Text Argumentative

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Muhammad Ibra Al-Abror


text argumentative
Term Definition Example Sentence
cyberbullying the use of electronic communication to bully a The school has a zero-tolerance policy for
(noun) person, typically by sending messages of an cyberbullying and will take disciplinary action
intimidating or threatening nature. against any student caught engaging in it.

inadequacy the state of being insufficient or not good Her feelings of inadequacy prevented her from
(noun) enough. pursuing her dreams.

ADHD (noun) a chronic condition including attention difficulty, Children with ADHD may struggle to focus in
hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. school and have trouble following instructions.

deprivation the lack or denial of something considered to be Sleep deprivation can lead to a variety of health
(noun) a necessity. problems, including fatigue and irritability.

meaningful having a serious, important, or useful quality or She found her work at the non-profit
(adjective) purpose. organization to be much more meaningful than
her previous job in retail.

text argumentative about teenage live versus hoax in social media

Social media has become a huge part of our lives, especially for teenagers like us. We spend so much time
online that it can actually affect us in different ways [1]. One problem is that we end up getting less of the
things we really need, like sleep and face-to-face interactions with friends and family [1]. Too much social
media can also lead to deeper problems within ourselves, like feelings of envy and inadequacy [4]. Plus, we
often struggle to manage our time and end up spending way too much of it on social media [1]. However, it's
not all bad. Social media can actually strengthen our relationships and help us stay connected with people we
care about [1].

Technology has changed a lot over the years, and it has both positive and negative effects on our lives [1].
One negative effect is cyberbullying, which is a big problem these days [1]. It's so easy for people to bully
others online without getting into trouble for it, and it happens to so many people [1]. This can be really
harmful and affect anyone, so it's important to limit online speech to help stop harassment and get more
people involved in preventing cyberbullying [1]. On the other hand, technology has also opened up
opportunities for jobs and learning [1]. It's easier than ever to find information and connect with people who
can help us grow and succeed [1].

While social media may seem more important than the real world to us, there are actually a lot of negative
effects that come with it [1]. One major issue is that it can take a toll on our mental and physical health [1].
Being on social media all the time can be addictive and can even lead to symptoms of ADHD, depression,
anxiety, and sleep deprivation [4]. It's important to find a balance and not let social media consume our lives
[1]. It's also worth noting that social media can never replace the meaningful relationships we build in person
[4]. Face-to-face communication allows us to connect on a deeper level and understand each other better
through body language, touch, and facial expressions [4]. So, while social media has its benefits, it's
important to remember that real-life interactions are irreplaceable [4].

In conclusion, social media has become a major part of our lives as teenagers, but it's not without its
drawbacks [1]. It can affect our mental and physical health, and it can also lead to cyberbullying [1].
Muhammad Ibra Al-Abror

However, it also has its positives, like helping us stay connected with loved ones and providing opportunities
for learning and growth [1]. It's important for us to find a balance and not let social media take over our lives
[1]. Real-life interactions and relationships are still incredibly valuable and should not be replaced by online
communication [4]. So, let's use social media wisely and make sure we prioritize our well-being and real
connections with others.

[1] Negative Essay: The Impact Of Social Media On Teenagers - IPL.org

[2] Essay On Social Media On Teenagers - 963 Words | Internet Public Library - IPL.org
[3] A for and against essay about the internet | LearnEnglish Teens - British Council
[4] Is social media bad for teens' mental health? - UNICEF
[5] The Scientific Debate Over Teens, Screens And Mental Health - NPR
[6] Ranting on Social Media: Innocent Comment Platform or Bully Pulpit? - Loyola University

Reading Summary
- Social media has negative effects on mental and physical health, including addiction, ADHD, depression,
anxiety, and sleep deprivation.
- Cyberbullying is a major problem facilitated by social media.
- Social media can be beneficial for staying connected with loved ones and providing opportunities for
learning and growth, but it should not replace real-life interactions and relationships.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question #1 Question #2 Question #3
According to the text, what are What is one way that technology What is the main idea of this
some negative effects of spending has had a positive impact on our passage?
too much time on social media? lives, according to the text?

A. Symptoms of ADHD, A. Increased cyberbullying A. Social media has only

depression, anxiety, and B. Decreased opportunities for negative effects on our
sleep deprivation jobs and learning lives.
B. Increased face-to-face C. Improved mental and B. Real-life interactions are no
interactions with friends physical health longer valuable due to
and family D. Easier access to social media.
C. Opportunities for jobs and information and C. Finding a balance between
learning connections social media and real-life
D. Strengthening of interactions is important.
relationships and staying D. Technology has more
connected with loved ones negative effects than
positive effects.
Muhammad Ibra Al-Abror

Short Answer Questions

Question #1 What are some negative effects of spending too much time on social media?

Can give rise symptoms of ADHD, depression, anxiety, and sleep deprivation

Question #2 What are some positive effects of technology on our lives?

Can helping us stay connected with loved ones and providing opportunities for learning and growth

Question #3 Why is it important to find a balance between social media and real-life interactions?

so that we don't fall into the negative things that can arise if we can't take care of ourselves

Open Ended Questions

How has social media affected your own life? Reflect on the positive and negative effects
Question #1 it has had on your mental and physical health, relationships, and overall well-being.

social media has had a very good impact on my life, with social media I can find information easily so it helps
me in my learning activities, with social media I can also maintain good communication with my family even
though they are separated by distance, with social media I can also occasionally entertain myself when I'm
bored and tired

In what ways have you personally experienced or witnessed cyberbullying? How did it
Question #2 impact you or others involved? What steps can be taken to prevent and address

I have witnessed cyber bullying, it happened to my aunt, it has a very bad impact on the people involved,
because it can have a very bad impact on a person's psychological and mental health, the thing that can be
avoided is that we should not be too indulgent. about our lives on social media so that we don't become
victims of cyberbullying

Compare and contrast the benefits of social media with the importance of face-to-face
Question #3 communication. Reflect on the value of real-life interactions and relationships in today's
digital age.
Muhammad Ibra Al-Abror

The benefits of social media and the importance of face-to-face communication are equally important, what
we have to do is keep it balanced so that the value of existing interactions is not lost.

This resource was created by Hapsari Ayuningtyas

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