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Dear Client,

Thank you for choosing Alfa Romeo.

Your Alfa GT has been designed to guarantee the safety, comfort and driving pleasure typical of Alfa Romeo.
This booklet will help you to get to know the characteristics and operation of your car.
The following pages contain all the indications necessary for you to be able to maintain the high standards of performance, quality, safety and
respect for the environment which characterise this Alfa GT.
The enclosed Warranty Booklet also contains the regulations, the warranty certificate and a guide to the services offered by Alfa Romeo.
Services which are essential and precious because, when you purchase an Alfa Romeo, you are not only acquiring a car, but the tranquillity that
comes from knowing that an efficient, willing and widespread organisation is at your service for any assistance problems you may have.
Nature benefits in two ways: there’s no pollution from waste disposal and the demand for raw materials is reduced.
Enjoy the reading. And have a good trip.

This booklet describes all the versions of the Alfa GT, so you should only consider the information concerning the
trim level, engine and version purchased by you.


Petrol engines: only use unleaded petrol with no less than 95 R.O.N.

K Diesel engines: only refuel with diesel fuel conforming to the European specification EN590. The use of other products or
mixtures may irreparably damage the engine with invalidation of the warranty due to the damage caused.


Petrol engines with mechanical transmission: make sure that the handbrake is engaged; set the gearshift lever
to neutral, fully depress the clutch without pressing the accelerator, then turn the ignition key to AVV and release it as soon
as the engine has started.
Petrol engine with Selespeed transmission: keep the brake pedal fully depressed, turn the ignition key to AVV and
release it as soon as the engine has started; the transmission sets to neutral automatically (the display shows position N).
JTD engines: turn the ignition key to MAR and wait for the Y and m warning lights to go off; turn the ignition key
to AVV and release it as soon as the engine has started.


While working, the catalyst develops a very high temperature. Do not park the car over grass, dry leaves, pine needles or

any other inflammable materials: risk of fire.

The car is fitted with a system that allows continuous diagnosis of the components correlated with emissions to ensure bet-

U ter respect for the environment.


If after purchasing the car you wish to install accessories that need an electrical supply (with the risk of gradually draining

쇵 the battery), contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services who will assess the overall electrical absorption and check whether the
car system is able to withstand the load required.

CODE CARD (for versions/markets where applicable)

Keep it in a safe place, not in the car. IT is advisable to always keep the electronic code on the CODE card with you in case
emergency starting is necessary.

Correct maintenance makes it possible to preserve car performance levels and safety, respect for the environment and low
running costs unaltered over the course of time.


…you will find important information, advice and warnings for correct use, driving safety and car maintenance over time.
Pay particular attention to the symbols " (personal safety) # (protecting the environment) â (car safety).

Any queries concerning servicing should be forwarded to the showroom from which the car was purchased, the subsidiary company or to our
branch offices or any point of the Alfa Romeo Network.

Warranty Booklet
The Warranty Booklet is delivered together with every new car and contains the regulations tied to the services given by Alfa Romeo Services
and to the warranty conditions.
Correctly carrying out the scheduled services specified by the manufacturer is the best way to maintain the performance, safety characteristics
and low running costs of your car. It is also necessary to maintain warranty cover.

“Service” guide
This contains Alfa Romeo Authorised Services. The Services can be recognised by the presence of the Alfa Romeo badge and logo.
The Alfa Romeo organisation in Italy can be found in the telephone directory under the letter “A” Alfa Romeo.
Not all of the models described in this booklet are available in all countries. Only some of the fittings described in this booklet are fitted as stan-
dard to the car. The list of available accessories should be requested from the Alfa Romeo Dealers.


The symbols illustrated in these pages show the subjects

which should, in particular, be closely studied.



Warning. Partially or fully ignoring This indicates the correct procedures Warning. Partially or fully ignoring these
these rules may lead to to be followed to prevent the car rules may lead to serious damage being
serious injury. from damaging the environment. caused to the car which, in some
circumstances, may cause forfeiture of the
warranty cover.

The texts, illustrations and specifications given in this booklet refer to the car at the time of going to press.
As part of our ongoing striving to improve our products, Alfa Romeo may introduce technical changes during production,
therefore the specifications and fittings may be altered without prior notice.
For details on this subject, please apply to the manufacturer’s sales network.



CODE SYSTEM The car is delivered with a key with met-
On some of the components making up al insert (upon request for models/markets
your Alfa GT, or near to them, special where required) and a key with remote con-
To increase protection against attempted trol. For models/markets where required
coloured labels have been attached. These theft, the car is fitted with an electronic en-
labels bear symbols that remind you of the two keys with remote control can be pro-
gine lock system (Alfa Romeo CODE) which vided.
precautions to be taken as regards that par- is activated automatically when the key is
ticular component. A summary list of the removed from the ignition. In fact the grip
symbols (fig.1) is to be found under the of each key contains an electronic device KEY WITHOUT REMOTE
bonnet. which modulates the radio frequency signal CONTROL (for versions/
A0A00621b transmitted when the engine is started by a markets where applicable)
special aerial incorporated in the ignition The fixed metallic insert A-fig. 2 oper-
switch. This modulated signal is the “pass- ates:
word” by which the control unit recognises
the key and only in this condition can the – the ignition switch;
engine be started. – the driver’s door lock;
– the passenger’s Air bag deactivation (up-
on request for versions/markets where ap-
– the fuel filler cap lock.

6 fig. 1 fig. 2
IMPORTANT To guarantee the perfect The driver should always keep the elec- KEY WITH REMOTE CONTROL


efficiency of the electronic devices contained tronic CODE card with him/her in the event
The key with remote control (fig. 4) is
in keys, avoid letting them directly exposed of having to carry out emergency starting.
fitted with:
to sunrays.
– a metal insert (A) that can be enclosed
Together with the keys the CODE card is
in the key grip
provided (for versions/ markets where ap- If the car changes owner,
plicable) (fig. 3), bearing in print the key the new owner must be – a button (B) for power-assisted open-
codes (both mechanical and electronic for given all the keys and the ing of the metal insert
emergency start up). CODE card. – a button (C) for remote door unlock-
The code numbers on the CODE card must ing and at the same time switching off the
be kept in a safe place , not in the car. electronic alarm
– a button (D) for remote door locking
and at the same time switching on the elec-
tronic alarm
– a button (E) for remote boot unlocking
– removable hook ring (F).

A0A0003b A0A0600b

fig. 3 fig. 4 7
The metal insert (A) of the key operates: To insert the metal insert in the key grip: OPENING THE TAILGATE
– the ignition switch – keep the button (B) pressed The tailgate can be opened from outside by
remote control pressing button (E), even if the
– driver’s door lock and, upon request for – move the metal insert (A)
electronic alarm is on. Opening of the tailgate
versions/markets where applicable, the pas-
– release the button (B) and turn the met- is accompanied by the direction indicators
senger’s door lock
al insert (A) until hearing the click as it locks flashing twice; closing is accompanied by a
– the passenger’s side Air bag deactiva- into place. single flash.
tion switch
To unlock the doors by remote control press If the electronic alarm is fitted, when the
To bring the metal insert out of the key button (C), the doors unlock and the direc- tailgate is opened the alarm system switch-
grip, press the button (B). tion indicators flash twice. To lock the doors es off volumetric protection and the tailgate
by remote control, press button (D), the control sensor, the system (with the excep-
To pull out the hook ring (F) use a finely
doors lock and the direction indicators flash tion of versions for certain markets) “beeps”
pointed object (e.g. pen) and work in the
once. Pressing button (C) the doors are re- twice.
direction of the arrow.
leased, if within the next 60 seconds a door
Closing the tailgate again, the control func-
or the tailgate are not opened, the system au-
tions are restored, the system “beeps” twice
tomatically locks everything again.
(with the exception of certain markets).
On cars fitted with electronic alarm system,
The button B should only pressing button (C) turns it off, pressing but-
be pressed when the key is ton (D) turns it on.
away from the body, in
particular from the eyes, and from
objects that can be spoilt (clothes
for instance). Make sure the key
can never be touched by others, es-
pecially children, who may inad-
vertently press the button.

OPERATION IMPORTANT Every key has its own IMPORTANT Turning on of the Alfa


code, which must be memorised by the sys- Romeo CODE warning light (Y) when trav-
Each time the ignition key is turned to the
tem control unit. To memorise new keys, up elling with the ignition key at MAR:
STOP position the Alfa Romeo CODE system
to a maximum of eight, apply solely to Al-
deactivates the functions of the engine elec- 1) If the warning light turns on, this means
fa Romeo Authorised Services taking with
tronic control unit. that the system is running a self-test (for ex-
you all the keys in your possession, the
ample for a voltage drop). At the first stop,
Each time the car is started turning the ig- CODE card, a personal identity document
it will be possible to test the system: switch
nition key to MAR, the Alfa Romeo CODE and the car’s ownership documents.
off the engine turning the ignition key to
control unit sends a recognition code to the
STOP; then turn the ignition key to MAR:
engine control unit to deactivate the in-
the warning light turns on and should go off
hibitor. The code is crypted and variable be-
in about one second. If the warning light
tween over four billion possible combina-
The codes of any keys not stays on, repeat the procedure described pre-
tions, and it is sent only if the system con-
presented during the mem- viously leaving the key at STOP for over
trol unit has recognised the code transmit-
orising procedure are 30 seconds. Should the inconvenience per-
ted from the key which contains an elec-
erased. The reason for this is to en- sists, contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Ser-
tronic transmitter, through an aerial wound
sure that any lost or stolen keys vices.
around the ignition switch.
cannot be used to start the engine. 2) For versions without the reconfigurable
If the code has not been recognised cor-
multifunction display, the flashing of the
rectly, the Alfa Romeo CODE warning light
warning light means that the car is not pro-
(Y) on the cluster turns on.
tected by the engine inhibitor device. This
In this case, the key should be moved to condition for cars with reconfigurable mul-
the STOP position and then back to MAR; tifunction display is shown by the turning on
if the lock continues, possibly try again with of the warning light together with the dis-
the other key provided with the car. If it is play of the message: “CODE SYSTEM NOT PRO-
still not possible to start the car, follow the GRAMMED”. Contact Alfa Romeo Authorised
instructions given in the “In an emergency” Services immediately to have all the keys
chapter and then contact Alfa Romeo Au- memorised.
thorised Services.

If after about 2 seconds KEY BATTERY Battery replacement:
with the ignition key at REPLACEMENT – press button (A-fig. 5) and move the
MAR, for versions without
If when pressing button (B or C-fig. 6) metal insert (B) to the open position;
reconfigurable multifunction dis-
play, the Alfa Romeo CODE warn- on the remote control, nothing happens, the – using a finely-tipped screwdriver, turn
ing light (Y) turns on again flash- battery should be replaced by a new one the opening device (C) and pull out the bat-
ing, or for versions with reconfig- of the same type to be found c/o normal tery holder (D);
urable multifunction display, the retailers.
– replace the battery (E) making sure that
warning light turns on again to-
the bias is correct;
gether with the message “CODE
SYSTEM NOT PROGRAMMED”, this – re-insert the battery holder in the key
means that the code of the keys and lock it, turning the device (C).
has not been stored, therefore the Used batteries are harm-
car is not protected by the Alfa ful to the environment.
Romeo CODE system against at- They should be disposed of
tempted theft. In this case contact as specified by law in the special
Alfa Romeo Authorised Services to containers provided. Avoid expo-
have the key codes stored. sure to naked flames and high tem-
peratures. Keep out of reach of


10 fig. 5
ELECTRONIC ALARM The remote control is incorporated in the HOW TO ACTIVATE THE ALARM


key and it is fitted with buttons (B-C-D-
With the doors, bonnet and boot shut and
fig. 6) that activate the corresponding con-
the ignition key in the STOP or PARK po-
trol sending the code to the receiver. This
DESCRIPTION sition (key removed), point the key with the
code (rolling code) changes at each trans-
remote control in the direction of the car, then
The system comprises: a transmitter, re- mission.
press and release the button (C-fig. 6).
ceiver, control unit with siren and volumet-
ric sensors. The electronic alarm is controlled REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL With the exception of certain markets, the
by the receiver incorporated in the instru- KEYS WITH system sounds a “beep” and the doors are
ment cluster and it is turned on and off by locked.
the remote control in the key which sends Engagement of the alarm is preceded by
the crypted and variable code. The electronic The receiver can recognise up to 5 keys
a self-diagnostic test indicated by a different
alarm controls: the unlawful opening of with incorporated remote control. Should a
flashing frequency of the deterrent led (A-
doors, bonnet and boot (perimetral protec- new key with remote control be necessary
fig. 7) on the dashboard. If a fault is de-
tion), operation of the ignition key, battery for any reason during the life of the car, con-
tected the system sounds a further warn-
cable cutting, the presence of moving bod- tact directly Alfa Romeo Authorised Services,
ing “beep”.
ies in the passenger compartment (volu- taking with you the CODE card, a personal
metric protection), any abnormal rais- identity document and the car’s ownership
ing/sloping of the car (for versions/mar- documents.
kets where applicable) and central door lock-
ing. It also makes it possible to cut off the
volumetric protection.
IMPORTANT The engine inhibitor func- A0A0601b
tion is guaranteed by the Alfa Romeo CODE
system which is activated automatically
when the ignition key is removed.

fig. 6
fig. 7
HOW TO DEACTIVATE – if the led continues flashing, but at dif-
THE ALARM ferent intervals than normal, this means that
After switching on, the flashing of the de-
different attempts to break in have occurred.
terrent led (A-fig. 7) on the dashboard in- To deactivate the alarm press the button (B- Through the number of flashes it is possi-
dicates the system surveillance mode. The fig. 6) of the key with remote control. The ble to identify the type of attempt:
led flashes throughout this period. system will react as follows (with the ex-
ception of certain markets): 1 flash: one or more doors
IMPORTANT Operation of the electronic
alarm is adapted at the origin to the rules – two brief flashes of the direction indi- 2 flashes: tailgate
of the different countries. cators 3 flashes: bonnet
Self-diagnostic functions – two brief “beeps” of the system 4 flashes: ultrasounds
and door, bonnet, boot control – door unlocking. 5 flashes: abnormal car lifting/slop-
If, after engaging the alarm, a second IMPORTANT If when the system is ing (for versions/markets
“beep” is sounded, switch off the system turned off the deterrent led (A-fig. 7) on where applicable)
pressing the button (B-fig. 6), check that the dashboard stays on (maximum 2 min- 6 flashes: tampering with car starting
the doors, bonnet and tailgate are properly utes or until the ignition key is set to MAR) cables
shut, then switch the system on again press- the following should be borne in mind:
ing the button (C). Otherwise, the door, 7 flashes: tampering with battery ca-
bonnet or tailgate that is not shut properly bles or cutting emergency
will be excluded from the alarm system con- key cables
8 flashes: connection line to sensors
If the doors, bonnet and boot are shut cor- and siren
rectly and the control signal is repeated, the
9 flashes: at least three causes of
system self-diagnostic has detected a sys-
tem operating fault. It is therefore necessary
to contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services.



TRIGGERED To make sure that the protection system THE ALARM SYSTEM
When the system is on, the alarm comes works correctly the side windows and sun- To deactivate the alarm system complete-
into action in the following cases: roof (if fitted) must be properly shut. ly (for instance during prolonged inactivity
The function can be cut off (if, for exam- of the car) simply lock the car turning the
– opening of one of the doors, bonnet or
ple, leaving animals in the car) carrying out key in the lock.
the following operations in rapid succession:
– disconnection of the battery or section- starting from the condition with the igni- MINISTERIAL CERTIFICATION
ing of electric cables; tion key at MAR, move the key to STOP,
In accordance with the law in force in each
– intrusion in the passenger compartment, then immediately back to MAR and then
country, on the subject of radio frequency,
for example breakage of windows (volu- to STOP again, then remove the ignition
we wish to point out that for the markets in
metric protection); key.
which the transmitter needs to be marked,
– attempt to start the engine (key in The deterrent led (A-fig. 7) on the dash- the certification number is given on the com-
MAR position); board lights up for about 2 seconds to con- ponent.
firm that the function has been cut off.
– abnormal car lifting/sloping (for ver- Depending on the versions/markets, the
sions/markets where applicable). To restore volumetric protection, move the code may also be given on the transmitter
and keep the ignition key at MAR for over and/or on the receiver.
Depending on the markets, the cutting in 30 seconds.
of the alarm causes operation of the siren
and hazard warning lights (for about 26 sec- If, with the volumetric protection function
onds). The ways of operating and the num- deactivated, an electric control controlled by
ber of cycles may vary depending on the the ignition key at MAR (e.g. power win-
markets. dows) turn the ignition key to MAR, op-
erate the control and move the key to
A maximum number of cycles is however STOP in a maximum time of 30 seconds.
envisaged. This way volumetric protection is not re-
Once the alarm cycle has ended, the sys- stored.
tem resumes its normal control function.

IMPORTANT Do not leave the key in When leaving the car al-
this position when the engine is stopped. ways remove the key from
the ignition to prevent any
– AVV: unstable position for starting the
occupants of the car from acciden-
SWITCH (fig. 8) engine.
tally activating the controls. Nev-
The key can be turned to one of four po- IMPORTANT If the engine fails to start er leave children in the car unac-
sitions: move the key back to STOP and repeat. companied. Remember to engage
the handbrake and, if the car is
– STOP: engine switched off, key can be The ignition switch has a safety device parked on an uphill slope, to en-
removed, engine inhibitor engaged, steer- which prevents passage to AVV when the gage the first gear. If the car is fac-
ing lock engaged, services excluded apart engine is running. ing downhill, engage reverse gear.
from those supplied directly (e.g. hazard – PARK: engine switched off, key can
warning lights). be removed, engine lock engaged, steer-
– MAR: drive position. The engine lock ing lock engaged, sidelights switched on au-
is deactivated and all electrical devices are tomatically.
powered. IMPORTANT To turn the key to the If the ignition device is
PARK position, button (A) on the switch tampered with (for exam-
must be pressed first. ple an attempted theft)
have it checked over by Alfa
Romeo Authorised Services before
travelling again.


14 fig. 8



– move the key to STOP or PARK, then Before opening a door, al- Front doors
remove the key and turn the steering wheel ways make sure that it can
slightly to facilitate the locking action. be done safely. – To open the door, pull the handle
(A-fig. 10).
– To close the door, pull it; then to prevent
– turn the key to MAR gently rocking the opening from the outside, press the button
steering wheel from side to side. OPENING/CLOSING (A-fig. 11) on the dashboard, the deter-
FROM OUTSIDE rent led (B) on the button lights up with a
yellow light to confirm that locking has tak-
Front doors en place.
Never remove the ignition
– To open the door, turn the key (clockwise
key with the car on the
for the driver’s door and, upon request for ver-
move. The steering wheel
sions/markets where applicable, counter-
would lock automatically the first
clockwise for the passenger’s door), then re-
time the steering wheel is turned.
move the key and pull the lever (A-fig. 9).
This also occurs if the car is towed.
– To close the door, turn the key in the
lock in the opposite direction to the one for
It is absolutely forbidden A0A0017b A0A0018b
to carry out whatever af-
ter-market operation in-
volving steering system or steer-
ing column modifications (e.g.: in-
stallation of anti-theft device) that
could badly affect performance and
safety, cause the lapse of warran-
ty and also result in non-compli-
ance of the car with homologation
fig. 9 fig. 10 15
CENTRAL LOCKING FRONT SEATS Fabric upholstery of your
car is purpose-made to
This allows central locking of the door
withstand common wear
Only make adjustments resulting from normal use of the
To engage central locking, the doors must when the car is stationary. car. It is however absolutely nec-
be perfectly shut, otherwise locking is de- essary to prevent hard and/or pro-
nied. longed scratching/scraping caused
by clothing accessories like metal-
IMPORTANT With central locking en- lic buckles, studs, “Velcro” fixings,
gaged, pulling the inside lever for opening etc. that stressing locally the fabric
one of the front doors causes the unlock- could break yarns and damage the
ing of all the doors. A0A0602b upholstery as a consequence.
In the event of a power cut off (blown
fuse, battery disconnected, etc.) it is still pos-
sible to work the lock by hand.
(fig. 12)
Raise the lever (A) and push the seat
backwards or forwards; in the driving posi-
tion the arms should be slightly flexed and
the hands should rest on the rim of the steer-
A0A0019b ing wheel.

After releasing the ad-

justment lever, always
check that the seat is
locked on the runners, trying to
move it to and fro. The lack of this
clamping action could cause the
seat to move unexpectedly and
cause loss of car control.
16 fig. 11 fig. 12


ADJUSTMENT (fig. 12)
To gain access to the rear seats, pull the The armrest, fitted on some versions, is ad-
Turn the knob (D) until obtaining the most handle (E), the back rest folds and the seat justable and can be raised and lowered to
comfortable position. is free to run forwards. the required position.
A recovery mechanism with memory To adjust, slightly raise the armrest, then
DRIVER’S SEAT HEIGHT makes it possible to take the seat back to press the the release device (A).
ADJUSTMENT (fig. 12) its previous position.
Inside the armrest there is an oddments
To raise the seat, pull the lever (B) up- Once the seat back has been returned to compartment, to use it, raise the cover,
wards, then work the lever (up and down) the travelling condition, make sure that it pressing the device (B).
until reaching the required height, then re- is correctly clamped, checking that the “red
lease it. To lower the seat, push the lever band” on the upper part of the handle (E)
(B) downwards, then work the lever (up is concealed. In fact, this “red band” indi-
and down) until reaching the required cates that the seat back is not clamped.
Also check that the seat is firmly locked on
IMPORTANT Adjustment must be car- the runners, trying to move it to and fro.
ried out only seated in the driver’s seat.
ADJUSTMENT (fig. 12)
Turn the knob(C) until reaching the posi-
tion required. A0A0023b

fig. 13 17
SEAT WARMING (fig. 14) HEADREST ADJUSTMENT Remember that headrests
(fig. 15) should be adjusted so that
Seat warming, fitted on certain versions, the nape, and not the neck,
is turned on and off through the switch (A) To increase passengers’ safety, the head- rests on them. Only in this position
on the outer side of the seat. rests are adjustable in height. do they exert their protective ac-
Switching on is shown by the lighting up To adjust, press the button (A) and move tion in the event of a crash from
of the led (B) on the switch itself. the headrest up or down until it clicks into behind.
IMPORTANT The configuration of the
headrest cushion may vary depending on
the versions and markets. The purpose of
the illustration is only to show how it is ad- REAR POCKETS (fig. 16)
justed. (for versions/markets where
The front seats are fitted with a pocket in
the rear of the back rest.

A0A0024b A0A0604b A0A0026b

18 fig. 14 fig. 15 fig. 16

REAR SEATS EXTENDING THE Removing the rear parcel shelf


LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT Proceed as follows:
The split of rear seat makes it possible to – free the ends of the two rods (A-fig. 18)
Fabric upholstery of your
extend the luggage compartment totally or supporting the parcel shelf (B) pulling the
car is purpose-made to
partially, acting separately on one of the two eyelets (C) off the pins (D);
withstand common wear
parts, thereby offering different possibilities
resulting from normal use of the – release the pins (A-fig. 19) at the out-
of load depending on the number of rear
car. It is however absolutely nec- side of the shelf from their housings (B) ob-
essary to prevent hard and/or pro- tained in the side supports, then remove the
longed scratching/scraping caused shelf pulling it outwards.
by clothing accessories like metal-
lic buckles, studs, “Velcro” fixings,
etc. that stressing locally the fabric If a particularly heavy
could break yarns and damage the load is placed in the boot,
upholstery as a consequence. when travelling at night, it
is wise to check the height of the
high beams (see “Headlamps”

A0A0605b A0A0255b

fig. 18 fig. 19 19
Total extension – raise the headrest to the highest posi- IMPORTANT For versions/markets
tion, press both buttons (A-fig. 21) at the where applicable, the retainer levers are re-
Proceed as follows:
side of the two supports, then remove the placed by buttons (one for each side). To re-
– check that seat buckles of the side belts headrest pulling them upwards; lease the back rests and tilt them, use the
are fitted in the respective pockets on the buttons themselves.
– move the seat belts to the side extend-
back rest (A-fig. 20) and the tab (B)
ing them correctly without twisting;
of the centre abdominal belt is inserted in
the support (C). – raise the levers (A-fig. 22) retaining
the back rests and tilt them forwards to ob-
– pull the handles in the centre of the cush-
tain a single loading surface (fig. 23).
ions, then tilt them forwards;
A0A0608 b

fig. 22
A0A0623b A0A0607b A0A0608 b

20 fig. 20 fig. 21 fig. 23

Partial extension HEADREST ADJUSTMENT The particular headrest shape interferes in-


For partial extension, proceed as follows: (fig. 24) tentionally with the rear passenger’s correct
position on the back rest; this forces the pas-
– tilt the cushion required pulling the han- The car may be fitted with two headrests senger to raise the headrest to use it cor-
dle at the centre of the cushion, then tilt- for the side seats and, depending on the trim rectly.
ing the actual cushion; level, it may also have a third headrest in
the centre. IMPORTANT When using rear seats,
– move the seat belt to one side extend- the headrests shall be kept in the “all re-
ing it correctly without twisting; To use the headrest, raise it from the (2) moved” position.
“non use position” and reach the (1) “all
– raise the lever retaining the back rest removed” position. To restore the “non use
and tilt it forwards. position”, press button (A-fig. 21) and
push the headrest downwards.
To bring the seat back to its
normal position All rear headrests can be removed.

Proceed as follows:
– move the seat belts to one side ex-
tending them correctly without twisting;
– raise the seat backs, pushing them back-
wards until hearing both clamping devices
click into place;
– set the cushions to the horizontal posi- A0A0610b
tion keeping the centre seat belt raised. Remember that headrests
should be adjusted so that
the nape, and not the neck,
rests on them. Only in this position
do they exert their protective ac-
tion in the event of a crash from

fig. 24 21
To use the armrest (A), present only on RETAINER NET
certain versions, lower it as illustrated. The driver can adjust the steering wheel
(where provided)
position in rake and height.

Present only on certain versions, the re- To do this, release the lever (A-fig. 27)
tainer net (fig. 26) is helpful in correctly pulling it towards the steering wheel.
arranging the load and/or suitable for trans- After moving the steering wheel to the
porting light materials. most suitable position, lock it pushing the
lever fully forwards.

Any adjustment of the

steering wheel position
must be carried out only
with the car stationary.

A0A0611b A0A0624b A0A0706b

22 fig. 25 fig. 26 fig. 27

REAR-VIEW MIRROR OUTER Folding (fig. 30)


ADJUSTMENT Electric adjustment (fig. 29) – In the event of need (for example when
the mirror causes difficulty in narrow spaces)
– use the switch (A) to select the mirror it is possible to fold the mirror moving it from
required (right or left); position (A) to position (B).
– pressing the button (B) in one of the
The mirror, fitted with a safety device that four directions, move the mirror selected pre-
causes it to be released in the event of a viously;
violent crash, can be moved using the lever When driving the mirrors
(A-fig. 28) to two different positions, nor- – position the switch (A) in the interme- should always be in posi-
mal or antiglare. diate locking position. tion (A).
IMPORTANT Adjustment is possible on-
ly with the ignition key at MAR.

As the driver’s wing mir-

ror is curved, it may slight-
ly alter the perception of

A0A0039b A0A0040b A0A0041b

fig. 28 fig. 29 fig. 30 23

Defrosting/demisting (fig. 31-32) Driver’ side (fig. 33)
The electric mirrors are fitted with heat- The driver’s door panel contains the but-
ing coils which come into operation with IMPORTANT With the ignition key at tons that control the following windows,
rearscreen heating pressing the button (A) STOP or removed, the power windows re- with the ignition key at MAR:
thereby defrosting and/or demisting the mir- main activated for about 3 minutes and are A - left front window
rors. deactivated immediately the moment a door B - right front window.
IMPORTANT The function is timed and is opened.
Press the button to lower the window. Pull
automatically switched off after a few min- to raise it.

A0A0042b A0A0612b A0A0043b

24 fig. 31 fig. 32 fig. 33

IMPORTANT The driver’s power window Passenger’s side (fig. 34) Always remove the igni-


is fitted with the “continuous automatic op- tion key when getting out
eration” device for both lowering and raising The button (A) controls the passenger’s of the car to prevent the
the window. A brief press on the upper or side window. power windows being operated ac-
lower part of the button will cause it to move Button and window operation is the same cidentally and constituting a danger
and continue automatically: the window as that described for driver’s side. to the passengers in the car.
stops in the required position by pressing ei-
ther the upper or lower part of the button
again. The passenger window is fitted with
“automatic continuous operation” device just
for window opening. Improper use of the pow- Do not keep the button
er windows can be danger- pressed when the window
ous. Before and during its is completely raised or
operation, always make sure that lowered.
passengers are not exposed to the
risk of harm either directly by the
moving windows or by personal
objects drawn or knocked by them.


fig. 34 25
For all versions, after unlocking the doors, SEAT BELTS
Proceed as follows with doors closed:
keeping the remote control button pressed
1. open completely the driver’s window
for about 2 seconds will obtain window USING THE SEAT BELTS
keeping the button pressed for at least
3 seconds after full opening; The belt should be worn keeping the chest
IMPORTANT For versions/markets 2. close completely the driver’s window straight and rested against the seat back.
where applicable, after turning off control keeping the button pressed for at least To fasten the seat belts: hold the
unit power (replacing or disconnecting the 3 seconds after full closing; tongue (A-fig. 35) and insert it into the
battery or replacing the power window con- buckle (B), until hearing the locking click.
3. proceed as described in points 1 and
trol unit protection fuses), window au- At removal, if it jams, let it rewind for a short
2 also for the passenger’s side;
tomatism shall be restored. stretch, then pull it out again without jerking.
4. check for proper initialisation by oper-
ating the windows in automatic.


26 fig. 35
To unfasten the seat belts: press FRONT SEAT BELT HEIGHT Always adjust the seat


button (C-fig. 35). Guide the seat belt ADJUSTMENT belt height when the car is
with your hand while it is rewinding, to pre- stationary.
vent it from twisting. Through the reel, the Always adjust the height of the belts adapt-
belt automatically adapts to the body of the ing it to the person who is wearing it. This
passenger wearing it, allowing freedom of precaution improves their effectiveness sub-
movement. stantially reducing the risk of injury in the
event of a crash.
When the car is parked on a steep slope
the reel mechanism may block; this is nor- Correct adjustment is obtained when the
mal. The reel mechanism prevents the web- belt passes half way between the end of the After adjustment, always
bing coming out when it is jerked or if the shoulder and the neck. check that the slider is an-
car brakes sharply, in a collision or when cor- The front seat belt ring can take 4 differ- chored in one of the posi-
nering at high speed. ent positions which make it possible to ad- tions provided. To do this, with the
just the height of the belts. button (A) released, exert a fur-
ther pressure to allow the anchor
To adjust, press button (A-fig. 36) and device to catch if release did not
lower or raise the grip (B). take place at one of the preset po-

Never press button (C) A0A0685b

when travelling.

fig. 36 27
REAR BELTS Rear seat belts shall be worn as shown in PRE-TENSIONING DEVICES
fig. 38. Fig. 39 shows improper belt fas-
To fasten the belt: gently pull the belt from To increase the efficiency of the front seat
tening. To tilt the back rest see paragraph
its reel and guide the tape to prevent it from belts, the car is fitted with pre-tensioning de-
“Boot extension”.
twisting, then insert the tongue (A-fig. 37) vices. These devices “feel” that the car is
into the buckle housing (B). IMPORTANT The centre rear seatbelt is being subject to a violent impact by way of
installed on request only for versions/mar- a sensor and rewind the seat belts a few
To unfasten the seat belts, press button (E).
kets on which it is required. centimetres. In this way they ensure that
the seat belt adheres to the wearer before
IMPORTANT Remember that, in the
the restraining action begins.
event of an accident, any passengers occu-
pying the rear seats who are not wearing The seat belt locks to indicate that the de-
a seat belt not only subject themselves to vice has intervened; the seat belt cannot be
great personal risk, but constitute a danger drawn back up even when guiding it man-
to the occupants of the front seats. ually.
IMPORTANT The pretensioner will give
maximum protection when the seat belt ad-
heres snugly to wearer’s chest and hips.

A0A0686b A0A0386b A0A0387b

28 fig. 37 fig. 38 fig. 39

Pretensioner activation may produce a Operations involving bang- GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS


small amount of smoke. This smoke is in no ing, vibrations or heating FOR THE USE OF THE SEAT
way toxic and presents no fire hazard. (above 100°C for a maxi- BELTS
mum of 6 hours) in the area of the
The emergency tensioning retractor needs All the occupants of the car are obliged to
pretensioners may damage or trig-
no maintenance or lubrication. Any modifi- respect the local traffic laws regarding the
ger off the device. Vibrations from
cation to its original features will nullify the wearing of seat belts.
rough road surfaces or accidental
retractor effectiveness. If, due to unusual
jolting caused by mounting pave- Always fasten the seat belts before starting.
natural events (floods, high waves, etc.),
ments etc. do not have any effect on
the device has been affected by water and Seat belts are also to be worn by expec-
the pretensioner. If, however, you
mud, it must be replaced. tant mothers: the risk of injury in the case
need assistance, go to Alfa Romeo
Authorised Services. of accident is greatly reduced for them and
the unborn child if they are wearing a seat
belt. Pregnant women must of course posi-
tion the lower part of the belt very low down
so that it passes under the abdomen (as il-
lustrated in fig. 40).
Pre-tensioning devices can
only be used once. After To increase passengers’ protection in the
they have been triggered event of an accident, the front and rear
contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Ser- (where provided) seat belt reels contain a
vices to have them replaced. The load limiter which allows controlled sag in
validity of the device is 10 years such a way as to dose the force acting on A0A0675b

from the date of production on the the shoulders and chest during the belt re-
sticker; the pretensioners should be straining action in case of a crash.
changed at an Alfa Romeo Autho-
rised Service as this date ap-

fig. 40 29
IMPORTANT The seat belt must not be To ensure the highest de- Under no circumstances
twisted. The upper part must pass over the gree of protection, you are should the components of
shoulder and diagonally across the chest. The recommended to keep the the seat belt and preten-
lower part must rest across the pelvis and not seat backrest in the straightest po- sioner be tampered with or re-
across the (fig. 41) stomach. Do not use sition possible, and the belt adher- moved. Any operation should be
devices (clips, stoppers, etc.) which keep the ing well to the chest and pelvis. carried out by qualified and autho-
belts away from the body. Seat belts should always be worn rised personnel. Always contact an
in both the front and rear positions! Alfa Romeo Authorised Service.
Travelling without seat belt in-
creases the risk of serious injury or
death in the case of accident.

IMPORTANT Each seat belt shall be worn

only by one person: do not carry children on
your knee using a single seat belt for both
(fig. 42). Do not fasten other objects to the

A0A0673b A0A0051b

30 fig. 41 fig. 42
If the seat belt has been HOW TO KEEP THE SEAT BELTS – prevent the reels from getting wet: their


subjected to shock, for ex- ALWAYS IN EFFICIENT correct operation is only guaranteed if wa-
ample during an accident, it CONDITIONS ter does not get inside;
must be completely replaced to-
To keep the seat belts always in efficient – replace the seat belt if it shows signifi-
gether with the attachments and
conditions, observe the following: cant wear or cut signs.
their screws, and the pretension-
ing devices, even if visible defects – always use the belts with the tape well
are not detected, as the belt may taut and never twisted; make sure that it
have lost its resilience. is free to run without impediments;
– after a serious accident, replace the belt
being worn at that time, even if it does not
appear damaged. Always replace the seat
belts if pretensioners have been activated;
– to clean the belts, wash by hand with
neutral soap, rinse and leave to dry in the
shade. Never use string detergents, bleach
or dyes or any other chemical substance that
might weaken the fibres;

CARRYING As it may be noted, the groups overlap
partly and in fact, in commerce it is possible Children may placed
CHILDREN SAFELY to find devices that cover more than one on the front seat of
weight group. All restraint devices must bear cars fitted with passenger’s air bag
For optimal protection in the event of a the certification data, together with the con- deactivation. In this case, it is ab-
crash, all passengers must be seated and trol brand, on a solidly fixed label which solutely necessary to check the
wearing adequate restraint systems. This is must absolutely never be removed. warning light F on the instru-
even more important for children. Over 1.50 m in height, from the point of ment panel to make sure that de-
view of restraint systems, children are con- activation has actually took place
This prescription is compulsory in all EC (see paragraph “Front passenger
countries according to EC Directive sidered as adults and wear the seat belts
normally. Lineaccessori Alfa Romeo offers air bag”). The front passenger’s
2003/20/EC. seat shall be adjusted in the most
seats for each weight group, which are the
Compared with adults, their head is pro- recommended choice, as they have been de- backward position to prevent any
portionally larger and heavier than the rest signed and experimented specifically for Al- contact between child’s seat and
of the body, while the muscles and bone fa Romeo cars. dashboard.
structure are not completely developed.
Therefore, correct restraint systems are nec-
essary, other than adult seat belts.
The results of research on the best pro-
tection for a child are summarised in Euro- Never place cradle child’s
pean Standard ECE- R44, which in addition seats facing backwards on
to making them compulsory, subdivides re- the front passenger seat of
straint systems into five groups: cars fitted with passenger’s air bag
Group 0 0 - 10 kg in weight since the air bag activation could
cause serious injuries, even mortal.
Group 0+ 0 - 13 kg in weight You are advised to carry children
Group 1 9 - 18 kg in weight always on the rear seat, as this is
the most protected position in the
Group 2 15 - 25 kg in weight case of a crash.
Group 3 22 - 36 kg in weight

GROUP 0 AND 0+ (fig. 43) GROUP 1 (fig. 44) The illustration is indica-


tive only for assembly. As-
Babies up to 13 kg must be carried fac- Starting from 9 to 18 kg in weight, chil-
semble the seat according
ing behind on a cradle seat which, support- dren may be carried facing forwards with
to the compulsory instructions pro-
ing the head, does not induce strain on the seats fitted with front cushion, through
vided with it.
neck in the event of a sharp deceleration. which the car seat belt restrains both child
and seat.
The cradle is restrained by the car safety
belts, as illustrated, and it should in turn
restrain the child with the belts incorporat-
ed on it.

Seats exist which are suit-

able for covering weight
groups 0 and 1 with a rear
connection to the car belts and its
own belts to restrain the child. Be-
cause of their mass, they can be
dangerous if installed incorrectly
fastened to the car belts with a
A0A0659b A0A0660b cushion. Strictly adhere to the as-
sembly instructions provided.

fig. 43 fig. 44 33
GROUP 2 (fig. 45) GROUP 3 (fig. 46) The illustration is indica-
tive only for assembly. As-
Starting from 15 to 25 kg in weight, chil- For children from 22 up to 36 kg the
semble the seat according
dren may be restrained directly by the car child’s chest is thick enough not to need the
to the compulsory instructions pro-
seat belts. spacer back rest anymore.
vided with it.
Child seats only have the function of po- The figure shows proper child seat posi-
sitioning the child correctly in relation to the tioning on the rear seat.
belts, so that the diagonal part adheres to
Over 1.50 m in height, children may wear
the chest and never to the neck and that the
seat belts like adults.
horizontal part adheres to the child’s pelvis
and not to the abdomen.

A0A0661b A0A0662b

34 fig. 45 fig. 46


Your car complies with the new European Directive 2000/3/EC regulating child’s seat assembling on the different car seats according to
the following table:

Front Rear Central

Group Range of weight passenger passengers passenger

Group 0, 0+ up to 13 kg U U U

Group 1 9-18 kg U U U

Group 2 15-25 kg U U U

Group 3 22-36 kg U U U

U = suitable for child restraint systems of the “Universal” category, according to European Standard EEC-R44 for the specified “Groups”.

