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Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) by Combined Low Salinity Water/

Polymer Flooding
Behruz Shaker Shiran* and Arne Skauge
Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research (Uni CIPR), University of Bergen, Allégaten 41, 5007 Bergen, Norway

ABSTRACT: Recently, low salinity brine injection has been given a great interest as a technique for enhanced oil recovery
(EOR) by waterflooding. Varying experimental results have been reported in the literature, from many promising results to
limited or no effects of low salinity. The application of low salinity water in combination with other established EOR processes
(e.g., surfactant flooding and polymer flooding) is of great interest. The combined processes involve dampening capillarity to
avoid trapping of mobilized oil, reducing residual oil saturation (Sor), and altering frontal stability and sweep. In this article, we
address the questions of timing of LS injection and the added benefit of polymer injection. Secondary-mode (at initial water
saturation) and tertiary-mode (after seawater residual oil saturation) low salinity waterflooding experiments were performed on
outcrop Berea sandstone core material. The main results are the oil recovery efficiencies of these two different flooding modes.
These results show an increase in oil recovery of about 13% of the original oil in place (OOIP) in secondary-mode compared to
tertiary-mode low salinity waterflooding. Moreover, the effect of polymer injection was found to be more positive when low
salinity was initialized from the start of water injection (secondary mode). In this case, the final recovery factor increased to about
90% OOIP. Possible mechanisms for low salinity and low salinity polymer injection are discussed.

Increased oil recovery by substantially lowering the injection
An increase in pH, for instance, has been reported in many
articles as the reason for the LSE. However, numerous
brine salinity or modifying the brine composition of the injection experimental studies have shown no correlation between the
water has been reported in numerous experimental studies and LSE and changes in pH. That is, there are reports of a benefit to
field trials for both tertiary (residual oil condition) and secondary low salinity with a slight change or even a decrease in pH,14,19,20
(initial water condition) modes of water flooding.1−11 The as well as evidence of significant increases in pH with no
mechanism or mechanisms behind the low salinity effect (LSE) corresponding increase in oil recovery.21
are not yet well understood and have been the subject of A local pH increase at the water−clay interface was proposed
extensive investigation and systematic research during the past as a factor by Austad et al.,22 who stated that, in a pH-buffered
10−15 years. On the basis of many experiments, Tang and system (e.g., reservoir conditions under which CO2 acts as pH
Morrow3 concluded that mixed-wet porous media containing buffer), even though the effluent pH might not show any increase,
clay and the presence of connate water are necessary conditions the LSE will be observed because acid−base reactions are very fast.
for the LSE. They related the increased oil recovery to wettability This is because a local pH increase close to the clay surface will
alteration toward more water-wet condition by fines migration desorb the organic material from the clay surface and, because of the
during low salinity water injection. In later studies, several other dynamic nature of the flow conditions, the desorbed material will be
mechanisms have been proposed by different researchers as reasons transported away from the adsorption sites and the clay surface will
for the LSE. The mechanisms often referred to as key factors in become more water-wet. Austad et al.22 also attributed the
sandstone include the following: (1) release and migration of mixed- multicomponent ionic exchange (MIE) mechanism proposed by
wet clay fines, which results in the alteration of wettability toward Lager et al.15 to the precipitation of Mg(OH)2 as a result of a local
a more water-wet state and, therefore, oil mobilization and pH increase during low salinity water injection.
production3 and effective microscopic diversion;12,13 (2) mineral Recently, Aksulu et al.23 performed a study with the objective
dissolution and ion-exchange reactions, which increase the pH of confirming that pH is a key parameter in the LSE and concluded
through the formation of excess hydroxyl ions, OH¯, thereby that effluent pH monitoring during successive flooding of a
causing a reduction in interfacial tension (IFT);14 and (3)
sandstone reservoir core with appropriate high-salinity/low salinity/
multicomponent ionic exchange (MIE)15 between adsorbed
high-salinity brines under reservoir temperature conditions might be
crude oil components, connate brine, and clay particles, which
leads to the development of a “self-freshening” zone within the a valuable first approach to evaluate the possibility of achieving
water-flooded region,16 double layer expansion17 that results in the increased oil recovery by using low salinity water.
desorption of organic polar compounds from the rock surface, oil In parallel with the ongoing discussions on the contribution of
layer destabilization, and microscopic diversion.12,13 pH to the LSE, other proposed mechanisms (e.g., wettability
Boussour et al.18 presented the different mechanisms alteration, fines migration) are also debated in the literature, and
proposed in the literature as being responsible for the LSE and
provided experimental counterexamples, showing that the LSE is Received: September 18, 2012
very sensitive to a combination of different parameters inherent Revised: February 11, 2013
in the crude oil−brine−rock system. Published: February 12, 2013

