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Date of planning: ..

Date of teaching: ..
1. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- To revise the language and skills they have learnt in Units in the second term
a) Vocabulary: Ss revise words and phrases about types of houses and appliances in the house;
Things that can be recycled. reused, and recycled.
b) Grammar :
- UNIT 7:- Wh- Questions. Conjunctions: and; but ; so; future possibility;
- UNIT 8: Past simple; Imparatives.
- UNIT 9: Possessive adjectives; Possessive
- UNIT 10: Future Simple tense; Might for future possibility.
- UNIT 11: Articles . First Conditional.
- UNIT 12: Superlative adjectives: Short adjectives .
c) Writing :
- Writing a paragraph about TV- viewing habits
- Writing a paragraph about Sports and Games
- Writing a holiday postcard.
- Writing a paragraph about a dream house
- Writing a paragraph about ideas for a green club.
- Writing a paragraph about a robot you would like to have.
d) Speaking: Expressing surprise; giving warnings; Expressing agreement and disagreement.....
2. Competence: Students will be able to revised the language they have learnt and the skills they
have practised in units . They have learnt so far in terms of language and skills . Practising
doing exercises.
3. Quality/ behavior : Having the serious attitude toward studying and the protection the
environment; SS are hard- working ; cooperative; sociable; good communication.
- Teacher: Text book, laptop, louspeaker, projector
- Students : Text books, studying equipments .
- Future Simple tense; Might for future possibility.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. machine B. hi-tech C. locate D. cable
2. A. watched B. dropped C. washed D. traveled
3. A. notebook B. hoping C. cock D. potato
4. A. space B. draw C. automatic D. more
5. A. cheap B.machine C. watch D. children
1. Future simple. Thời tương lai đơn (will/ shall)
1. Form
a. Khẳng định S + will / shall + V
b. Phủ định S + won't / shan't + V
c. Câu hỏi Will/ Shall + S + V ?
* Notes : - Will được dùng với tất cả các ngôi. Shall thường dùng với ngôi I , we.
2. The use : - Thời tương lai đơn diễn tả hành động tương lai đơn thuần.
Eg : - I'll do it tomorow. (I'll = I will) ( Tôi sẽ làm việc này vào ngày mai)
- He'll come here soon. (Chẳng mấy chốc nó sẽ tới đây)
- Our exam will be in two weeks. (Kỳ thi của chúng tôi sẽ diễn ra trong 2 tuần nữa)
- They won't help you.
- Will you buy it ?
- Yes, I will/ No, I won't.
* Will còn được sử dụng trong lời yêu cầu, lời mời
Eg : - Will you please get it for me ? (Yêu cầu)
- Yes, certainly/ OK / of course.
- Will you come to my party ? (Lời mời)
* Will được sử dụng khi đưa ra lời hứa
Eg : - I will pay you tomorrow. ( Tôi sẽ trả cậu vào ngày mai)
* Shall được sử dụng trong lời gợi ý
Eg : - Shall we go to the zoo this afternoon ? ( Chiều nay chúng ta đi vườn thú chứ ?)
* Shall được dùng trong lời đề nghị giúp đỡ
Eg : - Shall I do it for you ? ( Để tôi giúp cậu nhé)
2. Might for future possibility.
1. Form :
* S + might + V
* S + mightn't (might not) + V
* Might + S + V ?
2. The use
Giống như cách sử dụng của
2. The use
* Dùng để đưa ra phỏng đoán
Eg : - He may be in his room now. ( Có lẽ anh ấy đang ở trong phòng)
= Perhaps he is in his room now.
It's possible that
- She may be watching TV now. ( Có lẽ cô ấy đang xem ti vi)
= Perhaps she is watching TV now.
It's possible that
- He may go to London tomorrow. ( Ngày mai có thể nó sẽ đi London)
= Perhaps he will go to London tomorrow.
Articles . First Conditional.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. recycle B. environment C. charity D. invite
2. A. paper B. bag C. plastic D. natural
3. A. cousin B. cycle C. encourage D. container
4. A. breathing B. green C. breeze D. bread
5. A. saved B. polluted C. enjoyed D. reused
1. Articles.
1. Mạo từ bất định (Indefinite articles): A, AN
A, an có thể đứng trước danh từ đếm được số ít (singular countable noun).