Below is a summary of the rules – All restraint systems are strictly for one
of safety to be followed for car- child only: never use for two children at the
rying children: same time. MOUNTING
– The recommended position for installing – Always make sure that the belts do not “ISOFIX TYPE” CHILD
a child’s seat is on the rear seat, as it is the rest on the child’s neck. RESTRAINT SYSTEM
most protected in the event of a crash.
– During the journey, do not allow the
– If the passenger’s air bag is deactivated child to stay in abnormal positions or release The rear seat of your car is preset for
always check warning light F on the the belts. mounting the Isofix type child restraint sys-
cluster to make sure that it has actually been tem, a new European standardised system
– Do not carry children in your arms, not
deactivated. for carrying children safely. Isofix type child
even small babies. No-one, however strong,
– Carefully follow the instructions provid- can keep hold od them in a crash. restraint system is an additional option that
ed with the child’s seat, which the supplier does not prevent from using traditional child
– In the case of accidents, replace the restraint systems. Isofix type child restraint
is obliged to attach. Keep them in the car
child’s seat with a new one. system covers three weight groups: 0, 0+
together with the documents and this book-
let. Do not use used seats without the in- and 1.
structions for use. Due to its different anchoring system, the
– Always pull the tape to check that belts Isofix child’ seat shall be anchored just us-
are buckled. ing the metal brackets (A-fig. 47) set be-
Never place cradle child’s tween rear seat back and cushion.
seats facing backwards on
the front passenger seat of
cars fitted with passenger’s air bag A0A0671b

since the air bag activation could

cause serious injuries, even mortal.
You are advised to carry children
always on the rear seat, as this is
the most protected position in the
case of a crash.

36 fig. 47
It is actually possible to mount both the MOUNTING THE ISOFIX TYPE – push the child restraint system until hear-


traditional restraint system and the Isofix CHILD’S SEAT ing the locking clicks;
one, e.g. the traditional one on the left and – check proper locking by moving the
the Isofix type seat on the right. Groups 0 and 0+ child’s seat with force: the built-in safety
Since sizes are different, on the rear seats For children of the 0 and 0+ group (ba- mechanism actually inhibits proper coupling
it is possible to install just two traditional bies up to 13 Kg), the child’s seat is facing with only one coupling locked.
child’s seats, or two Isofix type seats. On backwards and the child is restrained by the
the front passenger seat it is only possible child’s seat belts(D-fig. 48).
to mount traditional child’s seats. As the child grows, passing to weight group
Only Isofix type child restraint systems de- 1, the child’s seat shall be fitted facing for-
signed and tested for this car must be used. wards. A0A0663b

For proper mounting proceed as follows:

– check whether the release lever (B) is
at rest position (inward);
– find the presetting brackets (A), then
Mount the child restraint position the child restraint system with the
system only with the car fastening devices (C) aligned with the brack-
stationary. The Isofix child ets;
restraint system is properly an-
chored to the mounting brackets
when clicks are heard. In any case,
keep to the installation instructions
that must be provided by the child
restraint system Manufacturer.

fig. 48 37
Group 1 With this configuration, the child is secured AIR BAG
also by the car seat belts and by the upper
For proper mounting proceed as follows:
belts. To apply car seat belts to child’s seat
– check whether the release lever (B- refer to the child’s seat handbook. The car is fitted with front air bags for the
fig. 49) is at rest position (inward); driver and for the passenger (side bags - win-
dow bags).
– find the presetting brackets (A), then
position the child restraint system with fas-
tening devices (C) aligned with the brack- FRONT AIR BAGS
ets; The front air bag (driver’s and passenger’s)
– push the child restraint system until hear- has been designed to protect the occupants
ing the locking clicks; in the event of head-on crashes of medium-
high severity by placing the cushion between
– check proper locking by moving the the occupant and the steering wheel or dash-
child’s seat with force: the built-in safety board.
mechanism actually inhibits improper cou-
pling with only one coupling locked. Front air bags are designed to protect the
car occupants in front crashes and therefore
non-activation in other types of collisions
(side collisions, rear-end shunts, roll-overs,
etc...) is not a system malfunction.
In the case of a crash, an electronic con-
trol unit, when necessary, triggers inflation
of the cushion.
The cushion inflates instantaneously, set-
ting itself between the body of the front oc-
cupants and the structures that could cause
injury. The cushion then deflates immedi-
ately afterwards.

38 fig. 49
The front air bag (driver’s and passenger’s) Do not apply stickers or DRIVER’S FRONT AIR BAG


does not replace but is complementary to other objects on the steer-
It consists of an instant-inflating cushion
the use of belts, which should always be ing wheel and on the pas-
contained in a special recess in the centre of
worn, as specified by law in Europe and senger’s air bag cover. Do not put
the steering wheel (fig. 50).
most non-European countries. objects on the dashboard on the
passenger’s side (e.g. cell phones)
In the event of a crash a person that is not
because they may interfere with
wearing the seat belt moves forwards and
the correct passenger’s air bag
may come into contact with the cushion
opening and seriously injure the oc-
while it is still opening. Under these cir-
cupants of the car.
cumstances the protection offered by the
cushion is reduced.
Front air bags may not be triggered in the The driver’s and passenger’s front air bag
following conditions: has been designed to improve the protec-
tion of a person wearing a seat belt.
– collisions against highly deformable ob-
jects which do not concern the car front sur- Its volume at maximum inflation fills most
face (for example the bumper crashing of the space between the steering wheel
against the guard rail); and the driver and between the dashboard
and the passenger.
– wedging under other cars or protective
barriers (for example under a lorry or guard In the event of minor side crashes (for
rail); which the restraining action of the seat belts
is sufficient), the air bags are not deployed.
as they do not offer any more protection Also in this case it is of vital importance to A0A0613b

than the seat belts and therefore activation wear the seat belts since in case of side
would be inappropriate. Therefore the fail- crash they guarantee proper positioning of
ure to be triggered does not mean that the the occupant.
system is not working properly.

fig. 50 39
on the front seat of (fig. 52)
It consists of an instant-inflating cushion cars fitted with passenger’s air bag
contained in a special recess in the dash- (upon request for versions /
deactivation. In this case, it is ab- markets where applicable)
board; its volume is bigger than the driver’s solutely necessary to check the
one (fig. 51). warning light F on the instru- Should it be absolutely necessary to car-
ment panel to make sure that de- ry a child on the front seat, the passenger’s
activation has actually took place font air bag can be deactivated.
Never place cradle child’s (see paragraph “Front passenger Deactivation/reactivation takes place with
seats facing backwards on air bag”). The front passenger’s ignition key at STOP, and operating it in
the front passenger seat of seat shall be adjusted in the most the special key switch set in the glovebox.
cars fitted with passenger’s air bag backward position to prevent any
since the air bag activation could contact between child’s seat and
cause serious injuries, even mortal. dashboard.
You are advised to carry children
always on the rear seat, as this is
the most protected position in the
case of a crash.

A0A0392b A0A0392b

40 fig. 51 fig. 52
The key can be inserted and removed in SIDE AIR BAGS WINDOW BAG (fig. 54)


both positions. (SIDE BAG - WINDOW BAG) The window bag is formed of two “cur-
IMPORTANT Operate the switch only tain” cushions housed in the side roof lining
when the engine is not running and the ig- SIDE BAG (fig. 53) covered by a special trim, which protects the
nition key is removed. head of front and rear occupants in the event
The side bag is formed of an instanta- of a side crash thanks to the wide cushion
The key-operated switch has two positions: neously-inflating cushion housed in the back inflation surface.
– passenger’s front airbag activated (ON rest of the front seat and protects the chest
of occupants in case of a side crash of medi- IMPORTANT In the event of side crash,
position P): warning light F on instru-
um-high severity. you can obtain the best protection by the
ment cluster off; it is absolutely prohibited
system keeping a correct position on the
to carry a child on the front seat.
seat, thus allowing correct window bag un-
– passenger’s front airbag deactivated folding.
(OFF position F): warning light F on
instrument cluster on; it is possible to carry
a child protected by special restraint system
on the front seat.
The warning light F on the cluster stays
on permanently until the passenger’s air bag
is reactivated.
Deactivation of the passenger’s front air
bag does not inhibit operation of the side air A0A0614b A0A0615b

fig. 53 fig. 54 41
Never rest head, arms
IMPORTANT The front and/or side air IMPORTANT Should an accident occur
bags may be activated if the car is subject- in which any of the safety devices is acti- and elbows on the door, on
ed to heavy shocks or accidents that involve vated, take the car to Alfa Romeo Autho- the windows and in the
the underbody area, such as for example vi- rized Services to have the devices activated window bag area to prevent pos-
olent bumps against steps, pavements or replaced and to have the system checked. sible injuries during the inflation
fixed obstacles on the ground, falling into phase.
All operations involving checking, repair-
big holes or bumpy roads.
ing and replacing components concerning
IMPORTANT The triggering of air bags the air bag must be carried out by Alfa
releases a small amount of powder. This Romeo Authorised Services
powder is not harmful and does not indicate
If the car is to be demolished, Alfa Romeo
a start of fire; also the surfaces of the de-
Authorised Services should be contacted be-
ployed bag and the car interior may be cov-
forehand to have the system deactivated. If
ered with dusty residue: this may irritate the
the car changes ownership, the new own-
skin and eyes. In the event of exposure,
er must be informed of the instructions for
wash with neutral soap and water. Never lean head, arms
use and of the above warnings and be giv-
Life and validity of pyrotechnic charge and en this “Owner’s Manual”. and elbows out of the win-
coil contact are indicated on the label set dow.
IMPORTANT The triggering of the pre-
near the lock of the left front door. As this
tensioners, front air bags and side bags is
date approaches, contact Alfa Romeo Au-
decided in a differentiated manner depend-
thorized Services to have the device re-
ing on the type of crash. The failure to trig-
ger one or more of them does not neces-
sarily indicate a system malfunction.

GENERAL CAUTIONS Never travel with objects If the car has been stolen


on your lap, in front of or an attempt to steal it
your chest or with a pipe, has been made, if it has
If when turning the ignition pencil, etc. between your lips; in- been subjected to vandals or
key to MAR, the warning jury may result in the event of the floods, have the air bag system
light ¬ does not turn on or air bag being triggered. checked by Alfa Romeo Authorized
if it stays on when travelling there Services.
could be a failure in safety sys-
tems; in this event air bags or pre-
tensioners could not trigger in case
of impact or, in a minor number of
cases, they could trigger acciden-
tally. Contact Alfa Romeo Autho- Remember that with the
rized Services immediately to have key engaged and at MAR,
the system checked. even if the engine is not
Always keep your hands running, the air bags may be trig-
on the steering wheel rim gered on a stationary car if it is
when driving, so that if the bumped by another moving car.
air bag is triggered, it can inflate Therefore, never seat children on
without meeting any obstacles the front seat even when the car is
which could cause serious harm to stationary. On the other hand re-
you. Do not drive with the body member that if the key is at STOP,
Do not cover the backrest bent forwards, keep the seat back
of front seats with trims or no safety system (air bags or pre-
rest in the erect position and lean tensioners) is triggered in the
covers that are not suitable your back well against it.
to be used with side bags. event of an impact; in this case,
failure to come into action cannot
be considered as a sign that the
system is not working properly.

When the ignition key is The front air bag is trig-
turned to MAR, the warn- gered for shocks greater in
ing light F (with passen- magnitude than the pre- LEVERS
ger’s front air bag deactivation tensioners. For impacts between
switch at ON) turns on and flash- these two thresholds, it is there- The devices and services controlled by the
es for few seconds to remind that fore normal that only the preten- levers on the steering wheel can only be ac-
passenger’s air bag will be de- sioners are triggered. tivated with the ignition key at MAR.
ployed in a crash, after which it
should go off.
The left-hand lever controls the outer lights
except for the fog lamps and rear fog
Do not hook rigid objects guards.
to the coat hooks and to
Never wash seat back- the support handles. When the outer lights are switched on, the
rests with pressurised wa- various controls on the dashboard are illu-
ter or steam (by hand or at minated.
automatic seat washing stations). Only with the ignition key at PARK, re-
gardless of the position of the knurled ring,
the sidelights and number plate lights stay on.
The air bag does not sub-
stitute the seat belts, but Position (1 or 2-fig. 60) of the lever
only increases their effec- causes the turning on only of the sidelights
tiveness. Moreover, since the front (front and rear), on the right or left respec-
air bags do not come into operation tively.
in the event of front impact at low
speed, side collisions, bumps from Lights switched off (fig. 55)
behind or overturning, in these cir- When the pointer in the knurled ring is op-
cumstances the occupants would posite the symbol O, the outer lights are
only be protected by the seat belts switched off.
which must therefore always be

Sidelights (fig. 56) Main beams (fig. 58) When the dipped beam headlights and the


fog lamps are switched on, the outer light con-
The sidelights are switched on by turning To turn the main beams on, set the knurled trol unit (integrated in the Body Computer)
the knurled ring from O to 6. ring to position 2 and push the lever to- works according to the following logics:
wards the dashboard (stable position);
The 3 warning light on the instrument – turning on the main beams, the dipped
warning light 1 on the instrument panel
cluster will come on at the same time. beams turn off while the fog lamps stay on,
will turn on.
when restoring the starting condition at
Dipped-beam headlights (fig. 57) To set dipped-beams back pull the lever to- dipped beam setting;
wards the steering wheel.
These are switched on by turning the or
knurled ring from 6 to 2.
A0A0063b A0A0065b
– turning on the main beams, the fog
lamps turn off and then turn on again auto-
matically as the main beams are switched off.
Therefore, in the event of Body Comput-
er replacement, the outer light operating log-
ic may be different.

fig. 55 fig. 57
A0A0064b A0A0066b A0A0067b

fig. 56 fig. 58 fig. 59 45

One of the warning lights (R or E) will
Flashing (fig. 59) “Follow me home” device
come on on the instrument cluster at the (fig. 61)
The headlights are flashed pulling the lever same time.
towards the steering wheel (instable posi- This function allows the illumination of the
tion) regardless of the position of the The lever is returned to its position auto- space in front of the car for the length of
knurled ring. The 1 warning light on the matically and the indicators are switched off time set, and is activated with the ignition
cluster will come on at the same time. when the steering wheel is straightened. key at STOP or removed, pulling the left-
hand lever towards the steering wheel.
IMPORTANT Only the main-beam lights IMPORTANT If you wish to signal a
are flashed. To avoid penalties follow local rapid change of direction involving only a This function is activated pulling the lever
regulations. minimal movement of the steering wheel, within 2 minutes from when the engine is
the lever can be removed up or down with- turned off. At each single movement of the
Direction indicators out it clicking (unstable position). When re- lever, the staying on of the dipped beams
(fig. 60) leased, the lever will return to its home po- and sidelights is extended by 30 seconds up
sition. to a maximum of 3.5 minutes; the lights
Regardless of the position of the knurled switch off automatically after the time set.
ring, moving the lever to the stable position
will: Each time the lever is operated, the 1
warning light on the cluster turns on.
up, position (1) - engage the right-hand
direction indicators.
down, position (2) - engage the left-hand
direction indicators.
A0A0068b A0A0067b

46 fig. 60 fig. 61
This function can be interrupted by keep- Windscreen wiper-washer “Intelligent washing” function


ing the lever pulled towards the steering (fig. 62-63) Pulling the lever towards the steering
wheel for more than 2 seconds.
The lever can be moved to five different wheel (unstable position) operates the wind-
positions, corresponding to: screen washer.
A - Windscreen wiper off. Keeping the lever pulled, with only one
The right-hand lever is used to operate the movement it is possible to operate the wash-
windscreen wiper-washer and rearscreen B - Intermittent.
er jet and the wiper at the same time; in-
wiper-washer. The windscreen washer also With the lever in position (B), turning the deed, the latter comes into action auto-
activates the headlamp washers, if fitted. ring (F), four possible intermittent speeds matically if the lever is pulled for more than
are obtained: half a second.

= intermittent slow. The wiper stops working a few strokes af-
■■ = intermittent medium. ter releasing the lever; a further “cleaning
■■■ = intermittent medium-fast. stroke” after a few seconds completes the
wiping operation.
■■■■ = intermittent fast.
C - Continuous, slow.
D - Continuous, fast.
E - Fast, temporary (unstable position).
Operation in position (E) is limited to the
time the lever is held in this position. When A0A0617b
the lever is released, it returns to position
(A) automatically stopping the wiper.

fig. 62 fig. 63 47
Rain sensor (fig. 64) Turning the knurled ring (F-fig. 62) it At each start, the rain sensor automatically
is possible to increase the sensitivity of the stabilises at a temperature of about 40°C
The rain sensor (A), fitted only on cer- rain sensor, obtaining a quicker change from to eliminate any condensation from the con-
tain versions, is an electronic device com- stationary, when the windscreen is dry, to trol surface and prevent the formation of ice.
bined with the windscreen wiper which has first continuous speed (continuous, slow).
the purpose of automatically adjusting the The rain sensor is able to detect and au-
number of wipes during intermittent opera- Operating the windscreen washer with the tomatically adapt to the presence of the fol-
tion to the intensity of the rain. rain sensor activated (lever at position B) lowing particular conditions which require
the normal washing cycle is performed at different sensitivity:
All the other functions controlled by the the end of which the rain sensor resumes its
right-hand lever remain unchanged. – impurities on the control surface (salt,
normal automatic function.
dirt, etc.);
The rain sensor is activated automatically Turning the ignition key to STOP the rain
moving the right-hand lever to position (B- – streaks of water caused by worn wiper
sensor is deactivated and the next time the
fig. 62) and it has a range of adjustment blades;
engine is started (MAR position) it will not
that gradually varies between wiper sta- be reactivated even if the lever has remained – difference between day and night (the
tionary (no wiping) when the windscreen is in position (B). In this case to activate the human eye is more disturbed during the
dry, to wiper at first continuous speed (con- rain sensor, simply move the lever to (A) night by the wet glass surface).
tinuous, slow) with heavy rain. or (C) and then back to (B).
When the rain sensor is reactivated in this
way, the wiper performs at least one stroke,
even if the windscreen is dry, to indicate that
reactivation has occurred.
The rain sensor is located behind the inner
rear-view mirror in contact with the wind-
screen and inside the area cleaned by the
wiper and it controls an electronic control
unit which in turn controls the wiper motor.

48 fig. 64
Headlamp washers (fig. 65) CRUISE CONTROL The device is disengaged automatically in


any of the following cases:
These come into operation when the wind-
screen washer is turned on with the – pressing the brake pedal;
dipped/main beam headlights on. GENERAL – pressing the clutch pedal;
IMPORTANT On certain versions when The speed regulator (CRUISE CON- – if the ASR, MSR or ESP system cuts in;
the headlamp washer is operating, the cli- TROL), with electronic control, makes it
mate control system automatically engages possible to drive the car at the required – with Selespeed transmission if a gear is
inside air re-circulation, to prevent the smell speed without pressing the accelerator ped- changed;
of liquid detergent from entering the pas- al. This reduces driving fatigue during long – inadvertently moving the Selespeed
senger compartment. journeys because the speed memorised is gear control lever to N.
automatically maintained.
IMPORTANT The device can only be en- CONTROLS (fig. 66)
gaged at speeds between 30 and 190 km/h.
Cruise Control is controlled by the
ON/OFF knurled ring (A), by the +/–
ring (B) and by the RES button (C).
Ring (A) has two positions:
– OFF in this position the device is deac-

Cruise Control must be ac- A0A0077b

tivated only when the

route and traffic allow a
constant speed for a sufficiently
long distance completely safely.

fig. 65 fig. 66 49
– ON is the normal operating position of TO MEMORISE TO RESET THE
the device. When the ring (A) is in this THE SPEED MEMORISED SPEED
position, the warning light Ü on the in- If the device has been disengaged for ex-
strument cluster turns on. Move the ring (A) to ON and take the car
to the required speed normally. Turn the ring ample pressing the brake or clutch pedal,
Ring (B) serves for memorising and main- (B) to (+) for at least three seconds, then the memorised speed can be reset as fol-
taining the car sped or for increasing or low- release it. The car speed is memorised and lows:
ering the speed memorised. it is therefore possible to release the accel- – accelerate gradually until reaching a
Turn the ring (B) to (+) to memorise the erator pedal. speed approaching the one memorised;
speed reached or increase the speed mem- The car will continue to travel at the mem- – engage the gear selected at the time
orised. orised constant speed until one of the fol- of speed memorising (4th, 5th or 6th
lowing conditions takes place: speed);
Turn the ring (B) to (–) to lower the speed
memorised. – pressing the brake pedal; – press the RES button (C).
Each time the ring is actuated (B) the speed – pressing the clutch pedal;
increases or lowers by about 1.5 km/h. TO INCREASE THE
– if the ASR, MSR or ESP system cuts in; MEMORISED SPEED
Keeping the ring turned the speed changes
– with Selespeed transmission if a gear is The speed memorised can be increased
continuously. The new speed reached will
changed; in two ways:
be maintained automatically.
– inadvertent movement of the Selespeed 1) pressing the accelerator and then mem-
The RES button (C) resets the memorised orising the new speed reached (turning the
speed. gear control lever to position N.
ring to (B) for more than three seconds);
IMPORTANT Turning the ignition key to IMPORTANT In the case of need (when or
STOP or the ring (A) to OFF, the speed overtaking for instance) acceleration is pos-
sible simply pressing the accelerator pedal; 2) momentaneously turning the ring (B)
memorised is cleared and the system is to (+): each pulse of the ring will correspond
switched off. later, releasing the accelerator pedal, the car
will return to the speed memorised previ- to a slight increase in speed (about 1.5
ously. km/h) while pressing continuously will cor-
respond to a continuous speed increase. Re-
leasing the ring (B) the new speed will be
memorised automatically.

TO REDUCE THE TO RESET THE MEMORISED The device may only be engaged in in 4th,


MEMORISED SPEED SPEED 5th or 6th gear, depending on the speed
of the car. Travelling downhill with the de-
The speed memorised can be reduced in The memorised speed is automatically re- vice engaged the car speed may increase
two ways: set turning off the engine or moving the ring more than the memorised one, due to the
(A) to OFF. change in the engine load.
1) disengaging the device (for instance
pressing the brake pedal) and then memo-
rising the new speed (turning the ring (B)
to (+) for at least three seconds); When travelling with the
2) keeping the ring pressed (B) at (–) cruise control on, do not
until reaching the new speed which will be move the gearshift lever to
memorised automatically. neutral and do not move the Sele-
If the device is faulty or
speed selector to N.
not working, turn the ring
(A) to OFF and contact Al-
fa Romeo Authorised Services af-
It is advisable to engage the cruise control ter checking that the protection
only when the conditions of the traffic or fuse is intact.
roads so permit under completely safe con-
ditions, i.e.: straight and dry roads, dual car-
riage ways or motorways, flowing traffic and
smooth road surface. Do not engage the de-
vice in town or in heavy traffic conditions.
The ring (A) may be left constantly at ON
without damaging the device. You are, how-
ever, advised to switch the device off when
Cruise control may only not in use, turning the ring to OFF, to avoid
be engaged at speeds be- memorising speeds by accident.
tween 30 and 190 km/h.


(For right-hand drive versions see dashboard and instruments in the dedicated paragraph at the end of the manual)


fig. 67
1. Adjustable side air vents - 2. Fixed side window air vents - 3. External lights control lever - 4. Instrument panel - 5. Tailgate release button - 6. Cards holder
(for versions/markets where applicable) - 7. Sound system (for versions/markets where applicable) - 8. Adjustable central air vents - 9. Upper fixed vent - 10.
Glass/can holder (for versions/markets where applicable) - 11. Front fog light button - 12. Hazard light switch - 13. Rear fog light button - 14. front passen-
ger’s air bag - 15. Glovebox - 16. Door locking button - 17. Heating/ventilation/climate controls - 18. Cigar lighter/ashtray housing lid - 19. Temperature sen-
sor - 20. Windscreen wiper stalk - 21. Ignition key and ignition switch - 22. Horn - 23. Steering wheel locking/release lever - 24. Driver’s air bag - 25. Set of
controls - 26. Bonnet opening lever.



A. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning
light - B. Engine coolant fluid temperature
gauge with maximum temperature warning
light - C. Speedometer - D. Odometer dis-
play (mileage recorder, trip meter with head-
lamp position display) - E. Reconfigurable
multifunction display - F. Rev counter
NOTE On JTDM versions the scale bottom
is at 6000 revs.


fig. 68 - petrol versions

A. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning

light - B. Engine coolant fluid temperature
gauge with maximum temperature warning
light - C. Speedometer - D. Odometer dis-
play (mileage recorder, trip meter with head-
lamp position display) - E. Reconfigurable
multifunction display - F. Rev counter

fig. 69 - Black Line petrol versions A0A0749b


A. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning

light - B. Engine coolant fluid temperature
gauge with maximum temperature warning
light - C. Speedometer - D. Odometer dis-
play (mileage recorder, trip meter with head-
lamp position display) - E. Reconfigurable
multifunction display - F. Rev counter


fig. 70 - Q2 diesel version

A. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning

light - B. Engine coolant fluid temperature
gauge with maximum temperature warning
light - C. Speedometer - D. Odometer dis-
play (mileage recorder, trip meter with head-
lamp position display) - E. Reconfigurable
multifunction display - F. Rev counter

fig. 71 - 2.0 JTS Selespeed versions

A. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning
light - B. Engine coolant fluid temperature
gauge with maximum temperature warning
light - C. Speedometer - D. Odometer dis-
play (mileage recorder, trip meter with head-
lamp position display) - E. Reconfigurable
multifunction display - F. Rev counter


fig. 71a - 2.0 JTS Selespeed Black Line version

A. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning

light - B. Engine coolant fluid temperature
gauge with maximum temperature warning
light - C. Speedometer - D. Odometer dis-
play (mileage recorder, trip meter with head-
lamp position display) - E. Reconfigurable
multifunction display - F. Rev counter

fig. 71b - 3.2 V6 version

SPEEDOMETER To reset the trip meter, keep button (A- IMPORTANT The electronic injection con-
(SPEED INDICATOR) fig. 73) on the plate at the side of the trol system gradually shuts off the flow of fu-
steering column pressed for a few seconds. el when the engine is “over-revving” resulting
The gauge (A-fig. 72) indicates the car in a gradual loss of engine power.
speed. IMPORTANT If the battery is discon-
nected the trip meter reading is not stored. When the engine is idling, the rev counter
may indicate a gradual or sudden highering of
REV COUNTER (fig. 74) the speed, this is normal as it takes place dur-
Odometer display (B-fig. 72) with dou- ing normal operation, for example when en-
ble meter (total and trip) and headlamp po- The danger zone (red, or white on certain gaging the climate control system or the fan.
sition display. versions) indicates excessive high engine In particular a slow change in the speed pre-
speed. Do not drive for long periods with the serves the battery charge.
The display shows: pointer in this area.
– the mileage on the first line (6 figures)
– the trip meter on the second line (4 fig-
– aside the position of the headlight aim-
ing device.

A0A0756b A0A1104b A0A0757b

56 fig. 72 fig. 73 fig. 74



RESERVE INDICATOR TEMPERATURE GAUGE WITH gine coolant may rise towards the maximum
MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE values (red section, or white on certain ver-
This shows the amount of fuel left in the sions) when the car is driven at low speeds,
fuel tank. WARNING LIGHT
especially when the ambient air tempera-
0 - tank empty. This shows the temperature of the engine ture is high. In this case it is advisable to
coolant fluid and begins when the fluid tem- stop the car and switch off the engine for
1 - tank full (see the indications given in perature exceeds approx. 50°C. a few minutes, after which the journey can
paragraph “At the filling station"). be resumed, preferably at a higher speed.
Normally the pointer should be towards
The warning light K (A-fig. 76) turns on the middle of the scale. If the pointer reach-
to indicate that approx. 7 litres of fuel are es the higher temperatures of the scale (red
left in the tank. section, or white on certain versions) the re-
IMPORTANT The pointer can reach the quest for car performance should be de-
red area also for a sum of unfavourable con- creased.
ditions, i.e.: slow speed, uphill, fully laden The turning on of the u (B-fig. 76)
or towing a trailer with hot outside tempera- warning light (on some versions together
ture. with the message shown on the reconfig-
IMPORTANT Refuelling shall always be urable multifunction display) indicates that
performed with engine off and ignition key at the coolant fluid temperature is too high;
STOP. If the engine is off but the key is at in this case, stop the engine and contact
MAR, a wrong fuel level could temporarily Alfa Romeo Authorised Services.
be indicated. This is due to the internal sys- A0A0758b
tem control logic and cannot be considered as
a system malfunctioning.

fig. 76 57

The digital multifunction display shows the following: clock, outside temperature, buzzer setting (buzzer on/off), rheostat (light adjustment),
condition of the inertial fuel cut-off switch (FPS on).


To make use of the information the digital display (with the ignition key at MAR) is able to give, you should firstly familiarise with the con-
trol buttons on the plate at the side of the steering column, using them as described in the following paragraphs. Before doing anything at all,
you are advised to read this chapter in full.

To decrease the value displayed

Press for less than 1 second (pulse), indicated with Q in the following de-
scriptions, to access the various adjustments

Press for more than 2 seconds, indicated with R in the following descriptions,
to confirm the choice required and return to the previous display

To decrease the value displayed

fig. 75

CLOCK (fig. 76) Adjusting the minutes BUZZER (fig. 77-78)


Adjusting the hours Press the MODE button twice in Q, the The buzzer which accompanies the con-
minutes will flash. Set the minutes required trols may be activated (ON) or deactivated
Press the MODE button in Q, the hours using buttons ▲ or ▼. (OFF); proceed as follows:
will flash. Set the hour required using buttons
▲ or ▼. Every press on the button will increase by Press the MODE button 3 times in Q,
one unit. then use buttons ▲ or ▼, to turn the buzzer
Every press on the button will increase by
on or off.
one unit. Keeping the button pressed obtains auto-
Keeping the button pressed obtains auto-
matic fast increase or decrease. Then press the MODE button in R to
store the condition chosen.
matic fast increase or decrease. When you are near the value required, re-
lease the control and complete adjustment
When you are near the value required, re- with single presses.
lease the control and complete adjustment
with single presses. Then press the MODE button in R to
Then press the MODE button in R to
Outside temperature can be viewed on the
display lower side, under the hour indica-
tion. When the outside temperature is be-
clock and outside temperature low or 3° C, the indicator starts flashing
display buzzer activated display (ON)
A0A0009b together with the buzzer, to warn the driver A0A0083b

about the possible presence of ice on the

road. The acoustic signal lasts about 2 sec-
onds, while the outside temperature indi-
cator flashes for about 10 seconds. The sig-
nal of possible presence of ice on the road
is repeated only if the outside temperature
is over 6° C and then reaches again 3° C.

fig. 76 fig. 77 59
LIGHT RHEOSTAT (fig. 79-80) ing is turned off with the exception of the INERTIAL FUEL CUT-OFF
speedometer. SWITCH ON DISPLAY (fig. 81)
This function makes it possible to adjust
the lighting (dimming/increasing) of the in- Keeping button ▲ pressed (on the plate The display shown appears automatically
strument cluster, odometer display (total at the side of the steering column) for more when the inertial fuel cut-off switch cuts in,
and trip meter, headlamp aiming device dis- than 4 seconds the complete instrument following a crash of a certain magnitude.
play) of the clock/outside temperature dis- cluster lighting is turned on again.
play and of the radio display. The switch shuts off the supply of fuel.
display IMPORTANT See the description in the
To access the light rheostat, open the with minimum brightness
menu by pressing button MODE, select A0A0012b Controls paragraph under the Inertial fuel
“ILLU” (first option displayed) by pressing cut-off switch.
again button MODE and then set the re-
quired level using buttons ▲/▼.
“ILLU” function is available when at least
the side/taillights are on.

Partial lighting
Keeping button ▼ pressed (on the plate
at the side of the steering column) for more
than 4 seconds the instrument cluster light- fig. 79
display inertial fuel cut-off switch
buzzer deactivated display (OFF) with maximum brightness on display
A0A0014b A0A0013b A0A0007b

60 fig. 78 fig. 80 fig. 81



The reconfigurable multifunction display is INFORMATION ABOUT CONTROL BUTTONS fig. 83
able to display all the useful and necessary CAR CONDITION
information when driving, in particular: MODE
❒ Trip computer;
❒ Lighting adjustment (rheostat); Press the button briefly: to confirm
the selected option and/or to go to next
STANDARD SCREEN ❒ Display of failure messages with corre- screen;
❒ Time (A-fig. 82); sponding symbol;
Press the button for long: to con-
❒ Outside temperature (B); ❒ Display of warning messages with cor- firm the selected option and to go back to
responding symbol (e.g.: possible ice previous screen;
❒ Date (C). on road);
▲/▼ to scroll the “Setup Menu” up-
❒ Gear selected (2.0 T.SPARK Selespeed wards/downwards or to increase/decrease
versions only); the value displayed.
❒ Engine oil level (JTDM versions only).

A0A9129g A0A0022m

fig. 82 fig. 83 61
The “Setup Menu” shall be used to perform the adjustments and/or settings described on the following pages, by pressing button MODE
and ▲/▼ (see fig. 83). Press briefly button MODE to display the setup menu. The menu consists of a set of functions arranged in a “cir-
cular fashion” fig. 84.

Deutsch Espãnol
Italiano Français




MODE 12/24

Year Month
fig. 84

Press brifely button MODE to open the menu. To surf the menu, press buttons ▲ or ▼. For safety reasons, when the car is running, it is
possible to access only the reduced menu (for setting “DIMMER” and “SPEED” values). When the car is stationary access to the whole menu
62 is enabled.
Engine oil level check Fig. 86 refers to the display with an oil Fig. 87 refers to the display with an oil


(JTD versions) level below the preset minimum. In this con- level above the preset maximum. In this con-
dition the bars are all empty. dition the bars are all full.
Turning the ignition key to MAR the dis-
play shows the engine oil level for a few sec- IMPORTANT In this case the correct en- IMPORTANT In this case, contact Alfa
onds. During this phase, to clear the display gine oil level should be restored as soon as Romeo Authorised Services who will restore
and move to next screen, press briefly but- possible, see “Checking levels” in section the correct engine oil level.
ton MODE. “Car maintenance”.
IMPORTANT To make sure that the en-
gine oil level displayed is correct, carry out
the check with the car on level ground.
Fig. 85 refers to the correct engine oil
level display. As the oil level gradually falls,
the full bars go off leaving room for the emp-
ty ones.

A0A9101g A0A9102g A0A9103g

fig. 85 fig. 86 fig. 87 63

DIMMER SPEED To clear setting:
With this function it is possible to adjust With this function it is possible to set the ❒ press briefly button MODE: the display
the lighting (dimming/brightening) of the car speed limit (km/h or mph), when this will show the word OFF;
instrument cluster, mileage recorder (total, limit is exceeded the driver is immediately
❒ press button (▼): the display will show
trip meter), headlight aiming display, radio alerted (see section “Warning lights and mes-
the word OFF;
display, radio navigator display (where pro- sages”).
vided) and two-zone climate control (where ❒ press briefly button MODE to go back
To set the speed limit, proceed as follows:
provided). to the menu screen or press the button
❒ press briefly button MODE: the display for long to go back to the standard
Proceed as follows:
will show the word ON; screen.
❒ press briefly button MODE: the display
❒ press briefly button MODE then, use
will show a graduated scale;
buttons ▲/▼ to set the required speed
❒ press buttons ▲/▼ to adjust as re- (during setting the value flashes).
❒ press briefly button MODE to go back
to the menu screen or press the button
Partial lighting
for long to go back to the standard
Keeping button (▼) pressed for more than 4 screen.
seconds, the rev counter lighting is turned off.
IMPORTANT The possible setting is be-
Keeping button (▲) pressed for more than tween 30 and 250 km/h or between 20
4 seconds, the complete instrument cluster and 150 mph depending on the unit set pre-
lighting is turned on again. viously (see paragraph “UNITS” described
later). Every press of the button ▲/▼ in-
IMPORTANT When external lights are creases or decreases by one unit. Keeping
switched on dimming of the brightness can button ▲/▼ pressed, obtain automatic fast
be perceived. In the event of any faults, increase/decrease. When you are near the
lighting adjustment (rheostat) is not possi- required setting release the button and com-
ble and the display is shown at its maximum plete adjustment with single presses.



With this option it is possible to turn This function enables to set the clock This function enables to update the date
(ON/OFF) the TRIP B function (partial (hours - minutes). (day - month - year).
trip) which displays the figures relating to
Proceed as follows: To correct the date proceed as follows:
SPEED B, TRAVEL TIME B, and TRAVEL DIS- ❒ press briefly button MODE: the display ❒ press briefly button MODE: the display
TANCE B during a “partial mission” con- will show the hour; will show the date;
tained in the “general mission” (for further
information see “Trip Computer”). ❒ press buttons ▲/▼ for setting; ❒ press buttons ▲/▼ for setting the day;

For activation/deactivation, proceed as fol- ❒ press briefly button MODE to set min- ❒ press briefly button MODE for setting
lows: utes (pressing the button for long will the month (or press the button for long
return to standard screen); to go back to standard screen);
❒ press briefly button MODE: the display
will show the word ON; ❒ press buttons ▲/▼ for setting; ❒ press buttons ▲/▼ for setting;

❒ use buttons ▲/▼ to select on or off; ❒ press briefly button MODE to go back ❒ press briefly button MODE for setting
to the menu screen or press the button the year (or press the button for long
❒ press briefly button MODE to go back for long to go back to the standard to go back to standard screen);
to the menu screen or press the button screen.
for long to go back to the standard ❒ press buttons ▲/▼ for setting;
IMPORTANT Every press of the button
screen. ❒ press briefly button MODE to go back
▲/▼ increases or decreases by one unit.
to the menu screen or press the button
Keeping button ▲/▼ pressed, obtain au-
for long to go back to the standard
tomatic fast increase/decrease. When you
are near the required setting release the but-
ton and complete adjustment with single

This option enables to turn ON/OFF the This option enables to set the clock in the This option enables to activate/deactivate
summer time function (which corresponds 12h or 24h mode. (ON/OFF) displaying of the name (if in
to + 1 hour in relation to the daylight time). To adjust, proceed as follows: the list) and phone number of the caller on
the instrument panel display.
For activation/deactivation, proceed as fol- ❒ press briefly button MODE: the display
lows: will show 12h; For activation/deactivation, proceed as fol-
❒ press buttons ▲/▼ for setting (12h lows:
❒ press briefly button MODE: the display
will show the word ON; or 24h); ❒ press briefly button MODE: the display
❒ press briefly button MODE to go back will show the word ON;
❒ use buttons ▲/▼ to select on or off;
to the menu screen or press the button
❒ use buttons ▲/▼ to select on or off;
❒ press briefly button MODE to go back for long to go back to the standard
to the menu screen or press the button screen. ❒ press briefly button MODE to go back
for long to go back to the standard to the menu screen or press the button
screen. RADIO for long to go back to the standard
Selecting and activating the “DST ON” This option enables to activate/deactivate
function, the display switches from daylight (ON/OFF) the repetition of the informa- Selecting and activating “TELEPHONE
time to summer time and vice versa, with tion displayed by the radio front panel on DISPLAY ON”, when a phone call arrives,
no need to intervene manually on the the instrument panel display. the display shows the name (if in the list)
“TIME” function described previously. and the phone number of the caller.
For activation/deactivation, proceed as fol-
❒ press briefly button MODE: the display
will show the word ON;
❒ use buttons ▲/▼ to select on or off;
❒ press briefly button MODE to go back
to the menu screen or press the button
for long to go back to the standard screen.
Selecting and activating “RADIO DIS-
PLAY ON”, when turning the radio on, the
display repeats the information displayed by
the radio front panel.