© 2013 American Chemical Society 1223 | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 1223−1235
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so far, no single proposed mechanism is conclusive from the Table 2. Properties of Fluids Used in Experimental Work
point of view of experimental observations. Therefore, more
viscosity density AN (mg of BN (mg of
studies and investigations are needed to further understand the fluid (cP) (g/mL) KOH/g) KOH/g) pH
mechanisms involved in increased oil recovery upon low salinity
diluted crude oil 2.40 0.88 1.71 0.57 −
water injection.
SSW 1.07 1.03 − − 8.45
The goal of this article is to contribute to the understanding of
LS 1.03 1.00 − − 7.50
mechanisms involved in the low salinity effect and to investigate the
polymer (300 ppm) 2.60 − − − −
synergy of low salinity waterflooding and polymer injection. In our
polymer (1000 ppm) 7.50 − − − −
previous work,24 we studied the effects of different initial wettability
LPS (300 ppm) 2.20 − − − −
states on oil recovery by tertiary-mode low salinity waterflooding on
Berea and Bentheimer outcrop sandstones. The results showed no
increased oil recovery by the LSE in strongly water-wet Bentheimer Porous Media. Core plugs from outcrop Berea sandstone were used
cores and limited oil recovery (∼2% OOIP) in oil-wet samples. The in this study. Mineralogy measurements by X-ray diffraction (XRD)
oil recovery from intermediate-wet Berea cores was marginal. In the showed that the Berea samples contained 7.9% clay minerals, including
3.2% kaolinite (Table 3). The core plugs were cut from whole cores and
current study, the aim was to investigate the efficiency of secondary-
versus tertiary-mode LS injection on strongly water-wet and
intermediate-wet Berea sandstone cores. After the LS injection Table 3. Mineralogical Composition of Berea Samples
experiments, the cores were subjected to polymer flooding to content content content
examine further enhanced oil recovery by combined low salinity component (wt % bulk) component (wt % bulk) component (wt % bulk)
water/polymer injection. illite/mica 3.0 quartz 87.5 calcite trace

