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1. afer staat aa &: (1) er dt apf or Q) wm xe (3) ea faeRor (4) FAD ant 2. aafte arcberes srezrers acer @ (1) aftpal & snfttes caer ar (2) sara ena at atlas remit ar (3) Ft (1) atte (2) (4) sa a alg aa 3. safe: wd afte end orferer ke fine fn? (1) 3 fiber (2) aes arefet G) 3. om. fear (4) 3.0m. der sider ah adivren seit fren 2 meh Peete cee ott (2) sta afer arr (3) abs arefer grt (4) f. @. agers arr 5. afte sels seer om 8 (1) agra sa a (2) Fra genes or (3) Hemg ar (4) sa mt 6. spires oh faraaeg & : Q) (2) sare (3) faaeor (4) Raat 7. wera & aa Regia daira 2: GQ) Fate (2) Wh afer a 4) aoe (4) 3. fae 23\5117\A12023 1 (3] +(3) Economics studies the : (1) Nature of wealth (2) Creation of wealth (3) Distribution of wealth 44) All of these Microeconomics studies + «(1) Economic behaviour of Individuals (2) Economic activities of Individual firms Both (1) & (2) None of these (3) (4) Who differentiated between Micro and Macro economics? @) (2) Alfred Marshall (3) JR. Hicks (4) 3. M. Keynes Scarcity related definition of Economics is olven by : (1) _Lionei Robbins (2) Joan Robinson Alfred Marshall (4) PLA. Samuelson Macro economics studies : (1) National Income (2) Aggregate production (3) Inflation (4) All of these The Subject matter of Economics is : Q) 2) (3) Distribution (4) Allof these Ten Principles of economics is concerned with : (2) Gregory Mankiw (2) Stephen Hawking 43) 3..N. Keynes (4) 3.S. Mill Ragner Frisch Consumption Production So eamenen ntti até 8, Generally Demand Curve is - (yall etn Ne a oe freer at 7Q1) Leftward Downward Sloping (2) ane) nen te Bl ge got SIT (2) Upward Rising (a) (3) Circular yea and ad (4) None of these ©. alway gfe Os amt aTaMe ae afl atereren 9 “With increase in price the availability of agi 8, 8 sen grat: goods in market also increases is known Q) mand ea) a Derand a Q 5K wt a ud aap 5 wT (2) Supply curve Y San agp } wT (3) Consumption curve 10 (3) aera a ea (4) Investment curve Sea ag or smn Rafe aa @: 10. Consumption of any good is depend on. Mae a A ara ox «(1) Price of good (2) ag 8 ura aeAfiaT ox (2) Utility from good (3) SAY sik (2) (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) wea ae aa (4) None of these 11. 344 3 Gr a sififes aren on ue 8? 11, Which is an ingredient Economic prob- (1) aii geart tem? air aert (1) Unlimited wants (2) (2) Scarce Means (3) ert & defers soar (3) Alternative uses of the means 4) sae at (4) All of these 12. & wa am aR we faites aoe 12. An essay on nature and significance of sarin erst genera at ait : Economic science is authored by : (1) fac ufesa arr (1) Lionel Robbins (2) ordpe mele at (2). Alfred Marshall (3) 3. a. aR (3) J. M. Keynes (4) amet a art (4) Amartya Sen ; . The value of the next highest valued al- 13, eri a adie defies gee or gees 1 ternative use of ce is: (1) aeRR aT « (1) Opportunity cost (2) ee ama (2) Explicit cost (3) oer arnt (3) Implicit cost (a) a ate al (4) None of these a: 14. Production Possibility curve illustrates: 14, eae WHET a WA ‘ (1) Maximum possible output of one (1) cep sere &F siftrapere fea FeTIC output arsed or afta waned saret (2) Maximum possible output of two a output (3) GH (1) aie (2) (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) waa arg et (4) None of these SNS AATVANZO23 9 14] 15. 16. 7), 18. 19. 20. 