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1, If a=1+ V2 +V4+ V8+ V16. then the value of (1 + )30 is

(A) 2 (B) 5 64
(C) 32 (D)
( )
2Let j be a number selected at random from {1,2, . .. , 2024}.
sCr-)-a What is the probability that j is divisible by 9 and 15?

1 44t
23 (B)
(C) (D):
44 253
, 2, 2-0 2 4
3 Let S, be the set of all n-digit numbers whose digits are
all 1 or 2 and there are no consecutive 2s. (Example: 112 is
in S; but 221 is not in S;). Then the number of elements in S1o is

(A) 512 (B) 256 (C) 144 (D) 89

204 4. There are 30 True or False questions in an examination. A

student knows the answer to 20 questions and guesses the
answers to the remaining 10 questions at random. What is
the probability that the student gets exactly 24 answers correct?
105 105 4
(A) (B) 28
(C) 210
(D) 210

5. Let T be a right-angled triangle in the plane whose side lengths

are in a geometric progression. Let n(T) denote the numnber of
sides of T that have integer lengths. Then the maximum value
of n(T) over all such T is

(A) 0 (B) =iehinet

1 (C) (D) 3
M, M

. Let ,2, ..., I, be n0l-negative real numbers such ,o.

, = 1. What is the maximum possible value of /a,?

(C) n3/4 (D) n

(A) 1 (B)
A. The precise interval on which the function
f(æ) = log, /p(a² - 2 - 3) is monotonically decreasing, is

aA) (-o, -1) (B) (-oo, 1)

(C) (1, oo) (D) (3, oo)
8. The angle subtended at the origin by the comnon chord of the
circles 2' + y² - 6z 6y = 0and z² + y' =36 is
C-2n -3)
(An/2 (B) n/4 (C) n/3 7(D) 2n/3

9. In AABC, CD is the median and
BE is the altitude. Given that E

CD = BE, what is the value of


(A) m/3 (B) /4 (C) n/5 (D) /6

10. If the points 21 and z2 are on the circles 2| = 2 and z| =3,

respectively, and the angle included between these vectors is
60°, then the value of 1tz2l is

19 7
(A) (B) V19 (C) V? (D) V 19


|2-3), -

the set
11. Let n 1. The maximum possible number of primes in
{n + 6, n + 7, ..., n + 34, n + 35} is (3)
(C) 12 (D) 13
(A) 7 (B) 8

to be distributed intO 4
T2. Suppose 40 distinguishable balls are
different boxes such that each box gets exactly 10 balls. Out
non-defective. In
of these 40 balls, l0 are defective and 30 are
such that all the
how many ways can the balls be distributed
defect®ve balls go to the first two boxes?
20! 20! 30! 1O!
40! 30! 2o!
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(10!) (10!)5 (10!)5 (10!)

13. The number of elements in the set

{:0< z<2, lz- =|z° - "}
2 6
1,13,19,1S,23,25,3I, (D) 5
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4
14. In a room with n 2 people, each pair shakes hands between
themselves with probability 3 and independently of other pairs.
handshakes is
If p, is the probability that the total number of
at most 1, then lin P, is equal to 3-2

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) e-1 (D) 2e-1

15. The number of positive solutions to the equation

e sin T= log: +ev + 2

4 is

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2


16. Let n>l be the smallest comp'osite integer that is coprime to


(A) n < 100 (B) 100 < < 9900

(C) 9900 <n< 10000 (D) n> 10000

17. Let P = {(,y) : +1 y, x -1, y 2r}. Then the/

minimum value of (æ +y) where (z,y) varies over the set P is

(A) -1 (B) -3 (C) 3 (D) 0

18Let A = {1, ...,5} and B = {1,..., 10}. Then the number of

ordered pairs (f, g) of functions f: A ’ B and g : B ’ A
satisfying (g o f) (a) = afor all aE A is
x 55 (B) 510 × 5! (C) 10! × 5! (D) () × 105

19. Let
1 1
V10000 V10001 V160000
Then the largest positive integer not exceeding S is
(A) 200 (B) 400 (C) 600 (D) 800

20. The real number a satisfies

læ|- la| - 2
2|z| - |a 2
if and only if z belongs to

(A) (-2, -1) U(1, 2) (B) (-2/3, 0) U (0, 2/3)

(C) (-1, -2/3) U
(2/3, 1) (D) (-1, 0) U(0, 1) 25-4

22 -f

21. Consider points of the form (n, nk), where n and k are integers
)-2()with >0, k >1, How many such points are strictly inside the
2)(a-) circle of radius 10 with centre at the origin?

(A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 15 (D) 17

22. Let n > 1, and let us arrange the expansion of (z'/2 +,A) in
decreasing powers of a. Suppose the first three coefficients are
in arithmetic progression. Then, the number of terms where T
appears with an integer power, is

B, (A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 0

23. The limit

2log 2 +3log 3 + +nlog n
n2 log n
is equal to

(A) 0 (B) 1/4 (c) 1/2 (D) 1

24. Let p <qbe prime numbers such that p² + g'+7pg is a perfect

square. Then, the largest possible value of gis:

(A) 7 (B) 11 (C) 23 (D) 29

25.The set of all real numbers z for which 32 is an integer has

(A 3elements (B) 15 elements

(C) 24 elements (D) infinitely many elements

1) 70
tis)t b(niy)t e

26. Let a, b, c be three complex numnbers. The equation

az + bz +c=0

represents a straight line on the complex plane if and only if a

(A) a =b (B) ac = bc

(C) lal = b| 0 (D) a = b #0 and c =bë

27. In the adjoining figure, C is the A

centre of the circle drawn, A, F, E
lie on the circle and BCDF is a
rectangle. If DE
AB 2, then

(A) V2 (B) V2

(C) (D) V3

28. For every increasing function b: (1, o)’ [1, o) such that

we must have

Vlog k log k
(A) k=1 (B) k=3 b (log k)
ek 1

(C) b(ek)
K=S Vo (log k)

29. Consider the following two statements:

(I) There exists a differentiable function g: R -’ R such that

g(³ + co) = e 100.
(II) There exists a continuous function g: R R such that
) T ' +25


(A) Only (I) is correct.

(B) Only (II) is correct.
(C) Both (I) and (II) are correct.
(D) Neither (I) nor (II) is correct.

30. Let y:R ’ R be a continuous function with (æ) dæ = 1.

Let f: R ’ R be a differentiable function. Then
1 rl+[
E-+0 E J1-s

(A) f(1) (B) f(1)(0)

(C) f'(1)(0) (D) f(1)b(1)

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