- A, an được sử dụng trong lời nói chung chung hoặc để giới thiệu một điều gì chưa được đề cập
đến truớc đó.
Ex: A ball is round.nói chung mọi trái bóng đều tròn.
I saw a boy in the street. chúng ta không biết “boy” nào.
+ An được dùng trước những từ bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm.
+ A được dùng trước những từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm.
Ex: a book, a pen
an apple, an ink-pot
♦ Một số từ có thể gây ra sự nhầm lẫn vì cách viết và cách đọc khác nhau.
Ex: a house nhưng an hour
a university nhưng an umbrella
- Những từ sau đây luôn được dùng với a:
- Những từ sau luôn được dùng với an:
2/ Mạo từ xác định (definite articles): THE
- The được sử dụng để chỉ sự việc mà chúng ta đã biết hoặc là một kiến thức chung, phổ biến.
Ex: The boy in the comer is my friend.
- cả người nói lẫn người nghe đều biết “boy” nào. The earth is round.
- chỉ có duy nhất 1 “earth”.
- Với những danh từ không đếm được, mạo từ the được sử dụng để nói về một cái gì đấy
riêng biệt, nhưng sẽ không dùng mạo từ nếu muốn chỉ cái gì chung chung.
Ex: Sugar is sweet. (Đường thì ngọt.) .nói chung chung
The sugar on the table is from Cuba. (Đường ở trên bàn là đường Cuba.) => riêng biệt
- Thông thường, với những danh từ đếm được số nhiều khi nói đến một loại nào đó thì
không có the
đi trước.
Ex: Oranges are green until they ripen. (all oranges)
Athletes should follow a well-balanced diet. (all athletes)
- Với danh từ riêng, sẽ có mạo từ the đứng trước nếu người nói muốn xác định rõ.
Ex: The Susan Parker that I know lives on First Avenue.
- Những từ như breakfast, lunch, dinner, school, church, home, college, work không sử
dụng bất cứ mạo từ nào nếu không giới hạn nghĩa.
Ex: We ate breakfast at eight o’clock this morning.
We went to school yesterday.
2. First conditional ( Câu điều kiện loại 1)
- Là loại câu chỉ tình huống có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
Mẫu câu :
Mệnh đề if
Mệnh đề chính
Hiện tại đơn
will/may/might/can/should ...+ V
Mệnh đề If có thể đứng trước hoặc đứng sau.
Eg : - If you work hard, you'll pass the exam. ( Nếu bạn học chăm, bạn sẽ thi đỗ )
- You won't pass the exam if you don't work hard.
*Notes : - Có thể dùng may, might, should .... ở mệnh đề chính tùy theo tình huống.
Eg : - If you feel tired, you should go to bed early. (Nếu bạn cảm thấy mệt, bạn nên đi ngủ)
- Có thể dùng dạng thức mệnh lệnh ở mệnh đề chính.
Eg : - Please tell him to come to my office if you see him.
- Hãy bảo anh ta đến văn phòng của tôi nếu cậu gặp anh ta.
- Có thể dùng động từ thời hiện tại hoàn thành ở mệnh đề if
Eg : - If you have written your letter, I'll post it. (Nếu cậu viết xong thư, tớ sẽ gửi cho cậu)
- If có thể thay bằng when:
Eg : - When the school year finishes, I'll visit my grandparents.
( Khi năm học kết thúc, tớ sẽ đi thăm ông bà)
Superlative adjectives: Short adjectives .
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. robot B. role C. coffee D. comb
2. A. minor B. simple C. recognise D. climb
3. A. planet B. station C. space D. face
4. A. dressed B. stepped C. talked D. played
5. A. shout B. could C. house D. down
Superlative adjectives: Short adjectives (smallest, tallest )
A. So sánh nhất
1/ Short adj :
Mẫu câu : S + to be + the + short adj + est + in / of ....
Eg : - John is the tallest student in his class. = No one in his class is taller than John.
= No one in his class is as tall as John.
* Lưu ý :
+ Những tính từ kết thúc là một phụ âm, trước khi thêm est, phải gấp đôi phụ âm cuối.