21. wighe af often Y scares ere ap oftafeter eae (1) siex dt siz (2) wer dt sie (3) AAV) site (2) (4) SA a ag at sities igh at gfx & fee oF artfre oT @ siftres necayot 8? (1) sain ast ot fe (2) pia agai D afk (3) tina api a ot (4) FAA aE a Ss ? (1) shetfire Rex & (2) tamer fer & (3) Waren gh Ea (4) cape! 7 aiifes roora Romer aor te snfetas (1) Bit Refer (2) snffar arson (3) — STD rere cor ere aT (2) °Or Braet gag a Fae wos er ote ae sine Aer (2) Sra gy 2 ee ws ah SIG Seer 3p FRA (3) Bat (1) site (2) (4) gata arg ae 26. sa ote ar wane aR wT SaIeTOT Be (1) Har (2) Sot (3) srrafes (4) amet ae see 7. lop ax & fee ger @ ala ae a? (1) apa oF creation fer (2) ae wife are (3) gat aa gravee ae eter (4) grin Y=f(x) or SHE B: (1) aR 00 a ya (2) Xt e @) YRanée (4) aah 47\A\2023 | Nee [6] 24 26. 27. 28. * The correct name of Wealth of Nations Economics is a social science thay studies: é (1) Production of goods é (2) Consumption of goods i (3) _ Distribution of goods ‘ 4(4) Allof these “ * Who is author of General Theory of 1? 3 employment, interest and money? of (1) JM. Keynes : (2) 3..N. Keynes #. (3) TR. Malthus 2g (4) R, Marshall Which are is the non economic factor of Economic development? : (1) Capital formation (2) Economic system (3) Natural Resources (4) Human Resources (1) An enquiry into the nature and causes of wealth of Nations (2) An enquiry into the causes and nature of wealth of Nations (3) Both (1) & (2) 44) None of these Which one is example of flow variable? 1) Money (2) Capital (3) Labour force (4) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) For stock variable which is correct? (1) Snapshot of value . (2) Itis static (3) It does not have time interval 44) Allof these Y=f(x) means : +1) There are two variables (x) and (Y) (2) X is independent variable (3) Y is dependent variable (4) All of these Dx=f(Px) oT mera : (1) 3a dive 8 cada aa 2, a7 Rafa at anit & (2) cast afatn ath d aa toate Roads (3) a (1) sik (2) (4) saa we ae satan ato & : (1) wifterata offer ot at or sift aR & ate were fear (2) Sifteraita ofefer st et on aftre eet & ata @g ware ae frat (3) gute ett (1) od (2) (4) sR a as ae wat HSM y=atbx+e A Sh a wa wet 8? (1) yReaae Q) awa Re (3) bdo yori & (4) xmas scenery et east @ = QQ) Fer (2) sifere (3) sgt 4) aaah rat ah es (1) HET (2) eer G3) (4) Fatah wre BT BA HT STATS wm y # oftads (av) at ofa (4x) F Ranta (2) X 3 oftada (ax) Bry # ofa (AY) a Rents oS (3) Bai (1) ea (2) (4). saa we ae 23\5117\A12023 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 7] Dx=f(Px) means: (1) When the price changes, Demand also changes (2) When demand changes price also changes (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) None of these Regression Analysis is a : (1) Statistical Method that shows Relationship between two or more variable (2) Statistical method that shows not any relationship between different variables (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) None of these For Regression equation y=a+bx+E which is not true? (1) yis dependent variable (2) a is independent variable (3) bis regression coefficient (4) xis independent variable Regression may be : (1) Simple (2) Partial (3) Multiple 1(4) All of these Slopes are : (1) Negative (2) Positive (3) Zero (4) All of these Slope is measured as = Change in ¥(aY) divided by change me) in X(AX) (2) Change in X(aX) divided by change in Y(AY) (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) None of these PTO. Price elasticity of demand is 35. Aer Bh abhor etre a req fever ore @ as ie e/g Cc (1) ew * G7P 1 970g Q) em SPP | 8Q/Q i). °* BidP OY wr a ang att Se TH Oh oe om (2) 4 38 (4) Ft a ay ae 39. wars © oPiee Reais af aan ats ft Q) dere a ot tome (2) gra eer fee ¢ @) Or eT hae (4) sYQ &m = “aP7P loyment of resources Income level is constant The Price level is constant All of these 41. 