Case Study Intel

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Question 1. Discuss how Intel changed ingredient-marketing history.

What did it do so well in

those initial marketing campaigns?
- Focusing on creating a trademark.
- Positioning its brands.
- Intel launched the "Intel Inside" campaign to build brand awareness and it helped
move the Intel brand outside the PC and inside the consumer minds.
- Build a strategic alliance with stakeholders and give them rebates to support Intel's
marketing strategy. Intel gave the computer manufacturers significant rebates when
they included the Intel logo in their PC ads or when they placed the Intel Inside”
sticker on the outside of their PCs and laptops.
- Becoming a recognizable and well-liked ingredient brand name. Advertising their
products by "Bunny People" & "Blue Man Groups" in its commercials.
- In 2003, Intel launched Centrino. The company launched a multimilliondollar media
effort around the new platform called “Unwired,” which urged the wired world to
“Unwire. Untangle. Unburden. Uncompromise. Unstress.”
- In the mid-2000s, It launched two new platforms: Viiv (rhymes with “five”) aimed at
home entertainment enthusiasts, and Centrino Duo mobile.
- Develop new products for new target markets and combine it to important issue
(Classmate PC for children in remote regions). In 2007, Intel created the Classmate
PC—a small, kidfriendly, durable, and affordable Intel processor–based computer
intended for children in remote regions of the
- world.
- Intel introduced its most advanced microprocessor, the Intel Core i7, which focused
on the needs for video, 3-D gaming, and advanced computer activities.
- Intel’s most recent ad campaign aimed to improve the company’s brand awareness
was entitled “Sponsors of Tomorrow”.
Question 2: Evaluate Intel’s more recent marketing efforts. Did they lose something by
dropping the “Intel Inside” tagline or not?
- As the PC industry slowed in the mid-2000s, Intel sought opportunities in new growth
areas such as home entertainment and mobile devices.They want to change their
brand image and do innovation and different strategy. They changed the slogan and
the new one is more clear and outstanding. Therefore, the company created a global
marketing campaign changing their familiar “Intel Inside” tagline, creating a new logo
and repositioning the company to help reposition Intel from a brainy microprocessor
company to a “warm and fuzzy company” that offered solutions for consumers as
well. Intel's new slogan “Leap Ahead” indicated their ambition to lead the market,
continue to create new things that meet the needs of people from all walks of life.
- I believe that they didn’t lose something by dropping the “Intel Inside.” Because of
some reasons:
+ Changing the slogan means changing the company's strategy direction. It is
also an option to change some of the organization's culture. Changing the
slogan might mean the loss of some senior workers whom cannot identify the
new slogan.
+ The old slogan was deeply in customer's minds. People will still trust and like
the quality of Intel.
+ They grow and become popular because they do the public welfare hardly.

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