Review For Final Exam 02

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Review for final exam 02

Camera manual (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology)

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Question 1: The environmental fee in the water household bill belongs to

A. Refund deposit B. Emission fee
C. Exchange of trade licenses D. Product fee
Question 2: Air pollution is the presence in the air the type of pollutants
generated from human activity or natural processes with ..(1).. and long
enough time, affect the comfort, health, the interests of the people and ..(2)
A. Pollution, the environment
B. Concentrations large enough, the creatures
C. Concentrations large enough, the environment
D. Concentrations, the creatures
Question 3: What’s the main effect of ammonia and phosphorus to
environment (L.O.3.3):
A. Nutrient B. All are correct
C. Eutrophication D. Organic pollution
Question 4: In the Population Pyramid what’s kind of the pyramid “The
percentages of population (age and sex) remains constant over time, a
population contains equal birth rates and death rates” (L.O.1.2):
A. Stationary B. Expansive C. Constrictive D. Age-sex
Question 5: In the environmental management, what’s CAC mean (L.O.4.1):
A. No correct answer B. Command and cooperation
C. Command and control D. Control and cooperation
Question 6: Every year, how much CO2 people released into the atmosphere
A. 2,500 million tons B. 2,000 billion tons
C. 2,500 billion tons D. 2,000 million tons
Question 7: Where’s the biggest source of sulfur in nature (L.O.2.2):
A. Groundwater B. Atmosphere C. Sea water D. River
Question 8: How much percent of fresh water that people can use in the Earth
A. < 1/100,000 B. ≈ 1/100,000 C. 1/100,000 D. ≤
Question 9: Fill in the blank “Environment refers to a system of natural and ..
(1)… factors affecting the existence and development of human beings and
…(2)…” (L.O.2.1):
A. Artificial physical, creatures B. Physical, biological
C. Artificial physical, biodiversity D. Physical, creatures
Question 11: In 2005, the concentration of CH 4 was (L.O.3.3):
A. 379 ppm B. 1,774 ppb C. 1,774 ppm
D. 379 ppb
Question 12: In Nitrogen cycle, what’s bacteria used to transfer in de-
nitrification process (L.O.2.2):
A. Aerobic bacteria B. Bacteria and fungi
C. Anaerobic bacteria D. Nitrosomonas
Question 13: When did Eco-footprint theory (L.O.2.2):

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A. 2009 B. 1989 C. 1890 D. 1990

Question 14: When did human race use exceeds of 40 % availability per
reception of nature (L.O.3.1):
A. 2000 B. 2009 C. 2008 D. 1999
Question 15: Biodiversity is a collection of (L.O.2.3):
A. Species B. Ecosystems
C. Genetic information D. All are correct
Question 16: The mass of atmosphere is (L.O.2.1):
A. 5.15×1010 tons B. 4.15×1010 tons
C. 5.15×1015 tons D. 4.15×1015 tons
Question 17: What’s main reason of Itai-Itai disease (L.O.3.3):
A. Mercury B. Copper C. Cadmium D. Lead
Question 19: How much is percent of CH 4 contribution to the greenhouse
effect on Earth (L.O.3.3):
A. 9% - 26% B. 3% - 7% C. 36% - 70% D. 4% - 9%
Question 20: In the policy cycle of environmental management, what’s the
next step of “Detected problems” (L.O.4.1):
A. Policy implementation B. Review policy
C. No correct answer D. Forming policy
Question 21: The environmental factors affecting human life include:
A. Life style, Nutrients, climate, environment
B. Geochemical, life style, food, climate
C. Life style, food, climate, Geochemical
D. Geochemical Environment, lifestyle, food, climate
Question 22: What’s the basic principles in environmental policy (L.O.4.2):
A. 3R B. 3P C. All are correct D. PPP
Question 23: In biogeochemical, the perfect cycles are (L.O.2.2):
A. N, S B. C, N C. P, S D. N, P
Question 24: In phosphorus cycle, where’s the biggest source of P in nature
A. Mineable B. Earth’s crust C. Sea D. Ocean
Question 25: In natural resources, what’s the type of sand (L.O.2.3):
A. Perpetual B. Potentially renewable
C. Non-renewable D. All are correct
Question 27: From the low effect to the high effect of atmosphere
phenomenon in the Earth (L.O.3.3):
A. Ozone depletion, global warming, climate change
B. Greenhouse effect, global warming, climate change
C. Global warming, greenhouse effect, climate change
D. Ozone depletion, greenhouse effect, global warming
Question 28: One of the environmental functions is (L.O.2.1):
A. Living space of humans and creature B. Living space of
C. Living space of creature D. Home for community
Question 29: In the post-industrial, the industrial economics is call by the
other name (L.O.1.1):