This option enables, during use of the ra- This option enables to select the language This option enables to set the units for dis-
dionavigator, to activate/deactivate required for the texts shown on the display. tance covered (km or mi), fuel consumption
(ON/OFF) the repetition of the pictograms (l/100 km, km/l or mpg) and tempera-
To set the required language proceed as
displayed by the radionavigator on the in- ture (°C or °F).
strument panel display.
To set the required unit proceed as follows:
❒ press briefly button MODE: the display
For activation/deactivation, proceed as fol-
will show the previously set “lan- ❒ press briefly button MODE: the display
guage”; will show “km” or “mi” (according to
❒ press briefly button MODE: the display previous setting);
❒ press buttons ▲/▼ for setting;
will show the word ON;
❒ press buttons ▲/▼ for setting;
❒ press briefly button MODE to go back
❒ use buttons ▲/▼ to select on or off;
to the menu screen or press the button ❒ press briefly button MODE to select
❒ press briefly button MODE to go back for long to go back to the standard the temperature unit (or press the but-
to the menu screen or press the button screen. ton for long to go back to the standard
for long to go back to the standard screen): the display will show °C or °F
screen. (according to previous setting);
Selecting and activating “NAVIGATION ❒ press buttons ▲/▼ for setting;
DISPLAY ON”, the instrument panel dis-
play shows the information displayed by the
radionavigator display.

❒ press briefly button MODE to select
the consumption unit (or press the but-
This option enables to adjust the volume Through this function it is possible to dis-
ton for long to go back to the standard
of the roger-beep accompanying the acti- play information connected to proper car ser-
vation of the car buttons and any fail- vicing.
❒ If the distance unit set is “km”, the dis- ure/warning indication shown on the dis-
To consult this function, proceed as follows:
play will show “l/100km” or play.
“km/l”: press buttons ▲/▼ for set- ❒ press briefly button MODE: service in
To adjust the volume proceed as follows:
ting. If the distance unit set is “mi”, the “km” or “mi” according to previous
display will show “mpg”; ❒ press briefly button MODE: the display setting, will be displayed (see para-
will show the previously set volume graph “UNITS”);
❒ press briefly button MODE to go back
to the menu screen or press the button ❒ press buttons ▲/▼ to display the re-
for long to go back to the standard ❒ press buttons ▲/▼ for setting; quired service info;
❒ press briefly button MODE to go back ❒ press briefly button MODE to go back
IMPORTANT The temperature unit (°C to the menu screen or press the button to the menu screen or press the button
or °F) set on the display is also shown on for long to go back to the standard for long to go back to the standard
the displays of the two-zone climate control screen. screen.
(where provided) and radionavigator (where
provided). IMPORTANT In the buzzer OFF con- IMPORTANT The Service Schedule in-
dition, any buzzer failure warnings are main- cludes car maintenance every 20,000 km;
tained. this is shown automatically, with the igni-
tion key to MAR, starting from 2,000 km
(or mi) from this deadline and it will be dis-
played again every 200 km. The display can
only be reset by Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser-

Selecting this option will bring back to stan-
dard screen.



General features
The “Trip computer” displays information relating to the operating status of the car. This function comprises the GENERAL TRIP, concerning
the “complete mission” of the car (journey) and TRIP B, concerning the partial mission of the car; this latter function (as shown in the fol-
lowing diagram) is “contained” within the complete mission.
Both functions are resettable (reset - start of new mission).

End of complete mission End of complete mission

Start of new mission Start of new mission


Reset TRIP B

Reset TRIP B


End of partial mission

Start of new partial mission
Reset TRIP B
End of partial mission

Start of new partial mission
End of partial mission End of partial mission
Start of new partial mission Start of new partial mission
Reset TRIP B

The GENERAL TRIP displays the figures re- Values displayed
lating to:
Average consumption This value shows the distance in km (or
❒ Average consumption mi) that the car can still cover before need-
This value shows the average consumption
ing fuel, assuming that driving conditions
❒ Actual consumption from the start of the new mission.
are kept unvaried.
❒ Average speed Actual consumption
The display will show “- - - -“ in the fol-
❒ Travel time This value shows instant fuel consumption lowing cases:
(this value is updated second by second). If
❒ Range ❒ value lower than 50 km (or 30 mi);
parking the car with engine on, the display
❒ Travel Distance will show “- - - -”. ❒ car left parked with engine running for
over 5 minutes.
Average speed
Travel Distance
TRIP B displays information concerning: This value shows the car average speed as
a function of the overall time elapsed since This value shows the distance covered from
❒ Average consumption B the start of the new mission.
the start of the new mission.
❒ Average speed B
Travel time Each time the battery is connected and
❒ Travel time B each time a new mission is started (reset),
This value shows the time elapsed since
the display will show “0.0”.
❒ Travel Distance B the start of the new mission (driving time).
IMPORTANT Lacking information, TRIP
COMPUTER values are displayed with “- - - -”.
When normal operating condition is reset, cal-
culation of different units will restart regular-
ly. Values displayed before the failure will not
be reset.

New mission (reset) SET BUTTON Start of journey procedure


Reset can be: This button, set on the right steering col-
umn stalk (fig. 86), shall be used (with With ignition key at MAR, press and keep
❒ “manual”: reset is performed by the dri-
ignition key MAR), to enter the GENERAL button SET pressed for over 2 seconds to
ver by pressing for long button SET;
TRIP and TRIP B functions. reset.
❒ “automatic”: reset is performed when
Button SET shall also be used to reset the The reset operation (button SET pressed
the “travel distance” reaches 9999.9
GENERAL TRIP and TRIP B functions to start for over 2 seconds) in the presence of the
km (or mi), when “travel time” reach-
a new mission: screens concerning the GENERAL TRIP makes
es 99:59 (99 hours and 59 minutes)
it possible to reset also the TRIP B.
or after disconnecting and then recon- - short push: to go to next screen;
necting the battery. The reset operation (button SET pressed
- long push: to reset and then start a
for over 2 seconds) in the presence of the
new mission.
screens concerning only the TRIP B makes
it possible to reset only the information as-
sociated with this function.
SUMPTION information cannot be reset.


fig. 86 71
Handbrake on HIGH ENGINE
AND MESSAGES The warning light turns on when the hand-
brake is on.

IMPORTANT The presence of warning

Turning the ignition key to MAR the warn-
lights depends on the type of engine and
ing light turns on, but it should go off after
equipment with which the car is fitted.
few seconds.

LOW BRAKE FLUID If the warning light turns The warning light turns on (together with

x LEVEL (red)
on when travelling, check
that the handbrake is not
engaged. If the warning light stays
message + symbol on the display) when the
engine is overheated: if the warning light
comes on when driving, stop the car leav-
ON (red) on with handbrake disengaged, ing the engine on and slightly accelerated
stop the car immediately and con- to further activate the circulation of the
Turning the ignition key to MAR the warn- tact Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- coolant fluid.
ing light turns on, but it should go off after vices.
few seconds. If the warning light does not turn off with-
in the next 2 or 3 minutes, stop the engine
Low brake fluid level and contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services.
The warning light turns on (together with
message + symbol on the display) when the
level of the brake fluid in the reservoir falls
below the minimum level, due to possible
leak in the circuit.



¬ (red)

Turning the ignition key to MAR the warn- Message + symbol are displayed when en- Message + symbol are displayed when the
ing light turns on, but it should go off after gine oil pressure is low. battery charge is low.
few seconds.
If message + symbol are displayed, con-
The warning light stays on glowing steadi- tact immediately Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser-
ly if there is a failure in the air bag system. vices.

If message + symbol are

If when turning the igni- displayed when travelling
tion key to MAR, the stop the engine immedi-
warning light ¬ does not ately and contact Alfa Romeo Au-
turn on or if it stays on when trav- thorized Services.
elling there could be a failure in
safety systems; in this event air
bags or pretensioners could not
trigger in case of impact or, in a mi-
nor number of cases, they could
trigger accidentally. Before restart-
ing contact Alfa Romeo Authorized

The failure of the warning

light ¬ (warning light off)
is also indicated by the
flashing for more than the normal
4 seconds of the air bag warning
light ¬.

< FASTENED (red)

(EOBD) (amber)

The warning light turns on glowing steadi- With the brake pedal pressed, the display (upon request for versions/
ly with ignition key at MAR, when the dri- will show message + symbol when front markets where applicable)
ver’s seat belt is not fastened correctly. brake pads are worn; in this case have them In normal conditions, turning the ignition
changed as soon as possible. key to MAR, the warning light turns on,
INCOMPLETE DOOR IMPORTANT Since the car is fitted with but it should go off when the engine has

´ LOCKING wear sensors for the front brake pads, when

changing them, check also the rear brake
started. The initial turning on indicates that
the warning light is working properly.
If the warning light stays on or turns on
Message + symbol are displayed when when travelling (together with message +
one or more doors or the bonnet are not symbol on the display):
properly shut. glowing steadily - means a fault in the
supply/ignition system which could cause
high emissions at the exhaust, possible lack
of performance, poor handling and high con-
sumption levels. In these conditions it is pos-
(2.0 T.SPARK sible to continue driving without however re-
Selespeed versions) quiring heavy effort or high speed from the
On versions with Selespeed transmission, engine. Prolonged use of the car with the
message + symbol are displayed when there warning light on may cause damages. Con-
is a failure in the Selespeed transmission. In tact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services as soon
the event of Selespeed transmission failure, as possible. The warning light goes off if the
go as soon as possible to the nearest Alfa fault disappears, but it is however stored by
Romeo Authorized Services and have the the system;
system checked.

flashing - indicates the possibility of dam- ALFA ROMEO CODE GLOW PLUG


age to the catalyst (see “EOBD system” in
this section). If the light flashes, it is nec- Y SYSTEM
(diesel versions)
essary to release the accelerator pedal to
lower the speed of the engine until the warn-
ing light stops flashing; continue the journey Turning the key to MAR the symbol on GLOW PLUG WARMING
at moderate speed, trying to avoid driving the display shall flash only once and then FAILURE (diesel versions)
conditions that may cause further flashing go off. If with the ignition key at MAR, the
and contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services symbol stays on the display (together wit Glow plug warming
as soon as possible. the message), this indicates a possible fail- Turning the ignition key to MAR, the dis-
ure (see “Alfa Romeo CODE system”). play shows message + symbol. The symbol
IMPORTANT The turning on at the will turn off when glow plugs reach the pre-
same time of warning light U and sym- set temperature. Start the engine immedi-
bol Y indicates a failure of the Alfa Romeo ately after the symbol turns off.
If, turning the ignition key CODE system. IMPORTANT With mild or hot ambient
to MAR, the warning light temperature, warning light stays on for very
If with the engine running, the display
U does not turn on or if it short time.
shows message + symbol, this means that
turns on glowing steadily or flash-
the car is not protected by the engine im-
ing when travelling, contact Alfa
mobilising device (see “Alfa Romeo CODE
Romeo Authorized Services as
system” in this section). Contact Alfa Romeo
soon as possible.
Authorized Services to have all the keys

Message + symbol are displayed when
there is a failure in the glow plug warming
(diesel versions)
(diesel versions)
system. Contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- (upon request for
vices as soon as possible to have the fault Message + symbol are displayed when versions/markets
eliminated. travelling to indicate that there is water in where applicable)
the diesel fuel filter. Message + symbol are displayed when the
diesel particulate filter is clogged and the dri-
ving conditions do not enable to activate au-
tomatically the reclaiming procedure.
The presence of water in To enable the cleaning procedure, keep the
the fuel circuit may cause car running until the message + symbol turn
serious damage to the en- off.
tire injection system and cause ir-
regular engine operation. If mes-
sage + symbol are displayed on the
reconfigurable multifunction display
contact Alfa Romeo Authorized
Services as soon as possible to
have the system relieved. If the
above indications come on immedi-
ately after refuelling, water has
probably been poured into the
tank: turn the engine off immedi-
ately and contact Alfa Romeo Au-
thorized Services.



> SYSTEM (where
provided) (amber) x ELECTRONIC

Message + symbol are displayed when the Turning the ignition key to MAR the warn- (amber)
inertial fuel cut-off switch is triggered. ing light turns on, but it should go off after
few seconds. The turning on at the same
The warning light turns on (together with time of warning lights x and >(togeth-
message + symbol on the display) when the er with message + symbol on the display)
If after the message you system is inefficient. In this case the brak- with the engine running indicates an EBD
smell fuel or see leaks from ing system keeps its effectiveness un- system failure; in this case heavy braking
the fuel system, do not re- changed, but without the potential offered may cause the rear wheels to lock before
set the switch to avoid fire risk. by the ABS system. time, with the possibility of skidding.

Caution is advisable, particularly in all cas- Drive with the utmost care to the nearest
es of less than perfect grip. It is necessary Alfa Romeo Authorized Service to have the
to contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services system checked.
as soon as possible.


á (where provided)
(where provided)
(upon request for Turning the ignition key to MAR the warn- Turning the ignition key to MAR, the
versions/markets where ing light turns on, but it should go off after warning light turns on, but it should go off
applicable) few seconds. after few seconds.
With passenger’s front air bags ON, turn- If the warning light does not turn off or The warning light turns on when the sys-
ing the ignition key to MAR the warning stays on when travelling (together with mes- tem is switched off. The warning light flash-
light turns on, but it should go off after about sage + symbol on the display), contact Al- es when the system cuts in, to alert the dri-
4 seconds. fa Romeo Authorized Services. ver that the system is adapting to the road
The warning light turns on when the pas- surface grip conditions.
The warning light flashes when the VDC
senger’s front Air bag is deactivated. system cuts in. The turning on of the warning light (to-
gether with message + symbol on the dis-
play) also indicates a failure of the ASR sys-
Warning light F indi- tem. In this case contact Alfa Romeo Au-
cates also warning light ¬ thorized Services as soon as possible.
failures. This is indicated by
intermittent flashing, over 4 sec-
onds, of warning light F. In this
event warning light ¬ could not in-
dicate safety system failures. Con-
tact Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser-
vices to have the system checked



(amber) K (amber)
3 (green)

Turning the ignition key to MAR, the The warning light turns on (on certain ver- The warning light turns on when side/tail-
warning light turns on, but it should go off sions with the message on the display) lights or low beams are turned on.
after few seconds. when about 7 litres fuel are left in the tank
and, on certain versions when the cruising
The display will show message + symbol
range is less than 50 km. CRUISE CONTROL
when one of the following lights is failing:
❒ side/taillights
❒ brake lights and relevant fuse LEFT-HAND
Ü (where provided)

❒ rear fog lights R DIRECTION

INDICATOR (green) The warning light turns on (on certain ver-
sions with message + symbol on the dis-
❒ number plate lights.
play) when turning the Cruise Control
The failure referring to these lights could The warning light turns on when the di- knurled ring to ON.
be: one or more blown bulbs, a blown pro- rection indicator stalk is moved downwards
tection fuse or an electric connection cut-off. or, together with the right indicator, when
the hazard warning light button is pressed. MAIN BEAMS

1 (blue)

INDICATOR (green) The warning light turns on when the main
beams or the “Follow me home” device are
turned on (see the relevant paragraph).
The warning light turns on when the di-
rection indicator stalk is moved upwards or,
together with the left indicator, when the
hazard warning light button is pressed.


The message will be displayed when one
The display will show the dedicated mes-
sage + symbol when the cruising range is
ON THE ROAD of the following warning lights is failing: ABS less than 50 km.
The display shows message + symbol √ warning light, EBD warning light, ASR warn-
and a buzzer will sound when the outside ing light, VDC warning light. SCHEDULED SERVICING
temperature reaches or falls below 3°C to
warn the driver of the possible presence of The display will show the dedicated mes-
ENGINE OIL sage starting from 2000 km from the dead-
ice on the road. LEVEL SENSOR line planned in the Service Schedule. The
The buzzer will sound for approx. 2 sec- The warning light turns on when a fault message will be repeated every 200 km
onds whereas the message will stay on the is detected to the engine oil level sensor. when turning the ignition key to MAR.
display for aprrox. 10 seconds then, only Contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services as
the symbol will stay displayed until tem- soon as possible to have the failure elimi-
perature exceeds 6°C or until the engine nated.
is switched off.
If when travelling, next to the indication SPEED LIMIT EXCEEDED
of possible ice on road, the temperature will
raise above 6° C symbol √ will turn off. If The display will show the dedicated mes-
temperature falls again below 3° C a new sage + symbol and the buzzer will sound
message (outside temperature flashing) + when the car exceeds the speed limit set
symbol √ will be displayed together with previously (see “Reconfigurable multifunc-
the sound of the buzzer. tion display”).




fig. 87
1 Upper stationary vent for defrosting or demisting windscreen - 2 Upper centre adjustable vent - 3 Stationary vents for defrosting or demist-
ing side windows - 4 Adjustable centre, swivel vents - 5 Side adjustable and swivel outlets - 6 Front feet area fixed vents - 7 Rear feet
area fixed vents - 8 Rear adjustable swivel outlet. 81
The vent (1) has an opening/closing To direct the flow of air, turn the knurled (fig. 90)
control (A). ring (A) and/or directly use control (B) To direct the flow of air, turn the knurled
•I == Completely closed.
Completely open.
as required.
To adjust the air flow, use control (C):
ring (A) and/or directly use control (B)
as required.

•I == Completely closed. To adjust the air flow, use control (C):

ADJUSTMENT (fig. 88)
Partially open. •I == Completely closed.
Partially open.
II = Completely open.
Each vent (2) has a lever (B) which II = Completely open.
makes it possible to direct the flow of air D - fixed vent for defrosting or demisting
(in the 4 directions: up/down, right/left). side windows.
To adjust the air flow, use control (C):

•I == Completely closed.
Completely open.

A0A0085b A0A0086b A0A0087b

82 fig. 88 fig. 89 fig. 90




Below is a brief description of the cli-

mate control system functions.
To obtain them, set the pointer on the
rings of the corresponding knobs as illus-
For more detailed information about the
system and how to make the best use of
it, read the instructions given in the fol-
lowing pages.

fig. 91

fig. 92 83
CONTROLS (fig. 93)
1 - Air temperature adjustment knob
2 - Fan speed adjustment knob
3 - Air distribution selector knob
4 - Air recirculation on/off button v
5 - Rearscreen heating on/off button (.

fig. 93

AIR TEMPERATURE AIR DISTRIBUTION KNOB Splitting of air flow between the


≤ windscreen/front side windows
Turning the knob ring (3-fig. 93), the
and the lower part of the passenger com-
Turn the ring of knob (1-fig. 93) clock- following positions are selected in sequence:
wise or counter-clockwise respectively to Air flow towards the upper centre,
higher or lower the temperature of the air ¥ front centre vents and from the y Air flow towards the windscreen
admitted to the passenger compartment. and front side windows for demist-
front and rear outlets with the possibility
of adjustment using the controls on the
FAN SPEED ADJUSTMENT actual vents. Flow of air to allow quick demist-
- ing/defrosting of the windscreen
Splitting of air flow between the pre-
Turning the ring of knob (2-fig. 93) it μ vious vents and the lower part of the
and front side windows, turning on
rearscreen heating for demisting/defrost-
is possible to select one of the fan speeds passenger compartment.
ing (function called MAX-DEF).
to personalise the amount of air admitted
Air flow to the lower part of the pas-
to the passenger compartment. w senger compartment (front and rear).
Position 0 turns off the fan and auto-
matically engages inside air re-circulation
(shown by the lighting up of the led next
to the button 4 v) thereby shutting off
the inlet of outside air to the car.
To switch off inside air re-circulation, press
button (4) v.

ON/OFF BUTTON system makes it possible ON/OFFBUTTON
to reach the required
Pressing button (4-fig. 93) v acti- “heating” or “cooling” conditions Pressing button (5-fig. 93) ( turns
vates inside air re-circulation and the led faster. It is however inadvisable to on demisting/defrosting of the rearscreen,
next to the button lights up. use it on rainy/cold days as it and if present, the door mirrors heating
would considerably increase the coils; simultaneously the led next to the but-
In this case the climate control system
possibility of the windows misting ton turns on. This function is timed and
directly treats the air contained in the pas-
inside, especially if the manual cli- switches off automatically after 20 minutes.
senger compartment, the fan is on.
mate control system is off. To turn off earlier, press the button again.
To switch the air re-circulation feature off
IMPORTANT The system automatical-
and withdraw air from outside, press the
ly turns on rearscreen heating if the tem-
button again.
perature is below 3°C.
IMPORTANT Do not apply stickers on
the inside of the rearscreen over the heat-
ing filaments to avoid damage which
might cause it to stop working properly.

It is advisable to turn on
the inside air recirculation
system v in queues or
tunnels to avoid admitting pollut-
ed air from outside. The prolonged
use of this function should howev-
er be avoided, especially with sev-
eral persons on board, to avoid the
possibility of the windows misting When cleaning the inside
inside. of the rearscreen, take
care not to damage the
heating filaments.




(MAX-DEF FUNCTION) (fig. 94)
Proceed as follows:
fig. 94
- turn the ring of the air distribution knob
(3) to the - symbol. When the max demisting/defrosting func- IMPORTANT In cases of heavy damp
The climate control activates all the func- tion is on, the led next to the rearscreen and/or rain and/or big differences in tem-
tions necessary to quicken demisting/ heating button (5) - will turn on. perature between inside the car and out-
defrosting of the windscreen and side win- side, it is advisable to proceed as follows
IMPORTANT If the engine is not hot
dows with timing (switching off automati- to demist the windows:
enough, the function does not immediate-
cally after 3 minutes), as follows: ly engage the pre-established fan speed, - air re-circulation off, led next to button
- switches off air re-circulation, if engaged; to restrict the inlet of air to the passenger (4) v off;
compartment that is not warm enough to
- sets the maximum air temperature; - pointer of knob (2) at fan second speed
demist the windows.
at least;
- operates the fan at a predefined speed; After demisting/defrosting, simply use
- pointer of knob (3) on symbol ≤ with
- directs the flow of air towards the wind- the controls to maintain the optimum con-
the possibility of passing to position y if
screen and front side window vents; ditions of vision and comfort.
more misting is noted;
- turns on rearscreen heating and, if pre- IMPORTANT The hotter the engine
To defrost/demist the rearscreen, press
sent, the wing mirror coils. the more effective defrosting will be.
button (5) (, led next to button on.

HEATING (fig. 95)
To obtain the temperature required, pro-
ceed as follows:
- temperature adjustment knob pointer
(1) on the red sector as required;
- air quantity adjustment knob pointer
(2) on the fan speed required to person- fig. 95
alise the amount of air admitted;
- air distribution knob pointer (3) on the POLLEN FILTER
required position. (for versions/markets where applicable)
To obtain the maximum heating power
proceed as follows: The filter has the specific capability of fil- If the car is habitually used in dusty or
tering external air, thus admitting to the polluted areas, the filter should be
- knob pointer (1) as far as it will go clock- passenger compartment purified air, free checked and replaced at shorter intervals
wise (maximum temperature red sector); from particles such as dust, pollen, etc. than those specified in the Programmed
- knob pointer (2) on maximum fan Maintenance Schedule.
In addition to the above mentioned func-
speed; tions, is also reduces the concentration of
- air distribution knob pointer (3) on the pollutants.
required position (position w) is recom- The filtering action is active in all air inlet
mended. conditions and it is clearly more effective If the filter is not replaced
with the windows closed. the efficiency of the cli-
IMPORTANT To be able to obtain sat- mate control system may
isfactory passenger compartment warm- Have the conditions of the filter checked be seriously compromised up to
ing, the engine should have reached nor- at least once a year, preferably at the blocking the air flow at the outlets
mal operating temperature. onset of summer by Alfa Romeo and vents.
Authorised Services.



(for versions/markets where applicable)

To start the system (fig. 96):

- turn the knob rings to set the required
temperatures (driver’s side - passenger’s
- press the AUTO button.
IMPORTANT The climate control sys-
tem makes it possible to personalise the
temperatures required on the two side
with a maximum difference of 7°C
between the driver’s side and the passen-
ger’s side.
IMPORTANT The climate control com- fig. 96
pressor can only work with the engine run-
ning and external temperature not very With low external tem- For further details about the system and
low. perature the climate con- how to make the best use of it, read the
trol compressor is unable instructions given in pages that follow.
to work. It is therefore inadvisable
to use the inside air recirculation
function vwith low outside tem-
perature as windows may mist The coolant used for the
over quickly. climate control system is
R134a which meets cur-
rent regulations and does not harm
the environment in the event of ac-
cidental spillage.
Absolutely avoid the use of oth-
er fluids which are incompatible
with the system components.
GENERAL To ensure correct opera- On certain versions, the system is inte-
tion of the incipient mist- grated by an antipollution sensor capable
The car is fitted with a two-zone climate
ing sensor, stickers must of automatically switching on inside air
control system, controlled by an electronic
not be applied (road licence holder, recirculation to lessen the harmful effects
control unit which makes it possible to
time card etc.). Care should also be of polluted air in cities, queues, tunnels
separately adjust the air temperature on
given to cleaning the windscreen and operation of the windscreen washer
the driver’s side and on the passenger’s
and the actual sensor, avoiding the (with the typical smell of spirits).
side. To obtain optimum temperature con-
accumulation of dust and other sub-
trol in the two areas of the passenger IMPORTANT The function of the
compartment, the system has an outside antipollution sensor is subordinate to safe-
sensor, a passenger compartment sensor ty conditions; therefore disabling the cli-
and a two-zone sun ray sensor. mate control compressor or with low exter-
nal temperature, the sensor is disabled. In
On some versions the system is integrat-
any case, the sensor can be re-enabled
ed with an incipient misting sensor IMPORTANT The demisting procedire
pressing the recirculation button v until
installed behind the inside rear-view mir- is enabled each time the ignition key is
taking it to the automatic mode.
ror, capable of “controlling” a predefined turned to MAR or pressing the button
area of the windscreen inner surface AUTO. When this procedure is working it
which can automatically act on the system can be turned off pressing one of the fol-
to prevent or reduce misting through a lowing buttons : compressor, air recircula-
series of operations such as: opening air tion, air distribution, air flow. This opera-
re-circulation, enabling the compressor, air tion inhibits the incipient misting sensor
flow to the windscreen, fan speed suffi- signal until the button AUTO is pressed
cient for demisting; in the case of heavy again or the next time the ignition key is
misting, enabling the MAXDEF function. turned to MAR.

The air quality control is also entrusted to The settings of the following functions IMPORTANT Manual selections pre-


a combined particle and activated carbon can be modified manually: vail over automatic ones and remain in
filter. The climate control system automat- storage until the user decides to resume
- fan speed
ically controls and adjusts the following automatic control. The settings selected
parameters and functions: - air distribution manually are stored when the engine is
switched off and resumed the next time it
- temperature of the air admitted to the - inside air re-circulation on/off
is started.
passenger compartment (for the driver’s
and passenger’s side separately) - climate control compressor on/off enable.

- fan speed The control of the functions that have

not been modified manually will always
- air distribution be automatic and, in any case, the tem-
perature of the air flowing into the pas-
- inside air re-circulation on/off
senger compartment is controlled auto-
- climate control compressor on/off. matically depending on the temperatures
set on the driver’s and passenger’s dis-

CONTROLS (fig. 97)
1 - Inside temperature set display (dri-
ver’s side)
2 - Inside temperature adjustment knob
(driver’s side)
3 - Fan speed set and system off display
4 - Knob for adjusting the fan speed and
switching the system off
5 - Inside temperature set display (pas-
senger’s side)
6 - Inside temperature adjustment knob
(passenger’s side)
7 - Maximum defrosting/demisting
on/off button for windscreen and front
side windows, rearscreen heating and
wing mirror coils (MAX-DEF function)
8 - Inside air re-circulation on/off button fig. 97
v (manual/automatic)
9 - Rearscreen heating and wing mirror
defrosting on/off button ( 11 - Inside air temperature sensor 13 - Button for selecting the system
automatic mode AUTO
10 - Air distribution selection buttons 12 - Button for aligning the temperature
set on the passenger’s side with that on 14 - Climate control compressor on/off
the driver’s side MONO enable button √

HOW TO USE IMPORTANT To be able to be accepted With one or more functions engaged


THE AUTOMATIC TWO-ZONE by the system, the difference in the tem- manually, the adjustment of the tempera-
CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEM perature between the driver’s and passen- ture of the air admitted to the passenger
(fig. 97) ger’s side must be within a range of 7°C. compartment continues to be controlled
automatically by the system (left led on
IMPORTANT The knob rings do not It is possible to personalise the choices
button 13 AUTO on) except with the cli-
have a mechanical stopper therefore, once made automatically by the system inter-
mate control compressor off.
the maximum or minimum value has been veningmanually on the following controls:
reached, they are free to turn in both In fact, in this condition the air admitted
- fan speed adjustment knob (4)
directions. to the passenger compartment cannot
- air distribution selection buttons (10) have a lower temperature than the out-
The system can be started in different side air; this condition is indicated by the
ways, but it is advisable to set the tem- - inside air re-circulation on/off button turning off of the two leds on button (13)
peratures required on the displays; then (8) v AUTO and flashing on the display (1)
press the (13) AUTO button. - climate control on enable button (14) and/or (5) related with the temperature
This way the system will start working √. rate that cannot be obtained.
completely automatically to reach the Manually selecting one or more of these
temperatures set as quickly as possible functions turns off the right led on the but-
and then maintain them. ton (13) AUTO.
During completely automatic system
operation, the temperatures set can be
changed at any time; the system will auto-
matically change its settings to adjust to
the new requirements.

Turning the rings of knobs (2 or 6),
clockwise or counter-clockwise, respective-
ly highers or lowers the temperature of
the air required respectively in the left
zone (knob 2) or right zone (knob 6) of
the passenger compartment. The temper-
atures set are shown on the displays (1)
and (5) above the knobs.
Separate operation of the temperatures
set is restored automatically using knob
(6). fig. 98
Turning the knob rings clockwise or
counter-clockwise until they reach the
extreme selections HI or LO, the maxi-
mum heating or cooling functions are
respectively engaged:



HI function
(highest heating power - fig. 99)
This is turned on setting on the display a
temperature above 32.5°C, and can be
activated independently from the driver’s
or passenger’s side or both; this setting
brings the system to the “monozone”
mode and is shown on both displays.
This function can be engaged when
requiring to heat the passenger compart-
ment as quickly as possible, exploiting the
maximum potential of the system.
fig. 99
This function uses the maximum temper-
ature of the coolant fluid, while air distrib-
ution and fan speed are controlled accord- Pressing key (13) AUTO the display will
ing to the system settings. show a temperature of 32.5°C and returns
to an operating condition with automatic
This function is unadvisable with temperature adjustment.
the engine cold to prevent admit-
ting air that is not warm enough
to the passenger compartment.
All manual settings are possible with this
function on.
To switch the system off, simply turn the
ring of knob (2) or (6) of the tempera-
ture set to a value below 32.5°C; the
opposite display will show 32.5°C.

LO function
(highest cooling power - fig. 100)
This is turned on setting on the display a
temperature below 16.5°C; this setting is
shown on both displays.
This function can be engaged when
requiring to cool the passenger compart-
ment as quickly as possible, exploiting the
maximum potential of the system.
The function cuts off air heating,
engages inside air re-circulation (to pre-
vent admitting hot air to the passenger
compartment) and the climate control fig. 100
compressor, takes air distribution to R E
and the fan speed as set by the system.
All manual settings are possible with this
function on.
To switch the function off, simply turn
the ring of knob (2) or (6) of the tem-
perature set on a value above 16.5°C;
the opposite display will show 16.5°C.
Pressing key (13) AUTO the display will
show a temperature of 16.5°C and
returns to an operating condition with
automatic temperature adjustment.




Pressing button (12) MONO automati-
cally aligns the temperature on the pas-
senger’s side with that on the driver’s
side, therefore it is possible to set the
same temperature between the two zones
simply turning the ring of knob (2) on the
driver’s side.
This function is provided to simplify tem-
perature adjustment of the whole passen-
ger compartment when only the driver is fig. 101
on board.
Separate operation of the temperatures
set is automatically restored when the
passenger uses the ring on knob (6) or
presses button (12) MONO.

(fig. 102-103)
Turning the ring of knob (4), clockwise
or counter-clockwise, increases or decreas-
es the speed of the fan, thus the amount
of air admitted to the passenger compart-
ment; the 16 selectable speeds are shown
on a bar (in steps of 3), up to a maximum
of 6 bars lit:
- maximum fan speed = all bars lit;
- minimum fan speed = one bar lit. fig. 102 A0A0206b
The fan can be cut off (all bars off) only
if the climate control compressor has been
switched off pressing button (14) √. To
restore automatic fan speed control, after a
manual adjustment, press button (13)
AUTO. Completely turning the ring of knob
(4) counter-clockwise switches the system
off, with the following situation: display
(1) off; display (5) off; centre display (3)
with litdisplay OFF and left led on inside air
re-circulation button (8) v on.
IMPORTANT Pressing the inside air
recirculation button (8) v it is possible
to obtain the inlet of untreated outside air fig. 103
to the passenger compartment. To turn the system on again, simply turn IMPORTANT On leaving the OFF con-
the ring of knob (4) clockwise, or press dition, inside air re-circulation v returns
any one button, except the inside air re-cir- to the condition prior to switching off.
culation (8) and rearscreen (9) buttons;
this operation restores all the operating
98 conditions stored previously.


BUTTONS (fig. 104)
Pressing one or more buttons (10) it is
possible to manually choose one of the 5
possible air distributions to the passenger

R E Flow of air to the dashboard centre

and side outlets and rear outlet.

R E Splitting of the air flow between the

Z vents to the lower part of the pas-
senger compartment (warmest air) fig. 104
and the dashboard centre and side ou-
tlets and the rear outlet (coolest air). Q Splitting of the air flow between the IMPORTANT Pressing one of these
The air flow distribution is particularly Z windscreen and side window defro- buttons turns on (led on button itself on)
useful in spring and autumn, when sting/demisting vents and the lower or off (led on button off) the associated
the sun is shining. part the of the car. This type of air di- functions if the combination chosen is
stribution allows satisfactory heating among the 5 possible ones; if not it only
Z Air flow towards the front and rear of the passenger compartment while activates the main function of the button
lower parts of the passenger com- preventing misting of the windows. pressed, without the possibility of turning
partment. Due to the natural ten- off with another press (at least in one dis-
dency of heat to spread upwards, this Q Air flow to the windscreen and front tribution the air flow should be spread in
type of distribution allows heating of side window vents to demist or de- the passenger compartment).
the passenger compartment in the frost them.
To restore automatic air distribution con-
shortest time, also giving a prompt
trol after a manual selection, press button
feeling of warmth to the coldest parts
(13) AUTO.
of the body.

ENABLE BUTTON (fig. 105)
Pressing button (14) √ enables the
turning on of the climate control compres-
sor. This condition is shown by the lighting
up of the led on the button itself.
When the climate control compressor is
turned off, the leds on buttons (13) AUTO
and (14) √ go off; automatic inside air
re-circulation control is also excluded (both
leds off on button 8 v) which always
stays off to prevent misting the windows; fig. 105 A0A0211b
even if unadvisable, it is still possible to
restore automatic operation of inside air
re-circulation pressing button (8) v.
With the climate control compressor off,
it is not possible to admit air to the pas-
senger compartment with a temperature
below the outside temperature; in this
case, the value flashes on the display con-
cerning the temperature that cannot be
reached and the left led on button (13
AUTO - fig. 106) goes off.

The switching off of the climate control

compressor remains in storage even when fig. 106
the engine has been stopped. To restore Operation of the climate
automatic control for switching on the cli- turns on, or press button (13) AUTO; in control compressor is nec-
mate control compressor, press button which case, however, the other manual essary for cooling and de-
(14) √ again, the led on the button settings set will be cancelled. humidifying the air; it is advisable
to keep this function always on, to
prevent window misting problems.



ON/OFF BUTTON (fig. 107)
Inside air re-circulartion is controlled
according to three operating logics:
- automatic control, indicated by the
turning on of the right led on the button;
- forced engagement (inside air re-circu-
lation always on), indicated by the turning
on of the left led on the button (and by
the right led going off at the same time);
- forced switching off (inside air re-circu-
lation always off with air inlet from out- fig. 107
side), indicated by the turning off of both
In automatic operation , inside air re-cir- The inside air- re-circula-
culation is turned automatically when the tion system makes it pos-
These operating conditions are obtained antipollution sensor detects the presence sible to reach the required
pressing in sequence the inside air re-cir- of polluted air, for example in cities, “heating” or “cooling” conditions
culation button (8) v. queues, tunnels and operation of the faster. It is however inadvisable to
windscreen washer (with the typical smell use it on rainy/cold days as it
When inside air re-circulation is con-
of spirits). would considerably increase the
trolled automatically by the system, the
possibility of the windows misting
right led on the air re-circulation button
inside, especially if the climate con-
(8) v stays on all the time and the left
trol system is off.
led shows the air re-circulation condition: With low external tem-
on = air re-circulation operating; perature the climate con-
trol compressor is unable
off = air re-circulation off. to work. It is therefore inadvisable
If inside air re-circulation has been turned to use the inside air recirculation
on or off manually, the led on button function v with low outside tem-
(13) AUTO turns off. perature as windows may mist
over quickly.

It is advisable to turn on
the inside air re-circulation
system in queues or tunnels
to avoid admitting polluted air from
outside. The prolonged use of this
function should however be avoid-
ed, especially with several persons
on board, to avoid the possibility of
the windows misting inside.

fig. 108
In certain weather condi- AUTOMATIC OPERATION AUTO When the right led, on button (13) AUTO
tions (e.g.: outside tem- BUTTON (fig. 108) is off, this means that one or more manual
perature around 0°C) and operations have been carried out and there-
with automatic air re-circulation Pressing the (13) AUTO button the sys- fore automatic control is not complete
control on, mist may form on the tem automatically adjusts the amount and (except temperature control which is always
windows. In this case press the in- distribution of the air admitted to the pas- automatic) indicated by the left led on, or
side air re-circulation button (8) senger compartment, cancelling all the that the system is in the OFF condition.
v , to switch off re-circulation previous manual adjustments.
(leds on button off) and if neces- This condition is indicated by the lighting
sary increase the flow of air to the up of both leds on the button itself.




(MAX-DEF) FUNCTION (fig. 109)
Pressing button (7) - the climate con-
trol automatically activates timed opera-
tion of all the functions needed to quicken
demisting/defrosting of the windscreen
and front side windows, i.e.:
- it turns on the climate control compres-
- switches off inside air re-circulation, if on
(both leds off); fig. 109
- sets the maximum air temperature (HI) IMPORTANT If the engine is not hot Pressing one of the following buttons
on both displays (1) and (5); enough, the function does not immediate- again: (7) -, (8) v, (12) MONO,
- operates the fan at a predefined speed; ly engage the pre-established fan speed, (13) AUTO or (14) √ the system
to restrict the inlet of air to the passenger switches off the maximum demisting/
- directs the flow of air towards the wind- compartment that is not warm enough to defrosting function, restoring the operat-
screen and front side window vents; demist the windows. ing conditions of the system prior to turn-
- turns on rearscreen heating and, if pre- ing it on, in addition to activating the last
When the maximum demisting/defrost-
sent, the wing mirror coils. function required, if any.
ing function is on, the only manual opera-
When the maximum demisting/defrosting tion possible are manual adjustment of the
feature is on, the led on button (7) -, fan and switching rearscreen heating off.
the led on the rearscreen heating button
(9) ( and the led on button (14) √
turn on; at the same time the leds on but-
ton (8) v.

