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Faculty of Computing,

Engineering and the Built


Coursework Assessment Brief

Academic Year 2020 -21

Module: BNV6047 Project Management

Assessment Title: CWRK002 – Briefing document

Assessment Identifier: CWRK002 Weighting: 80%

School: School of Engineering and the Built Environment

Module Co-ordinator: Janaka Upendra (

Hand in deadline date: See Moodle

Hand back date: Within 20 working days of the submission deadline

Re-assessment hand in
deadline date:
Support available for
Timetabled revisions sessions will be arranged for the period
students required to
immediately preceding the hand in date
submit a re-assessment:
1) At the first assessment attempt, the full range of marks is
available. At the re-assessment attempt the mark is capped
and the maximum mark that can be achieved is 40%.

2) The clarification requests about this coursework will be

documented and published on Moodle (in the ‘Assessment’
tab) for the students. This will be a document-in-progress
that will be updated on an ongoing basis.


Assessment Summary You are required to produce a 'briefing document' for a busy
director who wishes to know more about the selected
construction project in the UK. The purpose of the briefing
document is to provide the director with as much detail and
analysis in only 3000 words- the sort of document he or she
might read on a train prior to a meeting in which he or she
would want to have enough knowledge as to feel competent to
talk about the project.

Standard Undergraduate Assessment Regulations

Your studies will be governed by version 5 of the Standard Undergraduate

Assessment Regulations (SUAR 5).

Under these regulations you are permitted two attempts at assessment for each module: a
first sit and re-assessment attempt.

This means that you will be required to withdraw from the course if, following
the reassessment attempt, you have not passed.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Both cheating and plagiarism are totally unacceptable and the University maintains a strict
policy against them. It is YOUR responsibility to be aware of this policy and to act
accordingly. Please refer to the Academic Registry Guidance at

The basic principles are:

 Don’t pass off anyone else’s work as your own, including work from “essay
 banks”. This is plagiarism and is viewed extremely seriously by the University.
 Don’t submit a piece of work in whole or in part that has already been submitted
for assessment elsewhere. This is called duplication and, like plagiarism, is viewed
 extremely seriously by the University.
 Always acknowledge all of the sources that you have used in your
 coursework assignment or project.
 If you are using the exact words of another person, always put them in quotation
 marks.
 Check that you know whether the coursework is to be produced individually or
 whether you can work with others.
 If you are doing group work, be sure about what you are supposed to do on
 your own.
 Never make up or falsify data to prove your point.
  Never allow others to copy your work.
 Never lend disks, memory sticks or copies of your coursework to any other
student in the University; this may lead you being accused of collusion.

By submitting coursework, either physically or electronically, you are confirming that it is

your own work (or, in the case of a group submission, that it is the result of joint work
undertaken by members of the group that you represent) and that you have read and
understand the University’s guidance on plagiarism and cheating.

Students should be aware that, at the discretion of the module co-ordinator, coursework
may be submitted to an electronic detection system in order to help ascertain if any
plagiarised material is present.
Electronic Submission of Work

Students should also be aware that it is their responsibility to ensure that work submitted in
electronic format can be opened on a faculty computer and to check that any electronic
submissions have been successfully uploaded. If it cannot be opened it will not be marked.
Any required file formats will be specified in the assignment brief and failure to comply with
these submission requirements will result in work not being marked.

Students must retain a copy of all electronic work they have submitted and resubmit
if requested.

Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:

1. Determine the role and importance of stakeholders and manage people within
construction projects
2. Perform financial management considering value and risk in construction projects
3. Construct detailed programmes and for construction projects
4. Apply innovative techniques such as BIM to construction project management

Assessment Details:
Assume that you are a quantity surveyor in a reputed organization and you are required to
produce a ‘briefing document’ for a busy company director who wishes to know more
about the commercial construction project which is located in the centre of your area
(select any commercial construction project, located at the centre of area around you), in
order to provide the director with as much detail as possible and analysis about the
selected project, (only words 3000 the sort of document) he or she might read prior to a
meeting which he or she would want to have enough knowledge as to feel competent to
talk about the project. The report should examine, as a minimum, the following issues:

The overview of the project

The project structure

Stakeholder analysis

Importance of financial feasibility analysis for the project

Importance of Time Management for the project

Risk management for the selected project

Sustainability and building performance

Usage of Renewable and Recyclable materials

Interpersonal skills in managing the project such as leadership skills, social
network building, building project team, etc

Use of information technology and communication systems for
project management

Application of BIM

Value Management for the proposed project at the early stages

Student prospective about the project

You shall work individually and submit a report on or before the given date, and it
shall contain the following:
 A cover page giving title, name of student, the date of submission and total number of
words used (excluding references and annexes).
 The main text preferably in appropriate sections addressing the given areas
 Annexes if any
Number of words of the report excluding annexes shall be 3000 (+/- 10%).
Assessment Criteria:

Knowledge and understanding (30%)

This addresses understanding and critical awareness of the subject matter in question. You
are expected to form original ideas where appropriate from understanding theory and
context. Express clear focus with no significant omissions or unnecessary issues.

Application and analysis (30%)

You should demonstrate the transfer of project management theory into actual
practice/selected context. You would also be expected to critically analyze its application
and to synthesize to a winder context. Collection of primary information and usage of
analytical methods such as rich picture and influence diagram would add to your report.

Structure, argument and referencing (20%)

You should clearly articulate a structure with full introduction and robust conclusion which
draws together the main issues. This should be an effective framework which enables the
smooth flow of ideas and persuasive argument leading to significant insights and relevant
future work. The students need to clearly present the Harvard referencing style throughput
the report.

Presentation and communication (20%)

You should communicate effectively with appropriate language, impeccable presentation,
and polished and reader-friendly style/layout. Professionalism and creativity in the
presentation of the case study is important. Harvard style should be used throughout with a
full and correctly presented reference list.

Table of Assessment Criteria and Associated Grading Criteria

Assessment 1. 2. 3. 4.
Criteria Knowledge and Application and Structure and Presentation and
understanding analysis argument communication
Weighting: 30% 30% 20% 20%
Grading No understanding Little or no attempt at Disorganized with no Poor written expression and
Demonstrated with analysis and wholly apparent structure. layout with frequent
Criteria Fundamental errors descriptive or No evidence that a sound grammatical and
present. Assignment inappropriately conclusion has been typographical (spelling and
requirements may not subjective, and even drawn. misuse or words) errors.
be met or content then with substantial No sources identified in the
may be unduly errors. It may show a text and/or no reference
derivative of other disregard for the list.
0% – 29% sources. published word count or Where sources have been
equivalent. consulted, likely to be
inappropriate, irrelevant,
copied. Where plagiarism is
suspected, a mark of 0 will
be awarded and disciplinary
proceedings commenced.
30% - 39% Inadequate depth to Some very basic Largely unstructured Poor written expression and
the answer. Incorrect understanding shown approach which presents layout with grammatical
or irrelevant material but still likely to be little argumentation. and typographical (spelling
included with poor or entirely descriptive and Vague conclusion. and misuse or words)
unclear structure of failing to properly errors.
knowledge. address the questions Sources not identified or
posed in the assignment largely inappropriate or
guidance. irrelevant.
Inconsistent and incorrect
style of referencing Harvard
approach not correctly
40% - 49% Learning outcomes Some limited Basic structure in place Adequate presentation, but
satisfied with basic development of ideas including an introduction with some carelessness in
coverage of material present but of an overly and conclusion but lacking grammar, spelling or style.
relevant to topic but descriptive nature and clarity or logic in flow or
with significant with points not fully argument. Where a Adequate references with
errors, inaccuracies or explained or justified. conclusion is present it minor errors in the style of
misunderstanding. Heavily dependent on may be poor, not drawing Harvard referencing and
an uncritical from or not supported by omissions.
application. previous discussion.

