 14 Which criteria need to be fulfilled for move/copy document in OmniDocs?

Having delete rights at source folder and having create rights at destination folder

• Having create rights at source folder and having delete rights at destination folder

• Both of the above

• None of the above

Q. 16 In OmniDocs, cabinet specific eworkstyle.ini file path is:

• Application Server/bin/ngdbini/Custom

• Application Server/bin/ngdbini/odwebini

• Application Server/bin/ngdbini/

Application Server/bin/ngdbini/Custom/CabinetNamedFolder

Q. 7 In OmniDocs, a Volume can have:

• Two home site

One home site

• Multiple home sites

• None of the above

Q. 11 In OmniDocs, which component listens on a TCP/IP Socket and communicates

with Application Server?




Q. 20 To upgrade WEB-API from previous version to latest version of OmniDocs,

which of following statement is CORRECT:

• While upgrading from OSA, WEB-APIs are also upgraded

• OmniDocs Admin UI is used to upgrade WEB-API

• WEB-API from previous version cannot be upgraded. Need or create new

Need to copy ApplicationConfiguration.xml and Criteria.xml from previous version

to latest version of OmniDocs

Q. 6 Upgrade to latest version of OmniDocs is possible only from which of the

following older versions of OmniDocs?

• OmniDocs 6.0

• OmniDocs 8.0

• OmniDocs 9.0

All of the above

Q. 2 Which of the following statements is CORRECT wrt playing audio/video

in OmniDocs?

Wowza streaming server must have access to audio/video files located in SMS

• SMS server and Wowza server must be installed on same system

• SMS server must keep audio/video files in AES-256 encrypted format

• SMS server and Wowza server must be installed on different system

Q. 11 Which of the following password encryption algorithms is/are available in


• PC-1

• SH-256

• SH-512 and AES

All of the above

Q. 5 In OmniDocs, secured document by Policy server can be seen in:

• OpalViewer

• Native Viewer

Seclore Client Viewer

• Can be seen only after decryption

Q. 16 Which of the following integration type is not available in OmniDocs Web API?

• Document View

• Folder View

• Document List

Folder List

Q. 4 Which option is available under “View Search Result In” option of Web API?

• List View

• List Box


• None of the above

Q. 4 What configuration tags are required to enable Forward Feature in OmniDocs?

MailServerIpAddress, AdminMailId, SSLenabled, UserName, Password, MailServerPort

• MailServerIpAddress, AdminMailId, SSLenabled

• AdminMailId,SSLenabled, UserName, Password, MailServerPort

• SSLenabled,UserName, Password, MailServerPort

Q. 1 In OmniDocs, what should be the name of added application in Wowza?

• Same as Cabinet Name

Same as Volume Name

• Combination of Cabinet Name – Label Name

• Any random name

Q. 1 The feature to perform the task of data highlighting is called _____________________.

• Document definition

• Template definition

• Document image

Zone definition

Q. 2 One can ______________________________________ using OmniDocs Web API:

add, modify and delete applications

• add, modify but cannot delete application

• add, delete but cannot modify application

• only add application

Q. 7 Suppose User makes Search A as Favorite Search and Search B as Landing Page

and Search Module is Landing Page for that user. Which search will be Landing Page?

Search A
• Search B

• Search A & B

• None of the above


Q. 1 In iBPS, who can save the changes to a WorkItem while working in shared mode?
• Any user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Any Supervisor user to whom WorkItem is shared
• Owner of the WorkItem if WorkItem is not in read-only mode
• Any Supervisor user

Q. 2 In iBPS, Application Configuration option is available for which type of users?

• Normal Users
• Administrator
• All the users
• None of the Above

Q. 6 In iBPS, from where can we disable the OmniDocs Maker Checker functionality in Rig
• Under Cabinet Properties Option
• Under Profile Association Option
• Under Manage Password Policy Option
• Maker Checker Functionality once enabled can not be disabled

Q. 7 To register applications hosted on the same server where OmniApp is running, what
• Application Name
• Application Port
• Context Path

Q. 10 How to create tab within tab in iForms?

• Option available in section properties
• Option available in tab property
• It can only be created in header
• None of the above

Q. 16 In iBPS, which of the following cannot be set as priority of WorkItem?

• High
• Very High
• Urgent Attention
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd
Q. 24 In iBPS, API which returns user session is:
• WMConnect
• WFConnect
• None of the above
• Both the Option 1st & 2nd

Q. 14 In iBPS, OTMS is used for movement of Data across cabinets:

• True
• False

Q. 4 Which of the following operations can be performed on SYSADMIN Profile?

• View
• Modify
• Delete
• None of the Above

Q. 5 In iBPS, what is the default value of maximum length of textbox before mapping?
• 25
• 50
• 20
• None of the above

Q. 10 In iBPS, API I/O XML can be checked at which location.

• nglogs/{cabinetname}/of_server
• {cabinetname}/nglogs/of_server
• nglogs/of_server
• None of the above

Q. 11 How many Component Instance can be configured for One Component in

• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 16 In iForm, ReadOnly property is available for which controls?

• Checkbox
• Combobox
• Table
• List view

Q. 17 MDM configuration folder can be located in server with name:

• Crwebconfig
• Webdesktopconf
• Cfwebconfig
• None of these

Q. 19

The following 4 statements are pertaining to Users in Rights Management System of

(i) Users created through OmniDocs will get reflected in Rights Management
(ii) Users created through Rights Management can be modified in OmniDocs
(iii) Users created through OmniDocs can be modifed in Rights Management
(iv) Rights Management and OmniDocs are 2 different modules so Users created in any o

will not be reflected in another.

Which of the above statements are true?

• Only (i) and (ii)
• Only (iv)
• Only (ii) and (iii)
• All (i), (ii) and (iii)

Q. 20 How many new controls have been added in latest version of iBPS?
• 4
• 3
• 2
• 0

Q. 21 How to make a section collapsible in iForm?

• It is available through themes
• All the sections are by default collapsed
• It is configured through section property
• All of the above

Q. 23 In iBPS, which one of the following options is not a standard interface?

• To Do List
• Exception
• JMS Producer
• Scan Tool

Q. 25 In “write your own query mode” within iBPS (BAM), complex query string can be executed as:
• Query
• Procedure
• Both of the above
• None of the above
Q. 25 In “write your own query mode” within iBPS (BAM), complex query string can be executed as:
• Query
• Procedure
• Both of the above
• None of the above
Q. 3 In JavaScript which method gets invoked on click of Tab Sheet
• eventdispatched
• onTabClick
• eventTabClick
• None of the above
Q. 4 Which tag can be used to verify the success/error status of iBPS API?
• Description
• ErrorCode
• Main Code
• None of these
Q. 10 In iForm, which option is NOT present in column layout options?
• 2
• 4
• 6
• 8
Q. 11 To which group(s), Rights Management component should be available by default?
• BusinessAdmin
• ProcessDe
• WebDesktop
• All of the above
Q. 12 In iForm, how do you hide the leftmost column in an enabled grid?
• Select Hide Delete option from table properties
• Use product API
• Both of the above
• None of the above
Q. 18 In iBPS, Query WorkStep is used to:
• Open WorkItem on discarded WorkStep in read only mode
• Open WorkItem on exit WorkStep in read only mode
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 19 Which of the following is ONE of the MDM constraints?

