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Title Page:

• Title of the Lab Course: Numerical Methods Lab (BS)

• Course Code: BS-M491
• Student's Name:
• Student’s College and University Roll No.:
• Instructor’s Name: Prof. Arko Banerjee
• Instructor’s Affiliation: Department of Basic Science, CEMK

Table of Contents:

1. Python Basics
2. Root Finding Methods

1. Python Basics
You may explain the following points with codes described in the lab.

Introduction to Python:

• Python is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and versatility, and it is
widely used in scientific computing.
• Using Google Colab to Code Python: Google Colab is an online platform that provides a
Jupyter Notebook interface for writing and executing Python code. It offers advantages
such as free GPU support, collaboration features, and access to a wide range of Python
libraries. However, it may have disadvantages such as session timeouts and dependency on
internet connectivity.

Python Data Types: Integers, Floats, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Sets

Variables and Operators: Arithmetic operators, Comparison operators and Logical operators

print and input built-in functions:

Control Structures: If-elif-else statements, For loops While loop


Libraries: NumPy and Matplotlib

Write Questions & Solutions of Assignment-1 (Q5,6,8,9,10) and Assignment-2 (Q3,5,6,10)

2. Root Finding Methods

• Explanation: Explain the root-finding methods/formulas: iterative method, Bisection and

• Python Program: Write a Python program to implement each root-finding method. Use
functions and loops to iterate through the process until the desired accuracy is achieved.

• Example Outputs: For different inputs and equations, demonstrate the outputs obtained by
applying the root-finding methods. Show how the methods converge to the true root with
each iteration, and discuss any limitations or considerations.

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