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What is a Dialogue?

A dialogue is a conversation between two or more individuals using grammatically correct sentences and
varied expressions. It is an exchange of thoughts and opinions on any topic or issue. A dialogue may
either aim to form a concurrence of thought or to differentiate one‟s point of view from the others.

Format of a Dialogue

A dialogue does not have any distinct format. However, some rules need to be followed to avoid confusion
while pairing a statement with its speaker.
 When the names of speakers are not mentioned, the dialogues should be written within quotation
Example: “I have an appointment today.”
“What time is it?”

 In such cases, attributions like „he said‟, „she replied‟ etc. should also be included.
Example: “I do not trust that man,” he said.

 An attribution when used at the beginning of a sentence should always be followed by a comma (,).
Example: She said, “This is the clue we were looking for.”

 When names of the speakers are included, they should be followed by a colon mark (:).
Example: Rita: How may I help you?
Mr Rao: Could you tell me the way to the boardroom?

 Every time the speaker changes, a new line should be used.

Example: Mother: What time will you be back?
Sara: The class will get over by 4, so I should be home by 4.30 pm.
Mother: I may not be home when you come, but I will make some snacks for
you before leaving.

Tips for Writing a Dialogue

 A written dialogue should appear spontaneous; therefore, do not include elaborate sentences.
 While writing a dialogue, ensure that thoughts are expressed clearly.
 Make a short outline at the beginning so that all important points are given sufficient credit.
 Arrangement of ideas in a logical sequence is equally important. Jumping back and forth with thoughts
makes the piece appear immature. 2

Sample Dialogues

Sample 1

A dialogue between a store attendant and a girl discussing about buying a creative gift

Store Attendant: Hello! How may I help you?

Sakshi: Hi, I was looking for a present for my friend. Could you help me select one?
Store Attendant: Yes, of course! What exactly are you looking for?
Sakshi: Well, my friend is a very creative person, so I would like to give her something she
could work on.
Store Attendant: Does your friend like ornaments?
Sakshi: Yes, she does. But she prefers to make her own ornaments.
Store Attendant: Well then, I have just the gift you are looking for.
Sakshi: What is it?
Store Attendant: This is an ornament-making set. It contains a colourful range of strings, beads and
stones. It also contains hooks and chains. Your friend will love it.
Sakshi: This looks attractive. How much does it cost?
Store Attendant: Only Rs 299. If you‟d like, I can show you some handmade card which you could
couple with this?
Sakshi: That will not be necessary. I already bought a card. Kindly gift wrap this for me.

Sample 2

A dialogue between two friends who have met after several years

Divya: Hi Smitha, what a pleasant surprise! I am so glad to see you after so many years.
Smitha: Me too, Divya. It feels like ages! How are you? And what are you doing here?
Divya: I am good. I got married three years ago, and I live here with my husband and son.
Smitha: That‟s great news. I too moved back with my husband from Pune some six months ago.
Divya: So, where do you live?
Smitha: I live in Khar.
Divya: We live very close. We should meet sometime.
Smitha: Yes, we should. How about this weekend?
Divya: Sounds great. You should bring your husband along.
Smitha: I sure will.
Divya: I‟m sorry, I have to rush now. I have to pick up my son from school.
Smitha: I understand. Duties come first.
Divya: Well then, see you on Saturday!
Smitha: Good bye. 3

Sample 3

A dialogue between a father and a son on monthly allowance

Father: Rohan, you mother has complained to me that you have been constantly asking her for
money. What is the matter?
Rohan: Dad, the allowance you give me is not sufficient for my expenses. I need more money that‟s
why I have to ask mom.
Father: How can you say so, Rohan? I have a fair understanding of your requirements and I can
assure you that the money you receive is more than sufficient to pay for your expenses.
Rohan: But it is not dad.
Father: I have calculated your expenses over the past few weeks and realised that the problem is
not your limited allowance, it is your spending habit.
Rohan: What do you mean, dad?
Father: Rohan, you are a big boy, big enough to receive an allowance. But it seems like you have
not yet learnt to handle money.
Rohan: Are you going to stop my allowance?
Father: No son, I dearly hope that you start to realise its importance.
Rohan: What do you mean, dad?
Father: You see, there is a difference between our wants and our needs. Before spending on
anything, you need to stop and think whether this thing is you wish to buy is your need or
your want. Only when you realise the difference between the two, will you be able to meet
all your expenses with your allowance.
Rohan: Ok Dad. I will keep your advice in mind and spend wisely.

