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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research I
(Qualitative Research)

Presented by:
Khaleel Imran S. Sajili
11- STEM B

Presented to:
Connie-Ann Q. Fabian
Research Teacher

June 3, 2021


Background of the Study

Good health is man’s greatest possession. It is essential for having a pro-active and fully

functioning life. Since man is a social being, good health ensures social survival. Hence, health,

besides being man’s personal responsibility, is also his social obligation to maintain it at its

optimum prime. A healthy person can bring positive changes in society. It is a key to creating a

better and more reformed community.

The general health of mankind is currently in a perilous condition with the outbreak of

coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This viral disease, which cause severe acute respiratory

syndrome, was initially detected in Wuhan, China in December 2019. In approximately 1 month,

the outbreak has resulted in an epidemic throughout China. The new coronavirus rapidly spread

to other countries in Asia and subsequently all around the world within a month of its onset. On

11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a worldwide


As of December 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in more than 74.2 M cases

and more than 1.6 M deaths worldwide (WHO 2020). The pandemic has resulted in a devastating

impact worldwide, which prompted the need for mitigation policies to contain the pandemic

(Phua, 2019). The ground strategy followed by most countries around the world was to reduce

the transmissibility of the disease, often by non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), including

enforcing masks policy, hands sanitization, social distancing, travel restrictions, schools’

closures, and partial or complete lockdowns. (Nicola 2020). So far, NPIs were able to slow down
the progression of the disease, but the most promising strategy to confine the pandemic and

provide hope to reduce the mortality and morbidity rates remains within the capacity of medical

technology. Such medical technology includes effective, safe, and affordable antiviral agents and


Vaccines are one of the most reliable and cost-effective public health interventions ever

implemented that are saving millions of lives each year. After deciphering of the genome

sequence of SARS-CoV-2 in early 2020 and the declaration of the pandemic by WHO in March

2020, scientists and pharmaceutical companies are racing against time in efforts to develop

vaccines (Zimmer, 2020). Pfizer-BioNTech’s (BNT162b2) and Moderna (mRNA-1273) mRNA

vaccines have been approved for emergency use in the US (Coustasse, 2021).

The Philippines is currently in the initial phase of vaccine rollout with the availability of

Sinovac and AstraZeneca vaccines in the country (DOH, 2021). The national government is

working in partnership with local governments to get the vaccines to the different part of the

Philippine archipelago. The local government unit arranged registration and schedule of

vaccination in their respective cities and municipalities.

In Zamboanga City, the initial voluntarily vaccination kicked off last April, 2021 at

Zamboanga City Medical Center with medical health workers as its front runners. This was

eventually followed by vaccination roll out in different health centers in Zamboanga City, where

aging population and people with co-morbidity were prioritized.

With the uplifting news about SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, optimism is raising to see an end

to the pandemic through herd immunity. It is hope that herd immunity against COVID 19 can
eventually be achieved a result mass immunization (Omer, 2020). Herd immunity', also known

as 'population immunity', is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when

a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous

infection (Fine, 2011). To safely achieve herd immunity against COVID-19, a substantial

proportion of a population would need to be vaccinated, lowering the overall amount of

virus able to spread in the whole population. One of the aims with working towards herd

immunity is to keep vulnerable groups who cannot get vaccinated, due to health conditions like

allergic reactions to the vaccine, safe and protected from the disease.

Some may be hesitant toward vaccination due to beliefs that they have a low risk of

infection, others may have concerns about the safety of vaccines, while others may be hesitant

because of religious values or lack of trust in the health system. With COVID-19 vaccines slowly

being rolled out in many countries, it is important to understand the public’s expectations after

being vaccinated. Hence, this prompted the researcher to conduct a study on this particular issue.

Research Objectives

This study aims to determine the expectations of individuals vaccinated against COVID

19. It particularly seeks to answers the following research objectives:

1. Determine the expectations of participants vaccinated against COVID 19 in terms of:

1.1 Health aspect;

1.2 Psychological aspect;

1.3 Social aspect; and

1.4 Economic aspects.

2. Identify strategies to encourage other people to receive COVID 19 vaccination.

Significance of the Study

The results and findings of this research study will be beneficial to the following parties/



The findings of the study will give baseline data to the local government regarding the

expectations of individuals who were already vaccinated against COVID 19. The study will also

provide the government additional insights on how to strategize and fund the present programs

on COVID-19 vaccination.

Department of Health

The findings will help the particular agency plan and implement more comprehensive

strategies and coping mechanisms against the COVID 19 pandemic, particularly in the area of

mass vaccination.