• Table should have atleast one foreign key
• Table should have atleast one primary key
• Table should have either a primary key or foreign key
• None of the above

Q. 20 In iBPS (BAM), multiple instances of the same report can be added to schedule.
• Yes
• No
• Only limited number of instances
• None of the above

Q. 21 In iBPS, Queue Management component is available to:

• All the users
• Members of Supervisor group.
• User having Business Admin View rights.
• Both the options 1st & 3rd
Q. 23 In User Management component of iBPS, users can be searched on which of the fo
• Filter on Process
• Filter on Worksteps
• Filter on Queue
• Both the options 1st & 2nd
Q. 25 How to execute the procedure in iBPS (BAM) for SQL database?
• Exec ProcedureName
• Execute ProcedureName
• Call ProcedureName
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 2 In iBPS, for accessing the logs of a secure server which of the following configuration
• Set SSLSecured=Y in ofservices.ini
• Set HTTPSSecured=Y in ofservices.ini
• Check SSLSecured option while registering the server
• No additional configuration required

Q. 9 In iBPS, how can we search workitems that are at end event WorkStep?
• By selecting All WorkItem option in Search Workitem options
• By selecting In Process option in Search Workitem options
• Not feasible
• None of the above
Q. 10 In iBPS (BAM), scheduled reports can be destined to:
• Some hard drive location on server
• Archive to OmniDocs in a folder
• Notified through mail and some email-id as attachment
• All of the above

Q. 11 How many Component Instance can be configured for One Component in OmniApp
• One
• Two
• Three
• Multiple

Q. 14 In OmniApp, for registering a Component Instance data has not to be provided und
• Input
• View
• Output
• Methods

Q. 15 In iForm, which of the controls cannot be mapped with a variable?

• Button
• Label
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 16 In iForm, using which event, a textbox can be converted into a picklist?

• Keypress F3
• Keypress F2
• Keypress F1
• KeyDown

Q. 17 In iBPS, if one has associated all the WorkItem interfaces with activity then which o
following interfaces will be displayed by default in popup WorkItem?
• Exception
• Form, Document, Todo.
• Form, Document.
• Todo, Exception.

Q. 20 In iBPS, which feature(s) is not available in embedded WorkDesk view?

• Save/Done/Initiate workitem
• Actions
• Edit Layout and Add/Import document
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 21 In iBPS, which all formats are available in WebDesktop to save WorkItem History?
• txt
• xls
• csv
• All of the Above

Q. 23 Calling API in iBPS can be eased due to use of:

• NGEJBCallBroker.jar
• WFShared.jar
• WFS_Ejb.jar
• None of these

Q. 25 In iForm, mandatory property remains hidden if __________?

• enable is yes and read only is no
• enable is yes and visible is yes
• read only is yes and enable is yes
• None of the above

Q. 3 Which of the following is NOT included in Action Items tab?

• Items modified by me
• Items waiting for approval
• Items confirmed by me
• None of the above

Q. 4 In OmniApp, Views can be:

• Configured/Saved for each particular user
• Configured/Saved for each group
• Configured/Saved for each particular application
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 7 In iBPS, how can we create custom link in Web client?

• As an external application component in omniapp.
• As an internal application component in omniapp
• Both of the above
• None of the aboveNone of the Above

Q. 12 In iBPS, how can we search workitems on based on registration number in

Search component?
• After selecting Process
• After selecting Queue
• After selecting Process and Queue
• Without Selecting Process and Queue

Q. 21 In iBPS, for which object(s) audit log can be generated using Audit Log component
• Process
• Cabinet
• Queue
• All of the above

Q. 23 In iBPS, API I/O XML can be checked at which location.

• nglogs/{cabinetname}/of_server
• {cabinetname}/nglogs/of_server
• nglogs/of_server
• None of the above

Q. 25 Which logs can be used to check the backend API execution time in iBPS?
• query.log
• transaction.log
• console.log
• server.log

Q. 24 In iBPS, API which returns user session is:

• WMConnect
• WFConnect
• None of the above
• Both the Option 1st & 2nd

Q. 5 In iBPS, what is the default value of maximum length of textbox before mapping?
• 25
• 50
• 20
• None of the above

Q. 17 MDM configuration folder can be located in server with name:

• Crwebconfig
• Webdesktopconf
• Cfwebconfig
• None of these

Q. 1 In iBPS, which type of Viewer is currently supported in Webdesktop?

• Applet Viewer
• HTMLFormViewer
• Both of the Above
• None of the Above
Q. 4 Which tag can be used to verify the success/error status of iBPS API?
• Description
• ErrorCode
• Main Code
• None of these
Q. 15 In iBPs, which of the following is not a default Interface available in WorkDesk?
• Form View
• Process View
• Document View
• Exceptions

Q. 22 Is it possible to change the Defaut Home Tab in dashboard within iBPS(BAM)?

• Yes
• No
• Only supervisor users can change
• None of the above

Q. 6 In iForm, what is the INI(in webdesktop.ini) to set the batch size when batching is e
• BatchSize
• NumberOfRecordsToFetch
• RowDataSize
• None of the above

Q. 8 We can perform custom coding in which file?

• Wdgeneral.js
• Cfgeneral.js
• Client.js
• External.js

Q. 9 In iBPS (BAM), if Disable Manual input checkbox is checked in Input Field Properties
• It is mandatory to specify value to generate the report
• Value cannot be inserted manually for report generation
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 17 In event configuration which of the option is NOT available in iForm?