BUTTON (fig. 110)
Pressing button (9) ( turns on
demisting/defrosting of the rearscreen
and, if present, the wing mirror coils.
The turning on of this function is shown
by the turning on of the led on the button.
This function is timed and switches off
automatically after 20 minutes, or press-
ing the button again; the function is also fig. 110
switched off when the engine is stopped
and will not be switched on again the next POLLEN FILTER
time the engine is started.
The filter has the specific capability of fil- Have the conditions of the filter checked
IMPORTANT The system automatical- tering external air, thus admitting to the by Alfa Romeo Authorised Services at least
ly turns on rearscreen heating if the tem- passenger compartment purified air, free once a year, preferably at the onset of
perature is below 3°C. from particles such as dust, pollen, etc. summer.
IMPORTANT Do not apply stickers on In addition to the above mentioned func- If the car is used mainly in dusty or pol-
the inside of the rearscreen over the heat- tions, is also reduces the concentration of luted areas it should be checked and, if
ing filaments to avoid damage that might pollutants. necessary, replaced at shorter intervals.
cause it to stop working properly.
The filtering action takes place under all
air inlet conditions and it is clearly most
effective with the windows shut. If the filter is not replaced
the efficiency of the cli-
mate control system may
be seriously compromised up to
blocking the air flow at the outlets
and vents.



(fig. 111) Sensors are automatically activated
(upon request for when the reverse gear is engaged.
versions/markets where As the distance from the obstacle behind Parking sensor operation
applicable) the car decreases, the acoustic alarm is deactivated automati-
becomes more frequent. cally when the trailer elec-
Parking sensors are located in the rear tric cable plug is fitted into the car
bumper and their function is to inform the tow hook socket.
driver, through an intermittent buzzer, BUZZER WARNINGS
about the presence of obstacles behind Sensors are reactivated automatically
the car. When the reverse gear is engaged an when removing the trailer cable plug.
intermittent acoustic signal is automatical-
ly activated.
The acoustic signal:
– becomes louder as the reduction of
distance between the car and the obstacle
– becomes continuous when the dis-
tance between the car and the obstacle is
less that 30 cm and stops immediately if
the distance raises.
– is constant if the distance is unvaried.
If this situation takes place for side sen-
sors, the signal is stopped after about 3
seconds to prevent sound indications
when performing manoeuvres near walls.

fig. 111 105

Use of the hazard lights is REAR FOG GUARDS (fig. 112)
ruled by the Highway Code
of the country in which the These are turned on, with the dipped beam
TAILGATE OPENING (fig. 112) car is used. Observe regulations. headlights or fog lights on, pressing button
(D) on the centre console panel, at the
Electric tailgate release is only allowed with same time the warning light on the button
the ignition key in the ignition switch at itself turns on.
MAR car stationary, at STOP or PARK FOG LIGHTS (fig. 112)
for 3 minutes without opening/closing a Turning the ignition key to STOP the fog
door. To release the tailgate, press button These are turned on pressing button (B), guards are automatically turned off and they
(A) on the central console panel. on the centre console panel, when the out- do not come on the next time the engine
er lights are already on, at the same time is started unless button (D) is pressed. To
the led on the button itself turns on. turn them off press button (D).
(fig. 112) Press button (B) again to switch off. IMPORTANT Always use the rear fog
IMPORTANT The front foglights should guards in compliance with local regulations.
They are switched on by pressing button
(C), on the central console panel, regard- be used in compliance with the local traffic
less of the position of the ignition key. laws.
When the hazard lights are switched on,
the switch itself begins to flash together with
the direction indicators and warning lights
on the instrument panel. This function is
switched off by pressing the button again.

106 fig. 112



(fig. 112) SWITCH (fig. 113) following an accident, or
the fuel system is leaking,
To lock the doors simultaneously, press but- This is an automatic safety switch, to be to avoid the risk of fire do not re-
ton (E), on the centre console panel, re- found on the floor next to the driver’s door set the switch.
gardless of the position of the ignition key. pillar, which is triggered in the event of a
crash of a certain magnitude to interrupt the
The deterrent led turns on as follows:
flow of fuel.
– with the ignition key at MAR glowing
The cutting in of the inertial switch is shown
steadily with a yellow light;
on the display of the instrument cluster.
– with the ignition key at STOP flash-
ing with a red light (deterrence condition).
If no leaks are found the car can be restart-
ed. Press button (A) to activate the fuel sup-
ply system again.


fig. 113 107

HEADLIGHT AIMING DEVICE Correct positions as a function of the load: HAND BRAKE (fig. 115)
(fig. 114) – position 0: one or two people occupy- The hand brake lever is located between
The headlights should be aimed correctly ing the front seats the two front seats.
depending on the car load. – position 1: five people; To operate the brake when the car is sta-
For the required adjustment (only possible – position 2: five people + load in the tionary, pull lever (A) upwards, until the re-
with low beams on), press buttons ▲/▼: boot; quired braking action is obtained.
– press button ▲, to increase by one po- – position 3: driver + 350 Kg load all When the ignition key is at MAR, the
sition (e.g.: 0 ➟ 1 ➟ 2 ➟ 3); stowed in luggage com- warning light on the instrument cluster x
will come on.
– press button ▼ to decrease by one po- partment
sition (e.g.: 3 ➟ 2 ➟ 1 ➟ 0);
The display (A), in the tachometer shows
positions during adjustment. Adjust the beams every The wheels should be
time the load carried locked after a few clicks of
changes. the hand brake. If it does
not occur contact Alfa Romeo Au-
thorised Services to have the hand
brake adjusted.
Xenon headlights aiming is automatic, ver-
sions with this optional are therefore not fit-
ted with headlight aiming device.
A0A1106b A0A0620b

108 fig. 114 fig. 115

To release the hand brake: GEARSHIFT LEVER (fig. 116) To change gear smoothly,


the clutch pedal must be
– slightly lift the lever (A) and press the The position of the single gears is shown fully depressed. Therefore,
release button (B); by the pictogram on the gearshift lever knob. there should be no obstacles on the
– keeping the button pressed lower the When shifting gear, always fully depress floor under the pedal unit: make
lever, the warning light x on the instru- the clutch pedal. Before engaging reverse sure that any mats are well laid and
ment cluster will go out. gear (R) wait for the car to be stationary. do not interfere with the pedals.
To prevent the car from moving acciden- Certain versions are equipped with 6-speed
tally, keep the brake pedal pressed when gearbox. For the versions with 6 gears, to
engaging the hand brake. engage reverse (R) lift (with the fingers
IMPORTANT The hand brake lever (A) of the same hand holding the lever) the ring
is fitted with a safety device which prevents (A-fig. 116) positioned under the lever.
the brake from being released when, with After engaging the reverse, release the ring.
the lever pulled, button (B) is pressed. To change from reverse to another gear, it
Therefore, to release the brake, in addition is not necessary to lift the ring on the lever.
to pressing button (B), it is also necessary IMPORTANT Reverse gear may only be
to pull lever (A) further upwards to release engaged with the car completely at a stand-
the safety device, then lower the lever com- still. With the engine running, before en-
pletely. gaging reverse gear it is necessary to wait
IMPORTANT On certain versions a for at least 3 seconds with the clutch pedal
buzzer sounds to alert the driver if the car fully depressed to prevent clashing and the
is moved with the hand brake engaged. possibility of damaging the gears. A0A0684b

fig. 116 109

Gearshifting takes place through a floating The gearbox can work according to two op-
control lever (A-fig. 117) with “only one erating modes:
TRANSMISSION stable central position”. Using this lever it is
(on request for versions/markets – the first is semi-automatic (hereinafter
possible to request increase/decrease of the
where applicable) called MANUAL), in which the driver shifts
ratio of the gear engaged and/or engage-
gear directly using the lever on the central
IMPORTANT To be able to use the Se- ment of reverse gear (R) or neutral (N).
console or the levers on the steering wheel
lespeed correctly, this chapter should be read There are also two levers on the steering spokes;
in full to understand the correct, permissible wheel spokes (fig. 118) through which,
operations to be carried out right from the – the second is automatic, called CITY
only with the car on the move (with speed
start. (when selecting CITY with button B-fig.
above 0,5 km/h), it is possible to in-
117, the word CITY will be displayed fig.
This device comprises a conventional me- crease/decrease the gear engaged.
119). In this mode the system decides di-
chanical transmission, to which an elec- rectly when to shift gear.
tronically-controlled electrohydraulic device
has been added, which automatically con-
trols the clutch and gear engagement.
The clutch pedal has been eliminated and
the car moves off using only the accelerator

A0A0697b A0A0669b A0A9017i

110 fig. 117 fig. 118 fig. 119

With gearshift to CITY gears can be shift- In CITY or SPORT, the selected mode is SYSTEM ACTIVATION


ed manually using both the gearshift lever also displayed.
IMPORTANT Opening the driver’s door,
or the steering wheel controls. Gearshift
IMPORTANT SPORT mode can only the Selespeed starts the hydraulic part of
stays in CITY.
be activated after deactivating the CITY the system to prepare it for the engine to be
The gear selected (fig. 119) is always mode. started.
displayed regardless of the mode being se-
A warning light, a message (fig. 120) Turning the ignition key to MAR, all the
lected selected .
and a buzzer draw the attention of the dri- segments of the display (fig. 119), the
N = neutral; ver in the event of a fault at Selespeed trans- gearbox warning light (fig. 120) and the
mission. word CITY turn on. After about one second,
1 = first gear;
the display indicates the gear engaged (N,
The Selespeed considerably simplifies use
2 = second gear; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, R).
of the car, reducing the fatigue of city dri-
3 = third gear; ving or when frequent gearshifting is re- IMPORTANT If after 10 seconds the dis-
quired, at the same time offering brilliant play segment do not display the gear en-
4 = fourth gear; performance. gaged or the warning light stays on, turn the
5 = fifth gear; ignition key to STOP and wait for the dis-
play to go off, then repeat the system acti-
R = reverse. vation procedure. If the fault persists, con-
tact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services.


fig. 120 111

OPERATION WITH ENGINE OFF lever forwards causes the engagement of If the car is on the move, the request is
first gear (1). not accepted; wait for the car to stop and
IMPORTANT Before using the gearshift
then request reverse gear engagement
control lever, always check the gear en- – to shift downwards (–) (fig. 121)
gaged on the display (N, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, push the lever backwards (if the car is in
R). fifth gear it shifts to fourth, if in fourth it IMPORTANT Once a gear has been
shifts to third and so on down to first gear). changed it is necessary to immediately re-
With the engine off and the car station-
lease the gearshift control lever after mak-
ary it is possible to engage all the gears. To allow setting the transmission to neu-
ing the request. A manoeuvre prolonged
tral (N), starting from the condition with
With the car stationary and with the brake (over 10 seconds) makes the system au-
the car stationary and brake pedal pressed,
pedal pressed, requests to shift gears are tomatically switch to CITY mode; every-
move the gearshift lever to the right (fig.
both accepted through the control lever on thing stops releasing the gearshift lever.
the central console or through the steering
IMPORTANT If wanting to leave the car
wheel levers. From any gear (N, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and
parked on a sloping road with a gear en-
with the car practically at a standstill, it is
To request gearshifting, in addition to keep- gaged to keep it braked, it is necessary to
possible to request engagement of reverse
ing the brake pedal pressed: check that the display shows the new gear
gear, pushing the lever to the right and then
engaged and then wait for 1 to 2 seconds
– to shift upwards (+) (fig. 121) push backwards (fig. 123).
before releasing the brake pedal to allow
the lever “forwards” (if the car is in first gear complete clutch engagement.
it shifts to second, if in second it shifts to
third and so on up to fifth). If the system
is in neutral (N) or reverse (R) moving the

A0A0698b A0A0699b A0A0700b

112 fig. 121 fig. 122 fig. 123



AND SYSTEM DEACTIVATION the gears in neutral (N).
The engine can be started with the gear
engaged or in neutral (N), provided that the Turning the ignition key to STOP the en-
brake pedal is pressed down. gine switches off: the gear selected before
IMPORTANT Keep the pedal fully de- turning the engine off remains engaged.
pressed during starting. Since the brake ped- If the engine stops with the gearbox in
al becomes hard if it is pressed repeatedly neutral (N), the buzzer and the blinking
with the engine off, in this situation it is nec- of (N) draw the attention of the driver so Never remove the ignition
essary to increase the pressure on the ped- that the car can be put in safety conditions key when the car is mov-
al itself to start the engine. engaging the first gear (1) or reverse (R). ing. In addition to the fact
After starting, the gearbox sets to neutral In this case, it is necessary to turn the igni- that the Selespeed system would
automatically, the display shows the letter tion key to MAR and with the brake ped- not work properly up to stopping
(N) and the system selects the operating al pressed, engage first gear (1) or reverse the car, the steering wheel would
mode memorised before switching off. (R). lock automatically the first time it
is turned.

If the engine fails to start It is absolutely necessary

with the gear engaged, the to turn off the engine con-
driver is alerted of the po- sequently deactivating the
tentially dangerous situation due Selespeed system keeping the brake
to the fact that the gearbox has pedal pressed: release the pedal
automatically set to neutral by the ONLY when the display goes off.
buzzer and the display.

MOVING OFF THE CAR The driver is informed of the reverse gear Moving off the car is obtained:
engaged condition by the intermittent sound
With the engine running and the car sta- 1) releasing the brake pedal;
of the buzzer as well as by the display.
tionary, the gears that can be engaged for
2) gradually pressing the accelerator ped-
moving off are only first (1), second (2) or IMPORTANT If while shifting from re-
reverse (R). verse (R)/first gear (1) or neutral (N)/
first gear (1) sticking occurs on the first The more the accelerator pedal is pressed
To engage them it is possible to use the
gear, the system automatically engages sec- the higher the car pick-up torque will be.
control lever on the centre console, with the
ond gear (2).
brake pedal pressed, as the steering wheel
levers allow gear engagement only over 0.5 This should not be considered a failure be-
km/h. cause it is part of the operating logic. For
the same reason, if sticking occurs on re-
IMPORTANT Reverse gear (R) can be After a request to shift
verse gear, the system controls partial clutch
engaged from each of the following other gear with the car station-
closing so that the gear can be engaged;
ratios: neutral (N), first gear (1) or second ary, before pressing the ac-
in this case the engagement of reverse gear
gear (2). If the car is on the move, the re- celerator pedal to make the car
(R) will not be as smooth as usual.
quest is not accepted; it is necessary to wait start, the driver must always check
for the car to be completely stopped and that the gear engaged shown on
then request reverse (R) again. the display is the one required.

IMPORTANT NOTES Though strongly inadvisable, if due to un- Still due to safety reasons, with the car sta-


foreseen circumstances when driving down- tionary, the engine running and gear (1),
– With the car stopped and a gear en-
hill the car is allowed to travel with the gear- (2) or (R) engaged, the system activates
gaged always keep the brake pedal pressed
box in neutral (N), when the engagement the buzzer and automatically shifts to neu-
until deciding to move off;
of a gear is requested, the system auto- tral (N) when:
– during prolonged halts with the engine matically engages the best gear to allow
– no action is made on the accelerator
running it is advisable to keep the gearbox transmission of the torque to the wheels in
and/or brake pedals for at least 3 minutes;
in neutral; relation to the speed of the car.
– the brake is pressed for over 10 min-
– when the car is parked facing uphill, do When travelling downhill with a gear en-
not use the moving off manoeuvre to keep gaged and the accelerator released (if the
the car still; use the brake pedal and press car is moving), beyond a pre-established – the driver’s door is opened and the ac-
the accelerator pedal only when deciding to speed, the system engages the clutch au- celerator and brake pedal are not pressed
move off; tomatically to give the car adequate engine for at least 1.5 seconds.
– use second gear only when more con-
trol is needed for moving off manoeuvres at For safety reasons the Selespeed system
low speed; activates the buzzer when: clutch over-
heating occurs during car starting; in this
– if, with reverse gear engaged, you need case, it is necessary to “force” moving off
to engage first gear or vice versa, shift gear avoiding hesitations or to release the accel-
only when the car is completely stationary erator and use the brake pedal to park the
and with the brake pedal pressed. car if the car is on a slope.

STOPPING THE CAR OPERATION – the second one is fully automatic
(CITY), in which the system decides di-
To stop the car, simply release the accel- The gearbox can work according to two op-
rectly when to shift gear according to driving
erator pedal and, if necessary, press the erating modes:
brake pedal.
– the first one is semi-automatic (MAN-
To select the CITY mode, press button
Regardless of the gear engaged and the UAL): the decision to change gear is left to
CITY set on the gearshift lever; when se-
operating mode activated (MANUAL or the driver who decides the most appropriate
lecting this mode, the display will show
CITY) the system automatically disengages moment; this mode features the two fol-
the clutch and shifts to a lower gear. lowing logics:
If deciding to move off again without hav- 1) normal: for comfort driving;
ing stopped the car completely, the most
2) sport: (to be activated by button B-
suitable ratio will be available for accelera-
fig. 124): for sporty driving.
tor again.
Sport operating mode is selected by press-
Stopping the car the system automatical-
ing button SPORT (B-fig. 124) set on
ly engages first gear (1).
the gearshift lever; when selecting this
mode, the display will show SPORT.

SEMIAUTOMATIC OPERATION The requests to change gear may take When changing gear it is not necessary


(MANUAL) place through: to release the accelerator pedal because the
Selespeed system directly controls the en-
In the MANUAL operating mode the dis- – the control lever on the centre console
gine in such a way as to:
play shows the gear engaged. (A-fig. 124);
– reduce and then increase engine torque;
In this operating mode, the decision to – the buttons on the steering wheel (fig.
change gear is left to the driver who decides 125), which can be operated only when – adapt the engine speed to the new gear
the most appropriate moment. the car speed exceeds 0.5 km/h. ratio engaged.
The MANUAL operating mode is set When downshifting, the engine is accel-
when, with the CITY mode selected, the erated automatically to bring it to the speed
CITY button (A-fig. 126) is pressed necessary with the new gear ratio.
again, thereby cutting out the previously se-
Neutral (N) is accepted until the car speed
lected mode.
exceeds 40 km/h.
The reverse gear engagement command
(R) is accepted only if the car is station-

A0A0702b A0A0669b

fig. 124 fig. 125 117

With the accelerator pedal pressed to over – if sticking occurs during the engagement AUTOMATIC OPERATION (CITY)
60% of its stroke and an engine speed of a gear, the system firstly tries to engage
The CITY automatic operating mode is se-
above 5000 rpm, gearshifting becomes the required gear again and, if it is still not
lected pressing the button (A-fig. 126)
quicker. In the MANUAL operating mode possible, it automatically engages the im-
at the base of the gearshift lever.
there are certain automatic/security devices mediately higher one to avoid leaving the
which simplify driving: car in neutral . In addition to the gear, the display will
show the word CITY.
– when slowing down, the clutch is dis- IMPORTANT It is advisable to wait for
engaged and the gear ratio is reduced au- the end of a gear shifting operation before The system decides directly when to shift
tomatically to be ready for possibly picking requesting another one, to avoid multiple gears in relation to the engine rpm and dri-
up speed again; if not, stopping the car, first requests in rapid succession. ving conditions.
gear (1) will be engaged automatically;
Releasing the accelerator pedal quickly, the
– request to change gear that could take system does not engage a higher gear in or-
the engine above the maximum rpm or be- der to maintain an adequate level of engine
low the minimum permissible rpm are not brake.


118 fig. 126

FAILURE INDICATIONS If the warning light t In the event of a fault to the gearshift lever,


and the message are dis- the system automatically activates the au-
Failures to the Selespeed gearbox are in-
played, contact Alfa Romeo tomatic CITY mode to allow the car to
dicated on the display by warning light t
Authorized Services as soon as reach the nearest Alfa Romeo Authorized
(fig. 127), dedicated message and
possible to have the fault elimi- Services to have the fault detected elimi-
nated. nated.
In the event of a fault to the other gear-
box components, the system only allows the
engagement of certain gears: first gear (1),
second gear (2) and reverse (R).

In the event of whatever

transmission fault, contact
Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser-
vices as soon as possible to have
the system checked.

fig. 127 119

The buzzer is activated when: To park the car safely it is absolutely nec- IMPORTANT For towing the car, adhere
essary to engage first gear (1) or reverse to local regulations. Make sure that the gear-
– reverse gear is engaged (R);
(R) and also the handbrake if the road is box is in neutral (N) (checking that the car
– the car is parked with the gearbox in on a slope. moves when pushed) and proceed as for
neutral (N); signal that can be noted turn- towing a normal car with mechanical gear-
Turning the engine off with the car facing
ing the ignition key to STOP; box following the instructions given in sec-
uphill and a gear engaged, it is absolutely
tion “In an emergency”.
– clutch overheating occurs when moving necessary to wait for the gear display to go
off; off before releasing the brake pedal, so that If setting to neutral is not possible, do not
the clutch is fully disengaged. tow the car and contact Alfa Romeo Autho-
– the system has shifted automatically rized Services.
to neutral (N) when: If the gearbox is in neutral (N) and want-
ing to engage a parking gear, the system
there is no action on the accelerator should be activated and with the foot on the
and/or brake pedal for at least 3 minutes; brake pedal it is necessary to engage (1)
or the brake is pressed for over 10 min- or (R).
or the driver’s door is opened and no ac-
tion is made on the accelerator and brake While towing the car do
for at least 1.5 seconds; not start the engine.

or detection of a gearbox fault;

– gearbox fault.



glovebox open: the lid (fig. 130)
might harm the passenger
in the event of an accident. The roof light comprises two courtesy lights
GLOVEBOX with corresponding control switch.
On the dashboard there is a glovebox with IMPORTANT When a door is opened,
lid and light. the roof light turns on and timing of about
3 minutes is activated automatically, after
To open use handle (A-fig. 128). The fitting is completed by device (B), on which it goes off; closing the doors (within
the lid, for inserting a pen or pencil. the 3 minutes) a second timing of about 7
When the glovebox is opened with the key
at MAR an inside courtesy light turns on IMPORTANT Turning the ignition key to seconds is activated to allow car starting.
(A-fig. 129). STOP, opening the glovebox, the light in-
side can only be turned on for 15 minutes;
after which the system turns it off to avoid
draining the battery.

A0A0108b A0A0109b A0A0111b

fig. 128 fig. 129 fig. 130 121

IMPORTANT Turning the ignition key to
Unlocking the doors using the remote con- COURTESY LIGHTS
trol, the roof light turns on gradually and tim- STOP, turning the roof light on is only pos- (fig. 131)
ing is activated automatically for about 15 sible for 15 minutes; after which the system
seconds. Locking the doors with the remote turns it off to avoid draining the battery. On the back of the driver’s or passenger’s
control the roof light turns off gradually. sun visor, opening the cover (A) the roof
IMPORTANT Before leaving the car, lights turn on (B) at the side of the courtesy
The lights are turned off moving the igni- make sure that both switches are in the cen- mirror, with the ignition key at MAR. These
tion key to MAR (with the doors closed). tral position. By so doing, the roof lights will lights allow use of the courtesy mirror when
turn off when the doors are closed. Forget- the light is poor.
With switch (A) in the central position
ting a door open the lights will turn off au-
(1), both lights are turned on when a door IMPORTANT Turning the ignition key to
tomatically after a few seconds.
is opened. STOP the lights can be activated only for
Pressing switch (A) to the left (position 15 minutes: after which the system turns
0), the lights stay off (OFF position). them off to avoid draining the battery.

Pressing switch (A) to the right (position

2) both lights stay on.
Switch (B) turns the lights on individually.
Pressing switch (B) to the left (position 0)
the left light is turned on. Pressing the switch
to the right (position 2) the right light is
turned on.
With switch (B) in the central position (po- A0A0112b

sition 1) the lights stay off.

122 fig. 131

REAR ROOF LIGHT (fig. 132) On the light there is a switch with three PUDDLE LIGHTS (fig. 133)


positions. (for versions/markets where
IMPORTANT When a door is opened,
When switch (A) is in the central posi- applicable)
the roof light turns on and timing of about
3 minutes is activated automatically, after tion (0) the light turns on automatically The light (A) housed in the doors turns on
which it goes off; closing the doors (within when a door is opened. when the associated door is opened, re-
the 3 minutes) a second timing of about 7 Moving the switch to the right (position 1) gardless of the position of the ignition key.
seconds is activated to allow car starting. the light stays off.
Unlocking the doors using the remote con- Moving the switch to the left (position 2)
trol, the roof light turns on gradually and tim- the light stays on.
ing is activated automatically for about 15
seconds. Locking the doors with the remote IMPORTANT Turning the ignition key to
control the roof light turns off gradually. STOP the roof light can be turned on for
only 15 minutes; after which it is turned off
The light turns off in any case turning the to avoid draining the battery.
ignition key to MAR (with the door
closed). IMPORTANT Before leaving the car,
make sure that the switch (A) is in the cen-
tral position (0), so that the roof light turns
off when the doors are closed.

A0A0633b A0A0243b

fig. 132 fig. 133 123

DETERRENT LED (fig. 134) FRONT ASHTRAY AND CIGAR Do not use the ashtray as
LIGHTER (fig. 135) waste paper basket: it
The led (A) on the instrument cluster might set on fire in contact
comes into operation when the doors are To gain access to the ashtray and the cig- with cigarette stubs.
locked (ignition key at STOP or removed) ar lighter open the lid (A).
and it remains in the “deterrence” condi-
tion, flashing with a red light until the next To use the cigar lighter, with the key at
time the doors are unlocked. MAR, press button (B); after a few sec-
onds the button will return automatically
IMPORTANT If a door or the tailgate to its initial position and the cigar lighter is
are not closed perfectly, the deterrent led ready for use.
flashes at a higher frequency for 4 seconds
and then flashes at normal frequency again. Remove the tray to empty and clean the Always ensure that the
ashtray (C). cigar lighter has turned off.
The position of the cigar lighter in relation
to the ashtray and viceversa, may vary de-
pending on the trim level.

The cigar lighter gets ex-

tremely hot. Handle with
care and prevent its use by
children: danger of fire and/or
A0A0005b A0A0634b

124 fig. 134 fig. 135



AND GLASS HOLDER (fig. 137) ON FRONT DOORS (fig. 138)
For the rear passengers there are two con-
(for versions/markets where
cealed ashtrays. Each front door has an oddment pocket
To use or remove pull in the direction of
The interior fittings are completed by the
the arrow.
removable card holder recess (A) and glass
holder (B) located on the centre of the dash-
board. To use them, press as shown.

A0A0115b A0A0116b A0A0117b

fig. 136 fig. 137 fig. 138 125


(fig. 139)
The visors can be directed at the front and PROVISION
On the centre console, at the side of the Behind, the visors have a courtesy mirror
hand brake lever, depending on the versions, The car may be fitted with a provision for
with a light at the side (A). To use, open installing a cell phone.
the following recesses are provided: the cover (B).
– can holder (B); The mobile phone provision consists of:
The lights allow use of the mirrors with dim
– magnetic card or toll ticket holder (C); light. – radio + cell phone dual-purpose antenna;

– pen or pencil holder (D); The passenger’s sun visor has a symbol – connection and supply cables with spe-
concerning correct use of a child’s seat in the cific connector for connecting hands-free kit.
– coin holder (E). presence of the passenger’s air bag. For fur-
ther details, refer to the passenger’s front
air bag paragraph.

The voice kit should be

purchased by the customer
as it must be compatible
with the customer’s phone.

A0A0751b A0A0121b

For the installation of a

cell phone and connection
to the provision in the car,
contact only Alfa Romeo Autho-
rised Services; this will guarantee
first-rate results with no possibil-
ity of any inconvenience that may
compromise the safety of the car.

126 fig. 139 fig. 140



Electric/electronic devices installed after If after buying the car, you decide to install
buying the car or in aftermarket shall bear electrical accessories that require a perma-
Mobile phones and other radio transceiv-
the and marking: nent electric supply (alarm, voice feature,
er equipment (e.g.: HAM radio systems and
radionavigator with satellite antitheft, etc.)
the like) shall not be used inside the car un-
or accessories that in any case burden the
less a separate aerial is mounted.
electric supply, contact Alfa Romeo Autho-
IMPORTANT The use of mobile phones, rised Services, whose qualified personnel,
HAM radio systems or other similar devices besides suggesting the most suitable devices
inside the passenger compartment (without belonging to Lineaccessori Alfa Romeo, will
Fiat Auto S.p.A. authorizes the installation separate aerial) may cause electronic sys- also evaluate the overall electric absorption,
of transceivers provided that installation is tems equipping the car to malfunction. This checking whether the car electric system is
carried out at a specialized shop, work- could compromise safety in addition to con- able to withstand the load required, or
manlike performed and in compliance with stituting a potential hazard for the passen- whether it needs to be integrated with a
manufacturer’s specifications. gers. more powerful battery.
IMPORTANT Installation of devices re- In addition, transmission and reception of
sulting in modifications of car characteristics these devices may be affected by the shield-
may cause driving license seizing by traffic ing effect of the car body.
agents and also the lapse of the warranty
as concerns defects due to the abovemen- As concerns the use of mobile phones
tioned modification or traceable back to it (GSM, GPRS, UMTS) with homologa-
directly or indirectly. tion, keep strictly to the mobile phone man-
ufacturer’s specifications.
Fiat Auto S.p.A. declines all responsibility
for damages caused by the installation of
non-genuine accessories or not recom-
mended by Fiat Auto S.p.A. and installed
not in compliance with the specified re-
(fig. 141) CONTROL (fig. 142)
The tailgate can be opened: Tailgate is released electrically and this can The tailgate can be opened by remote con-
be performed only when the ignition key trol from outside pressing the button (A),
from the outside of the car - by a is in position MAR with car at a standstill also when the electronic alarm is engaged.
remote control impulse; or in STOP or PARK position for 3 min- Opening of the tailgate is accompanied by
from the inside of the door - by de- utes without unlocking/locking one of the a double flash of the direction indicators;
pressing the button (A-fig. 141). doors. closing is accompanied by a single flash.
IMPORTANT If the boot is not proper- To unlock the tailgate, press button (A) If an electronic alarm is fitted, with the
ly shut, the ´ warning light will come on on the centre console panel. opening of the tailgate, the alarm system
(on certain versions accompanied by the switches off volumetric protection and the
Tailgate raising is facilitated by the gas
message on the reconfigurable multifunction tailgate control sensor, the system “beeps”
shock springs.
display). twice (with the exception of certain mar-

The gas springs are cali-

brated to ensure correct
tailgate raising with the
weights foreseen by the manufac-
turer. The arbitrary addition of
items (such spoilers, etc.) may
compromise the correct operation A0A0636b
and safety of the actual tailgate.

128 fig. 141 fig. 142

Closing the tailgate again, the control func- BOOT LIGHT (fig. 143) EMERGENCY OPENING


tions are restored, the system “beeps” twice OF TAILGATE
(with the exception of certain markets). When the tailgate is opened the light turns
on automatically (A) in the right-hand side To succeed in opening the tailgate from the
of the boot. Closing the tailgate, the light inside, should the car battery be flat, or be-
TAILGATE CLOSING turns off automatically. cause of a defect of the electric lock of the
To lock, push in correspondence with the tailgate itself, proceed as follows (see “Ex-
IMPORTANT Turning the ignition key to
Alfa Romeo badge to lower tailgate, until tending the luggage compartment” in the
STOP, opening the tailgate, turning on the
you feel the click of the lock. chapter “Getting to know you car”):
light will only be possible for 15 minutes;
after which the system turns it off to avoid – tilt the rear seat cushions;
draining the battery.
– tilt the backrests;
– unlock the lock by pulling the string (A-
fig. 144) (the string is located inside the
right recess in the tailgate).

A0A0637b A0A0658b

fig. 143 fig. 144 129

SECURING THE LOAD (fig. 145) CAUTIONS FOR CARRYING A heavy load that has not
LUGGAGE been secured may cause
The loads carried may be secured with serious harm to passen-
straps hooked to the special rings (A) in the Travelling at night with a load in the boot gers.
boot. it is necessary to adjust the height of the low
beam headlights (see next paragraph
The rings also serve for fastening the lug-
“Headlights” in this chapter). For correct use
gage restrainer, if present (in any case avail-
of the aiming device, also make sure that
able c/o Alfa Romeo Authorised Services).
the load does not exceed the values given
in the same paragraph.

Do not load the boot If you want to carry re-

above the permitted max- serve fuel in a can, follow
imum (see “Technical spec- legal regulations, only us-
ifications”). Also make sure that ing a certified can, suitably fas-
the objects contained in the boot tened to the load securing eyelets.
are well secured to prevent them Even in this way the risk of fire is
from being thrown forward, caus- increased in the case of an accident.
ing harm to the passengers.


130 fig. 145

BONNET Carry out this operation Scarves, ties and loose


only with the car station- clothing may be caught in
ary. the moving parts.
The bonnet opening lever is under the left
end of the dashboard.
To open: JURY. When carrying out
– pull the lever (A-fig. 146) until the checks or maintenance op-
bonnet clicks open. erations in the engine compart-
ment, take special care not to bump For safety reasons the
– press the safety lever (A-fig. 147) the head on the raised bonnet. bonnet must be closed
upwards. properly to avoid its open-
ing while the car is travelling.
– raise the bonnet. Therefore, always check it is prop-
IMPORTANT Bonnet raising is aided by erly closed and the catch engaged.
If checks need to be car- Should you notice that the catch is
two gas springs. Do not tamper with these
ried out in the engine com- not perfectly engaged when trav-
springs and accompany the bonnet while
partment when the engine elling, stop the car immediately and
raising it.
is still warm, keep away from the close the bonnet.
fan as it could start up even when
the key is removed from the igni-
tion. Wait until the engine cools
A0A0135b A0A0707b
To close:
– lower the bonnet until approx. 20 cm
from the engine compartment and then let
it drop, ensuring it is fully closed and not just
held in position by the safety catch.
If the bonnet does not close properly do
not push it down but open it again and re-
peat the above procedure.

fig. 146 fig. 147 131

COMPENSATION FOR TILT For the required adjustment (only with low
(fig. 148) beams on), use buttons ▲/▼:

The adjustment of the headlights is vital to When the car is loaded, the beam from the – press button ▲, to increase by one po-
your safety and comfort and to that of oth- headlights is raised due to the backwards sition (e.g.: 0 ➟ 1 ➟ 2 ➟ 3);
er road users. tilt of the car. – press button ▼, to decrease by one po-
The adjustment of the headlights is also In this case the headlights must be ad- sition (e.g.: 3 ➟ 2 ➟ 1 ➟ 0);
governed by precise regulations. justed correctly. The display (A), in the tachometer shows
Contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services to positions during adjustment.
have the headlights correctly adjusted.
IMPORTANT The headlight inner sur-
face may get slightly misted: this does not
mean it is faulty; it is a natural phenome-
non due to low temperature and the air hu-
midity level. Misting will disappear as soon
as the headlights are turned on. The pres-
ence of water drops inside the headlight in-
dicates water infiltration: contact Alfa Romeo
Authorised Services.


132 fig. 148

Correct positions as a function of the load: IMPORTANT Xenon headlights aiming HEADLIGHT ADJUSTMENT


is automatic, versions with this optional are ABROAD (fig. 149-150)
– position 0: one or two people occupy-
therefore not fitted with headlight aiming
ing the front seats The dipped-beam headlights are adjusted
– position 1: five people; for circulation in the country in which the car
is marketed. In countries with opposite cir-
– position 2: five people + load in the culation, to avoid glaring oncoming vehicles
boot; it is necessary to cover the area of the head-
– position 3: driver + 350 Kg load all lights as shown below; this is done using
stowed in luggage com- non-transparent sticker tape.
partment The illustrations refer to passing from right-
hand drive to left-hand drive.
Check beam aiming every
time the load carried

A0A0199b A0A0750b

fig. 149 fig. 150 133

If you have never previously used cars fit- The ABS better exploits
(on request for versions/markets ted with ABS, it is advisable to practice a lit- the grip available, but can-
where applicable) tle on a slippery surface, naturally in safe- not increase it; caution is
ty conditions and in accordance with the lo- therefore necessary on slippery
The car is fitted with an ABS braking sys- cal Highway Code; you are also advised to surfaces, without taking unneces-
tem, which prevents the wheels from lock- read the following instructions carefully. sary risks.
ing when braking, makes full use of the grip
and within the limits of the grip available, The advantage of the ABS over a conven-
keeps the car controllable also in emergency tional system is that it makes it possible to ob-
braking. tain the highest degree of handling also when
braking completely under limited grip condi-
When braking a slight pulsing accompa- tions, preventing the wheels from locking. If the ABS cuts in it means
nied by noise may be felt on the brake ped- that the limit of the grip is
al due to the action of the ABS system. However, with the ABS do not expect the being reached between the
braking distance to always shorten: for ex- tyre and the road surface: it is
This should not be interpreted as a brak- ample, on soft surfaces like gravel or fresh
ing malfunction. It is the signal to the driver therefore necessary to slow down
snow or a slippery surface, the space might to adapt driving to the grip avail-
that the ABS has come into action: it is the increase.
warning that the car is travelling at the lim- able.
it of its grip and therefore the speed should To better exploit the possibilities of the an-
be adapted to the type of road. ti-lock system in the case of need, the ad-
vice given below should be followed.
The ABS system is an additional part of the In the event of a system
base braking system; in the event of a fail- failure, with the turning on
ure it is disabled, leaving the braking sys- of the > warning light on
tem in the same conditions as a car without the instrument cluster, have the car
ABS. checked immediately by Alfa
In the case of a failure, the anti-lock action Romeo Authorised Services, to be
is no longer present, the braking capacity of able to have the system restored
the car is not adversely affected at all. to fully efficient conditions.

Always take due care when braking on If the compact spare The turning on of only the


bends, even with the help of the ABS. wheel is used, operation of > warning light with the
the ABS system is cut off engine running normally in-
The most important advice of all, howev-
and the > warning light on the in- dicates a fault to the ABS system
er, is this:
strument cluster turns on. only. In this case the braking sys-
tem is still efficient, though with-
out the aid of the anti-lock device.
Under these conditions perfor-
mance of the EBD system may be
When the ABS cuts in, and The car is fitted with an
reduced. In this case too, you are
you feel the pulsing on the electronic braking distribu-
advised to go immediately to the
pedal, do not lighten the tor (EBD). If the > and x
nearest Alfa Romeo Authorised
pressure, but keep the pedal firm- warning lights turn on simultane-
Service to have the system checked
ly pressed with no fear; this way ously with the engine running, this
over, driving in such a way as to
you will stop in the least space indicates an EBD system failure; in
avoid sharp braking.
possible, compatibly with the con- this case with sharp braking the
ditions of the road surface. rear wheels might lock too early,
with the possibility of skidding. Dri-
ving extremely carefully, go to the
nearest Alfa Romeo Authorised Ser-
Following these instructions you will be vice to have the system checked. If the low brake fluid lev-
in the best braking condition under all cir- el x warning light turns
cumstances. on, stop the car immedi-
IMPORTANT Cars fitted with ABS may ately and contact the nearest Alfa
only be fitted with the wheel rims, tyres and IMPORTANT If the battery is run down Romeo Authorised Service. Any
brake linings of type and brand approved by the > and x warning lights might turn on loss of fluid from the hydraulic sys-
the Manufacturer. when starting the engine and go off after tem will negatively affect the op-
starting. This should not be considered as eration of the braking system be it
The system is completed by the EBD (Elec- a fault but as a warning that during start- of the conventional type or of the
tronic Brake Distributor) which distributes ing the ABS is not active. The turning off type with ABS.
the braking action through the control unit of the warning lights ensures normal system
and the ABS system sensors. operation.

