Short Term Memory: A) Capacity

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Short Term Memory

Short-term memory is the part of your memory system that can hold a limited
number of items and information is lost within 20-30 seconds if it is not

Short-term memory allows you to keep information readily available and easily
accessible for immediate tasks, such as remembering a phone number long
enough to dial it.

Characteristics of Short-Term Memory

a) Capacity:

According to Miller (1956) - Capacity of short term memory is, “The Magical
Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two.”

Suggested that the capacity of short-term memory is about seven items, plus or
minus two. This means people can typically hold 5 to 9 items in their short-term

Cowan (2001), indicates that the effective capacity may be closer to four items,
especially when information is chunked together.

b) Duration:

The duration of short-term memory is also limited. Without active maintenance,

such as rehearsal, information typically fades within 15 to 30 seconds (Peterson
& Peterson, 1959).
Rehearsal involves the conscious repetition of information, which can aid in
transferring it from short-term memory to long-term memory.

Importance of Short-Term Memory

Short-term memory is crucial for everyday cognitive functions. For example, it
allows us to hold the beginning of a sentence in mind until we reach the end,
enabling comprehension(ability to understand).

In tasks like mathematical problem-solving, STM keeps intermediate calculations

in mind.

It is also essential for activities such as dialing a phone number immediately after
hearing it.

Short-term memory is a critical component of human cognition, essential for

temporarily storing and manipulating information.

Although its capacity and duration are limited, these constraints can be managed
through various strategies and cognitive techniques.

How does STM work?

● Encoding: When we focus on something, our brain encodes it into

short-term memory, turning sensory input (like what we see or hear) into a
form we can store.

● Rehearsal: To keep information in short-term memory, we repeat it to

ourselves. This can be done out loud or silently, helping us remember it
longer and possibly move it to long-term memory.

● Decisions: Our brain decides what to do with the information in short-term

memory. It can either discard it, keep it for a while, or transfer it to
long-term memory if it’s important.
● Retrieval Strategies: To get information out of short-term memory when
we need it, we use retrieval strategies like cues and context to help us
remember quickly and accurately.

Short-Term Memory (STM) vs Working Memory

STM is about holding information briefly(shortly), while working memory is about

both holding and using that information for cognitive tasks.

Short-Term Memory (STM):

● Definition: STM refers to the temporary storage of information for a brief

period (typically 15-30 seconds) without active manipulation.

● Capacity: Limited to about 4 to 9 items.

● Example: Remembering a phone number just long enough to dial it.

Working Memory:
● Definition: Working memory involves the temporary storage and active
manipulation of information needed for complex tasks like learning,
reasoning, and comprehension.

● Components: Includes components like the phonological loop (verbal

information), visuospatial sketchpad (visual and spatial information), and
central executive (attention and coordination).

● Example: Solving a math problem in your head, which requires holding

numbers and operations in mind while manipulating them to find the

Phonological Loop:
Function: Handles verbal information.
Example: Repeating a phone number to remember it.

Visuospatial Sketchpad:
Function: Manages visual and spatial information.
Example: Imagining where to place furniture in a room.

Central Executive:
Function: Directs attention and coordinates tasks.
Example: Planning a road while driving, using a map.


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