• DB linking
• Web Service
• Custom Action
• None of the above

Q. 2 In iBPS, Transaction Free API means:

• API have no database connection
• API have database connection
• Both of the above
• None of the above
Q. 4 In iBPS, which formats is/are available in WebDesktop to save Audit Logs?
• xls
• pdf
• csv
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 22 A newly defined view in iBPS is visible to:

• Only to the user who configured it
• Visible across the cabinet
• Visible across the group it has the rights to
• Visible to the business users only

Q. 20 What is the maximum size for image box in iForm?

• 100KB
• 200KB
• 300KB
• There is no limit
Q. 1 Which of the following masking patterns are NOT present in iForm?
• Mobile
• Indian Currency
• French Currency
• ZipCode

Q. 18 Application creation comes under which module in iBPS?

• Web Desktop
• Process Designer
• All of the above

Q. 1 In which iBPS screen, are new views configured?

• Webdesktop
• OmniApp Configuration
• Application Configuration
• Badmin
Q. 7 In iBPS (BAM), which of the format is required for executing queries where
user input is required?
• #{username}#
• ${username}$
• &{username}&
• %{username}%

Q. 12 In iBPS, how can a Group be associated with Queue?

• Using Queue Management Component
• Using User Management Component
• Using Process Designer
• All of the above

Q. 15 Is it possible to map system variables with External URL in iBPS (BAM)?

• Yes
• No
• External URL cannot be mapped with system variable
• External URL cannot be linked while creating drill down report

Q. 2 In iForm, alignment in column settings of ListView is used for alignment of ____?

• Column Label
• Cell Value
• Button Alignment
• None of the above

Q. 9 The same component instance can be used how many times in a single view,
while configuring it in iBPS?
• Only once
• Two times
• Three times
• No limit on usage

Q. 19 In iBPS, can we delete default generated queues in Queue Management

• No
• Yes, All the queues.
• Yes, but not Default System Queues.
• Yes, but not Introduction Queues.
Q. 1 What is the path for keeping images which are to be displayed on tile in
Application Designer of iBPS?
• jboss\bin\Images
• Browse and upload on properties
• jboss\bin\IFormDirectory\Images
• None of the above

Q. 6 Auto toggle in iBPS (BAM) helps:

• To toggle the reports in a Tab
• To toggle automatically
• To toggle the modes between Tabular and Graphical
• All of the above

Q. 23 In iBPS (BAM), refresh interval in user preferences specifies

• The tabs will toggle after this specified interval
• The reports will be refreshed after this specified interval
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 12 Which button can be hidden from Grid properties in iForm?

• Save changes
• Add Row
• Save and Next
• None of the above

Q. 25 How many input parameters are there in API addComboItem:

• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5

Q. 19 In iBPS, Function Filter works on the basis of:

• Decision Matrix Concept
• Simple Matrix Concept
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 2 In iBPS, how we can change value of dynamic constant defined in process?

• Open Registered process in Process Designer and change.
• Open Checked out process in Process Designer and change.
• Through Process Management component in WebDesktop.
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

Q. 5 iBPS API interface is based on:

• Java
• VB
• None of the above

Q. 18 In iBPS, specific WorkStep queue cannot be made for which WorkStep?

• WorkDesk
• WebService
• Reply
• Query

Q. 2 Which of the following is a supported iOS versions in iBPS - Mobile?

• iOS 6
• iOS 7
• iOS 8
• All of the above

Q. 3 Amongst the following pairs of component instances, which pair is such that none of
• Workitem List and Widget View
• Search Bar and Criteria Management
• Search Component and Rights management
• User Management and Report Scheduler

Q. 20 What should be the name of the .jar file created for custom coding
• ngfuser.jar
• processname.jar (where processname is the name of the process)
• ngfrmbld.jar
• There is no dependency on name of the .jar file

Q. 24 How many maximum queues can be added to Favorite Queue List in Mobile (iBPS)?
• 5
• 7
• 10
• n number

Q. 9 Which component instance can be used to show a Donut or Tile view on the UI
in iBPS?
• Workitem List
• Search Bar
• Widget View
• Search Component

Q. 24 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with respect to

Advanced Search functionality in iBPS?
• It is possible to configure search based on common system variables
• It is possible to configure search based on WorkItem states
• It is possible to configure search combining business variables with specific user-defined
conditions and operators
Q. 12 In iForm, which key needs to be checked while making relationship between child c
• Parent Relationship Key
• Parent-Child Relationship Key
• Child Relationship Key
• None of the Above

Q. 3 In iBPS, which of the following is not available in WorkItem operations list in Mobile?
i. Refer
ii. Assign to Me
iii. Delete
iv. Upload
v. Initiate
• (ii)
• (ii) and (iii)
• (iii) and (iv)
• (iv) and (v)

Q. 7 In iBPS (Application Designer), what is the implication of a tile group that is mandat
• All the tiles must be selected
• The default tile is to be selected
• At least one tile should be selected
• None of the above

Q. 1 How to add the alert list to container in iBPS(BAM)?

• On clicking more options button in container dashboard
• On clicking more options button of the tab
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 1 How many views can be pinned at once on the UI for any iBPS user?
• Upto 2
• Upto 3
• Between 2 to 5
• No Limit

. 5 Which of the following process variable types can be used to map with Rich
Text Editor in iForm?
• NText
• Text
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 2 In iBPS (Application Designer), the document type are separated by?

• %
• @
• #
• None of the above

Q. 5 In iBPS (BAM), rule execution takes place only in:

• Report Generation
• Dashboard
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 1 iBPS service can be executed on:

• Same Application Server
• Different Application Server
• Both of the above
• None of the above
Q. 4 When lock is associated with the table name in approved tables list, it signifies?
• Table has not yet been approved
• Maker-checker functionality is enabled on Add table
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 2 In iBPS, is it possible to create report in Dashboard with Mobile App?

• Yes, Using Query
• Yes, Using Procedures
• No
• Yes, Depending upon the rights of User

Q. 4 Which of the following legend positions are available while defining Donut views?
• Top and Right
• Top and Bottom
• Top and Left
• Bottom and Right

Q. 2 In iBPS, preferences in Mobile App includes:

• Reminder, Batch Size
• Home Screen
• User Image
• All of the above

Q. 1 During Application Design in iBPS, it is mandatory to associate parent table

on ____________________ page.
• Login page
• Navigation Page
• Widgets
• None of the above

Q. 7 In iBPS, WebService WorkStep is used to invoke:

• Internal Web Service
• External Web Service
• Both of the above
• None of the above
Q. 5 In iBPS (Application Designer), what is the name of event for configuring different n
• RouteCriteria
• RouteJourney
• Route
• None of the above

Q. 3 If user wants to execute custom code after API execution in iBPS, then it can be
written in:
• API Prehook
• API Posthook
• Utility Hook
• None of the above

Q. 9 How does iBPS combine multiple conditions while defining a filter in criteria
• Using AND /OR
• Using IF / ELSE
• Custom combinations (user-defined) are available to be incorporated on a need-basis

Q. 13 In iBPS, which of the following is not an interface in Mobile?

• Form View
• Process View
• Document View
• Exceptions

Q. 4 In iBPS, how many rule(s) can be added on Business Rule WorkStep?

• One
• Ten
• Hundred
• Infinite

Q. 10 Which of the following statements is/are correct wrt iBPS?

(i) Default View of WorkItem (WorkDesk) cannot be set.
(ii) WorkDesk layout is fixed.
(iii) Only Applet forms are available in WebDesktop.
• Only (i) is correct.
• Both (i) & (iii) are correct.
• (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
• None of the statements are correct.

