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Multiple Choice

1. In the past few years, about _____ discrimination complaints were filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity
a. 90,000
b. 500,000
c. 950
d. 10,000

2. The first step in the legal process is for some legislative body to:
a. get sued
b. receive a complaint
c. pass a law
d. take a vote

3. If a law is passed at the federal level, states may pass laws that _____ the rights granted in the federal law, states may
not pass laws that will _____ the rights granted in the federal law.
a. diminish / expand
b. expand / change
c. diminish / change
d. expand / diminish

4. In which of the following ADR methods does a neutral third-party make a decision that both sides must abide by?
a. Binding arbitration
b. Nonbinding arbitration
c. Mediation
d. Negotiation

5. The EEOC usually handles alleged violations of:

a. state laws
b. federal laws
c. county laws
d. none of these

6. In order for a case of discrimination to be investigated by the EEOC, the complaint must be filed
within _____ days of the discriminatory act.
a. 120
b. 140
c. 160
d. 180

7. According to the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, an employee filing a discrimination complaint with the EEOC regarding
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pay discrimination, has 180 days from when she:
a. was hired
b. received her last pay check
c. was told of her salary
d. discovered she was underpaid

8. When the courts make a decision, the decision becomes:

a. final
b. moot
c. case law
d. a statute

9. _______ is a judicial interpretation of a law and is important because it establishes a precedent for future cases.
a. A statute
b. Case law
c. A briefing
d. A sanction

10. Based on the Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1964, and 1991 as well as the 14th Amendment, it is illegal to discriminate
against a person based on race. According to Congress, all of the following are protected races except:
a. African Americans
b. Asian Americans
c. Native American Indians
d. all three of these are protected races

11. The "equal protection" clause of the Fourteenth Amendment mandates that no state may deny a person equal
protection under the law. Because any suite filed under the Fourteenth Amendment must demonstrate ______, it is not
often used.
a. intent
b. past discrimination
c. equal protection
d. due process

12. The 1964 Civil Rights Act (Title VII) and its 1972 and 1991 amendments cover:
a. unintentional discrimination
b. race, color, sex, religion, national origin
c. companies with 15 or more people
d. all of these

13. Unlike the Fourteenth Amendment, for an employment practice to be potentially illegal under the Civil Rights Act, the
discrimination does not have to:

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a. be continuous
b. be intentional
c. effect large groups
d. show past discrimination

14. The Civil Rights Act has also been interpreted by the courts to cover such issues as sexual harassment, age
harassment, and race harassment. These issues are related to the organization's:
a. structure
b. hiring practices
c. atmosphere
d. policies

15. In the 1989 case of Walker v. Secretary of the Treasury, a district court found that a darker skinned black illegally
fired a lighter skinned black employee. Which of the following protected classes were at issue in this case?
a. Age
b. Disability
c. Race
d. Color

16. “English only” requirements at work are:

a. always illegal
b. always legal
c. are legal if they are job related
d. legal if most of employees only speak English

17. All employees at Wally World Amusement Park are required to work on weekends because that is when 80% of the
customers visit the park. Alex likes to go to church on Sunday morning and asks that he not have to work on Sunday.
Must the park accommodate his request?
a. Yes, religious accommodations must always be make
b. No, because going to church in the morning is a preference and he can go in the evening
c. No, private sector organizations are not required to accommodate days of worship
d. Yes, preferences for days and time of worship are protected

18. It is illegal to use an individual's religion in an employment decision unless the nature of the job involves:
a. national security
b. religion
c. the public sector
d. the private sector

19. In determining if an employment decision is legal, the first question to ask is "does the employment practice directly
refer to a member of a federally protected class? Which of the following is NOT a federally protected class?