50% - 59% An essentially sound Straightforward in its Central issues addressed Adequate presentation,
answer which understanding of topic, but lacking awareness of with few significant errors
demonstrates a showing an unquestioning wider frame of reference. in grammar, spelling, layout
reasonable conceptual approach rather than a Argument has some or style.
understanding. more sophisticated or structure and Range of sources used with
However, some errors critical one. development towards appropriate Harvard
are still likely to be conclusion with referencing. Minor errors in
present. limitations in summary of errors in the style of
issues. Harvard referencing.

60% - 69% Good coverage with Sensible debate with Well-constructed Effective presentation with
some awareness of most points developed framework with clearly few significant errors in
relevance of issues. and justified. A full articulated structure and grammar, spelling, layout
Clear scope and focus, response, which an effective introduction or style.
ideas are expressed demonstrates an and conclusion. Sound range of sources used
well, with some minor attempt to engage in Signposting provided to with largely correct
omissions or comment and discussion direct the reader through referencing.
unnecessary issues. and shows knowledge the paper.
and understanding of
the issues, although
unlikely to fully
consider the wider
70% - 79% Very good Discursive approach, Very clearly articulated Communicated effectively
understanding of the which engages in a full structure with full with appropriate language,
subject matter with and reasoned debate introduction and robust impeccable presentation,
critical awareness of around the theme of conclusion which draws and polished and reader-
relevance of issues. the question. All together the main issues. friendly style/layout.
Very good expression important points An effective framework Harvard style correctly used
of ideas, very good justified. At higher which enables the smooth throughout with a full and
clarity of focus and levels there will be flow of ideas. correctly presented
potential for critical thinking clearly reference
originality. and consistently list.
80% - 100% Excellent understanding of Discursive approach, Argument has excellent Communicated effectively
the subject matter with which engages in a full and structure and with appropriate language,
critical awareness of reasoned debate around persuasiveness, leading to impeccable and polished
relevance of issues. the theme of the question. significant insights and and reader- friendly
Excellent expression All important points relevant future work. style/layout.
of ideas, excellent justified. Harvard style correctly used
clarity of focus with At higher levels excellent throughout with a full and
no significant omissions or skills of synthesis and correctly presented
unnecessary issues and critical analysis will also be reference list.
some originality. demonstrated.
Submission Details:

You may structure the report as you wish, but it must demonstrate a professional
approach such as displayed in publications of professional bodies such as RICS. It is
recommended that significant attention is given to the presentation of the report so that it
is easy to read and engaging.

Your report must contain 3000 words (+/- 10%). Significant marks will be deducted if the
report falls outside this requirement.

Please note very carefully that the word limit is intended to encourage you to write in a
manner that is rich yet concise with content and analysis. Writing in a verbose (overly
wordy or flowery) or irrelevant manner will cause significant loss of marks. Be precise and
to the point.

Work should be submitted electronically via Moodle upload. Submission should be in vector
PDF format (maximum of 10Mb).

If you submit an assessment late at the first attempt then you will be subject to one of the
following penalties:

 If the submission is made up to two hours following the deadline, the mark that you achieve will
be deducted by 10%. If this deduction takes you below the pass threshold then you will be
 capped at that threshold;
 (For example: work awarded a mark of 60% would become 54%)
 If the submission is made between two hours and up to 5 days following the deadline, your
 mark will be capped at the pass threshold;
 If the submission is made after 5 days following the deadline, your work will be deemed as a
fail and returned to you unmarked.
If you submit a reassessment late then it will be deemed as a fail and returned to you unmarked.


Typically students are expected to take up to 22 hours to complete this assignment.


Marks and Feedback on your work will normally be provided electronically via Moodle
within 20 working days of its submission deadline.

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