Local Community

The findings of the study will provide awareness and additional information to the

residence of a particular barangay or a community on positive outlooks towards COVID 19

Family and friends

The result of this study can help boost the confidence of families and friends to take the

COVID 19 vaccine.

Future Researchers

The findings of the research study could provide additional concepts and theories to

researchers who wish to conduct a follow-up study similar to this one, using other concepts or


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will be limited to the expectations of individuals who have already been

vaccinated against COVID 19. It covered the expectations of vaccinated individuals in terms of

health, psychological, social and economic aspect and their strategies to encourage other people

to get vaccinated. This study will be conducted during the second semester of the academic year

2020-2021. In observance with the guidelines of COVID 19 health protocol, research will

delimit the study to online participation utilizing the Jotform platform.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined

COVID-19. In this study, the term refers to a strain of coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan

China in late part of 2019 and has infected and killed an alarmingly high number of people


Expectations. In this study, the term refers what vaccinated individuals anticipate from their

vaccinations (i.e. its efficacy and possible side effects) in terms of health, psychological, social

and economic aspects.

Economic aspects. In this study, the term refers to the individual’s expectations on the effect of

COVID 19 vaccinations towards their work condition.

Health aspect. In this study, the term refers to the individual’s expectations on the effect of

COVID 19 vaccinations towards their general health wellbeing.

Psychological aspect. In this study, the term refers to the individual’s expectations on the effect

of COVID 19 vaccinations towards their general mental wellbeing.

Social aspect. In this study, the term refers to the individual’s expectations on the effect of

COVID 19 vaccinations towards their social relationship with friends, family and other people.

Vaccinated Individuals. In this study, the term refers to people, ages 18 years old and above,

who have received either the first or the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Vaccine. In this study, the term refers to a formula which supposedly protects individuals against

severe symptoms of COVID-19.



This chapter presents the relevant literatures and studies which are related to the

expectations of individuals vaccinated against COVID 19. A study of relevant literature is an

essential step to get a full picture of what has been done and said abroad and in one’s own

country with regard to the problem.

In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global

pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused global health catastrophe and economic

recession, It has affected every country in the world with more than 2 million casualties,

changing the lives of all. Immunization with a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine is critical

to reduce COVID-19-related illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths. Initial vaccines were

authorized by emergency use authorizations (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) when enough preliminary data on their effectiveness and safety was collected. All country

worldwide agreed that vaccines are one of the most effective tools to protect your health and

prevent disease.

To bring this pandemic to an end, a large share of the world needs to be immune to the

virus. The safest way to achieve this is with a vaccine. Vaccines are a technology that humanity

has often relied on in the past to bring down the death toll of infectious diseases. Vaccines work

with the body’s natural defenses so the body will be develop immunity to fight the virus, if a

person is exposed.

According to the May 2021 data collected by Bloomberg, more than 1.84 billion vaccine

doses have been administered worldwide across 176 countries. In the United States of
America, 294 million doses have been given so far. In the last week, an average of 1.39

million doses per day were administered. At this pace, it will take another 4 months to

cover 75% of the population

Israel, on the other hand, was first to show that vaccinations were having a nationwide

effect. Fifty six point six percent (56.6%) now of the total population of Israel is fully immunized

(Financial Times, 2021). The country has led the world in vaccinations, and by February more

than 84% of people ages 70 and older had received two doses. Severe COVID cases and deaths

declined rapidly (WHO, 2021).

However, since the start of the global vaccination campaign, countries have experienced

unequal access to vaccines. There is already a stark gap between vaccination programs in

different countries, In Central African Republic only 667people, or roughly 0.01%, received

initial dose of vaccination. The majority part of Africa and some other third world counties are

yet to report a single dose (WHO, 2021).

In the Philippines, since there are around 110 million people in the Philippines, not

everybody can get vaccinated immediately. An estimate of 4.5 million people 3.1% of the total

population already received the COVID vaccine and only 1.03million people or 1% of the total

population is fully immunized. In a recent survey conducted by the OCTA, only around 56% of

the respondents think they'll take the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to the Centers Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta Georgia (2021), It

takes about two weeks after a final vaccine dose for immunity to fully develop. After that, masks

and social distancing are no longer necessary. It’s a dramatic change in guidance that caught

many by surprise. In a press conference during a Rose Garden address heralding the new
guidance, US President Joe Biden led the group in removing their masks when the guidance was

announced. During the press briefing, Biden said that fully vaccinated people no longer need to

wear mask and encouraging more Americans to roll up their sleeves and get vaccinated.

However, unvaccinated people, including children, should still wear masks indoors, according to

the CDC. Masks are still required by many businesses and state or local governments.

COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing COVID-19 disease, especially severe

illness and death. However, researches are still being done to determine how well COVID-19

vaccines keep people from spreading the virus and how effective current COVID-19 vaccines are

against new variants of the virus. Until research studies can determine how long COVID-19

vaccination lasts, people who are fully vaccinated will still need to practice protective measures

(WHO 2021).

Although the vaccines have proven effective at preventing people from developing

symptoms of COVID-19, it’s unclear whether people who are vaccinated can still carry and

spread the virus. Health experts worldwide do not know yet how long immunity will last. So, it’s

important to continue following public health guidelines until more information is gathered.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the theory of Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (1943)

and on the Theory of Resilience by Norman Garmezy, a clinical Psychologist in the early 1970’s.

The Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a

five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. From the

bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: physiological, safety, love and belonging needs,
esteem, and self-actualization. Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before

individuals can attend to needs higher up.

Deficiency of needs arise due to deprivation and are said to motivate people when they

are unmet. On the basis of the theory of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the health safety every

citizen became a pressing matter in the light of the recent worldwide COVID 19 pandemic. It

motivated people to look for means to overcome this need. Aside from the health protocols set

by the government, one of the effective and innovative means to protect and promote the health

safety of the people is the present vaccination against the deadly disease brought about by Covid

19. Once needs for health safety of accomplished, people would feel more secure and can go

back to their usual activities with their love ones, thereby achieving the sense of love and

belongingness and will be able to move to a higher level in the hierarchy.

This research study also draws upon literatures in the theory of Resilience that

encompasses contemporary understandings of stress, adaptation, wellness, and resource

dynamics. The theory argues that it's not the nature of adversity that is most important, but how

we deal with it. When we face adversity, misfortune, or frustration, resilience helps us bounce

back. It helps us survive, recover, and even thrive in the face and wake of misfortune

Community resilience is a process linking a network of adaptive capacities (resources

with dynamic attributes) to adaptation after a disturbance or adversity. Community resilience

emerges from four primary sets of adaptive capacities—Economic Development, Social Capital,

Information and Communication, and Community Competence—that together provide a strategy

for disaster readiness. To build collective resilience, communities must reduce risk and resource

inequities, engage local people in mitigation, create organizational linkages, boost and protect
social supports, and plan for not having a plan, which requires flexibility, decision-making skills,

and trusted sources of information that function in the face of unknowns.

Under the Theory of Resilience, communities need to adapt to the effect of COVID 19

pandemic. This would include mobilizing adaptive capacities identified in the Theory of

Resilience. Economic Development must be channeled to acquire more vaccine to combat the

disease. Social Capital must be explored in order to cover all prioritized people for vaccination.

Information and Communication must be enhanced to disseminate accurate news feedback on

COVID 19 vaccination. Lastly, Community Competence achieved to ensure compliance to the

ongoing vaccination. Together, these adaptive capacities provide a strategy for community

resilience against this pandemic.



Research Design

This paper is phenomenological research, a qualitative research design.

Phenomenological research is used to determine and describe what an experience means for

those who have lived it (Creswell, 1988). Van Manen (1990) explained that phenomenological

without offering a causal explanation or interpretative generalization.

In this study, the expectations of individuals vaccinated against COVID 19 will be

determined. Phenomenological studies attempt to search for the central or essential meaning of

an experience. Emphasis is placed on identifying the intentionality of consciousness which

means identifying the outward and inward appearance, based on the subject consciousness,

image, memory, and meaning of phenomenon being studied (Creswell, 1998), from the

individual description, general or universal meanings are derived in other words the essences of

structures of the experiences refers to the notion that all experiences have an underlying


Since phenomenological research is geared to giving voice to the experience being

described (Manen, 1990), it is the most appropriate method for the purpose of this study, as the

essence of any phenomenological research study is to transform the lived experiences of the

participants into textual experience, and also the meaning derived from the experience.

Population and Sampling Design

The participants in this study are 18 years old and above individuals who were already

vaccinated against COVID 19, either on their first or second dose.

A non-probability purposive sampling design was used for the study. The researchers

chose the participants because of their lived experiences. The size of the sample was controlled

by saturation of the information, which means the point at which repetition or confirmation of

previously collected data occurs, thus there is no specific number of participants (Streubert

Speziate & Carpenter, 2003:25).

The design was also chosen because the researchers want to develop a rich or dense

description of expectations of individuals vaccinated against COVID 19. The purposive design

provides cases rich in for in-depth study.