Eg : - big - the biggest
- hot - the hottest
+ Những tính từ kết thúc là e , chỉ thêm st :
Eg : - large - largest
+ Những tính từ 2 âm tiết , kết thúc là y, được biến đổi như sau :
Eg : - happy - happiest
- pretty - prettiest
- lazy - laziest
2. Long adj :
Mẫu câu : S + to be + the + most + long adj + in / of ....
Eg : - Freedom is the most important of all. ( Tự do là quan trọng nhất trong số mọi điều)
= Nothing is more important than freedom.
3. Irregular Adj :
- good - the best
- bad - the worst
- many - the most
- much - the most
- little - the least
- far - the farthest/furthest
Eg : - Mai is the best student in our class.
I. Choose the word that has underlined part is pronounced different from the other.( 0,5pt )
1. A. happen
B. family
C. father
D. rapid
2. A. dream
B. teacher
C. stream
D. bread
3. A. drunk
B. drug
C. fruit
D. unhappy
4. A. changes
B. causes
C. noises
D. makes
5. A. smile
B. finish
C. kitchen
D. miss
I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.( 1,5 points )
1. Lan is the ___________ student in my class.
A. good B. more intelligent C. better D. most intelligent
2. My sister ___________ home for school yet.
A. didn’t leave B. hasn’t left C. don’t leave D. isn’t leaving
3. My friend is good at English at school __________ I am not.
A. because B. so C. but D. although
4. My father first _________ to Da Lat in 2010.
A. visit B. go C. went D. visited
5. My sister can’t swim __________ she’s afraid of water.
A. and B. because C. but D. so
6. Amsterdam is one of the ___________ cities in the world.
A. peace B. peaceful C. most peaceful D. more peaceful
II. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense or form.(1 pts )
1. My aunt and uncle __________ (visit) Lon Don last year.
2. Last summer, we (not, travel)__________ to Ha Long Bay because my brother was sick.
3. Tom ________ ( not, do) his home work yet.
4. I _________ ( never/ be) _________ to Lon Don.
5. _________ you (ever, see)__________ the film TITANIC ?
Read the passage and tick (ü) True or False. ( 2 pts)
Last summer Nga spent her holiday in Prague, Czech Republic with her family. They had
a great time there.
They went there by plane and stayed in a hotel in an old town. First they went to see a
castle and a brewery in the town. Next they visited the main square. It was really beautiful with
an old clock tower and buildings. Then they went for a walk in the old park in Malta Strana
area. It was fantastic. They took a lot of photos in the park. There were many nice restaurants
near the hotel. They often had dinner in some of them.
After the holiday, they were tired but very happy. Next summer they are going to visit
this place again.
Example: Nga and her family went on a holiday in Prague.
1. They went there by train.
2. First they visited a castle and a beer factory in the town.
3. Next they visited the square with a castle and old buildings.
4. Then they had a walk in the old park.
5. Next summer they are going to visit England again.
I.Put the word or phrasesin the correct order to make complete sentences ( 2, 0 points )
1. London/ city/ Britain/ biggest/ the/ is/ in.
2. food/ Britain/ popular / is/ the/ most / in /fish and chips.
3. My / went /Nha Trang/ parents / to / last year.
4. than / this/food / more / I / tried / have / delicious / never/ one.
II. You are visiting a certain place in Vietnam. Write a postcard to your friend , using suggested
words or phrases ? (1 point)
( where you are/ the weather/ the hotel/ beautiful places/ the food/ the people/ what you have
done/ what you have seen/ what you will do tomorrow....... )
Dear Thu Minh,
Wish you were here
Nguyen Quynh Anh
---- The end -----
ĐỀ - 2
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. (1pt).
1. A. breatheB. fourth C. tooth D. warmth
2. A. ask B. plastic C. back D. grandparent
3. A. start B. marbles C. stars D. solar
4. A. hear B. clear C. bear D. fear
III. Choose the best answer. ( 2 pts)
The people here are ______________
A. friendly B. delicious C. polluted D. long
He likes playing table tennis, ______________he can’t play it.
A. and B. but C. so D. or
If you _________ these bottles, you will save a lot of money.
A. don’t use B. reduce C. reuse D. reused
I think “Tom and Jerry is the best ______________ .