Q. 7 Which of the following statements is CORRECT with respect to configurable

dashboards in iBPS :
Every time a user clicks on any part of the Donut/Tile in a dashboard –
• The workitem list widget associated, refreshes itself and then re-populates the list of
its workitems
• The legends associated to the donut/tile change values
• The pinned searches re-populate their results
• A new workitem is generated for the associated queue in the filter on which that donut/tile
is defined

Q. 1 In iBPS, Event WorkStep is used to:

• Create WorkItem via WebService
• Search and complete WorkItem via WebService
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 2 In iBPS, how many type of layouts can be configured in WorkDesk?

• Fixed, Editable Layouts
• Editable Layout
• No Layout is Defined
• Multiple including Custom WorkDesk.

Q. 13 In iBPS (Application Designer), what type of data can be mapped with Slider?
• Int
• Float
• Long
• All of the above

Q. 8 In iBPS, JMS service is based on:

• Session Bean
• Entity Bean
• Message Driven Bean
• Timer Service Bean
Q. 4 Which of the statement is TRUE in context of BAM report in iBPS?
• Order by can be defined on some fields
• Data can be group by on some fields
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 9 From the custom navigation panel on the left side of any view, it is currently NOT po
• Create a new WorkItem in a specific queue
• Mark any queue as favorite
• View the list of WorkItems in a specific queue
• Search for a particular queue variable

Q. 1 Criteria defined in criteria management can be mapped to a view in iBPS through

which of the following ways?
• By associating criteria through a picklist onto a widget view component instance
• By associating criteria through a picklist onto a workitem list component instance
• By defining mapping with a workitem list on the visual mapping screen in Configure View
• By defining mapping with a widget view on the visual mapping screen in Configure View

Q. 6 In iBPS, how can we enable collaborative chat on a WorkItem?

• Enabled by default for all workitems
• Enabled on sharing workitem
• Collaboration server must be running
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

Q. 6 In JS to show Loading Sign on Integration call which method can be used :

• showMessage
• eventDispatched
• showFormPreEvent
• preHookFormEvent

Q. 7 Which API is used for Adding Data in ListView from CustomCoding

• NGAddRow
• ExecuteExternalCommand
• addItem
• Both 1st and 2nd option

Q. 5 In iBPS, while registering a component instance, which all Action types are available
• Load
• Invoke Method
• Unload
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 14 Which Java File needs to be modified for creating a new custom API in iBPS?
• None of the above

Q. 7 A single criterion defined through Criteria Management in iBPS can be:

• Associated with only one widget in a single view
• Associated with multiple widgets within a single view, but not with multiple views
• Associated with multiple views, but only in a single widget in each view
• Associated with multiple widgets in multiple views

Q. 1 How many filters can be associated with a Tiles View in Criteria Visualization Screen
• Only one
• Only two
• No limit
• Depends on the number of filters defined in the criterion

Q. 13 The search results obtained from Advanced Search are populated in which of the
following components on the UI in a dashboard?
• Workitem List
• Donut Type Widget
• Pinned Search
• Search Component

Q. 10 Which API can be used for Saving Data of Workitem

• WFSave
• RaiseEvent
• saveForm
• NGRaiseEvent

Q. 9 In iBPS, Message End WorkStep is used to:

• Create WorkItem for the mapped process on exit of a process
• To exit a process
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 4 To select multiple value in input field for report generation, user can use which of th
• Multiple selection
• Multiple values
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 2 The new Toggle control returns which value in Application Designer of iBPS?
• Boolean
• True/False
• Yes/No
• All of the above

Q. 23 Statement wrt iBPS (BAM): It is always necessary to specify filter criteria for the re
• The statement is TRUE always
• The statement is FALSE
• The statement is TRUE only if input required is mandatory
• None of the above

Q. 9 In Application Designer, what are the properties of slider?

• max, min, default value
• max, min, value
• maximum, minimum, value
• None of the above

Q. 19 In iBPS (Application Designer), how to connect the default login form with the rest
• Passing the navigation form name in RouteCriteria
• By using dbLinking
• Through WebService
• None of the above
Q. 3 In iBPS, which of the following are deliverables of Mobile Client?
• apk, ipa
• ipa, xap
• apk, xap
• All of the above

Q. 22 In Application Designer of iBPS, theme is applied on which part of application?

• Widgets
• Interfaces
• Both
• None of the above

Q. 25 In case of non-Java client, how can iBPS API be invoked?

• Using wrapper
• Not possible
• Using custom coding
• None of these

Q. 7 Which API can be used to introduce a WorkItem in iBPS?

• WMAssignWorkItemAttributes
• WFStartProcess
• Both of the above
• None of the above


Q. 2 To upgrade OmniProcess from previous version to latest version of OmniDocs,

which of following statement is CORRECT:
• While upgrading from OSA, OmniProcesses are also upgraded
• OmniDocs Admin UI is used to upgrade OmniProcess
• OmniProcesses from previous version cannot be upgraded. Need or create new
• Need to copy ApplicationConfiguration.xml and Criteria.xml from previous version to
latest version of OmniDocs

Q. 3 Which module is NOT configured as Landing Page in OmniDocs?

• Repository
• Trash
• OmniProcess
• Custom Tab

Q. 4 Where do we configure supported Audio/Video formats in OmniDocs?

• eworkstyle.ini
• IS.ini
• mediaConfiguration.ini
• ApplicationConfiguration.xml

Q. 5 How many default groups are created in OmniDocs during installation?

• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5

Q. 6 Which of the following languages are supported by OmniDocs 10.x?

• English (US)
• Arabic
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 7 What API would you use to dissociate globalindex from document

• NGORemoveGlobalIndexFromDoc
• NGODisAssociateGlobalIndexFromDocument
• NGORemoveGlobalIndexFromDocument
• NGODeleteGlobalIndexFromDocument

Q. 8 In case of web-api integration, which file gets populated with newly made applicatio
• Criteria.xml
• ApplicationIntegration.xml
• ComponentIntegration.xml
• None of the above

Q. 9 In latest version of OmniDocs, if instrument(document or folder) uploaded and

immediately submitted then this instrument is moved to:
• Submit folder
• Root folder
• Draft folder
• None of the above

Q. 10 Which protocol is used to play Audio/Video formats in OmniDocs Web?


Q. 11 What are the recommended scan settings to ensure good OCR results?
• OCR is not dependent on settings
• Document must be scanned at 100 DPI
• Document must be scanned at 300 DPI
• Document must be scanned at 600 DPI

Q. 12 NGOGetFolderIdForName API is used:

• To fetch Folder name
• To fetch Folder Index
• To fetch Folder properties
• None of the above