Research Instrument

Similar to other phenomenological research, the researchers formulated questions

for the participants. Open-ended interview questions were used to determine the expectations of

individuals vaccinated against COVID 19. However, in observance of the guidelines of COVID

19 health protocol, research will utilize online the Jotform platform instead of a face-to-face

interview to assure the safe participation of respondents. From this open-ended interview

question design, common themes emerged which were then identified, analyzed, and discussed.

Validity and Reliability

Creswell (1998) listed eight specific verification procedures used in qualitative research

prolonged engagement/observation; triangulation; peer review/debriefing; negative case analysis;

clarifying research bias; member checks; rick/thick description; and external audits. He

recommended, “Qualitative researchers engage in at least two of them in any given study.

The questionnaire will be validated by three independent research experts, preferably

with Masters’ or Doctorate degrees. Their comments and suggestions will be incorporated in the

revision of the questionnaire.

All questionnaires will be accessed by the participants via online using the Jotform

platform. The procedure for verification and validation for the data gathered which will be used

in this study are interview and focus group discussion.

Ethical Consideration

In compliance to Research Ethics Protocol, an Informed Consent from the survey

respondents specifying their awareness to the purposes of the study is attached to the online

questionnaire, The consent emphasizes their agreement to participate as survey respondents, their

agreement to record the interview proceeding, their freedom to disclose or not to disclose

information, their freedom to stop their participation anytime if they do not feel comfortable,

their right to be informed of the results of the study, and their right to the confidentiality of

information and anonymity of their identity. In the course of the interview, no pictures showing

their faces were taken nor identifying their names unless allowed by the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

Permission to conduct the study will be sought from Baliwasan Senior High School Stand

Alone. Upon approval, the researchers will inform participants via e-mail and attached the online

file of the questionnaire with the instruction to fill up the survey form at their most convenient

time. A follow-up Focus Grouped Discussion (FGD) using the Goggle Meet app will be made to

check on the veracity of their answers.

The collected data will be analyzed and common themes which will emerge in the course

of the discussion will be identified. Ideas in the topic will be identified and reorganized into

information to form a cluster of meaning, and the convergence of these clusters made a general

description of the phenomenon and extract themes common to each number. Finally, an “overall

description of the meaning and the essence of the experience” will be constructed.
San Jose Road, Baliwasan
Zamboanga City




Dear respondents,

Good day, everyone! This is a survey to determine the expectations of individuals

vaccinated against COVID-19. The research questionnaire consists of two parts; the personal
information and the actual questions pertaining to the subject matter.

Rest assured that the researcher shall follow all ethical considerations in conducting the
research, and that all data gathered will be kept in anonymity and confidentiality.

Thank you for your participation in helping the researcher complete this study.

Kind regards,

-The researcher

Part 1: Personal Profile


Please input your personal information into this section. Your name may be left blank, for
anonymity purposes.

Name: _______________________________________________ Age: _____

Sex Number of doses received (select one option)

 Male  1 dose
 Female  2 doses
Part 2: Questionnaire

The following questions will help determine the expectations of people vaccinated against
COVID-19. Please answer the questions neatly, coherently, and honestly.

Health Aspect
1. What are your expectations on possible long-term health benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine?

2. What are your expectations on possible side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on your health?

Psychological Aspect
3. How has the COVID-19 vaccine changed your perspective on the pandemic?

4. Are you still worried about getting COVID-19 after receiving the vaccine? Please state your

Social Aspect
5. How has the possibility of the vaccine ending the pandemic affected your relationships with
your family, friends, and acquaintances?

6. After receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, do you think you will be able to freely meet and
socialize with other people in person? Please state your reason/s.

Economic Aspect
7. After most of the population has been vaccinated, do you think the economy will be able to
recover from the effects of the pandemic? Please state your reason/s.

8. What changes do you expect in your work routine after you have been vaccinated?

Strategies to Encourage Vaccination

9. What are the benefits of encouraging other people to get vaccinated against COVID-19?

10. How would you encourage other people to get vaccinated against COVID-19?


San Jose Road, Baliwasan
Zamboanga City

June 04, 2021


STEM Subject Group Head,
Baliwasan Senior High School

Dear Madam:

Greetings of peace!

THE undersigned a student of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), is

presently working on a research entitled “Expectations of Individuals Vaccinated Against
COVID 19”. The said thesis is to be worked out within the period of 2nd semester.

Knowing your expertise in the field of research, I would like to seek your assistance to validate
this research instrument. Attached is a copy of the research title, objectives and questionnaire.

Thank you very much and God bless!

Very sincerely yours,



Noted by: Approved by:


Practical Research Adviser Faculty, Baliwasan Senior High School

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