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A. Industrial civilization B. Knowledge economy

C. Intellectual civilization D. Industrial civilization
Question 30: In the atmosphere layer (from the surface to the air), after
Mesosphere is (L.O.2.1):
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere C. Thermosphere D. Exosphere
Question 31: One of component of ecosystem is (L.O.2.2):
A. Population B. Biome C. Moisture D. Biodiversity
Question 32: In the special phenomenon, smog belongs to (L.O.3.2):
A. Area B. All are correct C. Global D. Local
Question 33: One of the factors affecting the birth rate is (L.O.1.2):
A. Environmental pollution B. Psychosocial factors
C. Poverty D. Diseases
Question 35: In population growth: “People go out from home country to
another country per year per 1,000 persons of that country” is (L.O.1.2):
A. Immigration rate B. Karl Marx’s theory
C. Emigration rate D. Malthus’s theory
Question 36: Definition of Biosphere “where life exists, including portions of
the lithosphere thickness of ..(1) from the ground, the whole hydrosphere and
atmosphere to a height of 10 km ..(2) (L.O.2.1) (L.O.3.2):
A. 2-3 km, to the stratosphere layer B. > 3 km, to the ozone layer
C. > 3 km, to the stratosphere layer D. 2-3 km, to the ozone layer
Question 37: How many cycles are in biogeochemical (L.O.2.2):
A. 6 B. 5 C. 7 D. 4
Question 38: In wastewater characteristics, smell ability belongs to (L.O.3.2):
A. Biological B. Bio-chemical C. Chemical D. Physical
Question 39: Because of climate change, how much is the sea level rise in
1993-2003 (L.O.3.3):
A. 3.0 B. 3.1 C. 1.9 D. 1.8
Question 40: What’s the highest source of greenhouse gases (L.O.3.3):
A. Sun B. Agriculture C. Deforestation D. Energy use
Question 41: How much is percent of marine resources in the Earth surface
A. 71% B. 60% C. 69% D. 75%
Question 43: How much percent of the forest is home for the world's
creatures (L.O.3.1):
A. > 70% B. 65% C. 60% D. ≈ 60 %
Question 44: What does COD stand for (L.O.3.2):
A. Nitrogen oxygen demand
B. Chemical oxygen demand
C. Chemical oxygen demand ultimate carbon
D. Chemical oxygen demand 5 days
Question 45: Non-point source is classification of water by (L.O.3.2):
A. Pollution source B. Reception source
C. Waste source D. All are correct
Question 46: In the morphology of the human economy, before fishing is
A. Hunting B. Grazing C. Agriculture D. Gathering

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Question 47: How many stages of environmental hazards (L.O.2.1):

A. 2 B. 5 C. 3 D. 4
Question 48: In ecosystem, “This indicate the total mass of organisms at each
trophic level” is the pyramid of (L.O.2.2):
A. Energy B. Biomass C. Biodiversity D. Numbers
Question 49: In the marine food chain, Phytoplankton is (L.O.2.2):
A. Consuming organisms B. Decomposing organisms
C. Consuming organisms level 1 D. Production organisms
Question 50: What’s phenomenon of the greenhouse effect (L.O.3.3):
A. Biological phenomenon B. Ecosystem phenomenon
C. Human phenomenon D. Natural phenomenon
Question 51: In the air pollution component, MeSO4 is (L.O.1.1) (L.O.3.2):
A. Primary pollution agents B. Pollution agents
C. A secondary pollution agent D. First pollution agents
Question 52: In sustainable development “Using materials environmentally
friendly” belongs to which measure (L.O.2.1):
A. Economic B. Community C. Social D. Environment
Question 53: What’s the definition “The deterioration of the quality and
quantity of the components of the environment, causing an adverse effect on
humans and other living organisms” (L.O.2.1):
A. Environmental degradation B. Environmental pollution
C. Environmental crisis D. Environmental emergencies
Question 54: How many main pollutants does EPA use for calculation of AQI?
A. 5 B. 6 C. 11 D. 9
Question 55: Where is the greatest forest loss in the world (L.O.3.1):
A. America BA. Asia C. Middle East D. Africa
Question 57: Acid rain is a combination of rain, fog, snow, hail and ..(1)..
generated by the combustion of mineral fuels forming sulfuric acid, nitric acid
concentration with pH ..(2).. (L.O.3.2):
A. Sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides; ≤ 5.6
B. Phosphorus oxides, nitrogen oxides; ≤ 5.6
C. Phosphorus oxides, nitrogen oxides; < 5.6
D. Sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides; < 5.6