Q. 13 How can FTS work if it cannot use database inbuilt search engine?
• There is no way FTS can work without database support
• Write code to index text
• Use a third party text engine like Lucene
• None of the above
Q. 14 Suppose User wants to make any Search as a Landing Page, What are the Prerequ
• Search has rights for everyone
• Even if Search has not rights for everyone, it can be set during making Search as Landing
• No rights concept applied before making any Search as Landing Page
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 15 Write the search string you will use if you want to search only documents
which have two particular words.
• Word1 & Word2
• Word1 OR Word2
• Word1 AND Word2
• None of the above

Q. 16 What are the different views available for displaying the search results in OmniDoc
A. Combo box view
B. List View
C. Advance List view
• B & C only
• A & B only
• A & C only
• A, B and C

Q. 17 In latest version of OmniDocs, OmniProcess Submit folder is a look in folder for:

• Maker (Upload)
• Step1 (Checker1)
• Step2 (Checker2)
• Step3 (Checker3)

Q. 18 Where does JNDI Port entry go?

• NGOClientData.xml
• IS.ini
• Both the options 1 & 2
• None of the above

. 19 What are various field constraint supported on data class?

• Unique
• Mandatory
• All of the above
• None of the above

Q. 20 Default Wrapper ports (if application server is NOT JBOSS EAP) are:
• 900 & 10000
• 3333 & 9999
• 1099 & 1098
• None of the above

Q. 3 To view secured data in OmniDocs, which right is required?

• Read and Modify
• Modify Only
• Read Only
• Read and View Secured Data

. 5 In OmniDocs, name of the PN file includes information about which of the following fie
• Volume ID
• Site ID
• VolBlock ID
• All of the above

Q. 6 How to achieve the functionality of locking and unlocking of document, folder or Cab
• NGOGetSetLocks
• NGOSetGetLocks
• NGOPerformLocks
• NGOProcessLocks

Q. 10 FTS isn't working and you get an error indexing service is not running.
What will you check first?
• Check database text indexing service
• Check whether TEM is running
• Check whether AppServer is running
• Check whether SMS is running

Q. 11 How can we trace as to what users did in OmniDocs, over a period of time?
• omnidocs_operation_logs
• AuditLogs
• Not possible to trace
• AuditTrail

Q. 13 Custom document viewer can be enabled in OmniDocs by doing which of the follow
• Change CustomViewer flag to Y in eworkstyle.ini file.
• Provide custom viewer path in eworkstyle.ini file.
• Provide supported file type for custom viewer in eworkstyle.ini file.
• All of the above

Q. 15 Which of the following databases OmniDocs 10.x does NOT support?

• Oracle 11g/12c
• Mongo DB
• MSSQL 2016
• Postgres 9.3

Q. 18 Which application type is used to configure audio/video in OmniDocs?

• VOD-Edge
• VOD HTTP Origin
• audio/video Edge

Q. 20 How to fetch property of an OmniDocs Group?

• NGOFetchGroupProperty
• NGOGetGroupProperty
• NGOFetchGroupPropertyExt
• NGOGetGroupPropertyExt

Q. 2 In OmniDocs, where does the entry for cabinet registration go?

• admin.ini and odcablist.ini
• eworkstyle.ini
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 8 Where does the entry for cabinet association go?

• Server.xml
• odcablist.ini
• admin.ini
• eworkstyle.ini

Q. 9 OmniDocs 10.x is released on which of the following Operating System?

• RHEL 6.0/7.0
• Windows 2012
• Both of the above
• None of the above

. 10 To increase mail sending time in alarm mailer, which flag needs to be configured in O
• polltime
• timeformail
• Mailtime
• mailSendTime

Q. 11 Which of the following OmniDocs component is used for adding or viewing the
• Wrapper
• Alarm Mailer

Q. 12 Which API is used to create folder in OmniDocs?

• NGOCreateFolder
• NGOInsertFolder
• NGOAddFolder
• None of the above
Q. 15 How to get List of Groups in the System?
• NGOGetGroupList
• NGOGetGroupsListExt
• NGOGetGroupsList
• NGOGetGroupListExt

. 20 TEM is not able to retrieve documents from SMS. What will you check first?
• Check database text indexing service
• Check whether TEM is running
• Check whether AppServer is running
• Check whether SMS is running

Q. 9 From which API call one can get Session ID?

• NGOGetSessionID
• NGOGetUserDBId
• NGOConnectCabinet
• None of the above

Q. 13 Which of the following application servers, OmniDocs 10.x does NOT supports?
• Jboss EAP 6.4/7.0
• Weblogic 12c
• Apache Tomcat
• WebSphere 8.5.5

Q. 15 To enable WebScan feature in OmniDocs, which of following configuration is require

• ScanDisplay
• SannerDisplay
• DisplayScan
• None of the above

Q. 18 Which call is used to obtain the Log generated for the objects like user, group,
document, folder etc?
• NGOGetLog
• NGOGetObjectLog
• NGOFetchLog
• None

Q. 5 Which call would you use to get the list of Versions of a document?
• NGOGetDocVersionsList
• NGOGetVersionList
• NGOGetDocVersionList
• NGOGetVersionsList

Q. 9 In OmniDocs Web API:

i. One create application and OmniDocs provides its name
ii. It is mandatory to provide the application name
iii. Application name is user defined
iv. Application name is mandatory and can be only system defined
• (i) and (ii)
• (ii) and (iii)
• (i), (iii) and (iv)
• (i), (ii) and (iv)

Q. 10 Which call to be used to associate the Keywords with a document?

• NGOAddKeywordsToDoc
• NGOAddKeywordsToDocument
• NGOAttachKeywordsToDoc
• NGOAddKeywordToDocument

Q. 13 Which API is used to fetch list of DataClass available in cabinet?

• NGOGetDataDefList
• NGOGetDataClassList
• NGOGetDataClassListExt
• NGOGetDataDefListExt

Q. 14 Where does JNDI Port entry go?

• NGOClientData.xml
• IS.ini
• Both the options 1 & 2
• None of the above

Q. 19 Time out in Web API is defined in:

• Minutes
• Seconds
• Milliseconds
• Nanoseconds

Q. 5 Which flag need to be enabled to enable performance optimization

feature in OmniDocs?
• OptimizePerformance
• Performance
• EnablePerformance
• None of the above

Q. 7 Which flag is used to Enable Google Drive check-in/check-out option in OmniDocs?

• GoogleDriveIntegration
• GoogleDocsIntegration
• GoogleIntegration
• None of the above

Q. 8 In latest version of OmniDocs, OmniProcess Draft folder is a look in folder for:

• Maker (Upload)
• Step1 (Checker1)
• Step2 (Checker2)
• Step3 (Checker3)

