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‫ِلال ال رح ن حيم‬ ‫سم‬

‫م الر‬
Praise the writer for the presence of Allah SWT for blessing Health
opportunity and also mercy that given to the writer so that can complete this
thesis in a timely manner, the thesis entitled "ABORIGINAL BEFORE THE

May sholawat and greetings always be poured out to our noble Prophet
Muhammad SAW. In the preparation of this thesis, the writer found many
difficulties. However, thanks to the help and mercy of Allah Almighty, and the
help of the supervisor, as well as some parties either in material form or other
moral assistance, the difficulties in compiling can be overcome.

With the completion of the final project of the writer, the writer intends to convey
his gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Prof. DR. H. Basri Modding, S.E., M.Si. As Chancellor of the Universitas

Muslim Indonesia.
2. Dr. Rusdiah, M.Hum. As Dean of the Faculty of Letters at the Universitas
Muslim Indonesia.
3. Dr. Abdollah, MM.,M.Pd. As Head of the Department of the English
Literature and as Advisor 1. Who has taken his time to provide guidance
in writing this thesis.
4. Dra. Andi Hudriati, M.Hum. As advisor 2 she is also the one who has
taken her time and provided good encouragement, advice, correction and
direction from beginning to end in writing this thesis.
5. The highest appreciation was also conveyed by the writer to the two
beloved parents Ir. Sulthan Dawe Sp and Nurhaeda Rasida Sp for the
endless prayers and also the support of both given to the author.
6. My beloved friends as well as the internship team, I say to Wilda, Fuji,
Uni, Kurma and Alfina, as well as to my good friends Diana, Syafika,
Ade, Egi, Unay and also Khusnul.
7. To B1 classmate friends who have also always been kind to me and helpful.
8. Thank you to the friends of KKN Bowong Cindea Village who gave
encouragement in the preparation of this thesis, especially to my closest
friends Hanin, Angel, Chia, Izzah, Lisa, Idal, Syahril and also Adi.
9. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, J-
hope, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook who were present in the writer's life
and entertained with their best songs while composing this thesis.
10. To Rose and Jake, both people who inspired me to learn English using
Australian accent.

At the end of the sentence, may Allah Almighty bestow of the mercy and
affection on all of us Aamiin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

Makassar, 1st January 2022

Nurafifa Sulthan Dawe


Nurafifa Sulthan Dawe, 2022. Aborigin Sebelum Datangnya Orang Eropa di

Australia (Pendekatan Budaya). Jurusan Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Sastra.
Universitas Muslim Indonesia. Dibimbing oleh Dr. Abdollah, MM.,M.Pd. dan
Dra. Andi Hudriati, M.Hum.

Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja budaya suku Aborigin
dan bagaimana gaya hidup yang dijalani suku Aborigin sebelum kedatangan
eropa di Australia.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan
menggunakan pendekatan library research. Sumber data pada penelitian ini
diambil dari beberapa buku yang menyangkut tentang suku Aborigin, artikel
dalam bentk jurnal atau website dan dokumen yang terkait Aborigin.

Hasil penelitian menunjukan kebudayaan suku Aborigin sebelum kedatangan

bangsa eropa. 1) Kebudayaan orang Aborigin meliputi; a) Dreamtime yang
merupakan kepercayaan orang Aborigin, b) Didgeridoo, alat music tradisional
orang Aborigin, c) Tari Tiwi yang merupakan tari khas Aborigin, d) Boomerang,
merupakan senjata khas Aborigin yang digunakan untuk berburu dan e) Pakaian
adat yang digunakan orang Aborigin. 2) Gaya hidup orang Aborigin meliputi; a)
Nomaden, kehidupan berpindah-pindah yang dijalani suku Aborigin dikarenakan
faktor cuaca ektstrim dan kesulitan dalam melakukan cocok tanam, b) Berburu
dan Mengumpulkan makanan dilakukan orang Aborigin, para pria yang berburu
hewan dan para wanita yang mengumpulkan buah-buahan dan tanaman herbal.
Nurafifa Sulthan Dawe, 2022. Aboriginal Before the Arrival of Europeans in
Australia (Cultural Approach). Department of English Literature. Faculty of
Letters. Universitas Muslim Indonesia. Supervised by Dr. Abdollah, MM.,M.Pd.
and Dra. Andi Hudriati, M.Hum.

The purpose of this study was to find out what aboriginal cultures were and how
the lifestyles of Aboriginal people lived before their arrival in Australia.

The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative using a library research
approach. The data sources for this study are taken from several books related to
Aboriginal people, articles in journals or websites and Aboriginal-related

The results of the study showed the culture of the Aboriginal people before the
arrival of Europeans. 1) Aboriginal cultures include; a) Dreamtime which is an
Aboriginal belief, b) Didgeridoo, a traditional Aboriginal musical instrument, c)
Tiwi dance which is a typical Aboriginal dance, d) Boomerang, is a typical
Aboriginal weapon used for hunting and e) Traditional clothing used by
Aboriginal people. 2) Aboriginal lifestyles include; a) Nomadic, the mobile life
that Aboriginal people lived due to extreme weather factors and difficulty in
farming, b) Hunting and Gathering food was carried out by Aboriginal people,
men who hunted animals and women who collected fruits and herbs.

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