Sample 4

A dialogue between a doctor and his patient on following rules

Doctor: Hello Karan, what brings you here today?

Karan: I need a letter from you stating that I am healthy enough to work on a ship.
Doctor: We will have to do some tests for that. Till when do you need it?
Karan: I have to submit it tomorrow.
Doctor: What? That cannot be done. It is impossible to complete all the tests in just one day.
Karan: You are my family doctor, you know since my childhood.
Doctor: That is true. But, what does that have to do with the letter you need?
Karan: You know I am a healthy person. What is the need for all the tests? It is just a letter right?
You can give it to me right away.
Doctor: Karan, don‟t you know this is inappropriate? This can put both of us in trouble with the law. I
am never going to help you do such a thing.
Karan: What is the harm in it, doc? Everyone does it.
Doctor: There are people who take shortcuts in life, Karan. But let me warn you that such shortcuts
pose a threat to your life and well being in general. If you don‟t take the tests, you will never
know the inner condition of your body. You may go on the ship with a fake medical
certificate, but if you fall ill on the ship, who will suffer? You right? There are things and
lifestyles one‟s body cannot adjust to. So, rules are set for your own safety, Karan. You
should not take them lightly. 4

Karan: You have a point, doc. Thank you for your kind advice. I will speak to the company and
explain to them the reason for the delay.
Doctor: You‟re welcome, Karan. Come back tomorrow and we will begin with the tests. Good

Sample 5

A dialogue between a receptionist and Manoj about giving his message to Karan Prakash

Manoj: Hello, is Mr Karan Prakash available? Can I speak with him?

Receptionist: May I know who is speaking?
Manoj: I am his friend, Manoj Sen.
Receptionist: Sir, Mr Prakash is in a meeting right now. Should I ask him to call you back?
Manoj: How long is this meeting expected to go on?
Receptionist: It should be over in another hour and a half.
Manoj: Hmmm... I will be busy then.
Receptionist: Would you like me to give him your message?
Manoj: Yes, please! Tell him that I am interested in buying his bungalow in Ratnagiri.
Receptionist: Will do sir; anything else?
Manoj: Yes, inform him that I am on a business tour abroad for a couple of days and will not be
able to contact him next week. It would be nice if he could postpone the sale of his
bungalow until the week after next.
Receptionist: I will share your message as soon as he is out of the meeting.
Manoj: Thank you. Ma‟am!
Receptionist: My pleasure, Sir. Have a good day!
Manoj: Good day to you too! Bye!

Sample 6

A dialogue between Raman and Rajesh about Jyoti‟s surprise birthday party

Raman: You look happy today! What‟s special?

Rajesh: It‟s my little sister Jyoti‟s birthday tomorrow.
Raman: Really? That‟s lovely. But why are you smiling so much right now?
Rajesh: I was just thinking about the plans we have made for her.
Raman: What have you planned?
Rajesh: We have decided not to wish her the entire day.
Raman: What? This is your plan? You intend to upset her on her special day?
Rajesh: Hold your horses, Raman. Let me finish first.
Raman: I intend to make her believe that we have forgotten her birthday. As you guessed, she will
be very sad and angry.
Rajesh: Of course she will be!
Raman: Right, we will go on with the façade till evening. When she returns from her tuitions, she will
be surprised to find her family and friends waiting to celebrate her birthday. That reminds
me, you too have to be there. Be sure to reach by 7 PM.
Rajesh: That‟s a fantastic plan; I‟ll surely come. By the way, what‟s on the menu for the party? 5

Raman: You always think about food! Don‟t worry; there will be several delicacies, both vegetarian
and non-vegetarian. You will not go hungry. Apart from the extravagant dinner, we will be
having cakes, ice creams, cold drinks, chips and sweets.
Rajesh: You have made a brilliant plan. I will be there on time. See you tomorrow. Good bye.