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a. Sexual orientation
b. Religion
c. Color
d. All are protected classes

20. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) forbids an employer from discriminating against an individual
over the age of:
a. 35
b. 40
c. 45
d. 50

21. Which of the following is not an important factor in filing a complaint of age discrimination?
a. you are at least 40
b. a younger person was hired to replace you
c. you were a good employee
d. all three are important factors

22. The _______ is thought to be the most important piece of employment legislation since the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
a. Sexual Preference Fairness Act
b. Equal Pay Act
c. Americans with Disabilities Act
d. Vietnam-Era Veterans Readjustment Act

23. Though Congress did not provide a list of disabilities, it did define disability in part as "having a record of such
impairment." Which of the following "disabilities" would qualify under this part of the definition?
a. blindness
b. severe burns
c. asthma
d. recovering alcoholics

24. Though Congress did not provide a list of disabilities, it did define disability in part as "being regarded as having such
an impairment." Which of the following "disabilities" would qualify under this part of the definition?
a. blindness
b. severe burns
c. asthma
d. recovering alcoholics

25. If a disability keeps a person from performing the _______ of a job, the person does not have to be hired or retained.
a. marginal functions
b. essential functions
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c. remote functions
d. standard functions

26. Nagy Industries is considering reserving the best parking spots for employees who are 7 months pregnant. Is this
a. No, giving preference would violate the Pregnancy Discrimination Act
b. No, pregnancy can not be treated better than other short term disabilities
c. Yes, pregnancy can be treated better than other short term disabilities
d. Yes, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act requires companies to provide accommodations

27. If a job can only be performed by a person in a particular class, the requirement is considered:
a. a BFOQ
b. restrictive
c. discriminatory
d. to be none of these three choices

28. The courts have clearly ruled that a customer's satisfaction and/or preference ________ used to determine if a job
requirement is a BFOQ.
a. should be
b. must be
c. cannot be
d. the courts haven't ruled on this issue

29. _______ means a particular employment decision results in negative consequences more often for members of one
protected group than for another.
a. Adverse impact
b. Bad faith dealings
c. Disparate treatment
d. Bona fide occupational qualification

30. Which of the following can establish practical significance for adverse impact?
a. Standard deviation test
b. Four-fifths rule
c. McDonnell Douglas standards
d. Chi-square analysis

31. For adverse impact to have practical significance, the minority selection ratio must be less than ____ percent of the
majority selection ratio.
a. 50
b. 30
c. 80

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d. 75

32. If ____ White applicants and ____ Black applicants were hired, adverse impact would occur.
a. 35 of 50 / 12 of 20
b. 15 of 50 / 2 of 25
c. 12 of 24 / 11 of 25
d. 12 of 20 / 35 of 50

33. An employment practice resulting in adverse impact may still be legal as long as:
a. the test used was job related
b. there was no intent to discriminate
c. neither of the two options is true
d. both of the options are true

34. Based on the material presented in your text, which of the following is NOT an exception to the requirement of
determining that an employment practice is job related?
a. National security
b. Bona fide seniority system
c. Veteran's preference rights
d. All three of these are exceptions

35. Which of the following types of harassment are NOT illegal?

a. Age
b. Sexual
c. Racial
d. All three types are illegal

36. A supervisor offering a promotion in exchange for sex would fall under the ______ form
of sexual harassment.

b. quid pro quo
c. sine quo non
d. hostile environnent

37. In a quid pro quo case of sexual harassment, ____ sexual advance(s) must have been made.
a. two
b. no
c. one
d. at least three
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38. Asking a coworker out on a date is sexual harassment if:
a. he/she is not interested
b. the request is made several times
c. both options must occur
d. either of the two options occurs

39. Which of the following components of a sexual harassment policy would be illegal?
a. All complaints must be investigated
b. The punishment must be severe
c. Complaints must be kept confidential
d. All of three are legal and good policy

40. Sexual harassment results in:

a. decreased productivity
b. increased absenteeism
c. increased turnover
d. all of these are results

41. Employees using FMLA must:

a. be given paid leave
b. have at least 5 years of tenure
c. give 30 days notice when possible
d. all three of these are true

42. Jean is the 2nd highest paid employee at Reilly, Inc. She has worked there 3 years and wants to take 4 weeks of unpaid
leave to have a baby. She gave the company 45 days notice but they rejected her request. Under the FMLA, the company
can do this because she:
a. is a key employee
b. hasn't worked at the company long enough
c. asked for too much leave
d. did not give the required amount of notice