When the sensors detect the conditions HOW THE VDC
(Vehicle Dynamics Control) that would lead to skidding, the system in- SYSTEM WORKS
(on request for versions/ tervenes on the engine and on the brakes
producing a stabilising torque. System is engaged automatically when the
markets where applicable) car is started and cannot be switched off.
The basic components of the system are:
The VDC is an electronic system that con- – an electronic control unit that process-
trols car stability, intervening on the driving The performance of the
system, in terms of active es the signals received from the various sen-
torque and braking the wheels in a differ- sors and brings about the most appropriate
entiated manner, in the lack of grip, it helps safety should not induce
the driver to take pointless and un- strategy;
to bring the car back to the correct direction.
necessary risks. The style of dri- – a sensor that detects the position of the
When travelling the car is subjected to lat- ving must in any case always be steering wheels;
eral and longitudinal forces which can be adapted to the conditions of the
controlled by the driver as long as the tyres road surface, visibility and traffic. – four sensors that detect the turning
offer adequate roadholding; when this falls The responsibility for road safety speed of each wheel;
below the minimum level, the car begins is always and in any case the dri- – a sensor that detects rotation of the car
to divert from the course required by the dri- ver’s. around its vertical axis;
– a sensor that detects lateral acceleration
Especially when travelling on an uneven (centrifugal force).
surface (such as paving, or due to the pres- System helps the driver to keep the car un-
ence of water, ice or soil), changes in speed der control in the event of a loss of tyre grip. The heart of the system is the control unit,
(acceleration or braking) and/or course which with the data supplied by the sensors
The forces induced by the system to con- installed on the car calculates the centrifugal
(bends or the need to avoid obstacles) may
trol the loss of car stability always depend forces generated when the car is cornering.
cause the tyres to lose grip.
on the grip between the tyre and the road The yawing sensor, which originates from the
surface. aeronautical industry, detects the rotations
of the car around its own vertical axis. The
centrifugal forces generated when the car
is cornering are detected by a highly sensi-
tive lateral acceleration sensor.

The stabilising action of the system is CUTTING IN During use of the compact


based on the calculations of the system elec- OF THE VDC SYSTEM spare wheel, the VDC sys-
tronic control unit, which processes the sig- tem continues working. It
nals received from the steering wheel rota- The cutting in of the system is indicated by should be borne in mind that the
tion sensor, acceleration sensor and rotation the flashing of the áwarning light on the spare wheel is smaller than a nor-
speed sensor of each wheel. These signals instrument cluster, to inform the driver that mal tyre, therefore its grip is low-
allow the control unit to recognise the ma- the car is in critical conditions of stability and er than that of the other tyres of
noeuvre the driver intends to do when the grip. the car.
steering wheel is turned.
VDC system failure warning
The control unit processes the information
received from the sensors and therefore is In the event of a failure the system dis-
able to know the position of the car instant engages automatically and the á warning
by instant and compares it with the course light on the instrument cluster turns on glow-
the driver would like to follow. In the event ing steadily, together with the message on
of a discrepancy, in a fraction of a second the reconfigurable multifunction display.
the control unit chooses and commands the In the event of an system failure the car For the VDC system to
most suitable intervention to bring the car behaves like a car not fitted with this sys- work correctly, the tyres
immediately back to the required course: tem: in any case it is advisable to contact must be of the same brand
braking one or more wheels at different in- Alfa Romeo Authorised Services as soon as and type on all wheels, in perfect
tensity and, if necessary, reducing the pow- possible. conditions and above all of the
er transmitted by the engine. specified type, brand and size.
The corrective actions are modified and
controlled continuously in seeking the course
required by the driver.
The action of system considerably en-
hances the active safety of the car in very
critical situations and it is particularly help-
ful when the grip conditions of the road sur-
face change.

The action of the ASR is particularly help- SWITCHING ON
(Antislip Regulation) ful in the following circumstances: THE ASR FUNCTION
(on request for versions/ – slipping of the inner wheel on a bend, The ASR function switches on automati-
markets where applicable) due to the effect of dynamic load changes cally each time the engine is started.
or excessive acceleration.
When travelling the ASR can be switched
The ASR function controls the car drive and – too much power transmitted to the off and on again pressing switch (A-fig.
cuts in automatically every time one or both wheels also in relation to the conditions of 151).
driving wheels slip. the road safety.
When the function is turned off, the in-
In slipping conditions, tow different control – acceleration on slippery, snowy or frozen strument panel warning light V turns on.
systems are activated: surfaces.
If the function is switched off when trav-
1) if slipping involves both driving wheels, – in the case of loss of grip on a wet sur- elling, it will turn on again automatically the
being caused by excessive power transmit- face (aquaplaning). next time the engine is started.
ted, the ASR device cuts in reducing the pow-
er transmitted by the engine.
2) if slipping involves only one driving
wheel, the ASR system cuts in automatical- The performance of the
ly braking the wheel that is slipping, with system in terms of active
an effect similar to that of a self-locking dif- safety should not induce
ferential. the driver to take pointless and un-
necessary risks. The style of dri-
ving must in any case be adapted A0A1107b

to the conditions of the road sur-

face, visibility and traffic. Road
surface is always the driver’s re-

138 fig. 151

During use of the compact ASR system MSR SYSTEM (engine braking


spare wheel, the ASR func- failure indications torque control)
tion is cut off and the V
In the event of a fault, the ASR system The car is fitted with a special system, in-
warning light on the instrument
switches off automatically and the V warn- tegral with the ASR system, that in case of
cluster turns on glowing steadily
ing light on the instrument cluster turns on, sudden gear shifting, cuts in providing torque
together with the message on the
together with the message on the reconfig- to the engine thus preventing excessive dri-
reconfigurable multifunction dis-
urable multifunction display. ving wheel drive that, specially in poor grip
conditions, can lead to loss of stability.
In the event of an ASR system operating
failure, the car behaves in the same way
as a car that is not fitted with this system:
in any case, it is advisable to contact Alfa
For correct operation of Romeo Authorised Services as soon as pos-
the ASR system, the tyres sible.
must absolutely be of the
same brand and type on all wheels,
in perfect conditions and, above all,
of type, brand and size specified.

IMPORTANT When travelling on snowy

roads with snow chains, it may be helpful
to turn the ASR off: in fact, in these condi-
tions, slipping of the driving wheels when
moving off makes it possible to obtain bet-
ter drive.

The system also has a diagnostic connec- IMPORTANT After eliminating the in-
tor that can be interfaced with appropriate convenience, to check the system com-
(upon request for versions/ tools, which makes it possible to read the pletely, Alfa Romeo Authorised Services are
markets where applicable) error codes stored in the control unit, to- obliged to run a bench test and, if necessary,
The EOBD system (European On Board Di- gether with a series of specific parameters road tests which may also call for a long jour-
agnosis) allows continuous diagnosis of the for engine operation and diagnosis. This ney.
components of the car correlated with emis- check can also be carried out by the traffic
sions. police.
It also alerts the driver, by turning on the
warning light U on the instrument panel
(on certain versions together with message
+ symbol on the reconfigurable multifunc- If, turning the ignition key
tion display), when these components are to MAR, the warning light
no longer in peak conditions. U does not turn on or if,
while travelling it turns on glow-
The objective is: ing steadily or flashing (on some
versions together with the mes-
– to keep the system efficiency under con-
sage + symbol on the reconfig-
urable multifunction display), con-
– to warn when a fault causes emissions tact Alfa Romeo Authorised Ser-
levels to increase; vices as soon as possible.
– to warn of the need to replace deterio-
rated components.

SOUND SYSTEM The radio is installed in a user-friendly po- ADVICE


sition for the driver and passenger and the
graphics on the front panel make location Road safety
The car sound system, fitted with CD play- of the controls quick, facilitating use.
er (radio with Compact Disc player) or MP3 You are advised to learn how to use the
CD player (radio with MP3 CD player) has The CD Changer is available at Lineacces- various radio functions (e.g.: storing sta-
been designed in accordance with the spe- sori Alfa Romeo. tions) before starting to drive.
cial features of the passenger compartment, In the following pages you will find the
with a personalised design that blends with instructions for use, which you are advised Reception conditions
the style of the dashboard. The sound sys- to read through carefully. The instructions al- Reception conditions change constantly
tem cannot be adapted to other vehicles and so contain the procedure for controlling the when driving. Reception may be disturbed
for this reason it cannot be removed. CD Changer (if provided) through the radio. by the presence of mountains, buildings or
For the instructions for use of the CD Chang- bridges particularly when far away from the
er refer to the specific manual. station being listened to.
IMPORTANT When receiving traffic in-
formation, the volume may be higher than

Too high a volume when
Care and maintenance Compact Disc
driving can put the driver’s
The radio structure ensures long operation Remember that dirt, marks or distortion on
life at risk and that of oth-
with no need for particular maintenance. Compact Disc can cause skipping. To obtain
er people. Therefore the volume
In the event of a fault, contact Alfa Romeo optimum playing conditions we give the fol-
should always be adjusted in such
Authorized Services. lowing advice:
a way that it is always possible to
hear the noises of the surrounding To clean the front panel only use a soft, – Only use Compact Discs which have the
environment (e.g.: horns, ambu- antistatic cloth. Cleaning and polishing prod- following brand:
lance, police sirens, etc.). ucts might spoil the surface.

– Carefully clean all Compact Discs of fin-

gerprints and dust using a soft cloth. Sup-
port Compact Discs from the outer circum-
ference and clean from the centre outwards;
– Never use chemical products for clean-
ing (e.g.: spray cans, antistatic or thinners)
as they might damage the surface of Com-
pact Discs;
– After use, put Compact Discs back in
their container, to avoid marks or scratches
that may cause skipping when playing;
– Do not expose Compact Discs to direct
sunlight, high temperatures or damp for pro-
longed lengths of time to prevent them from
– Do not stick labels or write on the record-
ed surface of Compact Discs.

To remove a Compact Disc from its con- Do not use highly scratched, cracked, or IMPORTANT Should copy-protected CDs


tainer, press the centre and raise the disc distorted discs, etc. The use of these discs be used, then, few seconds may be required
carefully, holding it by the outer circumfer- will involve malfunctioning or damage to the for playing them. Moreover, due to the pro-
ence. player. liferation of always new and different pro-
tection methods, it is not guaranteed that
Always hold Compact Discs by the outer For optimal playing use original CDs only.
the CD player can play whatever protected
circumference. Never touch the surface. Regular operation is not guaranteed if using
disc. Copy protection is often indicated on
R/RW CDs not properly mastered and/or
To remove fingerprints and dust, use a soft the CD cover in small letters or hard to read
CDs with max. capacity higher than 650
cloth starting from the centre of the Com- characters. Usually it is indicated by writings
pact Disc outwards. like: “COPY CONTROL”, “COPY PROTECT-
IMPORTANT Do not use the protective ED”, “THIS CD CANNOT BE PLAYED ON A
sheets for CD in commerce or discs with sta- PC/MAC”, or it is identified by symbols like:
bilisers, etc. as they might get stuck in the
internal mechanism and damage the disc.

Protected discs (and their cover) very of- IMPORTANT The CD player can read TECHNICAL DATA
ten are not marked with the audio CD iden- most of the compression systems currently
tification symbol: on sale (e.g.: LAME, BLADE, XING, FRAUN- Radio
HOFER) however, due to the evolution of
these systems, reading of all compression Maximum power: 4 x 30W.
formats is not guaranteed.
IMPORTANT When loading a multi-ses-
sion CD, only the first session will be played. The aerial is located on the car roof. You
are recommended to slacken and remove
the aerial from the roof to avoid damaging
it when washing the car in automatic sys-

The sound system is formed of a system
– 4 tweeters: 2 front and 2 rear (for ver-
sions/markets where applicable) with 30W
– 4 speakers with a diameter of 165 mm
(2 front and 2 rear) with 40W power.

Protection fuse HI-FI BOSE SYSTEM Technical information


(for versions/markets where
The radio has a 10A fuse located in the System comprises:
rear part of the set. To replace the fuse, the
– 4 high efficiency woofers with diameter
radio needs to be pulled out: therefore con- The HI-FI BOSE system installed on your
165 mm, two at the front and two at the
tact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services. car has been accurately designed to offer
back, each having a coaxial tweeter inside;
outstanding sound quality and reproduce the
musical realism of a live concert, for all the – 1 bass box with a volume of 12 dm3
seats in the passenger compartment. housed on the left-hand side of the boot;
The system’s features include outstanding – 1 high power HI-FI amplifier (150W)
faithful reproduction of crystalline treble with 6 channels, analogue equalising in am-
tones and full, rich basses which among oth- plitude signal phase and with 130 mm di-
er things, make the Loudness function su- ameter sub-woofer.
perfluous. In addition, the complete range
of the sounds is reproduced in the whole pas-
senger compartment enveloping the occu-
pants with the natural spatial sensation that
is felt when listening to live music.
The components adopted are patented and
are the result of the most sophisticated tech-
nology, but at the same time they are easy
and intuitive to use, so that even less expert
people can use the system.

– Loudness function (excluding versions
with Bose HI-FI system)
– Standard equalization (excluding ver-
sions with Bose HI-FI system)
– Personal equalization (excluding ver-
sions with Bose HI-FI system)
– Automatic volume changing according
to car speed
– MUTE function

CD / CD MP3 section
fig. 152 A0A1113b – Play / Pause
– Previous / next track selection
Radio section – FF / FR
– Traffic information reception (TA) – Previous / next directory selection
– Automatic storage of 6 stations in the
dedicated FM band - FMT (AS – Autostore)


ON On Short push on button
Off Long push on button
VOL+ Volume up Press button
VOL Volume down Press button


FM AS Radio band selection FM1, FM2, FM Autostore Brief cyclic button pressing
AM Radio band selection MW, LW Brief cyclic button pressing
CD Audio source selection (radio/CD/CD-Changer) Brief cyclic button pressing
MUTE Volume on/off (MUTE / PAUSE) Brief button pressing
AUD Audio settings: bass (BASS), treble (TREBLE), Menu activation: brief button pressing
right/left sound adjustment (BALANCE), Adjustment selection: press button ▲ or ▼
front/rear sound adjustment (FADER) Value adjustment: press button ÷ or ˜
MENU Advanced functions adjustment Menu activation: brief button pressing
Adjustment selection: press button ▲ or ▼
Value adjustment: press button ÷ or ˜


▲ Radio station tuning: Automatic tuning: press button ÷ or ˜
• Automatic tuning (long pressing for fast forward)
÷ ˜ • Manual tuning Manual tuning: press button ▲ or ▼
▼ (long pressing for fast forward)
123456 Current radio station storage Long button pressing
respectively for preset/memories from 1 to 6
Stored station recall Brief button pressing
respectively for preset/memories from 1 to 6


˚ CD ejection Brief button pressing
Previous/next track playback Brief pressing on buttons ÷ or ˜
÷ ˜
CD track fast forward/backward Long pressing on buttons ÷ or ˜

▲ Previous/next CD playback (for CD Changer) Brief pressing on buttons ▲ or ▼

▼ Previous/next directory playback (for MP3 CD) Brief pressing on buttons ▲ or ▼ 147
(where provided)

fig. 153 A0A1114b

Button FUNCTION Mode

z Audio Mute on/off Brief button pressing
(with sound system on)

+ Volume up Press button

– Volume down Press button

SRC Radio frequency Press button

(FM1, FM2, FMT, MW, LW) and audio source
(Radio - CD - MP3 - CD Changer) selection button
Radio: recall preset stations (1 to 6) Press button
ô MP3: select next directory
CD Changer: select next CD in the CD Changer
Radio: recall preset stations (6 to 1) Press button
ó MP3: select previous directory
CD Changer: select previous CD in the CD Changer
GENERAL Compact Disc section CD MP3 section


The set possesses the following functions: – Direct disc selection; – Directory selection (previous/next);
– Track selection (forward/backward); – Track selection (forward/backward);
Radio section
– Fast forward/backward; – Fast forward/backward;
– PLL tuning with FM/AM/MW/LW fre-
quency bands; – CD Display function: displaying CD – MP3 DISP function: directory name, ID3-
name/time elapsed from start of track; tag info, time elapsed from start of track,
– RDS (Radio Data System) with TA (traf-
file name);
fic announcements) - TP (Program Type) - – Playing audio CDs and R/RW CDs.
EON (Enhanced Other Network) - REG (Re- – Playing audio CDs and R/RW CDs.
gional programmes);
On multimedia CDs in ad- Audio section
– AF: alternative frequency search selec-
tion in RDS mode; dition to sound tracks also – Mute/Pause function;
data tracks are recorded.
– emergency alarm presetting; Playing one of these CDs may – Soft Mute function;
– automatic/manual station tuning; cause rustling and such a volume – Loudness function (excluding versions
as to compromise road safety, as with Bose HI-FI system);
– FM Multipath detector; well as causing damage to the fi-
nal stages and speakers. – 7 band graphic equalizer (excluding ver-
– manual storage of 36 stations: 18 in
sions with Bose HI-FI system);
the FM band (6 in FM1, 6 in FM2, 6 in
FMT), 6 in the MW band and 6 in the LW – Separate bass/treble adjustment;
– Right/left channel balancing.
– automatic storage (Autostore function)
of 6 stations in FM band;
– SVC function (excluding versions with
Bose HI-FI system): automatic volume ad-
justment with car speed;
– automatic Stereo/Mono switching.

FUNCTIONS AND Selecting CD/CD Changer Volume adjustment
Adjust volume through VOL + and VOL -
Turning the sound system on The set is Pressing briefly and repeatedly button CD buttons.
switched on pressing button ON. it is possible to select the following audio
If the volume level is changed during the
sources in sequence:
When turning the sound system on, the broadcast of a traffic bulletin, the new set-
volume level will be brought to 20 if it was – CD (only if the Compact Disc is insert- ting is maintained only until the end of the
set to over. ed); bulletin.
If the radio is turned on when the key is – CHANGER (only if the CD Changer is con-
SVC function
not fitted into the ignition device, it will turn nected).
(excluding versions with
off automatically after about 20 minutes. Bose HI-FI system)
After automatic switching off, it is however Audio source memory function
possible to turn the radio on again for oth- The SVC function makes it possible to au-
If while listening to a CD another function
er 20 minutes by pressing button ON (see tomatically adapt the volume level to the
is selected (e.g.: the radio), playing is
paragraph “IGN TIME function”). speed of the car, increasing it as the speed
stopped and when the CD mode is resumed,
increases to maintain the ratio with the noise
it starts again from the point in which it was
Turning the sound system off level inside the passenger compartment.
Keep button ON pressed. See section MENU for activating/deacti-
If while listening to the radio another func-
vating this function.
tion is selected, when the Radio mode is
Selecting radio functions resumed, it is tuned to the last station se-
Pressing briefly and repeatedly button lected.
FMAS it is possible to select the following
functions in sequence:
– TUNER (“FM1”, “FM2”, “FMT”);
Pressing briefly and repeatedly button AM
it is possible to select the following functions
in sequence:
– TUNER (“MW”, “LW”).

Mute /pause function Audio adjustments Tone adjustment


(turning off the volume (bass/treble)
The options proposed by the audio menu
differ according to the audio source select- Proceed as follows:
To switch on the Mute function, briefly ed: AM/FM/CD/CDC.
– Use button ▲ or ▼ to select “BASS” or
press the button MUTE. Volume will gradu-
To change Audio functions, press briefly “TREBLE” in the AUDIO menu;
ally lower and the display will show the word
button AUD. The display will show “BASS”.
“MUTE” (when in radio mode) or “PAUSE” – press button ÷ or ˜ to in-
(when in CD or CD-Changer mode). To scroll the Menu options, use buttons ▲ crease/decrease the basses or trebles.
or ▼. To change the setting of the option
To switch off the Mute function, press the Pressing the buttons briefly the change is
selected, press buttons ÷ or ˜.
button MUTE again. Volume will gradually gradual by steps. Pressing longer, chang-
become louder returning to the value set be- The display will show the current status ing is faster.
fore switching on the Mute function. of the function selected.
Changing volume will deactivate the Mute Balance adjustment
The functions controlled by the menu are
function and the volume will be set to the the following: Proceed as follows:
new level selected.
– BASS (bass adjustment); – Use button ▲ or ▼ to select “BAL-
With the Mute function on: ANCE” in the AUDIO menu;
– TREBLE (treble adjustment);
– if an emergency alarm or a traffic bul- – press button ÷ to increase the sound
letin arrives with the TA function on, the mes- – BALANCE (right/left balance);
from the right speakers or button ˜ to
sage ignores the Mute function. The Mute – FADER (excluding versions with Bose HI- increase the sound from the left speakers.
function will be resumed at the end of the FI system) (front/rear balance);
traffic announcement. Pressing the buttons briefly the change is
– LD (excluding versions with Bose HI-FI gradual by steps. Pressing longer, chang-
system) (Loudness on/off); ing is faster.
– PRESET (excluding versions with Bose Select “÷ 0 ˜” to set the same val-
HI-FI system) (standard equalization acti- ue for both right and left speakers.
vation and selection);
– XX USER (personal equalization set-

Fader adjustment PRESET/XX EQ SET*/CLASSIC/ *XX EQ SET function (only if the
ROCK/JAZZ functions USER equalizer setting has been
Proceed as follows:
(equalizer on/off) selected) (excluding versions
– Use button ▲ or ▼ to select “FADER” with Bose HI-FI system)
The integrated equalizer can be turned on
in the AUDIO menu;
or off. With the equalizer off, it is possible To set a personal equalizer adjustment, use
– press button ÷ to increase the sound to change the sound settings only adjust- button ▲ or ▼ to select USER and then
from the rear speakers or button ˜ to in- ing the bass (“BASS”) and treble tones press button ▼ for long.
crease the sound from the front speakers. (“TREBLE”), while activating the function
The display will show for about 2 seconds
makes it possible to adjust the sound curves.
Pressing the buttons briefly the change is “XX EQ SET” and then a graph with 7 bars,
gradual by steps. Pressing longer, chang- To turn the equalizer off, select “PRESET” where each bar represents a frequency.
ing is faster. by means of button ÷ or ˜. Choose the bar to be adjusted using button
÷ or ˜; the bar chosen starts to flash
Select “÷ 0 ˜” to set the same val- To turn the equalizer on, use button ÷
and it is possible to adjust it using button ▲
ue for both front and rear speakers. or ˜ to select one of the following op-
or ▼.
LD function To store the new settings, press button
– “USER” (adjustment of the 7 equaliz-
AUD again or wait for about 10 seconds.
The Loudness function improves the sound er bands that can be changed by the user);
The display will show the word “MEN” to-
volume when listening at low level, in- – “CLASSIC” (predefined equalizer ad- gether with the graph with 7 bars.
creasing the basses and trebles. justment for best playing of classic music);
To switch the function on/off, use button Antitheft protection
– “ROCK” (predefined equalizer adjust-
▲ or ▼ to select “LD” in the AUDIO menu. ment for best playing of rock and pop mu- Refer to “CD Player” paragraph.
The function condition (on or off) is shown sic);
on the display for few seconds by “LD ON”
or “LD OFF”. – “JAZZ” (predefined equalizer adjust-
ment for best playing of jazz music).
When one of the equalizer settings is on,
the display shows “EQ”.

RADIO (TUNER) Each band is shown by the respective Storing the last station heard


wording on the display.
The radio automatically keeps in storage
The last station selected in the respective the last station heard for each reception
When the set is turned on the last function frequency band will be tuned. band, which is then tuned when the radio is
selected before turning off is played (Radio, turned on or the reception band is changed.
The FM band is divided into sections: FM1,
CD or CD Changer).
FM2 and FMT. The FMT reception band is
Automatic tuning
To select the Tuner source while listening reserved to the stations stored automatically
to another audio source, press briefly but- with the Autostore function. Briefly press button ÷ or ˜ to start
tons FMAS or AM, according to the required automatically searching the tuning for the
frequency band. Presetting buttons next station that it is possible to receive in
the direction chosen.
When Tuner is on, the display will show The buttons with symbols from 1 to 6
the selected station name (RDS stations on- make it possible to set the following pre- If button ÷ or ˜ is pressed for
ly) (or frequency), the frequency band (e.g.: settings: longer, quick searching takes place. When
FM1) and the preselection button number the button is released, the tuner stops on
– 18 in the FM band (6 in FM1, 6 in
(e.g.: P1). the next receivable station.
FM2, 6 in FMT);
If the TA function is on (traffic information),
Selecting the frequency band – 6 in the MW band;
the tuner only searches stations which broad-
If in the Tuner mode, briefly and repeat- – 6 in the LW band; cast traffic bulletins.
edly press button FMAS or AM to select the
To call a preset station, choose the required
required frequency band.
frequency band and then press briefly the
Every time the button is pressed the fol- corresponding preset button (from 1 to 6).
lowing bands are selected in sequence:
Pressing the respective preset button for
– Pressing button FMAS: “FM1”, “FM2”, longer than 2 seconds will store the tuned
“FMT”; station. Storing is confirmed by a beep.
– Pressing button AM: “MW” and “LW”.

Manual tuning A-STORE function At the end of the A-STORE function the ra-
(automatic station storage) dio automatically tunes on the first preset
This allows manual station searching in the
station in the FMT band stored on preset but-
chosen band. To switch on the A-STORE function, keep
ton 1.
button FMAS pressed until receiving the con-
Select the required frequency band and
firmation beep. With this function the ra- On buttons numbered from 1 to 6, the sta-
then press briefly and repeatedly button ▲
dio automatically stores the six stations with tions are automatically stored that give a
or ▼ to start searching in the chosen band.
the strongest signal in decreasing order of strong signal in that moment in the present
Pressing one of the buttons ▲ or ▼ longer
intensity of the FMT frequency band. band.
obtains fast forward searching, which is
stopped when the button is released. IMPORTANT Activating the A-STORE Activating the A-STORE function in MW or
function cancels the stations stored previ- LW bands will automatically select the FMT
ously in the FMT band. band where the function is then run.
If the TA function is on (traffic information), IMPORTANT Sometimes the A-STORE
only the stations that send traffic informa- function is unable to find 6 stations with a
tion will be stored. strong signal. In this case the previous sta-
tions will be stored on the free preset but-
During automatic storage the display
shows “A-STORE”.
To interrupt A-STORE press button FMAS
again: the radio will automatically tune to
the station heard before activation of the Au-
toSTore function.

Emergency alarm reception EON function MENU


(Enhanced Other Network)
In the RDS mode the radio is set to receive
MENU button functions
emergency announcements in the case of Certain countries have circuits which group
exceptional circumstances or events that together several stations enabled to broad- To activate the menu function, briefly press
may cause general danger (earthquakes, cast traffic information. In this case the pro- button MENU. The display shows the word
floods, etc.), if they are broadcast by the gramme of the station being heard will be “MENU”.
station tuned. interrupted temporarily:
To scroll the menu functions use button ▲
This function is activated automatically and – to receive traffic information (only with or ▼. To change the setting of the select-
cannot be deactivated. TA function on); ed function use button ÷ or ˜.
During emergency announcement the dis- – to listen to regional programmes every The display will show the current status
play will show the message “ALARM”. Dur- time these bulletins are given by one of the of the function selected.
ing this announcement the volume will stations of the same circuits.
change as described for traffic announce- The functions controlled by the menu are
ments (see “TA Function”). the following:
Stereophonic stations
– AF (alternative frequency search);
If the signal received is weak, the device
switches automatically from Stereo to Mono. – TA (traffic information);
– REG (regional programmes);
– MP3 DISP (MP3 CD data display);
– SVC (automatic volume control in rela-
tion to speed);
– EXT VOL (external audio sources con-
– IGN TIME (System power off mode ra-
– DEFAULT (reset original settings).
To exit the menu function, press button
MENU again.
AF function IMPORTANT In certain countries radio
TA function
(alternative frequency search) (traffic information) stations exist which, even if the TP function
is on (the display shows “TP”), do not trans-
Within the RDS system the radio can work Certain stations in the FM band (FM1,
mit traffic information.
in two different modes: FM2 and FMT) are enabled to also broad-
cast information about traffic conditions. In If the radio is working in the AM band,
– “AF ON”: alternative frequency search
this case the display shows “TP”. when TA is activated, it passes to the FM1
on (the display shows “AF”);
band on the last station heard.
To turn the TA (traffic announcement) func-
– “AF OFF”: alternative frequency search
tion on/off, briefly press button MENU and The volume with which the traffic bulletin
then select “TA ON” or “TA OFF”. is transmitted varies depending on the lis-
With “AF ON”, the radio is automatically tening volume:
IMPORTANT If the TA function (traffic
tuned to the station with the strongest sig-
information) is on, with CD, CD Changer (if – listening volume below 20: traffic bul-
nal that is broadcasting the same pro-
installed), Telephone or Mute/Pause active: letin volume = 20 (fixed value);
gramme. During the journey it will thus be
automatic station tuning will start.
possible to continue listening to the station – listening volume above 20: traffic bul-
chosen without having to change the fre- With the TA function it is possible: letin volume = listening volume +1.
quency when changing area.
– to search only RDS stations that trans- If the volume is changed during a traffic
Of course, the station being listened to mit in the FM band, enabled to broadcast bulletin the value is not shown on the dis-
must be receivable in the area the car is traffic information; play and the new value is kept only for the
crossing. bulletin in progress.
– to receive traffic information although
To turn the AF function on/off, press but- CD player or CD Changer are being used; The TA function is interrupted by pressing
ton MENU, and then select “AF ON” or “AF any sound system button.
– to receive traffic information at a pre-
OFF”. If the AF function has been turned on
defined minimum volume even with the ra-
the display shows “AF”.
dio volume off.
If the radio is working in the AM band,
when the AF function is activated, it pass-
es to the FM1 band on the last station se-

REG function The display will show the current status MP3 DISP function


(regional broadcast reception) of the function: (MP3 CD data display)
Certain national broadcasters, at determi- – “REG ON”: function on. With this function it is possible to choose
nate times of the day, transmit regional pro- the information shown on the display, when
– “REG OFF”: function off.
grammes which differ from region to region. listening to a MP3 CD.
This function makes it possible to tune in on- If the function is off and a regional pro-
This function can be selected only if a MP3
ly on local stations (regional) (see para- gramme is tuned that works in a determi-
CD is loaded: in this event the display shows
graph “EON function”). nate area and the car enters a different area,
the regional station of the new area is re-
Activate this function if you want to tune
ceived. To change the function use buttons ÷
automatically to regional stations broad-
or ˜.
casting in the selected band. IMPORTANT If AF and REG are both ac-
tive, when passing from one region to an- The display shows the setting among the
To turn the function on/off use button
other the radio could not tune properly to six possible:
÷ or ˜.
a valid alternative frequency.
– TITLE (track title, if ID3-tag available)
– AUTHOR (track author, if ID3-tag avail-
– ALBUM (album title, if ID3-tag available)
– DIR (directory name);
– FILENAME (MP3 file name);
– TIME (time elapsed from start of track).

SVC function
EXT function IMPORTANT When the sound system
(volume changing with speed) (external audio source control) is switched off automatically after turning
(excluding versions with the ignition key to STOP (for both immedi-
With this function it is possible to adjust
Bose HI-FI system) ate or 20-minute delayed power off), it will
(setting from 0 to 40) or exclude (OFF) ex-
switch on automatically turning the ignition
This function makes it possible to auto- ternal audio sources.
key to MAR. If the sound system has been
matically adapt the volume level to the
To turn this function on/off, use button switched off pressing button ON, when turn-
speed of the car, increasing it as the speed
÷ or ˜. ing the key to MAR it will stay off.
increases to maintain the ratio with the noise
level inside the passenger compartment. The display will show the current status
RESTORE function
of the function:
To turn the function on/off use button
This function enables to restore default set-
÷ or ˜. The display will show the cur- – “EXT VOL”: function on.
tings. Options available are the following:
rent status of the function:
– “EXT OFF”: function off.
– NO: no restore;
– SVC OFF: function off
– “EXT 23”: function on with volume lev-
– YES: restore default settings. During this
– SVC LOW: function on el 23.
operation the display will show the message
(low sensitivity)
“RESTORE”. At the end of this operation,
– SVC HIGH: function on IGN TIME function the audio source will not be changed and
(high sensitivity). (system power on/off mode radio) the previous situation is displayed.
This function enables to switch off the
sound system according to two different
modes. To turn the function on use button
÷ or ˜.
The display will show “IGN TIME” and then:
– “00 MIN”: deactivation dependent on
ignition key. Sound system will switch off
automatically when turning the ignition key
to STOP;
– “20 MIN”: deactivation independent of
ignition key. After having turned the ignition
key to STOP the sound system will stay on
158 for 20 minutes max.
COMPACT DISC PLAYER Selecting the compact disc player Inserting/ejecting a CD


To turn on the Compact Disc player inte- To insert the CD set it gently in place to ac-
grated in the set, proceed as follows: tivate the powered loading system, which
This section only describes CD player op- will position it correctly.
– insert a CD with the set on: the first track
eration variants: as concerns sound system
will be played; Press button ˚, with the device on, to op-
operation, refer “Functions and adjust-
erate the powered CD eject system. After
ments” paragraph. or
ejection, the source heard before playing the
– if a CD is already inserted, turn the set CD will return.
on and press briefly button CD to select
If CD is not ejected, the device will reload
“CD”: the last heard track will be played.
it automatically after about 20 seconds and
For optimal playing use only original CDs. then will set to Tuner (Radio).
When using R/RW CDs, use top quality CDs
CD cannot be ejected if the device is off.
mastered at the as low as possible speed.
Inserting the ejected CD without fully re-
moving it from the slot, the tuner will not
change the source to CD.

Possible error messages Select track Pause function
If the CD inserted is illegible (e.g.: CD-ROM To pause the CD player, press button
inserted, CD not inserted properly or read- Briefly press button ÷ to play the pre- MUTE. The display will show “PAUSE”.
ing error), the display will show the mes- vious track and button ˜ to play the next
To resume playing the track, press button
sage “CD ERROR” for about 2 seconds. one. Tracks are played in sequence: after the
MUTE again.
last track, the first one will be played and
The CD is then ejected and the previous
vice versa. The pause function is deactivated chang-
source before CD was selected returns.
ing the sound source.
If playing the track started more than 3
Display information seconds ago, pressing briefly button ÷
the track is played again from the start. In
When the CD player is working, the dis- this case if wanting to play the previous
play shows the following information which track, press the button twice consecutively.
“T05”: shows the number of the track on Fast forward/backward
the CD;
Keep button ˜ pressed to move the
“03:42”: shows the time elapsed since track selected forward at high speed and
the start of the track (if the corresponding keep button ÷ pressed to move it quick-
Menu function is on); ly backward. Fast forward/backward is
stopped once the button is released.

Antitheft protection Entering the secret code Every time the user enters a wrong code,


the waiting time increases gradually (1 min,
The radio is fitted with an antitheft pro- When turning the sound system on (in the
2 min, 4 min, 8 min, 16 min, 30 min,1h,
tection system based on the exchange of in- event of code request), the display will show
2h, 4h, 8h, 16h, 24h) until reaching a max-
formation between the radio and the elec- the word “CDC CODE” for about 2 seconds,
imum of 24 hours. The waiting time will
tronic control unit (Body Computer) installed followed by four dashes “- - - -”.
be shown on the display with the word “CDC
on the car.
The secret code comprises four figures from WAIT”. When this goes off it is possible to
This system warrants the highest level of 1 to 6, each corresponding to one of the start the new code entry procedure.
security and prevents entry of the secret dashes.
code every time the radio supply is discon- Code Card
To enter the first digit of the code, press
the corresponding key of the preset stations This the document that certifies possession
If the result of the check is positive, the set (from 1 to 6). Enter the other code digits in of the radio. The Code Card contains the ra-
starts working, whereas if the comparison the same way. dio model, serial number and secret code.
codes are not the same or if the electronic
If the four figures are not entered within IMPORTANT Keep the Code Card care-
control unit (Body Computer) is replaced,
20 seconds, the display shows the word fully to be able to give the related data to
the device informs the user of the need to
“CDC CODE” for 2 seconds and then fours the competent authorities in the event of
enter the secret code according to the pro-
dashes “- - - -”. This is not to be considered theft.
cedure described in the following paragraph.
as an incorrect code entry.
After entering the fourth digit (within 20
seconds), the radio starts working.
If a wrong code is entered, the radio
sounds a beep, the display shows the word
“CDC CODE” for 2 seconds and then fours
dashes “- - - -” to warn the user that it is nec-
essary to enter the correct code.

MP3 CD PLAYER Technical data and operating conditions for DISPLAY INFORMATION
(where provided) MP3 files are as follows:
ID3-tag info display
– adopted CD-ROM shall be mastered ac-
(track informations)
cording to ISO9660 Standard;
Introduction In addition to time elapsed, directory name
– music files shall be renamed as “.mp3”
and file name, also ID3-tag info relevant to
This section only describes MP3 CD play- otherwise they cannot be played;
track Title, Artist, Author (see section “MP3
er operation variants: as concerns sound sys- – sampling frequencies are: 44.1 kHz, disp function”) are displayed.
tem operation, refer to “Functions and Ad- stereo (96 to 320 kbit/s) - 22.05 kHz,
justments” paragraph. The MP3 directory name shown on the dis-
mono or stereo (32 to 80 kbit/s);
play corresponds to the name with which
NOTE MPEG Layer-3 audio decoding tech- – it is possible to play variable bit-rate the directory is stored on the CD, followed
nology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and tracks (files). by an asterisk.
Thomson multimedia.
IMPORTANT Characters: blank, ‘ (apos- Example of full MP3 directory name: BEST
MP3 mode trophe), ( and ) (open and closed brackets) OF *.
are not admitted in MP3 track names. When
In addition to standard audio CDs, the sound If you want to display one ID3-tag info (Ti-
sampling MP3 CD you must not use these
system can also play audio files in MP3 for- tle, Artist, Album) and the track being played
characters to name files otherwise the sound
mat. Sound system will operate as described has no ID3-tag info then, the file name will
system will not be able to play it.
in “Compact Disc player” paragraph when in- be displayed.
serting a conventional audio CD.
For optimal playing use only top quality
CDs mastered at a speed as low as possible.
MP3 CD files are structured by directories,
with sequential lists of all directories con-
taining MP3 tracks (directories and sub-di-
rectories are all brought to the same lev-
el), directories not containing MP3 tracks
cannot be selected.

Select next/previous directory CD CHANGER (CDC) Possible error messages


Press button ▲ to select the next directo- Error messages will be displayed in the fol-
ry or press button ▼ to select the previous lowing cases:
one. The name of the new selected direc- Installation and connec-
tion of a Lineaccessori CD – no CD in the CD Changer: the display
tory will be shown on the display.
Changer shall only be per- will show “CD ERROR” until changing the
Directories are selected in cyclic sequence: formed by Alfa Romeo Authorized sound source;
after the last directory the first one is se- Services. – selected CD is illegible (CD not in the se-
lected and vice versa.
lected position or CD not inserted properly):
If no other directory/track is selected in the display shows “CD ERROR” after the
the following 2 seconds, the first track in the number of the selected CD. The next CD will
new directory will be played. This section only describes CD Changer be selected; if there are no other CDs or if
(where provided) operation variants: as con- they are also illegible the display will show
If the last track in the currently selected di-
cerns sound system operation, refer to the wording “NO CD” until the sound source
rectory is played, the next will then be
“Functions and adjustments” paragraph. is changed;
– error in CD reading: the display shows
Selecting the cd changer “CD ERROR”. The next CD will be selected;
Protection against theft
Turn on the set, then press briefly and re- if there are no other CDs in the CD Chang-
Refer to “Compact Disc player” paragraph. er (after the last CD search will restart from
peatedly button CD until selecting “CHANG-
ER”. the first one) or they are also illegible, if the
sound source is not changed, the display will
show the following:
❒ “CHANGER” for about 2.5 seconds;
❒ “CD ERROR” for about 5 seconds;
❒ plays next source for other 5 seconds;
– a CD-ROM is inserted: next CD will be

Selecting the CD TROUBLESHOOTING Compact disc player
Press button ▲ to select the next CD and
CD not played
button ▼ to select the previous CD.
Loaded CD is dirty. Clean the CD.
If the loader does not contain a disc in the Loaded CD is scratched. Try to play another
position selected, the display briefly shows CD.
the wording “CD ERROR”, and the next CD Low volume
is played automatically. The Fader function shall only be set to “F”
Required CD cannot be loaded
(front), to prevent sound system output
Another CD is already loaded. Press button
power reduction and volume muting if the
˚ and remove the CD.
Fader level set is = R+9.
MP3 file reading
Required source cannot be
Skipping when reading MP3 files
No CD loaded. Load the CD or the MP3 CD
Loaded CD is scratched or dirty. Clean the
you want to play.
CD as described in “CD” voice in “Advise”

MP3 track length not displayed

In certain cases (due to recording) MP3
track length can be displayed incorrectly.

