Dms Sets

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° SE FHEORY. am oft destin | a tt SE % a ‘alfection of “st ae a ia 2% A) Pencel; cS rn ta o 902, 2, PF Well drtine i. bofects of a bd an Called clemendy <4 Bt vf eve runes $2, 46? § 2) Set Prime numbexs f1, 2,3,4_ 4 3) sa d. indian ers ? 6 una ™ Ses ae Woualla, deneted by ‘apttal litheis ROSTER FoR — Tabulation fam In this pe clenunts 5 ane of a set are lege Sepearted V & paly { 4 “ WwHh (5) ; Det nb dunete x ca 4 46) ) ntinal ngle -41, Dib V dence the sk hall vowoels ot endteg Ve $a, e,t)0,u} 9 tet 1 be asd of all. Iotle ) Yuman , % ¥8 10 tho vond book A= 98,0, 43 NOTE — “The mde, 10 which elements a frnvalertals hi clomaats S mut net bp repeated D0) a tebe) @60°: S mare Po MAS tx ceo ¥ % clad pperation fon, for le ay 7? % an anoctali * SA - (1,4) % a come er (a )% a sem qr} (nN, nua act san 4 wup mance - Pr olydncse system (Ay 4) % wad es iA rf the following cx pdtttens Oe sah We a cloud Opeyalten to fr. 77% an amvctative oper en 10 Ae > Thee % an identity fo KOUP 36 6 ar nenempty sib o I binaay opadtion on 6. th v G, > VeNe ‘ a [ fov all abe G, aoe, (ge 4 for cil Ab/ICEG (aobjoc at vee), F thee extels 66.6, port ea goede al a € 6). Extotence of ay ideatrty 9 For eadh a € 6 \ there % an aeh hat a' oa = aA0Aa'¢@ lenutocell ~ aces rott eAGc Ayan the ¢dq ye onto t tall « tp she. Spanning ace. 1F Ft - de Te th Che 13 -fow 4 Cys cme thi eda de ae @ tt! AC the. vertices Ah Gs st ais wl = 2 step fom a “4 Kb A x rll down or cud ¢ ‘0 a Bye Cost & nol lat Cc i B- D- P F + D C E € B S fj 6 f C Dp A C fi 7 min no: of dhuclesi y nee Clava g inom uf ot OF thom ar ban fH “the cae ina mr l@ yo 2 na Ke reg Ky 13 ay Ke=a g:12 =a ayy as" , fad the fo hoof beck’ Sat one meds + | hoot Ta. ord te qt ‘8 pb (4 Sed) game colew- ad tterent claus. wo oe Kot ae > yp n=3 2°34) = 10, ' > § pm at a 2m , : sot Si | BE colons aH wl ee wl be frat ation * oi colour: oo 4 i breyclee ‘ = 250 O64 F 4+1 =¢ xbendech | Pigeon, Paocaple > =12Meohs—> ride . a a Kat) = K- la= a A = xt! te K~-Ug « ‘i or : 44] =f 2 ‘a GREHS- > “Types ot qeeh- dimple quaph | Gomplit q aph f) Srinpl “ ) ts satd Ww be cornplet, qr saphy « JA [here Yin edge blo each & even pa, 0 esti 2 7 doce ned contains any di uxpsy 2) No poxpalel ’ Sn Corap late a aph ofo- !) no of cdges M2: vente ve se v, Jt ne q e Nee (4 Va 7 = sa Le bop cles sed no: of 13 a ‘Me be vértilos solve v" aeps OG pics ss thy 14 not “aol ple Regula araph --All tu waticks of equal deqveg mee graph” 19 qraph “af we j MNo-oF deqwe — Vi— ae “ay a oa Ault graph - A awl Fhoe a no a Peer 6 a mraph fo 71 fee oT 2 hging only “the. Yselechack neds 4 aes in. null aroph t 2010 A tel 7 ee eT Beta fuprsmiativo of 6vaph Y = Mabry Ropes ental of are ) Padvacency matiy — Ut Wo 4 % wilh s veritces’ anp.ordoud from Wy TOO Thin f\Afo cerry mais > — - (0.4f \mnn0 df 6 he symmnelye madix doffoud oy the tolteasting a ) Ate =~ Sty tohey vi % bo / 09 wlhomnixe Coa oe J a 5S 1,14 4 & Vp we Consectedey edge } 0, oturw% 1) tna pri, TT" “«t s1S MM "vi ov V1V>] Vay single ¢ Ag geedl Hivsy! such that tf tH eon 6 ole Deomorphtsen of graph “Kuan = Cons ‘ap f Gi=(We) 6 aie) Supe 5 a function fi Tu edge In84-C 14 & ont ed 44 (A) $ (83 € ¢ they 0’ % called an tenphiarn blo & G GF @ The beth thedld j Waking Principle’ Bae prnene | 9 Both sachs sheuld game number f vertices edgar 8) Both Paph have an equal No- - veto totth a qiuo dearer 8) onto on Grevetpindunee te vertices 4 a