43. There are several affirmative action strategies an employer could use. If an employer advertised in magazines and
newspapers with a minority readership, it would be using which of the following strategies?
a. Identification of discriminatory practices
b. Preferential hiring and promotion of minorities
c. Recruitment of minority applicants
d. Recruiting through employee referrals

44. Which of the affirmative action strategies would involve an employer changing the company policy or the way an
organization is decorated?
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a. Identification of discriminatory practices
b. Preferential hiring and promotion of minorities
c. Recruitment of minority applicants
d. Recruiting through employee referrals

45. Organizations have affirmative action plans for one of four reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of the four
a. Labor union agreement
b. Desire to be a good citizen
c. Court order
d. Consent decree

46. With a _______, the agency agrees with a judge that it has not hired or promoted enough members of a protected class
and is willing to make changes.
a. labor union agreement
b. desire to be a good citizen
c. court order
d. consent decree

47. Which of the following populations is used to statistically determine discrimination?

a. Area population
b. Qualified work force
c. Control group population
d. National census data

48. AT&G does not have any female employees. Ann Smith applied for a job as a machine operator. Though she did not
obtain the minimum score of 40 on the machine operator test, AT&G plans to hire her as part of their new affirmative
action plan. There are 10 men who passed the test who did not get hired. Is this legal?
a. No, an applicant must be qualified to be given preference based on gender or race
b. No, preference is never allowed
c. Yes, because AT&G has no women employees, they can do this
d. Yes, because they are only changing their rules for one person, this would be a reasonable plan

49. Research has indicated that employees hired due to affirmative action programs are perceived by coworkers as:
a. lucky
b. more competent
c. equally competent
d. less competent

50. The ______ protects against unreasonable search and seizure.

a. Fourth Amendment

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b. Fifth Amendment
c. Fourteenth Amendment
d. 1964 Civil Rights Act (Title VII)

51. When rendering decisions involving the 4th Amendment, as it applies to drug testing, courts have based their
decisions on all of the following factors except:
a. reasonable suspicion of drug use
b. adverse impact
c. safety and trust of the public
d. the opportunity to retest a specimen

52. Allowing employees to _________ removes the right of the organization to search the lockers.
a. place their own locks on lockers
b. place their name on the lockers
c. sign a waiver
d. organizations can never search lockers

53. A test asking questions about sexual orientation or belief in God might be illegal due to:
a. invasion of privacy
b. adverse impact
c. tort law
d. low reliability

54. The case law most pertinent to privacy issues and psychological testing is:
a. Soroka v. Dayton Hudson
b. Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services
c. Griggs v. Duke Power
d. Harris v. Forklift Systems

Objective Short Answer

55. What are the federally protected classes?

ANSWER:  Sex (male, female)
 Race (African American, European American, Asian American, Native American)
 National Origin
 Religion
 Color
 Age (40 or over)
 Pregnancy
 Vietnam Veteran Status
 Disability

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56. What employment practices are most subject to invasion of privacy issues?
ANSWER:  Drug testing
 Office searches
 Psychological testing
 Electronic surveillance

57. What are the two types of sexual harassment?

ANSWER:  quid pro quo
 hostile environment

58. What are the three major affirmative action strategies?

ANSWER:  Intentional recruitment of minority applicants
 Identification and removal of employment practices working against minority applicants and
 Preferential hiring and promotion of minorities

59. What are the four common reasons for affirmative action plans?
ANSWER:  Court order
 Government regulation
 Consent decree
 Desire to be a good employer

60. What are the five key issues in determining the legality of an affirmative action plan involving preferential hiring or
promotion of minorities?
ANSWER:  Was there a history of discrimination?
 Does the plan benefit people who were not actual victims of discrimination?
 What population (area or qualified work force) was used to set goals?
 What is the impact of the plan on nonminorities?
 Is there an ending point to the plan?

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