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1. Revision/scheme of work
Food preservation and spoilage

2. Food preservation and spoilage

3. Food storage

4. Food purchasing / Terms related to food purchasing


6. Principles of cooking

Principles of cooking continued / Food packaging

9. Food study: poultry

10. Practical demonstration (convenience foods)

11. Revision and Examination

WEEK 1 Food Preservation and food spoilage1

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Students should be able to;

1. Define food preservation

2. Identify the reasons for food preservation
3. State the methods of food preservation

REFRENCE MATERIALS: Basic foods and nutrition for senior secondary



1. Food preservation
2. Food spoilage


Food commodities contain various nutrients which are useful to the human body
for the performance of its various functions. Unfortunately, this reason also makes
food easily susceptible because these nutrients which are useful to man are also
useful to micro- organisms which grow on our food, consume them and make the
left over unfit for human consumption.

Hence, food preservation is the caring for or treating food in such a way that it will
be kept in good condition for a long period of time.


 To prolong its shelf life.

 To prevent its spoilage to prolong its shelf life.
 To avoid wastage especially when they are in season.
 _____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
 _____________________________________________
 _________________________________________________


Food spoilage usually refers to undesirable changes taking place in food which
eventually leads to rejection and therefore to wastage. The following are causes of
food spoilage;
 Actions of micro-organisms e. g. bacterial yeast and moulds.
 Insect.
 Food enzymes.
 Chemical reactions in the food.
 Physical changes due to freezing burning, drying, pressure and so on.


There are different methods of preserving foods. However, the type of method
used depends on the nature of the food, length of preservation required, the
facilities available and the type of dish to be prepared. The different methods of
food presser vation are:-

1. DRYING: This is the process by which the water content of the food is
reduced. Both food enzymes and micro- organisms require water for action
and growth, therefore the removal of water from the food creates an
unfavourable environment for their actions, hence they are unable to cause
food spoilage.

Examples of food preserved by drying are legumes, cereals, meat and fish. There
are different types of drying.

 Solar drying
 Oven drying
 Freeze drying
 Roller drying
 Vacuum drying
 Tunnel drying
 Spray drying

2. CANNING AND BOTTLING: This is keeping food aseptically in cans or

in bottles. The food is sterilized and scaled in the vacuum or in the presence
of inert gases and them in cans or bottles. E. g. fruit juices, meat, fish,
beverages, etc.
3. IRRADIATION: This is involving the use of radioactive element like
cobalt, to destroy micro-organism and food enzymes e.g. potato, yam tuber
and onion.
4. FERMENTATION: This very old method of preserving food is still being
practiced. It involves the decomposition of some of the food component to
produce acid. The acid so produced will reduce the pH of the food and hence
make the food unfavourable to the mirco- organisms. Example of food
preserved by fermentation are locust beans seed, (iru) melon paste (ogiri)
and wines .Other product of fermentation in the foods are cheese, pitto,
fermented fish, fermented plantain, garri and corn paste/ dough.
5. SMOKING: This is drying of food stuff over a fire or heated charcoal, the
smoke produced contains some aldeheydes and phenols which have a strong
bacteria effect e. g. fish, meat.
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________


 Why do we need to preserve foods?

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students should be able to:
1. Define food spoilage
2. Identify causes, agents of food spoilage.
REFRENCE MATERIALS: Basic foods and nutrition for senior secondary
1. Food spoilage
2. Spoilage and preservation facilities
Food Spoilage Defined:
Food spoilage can be defined simply as unpleasant or undesirable changes that
takes place in the food which eventually leads to its rejection and wastage.

Causes Of Food Spoilage

Food spoilage can be caused by the following factors (Add three more):

1. Action of microorganisms such as bacteria yeast and moulds.

2. Insects.
3. Food enzymes.
4. Chemical reactions in the food.
5. Physical changes due to freezing, burning, drying, pressure, etc.
6. ____________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________

Principles of Food Preservation

The act of food preservation is based on the following principles:

1. Destruction of microorganisms

2. Prevention of their entry into the food.

3. Arrest of the action of food enzymes

 Advantages of food preservation: Germs do not grow easily in

preserved food and make it safe to eat. Preservation enables us
to enjoy seasonal fruits like strawberries and mangoes even
during the offseason.
 Disadvantages of food preservation: Excess salt and sugar are
used in the preservation of food which is not good for health.
Some methods of food preservation may lead to loss of nutrients.