Brines. Synthetic seawater (SSW) was used primarily for saturating

and establishing connate water in core plugs and also as the injection
fluid in tertiary-mode low salinity experiments. The SSW was prepared placed in oven at 70 °C for about 48 h. The dried cores were then
by dissolving different salts in distilled water such that the total dissolved mounted individually in an Exxon-type core holder, and the overburden
solids (TDS) was about 36000 ppm (mg/kg). Table 1 lists the pressure was set at 20 bar. A vacuum pump was used to evacuate air from
the core samples. Then, the cores were saturated with synthetic
seawater, and their porosity and permeability were measured. After
Table 1. Composition of Synthetic Seawater (SSW) permeability measurements, the synthetic seawater was displaced by
ion concentration (ppm, mg/kg) high-viscosity Marcol 152 to attain initial water saturation (Swi)
conditions in the core plugs. Then, several pore volumes of n-decane
Na+ 11156 mineral oil were injected at different flow rates to displace the Marcol
Ca2+ 471 152 and measure the oil permeability at Swi. The physical properties of
Mg2+ 1330 the core plugs used in this study are reported in Table 4.
Cl− 20129 Aging with Crude Oil. Core plugs mounted in a core holder were
HCO3− 139 placed in heat cabinet at 110 °C and were aged by injection of crude oil for
SO42− 2743 4 weeks to obtain wettability states other than strongly water-wet. As
K+ 350 reported in a previous work,24 the unaged Berea cores were strongly water-
TDS 36318 wet, and wettability studies for cores S1−S4 showed wettability changes
toward the intermediate-wet state after aging with crude oil (Figure 1).
Core Flooding Experiments. A pair of core plugs was mounted
composition of the synthetic seawater used in this study. This SSW also together in a longer core holder, and a confining pressure of 20 bar was
was diluted by a factor of 10 to prepare low salinity water (LS) with a applied. Five displacement experiments were performed in this study.
salinity of about 3600 ppm (mg/kg), which was used as the injection Intermediate-wet cores S6−S7 and S3−S4 were selected to examine LS
fluid during low salinity waterflooding experiments. The ionic strengths injection at intermediate wettability in secondary and tertiary modes,
of the SSW and LS were 0.69 and 0.069, respectively. respectively. Also, strongly water-wet core S11 and composite core
Polymer Solution. Polymer solutions were prepared by addition of S9−S10 were used to perform low salinity tests under water-wet condi-
the required amount of Flopaam 3630S (SNF Floerger) polyacrylamide tions in secondary and tertiary modes, respectively. The intermediate-wet
with a hydrolysis degree of 25−30% and a molecular weight of 20 million core S12 was used to examine the reproducibility of increased oil recovery
Da to low salinity water. Polymer solutions were prepared in con- by combined low salinity water/polymer flooding. The experiments were
centrations of 300 and 1000 ppm. performed at room temperature (22 °C). All flow experiments started at a
Linked Polymer Solution. Linked polymer solution (LPS) was flow rate of 0.1 cm3/min, and then the flow rate increased to 0.2, 0.5, and
prepared by adding aluminum citrate (AlCit) cross-linker to polymer 1.0 cm3/min to eliminate capillary end effects. For each flow rate, water
solution at a polymer-to-aluminum ratio of 30:1. was injected until no more oil was produced and the pressure difference
Oils. The initial water saturation (Swi) of the core plugs was attained across the cores was stabilized. The differential pressure across the core
by injection of a high-viscosity mineral oil called Marcol 152. After Swi plugs was continuously recorded by a data gathering system during the
had been established in all core plugs, Marcol 152 was replaced by flooding experiments.
another mineral oil, n-decane. This mineral oil was also used to measure Estimation of Capillary Pressure (Pc) and Relative Perme-
the oil permeability of the core plugs at initial water saturation. A North ability Curves. To obtain the capillary pressure and relative
Sea stock tank oil (filtered) was used as a crude oil for aging of the core permeability curves, the experimental data (differential pressure,
plugs and as the oil phase in flow experiments. The viscosity of this crude production data, and end-point data) were imported into the core
oil was in the range of 50−80 cP (from different production wells). flood simulator Sendra.25 This simulator is a one-dimensional fully
Compared to seawater and low salinity water, which have a viscosity of explicit black oil simulator and was used to history match the core flood
only 1 cP, the mobility ratio was highly unfavorable. To achieve a more experiments and estimation of Pc and Kr curves. To obtain the best
effective displacement in flow experiments, the crude oil was diluted by estimation of these curves from experimental data, the Corey26
addition of xylene to reach a favorable viscosity. Table 2 lists some correlation was used for relative permeability, and the Skjaeveland
properties of the injection fluids used in this experimental work at 22 °C. et al.27 correlation was used for the capillary pressure.

