CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 8 - Body Movements Important Questions 2024-25

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Important Questions for Class 6


Chapter 8 – Body Movements

Very Short Answer Questions: 1 Mark

1. Match the following:

i. Earthworm a) A pair of feet and a pair of


ii. Fish b) Rings in the body

iii. Cockroach c) Fins

iv. Snail d) Loops in the body

v. Birds e) 3 pairs of legs

vi. Snake f) Single muscular foot

vii. Human Beings g) Wings and feathers

Ans: i)-b, ii)-c, iii)-e, iv)-f, v)-g, vi)-d, vii)-a.

2. State whether True or False. If false correct the statement:

I. All living organisms can move on their own.

Ans: False. Not all living organisms can move on their own. Some living organisms
like plants cannot move on their own.

II. Organisms can move only parts of the body but cannot move the whole
body from one place to another.

Class VI Science 1

Ans: False. Organisms can move parts of the body and may also be able to move the
whole body from one place to another by locomotion.

III. Movement of the body requires the use of muscles.

Ans: True

IV. Bones cannot move on their own.

Ans: True

V. Bones cannot join with other bones.

Ans: False. Bones can join with other bones at joints.

VI. When contracted muscle becomes shorter in size.

Ans: True

VII. A single muscle can move a bone in different directions.

Ans: False. Single muscle can move bones in only one direction.

VIII. Only animals with both bones and muscles can move.
Ans: False. Animals without bones such as snakes can also move.

Short Answer Questions: 3 Marks

3. Define joints. Explain its importance.
Ans: The regions of the body where two bones meet and connect are known as joints.
Joints are necessary for the movement of body parts. Bones are strong, rigid support
that provide the body with a framework and structure. The action of muscles allows
the bones to move through joints. Different types of joints in the body allow for
various motions.

4. List the various joints in the human body with examples.

Ans: The following are the most common types of joints found in the human body:

Class VI Science 2

a) Ball and socket joint: found in the shoulder and hip joint.
b) Pivotal Joint: This joint connects the head to the shoulder and is located in the

c) Hinge Joint: Elbows and knees have hinge joints.

d) Fixed Joints: These are located in the skull.

e) Gliding Joints: This is found in joints of the wrist.

f) Saddle Joints: Present in thumb.

5. Explain how muscles work to cause movements in bones.

Ans: Muscles are soft contractile structures that contract to move the body. Muscles
shorten and stiffen as they contract. The bone is pulled and moves as a result of this
movement. Muscles function in pairs. When one of the muscles contracts the other
unconsciously relaxes. The bone is pulled in one direction by the contracted muscle.
The other muscle in the pair contracts as the first relaxes to return the bone to its
previous position. This causes the bone to migrate in the opposite direction because
muscles can only pull and not push, this pair wise action is critical.

6. Explain how a fish body is designed to swim in water.

Ans: A fish is an aquatic creature. It has a sleek appearance. The head and tails are
smaller than the main portion of the fish in this shape. This allows the water to flow
freely around the fish. The muscles in a fish's body are also quite powerful, allowing
them to swim easily. The muscles in the front half of the body curve to one side,
while the muscles in the back section of the body curve to the opposite side. The
body jerks forward as a result of this. The tail and fin muscles help the fish to
maintain its balance and direction also.

7. Why do snakes not move forward in a straight line?

Ans: The snake's body is twisted into a tangle of loops. The snake's body is made
up of several muscles that are linked to one another and to the skeleton's bones. Each

Class VI Science 3

of the snake's loops is moved by these muscles. As a result, each snake loop pushes
forward by pressing on the ground. As the snake body is made up of numerous
individual loops that push and move forward, it does not move in a straight line,
even though it moves incredibly swiftly.

Long Answer Questions: 5 Marks

8. What is meant by skeleton? What is the importance of skeletal structure?

List the important parts of the skeleton.
Ans: The skeleton is the body's basic structural structure, which is made up of bones.
The importance of the skeletal structure is as follows:

i) It provides the body's basic structural framework.

ii) It aids in the support of various body components.

iii) It shields the internal organs from harm.

iv) It aids in motility and mobility.

The important parts of the skeleton are as follows:

a) Skull: The skull is a collection of bones which encase the brain and give form
to the head and face.

b) Vertebral column: This is the backbone that supports the body's posture and
shape. The spinal cord is also contained inside it.

c) Rib cage: The ribs and the sternum make up the rib cage. Protects the internal
organs of the chest cavity, such as the heart and lungs.

d) Shoulder/pectoral girdle: This consists of the shoulder blade, as well as a ball

and socket joint for the arm's attachment.

e) Hip/pelvic girdle: The ball and socket joint that connects the leg to the pelvis.
It also houses all of the hip bones.

f) Limbs: Arms and legs are made up of bones.

Class VI Science 4

9. Compare ball and socket joints with pivot joints.
Ans: Difference between ball and socket joints and pivot joints are as follows:

Ball & Socket Joints Pivot Joint

● It is like a ball in a socket, it

is rounded end of one bone fits ● A cylindrical bone rotates within
into the hollow chamber of the another bone's circle.

● It can only rotate freely around

● It rotates freely in all directions
one axis.

● It can be found in the shoulder and

● It is located in the neck
hip joints.

10. Compare hinge joints with fixed joints.

Ans: Difference between hinge joints and fixed joints are as follows:

Hinge Joint Fixed Joint

● It is an immovable/fixed joint
● A hinge is formed when two bones
formed when two bones come
are joined together.

● Movement is limited to a single

plane, with only back and forth ● There is no movement at all.
movement allowed.

● It can be found in the elbow, knee, ● Found in the top section of the
and other joints. skull's bones.

Class VI Science 5

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