42 44 45. 46. 35, win ah afte etter ah ree Roe sre dV/Q Q) ew * p/p ‘dl (2) on = Sin (3) ew" we 2 OBR a arg aa "OSPR ste a Q) 5 2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 2 wear &1 37, SP com ae eA aM her Aeterre Bate ahr aA eRe eh oA nn a QQ) apt (2) adh (3) oRafee aa ent (4) SD aE ae 38. error sfefton Rirgia ¥ ens a ax Pate (1) goit at angff arr (2) oft at ain arr (3) SA (1) ed (2) at (4) saa aga 39. warat & sfailton Praia a aca ata vt ee (1) Senet or gof tomme (2) sraer Reed @) Ser ar Rew’ (4) Sant 23\5117\A\2023 % 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, [8] ™ Price elasticity of demand is Presenteg as: dQ/ (1) ew * oe /dQ (2) ew = oe dQ/ GB) ew = ae +(4) None of these Price elasticity of Demand has... kinds. GQ) 5 2) 4 @) 3 (4) 2 If the Price elasticity for a good, is inelastic and Price increases then demand for good will also, (1) Increase A2) Decrease (3) Does not change (4) None of these In Classical theory of Interest, Rate of interest is determined by- (1) The supply of capital (2) The demand for capital (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) None of these Which is assumption of Classical theory of Interest? +(1) Full employment of resources (2) Income level is constant (3) The Price level is constant (4) All of these 40. st a ats selerefl wast as ar uff farzia & ys 8? (1) ae Rowe (2) Seared (3) BAY (1) ed (2) (4) FR aay eee eae ? Q) aad (2) faa (3) da 4) Fas at ora & ams frgia 8 yet att oct &1 (1) gaan sea (2) sa Rea (3) Wg sea (4) FRa wt CREM Stet a RRera eeifera @ = Q) Seas as fre a (2) Safed erst & Ragin 8 (3) aa sfafton aaa & Rrgia (4) Aa BE aa a @ feed, ara or ange Regia get eae? (Q) &. aR. fear (2) fees sista (3) siébs Hrefet (4) 3. & amb wast a snare Rirgia Prk 2 : (Q) Saris ame (2) Sat LM ap (3) i (1) ait (2) (4) waa ag ae ga a ate aa a? (a) LM agp ard & ard ux ait gk some (2) 1s ap ad Bad Ha A sik fires (3) i (1) ait (2) (4) SH a aE ae 23\5117\A\2023 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 40, Which Economist Is associated with th Neo-classical theory of Interest? (1) Knut Wicksell (2) D.H. Robertson (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) None of these Which Is the source of supply of Loanable funds? (1) Savings (2) Dishoarding (3) Bank money » (4) All of these 42. In the Keynes theory of Interest, money is demanded for : (1) Precautionary motive (2) Income motive (3) Speculative motive 41, +(4) All of these 43. The state of Liquidity Trap is concerned with : (1) Keynes Theory of Interest (2) Classical Theory of Interest (3) Neo-classical theory of Interest (4) None of these 44, To whom, Modern theory of Interest is associated? 2(1) 9. R. Hicks (2) Milton Friedman (3) Alfred Marshall (4) 3. B. Clark 45. Modern Theory of Interest depend on : (1) Only IS curve (2) Only LM curve «(3) Both (1) & (2) (4) None of these 46. Which is True? Al) LM curve slopes upward from left to Right IS curve slopes downward from left to Right 3) Both (1) & (2) (4) None of these 2) [9] PTO. ——— 47. Which is true for Hicks-Hansen Theoy, 7, ReeaSaT wast ax Prue Feria & fee of Interest rate determination? 