PR1 Group2 Da201 (Questionnaire)

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Practical Research 1 | Group 2 (DA201)



Questions for all the respondents:

1. Respondents’ profile:

A. Name (Optional)

B. Age

C. Grade & Section

2. How often do you see AI-generated images?

3. What is your preference between AI and human-made artworks?

4. What is your opinion about the regulation of generative-AI tools, especially of AI-assisted image

5. At what extent do you think generative-AI impacts the creative industry, especially the artists’

6. Do you think AI-generated images face ethical problems? If yes, then what can we do about it?
Informed Consent Form

Research Project Title: Generative AI Image and Art: Senior High Students’ Preference, Its
Ethicality, and Commerce at STI College San Jose Del Monte Bulacan


Clemente, Liandra A.

Dalino, Beverly Nicole P.

Gatus, Aseana Pearl C.

Portugal, Niña Marjory B.

Salinas, John Harley C.

Shimomura, Yurihsora A.

Solero, Jasmine Rose T.

Research Adviser: Puntanar, Jhesica Julian

Participant/s name/s:

This informed consent form has two (2) parts: (a) information sheet intended to share information
about the study and (b) mandatory consent form where your written decision to participate or not
in the study is indicated.

1. Introduction

The researchers from DA201 invite participants to engage in their research study titled

“Generative AI Image and Art: Senior High Student’s Preference, Its Ethicality, and

Commerce at STI College San Jose Del Monte Bulacan.” This consent form outlines the

main purpose stated in the title, with further details provided in subsequent pages.

2. Purpose of Study

The purpose of the study is to observe the general impact of generative AI image and art

on a specific scope, discuss people's preferences, address possible ethical issues in using

AI, and analyze the impact of AI art on the art industry.

3. Study Procedures

The study will utilize face-to-face, semi-structured interviews at STI College, San Jose Del

Monte. Participants will sign a consent form prior to the interview, confirming their

voluntary involvement. Subsequently, they will engage in voice-recorded responses to

explore their preparation for college entrance tests, ensuring thorough data collection.

4. Duration

Participation in this study will be required for the entire interview, which will depend on

the thoroughness and length of the responses given.

5. Voluntary Participation

Participation in the study is entirely voluntary, guaranteeing participants the freedom to

discontinue their involvement at any time without facing repercussions. Additionally,

participants have the right to decline to answer any questions they feel uncomfortable with.

6. Benefits and Reimbursement

While your participation in this study may not offer direct personal beliefs, it holds the

potential to significantly enhance the understanding of the challenges encountered in

utilizing generative AI. Your valuable insights could help shape future educational

approaches aimed at alleviating these challenges, thereby benefiting students like yourself.

7. Confidentiality

The researchers will keep participants’ identities confidential throughout the study. Data

security will be ensured by encrypting the data, storing it securely, and only allowing

authorized people to access it.

8. Contact Information

If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the

leader of group 2 at Or 09167485210.


I, , Filipino, of legal age, and with sound judgement, have

reviewed the foregoing details in the information sheet. I understand that my words and responses

will be used as stated above and that I may request a copy of these transcripts to review, edit, and

remove as I deem necessary. I am aware of the benefits, burdens, and reimbursements that this

study will provide in exchange for my participation. I have had the opportunity to ask all relevant

questions and that these have been answered honestly and accurately by the researchers to my

satisfaction. Lastly, I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I have the right to

withdraw at any time with no unfavorable repercussions.

Printed Name and Signature of Participant Date

Printed Name and Signature of Witness Date

Printed Name and Signature of Research Adviser Date

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