Q. 11 Where to define omnidocs_logs folder location?

• server.xml

Q. 12 How can you make connection with the cabinet using the OmniDocs Web API?
• User name
• User Session Index
• External Login
• All the above statements are correct
Q. 15 In which tag, session ID will pass for API?
• <SessionID>
• <UniqueID>
• <UserDBID>
• None of the above

Q. 20 For cabinet registration in MSSQL SERVER database where

do the cabinet and database entries go?
• mssql-ds.xml
• server.xml and odcablist.ini
• eworkstyle.ini
• All of the above

Q. 3 Which call is used to obtain the Log generated for the objects
like user, group, document, folder etc?
• NGOGetLog
• NGOGetObjectLog
• NGOFetchLog
• None

Q. 4 How to fetch property of an OmniDocs Group?

• NGOFetchGroupProperty
• NGOGetGroupProperty
• NGOFetchGroupPropertyExt
• NGOGetGroupPropertyExt

Q. 12 Which component is used for the synchronization of a domain

configured on any directory service to the cabinet?
• OmniDocs Authentication Manager
• Thumbnail Manager
• Alarm Mailer
• Remote Image Server

Q. 4 While encrypting secure data in OmniDocs, following algorithm can be used:

• AES - 256
• AES - 512
• PCI-256
• PCI-512

Q. 18 To enable Seclore feature in OmniDocs, LDAP related information is kept in:

• eworkstyle.ini
• SecloreConfiguration.xml
• StoredCredential

Q. 19 In OmniDocs, which search option is not available in Integration

type Document List?
• Document Name
• Data Class
• Folder
• None of the above

Q. 3 In OmniDocs, a user can search the documents on what parameters when documen
A. Document Name
B. Document Index
C. Data Class
• Both A & B
• Both B & C
• Both A & C
• A, B and C

Q. 20 One can create Web API that connects with OmniDocs:

• With an username and password
• With OmniDocs user session id
• Both options 1st & 2nd
• Web API does not have provision to connect with OmniDocs. An explicit connection
needs to be established.

Q. 5 How to apply Global Index on folder in OmniDocs?

• Open a folder. On properties tab - Add Global Index Option is visible. Click on that. Add
Global Index and click on save.
• Global Index are not supported on folder
• Open a folder. On properties tab Add Global Index Option is visible. Click on that. Add
Global Index.
• None of the above

Q. 6 To enable Easy Search in OmniDocs, information to enable it is kept in:

• ApplicationConfiguration.xml
• admin.ini
• SecloreConfiguration.xml
• eworkstyle.ini

Q. 10 Which SMS port is used when adding site in OmniDocs Admin?

• Client port
• Admin port
• Any port can be given
• None of the above

Q. 20 If a data class field is of array type then it can be mapped only with a __________
• ListView
• Combo
• ListBox
• Masked Text Box

Q. 3 Which user(s) is/are created in OmniDocs during installation?

• supervisor & supervisor2
• supervisor1 & supervisor2
• guest & owner
• supervisor only

Q. 6 To upgrade Search Configurations from previous version to latest version of

OmniDocs, which of following statement is CORRECT:
• While upgrading from OSA, Search Configurations are also upgraded.
• OmniDocs Admin UI is used to upgrade Search Configurations
• Search Configurations from previous version cannot be upgraded. Need or create new
• Need to copy SearchConfiguration.xml from previous version to latest version of

Q. 8 To enable Seclore feature in OmniDocs, Policy Server Details are kept in:
• eworkstyle.ini
• SecloreConfiguration.xml
• StoredCredential

Q. 10 Which flag need to be enabled to enable integration with Seclore Policy

Feature in OmniDocs?
• EnableSeclore
• ShowSecureLink
• EnableSecureLink
• ShowSecloreLink

Q. 11 Components of RIS are:

• Image Server and Application Server
• Image Server and Web Server
• Application Server, Web Server and SMS
• Image Server, Web Server, and SMS

Q. 16 Which privilege allows the user to create or modify a data class?

• Image Server Operations
• Define/Modify Data Definitions
• Create User/Group
• Assign Rights

Q. 14 Which criteria need to be fulfilled for move/copy document in OmniDocs?

• Having delete rights at source folder and having create rights at destination folder
• Having create rights at source folder and having delete rights at destination folder
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 16 In OmniDocs, cabinet specific eworkstyle.ini file path is:

• Application Server/bin/ngdbini/Custom
• Application Server/bin/ngdbini/odwebini
• Application Server/bin/ngdbini/
• Application Server/bin/ngdbini/Custom/CabinetNamedFolder

Q. 7 In OmniDocs, a Volume can have:

• Two home site
• One home site
• Multiple home sites
• None of the above

Q. 11 In OmniDocs, which component listens on a TCP/IP Socket and communicates

with Application Server?
• Wrapper

Q. 20 To upgrade WEB-API from previous version to latest version of OmniDocs,

which of following statement is CORRECT:
• While upgrading from OSA, WEB-APIs are also upgraded
• OmniDocs Admin UI is used to upgrade WEB-API
• WEB-API from previous version cannot be upgraded. Need or create
• Need to copy ApplicationConfiguration.xml and Criteria.xml from
previous version to latest version of OmniDocs

Q. 6 Upgrade to latest version of OmniDocs is possible only from which of the

following older versions of OmniDocs?
• OmniDocs 6.0
• OmniDocs 8.0
• OmniDocs 9.0
• All of the above

Q. 2 Which of the following statements is CORRECT wrt playing audio/video

in OmniDocs?
• Wowza streaming server must have access to audio/video files located in SMS
• SMS server and Wowza server must be installed on same system
• SMS server must keep audio/video files in AES-256 encrypted format
• SMS server and Wowza server must be installed on different system

Q. 11 Which of the following password encryption algorithms is/are available in

• PC-1
• SH-256
• SH-512 and AES
• All of the above

Q. 5 In OmniDocs, secured document by Policy server can be seen in:

• OpalViewer
• Native Viewer
• Seclore Client Viewer
• Can be seen only after decryption

Q. 16 Which of the following integration type is not available in OmniDocs Web API?
• Document View
• Folder View
• Document List
• Folder List

Q. 4 Which option is available under “View Search Result In” option of Web API?
• List View
• List Box
• List
• None of the above

Q. 4 What configuration tags are required to enable Forward Feature in OmniDocs?

• MailServerIpAddress, AdminMailId, SSLenabled, UserName, Password, MailServerPort
• MailServerIpAddress, AdminMailId, SSLenabled
• AdminMailId,SSLenabled, UserName, Password, MailServerPort
• SSLenabled,UserName, Password, MailServerPort

Q. 1 In OmniDocs, what should be the name of added application in Wowza?

• Same as Cabinet Name
• Same as Volume Name
• Combination of Cabinet Name – Label Name
• Any random name

Q. 1 The feature to perform the task of data highlighting is called ___________________

• Document definition
• Template definition
• Document image
• Zone definition

Q. 2 One can ______________________________________ using OmniDocs Web API:

• add, modify and delete applications
• add, modify but cannot delete application
• add, delete but cannot modify application
• only add application

Q. 7 Suppose User makes Search A as Favorite Search and Search B as Landing Page
and Search Module is Landing Page for that user. Which search will be Landing Page?
• Search A
• Search B
• Search A & B
• None of the above

Q. 2 NGOIsAdmin validates:
• Whether the logged in user is a member of the public Group
• Whether the logged in user is a member of the Everyone Group
• Whether the logged in user is a member of the Supervisor Group
• None of the above

Q. 5 In latest version of OmniDocs, while configuring OmniProcess action destination

folders can:
• Browse from OmniDocs
• Newly created inside Root folder
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 1 To enable Seclore feature in OmniDocs, which of following is NOT required?