53. agile ara # arate (1) The theory assumes thay (1) Gop, cay Raab aan fo trance ae aon (2) wees wie facia @ (2) It isa static theory (3) GNP, (3) we ortararen & serorcts are oT (3) Itexplains the short run behaviour (4) FRR SORA wee of the economy 54, Reoretter 2 4) saath 4) All of these amt: Safa vig Pie 8: 48. Economic growth depends on : (a) ator (CD) Biter agai dt af oe . (1) Increase in capital goods @) 4m (2) ar kee Fafa (2) Increase in Labour force (3) oma (3) wares aero ox (3) Technological innovation (4) Fae OQ samt A4) All of these s. 1 A (3) Bac atte (2) ay (2) Only Non-Economic factors @) aa @) Faas ag a OR (4) wre 50. a sfc safc steer a aie cae 56. dam a leo-classical growth model is oie (1) SIR. eH, att gre developed by a) ae (2) &. sey, =m art (1) RM. solow Q) (3) BH (1) atte (2) are i ee _. Qader za (4) eae @) Fr SL gad & ahr se-sfaftom sales Fraia B51 which one is the assumption of | 57 Patera Aree 8? Neoclassical Growth theory? () FIR (1) dar & Rex afer (1) Constant Returns to scale wa (2) get sftrenrar (2) Perfect competition Q) oF Q) pig (3) Complete information @) * (4) saat (4) All of these (4) # 52. att afters 2: 52. A Solow Residual is : 58. ser ) eee eae ld (2) sites of or ae fewer fare sarah # explained by ee 0 sro arer anRsaa fen sre & progress Qo 3) aH 1) st 2) (3) Both (1) & (2) & 5 (4) waa wea (4) None of these (4) 3 2351171A\2023 i [10] | 23,51 17\A\ 54. 7 gern % filer am I _ arta girer att seth & (1) GOP,,,&RT (2) GNP, RT (3) GNP, aT (4) saa ate ae Roragta det a ated Rises aah ore ora: (1) wforena tore (2) Wears Rome (3) sea Rome (4) wea a ae at Fer ale efit & (1) ware dra eR Fafa Q) wast ass 3) ara a ahs 4) a a as ah ata Gh gs TAB Fer Hea Yee Eee . & ere sarrengol win Hafez ara ot art (1) va (2) gah & arg vet q@) Q) GB) (4) _ Referer ap ware: (69) naga & oftads ed torn & ate ade (2) Brea B afeacke we oar wR he aT (3) at (1) ea (2) 4) FAs wi Fa HRS freer & rafts at are q@) ag seater erat & (2) ae HK BL ARG TGA Bae (3) ae x-gel TARR ae a (4) Fras 2315117\A\12023 53. 54. 55. 56. GQ) 57. 58. (11] National income is measured PY + §1) GDP, (2) GNP,,, (3) GNP, (4) None of the above In developing Countries, which unemployment does not found ; (1) Frictional unemployment (2) Structural unemployment (3) Disguised unemployment (4) None of these Inflation Referers : (4) Increase in General price level 4?) «) (4) Jo remove the unemployment Keynes: Increase in National Income Decrease in labour force None of these suggests for : Increase in effective demand (2) Decrease in expenditure (3) Both (1) & (2) (4). None of these The Phillips curve represents the : _(1) Relationship between wage change and unemployment (2) Relationship between price change and Income Level Both (1) & (2) All of these @) (4) In Short Run Phillips Curve is do sloping while in Long run : (a) (2) @) (4) wn ward It is vertical It is upward rising It is parallel to x axis All of these P.T.O. 3 59. Which economist is associated with the SS sd WW stk we 59. ee ase ster a long run approach of Phillips curve : wammn B Baits 8? (1) Milton Friedman (2) Irving Fisher (3) 3. M. Buchanan (4) None of these G) sass 60. In closed economy : 2 = a (2) GOP = GNP Hes (2). GDP > GNP GDP > GNP ee cen one (3) GDP < GNP @ seasece $2. HE ong 8 sea a (4) None of these 61. CPI means (1) Central Price Index 4£2) Consumer Price Index (3) Community Production index (4) All of these 62. Which is 2 method