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St Joseph High

Technical Department

Shane Razak

Title: Volumetric Analysis- Titration

Aim: To determine the molar and mass concentration of HCl using 0.5M of Sodium Carbonate (Na₂CO₃)

Date: 02/06/2023


1. 25ml Pipette

2. 50ml Burette

3. White Tile

4. Funnel

5. Pipette Filler

6. Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)

7. Wash Bottle of Distilled Water

8. 3 Beakers (250ml)

9.3 Conical Flask (250ml)

10. Retort Stand and Boss Clamp

11. Phenolphthalein Indicator

12. Sodium Carbonate (Na₂CO₃) 0.05M


1. 25cm³ of 0.05M Sodium Carbonate (Na₂CO₃) was pipetted into a conical flask.

2. One drop of phenolphthalein Indicator was added to the conical flask with the Na₂CO₃.

3. The burette was filled with HCl.

4. The Na₂CO₃ solution was titrated against the HCl until it turned from pink to clear.

5. The results were recorded in Table 1.

6. The procedure was repeated until the titre values differ by 0.1 or are exactly the same.


Table 1

Burette Reading/ cm³ Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Initial Reading 25.10 32.20 36.60
Final Reading 21.00 28.10 32.30
Volume Of HCL 4.10 4.20 4.30

Treatment of Results:

1. Calculate the molar and mass concentration of HCl

a) First calculate the avg. volume of HCl used.

b) Then calculate the number of moles of Na₂CO₃ used.

c) Deduce the ratio in which the reactants combine.

d) Using the ratio calculate how many moles of HCl were required to neutralize the Na₂CO₃.

e) Then calculate the concentration of HCl in mol/dm³

f) Then calculate the concentration in grams per dm³


Volumetric analysis is a quantitative method used to determine the amount of substance in a solution by
gradually adding a solution of known concentration and measuring the volume at the time of reaction.

In chemistry an analyte is a substance whose chemical components are measured and identified. The
analyte in this experiment is the Hydrochloric Acid (HCl).

A standard in chemistry is a substance of known concentration and is used with quantitative analysis. In
this experiment the standard is the sodium carbonate (Na₂CO₃).

Na₂CO₃ + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H₂O + CO₃

An indicator is substance whose solution changes color due to pH changes. Phenolphthalein is used to
identify when to stop adding HCl to the Na₂CO₃ solution.

Phenolphthalein is colorless in an acidic solution e.g. HCl and it turns bright pink in a basic solution.

Mass concentration is defined as

Molar concentration is defined as


1. Be careful when swirling to avoid spillage.

2. Remove any air bubbles inside the burette


After conducting this experiment it was concluded by determining the mass concentration which is
21.535gdm⁻³, and the molar concentration which was found to be 0.59mol/dm⁻³

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