Task: What are the agents of food spoilage?



LEARNING OBJECTIVE: learners should be able to:

1. Define food storage

2. Identify the importance of food storage
3. State the methods of food storage

KEY TERMS: storage, perishable foods, non-perishable foods.

REFRENCE: Basic Foods and Nutrition for Senior Secondary Schools.

Food storage and preservation are often erroneously used interchangeably. They
both mean different thing. While food preservation entails keeping food for a
longer period before consuming such foods, Food storage on the other hand can be
defined as the art of keeping food for some time before consumption. In most cases
food preservation may involve the addition of other substances such as chemicals
or changing the form of the foodstuff to another food through processing.

Factors That Can Influence the Choice of Storage Methods

 The nature of the foodstuff.

 The facilities available in the house.
 The length of storage required.
 The ultimate use of the foodstuff.

Methods of Food Storage

There are two broad methods of food stor age, these are:

1. Traditional method
2. Modern or improved method

Traditional Methods

The method of storage is determined by the nature of the food, For example meat
and fish products are usually stored in wire cages or strung on wood or metal bars
and displayed over the fireplace. The heat emanating from the fireplace during
cooking, especially in the morning and evening, is used to heat the meat or fish and
hence able to keep it until ready for use. Dried fish or meats are also kept in dry
containers with lids with respect to cereal grains There are different traditional
methods of storing food. These include:

1. Storing in buts: Placed in platforms built over a hearth. The heat generated
from the fire helps in drying the cereal and keeping it warm thus making it
uncomfortable for pests and insects. Example of cereal usually stored in this form
is maize.

2. Local silos or cribs: These are round mud buildings with a root, usually of palm
fronds, and raised a little from the ground. Sometimes planks or wood can be used
in erecting the cribs. The grains are then stored inside the cribs.

3. Gourds or Pots: Usually shelled cereals or legumes are stored in gourds or pots
with a cover. At times some dried peppers are added to the grains inside the gourds
or pots. The pepper, through the aroma emitted, assists in suffocating any insects
that might find their way into the container.

4. Burying underneath the ground: Sometimes grains are kept inside the pits.
These pits are usually fumigated with red pepper.
Tubers are however, stored differently. For example, yams are stored in barns on
the farm. In the house, they are stored on platforms. Another method often used is
manual removal of the sprouts. Prevents further growth and loss of weight of the
yams. Tubers are also stored input immediately after harvest.

B. Modern Methods

This is also known as improved methods of food storage. It is a sophisticated

methods of storing foodstuffs. The most important piece of household storing
equipment is the refrigerator. The refrigerator is capable of creating a very cold
environment which is uncomfortable for most destructive organism.
1. Avoid Food Poisoning and Other Stomach Diseases

One of the easiest and most effective ways for you to do so is to ensure that the
food you're taking in is always clean. This also means that you've stored leftovers
and pre-cooked meals well enough.

Here are guidelines for you to note when storing certain types of food:

● Cooked meat should always be stored separately from raw meat.

● Raw meat, fish, and poultry should be stored in clear containers at the bottom-
most part of the fridge. This avoids blood and other fluid from these food groups
from dripping on and contaminating other food.

● Cool any cooked food first before storing them in the refrigerator.

● Always follow storage instructions.

● Be mindful of the expiration dates.

● Food prepared for buffets or parties should be stored in commercial food pans
for no longer than four hours unless they’re kept warm.

2. Help Stop the Growth of Bacteria

Bacteria can easily thrive in certain kinds of food. The only way to stop this from
happening is to refrigerate the food. That way, you're able to keep your food safe.

3. Increase Shelf Life

Various food groups have different shelf lives.

There’s no precise solution to determining how long a particular food type will be
able to hold its quality since various factors dictate this, such as the quality of
storage while at the grocery store, the food preparation process and the humidity
and temperature of your food storage area.

Keeping food in the wrong condition only exposes it to premature spoilage.

