Test - Chemistry Chapter 4 - Quizlet

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11/27/23, 8:36 PM Test: Chemistry chapter 4 | Quizlet

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4 True/False questions

Term Definition 1 of 18
German Silver iron, chromium, nickel. very strong, does not
rust, cutlery, utensils surgical instruments



Definition Term 2 of 18
constituents - copper zinc. It is hard, corrosion Brass
resistant. utensils, electrical goods, containers,



Term Definition 3 of 18
Carbon electroplated on iron gives it a corrosion
resistant shining finish, for example, handles of
bicycles, car bumpers etc,



Term Definition 4 of 18
Lead It is used to make alloys. It is also electroplated
on other metals to give them a corrosion-
resistant finish.



5 Multiple choice questions

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11/27/23, 8:36 PM Test: Chemistry chapter 4 | Quizlet

Term 5 of 18

a light, strong, corrosion resistant metal. It is used to make bodies aircrafts.

as coal, used as fuel. As charcoal, used in filters to purify air and water. Also as graphite
used in making electrodes in dry cells

electroplated on iron gives it a corrosion resistant shining finish, for example, handles of
bicycles, car bumpers etc,

aluminium copper magnesium, manganese. light and strong. bodies of aeroplanes and

Term 6 of 18

lead, tin. low melting point. joining metals

iron, carbon, very strong, bodies of ships railway lines

copper, tin. statues, corrosion resistant and hard

It is used to make alloys. It is also electroplated on other metals to give them a corrosion-
resistant finish.

Definition 7 of 18
iron, chromium, nickel. very strong, does not rust, cutlery, utensils surgical instruments


stainless steel



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11/27/23, 8:36 PM Test: Chemistry chapter 4 | Quizlet

Term 8 of 18

electroplated on iron gives it a corrosion resistant shining finish, for example, handles of
bicycles, car bumpers etc,

aluminium copper magnesium, manganese. light and strong. bodies of aeroplanes and

it is a hard and brittle form of iron with a high carbon content. It is used to make pipes, sinks

a light, strong, corrosion resistant metal. It is used to make bodies aircrafts.

Definition 9 of 18
iron, carbon, very strong, bodies of ships railway lines





4 Matching questions

It is used to make alloys. It is also electroplated on other A. Nickel 10-13 of 18

metals to give them a corrosion-resistant finish.

B. Sulphur

C. Pig iron
it is a non metal extensively used in the electronic and
computer industries to make devices such as transistors , D. Silicon
microchips, and solar cells.

it is a hard and brittle form of iron with a high carbon

content. It is used to make pipes, sinks etc.

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11/27/23, 8:36 PM Test: Chemistry chapter 4 | Quizlet

a non-metal used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid,

which is used in several industrial processes.

5 Written questions

Definition 14 of 18
its a liquid at room temperature, is used in barometers abd thermometers.

Term 15 of 18

Term 16 of 18

Term 17 of 18

Definition 18 of 18
used in the manufacture of ammonia gas, which is used to manufacture fertilizers such as
ammonium sulphate. Oxy-hydrogen flame, obtained by burning hydrogen in oxygen is used for
cutting and welding metals

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