REFUELLING DIESEL ENGINES Cars with diesel engines


must only be filled with
If the outside temperature is very low, the
diesel fuel for motor vehi-
diesel thickens due to the formation of paraf-
cles, in compliance with European
PETROL ENGINES fins and could clog the diesel fuel filter.
Specification EN590. The use of
Use only unleaded petrol. In order to avoid these problems, different other products or mixtures may ir-
types of diesel are distributed according to reparably damage the engine with
To prevent accidentally filling with leaded the season: summer type, winter type arc- invalidation of the warranty due to
petrol, the diameter of the fuel tank filler tic type (mountains/cold areas). the damage caused. In the event of
is of such a size as not to accept the noz- accidentally filling with another
zle of this type of petrol. If refuelling with diesel fuel not suitable for type of fuel, do not start the en-
the current temperature, mix diesel fuel with gine and empty the tank. If the en-
The unleaded petrol octane number TUTELA DIESEL ART additive in the pro-
(R.O.N.) used shall not be less than 95. gine has been run even for only a
portions stated on the can, putting first the very short time, in addition to the
IMPORTANT An inefficient catalyst antifreeze in the tank and then the diesel tank, it is also necessary to drain
leads to harmful emission at the exhaust, fuel. out the whole fuel circuit.
thus environment pollution. TUTELA DIESEL ART shall be added to
IMPORTANT Under no circumstances diesel fuel before the due to cold take place.
should conventional leaded petrol be used, Adding it later will be worthless. If driving or
parking the vehicle for a long period in cold REFUELLING
as this would irreparably damage the cata-
lyst. areas/mountains, refuel with the diesel fu- To guarantee full tank filling, carry out two
el available at local filling stations. In this refuelling operations after the first click of
situation you are also recommended to have the fuel delivery gun. Avoid further topping
in the tank an amount of fuel 50% higher up operations that could cause damages to
than usable capacity. the fuel system.

FUEL CAP IMPORTANT The sealing of the tank If required, replace the fu-
may cause light pressurising in the tank. A el cap only with a genuine
The fuel cap (C-fig. 154) is electrically
little breathing off, while slackening the cap, new one to prevent im-
controlled. To open it, press button (D-fig.
is absolutely normal. pairing the petrol vapour system.
155); the flap can be opened only when
the engine is off. After refuelling, turn the cap clockwise and
close the flap.
The fuel cap (A-fig. 154), accessible af-
ter opening the lid (C), is fitted with a catch IMPORTANT For your safety, make sure
to prevent losing it (B) which fastens it to that the fuelling pump nozzle is inserted cor- Should it be not possible to open the fuel
the lid. rectly into the housing, before starting the flap electrically, use the special cable in the
engine. boot (A-fig. 156) to open it manually.
When refuelling, hook the cap to the de-
vice on the inner flap, as illustrated.

Do not put naked flames

or lighted cigarettes near
the fuel filler hole as there
is a danger of fire. Do not bend too
close to the hole either so as not to
breathe in harmful vapours.

A0A0644b A0A1108b A0A0652b

166 fig. 154 fig. 155 fig. 156

ENVIRONMENTAL The devices used to reduce diesel fuel en- DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)


gine emissions are: (for versions/ markets where
PROTECTION applicable)
– oxidising catalyst;
– exhaust gas recirculation system (E. G. R.); The Diesel Particulate Filter is a mechani-
The devices used to reduce petrol engine cal filter, integral with the exhaust system,
emissions are: – diesel particulate filter (DPF). that physically traps particulates present in
– trivalent catalytic converter (catalytic si- the exhaust gases of Diesel engines.
lencer); The diesel particular filter has been adopt-
– Lambda sensors; During normal service the ed to eliminate almost totally particulates in
catalyst and the diesel par- compliance with current / future law regu-
– anti-evaporation system. ticulate filter (DPF) reach lations.
If one or more spark plugs are discon- high temperatures. Do not there-
fore park the car over inflammable During normal use of the car, the engine
nected, do not run the engine, even for a control unit records a set of data (e.g.: trav-
test. materials (grass, dry leaves, pine
needles, etc.): fire hazard. el time, type of route, temperatures, etc.)
and it will then calculate how much partic-
ulates has been trapped by the filter.
Since this filter physically traps particulates,
it shall be cleaned (reclaimed) at regular in-
tervals by burning carbon particles.

Reclaiming procedure is controlled auto- Diesel Particulate Filter clogged
matically by the engine control unit accord-
When the diesel particulate filter is
ing to the filter conditions and the conditions
clogged, the display shows symbol h
of use of the car. During reclaiming the fol-
+ message. In this event keep the engine
lowing phenomena could take place: idling
running until symbol h and message
slight increase, fan activation, slight smoke
turn off.
increase, high exhaust temperatures.
These situations shall not be considered as
faults and they do not affect car perfor-
mance and environment.



STARTING The ignition switch is fitted with a safety STARTING PROCEDURE
device which obliges the driver to return the FOR PETROL VERSIONS
THE ENGINE key to the STOP position before repeat-
ing the starting operation if the engine does IMPORTANT It is important never to
not start immediately. press the accelerator before the engine has
IMPORTANT The car is fitted with an started.
electronic engine lock device. If the engine Similarly, when the engine is running, the
fails to start, see the “Alfa Romeo CODE sys- device prevents the key being moved from 1) Make sure the handbrake is engaged.
tem”. the MAR to the AVV position. 2) Move the gear lever to neutral.
3) Fully depress the clutch pedal, so that
the starter motor is not forced to crank the
We recommend that dur- When the engine is gears.
ing the initial period you do switched off never leave
not drive to full car perfor- the ignition key in the MAR 4) Ensure that the electric systems and de-
mance (for example excessive ac- position to prevent pointless cur- vices, especially if they absorb high quanti-
celeration, long journeys at top rent absorption from draining the ties of energy (e.g. heated rearscreen), are
speed, hard braking etc.). battery. switched off.
5) Turn the ignition key to the AVV po-
sition and release it as soon as the engine
6) If the engine does not start, return the
Running the engine in con- key to STOP, then repeat the procedure.
fined areas is extremely IMPORTANT If it is difficult to start the
dangerous. The engine con- engine do not insist with extended attempts
sumes oxygen and produces carbon which may damage the catalyst, but con-
monoxide which is a highly toxic tact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services.
and lethal gas.

FOR JTD VERSIONS absorb a high amount of energy (climate
– Drive off slowly, at medium revs with-
control, rearscreen heating, etc.) are cut off
1) Make sure the handbrake is engaged. out accelerating abruptly.
automatically during starting.
2) Set the gearshift lever to neutral. – Do not drive at full performance for the
If the engine does not start at the first at-
initial kilometres of the journey. Wait until
3) Turn the ignition key to MAR. The re- tempt, move the ignition key to STOP be-
the engine coolant temperature reaches 50-
configurable multifunction display will show fore repeating starting.
60 °C.
the m warning light. If starting is difficult (with the Alfa Romeo
4) Wait for the m to turn off, which CODE system working properly), do not in-
takes place sooner, the warmer the engine. sist with prolonged attempts.
With the engine very warm the light might Only use an auxiliary battery if the cause
stay on for such a short time as to pass un- is due to low battery charge. Never use a
noticed. battery charger to start the engine.
5) Fully depress the clutch pedal.
6) Turn the ignition key to AVV as soon
as the m warning light has gone out.
Waiting too long, makes the warming work
of the glow plugs useless.



er in particular, but for all
– Release the accelerator pedal and wait If the Alfa Romeo CODE system does not
cars in general, sharp ac-
until the engine reaches idle speed. recognise the code transmitted by the igni-
celerating should be avoided before
tion key (warning light Y on the instru-
– Turn the ignition key to the STOP po- switching the engine off.
ment cluster glowing on steadily) emer-
sition and switch off the engine. A “kick” on the accelerator
gency starting may be carried out using the
serves no purpose, consumes fuel
IMPORTANT After a tiring journey it is code of the CODE card.
pointlessly and may cause serious
advisable to let the engine “get its breath damage to the turbocharger im- For the correct procedure see the chapter
back” allowing it to idle a while to lower the peller bearings. “In an emergency”.
temperature in the engine compartment.

Never push, tow or coast

start the car. This could
cause fuel to flow into the
catalyst damaging it irreversibly.

IMPORTANT If the engine turns off with

the car on the move, the next time it is start-
ed, the Alfa Romeo CODE warning light may
turn on(Y). In this case, check that switch-
ing off and starting the engine again with
the car stationary, the warning light stays
off. If not, contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Remember that the en-
Services. gine brake and power
steering are not opera-
tional until the engine is started,
therefore, much greater effort than
usual is needed on the brake ped-
al and steering wheel.

PARKING REDUCING Electric services
RUNNING COSTS Use electric devices only for the amount of
When the car is parked, proceed as fol- time needed. Rearscreen heating, addition-
AND ENVIRONMENT al headlights, windscreen wipers and heater
POLLUTION fan need a considerable amount of energy,
– Switch off the engine. therefore increasing the requirement of cur-
– Engage the handbrake. rent increases fuel consumption (up to
By following a few simple guidelines, it +25% in the urban cycle).
– Engage first gear if the car is faced up- is possible to save car running costs and re-
hill or reverse if the car is facing downhill. duce harmful emissions. Climate control system
– Turn the front wheels so that the car will The climate control system is a further load
immediately come to a halt if the handbrake GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS
bearing heavily on the engine inducing high-
slips. er consumption levels(up to +20% on av-
Car maintenance erage). Outside temperature permitting,
To take care of the car maintenance have preferably use the air vents.
the checks and adjustments carried out in
accordance with the “Scheduled Mainte- Aerodynamic items
To avoid useless con- nance Programme”.
sumption of power and The use of non-certified aerodynamic items
possible draining of the may adversely affect air drag and con-
Tyres sumption levels.
battery, never leave the ignition
key in the MAR position when the Check the pressure of the tyres routinely
engine is not running. at an interval of no more than 4 weeks: if
the pressure is too low consumption levels
increase as resistance to rolling is higher.
Never leave children un-
attended in the car. Al- Useless loads
ways remove the ignition Never travel with an overload in the boot.
key when leaving the car and take The weight of the car (especially in urban
it with you. traffic), and its geometry heavily affect con-
sumption levels and stability.



Fuel consumption considerably increases
Starting Cold starting
with speed. Maintain an even as possible
Do not warm the engine with the car at a speed, avoiding superfluous braking and ac- Short journeys and frequent cold starts do
standstill or at idle or high speed: under celerating, which cost in terms of both fuel not allow the engine to reach optimum op-
these conditions the engine warms up much and emissions. erating temperature. This results in a sig-
more slowly, increasing electrical consump- nificant increase in consumption levels (from
tion and emissions. It is therefore advisable Acceleration +15 to +30% on the urban cycle) and emis-
to move off immediately, slowly, avoiding sion of harmful substances.
Accelerating heavily taking the engine to
high speeds. This way the engine will warm
a high speed has a considerably adverse ef-
faster. Traffic situations and road
fect on consumption and emission levels;
it is wise to accelerate gradually and not ex-
Pointless manoeuvres
ceed the maximum torque. Rather high consumption levels are tied to
Avoid accelerating when waiting at traffic situations with heavy traffic, for example
lights or before switching off the engine. This in queues with frequent use of the lower
and also double declutching is absolutely gears or in cities with many traffic lights. Al-
pointless on modern cars and also increase so winding mounting roads and rough road
consumption and pollution. surfaces adversely affect consumption.

Gearshifting Stopping in the traffic

As soon as the conditions of the traffic and During prolonged stops (e.g. level cross-
road allow, use a higher gear. ings) it is advisable to switch the engine off.
Using a low gear to obtain brilliant per-
formance increases consumption.
In the same way improper use of a high
gear increases consumption, emissions and
engine wear.

TOWING TRAILERS To make sure the maximum towable INSTALLING
weight is not exceeded (given in the log THE TOW HOOK
book) account should be taken of the fully
laden trailer, including accessories and per- The towing device should be fastened to
IMPORTANT NOTES sonal belongings. the body by specialised personnel according
to the following instructions and any addi-
For towing caravans or trailers the car must Drive within the specific speed limit in tional and/or integrative information sup-
be fitted with a certified tow hook and an every country for car trailers. In any case the plied by the Manufacturer of the device it-
adequate electric system. Installation should maximum speed should never exceed 100 self.
be carried out by specialised personnel who km/h.
release a special document for circulation on The towing device must meet current reg-
the road. ulations with reference to Directive
94/20/CEE and subsequent amendments.
Install any specific and/or additional The ABS system with
rearview mirrors as specified by law. Re- which the car may be fitted For any version the towing device used
member that when towing a trailer, steep does not control the trailer must match the towable weight of the car
hills are harder to climb, the braking spaces braking system. Particular care is on which it is to be installed.
increase and overtaking takes longer de- therefore necessary on slippery For the electric connection a unified con-
pending on the overall weight. surfaces. nector should be used which is generally
Engage a lower gear when driving down- placed on a special bracket normally fas-
hill, rather than constantly using the brake. tened to the towing device itself.
The weight the trailer exerts on the car tow
hook reduces by the same amount the ac-
tual car loading capacity. Under no circumstances
should the car brake sys-
tem be altered to control
the trailer brake. The trailer brak-
ing system must be fully indepen-
dent of the car’s hydraulic system.

For the electrical connection a 7 or 13 pole INSTALLATION LAYOUT After fitting, the fasten-


12VDC connection must be used (CU- (fig. 1) ing screw holes shall be
NA/UNI and ISO/DIN standards) following sealed to prevent exhaust
any reference instructions given by the car The tow hook structure must be fas- gas inlet.
Manufacturer and/or towing device Manu- tened in the points shown by the sym-
facturer. bol Ø using 4 M8 screws and 7 M10
screws. IMPORTANT It is compulsory to fasten
Any electric brake should be supplied directly
The inner plate (2) should have a a label (plainly visible) of suitable size and
by the battery through a cable with a cross-
minimum thickness of 6 mm. material with the following wording:
section of no less than 2.5 mm2. In addition
to the electrical branches, the car electric sys- The inner plate (3) should have a
tem can only be connected to the supply ca- minimum thickness of 4 mm.
ble for an electric brake and to the cable for MAX LOAD ON BALL 60 kg.
an internal light, though not above 15W. The inner plate (4) should have a
minimum thickness of 5 mm.
The fastening points (1) should be fit-
ted with 25 mm x 6 mm spacers.


Existing holes
Existing holes

Existing holes

Fully laden vehicle


2 M10 screws

4 M8 screws
3 M10 screws
2 M10 screws

Standard tow ball

176 fig. 1
WINTER TYRES It is necessary therefore to limit their use SNOW CHAINS


to the purposes for which they are certified.

These tyres are specially designed for dri- IMPORTANT When winter tyres are Use of snow chains should be in compli-
ving on snow and ice, to be fitted in re- used with a maximum speed index below ance with local regulations.
placement of those fitted on the car. the one that can be reached by the car (in-
creased by 5%), place a notice in the pas- For 1.8 T. SPARK, 2.0 JTS and 1.9
Use winter tyres of the same size as nor- senger’s compartment, plainly in the driver’s JTD versions, tyre 195/60 R15 can be
mal tyres provided on the car. view, which states the maximum permissi- fitted with chains (use snow chains with re-
ble speed of the winter tyres (as per EC Di- duced size with max protrusion beyond the
Alfa Romeo Authorised Services will be
rective). tyre profile of 12 mm). Tyres 205/60 R15
pleased to advise you on the choice of the
- 205/55 R16 - 205/55 ZR16 - 215/45
tyre most suited to the use the Customer in- Fit the same type of tyre on all four wheels R17 - 215/45 ZR17 - 225/40 ZR18 can-
tends to make of it. (brand and profile) to ensure higher driving not be fitted with snow chains.
For the type of tyre to be used, inflation safety when braking and good handling.
For 3.2 V6 version, only use spider type
pressures and specifications of winter tyres, Remember that it is inappropriate to chains on tyres 215/45 R17” and
follow the instructions given in the “Tech- change the direction of rotation of tyres. 215/45 ZR 17”. Tyres 225/45 ZR17 -
nical Specifications” chapter.
225/40 ZR18 cannot be fitted with snow
The winter features of these tyres are re- chains.
duced considerably when the tread depth
Lineaccessori Alfa Romeo provides SPIKES
is below 4 mm. In this case, they should be
SPIDER COMPACT chains (model: 17003
compact) with 9 spikes, 16 mm adjustable
Due to the winter features, under normal length and 17 inch wheel cap adapter.
conditions of use or long motorway jour-
Snow chains should only be applied to the
neys, the performance of these tyres is low-
drive wheels (front).
er than that of normal tyres.
Before purchasing or using snow chains,
you are recommended to contact Alfa
Romeo Authorised Services.
Check the tensions of the chain after the
first few metres have been driven.

Deactivate the ASR sys- CAR INACTIVITY – Disconnect the battery negative termi-
tem when snow chains are nal from the battery and check the battery
fitted. Press the ASR-OFF charge. This check should be repeated
button, button led turned on. If the car is to be left inactive for long pe- every three months during stowage.
riods, the following precautions should be Charge the battery if the indicator (where
noted: provided) shows a dark colour in the central
Snow chains cannot be green area.
– House the car under cover in a dry and
fitted to the space-saver
possibly ventilated place. – Do not empty the engine cooling sys-
spare wheel. So, if a front
(drive) wheel is punctured and – Engage a gear. tem.
chains are needed, a rear wheel – Cover the car with a fabric or perforat-
should be fitted to the front of the – Check that the handbrake is not en-
gaged. ed plastic cover. Do not use compact plas-
car (adjust tyre pressure to the tic covers which prevent the humidity on the
specified value as soon as possi- – Clean and protect the paintwork by pro- surface of the car from evaporating.
ble) and the space-saver spare tective wax.
wheel should be fitted to the rear.
This way with two normal drive – Clean and protect the metal polished
wheels, snow chains can be fitted parts with marketed products.
to them to solve an emergency. – Cover the rubber windscreen and
rearscreen wiper blades with talcum powder
and raise them off the glass.
– Open the windows slightly.
Keep your speed
down when snow – Inflate the tyres to a pressure of 0.5 bars
chains are fitted. above normal. If possible rest the tyres on
Do not exceed 50 km/h. Avoid wooden planks and periodically check the
potholes, steps and pavements and pressure.
avoid also to drive for long dis-
tances on roads not covered with – Do not turn on the electronic alarm sys-
snow to prevent damaging the car tem.
and the roadbed.


In an emergency we recommend that you call the freephone number found in the Warranty Booklet.
You can also consult to find Alfa Romeo Authorised Services your nearest

EMERGENCY 3) Fully depress the accelerator pedal and 8) A quick flash of the U warning light
keep it pressed. The U warning light will (for about four seconds) confirms that the
STARTING come on for eight seconds and then go off, operation has been carried out correctly.
now release the accelerator pedal.
9) Start the engine turning the ignition key
If it is not possible to deactivate the engine 4) The U warning light begins to flash: from MAR to AVV without returning the
inhibitor with the Alfa Romeo CODE system, after it has flashed the same number of key to the STOP position.
the Y and U warning lights stay on and times as the first digit on the CODE card,
the engine will not start. Emergency start- Conversely, if the U warning light stays
press the accelerator pedal and keep it
ing is needed to start the engine. on, turn the key to STOP and repeat the
pressed until the U warning light turns on
procedure starting from point 1).
IMPORTANT You are advised to care- (for four seconds) and then goes off; now
fully read the entire procedure before carry- release the accelerator pedal. IMPORTANT After emergency starting
ing it out. If a mistake is made during the it is advisable to contact Alfa Romeo Au-
5) The U warning light starts to flash: af-
emergency procedure, the ignition key should thorised Services, because the emergency
ter the number of flashes corresponding to
be turned to STOP and the operations must procedure must be repeated each time the
the second digit on the CODE card, press the
be repeated from the start (point 1). engine is started.
accelerator pedal and keep it pressed.
1) Read the 5-figure electronic code on the 6) Repeat this procedure for the remain-
CODE card. ing digits on the CODE card.
2) Turn the ignition key to MAR. 7) After entering the last figure, keep the
accelerator pedal pressed. The U warning
light turns on (for four seconds) and then
goes off; now release the accelerator pedal.

STARTING IMPORTANT Do not directly connect the This starting procedure
WITH AN AUXILIARY BATTERY negative terminals of the two batteries: any must be carried out by
sparks may ignite the detonating gas which qualified personnel because
If the battery is flat (for battery with op- could come out of the battery. If the auxil- incorrect operations may cause
tical hydrometer: dark colour without green iary battery is installed on another car, avoid electrical discharge of considerable
area in the centre), it is possible to start the metal parts touching accidentally between intensity. The liquid contained in
engine using an auxiliary battery with the this car and the one with the flat battery. the battery is poisonous and cor-
same capacity or a little higher than the flat rosive. Avoid contact with the skin
one. 3) Start the engine.
and the eyes. Keep naked flames
Proceed as follows (fig. 1): 4) When the engine has started, remove and lighted cigarettes away from
the cables, reversing the sequence followed the battery and do not cause
1) Remove the protective cover on the pos- for connection. sparks.
itive battery post pressing on the opening
catches (front), then connect the positive If after a few attempts the engine does not
terminals (+ sign next to the terminal) of start, do not insist but contact the nearest
the two batteries using a special cable. Alfa Romeo Authorised Service.
2) Connect the end of the second jump Never use a battery
lead to the negative terminal (–) of the aux- charger to start the engine
iliary battery with an earth point E on the as this could damage the
engine or gearbox of the car to be started. electronic systems of your car, par-
ticularly the ignition and fuel sup-
ply control units.

180 fig. 1

Never push, tow or coast If the car is equipped with “Kit for tyre re- Never start the engine
start the car. This could pair Fix&Go“, see the instructions contained with the car jacked.
cause fuel to flow into the in the following chapter. When driving with a trail-
catalyst damaging it irreversibly. er, disconnect the trailer before
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS raising the car. The compact spare
wheel is specific to your car, do not
As an alternative to the FIX & GO, the car use it on other models, or use the
can be provided (upon request) with space- spare wheel of other models on
saver spare wheel or standard wheel; wheel your car.
changing and correct use of the jack call for Should the type of wheels used
some precautions as listed below. be changed (alloy rims instead of
steel), it is also necessary to
change the whole set of fastening
bolts with others of suitable size.
Remember that the en- The compact spare wheel is nar-
gine brake and power rower than normal wheels, it
steering are not opera- Signal the presence of the
should be used only for the dis-
tional until the engine is started, stationary car according to
tance necessary to reach a service
therefore, much greater effort than current regulations: hazard
point to have the punctured tyre
usual is needed on the brake ped- warning lights, reflecting triangle
repaired and, during its use, the car
al and steering wheel. etc.. Any passengers should leave
speed must not exceed 80 km/h.
the car and wait for the wheel to be
changed out of harm of the traffic.
If parked on a slope or rough sur-
face, chock the wheels with
wedges or other suitable devices
to prevent the car from rolling.

The spare wheel has a The life of the spare Snow chains cannot be
sticker that summarises wheel is approx. 3000 km, fitted on the compact spare
the main cautions for use after this distance it should wheel, so, if a front wheel
and limitations. The sticker should be replaced with another of the is punctured and chains need to be
never be removed or covered. The same type. used, the front axle should be fit-
sticker contains the following in Never attempt to fit a conven- ted with normal wheels and the
four languages: tional tyre on a rim designed for compact spare wheel fitted to the
CAUTION! FOR TEMPORARY USE use as a compact spare wheel. rear. This way, with two normal
ONLY! MAX 80 km/h! REPLACE BY Have the punctured wheel repaired wheels at the front, snow chains
NORMAL WHEEL AS SOON AS and refitted as soon as possible. can be fitted thereby solving the
POSSIBLE. DO NOT COVER THIS Two or more compact spare emergency situation.
LABEL IN USE. wheels should never be used to- Never tamper with the inflation
Never fit a wheel cap on a com- gether. valve.
pact spare wheel. Do not grease the threads of bolts Do not insert tools of any kind be-
The car will handle differently before installing them; they might tween the rim and the tyre.
with the spare wheel fitted: avoid slip out. Check, and if necessary, restore
heavy braking and accelerating, The jack only serves for chang- the pressure of the tyres and of the
sharp corners and fast bends. ing wheels on the car with which it compact spare wheel to the values
is provided or on cars of the same given in the “Technical Specifica-
model. It must not be used for oth- tions” chapter.
er purposes such as for instance
raising cars of other models. In no
case should it be used for repairs
under the car.
Incorrect positioning of the jack
may cause the jacked car to fall.
Do not use the jack for higher ca-
pacities than stated on its label.

CHANGING A WHEEL – Stop the car in such a position that it is

– Use handle(A-fig.2) to remove the
not dangerous for the traffic, where it is pos- stiff covering (B).
sible to change the wheel safely. Where pos-
Please be informed that: – Loosen the clamping device (A-fig. 3).
sible, park on a level, compact surface.
– the jack mass is 2.100 kg. – Take out the tool container (B) and take
– Switch off the engine and engage the
it near the wheel to be changed.
– the jack requires no adjustment. handbrake.
– Take the spare wheel (C).
– the jack cannot be repaired. In the event – Engage first gear or reverse.
of breakage, it must be replaced by anoth- – Remove the wheel cap (A-fig. 4) (on-
er original one. ly versions with steel rims)

– no tools other than its operating crank A0A0151b

can be fitted to the jack.

To change a wheel, proceed as follows:

A0A0645b A0A0154b

fig. 2 fig. 3 fig. 4 183

– Using the wrench provided (A-fig. 5), – Make sure that the contact surfaces of REFITTING
loosen the fastening bolts by about one turn. the spare wheel with the hub are clean and A NORMAL WHEEL
free of impurities which may later cause the
– Set the jack under the car, near the – Following the procedure described pre-
fastening bolts to slacken.
wheel to be changed taking care not to dam- viously, raise the car and remove the spare
age the plastic streamlined guard. – Install the spare wheel matching the wheel.
hole (A-fig. 7) with the corresponding pin
– Work the jack crank (A-fig. 6), to ex-
(B). For versions with steel rims:
tend it until the groove (B) on the upper
part of jack is correctly inserted on the low- – Using the wrench provided, fasten the – Fit the normal wheel matching the hole
er profile of the body (C) approx. 40 cm five bolts. (A-fig. 7) with the corresponding pin (B).
from the profile of the wheelhouse.
– Lower the car and remove the jack. – Make sure that the contact surfaces of
– Work the jack and raise the car until the the wheel with the hub are clean and free
– Using the wrench provided, fully tighten
wheel is a few centimetres from the ground. of impurities which may later cause the fas-
the bolts in the sequence shown in fig. 8.
– Completely unscrew the fastening bolts tening bolts to slacken.
and remove the wheel.



184 fig. 5 fig. 6

– Using the wrench provided, tighten the For versions with alloy rims: After refitting a wheel:

fastening bolts.
– Tighten the pin (A-fig. 9) in one of – stow the spare wheel in the space pro-
– Lower the car and remove the jack. the fastening bolt holes on the wheel hub. vided in the boot
– Using the wrench provided, fully tight- – Insert the wheel on the pin and, using – insert the jack in its container forcing it
en the bolts in the sequence shown previ- the wrench provided, tighten the four bolts lightly to prevent it from vibrating when trav-
ously for the compact spare wheel fig. 8. available. This is facilitated by the extension elling
provided (B).
– Place the cap near the wheel so that the – place the tools used in the housings in
inflation valve can come through the slot – Remove the pin (A-fig. 9) and tight- the container
provided on the cap. en the last fastening bolt.
– stow the container complete with tools
– Press the circumference of the cap, start- – Lower the car and remove the jack. on the spare wheel and secure everything
ing from the parts nearest to the inflation with the clamping device (A-fig. 3)
– Using the wrench provided, tighten the
valve until it is inserted completely.
bolts in the sequence shown previously for – correctly re-position the stiff cover.
IMPORTANT Incorrect fitting may cause the compact spare wheel fig. 8.
the wheel cap to come off when the car is

A0A0155b A0A0156b A0A0693b

fig. 7 fig. 8 fig. 9 185

QUICK TYRE The quick tyre repair kit includes: – instruction brochure fig. 11, to be used
for prompt and proper use of the quick re-
REPAIR KIT – bottle A-fig. 10 containing sealer and
pair kit and to be then handed to the per-
fitted with:
FIX&GO automatic sonnel charged with handling the treated
– filler hose B tyre;
The car is equipped with a tyre quick re- – sticker C with caution “max. 80 – a pair of protection gloves located in the
pairing kit called “FIX&GO automatic”, re- km/h”, to be affixed in a visible position side space of the compressor;
placing the tools and the compact spare for the driver (instrument panel) after re-
– adapters for inflating different elements.
wheel usually provided with the car. pairing the tyre;
The kit fig. 10 is placed in the boot. In – compressor D including gauge and con-
the kit container you will also find the screw- nections;
driver and the tow ring.

A0A1095b A0A1096b

186 fig. 10 fig. 11

Hand the instruction IT SHOULD BE NOTICED THAT: The cylinder contains eth-

brochure to the personnel ylene glycol. The cylinder
The sealing fluid of the quick tyre repair kit
charged with treating the contains latex: it can cause
is effective with external temperatures be-
tyre repaired with the kit. allergic reactions. It is harmful if in-
tween –20°C and +50°C. The sealing flu-
gested or inhaled and irritant for
id has limited life.
the eyes and in case of contact. In
case of contact rinse immediately
with water and take off contami-
nated clothes. If swallowed, do not
induce vomit, rinse out the mouth,
drink a lot of water and call the
doctor immediately. Keep away
In the event of a puncture Holes and damages on from children. This product must
caused by foreign bodies, it the tyre side walls cannot not be used by asthmatics. Do not
is possible to repair tyres be repaired. Do not use the inhale vapours. Call the doctor im-
showing damages on the track or quick tyre repair kit if damaging mediately in case of allergic reac-
shoulder up to max 4 mm diameter. is due to running with flat tyre. tions. Keep the cylinder in the
space provided for the purpose and
far from heat. The sealing fluid has
limited life.

Repairs are not possible

in case of damages on the
wheel rim (bad groove dis-
tortion causing air loss). Do not re-
move foreign bodies (screws or
nails) from the tyre.

The compressor shall not INFLATING PROCEDURE – loosen tyre inflation valve cap, take out
be operated for more than the filler hose A-fig. 14 and screw the ring
20 minutes. Risk of over- nut B-fig. 15 on the tyre valve;
heating!. Tyres repaired with the Put on the protection
quick tyre repair kit shall be used gloves provided together
temporarily only. with quick tyre repair kit.


Proceed as follows:
– place the wheel with the valve A-fig.
13 in the position shown in the figure then,
Replace the cylinder if pull up the handbrake, take the repair
sealer has run out. Do not kit and put it on the ground near the in-
throw away the cylinder volved wheel;
and the sealing fluid. Have the
sealing fluid and the cylinder dis-
posed of in compliance with na-
tional and local regulations.
fig. 14
A0A1097b A0A1099b

188 fig. 13 fig. 15

– make sure the compressor switch A- – inflate the tyre to the correct pressure – if after this operation it is still impossi-

fig. 16 is set to 0 (off), start the engine value. Check tyre pressure on gauge B-fig. ble after 5 minutes to reach at least 1.8 bar,
and fit plug A-fig. 17 into the cigar lighter 16 with compressor off to obtain precise do not start driving since the tyre is exces-
outlet and then turn on the compressor by reading; sively damaged and the quick tyre repair kit
setting switch A-fig. 16 to I (on); cannot guarantee suitable sealing, contact
– if after 5 minutes it is still impossible
Alfa Romeo Authorized Services;
to reach at least 1.5 bar, disengage com-
pressor from valve and current outlet, then – once the correct tyre pressure has been
move the car forth for approx. ten metres in reached, start driving immediately;
order to distribute the sealing fluid inside the
tyre evenly, then repeat the inflation oper-

Apply the sticker in a vis-

ible position for the driver
to indicate that the tyre
has been treated with the quick
tyre repair kit. Drive carefully es-
pecially when cornering. Do not ex-
ceed 80 km/h. Avoid heavy brak-
ing and accelerating.
A0A1100b A0A0647b

fig. 16 fig. 17 189

– after driving for about 10 minutes stop – drive with the utmost care to the near- FOR CHECKING AND
and check again the tyre pressure; pull up est Alfa Romeo Authorized Service. RESTORING PRESSURE ONLY
the handbrake;
The compressor can be also used just for
restoring pressure. Disconnect the quick con-
nection A-fig. 18 and connect it directly
If the pressure falls below It is of vital importance to to the tyre valve fig. 19; in this way the
1.8 bars, do not drive any communicate that the tyre cylinder is not connected to compressor and
further: the quick tyre re- has been repaired using the the sealing fluid will not flow into the tyre.
pair kit Fix & Go automatic cannot quick tyre repair kit. Hand the in-
guarantee proper hold because the struction brochure to the personnel
tyre is too much damaged. Contact charged with treating the tyre re-
Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. paired with the kit.

– if at least 1.8 bar pressure is read, re-

store proper pressure (with engine running
and handbrake on) and restart;

A0A1101b A0A1102b

190 fig. 18 fig. 19

CYLINDER REPLACEMENT – fit the new cylinder and turn it clockwise; It is of vital importance to

PROCEDURE communicate that the tyre
– reconnect connection A or hose B into
has been repaired using the
To replace the cylinder proceed as follows: the proper space.
quick tyre repair kit. Hand the in-
– disconnect connection A-fig. 20 and struction sticker to the personnel
hose B; charged with treating the tyre re-
paired with the kit.
– turn counter-clockwise the cylinder to re-
place and raise it;


fig. 20 191
WHEN NEEDING TO Where possible the bulbs Halogen bulbs contain
should be replaced by Alfa pressurised gas which, if
CHANGE A BULB Romeo Authorized Ser- broken, may cause small
vices. The correct operation and po- fragments of glass to be project-
sitioning of the external lights are ed outwards.
vital to the safety of the car and
its passengers and the subject of
specific laws.
Alterations or repairs to
the electric system not car-
ried out correctly and with-
out taking into account the specifi-
cations of the system may cause Halogen bulbs must be
malfunctioning and the risk of fire. handled touching only the
Due to high voltage, the metallic part. If the trans-
bulb of (Xenon) gas-dis- parent bulb is touched with the fin-
charge headlights must on- gers, its lighting intensity is re-
ly be replaced by experts: danger duced and life of the bulb may be
of death! Contact Alfa Romeo Au- compromised. If touched acciden-
thorized Services. tally, rub the bulb with a cloth
moistened with alcohol and allow
to dry.


– When a light is not working, check that Various types of bulbs are fitted to your car: To remove, free it from the clip on
the corresponding fuse is intact before its housing.
A. All glass bulbs
changing a bulb.
These are pressed on. Pull to remove. F. Gas-discharge bulbs
– For the location of fuses, refer to the (Xenon)
B. Bayonet type bulbs
paragraph “In the event of a burnt fuse”
To remove the bulb, slacken the fas-
in this chapter. Press the bulb, turn counter-clockwise
tening ring nut and release the re-
to remove this type of bulb from its
– Before changing a bulb check the con- taining ring.
tacts for oxidation.
C. Tubular bulbs
– Burnt bulbs must be replaced by oth- A0A0503b

ers of the same type and power. Free them from their contacts to re-
– Always check headlight aiming after
changing a bulb to ensure they are safe.

fig. 21 193

High beam D H7 55W

Low beam D H7 55W

Gas-discharge low beam headlights F DS2 35W

Front sidelights B H6W 6W

Foglights E H1 55W

Front direction indicators B PY21W 21W

Side direction indicators A W5W 5W

Rear direction indicators B P21W 21W

Rear sidelights - braking lights B P21/5W 5W/21W

Third stop (additional braking lights) – Led –

Reversing light B P21W 21W

Rear foglights B P21W 21W

Number plate light A W5W 5W

Puddle lights C C5W 5W

Front roof light C C10W 10W

Rear roof light C C10W 10W

Courtesy mirror light A W1.2W 1.2W

Glovebox light A W5W 5W

Boot light C C5W 5W

IF AN EXTERIOR HALOGEN HEADLIGHTS The bulbs are arranged inside the light unit

as follows (fig. 22):
(A) Fog lights.
IMPORTANT For the type of bulb and
power rating, see previous section “When (B) Dipped beam headlights.
GAS-DISCHARGE (XENON) needing to change a bulb”. (C) Sidelights.
HEADLIGHTS The front light units contain the sidelight, (D) Main beam headlights.
dipped beam, main beam and fog light
bulbs. To change the bulbs of the sidelights, low
beams and main beams it is necessary to
remove the cover (A-fig. 23) releasing
Due to high voltage, the the catches (B).
bulb of (Xenon) gas-dis- To change the fog lights, remove the cov-
charge headlights must on- er (C) turning counter-clockwise.
ly be replaced by experts: danger
of death! Contact Alfa Romeo Au-
thorized Services.

A0A0159b A0A0160b

fig. 22 fig. 23 195

After replacement, refit Fog lights (fig. 24) – Fit a new bulb, making the tab of the
the covers correctly check- metal part coincide with the one on the lamp
IMPORTANT When needing to change
ing that they are properly unit, then hook the bulb holder catch (B).
the left bulb, the side trim next to the light
itself needs to be removed to facilitate ac- – Re-connect the electric connector (A).
cess to the engine compartment.
– Refit the protective cover correctly.
To change the bulb, proceed as follows:
– Remove the protective cover turning
– Disconnect the electric connector (A).
IMPORTANT A slight layer of steam – Release the bulb catch (B).
(fogging) can appear on the inside surface – Remove the bulb and replace it.
of the beam transparent cover: this is not
a defect. The presence of condensate traces
in beams is a natural phenomenon, due to
a low temperature and to the degree of hu-
midity in the air. These traces will disappear
when the beams are turned on. Drops of wa-
ter inside the headlight indicate instead wa-
ter infiltration: contact Alfa Romeo Autho-
rised Services.

196 fig. 24
Dipped beam headlights Front side lights (fig. 26) Main beam headlights

(fig. 25) To change the bulb, proceed as follows: (fig. 27)
To change the bulb, proceed as follows: – Remove the protective cover releasing To change the bulb, proceed as follows:
– Remove the protective cover releasing the catches. – Remove the protective cover releasing
the catches. – Using the extension (A), integral with the catches.
– Disconnect the electric connector (A). the bulb holder (B), withdraw the bulb hold- – Disconnect the electric connector (A).
er itself which is snap-fitted.
– Release the bulb catch (B). – Release the bulb catch (B).
– Remove the bulb (C), pushing gently
– Remove the bulb and replace it. and turning counter-clockwise. – Remove the bulb and replace it.
– Fit a new bulb, making the tabs of the – Change the bulb and re-insert the bulb – Fit a new bulb, making the tabs of the
metallic part coincide with the grooves on holder making sure that it clicks into place; metallic part coincide with the grooves on the
the reflector, then hook the bulb holder catch also check that the bulb is in the correct po- reflector, then hook the bulb holder catch (B).
(B). sition looking at the lamp from outside. – Re-connect the electric connector (A).
– Re-connect the electric connector (A). – Refit the protective cover correctly. – Refit the protective cover correctly.
– Refit the protective cover correctly.