4. Keep Taste and Freshness

When you store cooked food in the fridge, you must keep them all covered and
sealed. It's a wrong practice to put plates of leftovers inside the refrigerator.

5. Keep Safe from Chemicals

● Keep the storage area dry at all times

● Keep food in sealed containers

● To prevent mice and other pests from munching on it, keep food away from the

● Keep food away from cleaning products

● Don't store dry goods in containers that have been used for storing other non-
food items

Storage of perishable foods

Cold storage is the process of storing food in the refrigerator

i. Fresh meat and fresh fish should be stored in the freezer

ii. cooked food, soup, stew etc can as well be stored in the freezer
iii. Bread should be stored in bread bin or lower part of the refrigerator
iv. Fresh poultry egg should be stored at the lower compartment of the refrigerator.
Some fridges are filled with egg trays or crates
v. Vegetable and fruits should be put in plastic containers or nylon bags and stored in
the lower compartment of the refrigerator. They should not be stored for a long
period of time, else they lose taste, colour etc.
vi. Some fruits and vegetable can be stored outside the fridge, in a cool
airy environment for a short period, eg onion

vii. Apart from storing food in the freezer and refrigerators, perishable
foods can be processed into a form that can be stored for a very long period, eg fish
can be smoked, while vegetable can be dried and stored.
These are kept in food storage containers.
Food storage containers: these are containers that can be used to hold foods at
room temperature, in the fridge or in the freezer. Food storage containers includes:

1. Plastic bags
2. Glass Containers
3. Plastic food containers
4. Bags and jute sacs
5. Bin storage
6. Basket
7. Canning

8. Food store

1. Temperature
2. Moisture
3. Oxygen
4. Light




1. State the meaning of food purchasing.

2. Identify and define some of the terms used in food purchasing.
3. State factors to consider when buying food.
4. Identify the importance of buying good quality foods.

Food purchasing is the activity of acquiring food items through exchange of

money. OR, is the process of buying food stuffs from various places of sales of
food items usually open markets, supermarkets or groceries according to the needs,
number of people in the family and money at hand.

Factors to consider when buying food.

1. Size of the family.

2. The family food needs. (Nutritional needs, likes and dislikes and
health reasons.
3. Food preservation and storage facilities available to the family.
4. Quality of food.
5. Food in season.
6. Money available to the family.
7. Where to buy food. (Open market, supermarket, special stores, etc.)

Importance of buying good quality foodstuffs.

1. Good quality foodstuffs are fresh and wholesome.

2. Their nutrient contents are still intact.
3. They keep well in storage.
4. They are not yet attacked by food spoilage organism.
5. They are appetizing and taste good.
6. They are economical because there is little or no wastage, because
they still fresh.
7. They have good appearance.
Wise buying practices.

1. Make a good shopping list.

2. Keep to the shopping list when buying.

3. Ensure that there are adequate storage facilities for the foodstuff to be

4. Buy foods that are in season.

5. Judge the quality of food before buying.

6. Judge values of food before buying. This makes it easy to compare the
cost of products in different sized packaged.

7. Check measurements, when buying such food as grains, pulses and garri.

8. Read labels on food containers.

9. Make bulk purchases whenever possible.


Bulk purchasing is the practice of buying goods in large quantities with a


of storing at home. It involves preparing a list of items to be bought.

Factors to consider in bulk purchasing are:

- Available storage facilities.

- Foods in season.

- Size of the family.

- Amount of money available.

- Quality of food to be purchased.

- The keeping quality of the food involved.

- The frequency of consumption of the food involved.

- The nature of foodstuff (perishable and non- perishable)

- The family needs.


1. Bulk purchasing is economical and saves money. This is because it is

cheaper to buy large quantities than in small bits.

2. It protects the housewife from market price fluctuation.

3. It prevents impulse purchases and therefore prevents wasteful spending.

4. It makes ingredients readily available to the housewife in times of

emergency. It ensures that food is always in the house.

5. It allows for good menu planning. It is useful for food management in

large families and institutions such as school, hotels etc.

6. It saves time and energy


1. It can take much of the family income, and prevent purchase of other
needed commodities.

2. One kind of food purchased in bulk can become monotonous to the family

3. Lack of proper storage and management of food can lead to wastage

EVALUATION: 1. Explain food purchasing?