qpopha flac vertex i fois kee a 4) de prsating 6 ale ‘sitstied b).o° 9 greeks ) Small Pocselde lang 6 Some, cov 8 raphy - Hefactcy matrix of & quaphs, should. be Ke Same 1 lor < = T= -HiGrab foe elas pop | Ta ent 8% sara chewt| cd oie oie i Ceorkatry, a ele Cular L Goomecteal av Vier sthed ale +: edges of, - Ih graph ie , 4 “ « clash Lak ; & 5 ocr ey Z, 4 in Laie ole ved es pe 2C do! SV vba pA ¥. Vy iN % nt eulesarephs € weg edge ¥ Me ae as No €s edge Che ¢ a Coonectea ep aly i closed wolk So on viaated exactlity - Y t {tis Pa del gree ppc neg Pp Hy enter, | Hamilton palh—In a Comected epaph Mirek watts wv vertices exoilly 0008 * . Hamntten ctvcuit — Frst & lot voy axe sane, | nh Ham*ltpo . qneph — A nope hits ogee Hamtteo qiaph: at cy ‘ti, clled poate per & = ny, a> 7 <<... preter ' Co: A e Da fvjerium} Vlg o! | Oe iv Oe pW us er O 0, OF HMM ~ fu.wusy . 0°OF iMsj—sunss “P| o, 0 OM {VaVay Su, vu} > Vs! Vai Ve} > $ Ug) Us \ { by Us Ui Ur Vé ee ey ta, © bt Oo. OO Si-O 0 0/\ 0 M% 1 1060 01 eae OTe Oo ef Eulov Ctycust i) closed walle whith watbed edge ot he graph exactly 0oce ‘a Soi Eula —In a cennetled qagh he ae: ae weed ae o 7) one a Ni rfl > aleve peph aap Hee | nt At bait ve i oui. G (lo of Vertes % gi \ bor Or ar * Nv of dacs g Degree of veifices 10 6 = 44, 48,237 he x De neawe of vertices 10 Sle Sug sade id qree y 5 \,é 102 73,9 Aem ht Moc) le logib (4) Cyl long th (g) v Vi-V5 hae ' U-D, -Uy-Ule a W-Ve~Vs “Vi 3 ; Vj -Vsr-y-U = 3 -Ve-Va-VarviF 4 Ce. c hy onfing (6 ele pe my wither’ any Mate PLD wl) SWE Otis vo U4 Vs Vs (2) vey Vals (3) (%) Vs 5 (9 ul \ : (3 i) EO ») <4 3 one U4 ¥ I ~ No (2) ete 9) 4 ay Us Vo = ~ ye e). No aa we ®~ vgs)" Ma | jes MS Vi. % J 9 A ag Aso. ase (Bac) - ase __ 890 eat nue) — 0(#)-v0(8)- p(ane’) — Bae so 16 st 9( BUC) = n(8)4 n(c) —0( BOC) AN" S Ppot es —+ = 44 M(AUBUc)- (9 )4-0(@)4(c) —NCANB) —D(AND40(-HOBINS — 3 HS = 83+S0735—-l6-4+-N4+2 = 136 n (AvBUC) - N(c) => 35 bat not by =136-35 =o] J n(AUBUC) = aso~ N(AUe UC)» = &60-13¢ >D3r¢ Pf > 6 6 ¥ 7 On, fx dug 5 w netple vf Induxten ¢, D) Corstdez, a ok 4 4 ia + How " Noumbors 7M 1 40 850. Frod ai 1 3A5 VL dnote w moon Naas oak net a ” ie os tt net oe rol 33514 A= tolegey deverble by > 9 3 o " n S [f e-5 fa Same VCH tN 4 3 = asd_ nA) « a of fhegers Ale it a 068) = no bo MRT 5 228. SO - lc) «9 _ q a= b— ic od—e—b-e—a Cloveol Connicteol gap h petting iC esman preblim—~ ue aa © sn to Heoveitees & “ > pg) BC) C9) BE A = ae End D ai i Mlunrbes of palfrs — 1 ) $B —c_p-¢_-F—-G HA W418 +w (8, Cuil Gp), wa(Dve) ‘ull ( W(6y Hy on "4 ANTST AFA TF 4543-95 By tdenice mali Representatten — ld G,- “\ ob any Atrected i yah Lott oo! vestices vor tim y, ve ordered rom ¢; tose . ern Ther a fc WwW i doce malx vepreterilaticn of , f { sik oN “In. [Foye 2S 1) woken edag 15 t00%deyt oY, ee wotée hy Gy ip res) ea ep “=F WAAAY oe ey vy Vy O 1 1 oe, We OMOm—OANEE 7 Vv e& ') (aby Representa ey i CQ , Lg Cu ts Ny *V3, Vi deere O | | ’ & a ede, Gehl TEATS ate toe Gneaay +h ) Path | dleast one edge ‘| ie. vattes jo We {Wen ay % V C Coonected 4 2 Me < FENG > ad >} an Sse Ll eo 47 mCermected graph ao qraph % Sa +5 lee eve Nap, fo usbfeb ay path does not exe Le, bens pea Paty of _veritees to the qin "rapt, 2 i. 9 *F oe ¥y eee lo perth Planes qaph-# Giep> G % said “te be planar Bf & oly tf Te can te cra 1 a separal Pla C oH bod ay edge crossings. s D- ‘ , g “e Sai i, I
eee }
(8) vertices —
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d }lack, _selp wpe Ke