• OmniDocs Server
• LDAP Server
• Mail Server
• Policy Server

Q. 1 For a single Image Server in OmniDocs:

• Only one SMS can be deployed
• Multiple SMS can be deployed
• Two SMS can be deployed
• None of the above

Q. 3 How does text indexing affect database performance?

• In no way
• Database queries get slower
• Database size increases
• None of the above

Q. 10 Where do we configure WOWZA streaming server details in OmniDocs?

• eworkstyle.ini
• IS.ini
• mediaConfiguration.ini
• ApplicationConfiguration.xml

Q. 10 To configure Alarm mailer which of the following file needs to be configured?

• AlarmMailer.ini
• MailClient.ini
• Alarm.ini
• AlarmService.ini

Q. 18 For cabinet registration in MSSQL SERVER database where do the cabinet

and database entries go?
• mssql-ds.xml
• server.xml and odcablist.ini
• eworkstyle.ini
• All of the above

Q. 12 How do we secure our OmniDocs from sql injection?

• Disallowing sql code
• Using Client Script like JS
• Using filters
• Cannot secure

Q. 5 Where do we configure supported Audio/Video formats in OmniDocs?

• eworkstyle.ini
• IS.ini
• mediaConfiguration.ini
• ApplicationConfiguration.xml

Q. 6 How to apply Global Index on folder in OmniDocs?

• Open a folder. On properties tab - Add Global Index Option is visible. Click on that. Add
Global Index and click on save.
• Global Index are not supported on folder
• Open a folder. On properties tab Add Global Index Option is visible. Click on that. Add
Global Index.
• None of the above

Q. 19 To upgrade a cabinet from previous version to latest version of OmniDocs, which o

1). Associate old cabinet in OSA
2) Compile all procedures.
3) Upgrade Cabinet.
• 1,2,3
• 1,3,2
• 3,2,1
• In any order

Q. 3 What kind of access rights is required on folder accessed by owner or supervisor

• Private
• Shared
• Inherited
• None of the above

Q. 6 OmniDocs 10.x supports which of the following browsers?

• Internet Explorer 11 and Safari 10.1
• Mozila Firefox version 50 and above
• Chrome 60 and above
• All of the above

Q. 13 One can ______________________________________ using OmniDocs Web API

• add, modify and delete applications
• add, modify but cannot delete application
• add, delete but cannot modify application
• only add application
Q. 2 One can create Web API that connects with OmniDocs:
• With an username and password
• With OmniDocs user session id
• Both options 1st & 2nd
• Web API does not have provision to connect with OmniDocs. An explicit connection
needs to be established.

Q. 20 In OmniDocs, when user session index is selected as an option to make connection

access to the Image Enabling view?
• Only the User name
• Both the User name and password
• Only the UserdbId
• SSO should be configured

Q. 1 In OmniDocs, to enable ThumbNail feature, ThumbNail related information is

kept in:
• eworkstyle.ini

• ThumbnailConfig.xml
• SecloreConfiguration.xml
• StoredCredential


Q. 1 In OmniScan, "Document, if no image associated" means:

• Create 0 kb file in DMS
• Create Document Type in OmniScan
• Create Doc Type in Database
• None of the above
Q. 2 In OmniScan, what is the meaning of "External Data Source"?
• Use Other Database server
• Use External Validation dll file
• Use External Database table
• None of the above

Q. 3 In OmniScan, "Auto Blank Page Removal" works when:

• Doc Type identifier is blank page
• Folder identifier is blank page
• In case of Duplex scanning
• In case of Simplex scanning

Q. 4 What symbology is used by OmniScan to extract 2D barcodes?

• PDF417 and USS39
• I20F5 and PDF417
• PDF417 and QRCode
• QRCode and I2OF5

Q. 5 In OmniScan, which of these image types cannot be imported?


Q. 6 Can OmniScan export document to Amazon S3 cloud server ?

• Yes, but in HTTP mode only
• Yes, but in TCP mode only
• Yes, for both HTTP & TCP mode
• No

Q. 8 If user wants to deploy some add-in file or dll file in OmniScan then the user is requ
the dll at which of these location?
• OmniScan Application Path
• Newgen Common \ CommonDlls
• OmniScan Application Path \ template
• OmniScan Application Path \ database

Q. 9 In OmniScan, an User Profile (for saving image and database files of a job) is
set in which of these INI?
• NGAppSettings.ini
• NGBulkScan.ini
• NGUserSettings.ini
• None of these

Q. 10 Which of these is the unique ID for documents in SAP?

• SAP field ID
• SAP class ID
• SAP doc ID

Q. 11 Which of these files is not present in system32 folder?

• imgap32.dll
• imgfl32.dll
• imgfr32.dll
• imgfrp.dll

Q. 12 In OmniScan, user can define their own section using:

• User Defined Section
• Custom Section
• Flow Section
• Data Section

Q. 13 Which lowest version framework is required to run OmniScan?

• NET framework 1.0
• NET framework 2.0
• NET framework 3.0
• NET framework 4.0

Q. 14 Following is the value of Class name field in the INI for export from OmniScan to O
• NGOCExportToOmniDocs.clsMain
• NGOCExportInOmniDocs.clsMain
• NGOCExportToomnidocs.clsMain
• NGOCExportInomnidocs.clsMain

Q. 2 What is the name of the exe file of OmniScan?

• NGOmniScan.exe
• NGBulkScan.exe
• NGOmniCapture.exe
• NGBulkCapture.exe

Q. 3 In OmniScan, folder identifier "Fix Page" works only in case of:

• Doc Type identifier is Fix page
• Folder identifier is Fix page
• Doc type and Folder identifier is fix page
• None of the above

Q. 4 Which of these is the license key file of OmniScan?

• OmniCapture.lic
• OmniScan.lic
• BulkScan.lic
• None of the above

Q. 7 In OmniScan, what is the recommended DPI level needed to extract a barcode from
• 100 DPI
• 200 DPI
• 250 DPI
• 300 DPI