2. Highlight five factors to consider when buying food?




1. State the meaning of food preparation.

2. Identify reasons for cooking food.
3. Understand the three methods of heat transfer involved in
cooking food.


Food preparation is the act of making food ready for use. It could be by
cooking or milling.


1. Milling: The process of removing the embryo and the outer layer of
cereals and grains to leave the white interior for use.

2. Filleting: The removal of bones from fish or meat

3. Cooking: The presentation of food to bring about both physical and
chemical changes such as breaking down of connective tissues in meat
and softening of the cellulose in plant tissues.


1. To make it more digestible

2. To kill the bacteria and thereby making it safe for consumption.

4. To develop flavor and improve its appearance.

5. To introduce variety into the diet.

6. To destroy micro-organisms that cause food to deteriorate.


1. Radiation i.e. transfer of heat in air medium (dry medium) e.g. baking,
grilling, roasting, microwave cooking.

2. Convention i.e. transfer of heat in liquid medium e.g steaming, boiling,

poaching, stewing etc.

3. Conduction: Transfer of heat in solid medium e.g transfer of heat from

source to cooking pots or pans.


(i) Boiling

(ii) Steaming

(iii) Baking

(iv) Stewing

(v) Toasting
(vi) Frying

(vii) Sautéing

(viii) Grilling

(ix) Poaching

(X) Braising

EVALUATION: Write short note on the three methods of heat transfer?

1. Identify the different methods of cooking available
2. Identify different method of cooking in various forms e.g. water,
3. State the advantages and disadvantages of the methods of


Food may be cooked in many ways. There are two types of heating method
in cooking i.e.
(I) wet method i.e. boiling, stewing, frying and steaming.
(ii) Dry method i.e. baking, roasting and grilling.

This method involves cooking in boiling water. Sufficient water is used to
cover the food and the water is heated to boiling point (100), then the heat
is reduced a bit and the food left to simmer in a covered pan until it is
cooked. Examples of food that can be cooked with this method include root
vegetables, meat, fish, egg, legumes, cereals etc.
(I) It is a simple and quick method of cooking
(ii) It does not require constant attention.
(iii) It is a moist method and therefore softens food and make them easy to
(iv)It is a suitable method of cooking for all health conditions.
(v)Many foods can be cooked with this method.
(I) Some food nutrients such as water-soluble vitamins and minerals are
removed from the food into the water. The stock must therefore be used in
cooking to avoid loss of such nutrients.
(ii)Foods often look unattractive, appetizing or tasty unless they are
garnished or served with stew or soup as a main dish.
(iii)Food may break into pieces during cooking.
(iv)It is a long, slow method of cooking.

Stewing is a long and slow method with an appropriate quantity of liquid. It
involves cooking food slowly or at low heat in small quantity of water for a
long time in a covered sauce pan at a temperature just below boiling point.
Examples of food that can be stewed include fresh and dried fruits, all
vegetables except green ones, tough cuts of meat, poultry etc.
(I) Conserves food nutrients.
(ii) Economical on fuel as small quantity of heat is required.
(iii) Makes appetizing and attractive dishes.
(iv) The flavor of the food is retained.
(v) Tenderizes tough food e.g tough cuts of meat.
(I) It is a slow method of cooking so, it takes longer time.
(ii) It requires more attention than boiling to ensure that the food does not
(iii) The prolonged cooking can destroy some food nutrients such as
vitamin C in fruits and vegetables.
This is a method of cooking by steam from boiling liquid (water). There is
no direct contact between the food and the boiling water. Steaming can
also be carried out above 100 by means of pressure cooker. Examples of
food that can be steamed include small pieces of meat, pudding, fresh and
dried fruits, small fish or fillet.
(I) Easily digested. It is therefore a suitable method for preparing meal for
children, invalids and pregnant women.
(ii)There is no loss of nutrients into cooking water.
(iii) There is less risk of over cooking.
(iv) More than one dish can be cooked in a pot.
(i) It is a slow method of cooking because of the lengthen process.
(ii) Steamed foods are not as palatable as foods cooked with other
(iii) Not many types of food can be cooked with this method.
(iv)Steamed foods need careful garnishing to make them look attractive.
Frying is a method of cooking in hot oil or fat. There are various types of

