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Name: _______________________ Chapter # 7+8+9+10
Roll No: Stellar Test # 07 Total Marks: 50

Q No.1: Tick the multiple choice with the correct option. (13×1=13)
1. The Process of touching an object with moue printer is called

(a) Pausinh (b) Dropping (c) Dragging (d) Pointing

2. The deleted files are stored in:

(a) My documents (b) Internet explorer (c) Windows explorer (d) Recycle bin

3. A cell at second column and 15th row has a cell address:

(a) 15 A (b) 15 B (c) B 15 (d) A 15

4. Which of the following contains the administrative tools in operating system:

(a) Control Panel (b) Device manger (c) Recycle Bin (d) Administrative tools
5. The process of moving up/down in word processing documents is called:

(a) Line movement (b) Scrolling (c) Pull-down (d) Word-wrap

6. Header and footer option can be used from which menu

(a) Tools (b) Insert (c) Edit (d) View

7. Clip board stores ___ in word processing

(a) Entered text (b) Copied text (c) Deleted text (d) Repeated text

8. When creating MS Word document, the default name of Document is

(a) File (b) Word (c) Document (d) .Doc

9. The bar that contains the name of program and document is:

(a) Menu bar (b) Title bar (c) Status bar (d) Tool bar

10. The default number format assigned to a call is:

(a) Currency (b) Number (c) Text (d) General

11. In Spread-Sheet, by default rows are labeled by:

(a) Letters (b) Special Symbols (c) Numbers (d) Underscore sign

12. The actual working area in M.S Excel is:

(a) Work Book (b) Work Sheet (c) Spread Sheet (d) Clip Board

13. In 32-bit IP addressing scheme the value of address ranging from;

(a) 1 to 254 (b) 0 to 127 (c) 0 to 255 (d) 192 to 255

14. A web page is written in

(a) SQL (b) HTML (c) FTP (d) TCP/IP

15 Which of the following is e-mail client software?

(a) IE (b) Google.Com (c) Outlook express (d) MS Word

16 The cell range from A3 to G3 should be written as:

(a) A3-G3 (b) A3:G3 (c) A3+G3 (d) A3.G3

17 A collection of related worksheets form a :

(a) Website (b) Workbook (c) WordArt (d) Spreadsheet

18 An other name of a Hyperlink is

(a) IP address (b) Hypertext (c) Uniform resource locator (d) HTML

19 Which one is a rare example of web Application

(a) Google (b) IE (c) Duck Duck GO (d) Linux
20 In MS-Excel, formula beings with:

(a) > (b) < (c) = (d) ==

Q No.2: Short questions. (15×2=30)
i. What is Cell?
ii. What do you understand by the term named ranges?
iii. List name of some popular web Browser. Any 5.
iv. What is Email? Write with 5 examples .
v. Write down names of any 5 search engines .
vi. List out five domains with their type.
vii. What is text alignment
viii. Explain URL with example .
ix. Write two facilities provided by internet. Name any two ISP's in Pakistan.
x. Write the purpose of D.N.S?
xi. Differentiate between workbook and work sheet .
xii. How web pages are created?
xiii. What is meant by cell reference?
xiv. Differentiate between GUI and Command line interface with three example both
xv. . Define the term Plug and Play?

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