A. news B. sport C. newsreel D. cartoon
In the future, we won’t go on holiday to the beach but we --- go on holiday to the moon.
A. must B. can’t C. might D. won’t
_____________the air is cleaner; people will have less breathing problems.
A. Unless B. When C. If D. Because
They couldn’t go on a picnic ______________the weather was bad.
A. because B. when C. but D. or
We will have a robot to ___________ the children.
A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look up
IV. Read the passage and circle A, B or C to complete the sentences. (2,5 pts)
Hello. My name is John. I live in an apartment in New York, the USA. It is a big city. It
has got a lot of high buildings, supermarkets, banks and stores. There is much traffic and there
are often traffic jams at rush hours. It is very noisy here. But I enjoy living here because
everything is exciting and attractive to me.
Hi. My name is Kate. I am John’s elder cousin. I live in a village in the suburbs of Canberra,
Australia. It is quieter than New York. It hasn’t got many shops, supermarkets or restaurants.
There are some farms around my house. You can see a lot of sheep and kangaroos on the farms.
There are not many people, but they are friendly. I prefer to live in the countryside because I
enjoy the fresh air and the peaceful life here.
Example: John lives in a ____________ in New York.
A. flat
B. house
C. hotel
1. New York has got many high buildings, banks, supermarkets and__________.
A. post offices
B. shops
C. parks
2. It is very ___________ in New York City.
A. quiet
B. peaceful
C. noisy
3. Kate is __________ than John.
A. younger
B. older
C. taller
4. She lives in a ___________ in an area away from Canberra, Australia.
A. town
B. city
C. village
5. She prefers to live in the countryside because she likes _________ air there.
A. clean
B. dirty
C. polluted
V. Complete the sentences, using the word(s) from the cued pictures. (1pt)
I usually play badminton with my friends in my free time.
My mother is ______________ because I didn’t do my homework.
The _____________ delivers letters every day. He brings happiness to everyone.
This is my new _________________. It is very nice.
My dream house will be a ________________.
VI. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences. (1,5 points)
1. recycle/ the environment. /bottles and cans/ we will help / If we/
2. They/ use/energy/ air, water or plants/in/ might/ from/ the future ?
3. that / I/ a hi- tech fridge / will have / can cook meals.
4. might/ go/ My/ brother/ Australia/ to / holiday/ for/ his.
5. recycle/ material/ save/ students/ they/ if/ energy/ will/ and/ recycle/ use/.
ĐỀ- 3
I. Choose the best answers to fill in the gaps
You can watch Harry Potter on TV ________ you can read it. ( so/ and///but/ or)
“- ________ a nice T-shirt, Trang!” _ “ Thank you” ( How / What / Which / It)
“- ______ films have you seen this week ?” _ “ Only one”( How many/ What / Which/ Who)
There aren’t - ________ good films on TV at the moment.( some /any/ much/ a lot)
If we cut down more trees, there - ________ more floods. (are/ were/ have been/ will be)
That is - ______ book I’ve ever read.( the borest/ the boring /the most boring /the most bored)
I’ ve never seen a- ________ bridge than this one.(longest/longer/most longest/ more longer)
That dog isn’t _______it looks(more dangerous than/as dangerous as/ dangerous than/
dangerouser than)
In the future, we won’t go on holiday to the beach but we - ________ go on holiday to the
moon. (must /can’t /might /won’t)
- ________ you smim when you were ten? ( Can / Could / Will / Might)
II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense
________ you ever (see) _______ a real robot at work ? – No, never
If it (be) ______nine tomorrow., we (plant) ________some young trees in our garden.
I ( read ) ____________that novel three times.
Maryam (stay)____________ with us at the moment.
III. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.
on/ My/ will/ the/ future/ ocean. / house/ be
surrounded/ by/ tall/ will/ blue/ sea. / trees/ and/ It/ be
will/ robots/ house . / There/ be/ some/ the/ in
housework . / help/ Robots/ do/ the/ will/ me
smart TV/ house . / I/ my/ super/ have/ will/ a/ in
ĐỀ 4
EXERCISE I Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D:
1/ My father the zoo tomorrow .