1. Deep Frying: Enough oil is used to cover the food completely, so that
it is immersed in the oil. There is no need for constant turning as the
food will cook evenly in the deep oil. The pan should be heavy and
deep. The food may be coated with plain flour seasoned with salt,
butter, egg or bread crumbs to protect its shape, seal the nutrients
and prevent it from breaking up.
The stages involved in deep frying are melting stage, bubbling stage,
frying stage and decomposition stage. Examples of food that can be
fried include root vegetables, akara, fried yam, plantain, doughnut
2. Shallow Frying: This is a type of frying whereby foods are cooked in
a heated fat covering the bottom of the pan. Enough fat is used to
prevent the food from sticking to the frying pan. This method requires
constant turning to cook evenly on both sides. Examples of food that
can be cooked using this method include pancake, fish, egg etc.
3. Braising: This is a brief frying of food in a shallow fat after which the
food is cooked. It is suitable for tougher cuts of meat. The larger the
cut of meat, the longer the braising time.
4. Dry Frying: This method is used for food which already contains
plenty of fat. The fat melts and runs out of the food. Examples of food
that can be cooked with this method include bacon, sausages and
other fatty parts of pork.

Sauteing: This is a method of frying food quickly n a shallow pan of hot fat
turning it until it is evenly browned. It is a kind of shallow frying because
little fat is used. It is usually used as a preliminary method in the
preparation of soups, stews, sauces and leafy vegetables.
(I)It is a fast method of cooking.
(II)Fried foods are attractive and tasty.
(iii) No loss of soluble nutrients (if the food is coated before frying).
(I) It needs skill and is dangerous unless done carefully.
(ii) Fried food is unappetizing and greasy when cold.
(iii) If the fat is too hot, the food may be burnt and not cooked.
(iv)Fried foods are not easily digested.
Pressure cooking is a quick method of cooking food by superheated steam
in a closed vessel with a strong and firmly secured lid and safety valve. The
special sauce pan used is called a pressure cooker. Examples of food that
can be cooked by this method include tough cuts of meat, dried meat and
dried legumes. To obtain maximum result, the pressure pot instructions
must be followed such as the cooking time required for different foods, how
to open the pressure cooker, how to close it, how much liquid to use, the
correct pressure weight for different food.
(i) It saves time as cooking time is reduced to at least at least a third of the
usual time
(ii) It is very economical on fuel.
(i) It requires special skill.
(ii) If the correct pressure weight is not used, the food may not be properly

EVALUATION: why do we need to study the topic ‘ principles of cooking’?

1. State the meaning of food packaging.
2. Identify reasons why food is packaged.

Food packaging primarily involves enclosing or protecting products for storage,

distribution, sale, and use. Today attractive packaging helps to draw customers
towards the product.
It's not possible to imagine food without a packet. Food packaging is everywhere.
Being such a large industry, packaging has its own principles, technology,
advantages, and disadvantages. Toxic effects and cost.
Packaging is important to maintain the basic attributes of food;
1. Temperature
2. Colour
3. Taste
4. Texture
5. Maintaining food safety

It is equally important that the packing material itself is of food-grade and not a
hazard to food safety.
1. Good packaging protects against breakages, temperatures, heat and
2. Acts as a barrier to water, dust, contaminants, direct touch, microorganisms
3. Provide attractive and eye-appealing look.
4. It enhances the shelf life of the food products.
5. Gives a good look and glamourizes the packets for marketing.
6. Making it convenient for consumer to handle.
7. The packets contains labels which gives specific information about the
contents, dates of manufacturing, expiry dates, nutrient values etc.
8. In some cases, anti-theft devices are installed on the packets.
9. Suitable packaging helps in categorizing, grouping and appropriate storage
of the products.

Various packaging materials are in use. Some of the important ones are discussed
1. Glass
2. Aluminum
3. Foil
4. Cans
5. Plastics
6. Nylons
Examples of foods that can be packaged are; cereals, snacks, drinks, soups,
water etc.
EVALUATION; What are the types of food packaging that is available?

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