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Question 59: % volume of oxygen in atmosphere is (L.O.2.1):

A. 23% B. ≈ 23% C. 22% D. ≈ 21%
Question 60: How much percent of water is in the form of ice at two poles
A. 4% B. 5% C. 7% D. 2%
Question 61: What’s the name of foreign creature tree in Vietnam (L.O.2.2):
A. All are correctB. Mai Yang C. Cam Lai D. Sao Den
Question 62: AQI value from 151 – 200, what’s the air quality (L.O.3.3):
A. Bad Effects B. Not good with sensitive group
C. Not good for health D. Mild
Question 64: How many stages in the Demographic transition theory in
population growth (L.O.1.2):
A. 3 B. 6 C. 4 D. 5
Question 65: In environmental management “Bringing environmental
awareness and warning of environmental responsibility on the decision by
pressure and direct persuasion or indirectly” belongs to (L.O.4.1):
A. CAC B. Economic
C. Communication tools D. No correct answer
Question 66: When did the first hole of ozone layer occur (L.O.3.3):
A. 10/1985 B. 10/1989 C. 10/1958 D. 10/1987
Question 67: Sustainable development was definition by (L.O.2.1):
Question 69: The layers of oceanic crust are (L.O.2.1):
A. Sedimentary and basalt B. Sedimentary, granite and coral
C. Sedimentary, granite and basalt D. Sedimentary, coral and
Question 70: What’s kind of component in Los Angeles smog (L.O.3.2):
A. Fog + Smoke + SOx B. Fog + Smoke + SO2
C. Hydrocarbon + NOx + UV D. Hydrocarbon + NO2 + UV

1 B 5 C 9 A 13 D 17 C 21 D 25 C 29 B 33 B 37 A 41 A 45 B 49 D 53 A 57 D 61 B 65 C 69 A
2 C 6 A 10 D 14 B 18 B 22 D 26 D 30 C 34 A 38 D 42 A 46 A 50 D 54 A 58 D 62 C 66 A 70 C
3 C 7 B 11 B 15 D 19 D 23 B 27 B 31 B 35 C 39 B 43 A 47 C 51 C 55 B 59 D 63 B 67 B
4 A 8 A 12 C 16 C 20 D 24 B 28 A 32 D 36 D 40 D 44 B 48 B 52 D 56 B 60 D 64 D 68 B

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Please match the figures and their development stages






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What is the term illustrated by this figure?

A. Global climate
B. Local climate
C. Microclimate

Please add the missing term in the figure for the spheres on the Earth.

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1. Atmosphere
2. Hydrosphere
3. Lithosphere
4. Biosphere

Please match the air pollutants and their effects on human health
Skin and mucous membrane Concentrated acids and alkalis
burn and irritation
Respiratory irritation Cl2, NH3, SO3, SO2, NO, HCl, F2
Asphyxiation (lack of oxygen) CO2, ethane, methane, CO
Effects on central nervous Alcohols, some hydrocarbon compounds,
system H2S, CS2, gasoline
Toxic compounds Halogenated hydrocarbon, methyl chloride,
methyl bromide, benzene, phenol, and
compounds of Pb, As, Hg, Mn, and Cd

Please match the water pollutants and the human diseases

Cadmium Itai-itai, a serious disease involving bone
Mercury Minamata, a neurological disease

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