A. go B. will go C. goes D. went
2. If we cut down more forests, there..............more floods
A. are B. have been C. were D. will be
3. They cancelled their picnic ...........the weather was bad
A. because B. when C. but D. or
4. .........the programme is late, we will not wait to watch it.
A. If B. unless C. When D. So
5.That is I have ever read .
A. the bad B. the boring C. the most boring D.the most bored
6. It is getting light .Shall I turn ............the light to save electricity
A. off B. up C.on D. down
7, The 3Rs ........................for Reduce , Reuse and Recycle.
A.stand B.sit C.make D .explain
8, The opposite of "polluted " is ....................
A.fresh B.good C. dirty
9. The people here are ______________
A. friendly B. delicious C. polluted D. long
10.He likes playing table tennis, ___________he can’t play it.
A. and B. but C. so D. or
11.___________eat too much candy. It’s not good for your health.
A. Won’t B. Can’t C. Don’t D. Mustn’t
12.We should go to school by bike to ________ energy.
A. save B. protect C. pollute D. make
13.We should use reusable water bottles ___________ of using plastic ones.
A. instead B. because C. despite D. however
14._________the air is cleaner; people will have less breathing problems.
A. Unless B. When C. If D. Because
16.________the weather was bad, we went on a picnic.
A. because B. when C. but D. Though
17.My house is ___________ the school.
A. to the leftB. to the right C. opposite D. next
II. Choose the best option A,B,C or D to complete the letter.
Dear Sir,
I (1) Ha Long Bay with my brother (2) October 21st to 23rd. (3) you have a double room with a
shower for three days? How (4) . is the room ?
We would like a room facing (5) .., if it is possible. Is there a restaurant in the hotel? We (6)
meat but we (7) .. all other kinds of food.
We(8) . arriving in Ha Long Bay (9) .about 6 o’clock on Friday evening. We plan to leave the
hotel(10) Sunday morning.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Short
a. am visititng b. visit c. visiting d. can visit
a. from b. between c. since d. at
a. Do b. Does c. Can d.Must
a. many b. long c. much d. far
a. sea b. a sea c. the sea d. some sea
a. not eat b. don’t eat c. aren’t eating d. not eating
a. are like b. liking c. like d. am liking
a. am b. is c. are d. have
a. on b. in c. to d. at
a. in b. on c. at d. to
IV. Read the passage and answer the questions:
David lives in the countryside in Califonia. He usually gets up early and goes jogging. He goes
around the lake near his house.
After breakfast, he takes a bus to school. He has lessons from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm. He often has
lunch in the school canteen and then he has a short rest.
In the afternoon, he has lessons in the library or PE in the gym. After school, he often goes to
the sports centre near his house and plays basketball or table tennis.
In the evening, he often does his homework. Sometimes he surfs the Internet for his school
projects. He often goes to bed early.
1. Where does David live?
2. Where does he goes jogging?
3. What time do his lessons start?
4.Does he like playing sports?
5. Which sports does he play?
6. What does he do in the evening?
B/ Read the passage and answer the questions
My future house will be on the ocean. It will be surrounded by tall trees and blue seas .There
will be a swimming pool in front and a large flower garden behind the house. There will be a
helicopter on the roof so that I can fly to school. My future house will have solar energy .There
will be some robots in the house. They will help me do the housework, such as: cleaning the
floors, cooking meals, washing clothes, watering the flowers ad feeding the dogs and cats. I will
have a super smart TV in my house. It will help me surf the Internet, send and receive my e-
mails, and contact my friends on other planets. It will also help me order food from the
Where will the house be located ?
What will there be in front and behind the house?
Will the house have wind energy ?
What will the robots do?
5. Can smart TV help you surf the Internet ?
V. Give the correct tense form of verbs in bracket
1.My aunt (visit)................................. Tokyo last Tuesday.
2. You ever (be).................................. to Paris, Mr Lam?
3. Peter never (see)......................... High School Musical before.
4. Nam (not do) ........................... his homework yet.
5. You (clean)............................................. your room everyday?
6. You (meet)....................................... Hoang and Phuong two days ago?
7. If we (cut)............. down trees, there(be)...................... flood in many parts of country.
8.In the future, people might (go)................... on holiday on the moon.
