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● THE ‘RAPID’ MODEL ( reflective, assessment of needs , prioritization , and disposition)

1. THE ‘RAPID’ MODEL ( reflective, assessment of needs , prioritization , and


The 'RAPID' model, which stands for Reflective, Assessment of Needs, Prioritization,
and Disposition, is a framework used in various fields, including healthcare, project
management, and decision-making processes.

It provides a structured approach to problem-solving and decision-making by encouraging

reflection on the situation, assessing the needs involved, prioritizing tasks or actions, and
determining the appropriate disposition or course of action.

This model helps streamline processes and ensure that decisions are made thoughtfully
and efficiently.


This initial step involves taking the time to reflect on the situation or problem at hand.

It's about gaining a clear understanding of the context, identifying any underlying
issues, and acknowledging any biases or assumptions that may influence

Reflection helps ensure that decisions are made based on a comprehensive

understanding of the situation rather than reacting impulsively.

2.Assessment of Needs:

Once the situation has been reflected upon, the next step is to assess the needs involved.

This involves identifying the key stakeholders, understanding their requirements, and
evaluating any constraints or limitations that may impact decision-making.

By assessing the needs of all stakeholders, the decision-maker can ensure that the chosen
course of action addresses the concerns of everyone involved.


With a clear understanding of the situation and the needs involved, the next step is to
prioritize tasks or actions.

This involves determining which tasks are most urgent or critical and allocating
resources accordingly.

Prioritization helps ensure that efforts are focused on the most important objectives and
that resources are used efficiently.


The final step in the RAPID model is to determine the appropriate disposition or course
of action.

Based on the reflection, assessment of needs, and prioritization, the decision-maker can
now make an informed choice about how to proceed.

This may involve making a decision, taking action, or delegating tasks to others.

The chosen disposition should be aligned with the overall goals and objectives of the
organization or project.

By following the RAPID model, decision-makers can approach problem-solving and

decision-making in a systematic and structured manner, ensuring that decisions are
well-informed, balanced, and effective.

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