Sample 7

A telephonic conversation between a candidate and a recruiter

Soham: Good morning, Mrs Solanki. I would like to apply for the job advertised by your company in
the newspaper last week.
Mrs Solanki: Good morning! Are you looking for the accounts assistant‟s job?
Soham: Yes ma‟am, that is the one. Is the position still available?
Mrs Solanki: Yes, it is. You said you read about it in the newspaper, right?
Soham: Yes, that is correct. I read about it last week in the Times Daily.
Mrs Solanki: What took you so long for you to apply for the job?
Soham: Well, I was hospitalised. I met with an accident two weeks ago and injured left my left leg
badly. I started walking again last week, which is when I saw the advertisement in the
newspaper when someone was reading it in the park.
Mrs Solanki: Okay. I see that you have e-mailed your resume. You have recently received a Masters
Degree in Commerce. Do you have any experience working handling accounts?
Soham: Yes ma‟am, while I was studying, I also worked as a junior accountant at a small Marketing
firm in Chembur.
Mrs Solanki: Is that so! How did you manage studying and working?
Soham: It was a part time job, ma‟am. I needed money for my course fees, so I took it up.
Mrs Solanki: I must agree; you are a very hardworking candidate. If selected, you may be a great asset
to our company.
Soham: I assure you, I will give my best to your company.
Mrs Solanki: That‟s exactly what we expect from every employee. Soham, in case your candidature is
shortlisted, I will let you know when you can come to the office for a personal interview.
Soham: Thank you for your time, ma‟am.
Mrs Solanki: You are welcome! Bye

Sample 8

A conversation between a travel agent and his client

Travel Agent: Hello – Starlight Tours and Travels, how may I help you?
Omkar: Hello, my name is Omkar Bhattacharya. My membership no. is 438105. I would like to book
a flight ticket to Dubai.
Travel Agent: When do you plan on travelling, sir?
Omkar: I have to be there before Wednesday, so anything before that would be great.
Travel Agent: We have a few seats still available. When do you prefer to travel during the day?
Omkar: I would like a morning flight with minimal stops.
Travel Agent: We have Air International flying every alternate day around noon. Which class would you
Omkar: The economy class will be fine. Book me for Monday. 6

Travel Agent: Would you like to book a return ticket too right away?
Omkar: No. I‟m not sure how long my business will take.
Travel Agent: Very well, sir. Please reconfirm your booking. This is one seat in the economy class of Air
International flight scheduled for Monday the 20th of August 2015 for Dubai International
Airport. Is this correct?
Omkar: Yes. What is my total cost?
Travel Agent: Your total cost for travel is Rs 25,000. I have your personal details here right now. I‟m
sending you the booking details. You can make the payment directly through our site or pay
in cash two days prior to the travel date.
Omkar: Thanks a lot.
Travel Agent: You are most welcome. Do call us in case of any confusion or query.
Omkar: Sure thing. Good day!

Sample 9

A dialogue between two brothers about the cherry seed they planted on their grandfather‟s advice.

Ravi: Jay, What are you staring at so intently?

Jay: Can you see this little plant?
Ravi: Yes, what about it?
Jay: Don‟t you remember? This is our plant.
Ravi: All the plants in this garden belong to us, what‟s so special about this one?
Jay: Ravi, you really have a very poor memory. This is the sapling of the cherry seed we planted last
Ravi: Oh yes indeed. Now, I realise it. It truly is very beautiful. I am glad to see that it sprouted.
Jay: Yes, we had no hopes for it whatsoever.
Ravi: Grandpa was right when he said that nurturing life is the best experience in the entire world.
Jay: We did a great job by listening to him. We should tell him about this.
Ravi: Do you remember what else he said that day?
Jay: Yes! He said that when we give life to something that thing becomes our responsibility.
Ravi: It is now our duty to look after this little sapling and see that it grows into a healthy cherry tree.
Jay: That we will do. Now let‟s go and share this joy with grandpa. He will be so proud of us.
Ravi: Absolutely. I‟m sure he will have more good advice to give us.

Sample 10

A dialogue between a mother and her daughter about a different birthday gift

Seema: Who gifts a plant for a birthday present? I expected something better from my friends.
Mother: Why do you say so, Seema? Do you not already have everything you want?
Seema: Yes, but still, they could have come up with something new, couldn‟t they?
Mother: That is exactly what they did. Also remember the proverb, “Don‟t judge a book by its cover.”
Seema: What has that got to do with this present?
Mother: Don‟t you see? You are judging your friends by this gift.
Seema: Am I wrong in doing so? If they were truly my friends, then they would have put an effort into
choosing a better gift for me. 7

Mother: But Seema, what‟s wrong with this plant? Did you know that the person who receives this plant as
a gift is blessed with prosperity and good health?
Seema: Do you really mean it, mom?
Mother: Yes Seema. This plant is the best gift that anyone could have ever given you. It means that your
friends truly wish well for you. Moreover, there is nothing else they could have gifted you which you
do not already have.
Seema: You are right, mom. I was blinded by my material desires. You have made me realise the true
value of this gift. Thank you.
Mother: You don‟t need to thank me, Seema. I am always here for you. Go and thank your friends who
thoughtfully brought you such a lovely gift.
Seema: You are correct. I will go right away and thank them personally. 8

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