9. We (not go).............................. for a walk if it (rain)........................... tonight.
10. Mrs Nga (not/ take)................................ a bus to work yesterday.
VI. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.
1/ on/ My/ will/ the/ future/ ocean. / house/ be
2/ surrounded/ by/ tall/ will/ blue/ sea. / trees/ and/ It/ be
3/ will/ robots/ house . / There/ be/ some/ the/ in
4/ housework . / help/ Robots/ do/ the/ will/ me
5/ smart TV/ house . / I/ my/ super/ have/ will/ a/ in
Date of planning: ..
Date of teaching: ..
I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following things:
1. Knowledge:
- To revise the language and skills they have learnt in Units in the second term
a) Vocabulary: Ss revise words and phrases about types of houses and appliances in the house;
Things that can be recycled. reused, and recycled
b) Grammar :
- UNIT 7:- Wh- Questions. Conjunctions: and; but ; so; future possibility;
- UNIT 8: Past simple; Imparatives.
- UNIT 9: Possessive adjectives; Possessive
- UNIT 10: Future Simple tense; Might for future possibility.
- UNIT 11: Articles . First Conditional.
- UNIT 12: Superlative adjectives: Short adjectives .
c) Writing :
- Writing a paragraph about TV- viewing habits
- Writing a paragraph about Sports and Games
- Writing a holiday postcard.
- Writing a paragraph about a dream house
- Writing a paragraph about ideas for a green club.
- Writing a paragraph about a robot you would like to have.
d) Speaking: Expressing surprise; giving warnings; Expressing agreement and disagreement
2. Compentence:Students will be able to revised the language they have learnt and the skills
they have practised in units . They have learnt so far in terms of language and skills . Practising
doing exercises.
3. Quality/ behavior : Having the serious attitude toward studying and the protection the
environment; SS are hard- working ; cooperative; sociable; good communication.
- Teacher: Text book, laptop, louspeaker, projector
- Students : Text books, studying equipments .
A. Maxtrix
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Listen to the conversations and tick the box
Số câu
Số điểm
Tỉ lệ %
2.0 pts
2.0 pts
Language focus
Choose the word that has underlined...
- choose the best answers..
- Circle the word pronounced differently
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense
Số câu
Số điểm
Tỉ lệ %
0,5 pt
1,5 pts
1,0 pts
3,0 pts
Read the passage and tick T/F
Số câu
Số điểm
Tỉ lệ %
2.0 pts
Put the words in the correct orders to make complete sentences
Write a postcard, using the suggestion
Số câu
Số điểm
Tỉ lệ %
2,0 pts
1,0 pts
10 %
3,0 pts
30 %
Tổng số câu
Tổng số điểm
Tỉ lệ %
2.5 pts
6 10
1,5.pts 3,0 pts
3,0 pts
10 pts
I. Listening Test -1_ Flyer _1
A. LISTENING: (2 pts)
Part 1: Listen and Tick (P) the box. You will hear the conversations twice. (1 pt)
1. What did Helen play at the club?
2. What must Helen take to the club this week?
3. Who’s going to visit the club next month?
4. Which film was the most interesting?
5. What is the club going to do on holiday next year?
Part 2 : Listen and write. There is one example. (1 point)
Redbridge Sports Centre
Name: Lucy Flynn
1. Which class? . ...................
2. When? Saturday . ....................
3. Name of teacher? Mr. . . ....................
4. Comes to Centre by: .. .......................
5. Favorite sport : .....................
II. Choose the best answer. ( 2 pts)
1. The people here are ______________
A. friendly B. delicious C. polluted D. long
2. He likes playing table tennis, ______________he can’t play it.
A. and B. but C. so D. or
3. If you _________ these bottles, you will save a lot of money.
A. don’t use B. reduce C. reuse D. reused
4. I think “Tom and Jerry is the best ______________ .
A. news B. sport C. newsreel D. cartoon
5. In the future, we won’t go on holiday to the beach but we ________ go on holiday to the
A. must B. can’t C. might D. won’t
_____________the air is cleaner; people will have less breathing problems.
A. Unless B. When C. If D. Because
7. They couldn’t go on a picnic ______________the weather was bad.
A. because B. when C. but D. or
8. We will have a robot to ___________ the children.
A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look up

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