of measurement of National Income? -(1) Income method A2)_ Production method (3) Expenditure method (4) All of these 63. Unemployment Rate is equal to : 83. Romi x axe: : Unemployed People 1 ‘mployed People - atom aft )<100 “a ( (Sass Labour Force ~)*100 (2) Wemployed People x Labour Force a HOO eee Labour Force / Unemployed People é Ra ais @) = 100 (4) None of these (4) FAA BEE 2a\s117A12023, ee a 64, Her db after Pirate db fro gant a att ea G4. For Quantity Theory of Money which one Ld is correct? QQ) MV = PT QQ) MV = Pr (2) MP = VT (2) MP = VT (3) MT = Pv (3) MT=PV (4) FA a aE re (4) None of these The cash balance approach to the 65. Aad afta fraia a waz vu afer «= OF 8 Quantity Theory of money is e, ea 8 ane fen ore a l 'S expressed kR as: kR Q) == M (2) M=kRa 43) Rt M (4) None of these 66. oS ate adored ya aos 66. Which economist is related with afeain a aftr 8? Cambridge cash Balance theory of (1) sere aria demand? @) &. wa. cad 3) DH Robertson (4) seam (4) All of these 67. quar ain fre eh ata dea arf 67. Which are is the specific contribution of amené: Keynes for the Demand for money? (1) ara sev i (1) Income motive demand (2) areata seve ArT (2) Business motive demand (3) wg seza aT _{3) Speculative motive demand (4) saa wh (4) All of these 68. frea wists & aga ya at nim Pak 68. According to Milton Friedman Demand for ame: money depends on : (1) Soar otra TA P (1) General Price level P (2) ara & Het aE Y {2) Total Flow of income y (3) Ft (1) ait (2) (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) SR a we Aa (4) None of these 69, ag referent sh cities anifar a wifes 2? 69. The Economist who Is associated with GQ) 2 a oy Monetarist Revolution? (2) rea tet (i) Gu (3) or art (2) Milton Friedman AB) Karl Marx (4) a8, wih (4) All of these 231511 7\A12023 [13] PT.O. 70. Har aera ferarier aor fier ata BP (1) gfe fives (2) 3.0, BR (3) Un ew (4) sai a ag ae 71. Bra wo were afte Regia (1) Sato & wd exer afer & ata sider aeiten @1 (2) ans aneten siftrars od pT aT sarge a ata ter (3) aah (1) wa (2) (4) sid wry aet 72. arafirs sm ara fergia wenfite fever mer cece BRO (1) 3m afeafer (2) val oy (3) aretps refer (4) si a aig aa 73. drys at ....... & way A sien sre a (1) Brecbtfer Gr waster saPret Heh) (2) aie aif (3) wafer waa (4) Sri a wy et 74, ap Rife a aT PraPe a ouch & (1) RR BI AGIA (2) afte asic (3) Fae BT AGT (4) saat 75, gait & ala siehere gar & arctan ercict Y aafera @? (1) ai. wat. BaF (2) Mh. oF (3) & ew. aif (4) waa at A7VA\2023 [14] a 70, Who is the father of the Income theony of money? (1) Irving Fisher (2) J. M. Keynes (3) Thomas Tooke (4) None of these 71. The Liquidity Preference Keynes states : (1) The relationship Interest rate and theory of Liquidity Preference (2) The relationship between interest rate, liquidity preferences and the quantity supply of money (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) None of these 72. The Real Balance Effect theory postulated by: (1) Don Patinkin (2) A.C. Pigou (3) Alfred Marshall (4) None of these 73. The Pigou effect is also known as (1) Stagfiation (2) Monetarist Revolution 3) Wealth effect (4) None of these 74, Inflation is controlled by : (1) Increase in Taxes (2) Surplus Budget (3) Increase in savings 44) All of these 75. Which Economist is concerned with the Liquidity theory of money? (1) RS. Sayers (2) 3.G. Gurley . (3) E.S. Shaw JA) All of these

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