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Table 4. Physical Properties of Core Samples

core ID L (cm) D (cm) PV (mL) porosity (%) Swi (%PV) Kw (mD) Ko at Swi (mD) Ko at Swia (mD)
S0 5.82 3.78 12.69 19.55 19 98.98 − −
S1 6.0 3.7 12.35 19.14 25 103.86 128.92 78.69
S2 6.23 3.76 13.28 19.19 23 90.23 110.86 78.68
S3 6.17 3.73 13.18 19.55 20 109.17 133.02 83.68
S4 6.17 3.73 12.63 18.73 21 90.96 118.43 70.72
S6 6.26 3.72 12.54 18.43 22 84.61 109.43
S7 6.17 3.73 12.85 19.04 22 117.43 146.02
S9b 5.92 3.71 12.35 19.31 22 95.06 118.40 −
S10b 5.98 3.74 12.65 19.25 22 101.70 122.12 −
S11b 8.82 3.76 17.77 18.11 22 75.14 89.20 −
S12 6.90 3.76 15.18 19.81 25 108.90 − −
Oil permeability after aging. bUnaged cores.

Figure 1. Amott/Harvey-USBM wettability plot, showing intermediate-wet state for aged cores S1−S4 (red) and strongly water-wet state for unaged
core S0 (blue).24.

Figure 2. Oil recovery factor, differential pressure, and injection rate as functions of volume injected for strongly water-wet composite core S9−S10
(tertiary-mode LS injection).

In this section, first, the experimental results obtained during low
production ceased and/or a stable pressure profile was attained.
Throughout this article, the oil saturation at the end of each process
salinity waterflooding in tertiary and secondary modes are presented, refers to remaining oil saturation, but because almost all of the literature
and then the results from combined low salinity water/polymer mixes remaining and residual oil saturation, residual oil saturation (Sor)
injection are displayed. In all experiments, injection continued until was used for experimental process end points in this article.
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Figure 3. Oil recovery factor, differential pressure, and injection rate as functions of volume injected for intermediate-wet composite core S3−S4
(tertiary-mode LS injection).

Figure 4. Oil recovery factor, differential pressure, and injection rate as functions of volume injected for strongly water-wet core S11 (secondary-mode
LS injection).

Tertiary-Mode Low Salinity Waterflooding. Strongly injection rates. However, marginal oil production (about 0.4%
water-wet composite core S9−S10 and intermediate-wet OOIP) was observed at rate of 1 cm3/min (Figure 3), where the
composite core S3−S4 were chosen to perform tertiary-mode final recovery factor reached 64.8% OOIP. The water relative
low salinity water injection. permeabilities at the end of SSW and LS injections were 0.33 and
The oil recovery profile for this composite core is a typical 0.37, respectively, reflecting a less water-wet system than in the
profile for water-wet systems, with almost no oil being produced previous experiment.
(no two-phase production) after breakthrough even when the The higher recovery factor for core S3−S4 compared to that
injection rate was increased (Figure 2). The oil recovery factor at for strongly water-wet core S9−S10 is in line with previously
the end of SSW flooding was 51% OOIP, and injection of low reported results28 that intermediate-wettability conditions give
salinity water did not change the recovery factor. The relative
more oil recovery than strongly water-wet conditions because of
permeability of the injection water was 0.11 at the end of both
low capillary forces. This is because the Amott index for the cores
SSW and LS flooding, confirming the water-wet conditions of the
used in this study was very close to zero (Figure 1), and therefore,
porous media.
The intermediate-wet composite core S3−S4 was flooded with the contact angle was close to 90° (θ = 90°). Under such
synthetic seawater to establish residual oil saturation conditions, conditions, cos θ will have a very low value close to zero, and
and then tertiary-mode low salinity water was injected to examine based on capillary pressure formula, Pc = (2σ cos θ)/r, the
the LSE on oil mobilization. The oil recovery factor for this core capillary forces will be lower than in strongly water-wet porous
at SSW breakthrough was about 45% OOIP, and after a long tail media, where the contact angle is close to zero and, as a result, the
(two-phase) production, which is typical for nonwater-wet capillary forces reach the highest possible values.
porous media, the oil recovery factor reached about 64.4% OOIP For the crude oil−brine−rock system of this study, the
at the end of SSW flooding. Tertiary-mode LS injection started obtained results showed no potential for increased oil recovery
after SSW injection. No oil production was observed for lower by tertiary-mode LS flooding under strongly water-wet
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Figure 5. Comparison of oil recovery factor, differential pressure, and injection rate as functions of volume injected for core S11 (secondary-mode LS
injection) and core S9−S10 (secondary-mode SSW injection).

