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Revision (Number Systems & Polynomials

1. Simplify the following expressions and find it is rational or irrational.

i) (3+√5) (3 -√5) ii) (4+√7)(2+√5)

2. Evaluate : (√5 + √2)2 + (√8 – √5)2

3.. Find the rational number in the form 𝑞 corresponding to the
decimal representation 0.865865……, where ‘p’ and ‘q’ are
integers and q≠0
3 1 1
4. Find i) 252 ii) 45 x 85

5. Simplify the following

[9(641/3 + 1251/3 )]

6. Write the Rationalising factor of the following.

5 7√5
i) ii)
√3−√5 √7+√2

7. The zero of the polynomial P(y) =4y + 3 is …………

8. Decimal form of 53 is ………………………..

9. Find the value of the polynomial x2 - 2 x + 1, when x = -2

1 𝑞 2
10. Expand (𝑝 + 5 )

11. Factorise y2 – 5y +6
12. Express 0.43̅ on the form , where p and q are integers and q≠0.

13. The coefficient of ‘x’ in the expansion of (x+3)3

14. x+1 is a factor of the polynomial 3x2 – kx, then find the value of ‘k’

15. Represent √7.3 on the number line.

16. Expand :
(i) (4y – 7z)3
(ii) (x – 2y – 3z)2

17. If p(x) = x3 + 3x2 – 2x + 4, then find the value of p(2) + p(-2) – P(0).

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