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Hello everybody!

Now it's time for you to do the task for this week. Read the instructions
below. Remember that if you need to review a topic, you can always check the course
material as many times as you need. Keep in mind that you have to present this task
during week 9.
Lee los anuncios. En ellos, tu docente está compartiendo información importante sobre el desarrol

1. Outcome

Through this activity, students write a text describing a member of their family they
admire using the grammar and vocabulary learned in the unit.

1. Description

 Step 1: Collaborative work (get into pairs).

 Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes.
 Situation: Imagine you and your partner are siblings. Together choose a
member of your family you admire and write a text with information
about him/ her including age, occupation, physical appearance and
 Content:
 Vocabularyand expressions from Unit 2 (Weeks 6-9)
 Possessive adjectives, possessive ('s)
 Family relationships, age, occupation
 Adjectives
 Indefinite articles (a/an)
 Demonstratives (that/this/these/those)
 Vocabulary and expressions from Unit 1 (Weeks 1-5) if necessary.
 1st person in plural form and 3rd person in singular form.
 Step 3: Write the text together with your classmate.
 Step 4: Review the content, grammar and spelling of your text together. Present
it on a single Word sheet

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