A0A0162b A0A0342b A0A0164b

fig. 25 fig. 26 fig. 27 197

INDICATORS – Refit the bulb holder turning counter- (fig. 30)
(fig. 28-29) clockwise and check that it is secured cor- – Push the transparent cover towards the
To change the bulb, proceed as follows: rectly; rear of the car to compress the catch (A).
– Refit the transparent. Release the front part and remove this unit.
– Using the screwdriver provided, remove
the transparent unit operating on the two – Turn the bulb holder (B) counter-clock-
metal clips as shown in the figure; wise and remove it from the cover.
– Turn the bulb holder clockwise (A) and – Remove the snap-fitted bulb and replace it.
remove it; – Insert the bulb holder (B) in the trans-
– Remove the bulb (B) pushing gently parent cover, then position the unit mak-
and turning counter-clockwise; ing sure the catch clicks into place (A).

A0A0625b A0A0626b A0A0166b

198 fig. 28 fig. 29 fig. 30

REVERSING LIGHT To change the bulb, proceed as follows: REAR DIRECTION INDICATORS

AND REAR FOG GUARDS – from the bumper lower side (fig. 31), AND REAR SIDELIGHTS-
(fig. 31-32) operate on the bulb holder (A-fig 32) turn- BRAKING LIGHTS (fig. 33-34)
The reverse light and the rear fog light ing it counter-clockwise and remove it. Take The rear direction indicators and the side-
(both reverse lights for Mexico version) are care not to get burnt if the muffler is still hot; lights-braking lights are in the tail light unit
housed inside the light unit secured to the – Remove the bulb pushing gently and fastened to the body.
rear bumper and are located at the bottom turning counter-clockwise; To change the bulb, proceed as follows:
– Replace the bulb, then refit the bulb – From inside the boot, open the com-
holder. partment (A-fig. 33) and then the door
Anyway, you are advised to have this op- (B) through the tab (C);
eration carried out by Alfa Romeo Authorised – Turn the bulb for sidelight and braking
Services. light counter-clockwise (D-fig.34), or the
bulb for the direction indicator (E-fig.34)
and remove it;

A0A0627b A0A0628b A0A0629b

fig. 31 fig. 32 fig. 33 199

– Withdraw the light (F or G) push it gen- NUMBER PLATE LIGHTS ADDITIONAL BRAKING LIGHT
tly and turn counter-clockwise; (fig. 35) (THIRD STOP) (fig. 36-37)
– Replace the bulb; To change the bulbs, proceed as follows: To change the led unit, proceed as follows:
– Refit the bulb holder turning clockwise – Work on the transparent cover frame, – Open the tailgate and use a screwdriv-
and make sure it is secured correctly; in the point shown by the arrow to compress er to open the two covers (A-fig. 36);
– Refit the door (B) and close the com- the catch (B). Free the opposite end and re-
– Slacken the two fastening screws of (B)
partment (A). move the unit.
the led unit;
– Turn the bulb holder counter-clockwise (A)
and remove it from the transparent cover.
– Remove the snap-fitted bulb and replace it.
– Insert the bulb holder (A) in the trans-
A0A0630b parent cover then refit the unit checking that A0A0631b

the catch clicks into place (B).


200 fig. 34 fig. 35 fig. 36

– disconnect the connector (C-fig. 37), PUDDLE LIGHTS (fig. 38) IF AN INTERIOR

remove the led unit (D) and replace it with (per versions/market where
a new unit; provided) LIGHT GOES OUT
– Refit the unit on the tailgate reversing To change the bulb, proceed as follows:
the above mentioned procedure.
– Open the door and slacken the screw FRONT ROOF LIGHT
(A) fastening the transparent covers. (fig. 39-40)
– Remove the unit composed of the two To change the bulbs, proceed as follows:
transparent covers then change the bulb, re-
leasing it from the side contacts making sure – Remove the light unit (A) levering in
that the new bulb is correctly clamped be- the points shown by the arrow (in corre-
tween the contacts. spondence with the retainer catches).

– Realign the two transparent covers and – Open the protective cover (B).
tighten the fastening screw (A). – Replace the bulb concerned releasing it
from the side contacts making sure that the
new bulb is correctly clamped between the

A0A0632b A0A0174b A0A0175b

fig. 37 fig. 38 fig. 39 201

– Close the protective cover (B). REAR ROOF LIGHT – Refit the light unit in the correct position
(fig. 41-42) inserting first the side with the connector,
– Refit the light unit pressing gently in cor-
then pressing the other side until the catch
respondence with the retainer catches, un- To change the bulb, proceed as follows: clicks into place (B).
til hearing the click.
– Remove the light unit (A) levering in
the point shown by the arrow.
– Replace the bulb releasing it from the
side contacts making sure that the new bulb
is correctly clamped between the contacts.

A0A0176b A0A0177b A0A0178b

202 fig. 40 fig. 41 fig. 42


– Put the bulb holder correctly (C) back
LIGHT (fig. 43-44) in its housing.
To change the bulb, proceed as follows:
To change the bulb, proceed as follows: – Refit the transparent cover (B) insert-
– Open the glovebox, then remove the
ing it in its correct position firstly on one end
– Open the mirror cover (A). light unit (A) levering in the point shown by
and then on the other until it clicks into
the arrow.
– Remove the transparent cover (B) lev- place.
ering in the point shown by the arrow. – Open the protection (B) and change the
snap-fitted bulb.
– Gently raise the bulb holder (C) from its
housing, remove the snap-fitted bulb and – Close the protection (B) on the trans-
change it. parent cover.

A0A0179b A0A0180b A0A0181b

fig. 43 fig. 44 fig. 45 203

– Refit the light unit inserting it in its cor- BOOT LIGHT (fig. 47-48) – Replace the bulb (B-fig. 48) releas-
rect position firstly on one end and then on ing it from the side contacts, making sure
To change the bulb, proceed as follows:
the other until it clicks into place. that the new bulb is correctly clamped be-
– Open the tailgate; tween the contacts;
– Remove the light unit (A-fig. 47) lev- – Refit the light unit inserting it in its cor-
ering in the point shown by the arrow; rect position firstly on one end and then on
the other until it clicks into place (C).

A0A0182b A0A0648b A0A0649b

204 fig. 46 fig. 47 fig. 48


in, do not attempt any re-
GENERAL (B) - Undamaged fuse pair and contact Alfa Romeo Au-
thorised Services.
The fuse is a protective device for the elec- (C) - Fuse with damaged filament.
tric system: it comes into action (i.e. it cuts
Remove the blown fuse using the pincer
off) mainly due to a fault or improper action
provided (D), in the control box.
on the system.
When a device does not work, check the
efficiency of its fuse. The conductor ele-
ment(A-fig. 49) must be intact; if not, re-
place the fuse with one of the same amp Never replace a fuse with Before replacing a fuse,
rating (same colour). metal wires or anything make sure the ignition key
else. Always use an intact has been removed and that
fuse of the same colour. all the other services are switched
off and/or disengaged.


Never replace a fuse with If a fuse blows again,

another with a higher amp contact an Alfa Romeo Au-
rating; DANGER OF FIRE. thorised Service.

fig. 49 205
Alfa GT fuses are located in three fuse To locate the protection fuses, consulting
boxes set on the dashboard, on battery pos- the summary table on the following pages,
itive terminal and near the battery. refer to the following illustrations fig. 52,
fig. 53 and 54.
To gain access to the fuses in the fuse box
on the dashboard, loosen the two retain-
ers (A-fig. 50) and remove the protective
cover (B).
To gain access to the fuses in the fusebox
on the battery post, remove the protective
cover pressing the opening catches (front). fig. 51
Access is gained to the control box next to
the battery releasing the perimetral catches
(A-fig. 51) and removing the protective
cover (B).


206 fig. 50 fig. 52 - Fuse box on the dashboard

A0A0137b A0A0215b

fig. 53 - Fuse box near the battery fig. 54 - Fuse box on battery positive terminal


Hazard warning lights 52 F53 10

Right dipped-beam headlight 52 F12 10

Left dipped-beam headlight 52 F13 10

Right main-beam headlight 53 F14 10

Left main-beam headlight 53 F15 10

Foglights 53 F30 15

Braking light 52 F37 10

Reversing light 52 F35 7.5

+30 direction indicators 52 F53 10


Selespeed transmission pump 53 F03 (MAXI-FUSE) 30

Additional heater 54 F73 (MAXI-FUSE) 30

Headlight aiming device 52 F13 10

Climate control system 52 F31 7.5

Climate control system 52 F39 15

Climate control compressor 53 F19 7.5

Heater unit relay coils 52 F31 7.5


Key-operated +30 52 F32 15

Selespeed transmission 52 F32 15

Selespeed transmission 52 F51 7.5

Radio 52 F39 15

Navigator 52 F39 15

Rearscreen heating 52 F40 30

Windscreen - rearscreen washer (pump) 52 F43 30

Cigar lighter 52 F44 20

Seats with electric heating 52 F45 15

Heated wing mirrors – heated nozzles 52 F41 7.5

Cruise control 52 F35 7.5

Central door locking 52 F38 20

Headlight washer 53 F09 20

Services + 30 52 F39 15

Primary services (electronic injection) 53 F17 7.5

Secondary services (electronic injection) 53 F11 15

Secondary services 52 F49 7.5


Volumetric sensors 52 F39 15

ESP system sensor 52 F42 7.5
Steering angle sensor 52 F42 7.5
EOBD system diagnosis socket 52 F39 15
Cell phone provision 52 F39 15
Driver’s door control unit supply 52 F47 20
Passenger’s door control unit supply 52 F48 20
Control lighting 52 F49 7.5
Climate control system control lighting 52 F35 7.5
Instrument cluster 52 F37 10
Instrument cluster 52 F53 10
Driver’s door control unit 52 F39 15
ABS control unit 52 F42 7.5
ABS control unit 53 F04 (MAXI-FUSE) 50
Dashboard control unit 53 F02 (MAXI-FUSE) 50
Air - bag control unit 52 F50 7.5
Electronic injection control unit +30 53 F18 7.5
Engine compartment control box (petrol versions) 54 F70 (MEGA-FUSE) 125
Dashboard control unit 54 F71 (MAXI-FUSE) 70
Trailer control unit 52 F36 10


Climate control fan 53 F05 (MAXI-FUSE) 40
Radiator fan (first speed - petrol versions) 53 F06 (MAXI-FUSE) 30
Radiator fan (second speed - petrol versions) 53 F07 (MAXI-FUSE) 50
Horn 53 F10 15
Fuel pump 53 F21 15
Injectors (petrol versions) 53 F22 15
Ignition coils 53 F21 15
Tailgate electric unlocking 52 F60 (*) 25
Electronic injection system 53 F16 7.5
Bose system 52 F61 (*) 15
Bose system 52 F62 (*) 15
Additional heater 53 F08 30
Ignition switch 54 F72 (MAXI-FUSE) 30
Glow plug warming (JTD versions) 53 F01 (MAXI-FUSE) 50
Heated fuel oil filter (JTD versions) 53 F20 20
Engine compartment control box (JTD versions) 54 F70 (MEGA-FUSE) 150
Radiator fan (first speed – JTD versions) 53 F06 (MAXI-FUSE) 40
Radiator fan (second speed – JTD versions) 53 F07 (MAXI-FUSE) 60
Injectors (JTD versions) 53 F22 20

(*) Fuse behind dashboard control box on an auxiliary bracket.

IN THE EVENT OF A FLAT BATTERY The liquid contained in the
battery is poisonous and
corrosive. Avoid contact
Before anything else, you are advised to Charge the battery as follows: with the skin or eyes. The battery
read the precautions for preventing the bat- should be charged in a well venti-
– Disconnect the battery negative termi- lated place, away from naked
tery from draining and for ensuring long life
nal (–). flames or possible sources of
in the “car maintenance” chapter.
– Connect the charger cables to the bat- sparks: danger of explosion and
tery terminal ensuring that the bias is cor- fire.
IMPORTANT The battery charging pro-
cedure is described only for information pur- – Turn on the charger.
poses. This operation should be carried out – After charging, turn off the charger be-
by Alfa Romeo Authorised Services. fore disconnecting it from the battery.
Charging should be slow at a low amp rat- – Re-connect the battery negative termi-
ing for 24 hours. Charging for a longer time nal (–).
may damage the battery.

Do not attempt to charge

a frozen battery: it must
firstly be thawed, other-
wise it may burst. If freezing has
occurred, the battery should be
checked by skilled personnel to
make sure that the internal ele-
ments are not damaged and that
the body is not cracked, with the
risk of leaking poisonous and cor-
rosive acid.

IF THE CAR IS TO BE TOWED Before starting to tow,

turn the ignition key to
MAR and back to STOP,
The tow ring supplied with the car is – Firmly screw the ring in its housing. again without removing it. Re-
housed in the tool box under the boot mat. moving the key automatically en-
gages the steering lock resulting in
To install the tow ring, proceed as follows: the impossibility to steer the
– Take the tow ring from the tool box. wheels. When towing remember
Before tightening the ring that without the help of the engine
– Remove the cover (A) snap-fitted on brake and power steering greater
the front (fig. 55) or rear (fig. 56) carefully clean the thread-
ed housing. Before begin- effort is required on the pedal and
bumper. To do this, using the flat-bladed steering wheel. Do not use flexible
screwdriver provided, protect the tip with a ning to tow the car, make sure that
the ring is firmly tightened in its cables for towing and avoid jerks.
soft cloth to avoid damaging the car. During towing operations make
threaded housing.
sure that fastening the joint to the
car does not damage the compo-
nents in contact with it. When tow-
ing the car, it is compulsory to fol-
low specific traffic regulations con-
cerning both the towing device and
behaviour on the road.

A0A0650b A0A0670b

fig. 55 - front fig. 56 - rear 213

Do not start the engine IF THE CAR IS TO BE LIFTED
when towing the car.

The car may fall if the jack These points are identified by symbol ▼
is not positioned correctly. on the bottom of the sidemember.
Never use the jack for
IMPORTANT For versions with Sele- higher capacities than the one stat-
speed transmission, make sure that the ed on the label.
gears are in neutral (N) (checking that the
car moves if pushed) and then proceed as Take care when position-
for towing a normal car with mechanical ing the arms of the lift or
transmission, following the instructions giv- workshop lift to avoid dam-
en previously. USING AN ARM LIFT OR aging the side strips.
Should it be impossible to set the gears to WORKSHOP LIFT
neutral, do not tow the car and contact Al- The car must only be lifted laterally posi-
fa Romeo Authorised Services. tioning the ends of the arms or the workshop
lift in the areas illustrated, approx. 40 cm from
the profile of the wheelhouse (fig. 57).


214 fig. 57
IN THE EVENT – In motorways pileups, especially with IF PEOPLE ARE INJURED

poor visibility, the risk of being involved in
OF AN ACCIDENT other crashes is high. Leave the car imme-
– An injured person must never be aban-
doned. Helping is compulsory also for per-
diately and go beyond the guard-rail.
sons not directly involved in the accident.
– It is important to keep calm. – If doors are blocked, do not try to get
– Do not crowd around injured people.
– If you are not directly involved, stop at out of the car breaking the windscreen which
least a few dozen metres away from the ac- is stratified. The windows and rear screen – Reassure the injured person that help
cident. are easier to break. is on the way, and stay near to overcome
any panic.
– On motorways, stop without blocking – Remove the ignition key of the cars in-
the emergency lane. volved. – Release or cut the seat belt restraining
injured persons.
– Turn the engine off and the hazard warn- – If you note a smell of fuel or other chem-
ing lights on. ical products, do not smoke and have a cig- – Do not give injured persons anything
arette stubbed out. to drink.
– At night, illuminate the place of the ac-
cident with the headlights. – To put out fires, even small ones, use – An injured person should never be
the extinguisher, blankets, sand, or earth. moved except in the following circum-
– Take care, do not risk being run over. stances.
Never use water.
– Signal the accident placing the triangle – Remove an injured person from the car
at regulation distance in a clearly visible – If use of the lighting system is not nec-
only in danger of fire, sinking or falling.
place. essary, disconnect the battery negative ter-
When removing an injured person: do not
minal (–).
– Call the emergency organisation, giving pull the limbs or bend the head and keep
the most accurate information possible. On the body as horizontal as possible.
motorways use the special phones provid-
In addition to the first-aid kit, it is also
wise to keep an extinguisher and a blan-
ket in the car.


SCHEDULED It is however wise to remember that Pro- If during each operation, in addition to the
grammed Maintenance does not complete- ones programmed, the need arises for fur-
SERVICING ly cover all the car’s requirements: also in ther replacements or repairs, these may be
the initial period before the 20,000 km ser- carried out only with the explicit agreement
Correct maintenance is determined in en- vice coupon and later, between one coupon of the customer.
suring long car life under the best conditions. and another, ordinary care is still necessary
IMPORTANT You are advised to contact
such as for example routinely checking and
This is why Alfa Romeo has programmed Alfa Romeo Authorised Services in the event
topping up the level of fluids, checking the
a series of checks and maintenance opera- of any minor operating faults, without wait-
tyre pressure, etc...
tions every 20,000 km. ing for the next service coupon.
IMPORTANT The Programmed Mainte-
IMPORTANT On versions fitted with re- nance coupons are specified by the Manu-
configurable multifunction display, at 2000 facturer. The failure to have them carried out
km from the maintenance deadline, the dis- may invalidate the warranty.
play will show “REFER TO SERVICE MANU-
AL” which is shown again turning the igni- The Programmed Maintenance service is
tion key to MAR, every 200 km. For fur- carried out by all Alfa Romeo Authorised Ser-
ther details, see “Service” in the “Recon- vices, at pre-established times.
figurable multifunction display”.


Thousands of km 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Check tyre conditions/wear and adjust pressure if necessary ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Check operation of lighting system (headlights, direction indicators,
hazard warning lights, boot, passenger compartment, glovebox lights, warning lights, etc..) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Check operation of windscreen washer system, adjust spray jets ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Check position/wear of windscreen/rearscreen wiper blades ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Check operation of front disk brake pad wear indicator ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Check wear conditions of rear disk brake pads ● ● ● ●
Sight check the conditions of: body exterior, underbody protection, stiff pipes
and hoses (exhaust - fuel supply - brakes), rubber parts
(boots - sleeves - bushes etc..) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Check cleanness of locks, bonnet and boot and lever cleanness, and lubrication ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Sight inspect accessory drive belt conditions ● ●
Check handbrake lever stroke adjustment ● ● ● ●
Change air cleaner cartridge (petrol versions) ● ● ● ●

Change air cleaner cartridge (JTD versions) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Top up fluid levels (engine coolant, brakes, windscreen washer, battery, etc..) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Thousands of km 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Check and if necessary top up the Selespeed automatic transmission oil level
(2.0 JTS versions) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Sight check for conditions of timing gear drive toothed belt (3.2 V6 and JTD versions) ● ●
Check emissions/smoke at the exhaust (JTD versions) ● ● ● ●
Check operation of engine control system (through diagnosis socket) ● ● ● ●
Check mechanical transmission oil level ● ●
Change counter-rotating shaft drive belt ●
Change timing gear drive belt (1.8 T.SPARK and 2.0 JTS versions) (*) ● ● ●
Change timing gear drive belt (3.2 V6 and JTD versions) (*) ●
Change accessory poly-V drive belt ●
Change spark plugs (petrol versions) ●
Change engine oil and oil filter (petrol versions) (or every 24 months) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Change engine oil and oil filter (diesel with DPF versions)(**)
(or every 24 months)
Change engine oil and oil filter (diesel without DPF versions)(**)
(or every 24 months) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Change brake fluid (or every 24 months) ● ● ●
Change fuel filter (JTD versions) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Change pollen filter (or every year) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
(*) Regardless of the km covered, the timing belt shall be replaced every 4 years for particularly demanding use (cold climates, driving in the city, idling for a long time) or in any case every 5 years.
(**) Engine oil and oil filter shall actually be changed according to the conditions of use of the car and it is indicated by the relevant warning light or message (where provided) on the instrument panel
(see “Warning lights and messages” paragraph).
If the car is used mainly on urban routes or if the yearly kilometres travelled are less than 10,000 km, the engine oil and filter must be changed every 12 months.
ANNUAL INSPECTION – Sight check for conditions of: engine, ADDITIONAL

gearbox, transmission, pipes (exhaust - fu-
PROGRAMME el supply - brakes), rubber parts (boots - OPERATIONS
sleeves - bushes etc..), brake and fuel sup-
For cars with an annual mileage ply system hoses Every 1000 km or before long journeys,
of below 20,000 km (for example – Check battery charge check and if necessary top up:
about 10,000 km) the following
– Sight check for conditions of various dri- – engine coolant fluid level
yearly inspection programme is ad-
vised: ve belts – brake/hydraulic clutch control fluid level
– Check tyre conditions/wear and if nec- – Check and if necessary top up fluid lev- – power steering fluid level
essary adjust the pressure (including spare els (engine coolant, brakes, windscreen
wheel) washer, battery etc. ) – windscreen washer and headlamp wash-
er fluid level
– Check operation of lighting system – Change engine oil and oil filter
(headlights, direction indicators, hazard – tyre pressure and conditions.
– Change pollen filter.
warning lights, boot, passenger compart- Every 3000 km check and if necessary
ment, glovebox lights, warning lights, etc.) top up the engine oil level.
– Check operation of windscreen wiper The use of FL Selenia products is rec-
system, spray jet adjustment ommended which have been designed and
– Check windscreen blade position/wear made expressly for Alfa Romeo cars (see
“Refuelling” in the “Technical Specifica-
– Check front disk brake pad conditions tions” chapter).
and wear
– Check cleanness of bonnet and boot
locks, and lever cleanness and lubrication.

Engine oil Diesel filter Air cleaner
Should prevailing use of the car be under The variety of the degree of purity of the Using the car on dusty roads change the
one of the following specially heavy condi- fuel oil in commerce may make it necessary air cleaner more frequently than specified in
tions: to change the fuel oil filter more frequently the Schedule Maintenance Programme.
than stated in the Scheduled Maintenance
– trailer or caravan towing For any doubts concerning the intervals be-
Programme. If the engine is “sobbing” it
tween the engine oil and air cleaner re-
– dusty roads is a sign that the filter needs changing.
placement in relation to how the car is used,
– short distances (less than 7-8 km) re- contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services.
peated and with external temperatures be-
low zero
– frequently idling engines or long distance
low speed driving or in case of a long term
replace engine oil more frequently than re-
quired on the Scheduled Maintenance Pro-

IMPORTANT IMPORTANT Car maintenance should be

Battery Pollen filter entrusted to Alfa Romeo
Authorised Services. For
It is advisable to check the battery charge, If the car is used frequently in dusty or
routine and minor maintenance op-
preferably at the onset of winter, to prevent heavily polluted environments it is advisable
erations you wish to carry out
the possibility of the electrolyte freezing. to replace the filtering element more fre-
yourself, always make sure you
quently; in particular it should be replaced if
This check should be carried out more fre- have the proper equipment, genuine
a reduction of the amount of air admitted to
quently if the car is used mainly for short Alfa Romeo spares and the neces-
the passenger compartment is noted.
trips, or if it is fitted with accessories that sary fluids; do not however carry
permanently absorb electricity even with the out these operations if you have no
ignition key removed, especially in the case experience.
of after market accessories.
If the car is used in hot climates or partic-
ularly harsh conditions it is wise to check the
level of the battery fluid (electrolyte) more
frequently than specified in the Scheduled
Maintenance Programme.


Never smoke while work-

ing in the engine compart-
ment; gas and inflammable
vapours may be present, with the
risk of fire.

When topping up take fig. 1 - 1.8 T. SPARK version

care not to confuse the var-
ious types of fluids: they
are incompatible with one anoth-
er and could seriously damage the

1 Engine oil - 2 Battery - 3 Brake fluid -

4 Windscreen/rear window/headlight
washer fluid - 5 Engine coolant - 6 Power
steering fluid - 7 Selespeed transmission oil
(2.0 JTS Selespeed versions)

fig. 2 - 2.0 JTS version


1 Engine oil - 2 Battery - 3 Brake fluid -
4 Windscreen/rear window/headlight
washer fluid - 5 Engine coolant - 6 Power
steering fluid

fig. 3 - 3.2 V6 version


1 Engine oil - 2 Battery - 3 Brake fluid -

4 Windscreen/rearscreen/headlamp wash-
er fluid - 5 Engine coolant fluid - 6 Power
steering fluid
fig. 4 - JTD 16V version 223
ENGINE OIL (fig. 5-6-7-8) When the engine is hot, If the oil level is near or even below the
take care when working MIN mark, add oil through the filter neck
The engine oil should be checked with the
inside the engine compart- (B), until reaching the MAX mark.
car on a level surface a few minutes (about
ment to avoid burns. Remember
5) after the engine has been switched off. IMPORTANT If a routine check reveals
that when the engine is hot, the
that the level is above the MAX mark, con-
Remove the dipstick (A), clean it, put it fan may cut in: danger of injury.
tact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services to have
back in completely, remove it and check that
the correct level restored.
the level is within the MIN and MAX
marks on the dipstick. The interval between IMPORTANT After topping up the oil,
the MIN and MAX marks correspond to before checking the level again, run the en-
about one litre of oil. gine a few seconds and wait for a few min-
A0A0682b utes after stopping it.

Never add oil with char-

acteristics (classification,
viscosity) which are differ-
ent from those of the oil already in
the circuit.

fig. 6 - 2.0 JTS version

A0A0737b A0A0406b A0A0398b


224 fig. 5 - 1.8 T. SPARK version fig. 7 - 3.2 V6 version fig. 8 - JTD 16V version
Engine oil consumption SELESPEED TRANSMISSION – after refitting the cap, insert the

OIL (fig. 9) breather tube firmly on the housing on the
Max engine oil consumption is usually 400
cap and turn the ignition key to STOP.
grams every 1000 km. The Selespeed transmission oil should be
During the initial period of use the engine checked with the car on a level surface and
settles, therefore engine oil consumption with the engine stopped and cold.
may be considered stabilised only after the To check the level, proceed as follows: Do not add oil with spec-
first 5000 ÷ 6000 km. ifications other than that
– turn the ignition key to MAR;
IMPORTANT Engine oil consumption de- already in the gearbox.
pends on the way of driving and the condi- – disconnect the breather tube and re-
tions of use of the car. move the cap (A) checking that the level
corresponds with the MAX mark on the dip-
stick integrated with the cap;
Used gearbox oil contains
– if the oil is below the MAX mark, top dangerous substances for
up to reach the correct level; the environment. For chang-
ing the oil we advise contacting Al-
Used engine oil and filter fa Romeo Authorised Services who
contain harmful substances are equipped for disposing of used
for the environment. Con- oil respecting nature and the law.
tact Alfa Romeo Authorised Ser-
vices to have the oil and the filter
changed, as they are equipped to
dispose of the waste oil and filters A0A0197b

respecting nature and the law. Be very careful working

inside the engine compart-
ment if the engine is hot:
danger of burns. Remember that
the fan may cut in if the engine is
very hot: danger of injury.

fig. 9 225
ENGINE COOLANT FLUID If the level is low, loosen the header tank The cooling system is
(fig. 10) cap (A) and slowly pour a mixture of 50% pressurised. If necessary,
distilled water and 50% PARAFLU UP FL replace the cap only with
Selenia through the filler neck until near- another genuine one, otherwise
Do not remove the cap ing the MAX mark. system efficiency could be compro-
when the engine is hot: The antifreeze mixture of 50% PARAFLU mised. Do not remove the reservoir
danger of burns. UP and 50% distilled water guarantees pro- cap when the engine is hot: you
tection down to –35 °C. risk scalding yourself.

The level of the coolant in the header tank

(reservoir) should be checked with the en-
gine cold and the car on a level surface and
it should be between the MIN and MAX The cooling system uses
marks on the tank. PARAFLU UP antifreeze.
Do not add fluid having dif-
ferent specifications from that al-
ready existing. PARAFLU UP can-
not be mixed with other types of
fluids. Should other fluids be
added, do not start the engine and
contact Alfa Romeo Authorized
A0A0240b Services as soon as possible.

226 fig. 10
POWER STEERING FLUID If the oil level in the reservoir is below the BRAKE AND HYDRAULIC

(fig. 11) specified one, top up only with one of the CLUTCH FLUID (fig. 12)
products listed in the “Fluids and lubricants”
Check that the level of the oil in the reser- table in the “Technical specifications” chap- Check that the fluid level in the reservoir
voir is at maximum. ter proceeding as follows: is at maximum. Top up with the brake fluid
specified in the table “Fluids and lubricants”
This operation should be carried out with – Start the engine and wait for the oil lev- (see section “Technical specifications").
the car on a level surface and the engine el in the reservoir to stabilise.
switched off and cold. NOTE Clean accurately the tank cap A
– With the engine running, turn the steer- and the surrounding surface. When opening
Check that the level reaches the MAX ing wheel lock to lock a few times. the cap take the utmost care to prevent im-
mark on the reservoir or coincides with the
– Top up to the MAX level notch, then purities entering the tank. When topping up,
upper notch (maximum level) on the dip-
refit the cap. always use a funnel with built-in filter with
stick (A) integral with the reservoir cap.
mesh equal to or lower than 0.12 mm.
IMPORTANT For this operation it is
however recommended to contact Alfa
Romeo Authorised Services.
Do not allow the power
steering fluid to touch hot
parts of the engine: it is in-

Oil consumption is very A0A0217b

low; if topping up again is

needed shortly afterwards,
have the system checked for pos-
sible leaks by Alfa Romeo Autho-
rised Services.

fig. 11 fig. 12 227

Make sure that the high- IMPORTANT Brake and hydraulic clutch – 50% of TUTELA PROFESSIONAL
ly corrosive brake fluid fluid is hygroscopic (i.e. it absorbs moisture). SC 35 and 50% water in winter;
does not drip onto the For this reason, if the car is mainly used in
– in the case of temperatures below
paintwork. If it does, wash it off areas with a high degree of atmospheric hu-
immediately with water. midity, the fluid should be replaced at more
SC 35 fluid neat.
frequent intervals than specified in the
Scheduled Maintenance Programme.
Some commercial addi-
Brake and clutch fluid is WINDSCREEN/REARSCREEN tives for windscreen wash-
poisonous and highly cor- HEADLIGHT WASHER FLUID ers are inflammable. The
rosive. In the event of ac- (fig. 13) engine compartment contains hot
cidental contact, wash the parts Open the cap (A) and check the level in components which may set it on
concerned immediately with neu- the reservoir. fire.
tral soap and water, then rinse
thoroughly. See a doctor at once if If necessary top up using a mixture of wa-
the fluid is swallowed. ter and TUTELA PROFESSIONAL SC
35 fluid as follows:
Do not travel with the
– 30% of TUTELA PROFESSIONAL windscreen washer reser-
SC 35 and 70% water in summer; voir empty: the action of
The π symbol on the con- the windscreen washer is funda-
tainer indicates synthetic mental for improving vision.
brake fluid, distinguishing A0A0242b
it from the mineral kind. Using min-
eral fluids irreversibly damages the
special braking system rubber To avoid damaging the
seals. pump motor, do not use the
washers when the reservoir is

228 fig. 13
AIR CLEANER If the car is habitually DIESEL FUEL FILTER

used in dusty areas, the (diesel versions)
cleaner should be replaced
The air cleaner is connected to the tem- at shorter intervals than those
perature and air flow sensors which send specified in the Programmed Main- DRAINING CONDENSATION
to the control unit the electric signals need- tenance Schedule. WATER
ed for correct operation of the injection and
ignition system.
It must therefore always be in perfect con- The presence of water in
ditions, to ensure correct operation of the the supply circuit may
engine, low consumption and exhaust emis- cause serious damage to
sion levels. the entire injection system and
Any attempt to clean the
cause irregular running of the en-
cleaner may damage it,
gine. If the warning message +
leading to serious engine
symbol are shown on the recon-
figurable multifunction display con-
If the operations concern- tact Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser-
ing cleaner replacement de- vices as soon as possible to have
scribed below are not car- the system relieved. If warning in-
ried out correctly and with the due dications turn on after refuelling,
precautions, they may compromise water has probably been poured
the travelling safety of the car. You into the tank: turn the engine off
are recommended to have this op- immediately and contact Alfa
eration carried out by Alfa Romeo Romeo Authorized Services.
Authorised Services.

POLLEN FILTER BATTERY Batteries contain sub-
stances that are very harm-
ful for the environment. You
Have the dust/pollen filter checked once The battery is of the “Limited mainte- are advised to have the battery
a year by Alfa Romeo Authorised Services, nance” type: under normal conditions of use changed at Alfa Romeo Authorized
preferably at the onset of summer. the electrolyte does not need topping up Services, which are properly
with distilled water. equipped for disposing of used bat-
If the car is mainly used in dusty or heav-
ily polluted areas, the filter should be Contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services to teries respecting nature and the law.
changed at more frequent intervals than have the battery checked/replaced.
specified in the Scheduled Maintenance Pro- If the car is to remain sta-
gramme. tionary for a long time in
very cold weather, remove
IMPORTANT The failure to replace the Incorrect fitting of electri- the battery and take it to a warm
pollen filter can considerably reduce the ef- cal accessories can serious- place, otherwise it might freeze.
fectiveness of the climate control system. ly damage the car. If after
buying the car, you wish to install
electric accessories (alarm, sound
system, radiotelephone, etc.) con- When doing any work on
tact Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- the battery or near it, al-
vices who will be able to suggest ways wear special protec-
the most suitable devices and tive goggles.
above all advise about the need to
use a more powerful battery.

The liquid in the battery is

poisonous and corrosive.
Avoid contact with eyes
and skin. Do not bring naked
flames or possible sources of
sparks near to the battery: risk of
fire and explosion.

230 fig. 14
Working with a low fluid CHARGING THE BATTERY – After charging, turn off the charger be-

level may damage the bat- fore disconnecting it from the battery.
IMPORTANT The battery charging pro-
tery irreversibly, even
cedure is described only for information pur- – Re-connect the battery negative termi-
causing it to burst.
poses. This operation should be carried out nal (–).
by Alfa Romeo Authorised Services.
Charging should be slow at a low amp rat-
The battery charge may be checked ing for 24 hours. Charging for a longer time
through the indicator A (where required) may damage the battery.
set on the battery cover and acting accord-
Charge the battery as follows: Never attempt to charge
ing to the colour the indicator shows.
a frozen battery: it must
– Disconnect the battery negative termi-
Should the battery be not fitted with bat- firstly be thawed, other-
nal (–).
tery charge inspection device (optical elec- wise it may burst. If freezing has
trolyte indicator), inspection operations shall – Connect the charger cables to the bat- occurred, the battery should be
be carried out by skilled personnel only. tery terminal ensuring that the bias is cor- checked before charging by spe-
rect. cialised personnel, to make sure
Refer to the table below or to the label that the internal elements are not
(fig. 15) on the battery itself. – Turn on the charger. damaged and that the body is not
cracked, with the risk of leaking
poisonous and corrosive acid.


Brilliant Contact Alfa Romeo

Top up the electrolyte
white colour Authorised Services

Dark colour Charge the battery

without green Low charge level (you are advised to contact
area in the centre Alfa Romeo Authorised Services)

Dark colour with green Sufficient electrolyte

No action
area in the centre level and charge
fig. 15 231
IMPORTANT If the battery is kept with Proceed as follows with doors closed: – When leaving the car parked in a
a charge of below 50% it is damaged by sul- garage, make sure that the doors, bonnet,
1. open completely the driver’s window
phation, its starting capability is reduced and boot and interior lids are properly shut to
keeping the button pressed for at
it is also more subject to the possibility of prevent lights from staying on.
least 3 seconds after full opening;
freezing (this may occur already at -10 °C).
– Before carrying out any work on the
In the event of a prolonged inactivity, refer 2. close completely the driver’s window
electric system, disconnect the negative ca-
to the paragraph “car inactivity”, in the keeping the button pressed for at
ble from the battery.
chapter “Correct use of the car”. least 3 seconds after full closing;
– If after buying the car, you wish to in-
3. proceed as described in points 1 and
CHANGING stall electric accessories which require a per-
2 also for the passenger’s side;
THE BATTERY manent electric supply (alarm, voice feature,
4. check for proper initialisation by oper- radionavigator with satellite antitheft func-
When changing the battery it should be re- ating the windows in automatic. tion etc.) or accessories that burden the elec-
placed with another original one with the tric system, contact Alfa Romeo Authorised
same characteristics. If it is replaced by a Services whose qualified personnel, in ad-
battery with different characteristics, the dition to suggesting the most suitable de-
maintenance intervals given in the Sched- THE LIFE OF YOUR BATTERY
vices belonging to Lineaccessori Alfa Romeo,
uled Maintenance Programme in this chap- To avoid rapidly draining the battery and will evaluate the overall electric absorption,
ter are no longer valid and for maintenance ensure that it continues to work correctly, checking whether the car’s electric system
it will be necessary to follow the battery the following should be noted: is capable of withstanding the load required,
Manufacturer’s instructions. or whether it should be integrated with a
– The terminals must always be firmly
more powerful battery. In fact, as some of
IMPORTANT Lacking power to control tightened.
these devices continue absorbing energy
units (e.g. battery change/disconnection
– As far as possible, avoid keeping ser- even when the ignition key is off (car sta-
and replacement of power window control
vices on for a long time with the engine tionary, engine off), they gradually drain the
unit protection fuses), window automatism
stopped (radio, hazard lights, parking lights, battery.
must be reset.

The maximum absorption of all the ac- WHEELS AND TYRES Incorrect pressure causes abnormal tyre

cessories (standard and fitted afterwards) wear:
should be 0,6 mA x Ah (of the battery), as
(A): normal pressure: tread evenly worn.
shown in the following table:
TYRE PRESSURE (B): low pressure: tread particularly worn
Check the tyre pressure of every wheel, in- at the edges.
cluding the spare, every two weeks and be- (C): high pressure: tread particularly worn
Battery Maximum permissible fore a long journey. The pressure should be in the centre.
loadless absorption checked with the tyre rested and cold.
Tyres should be changed when the tread
60 Ah 36 mA
It is normal for the pressure to increase thickness is reduced to 1.6 mm.
when the car is in use; for the correct tyre
70 Ah 42 mA inflation pressure, see “Wheels” in the In any case follow local regulations.
“Technical Specifications” chapter.

You are also reminded that services with

high current absorption switched on by the
user, such as for example: baby bottle warm-
ers, vacuum cleaner, mobile phone, mini
fridge, etc., quicken the battery drain- A0A0225b

ing process if they are turned on with the

engine off or running at idle speed.
IMPORTANT When installing addition-
al systems on the car, bear in mind that im-
proper branches on connections of the car
wiring are dangerous, particularly if safety
devices are involved.

fig. 16 233
holding also depends on
– Where possible, avoid sudden braking,
correct tyre inflation pres-
tyre squealing starts, violent bumps against As far as the brake system and fuel sup-
kerbs, potholes or obstacles of various kinds. ply rubber hoses are concerned, carefully fol-
Prolonged driving on rough roads may dam- low the Scheduled Maintenance Pro-
age the tyres; gramme. Indeed, ozone, high temperatures
– Routinely check the tyres for cuts on the and the prolonged lack of fluid in the sys-
sides, swellings or uneven tread wear. If nec- Excessive low pressure tem may cause hardening and cracking of
essary contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Ser- causes overheating of the the hoses, with possible leaks. Careful con-
vices; tyre with the possibility of trol is therefore necessary.
– Avoid overloading the car when travel- serious damage to it.
ling: this may cause serious damage to the
wheels and tyres;
– If a tyre is punctured, stop immediate-
ly and change it to avoid damage to the tyre Do not cross switch the
itself, the rim, suspensions and steering sys- tyres, moving them from
tem; the right of the car to the
– Tyres age even if they are not used left and vice versa.
much. Cracks in the tread rubber are a sign
of aging. In any case, if the tyres have been
on the car for over 6 years, they should be
checked by specialised personnel, to see if
they can still be used. Also remember to Alloy rim painting involv-
check the compact spare wheel; ing temperatures exceed-
ing 150 °C should be
– In case of replacement, always fit new
avoided since wheel mechanical
tyres, avoiding those of dubious origin;
characteristics could be impaired.