d Gyre loop yy D wei
ae é th hh % a”
: y > “3 Thy % ~\\ simple sg
Bee lls % ct Uh
P ellat i Haph

q eph


é petafited Taph — A graph fo which Q Cort

jue ak avttqnd to ven oO
i ated wy eA 4 qe ( if f sae


pekinese ely ddl a



b ndtinacted ayaph— 4 qeph fo which eeny e
% net Atected called undtyeceted iis

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Mixed Graph — pt raph fa which fone e
.%% undiverleg 1; fay

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Combinations -& lab" tn vi

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Tot mast 4 u aQG0-ctazx®g O@e -

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4 ym must: howe bean born, 0 Gane

no of perso? aq a { wer

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~ a) Suppose there axe 86 Studeats 64F@

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3) TA thee ane 6 poisthle aades i BGDEEL

What the Mi no-of Stuclesly requthne {0 acloss
be Swe Hat atleast 3 “rll Vecteve the cam
queda - ’ '

no- oF Studei (es
No: of- qrades (m) = ¢

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m= ADe 77 1 % 0 saarttege? ‘ nn a 7 2
AS ase placed fo k owt “se

Pe Yoox teatlaning “tao i mee of he obe ‘

Gren cults ed Pacenhol Pracrple TF ‘n obje keg

SH Placed frilo4/ m >I) boxes (top ndes) -thove

Ws Gtleart ox tox Gondlaining aiced: lt Je

EA Fied mito 90 oF studeik rer b=

B Hida wor wt fn gan med
Same North —amerths i ee
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mn no: Studer 10. clay so that “oh +
om 1 Same Month . :
a= 4- 0-19 2>00 4 meacthy
Koay = 9 X1841,
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a cong sting df, all. the bse oe 4%
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14) 2 EE 52) 3h) ‘1 i biog
PCA = 91] por y .
n(M~3 ji aa eal
[rey] = 293

MeTE- Ao of pros quest 2 Uf |
P-ls4p dor

a NALITY ~ Nlo

Condinal, Mum 4 fe eat
> Nilo vt distin pene ¢

Deneted by n(n) e- [Al
MR Sadd.p913 4 0A) =s
Be Saabdidy

y (der 4,
: 7» Bement 004
Ce $a, jadt,ny om

Types of sot —
Mull set

7 empty 8A & ne clomonts tt 16 densted by {|
Cardinal Abe o> No: of comuats present

Note - p 194

) Bingleton ef


only one clormoil” 9% present fy the Set.
Mriat | B35} —scordtrel Mo -
3) Frotk sof 4) Intnl cet
D(A) =0 ata 0(A) ~0-> Cardinal Ne =f
4) Lqual Aes
n(4) = (8) te 5 aibjch ‘

élorurts axe ale fame S_ B= 3 bay

> Cardinal clemests should be caval € altegy




formal | et stent % vattler inter
© thal We cA 4b,

wef dohired. htt t,,


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wd He -Pilbouene 9 IAB 10 He taloulag ~tomn -




Spi whee {2pe «


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ASP) Whee Jz oe i

f 2/3) q)5 = 7 By 6:9 \ayt5
Ihe qfiven sh fh tabulas F

§ = 43,619, 1a15y



14) 27> B49 = 0} 5 get \outldes Fextr
7-34-48 =0

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1(1-|)- A(4-N-o
(t-\(2-a) =b

¥ =1,8 groin
> Ah afven sd in tabulas torn 8 = Shay

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