Q. 8 How user can overwrite the already exported documents in OmniDocs through Omn
• Check “If exist Doc create” checkbox in Manage Template >> Doc Type Section>>Export
• Check “Is Overwrite” checkbox in Manage Template >> Doc Type Section>>Export
• Both of the above
• None of the above

Q. 10 In OmniScan, which servlet is used for downloading INI from HTTP?

• OINIServlet
• OSDServlet
• ODOWNServlet
• None of the above
Q. 11 In OmniScan, which of the following option is available after Export in the template
• Close Job
• Delete Job After export
• Save job after export
• None of the above
Q. 12 In OmniScan, can datafields and document types be made mandatory for the user
• No, cannot be made mandatory.
• Yes, can be made mandatory using customization.
• Yes, can be made using inbuilt product feature.
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

Q. 15 In OmniScan, which compression is supported for gray 8 bit PDF image?

• Flat Decode

Q. 2 Which file format is not supported for export reports in OmniScan?

• Text
• Excel
• Access
• None of the above

Q. 3 To install OmniScan silently without running the Installation wizard, user needs to se
.xml file
• SetupPath.xml
• SetupInfo.xml
• SetupConfig.xml
• None of the above

Q. 4 In OmniScan, which of the following is not present in Saved Image Type?

• Black and White
• Color 24 Bit
• Half Tone
• Millions of Colors

Q. 5 In OmniScan, "Use HDD File Name". What is the relevance?

• Image Name of record will be same as imported file name.
• Save file in hard disk
• Image will be save in hard disk
• None of the above

Q. 8 In OmniScan, which stage is mandatory in Flow Section?

• Scan Stage
• Copy Stage
• Exception Stage
• Export Stage

Q. 9 What does Doc Type size restriction functionality means in OmniScan?

• Not allowing to import a image having size more than defined in INI.
• Not allowing to export a image having size more than defined in INI.
• Automatically apply compression to reduce size of image within limit defined in INI.
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 12 Which entry is required in OmniScan to enable export in SharePoint?

• ExportToSharePoint=Y in NGBulkScan.ini
• ExportToSharePoint=Y in NGAppSetting.ini
• ExportToSP=Y in NGBulkScan.ini
• ExportToSP=Y in NGAppSetting.ini

Q. 13 In OmniScan, what is the meaning of default doc type?

• Set all scanned pages in to selected doc type
• Set all imported pages in to selected doc type
• Set rest pages in default doc type
• None of the above

Q. 14 Which of these Adapter file is required for exporting documents from OmniScan to
• PanDB connector
• SAP connector
• PanDB adapter
• SAP Adapter

Q. 2 In OmniScan, which extract type is not present in Data section for index value?
• HDD File Name
• Barcode Sticker
• None of the above

Q. 3 Entries of registered cabinet from OmniScan are by default stored at which location?

Q. 5 What does Doc Type size restriction functionality means in OmniScan?

• Not allowing to import a image having size more than defined in INI.
• Not allowing to export a image having size more than defined in INI.
• Automatically apply compression to reduce size of image within limit defined in INI.
• Both the options 1st & 2nd

Q. 6 In OmniScan, what is the meaning of carry forward for indexes in data section?
• Carry forward index name in next job
• Carry forward index value in next job
• Carry forward index value in next record
• None of the above
Q. 9 In OmniScan, what does DQA functionality stands for ?
• Document Quantity Analyzer
• Document Quality Analyzer
• Data Quality Analyzer
• None of the above

Q. 5 User can decide whether to choose scanner image settings or INI image settings
while scanning documents by specifying which tag:
• UseScannerSettings
• HideScanner
• ShowScanner
• UseIniSettings

Q. 7 In OmniScan, which of these files is not present in common Dll folder?

• ImgSrv.dll
• Thumbnail.dll
• PanComp.dll
• GUIInterface.dll
Q. 10 In OmniScan, can datafields and document types be made mandatory for the user
• No, cannot be made mandatory.
• Yes, can be made mandatory using customization.
• Yes, can be made using inbuilt product feature.
• Both the options 2nd & 3rd

Q. 11 In OmniScan, which compression is supported for color 24 bit PDF image?

• Flat Decode

Q. 14 In OmniScan, underlying database files has following extension:

• xls
• accdb
• mda
• mdb

Q. 2 What is the name of the exe file of OmniScan?

• NGOmniScan.exe
• NGBulkScan.exe
• NGOmniCapture.exe
• NGBulkCapture.exe

Q. 7 In OmniScan, user can define Flow of Jobs in OmniScan using:

• Process Modeler
• OmniFlow
• Flow Section
• None of the above

Q. 2 If user wants to deploy some add-in file or dll file in OmniScan then the user is
required to copy the dll at which of these location?
• OmniScan Application Path
• Newgen Common \ CommonDlls
• OmniScan Application Path \ template
• OmniScan Application Path \ database
Q. 11 Is document versioning functionality available in OmniScan?
• No
• Yes, but only for single call export.
• Yes, but only for mutli call export.
• Yes, for both single and multi call export.

Q. 7 In OmniScan, what configuration is needed to export document

in Amazon S3 cloud server?
• ExportToCloud=Y in “Application” section of NGBulkScan.ini
• UsingCloudAPI=Y in “Application” section of NGBulkScan.ini.
• ExportToCloud=Y in “ExportAdaptors” section of NGBulkScan.ini
• UsingCloudAPI=Y in “ExportAdaptors” section of NGBulkScan.ini

Q. 8 How user can enable DQA in OmniScan?

• Define configuration in NGBulkScan.ini and Template INI.
• Define configuration in NGAppSetting.ini and NGBulkScan.ini.
• Define configuration in NGAppSetting.ini and Template INI.
• Define configuration in Template INI only.

Q. 9 SAP functions are not defined in INI for which of these cases?
• Export in OmniDocs and Link with SAP
• Export in OmniFlow and Link with SAP
• Export in SAP content repository
• None of the above

Q. 3 In OmniScan, which of this section is used to export documents

automatically to OmniDoc and OmniFlow?
• Ready Upload
• Instant Upload
• Auto Upload
• Current Upload

Q. 6 Add in section is defined in which of these INI?

• NGAppSettings.ini
• NGBulkScan.ini
• Job.ini
• None of the above
Q. 12 In OmniScan, user can customize indexes section using:
• Windows Forms
• Form Builder
• Control Form
• Applets

Q. 5 In OmniScan, compression value which is defined in Job Section will be applied on

• Job Image
• Record Image
• Doc Type pages
• None of the above

Q. 3 In OmniScan, what is the meaning of Black and White conversion section?

• To convert image in Black and White
• To save image in Black and White
• To Export Black and White image into DMS
• None of the above

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