WINDSCREEN/REAR Changing the windscreen SPRAY NOZZLES (fig. 18)

wiper blade (fig. 17)
SCREEN WIPERS If the jet of fluid is inadequate, firstly check
that there is fluid in the reservoir: see
How to remove the blade
BLADES “Checking levels” in this chapter.
Proceed as follows:
Periodically clean the rubber part using spe- Then check that the nozzle holes are not
cial products; TUTELA PROFESSIONAL – raise the windscreen wiper arm (A); clogged, if necessary use a needle.
SC 35 is recommended. – turn the blade (B) 90° around the pin If necessary, direct the jet of fluid work-
If the rubber blades are bent or worn they (C) set at wiper arm end; ing on the adjustment screw.
should be replaced. In any case they should – remove the blade from pin (C).
be changed once a year.
A few simple notions can reduce the pos- How to refit the blade
sibility of damage to the blades: Proceed as follows:
– If the temperature falls below zero make – fit pin (C) into the hole set in the mid-
sure that ice has not frozen the rubber dle of the blade (B);
against the glass. If necessary, thaw using
an antifreeze product. – refit the wiper arm with the blade on
the windscreen.
– Remove any snow from the glass: in ad-
dition to protecting the blades, this prevents
effort on the motor and overheating.
A0A0728b A0A0696b
– Do not operate the windscreen and
rearscreen wipers on dry glass.

Driving with worn wiper

blades is a serious hazard,
because visibility is re-
duced in bad weather.

fig. 17 fig. 18 235

(fig. 19) – Painting products and systems which
give the car particular resistance to corrosion
Regularly check that the spray jets are in- PROTECTION FROM and abrasion.
tact and clean. ATMOSPHERIC AGENTS – Use of galvanised (or pretreated) steel
If it is necessary to direct the jet, contact The main causes of corrosion are: sheets, with high resistance to corrosion.
an Alfa Romeo Authorized Service. – atmospheric pollution – Spraying of the underbody, engine com-
partment, wheel arches and other parts with
– salty air and humidity (coastal areas, or highly protective wax products.
hot humid climates)
– Spraying of plastic parts, with a protec-
– seasonal environment conditions. tive function, in the more exposed points:
Not to be underestimated is also the abra- underdoor, inner wheel arch linings, etc.
sive action of wind-borne atmospheric dust – Use of “open” boxed sections to pre-
and sand and mud and gravel raised by oth- vent condensation and pockets of moisture
er cars. from triggering rust inside.
On your car, Alfa Romeo has implement-
ed the best manufacturing technologies to CAR EXTERIOR AND
effectively protect the bodywork against cor- UNDERBODY WARRANTY
Your car is covered by warranty against
A0A0704b perforation due to rust of any original ele-
ment of the structure or body. For the gen-
eral terms of this warranty, refer to Alfa
Romeo Warranty booklet.

236 fig. 19
ADVICE FOR PRESERVING To correctly wash the car: Where possible, do not park under trees;

THE BODYWORK the resinous substances many species re-
1) Remove the aerial from the roof to pre-
lease give the paint a dull appearance and
vent damage to it if the car is washed in
Paint increase the possibility of triggering the rust
an automatic system.
The paintwork does not only serve an 2) Spray the car with a low pressure jet of
aestethic purpose but also protects the un- IMPORTANT Bird droppings must be
derlying sheet metal. washed off immediately and thoroughly as
3) Pass a sponge moistened with a light the acid they contain is particularly aggressive.
In the case of deep scrapes or scores, you detergent solution, rinsing the sponge fre-
are advised to have the necessary touch- quently.
ing up carried out immediately to avoid the
formation of rust. 4) Rinse well with water and dry with a
jet of air or chamois leather.
Only original products should be used for
touching up paint (see “Body paint identi- When drying, take particular care with the Detergents cause water
fication plate” in the “Technical Specifica- less visible parts like door surrounds, bon- pollution. Therefore the car
tions” chapter). net and around the headlights where wa- should be washed in areas
ter may stagnate. The car should not be tak- equipped for collecting and purify-
Normal paint maintenance consists in en to a closed area immediately, but left in ing the liquid used in the washing
washing at intervals depending on the con- the open so that residual water can evapo- process.
ditions and environment of use. For exam- rate.
ple, in highly polluted areas, or if the roads
are sprayed with salt, it is wise to wash the Do not wash the car after it has been left
car more frequently. in the sun or with the bonnet hot: this may
alter the shine of the paintwork.
Exterior plastic parts must be cleaned in
the same way as the rest of the car.

Windows Engine compartment INTERIOR FITTINGS
Use specific products to clean the windows. At the end of the winter the engine com-
Use clean cloths to avoid scratching or al- partment should be carefully washed, with- Periodically check that water is not trapped
tering the transparency of the glass. out directing the jet against electronic con- under the mats (due to water dripping off
trol units. Contact a specialised workshop to shoes, umbrellas, etc.) which could cause
IMPORTANT The inside of the
have this done. oxidisation on the sheet metal.
rearscreen should be wiped gently with a
cloth in the direction of the filaments to
avoid damaging the heating device.
Detergents cause water Never use inflammable
Front headlights products like fuel oil ether
pollution. Therefore the en-
IMPORTANT Do not use aromatic sub- gine compartment should or rectified petrol for clean-
stances (e.g. petroleum) or ketones (e.g. be washed in areas equipped for ing inside the car. The electrostat-
acetone) to clean the front headlight plas- collecting and purifying the liquid ic charges generated when rubbing
tic transparents. used in the washing process. to clean may cause fire.

IMPORTANT The car should be washed

with the engine cold and the ignition key at
STOP. After washing make sure that the
various protections (e.g. rubber caps and CLEANING SEATS AND FABRIC
various covers) have not been damaged or AND VELVET PARTS
– Use a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner to
remove dust. Velvet is cleaned better if the
brush is moistened.
– Rub the seat with a sponge moistened
with a solution of water and neutral deter-


– Remove dried on dirt with a lightly For routine cleaning of interior plastic parts KNOB WITH GENUINE LEATHER
moistened chamois leather or cloth with- use a soft cloth moistened with water and COVERING
out pressing too hard. neutral soap. Remove grease or persisting These components shall only be cleaned
stains using appropriate solvent-free prod- with water and neutral soap. Never use spir-
– Remove liquid and grease stains with
ucts designed to preserve appearance and it or alcohol-based products.
a dry absorbent cloth without rubbing. Then
colour of plastic components.
wipe with a soft cloth or chamois leather Before using special products for cleaning
with water and neutral soap. If the stain per- IMPORTANT Never use spirit or petro- interiors, read carefully label instructions and
sists, use specific products, carefully follow- leum to clean the glass of the instrument indications to make sure they are free from
ing the instructions for use. panel or other plastic components. spirit and/or alcohol-based substances. If
IMPORTANT Never use spirit or alco- when cleaning the windscreen with special
holbased products, even in small percentage. glass products, some drops fall on the
leather covering of the steering wheel/gear
lever knob remove them immediately and
then clean with water and neutral soap.
IMPORTANT Take the utmost care
when engaging the steering lock to prevent
Fabric upholstery of your Do not keep aerosol cans scratching the leather covering.
car is purpose-made to in the car. There is the risk
withstand common wear they might explode. Aerosol
resulting from normal use of the cans must never be exposed to a
car. It is however absolutely nec- temperature above 50°C. The tem-
essary to prevent hard and/or pro- perature inside the car might go well
longed scratching/scraping caused beyond that figure when exposed
by clothing accessories like metal- to the sun’s rays.
lic buckles, studs, “Velcro” fixings,
etc. that stressing locally the fabric
could break yarns and damage the
upholstery as a consequence.


This (fig. 2) is to be found on the front (F) Space for punching manufacturer’s
You are advised to note the identification crossmember of the engine compartment. name.
codes. The identification datastamped and
given on the labels and their position are It contains the following information:
the following (fig. 1): (A) Space for details of national ho- BODYWORK LABEL
1 - Identification label mologation This is located in the engine bay, to one
(B) Space for punching the consecutive side of the upper right shock absorber (fig.
2 - Body label chassis number 3) and contains:
3 - Bodywork paint identification label (C) Space available for maximum – Type of vehicle: ZAR 937.000
4 - Engine label. weights authorised by various na-
tional regulations – Manufacturer’s serial number (chassis
(D) Space for version and any supple-
mentary indications to those specified

A0A0654b A0A0246b A0A0247b

240 fig. 1 fig. 2 fig. 3


The label (fig. 4) is on the inner left edge Engine code Body versions
of the tailgate. It contains the following in-
A. Paint manufacturer. 1.8 T SPARK AR32205 937CXR1A 26
B. Name of colour.
2.0 JTS 937A1000 937CXH1A 22
C. Colour code.
D. Indication on the type of product to be 2.0 JTS 932A2000 937CXT1A 29
used for touching-up. (for special markets)

2.0 JTS Selespeed 937A1000 937CXH11 23

Theengine marking is stamped on the 3.2 V6 936A000 937CXP1B 25
gearbox side of the crankcase, in corre-
spondence with the exhaust manifold. JTD 16V 937A5000 937CXN1B 24D


fig. 4 241
1.8 T. SPARK 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS (**) 3.2 V6 JTD 16V
2.0 JTS
Code type AR32205 937A1000 932A2000 936A000 937A5000
Cycle Otto Otto Otto Otto Diesel
Number and position of cylinders 4 in line 4 in line 4 in line 6 in 60° V 4 in line
Piston bore and stroke mm 82.7 83 x 91 83 x 91 93 x 78 82 x 90.4
Total displacement cm3 1747 1970 1970 3179 1910
Compression ratio 11.5 : 1 11.5 : 1 11.5 : 1 10 : 1 17.5 : 1
Maximum horsepower (EEC):
kW 103 121 119 176,5 110
HP 140 165 163 240 150
at rpm 6500 6400 6400 6200 4000
Maximum torque (EEC):
Nm 163 206 201 300 305
kgm 16.6 21 20 30.6 31
at rpm 3900 3250 3250 4800 2000
Fuel Unleaded Unleaded Unleaded Unleaded Diesel fuel for motor
petrol petrol petrol petrol vehicles
95 RON 95 RON 95 RON 95 RON (Specification EN 590)

(*) There are two different spark plugs for each cylinder, one per type (**) For versions/markets where applicable

To change plugs contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services.


1.8 T. SPARK 2.0 JTS 3.2 V6 JTD 16V

Supply Multipoint electronic injection Direct electronic injection Direct electronic injection Common Rail direct injection
with supercharging

Alterations or repairs to the fuel supply system carried out incorrectly and without taking account of
the technical features of the system, may cause operating faults with the risk of fire.

1.8 T. SPARK 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS Selespeed 3.2 V6 JTD 16V

Gearbox Five forward gears plus Five forward gears plus Five forward gears and Six forward gears plus Six forward gears plus
reverse with reverse with reverse with electronic reverse all synchronised reverse
synchronisers for synchronisers for forward control system all synchronised
forward speeds speeds

Clutch Dry single disk with Dry single disk with Dry single disk with Dry single disk with Dry single disk with
hydraulic control hydraulic control electrohydraulic control hydraulic control hydraulic control

Drive Front Front Front Front Front

FRONT WHEEL DRIVE WITH Alfa Q2 features front wheel drive with This type of differential enables to exploit
SELF-LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL front mechanical self-locking differential LSD the tyre-road grip at the best even under
(upon request for versions/ (Limited Slip Differential). Torque level be- poor grip conditions: the driver is however
markets where applicable) tween right and left wheel is modulated ac- charged with observing common safety rules
cording to the TORSEN B front differen- since road safety is always the driver's re-
Alfa Q2 characteristics are such as to tial grip. Mechanical modulation is continu- sponsibility.
guarantee top performance with whatever ous and gradual thus optimizing drive under
road condition. whatever running condition and guarantee-
ing smooth drive, high stability and keeping
top comfort conditions.


1.8 T. SPARK - 2.0 JTS - 3.2 V6 - JTD 16V

Service brakes:
– front Disk

– rear Disk

Parking brake Controlled by hand lever, acting on the rear brakes

1.8 T. SPARK - 2.0 JTS - 3.2 V6 - JTD 16V

Front quadrilateral system with stabiliser bar

Rear Mc Pherson type

1.8 T. SPARK - 2.0 JTS - 3.2 V6 - JTD 16V

Type rack and pinion with hydraulic power steering

Turning radius
(between pavements) m 11.5

Pressed steel rim. (fig. 5)
Below, please find the instructions need-
RIMS AND TYRES WHEEL GEOMETRY ed to understand the meaning of the code
stamped on the tyre.
Pressed steel or alloy rims. Front wheel toe-in measured from rim to
rim: –1 ±0.6 The code may be in one of the ways giv-
Radial tubeless tyres. en in the example.
The log book shows all the homologated The values refer to the vehicle travelling.
IMPORTANT In the event of any dis-
crepancies between this Handbook and the 205/55 R 16 91 W
vehicle Log Book, only the latter should be or
205/55 ZR 16
While the specified dimensions remain the
same, for driving safety, the vehicle must be
fitted with tyres of the same brand and type 205 = Nominal width (S, distance in
on all wheels. mm between sides).
IMPORTANT Do not use inner tubes 55 = Percentage height/width (H/S)
with Tubeless tyres. ratio.
A0A0465b R = Radial tyre.
ZR = Radial tyre, with speed over 240
16 = Rim diameter in inches (Ø).
91 = Load index (capacity), e.g. 91 =
615 kg. Not present in ZR tyres.
W, Z = Maximum speed index. In ZR
tyres the speed index Z is before
the R.
246 fig. 5
Load index (capacity) Maximum speed index CORRECT RIM READING

60 = 250 kg 85 = 515 kg Q = up to 160 km/h. Below, please find the instructions needed
to understand the meaning of the code
61 = 257 kg 86 = 530 kg R = up to 170 km/h
stamped on the rim, as shown in (fig. 5).
62 = 265 kg 87 = 545 kg S = up to 180 km/h.
63 = 272 kg 88 = 560 kg
T = up to 190 km/h.
64 = 280 kg 89 = 580 kg
U = up to 200 km/h. Example:
65 = 290 kg 90 = 600 kg
66 = 300 kg 91 = 615 kg H = up to 210 km/h. 6,5 J x 15 H2 ET 43
67 = 307 kg 92 = 630 kg V = over 210 km/h.
68 = 315 kg 93 = 650 kg ZR = over 240 km/h.
69 = 325 kg 94 = 670 kg 6,5 = rim width in inches (1)
W = up to 270 km/h.
70 = 335 kg 95 = 690 kg J = rim drop centre outline (side pro-
Y = up to 300 km/h.
71 = 345 kg 96 = 710 kg jection where the tyre bead
72 = 355 kg 97 = 730 kg rests) (2)
Maximum speed index
73 = 365 kg 98 = 750 kg for snow tyres 15 = rim nominal diameter in inches
74 = 375 kg 99 = 775 kg (corresponds to diameter of the
Q M + S = up to 160 km/h.
tyre to be mounted) (3 = Ø)
75 = 387 kg 100 = 800 kg
T M + S = up to 190 km/h.
76 = 400 kg 101 = 825 kg H2 = “hump” shape and number (relief
77 = 412 kg H M + S = up to 210 km/h. on the circumference holding the
102 = 850 kg
Tubeless tyre bead on the rim).
78 = 425 kg 103 = 875 kg
ET 43 = camber angle (distance between
79 = 437 kg 104 = 900 kg
disk/rim line and wheel rim cen-
80 = 450 kg 105 = 925 kg tre line)
81 = 462 kg 106 = 950 kg
82 = 475 kg
83 = 487 kg
84 = 500 kg
1.8 T SPARK 2.0 JTS JTD 16V 3.2 V6 “Black Line” “Collezione”
and “Q2” versions
Standard 6 1/2 J x 15 7 J x 16 6 1/2 J x 15 7 1/2 J x 17 8J X 18 7J X 17
fittings 7 J x 16 7 J x 17 () 7 J x 16
Rims 7 J x 17 () 7 1/2 J x 17 () 7 J x 17 ()
7 1/2 J x 17 () 7 1/2 J x 17 ()
Tyres 205/60 R15 91V (•) 205/55 R16 91W (•) 205/60 R15 91V (•) 225/45 ZR17 91Y 225/40ZR 18 92Y (•) 215/45 R 17 87W (•)
205/55 R16 91V (•) 205/55 ZR16 (•) 205/55 R16 91W (•) (Pirelli Pzero Rosso) (•) (Michelin Pilot Sport2) (*)
205/55 ZR16 (•) 215/45 R17 87W () 205/55 ZR16 (•) (*) 225/45 ZR17 225/40 ZR 18 92Y (•)
215/45 R17 87W () 215/45 R17 87W () (Bridgestone S-02) (•) (*) (Pirelli P Zero Rosso) (*)
Compact spare
– Rim 4J x 15 4J x 15 4J x 15 (***) 4J x 15 4J x 15
– Tyre 125/80 R15 125/80 R15 125/80 R15 125/80 R15 125/80 R15
Fittings 6 /2 J x 15
6 /2 J x 15
6 /2 J x 15
6 /2 J x 15
6 1/2 J x 15
on request
Rims 7 J x 17 7 J x 17 7 J x 17 7 1/2 J x 17 7 J x 16 7 J x 16
8 J x 18 8 J x 18 8 J x 18 8 J x 18 7 J x 17 8 J x 18
Tyres 195/60 R15 88V (**) 195/60 R15 88V (**) 195/60 R15 88V (**) 215/45 R17 87W (**) 195/60 R15 88V (**) 195/60 R15 88V (**)
215/45 R17 87W (•) 215/45 R17 87W (•) 215/45 R17 87W (•) 215/45 R17 87W 205/55 R16 91V (•) 205/55 R16 91V (•)
215/45 ZR17 87W 215/45 ZR17 87W 215/45 ZR17 87W (Pirelli P7000) (*) (**)
(Pirelli P7000) (•) (*) (Pirelli P7000) (•) (*) (Pirelli P7000) (•) (*) 215/45 R17 87W (•) 225/40 R18 92Y (•)
215/45 ZR17 87Y (Michelin Pilot Sport2) (*)
215/45 ZR17 87Y 215/45 ZR17 87Y 215/45 ZR17 87Y (Good Year Eagle F1) (*)
(Good Year Eagle F1) (•) (Good Year Eagle F1) (•)(*) (Good Year Eagle F1) (**)225/40 ZR18 92Y 225/40 ZR18 92Y (•)
(*) 225/40 ZR18 92Y 225/40 ZR18 92Y (•) (*) 225/40 ZR18 92Y (Michelin Pilot (Pirelli P Zero Rosso) (*)
(Michelin Pilot Sport 2) (Michelin Pilot (Michelin Pilot Sport 2) Sport 2) (•) (*)
225/40 ZR 18 92Y (•) Sport 2) (•) (*) 225/40 ZR 18 92Y (•) 225/40 ZR 18 92Y (•)
(Pirelli P Zero Rosso) (*) 225/40 ZR 18 92Y (•) (Pirelli P Zero Rosso) (*) (Pirelli P Zero Rosso) (*)
(•) (*) 205/60 R15 91V (Pirelli P Zero Rosso) (*) (•) (*) 205/60 R15 91V
(Michelin Pilot (Michelin Pilot
Primacy) (•) (*) Primacy) (•) (*)
Winter 195/60 R15 88Q (M+S) 195/60 R15 88Q (M+S) 195/60 R15 88Q (M+S) 215/45 R17 87H (M+S) 195/60 R15 88Q (M+S) 195/60 R15 88Q (M+S)
tyres 205/55 R16 91T (M+S) 205/55 R16 91T (M+S) 205/55 R16 91T (M+S) 225/45 ZR17 91H (M+S) 205/55 R16 91T (M+S) 205/55 R16 91T (M+S)
215/45 R17 87H (M+S) 215/45 R17 87H (M+S) 215/45 R17 87H (M+S) 215/45 R17 87H (M+S) 215/45 R17 87H (M+S)
(•) Unchainable tyres () For versions/markets where applicable (*) Size certified and admitted only for the specified tyres
(**) IMPORTANT Tyres that can be fitted with chains; see paragraph “Snow chains” in section “Correct use of the car”
248 (***) The compact spare wheel cannot be used on this version

Tyres reduced load full load
front rear front rear

195/60 R15 bar 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.5

205/60 R15 bar 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6

205/55 R16 bar 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6

205/55 ZR16 bar 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6

215/45 R17 bar 2.4 2.3 2.7 2.6

225/45 ZR17 bar 2.5 2.4 2.8 2.7

225/40 ZR18 bar 2.5 2.4 2.8 2.7

Compact spare wheel

125/80 R15 bar 4.2 4.2

With the tyre hot the inflating pressure should be +0.3 bar compared with the specified rating
With winter tyres the inflation pressure should be +0,2 bar compared with the specified rating


1.8 T. SPARK 2.0 JTS 2.0JTS 3.2 V6 JTD 16V


Maximum speed in km/h 200 216 216 243 209

The sizes are
in mm and
refer to the car fitted with
standard tyres.
Slight changes with
optional tyres.
Height with
unladen vehicle.

Capacity .................................. 320 dm3

Capacity with rear seat back

rest folded ................................ 905 dm3
fig. 5

1.8 T. SPARK - 2.0 JTS 4489 967 2596 926 1362 1763 1524 1510

3.2 V6 4489 967 2596 926 1355 1763 1524 1510

JTD 16V 4489 967 2596 926 1366 1763 1524 1510

1.8 T. SPARK 2.0 JTS 3.2 V6 JTD 16V

Weight empty (including fluids, 90% fuel

in the tank and no optional) kg 1290 1320 1410 1320

Payload (*) including

driver kg 520 520 520 520

Max permissible
weights (**):
– front axle kg 980 980 1040 990
– rear axle kg 980 980 980 980
– total kg 1810 1840 1930 1885

Towable weights:
– braked trailer kg 1300 1300 1400 1300
– trailer without brake kg 400 400 400 400

Maximum load on ball

(braked trailer) kg 60 60 60 60

(*) With special equipment (trailer towing device, etc.) the loadless weight increases, thereby reducing the payload, with regard to the maximum permissi-
ble loads.

(**) Loads not to be exceeded. It is the driver’s responsibility to place goods in the boot and/or on the loading surface in accordance with the maximum
permissible loads.

1.8 T. 2.0 2.0 JTS 3.2 V6 JTD 16V Recommended products and
SPARK JTS Selespeed genuine lubricants
Fuel tank: litres 63 (▲) 63 (▲) 63 (▲) 63 (▲) 63 (■) (▲) Unleaded petrol with no less than
– including a reserve of litres 7 (▲) 7 (▲) 7 (▲) 7 (▲) 7 (■) 95 R.O.N
(■) Diesel fuel for motor vehicles
(Specification EN590)
Engine cooling Mixture of distilled water
system litres 7.2 7.2 7,2 7.2 7.2 and PARAFLU UP at 50%
Oil sump and filter litres 4.4 (❏) 4.4 (❍) 4.4 (❍) 5.9 (❍) 4.5 (●) (❏) SELENIA 20 K for Alfa Romeo
Mechanical transmission/
differential litres 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 TUTELA CAR TECHNYX
Selespeed transmission litres – – 0.6 – – TUTELA CAR CS SPEED
Hydraulic power steering litres 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 TUTELA GI/A
Hydraulic brake circuit TUTELA TOP 4
with ABS litres 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 for Alfa Romeo
Windscreen washer and rearscreen Mixture of water and fluid
washer fluid reservoir litres 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 TUTELA
– with headlamp washer litres 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 PROFESSIONAL SC 35

Use Fluid and lubricant specifications Genuine fluids Change
for correct car operation and lubricants intervals

Lubricants for
petrol engines Synthetic-based oils, grade SAE 10W-40 SELENIA 20K for As per Service
1.8 T. SPARK FIAT 9.55535-G2 qualification ALFA ROMEO Schedule

Lubricants for
petrol engines Synthetic-based oil, grade SAE 10W-60 SELENIA RACING As per Service
2.0 JTS - 3.2 V6 FIAT 9.55535-H3 qualification Schedule

Lubricants for Synthetic-based oil, grade SAE 5W-40 SELENIA WR As per Service
Multijet engines FIAT 9.55535-N2 qualification. Schedule

Should non-genuine products be used, lubricants with minimum ACEA A3 properties for petrol engines and ACEA B4 for Diesel engines are tolerated; in this
event top engine performance is not guaranteed.
Using low-quality products, not compliant with ACEA A3 and ACEA B4 properties and specifications could cause engine damages not covered by warranty.
For very cold temperatures, consult Alfa Romeo Authorised Services for the proper Selenia product to use.

Use Fluid and lubricant specifications Genuine fluids Applications
for correct car operation and lubricants

Synthetic-based oil, grade SAE 75W-85 TUTELA Mechanical gearbox and

that passes API GL-4 PLUS, FIAT 9.55550 CAR TECHNYX differential

Lubricant for automatic transmissions that passes TUTELA GI/A Hydraulic power steering
“ATF DEXRON II D LEV” specification
Lubricants and greases for
Specific fluid for gear selector electrohydraulic actuators TUTELA CAR CS SPEED Selespeed
electrohydraulic actuator

Molibdenum disulphide, lithium soap based grease. TUTELA STAR 500 CV joints
on wheel side

Synthetic fluid, F.M.V.S.S. n. 116, DOT 4, ISO 4925, SAE J-1704 TUTELA TOP 4 Brake and clutch
Brake fluid
for Alfa Romeo hydraulic controls

Protective with antifreeze action, red colour based on inhibited monoethylen PARAFLUUP Cooling circuits.
glycol and organic formula, that passes CUNA NC 956-16, Proportion:
Protective agent for radiators ASTM D 3306 specifications 50% down to –35° C.
Not to be mixed with
products having different

Windscreen and rear window Mixture of alcohol and surfactants CUNA NC 956-11 TUTELA To be used diluted or
washer fluid PROFESSIONAL SC 35 undiluted


The fuel consumption figures given in the – extra-urban cycle: frequent accel- IMPORTANT The type of route,
table below are determined on the basis of erating in all gears, simulating extraurban traffic situations, weather conditions,
the homologation tests set down by specif- use of the car; the speed varies between 0 driving style, general conditions of
ic European directives. and 120 km/h; the vehicle, trim level/equip-
ment/accessories, load, presence of
The procedures below are followed for – combined consumption: is calcu- a roof rack, use of the climate con-
measuring consumption: lated weighing about 37% of urban cycle trol system, other situations that af-
consumption and about 63% of extraurban fect air drag may lead to different fu-
– urban cycle: cold starting followed by consumption. el consumption levels than those
driving that simulates urban use of the car;
measured (see “Reducing running
costs and environment pollution” in
the chapter “Correct use of the car”).

Fuel consumption according to directive 1.8 T. SPARK 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS 3.2 V6 JTD 16V
2004/3/EC (litres x 100 km) Selespeed

Urban 12.1 12.2 12.2 18.6 8.2

Extraurban 6.4 6.7 6.7 8.7 4.8

Combined 8.5 8.7 8.7 12.4 6.1


CO2 emission levels at the exhaust given in the following table refer to combined consumption.


1.8 T. SPARK 2.0 JTS 2.0 JTS Selespeed 3.2 V6 JTD 16V

202 207 207 295 159




fig. 1

1. Adjustable side air vents - 2. Fixed side window air vents - 3. Front passenger’s air bag - 4. Tailgate release button - 5. Cards holder (for versions/mar-
kets where applicable) - 6. Sound system (for versions/markets where applicable) - 7. Adjustable central air vents - 8. Upper fixed vent - 9. Glass/can
holder (for versions/markets where applicable) - 10. Front fog light button - 11. Hazard light switch - 12. Rear fog light button - 13. External lights con-
trol lever - 14. Instrument panel - 15. Windscreen wiper stalk - 16. Bonnet opening lever - 17. Set of controls - 18. Ignition key and ignition switch - 19.
Horn - 20. Steering wheel locking/release lever - 21. Driver’s air bag - 22. Door locking button - 23. Heating/ventilation/climate controls - 24. Cigar
lighter/ashtray housing lid - 25. Temperature sensor - 26. Glovebox.



A. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning

light - B. Engine coolant fluid temperature
gauge with maximum temperature warning
light - C. Speedometer - D. Odometer dis-
play (mileage recorder, trip recorder with
headlamp position display - E. Reconfig-
urable multifunction display - F. Rev counter
NOTE On JTDM versions the scale bot-
tom is at 6000 revs.

fig. 2 - Petrol versions

A. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning

light - B. Engine coolant fluid temperature
gauge with maximum temperature warning
light - C. Speedometer - D. Odometer dis-
play (mileage recorder, trip recorder with
headlamp position display - E. Reconfig-
urable multifunction display - F. Rev counter
NOTE On JTDM versions the scale bot-
tom is at 6000 revs. A0A0754b

258 fig. 3 - Black Line versions

A. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning
light - B. Engine coolant fluid temperature
gauge with maximum temperature warning
light - C. Speedometer - D. Odometer dis-
play (mileage recorder, trip recorder with
headlamp position display - E. Reconfig-
urable multifunction display - F. Rev counter


fig. 4 - 2.0 JTS Selespeed versions

A. Fuel level gauge with reserve warning

light - B. Engine coolant fluid temperature
gauge with maximum temperature warning
light - C. Speedometer - D. Odometer dis-
play (mileage recorder, trip recorder with
headlamp position display - E. Reconfig-
urable multifunction display - F. Rev counter

fig. 5 - 3.2 V6 version 259


ABS system .............................. 134 Bonnet ...................................... 131 Changing bulbs

Boot - general instructions ................. 192
Accessories purchased by the user .. 127
- extension .............................. 19 - types of bulbs ........................ 193
Additional stop light (third stop) .... 200
- lighting ................................. 129
Air bags ..................................... 38 Checking levels ........................... 222
- luggage net ........................... 22
Air cleaner .................................. 229 Cigar lighter ............................... 124
- opening from inside ................ 128
Alfa Romeo CODE ........................ 6 - opening with remotecontrol .. 8-128 Cleaning and maintenance
Armrest - restraining the load ................. 130 - body ..................................... 236
- front ..................................... 17 - tailgate closing ....................... 129 - car interior ............................. 238
- rear ...................................... 22 - warnings for carrying luggage ... 130 - engine compartment ............... 238
Ashtray Boot light - windows ............................... 238
- front ........................................ 124 - changing bulbs ....................... 204
Climate control system ................. 81
- rear ......................................... 125 Brakes ....................................... 245
Climate control system,
Braking lights (third stop)
ASR (system) ............................. 138 automatic two-zone .................. 89
- changing bulbs ....................... 199
Bulbs Clock ......................................... 68
- general instructions ................. 193 Controls ..................................... 106
- replacement ........................... 192 CO2 emissions ............................ 256
- advice for preserving
- type of bulbs .......................... 193 CODE card .................................. 7
the charge ............................. 232
Correct use of the car ........... 169
- checking the charge ........... 212-231 Card and glass holder ................. 125
- replacement ........................... 232 Car maintenance .................... 216 Courtesy light
Body (maintenance) ................... 236 Cell phones (provision) ................ 126 - changing bulbs ....................... 203
Body versions ............................. 241 Changing a wheel .................. 181-183 Cruise Control ............................. 49
Dashboard ................................ - bonnet .................................. 131 Getting to know your car ...

52 6
Diesel fuel filter ........................... 229 - washing ................................ 238 Glove compartment ..................... 121
Diesel particulate filter (DPF) ........ 167 Engine oil consumption ................ 224 Glove compartment light
Digital multifunction display .......... 58 Engine starting ........................... 169 - changing bulbs ....................... 203
Dimensions ................................ 250 Environmental protection .............. 168
Direction indicators EOBD (system) ........................... 140
- changing front bulbs ................ 198 External lights (switching on) ....... 44 Handbrake ............................... 108
Hazard warning lights
- changing rear bulbs ................. 199
- switching on .......................... 106
- changing side bulbs ................. 198
- switching on .......................... 46
First-aid kit ................................ 215 Headlamp beam adjustment ......... 108
Fix &Go Automatic (device) ......... 186 Headlight washers ................. 49-236
Door locking system .................... 107
Flashing high beams .................... 45 Headlights
Door mirrors ............................... 23
Fluids and lubricants .................... 253 - adjustment abroad .................. 133
Doors ........................................ 15
Follow me home device ............... 46 - compensation for tilt .......... 108-132
Foglights Headrests
- front ..................................... 18
Electronic alarm system .............. 11 - changing bulbs ....................... 196
- switching on .......................... 106 - rear ...................................... 21
Emergency starting ...................... 179
Front ceiling light ........................ 121 Heating and climate
- coasting ................................ 181
control system ......................... 81
- starting with an auxiliary - changing bulbs ....................... 201
Hoses ........................................ 234
battery .................................. 180 Front fog lights
Engine codes/body versions ......... 241 - changing bulbs ....................... 196
Engine - switching on .......................... 106 Identification data ...................... 240
- identification codes ................. 241 Fuel consumption ........................ 255 Ignition device ............................ 14
- marking ................................ 241 Fuel flap .................................... 167 Ignition switch and
- specifications ......................... 242 Fuel supply ................................ 243 steering lock ....................... 14-15
Engine compartment Fuses ........................................ 205 In an emergency .................... 179
Inertial fuel cut off switch ............. 107 - annual inspection programme ... 219 Rain sensor ................................ 48
Installation of electric/ - scheduled maintenance ........... 216 Raising the car ............................ 214
electronic devices ..................... 127 - scheduled maintenance Rear ceiling light ......................... 123
Instrument cluster ....................... 53 programme ............................ 217 - changing bulbs ....................... 202
In the event of an accident ........... 215 Manual heater ............................ 83 Rear fog guards
Intelligent washing (windscreen) ... 47 Mechanical gearbox ..................... 109 - changing bulbs ....................... 199
Interior fittings (cleaning) ............. 238 - switching on .......................... 106
Internal fittings .......................... 121 Number plate lights Rearview mirror .......................... 23
- changing bulbs ....................... 200 Reconfigurable multifunction
display .................................... 61
Keys ........................................ 6 Oddment recesses ..................... 126 Reducing running costs ................ 172
Refuelling ............................. 166-252
Paintwork ................................ 237 Remote control ........................... 7
Levers (steering wheel) .............. 44
Parking ...................................... 172
Lights ........................................ 44 Rev counter ................................ 56
Parking sensor ............................ 105 Reversing light
Load limiters .............................. 29
Performance ............................... 249 - changing bulbs ....................... 199
Low beam headlights
- changing bulbs ....................... 197 Pockets ..................................... 125 Rims ......................................... 247
- switching on ..................... 44-45 Pollen filter ................................ 230
Luggage restrainer net ................. 22 Power windows .......................... 24
Pretensioners .............................. 28 Seat belts ................................. 26
Puddle lights .............................. 123 - carrying children safety ............ 31
Main beam headlights - changing bulbs ....................... 201 - front belt height adjustment ..... 27
- changing bulbs ....................... 197 - general instructions ................. 29
- switching on .......................... 45 Radio transmitters and cellular - load limiters ........................... 29
Maintenance telephones .............................. 127 - maintenance .......................... 31
- additional operations ............... 229 Radio ........................................ 141 - pretensioners ......................... 28
- rear centre lap belt .................. 27 - Fix&Go automatic ................... 186

- use of belts ............................ 26 - inflating pressure .................... 249
Seats - replacement ........................... 181
- front ..................................... 16
- snow chains ........................... 177
- rear ...................................... 19
- types of tyres and rims ............ 247
Selespeed gearbox ...................... 110
Sidelights - winter ................................... 177
- changing front bulbs ................ 197
- changing rear bulbs ................. 199 VDC system ............................. 136
- switching on .......................... 45 Vehicle inactivity ......................... 178
Snow chains ............................... 177
Speedometer .............................. 56 Warning lights and messages ..... 72
Steering lock .............................. 15 Weights ..................................... 251
Steering system .......................... 245 Wheel geometry ......................... 246
Steering wheel ........................... 22 Wheels and tyres ................... 233-246
Sun visors .................................. 126
Windscreen washer
Suspensions ............................... 245
Symbols .................................... 5-6 - intelligent washing function ...... 47
- operation ............................... 47
- spray jets .............................. 235
Technical specifications ........ 240
Windscreen wiper
Towing the car ............................ 213
- blade replacement .................. 235
Towing trailers ............................ 174
Transmission ............................... 243 - operation ............................... 47
Tyres - rain sensor ............................. 48
- correct reading ....................... 246 - spray jets .............................. 235

For years now Alfa Romeo has been developing its global commitment towards the safeguarding and protection of the Environment through
the continuous improvement of its production processes and the making of increasingly more “eco friendly” products. With a view to guaran-
teeing the best possible service to clients in full observance of environmental standards and in response to the obligations imposed by Euro-
pean Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicles, Alfa Romeo offers its clients the possibility to hand in their vehicle* at the end of its life
span without additional costs.
The European Directive, in fact, provides for the take-back of the vehicle without the last holder or owner of the same incurring expenses due
to the fact that the market value of the vehicle is zero or negative. In particular, in almost all of the countries of the
European Union, up until 1st January 2007, take-back of the vehicle free of charge only applies to vehicles registered from 1 July 2002 on,
while, from 2007 on, take-back will be carried out free of charge, independently of the year of registration, provided that the vehicle still con-
tains all its essential component parts (especially engine and body) and is free from additional waste materials.
Our contracted network of authorised treatment facilities has been carefully selected in order to provide a quality service to our customers by
de-polluting and recycling “End of Life Vehicles” to approved environmental standards. To find out the location of your nearest authorised
treatment facility, offering free of charge take-back, simply contact one of our dealers or refer to the Alfa Romeo web site or call the toll free
number 00800 2532 0000.
* Passenger transportation vehicles to seat a max. of nine persons, having a total admissible weight of 3.5 t















Tyres reduced load full load
front rear front rear
195/60 R15 bar 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.5
205/60 R15 bar 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6
205/55 R16 bar 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6
205/55 ZR16 bar 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6
215/45 R17 bar 2.4 2.3 2.7 2.6
225/45 ZR17 bar 2.5 2.4 2.8 2.7
225/40 ZR18 bar 2.5 2.4 2.8 2.7
Compact spare wheel (*)
125/80 R15 bar 4.2 4.2
With the tyre hot the inflating pressure should be +0.3 bar compared with the specified rating
With winter tyres the inflation pressure should be +0.2 bar compared with the specified rating
(*) The compact spare wheel cannot be used on 3.2 V6 version


Oil sump and filter (1.8 T. SPARK - 2.0 JTS) ........................ litres 4.4 Fuel tank capacity............................................................ litres 63
Oil sump and filter (3.2 V6) .............................................. litres 5.9 Reserve.......................................................................... litres 7

Oil sump and filter (JTD 16V) ............................................. litres 4.5 Only refuel petrol engines with unleaded petrol with octane rating (RON)
not less than 95.
Do not discard used oil in the environment. Only refuel diesel engines with diesel fuel for motor vehicles (Specifica-
tion EN590).

Largo Senatore G. Agnelli, 5 - 10040 Volvera - Torino (Italia)
Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A.
Print No. 60431933 - 1st Edition - 05/2008
All rights reserved. Reproduction, even in part is prohibited without written permission
from Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A.

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