Figure 6. Experimental and simulation data for recovery factor and differential pressure of water-wet cores S11 (secondary LS injection, left) and
S9−S10 (secondary SSW injection, right).

Figure 7. Estimated (A) capillary pressure and (B) relative permeability curves for cores S11 (secondary-mode LS injection) and S9−S10 (secondary-
mode SSW injection). (C) Expanded plot for capillary pressure.

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Figure 8. Oil recovery factor, differential pressure, and injection rate as functions of volume injected for intermediate-wet composite core S6−S7
(secondary-mode LS injection).

Figure 9. Comparison of oil recovery factor, differential pressure, and injection rate as functions of volume injected for cores S6−S7 (secondary-mode
LS injection) and S3−S4 (secondary-mode SSW injection) .

conditions and very limited potential for intermediate-wet The capillary pressure (Pc) and water−oil relative permeability
porous media. curves for core S11 and composite core S9−S10 were estimated
Secondary-Mode Low Salinity Waterflooding. Strongly by history matching the experimental pressure and production
water-wet core S11 and intermediate-wet composite core S6−S7 data using the core flood simulator Sendra. The history match of
were used to investigate the LSE in secondary-mode LS flooding. pressure and production data for these cores is presented in
Figure 4 shows the oil recovery, pressure drop across the core, Figure 6. Figure 7 shows the estimated capillary pressures and
and injection rate as functions of injected pore volume for relative permeabilities based on the history match obtained for
strongly water-wet core S11 during secondary-mode LS these cores. This figure indicates that LS injection shifted the
injection. The oil recovery factor for this core at breakthrough wettability of the rock to a more oil-wet state. The Pc curve
was 52.9% OOIP compared to 50.5% OOIP for water-wet core (Figure 6) shows that, in core S11, both spontaneous and forced
imbibition of water are responsible for oil recovery whereas, in
S9−S10, where SSW was injected under initial water conditions.
core S9−S10, oil is recovered through spontaneous oil
Also, the final oil recovery by secondary LS injection reached
imbibition. The relative permeability curves also show more oil
54.3% OOIP, about 3% more than oil recovery in core S9−S10 wetness for core S11.
after SSW flooding. As for core S9−S10, almost no oil production Composite core S6−S7 under intermediate-wet conditions
(no two-phase production) was observed after breakthrough, was used to investigate the LSE in secondary mode. The physical
even when the injection rate was increased, a typical behavior properties and initial saturation conditions of this core were very
for water-wet cores. Figure 5 shows a comparison of the similar to those of core S3−S4 (Table 4). Low salinity water was
experimental results obtained during secondary-mode LS and injected into this core at initial water saturation (Swi) conditions
secondary-mode SSW injection in strongly water-wet cores S11 using the same procedure as before. The oil recovery factor for
and S9−S10, respectively. this core at breakthrough was 51.5% OOIP, compared to 45.2%
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Figure 10. Experimental and simulation data for recovery factor and differential pressure of intermediate-wet cores S6−S7 (secondary-mode LS
injection, left) and S3−S4 (secondary-mode SSW injection, right).

Figure 11. Estimated (A) capillary pressure and (B) relative permeability curves for intermediate-wet cores S6−S7 (secondary-mode LS injection) and
S3−S4 (secondary-mode SSW injection).

OOIP for core S3−S4 where synthetic seawater was injected are possible either as single effects or as combined effects of
under initial water conditions. Also, the final oil recovery reached different mechanisms.
more than 78% OOIP (Figure 8), leaving a residual oil saturation As for the water-wet cores in this study, the capillary pressure
of 17% PV, whereas the residual oil saturation in core S3−S4 was (Pc) and water−oil relative permeability curves for intermediate-
28% PV after SSW flooding. The additional oil recovery by LS wet cores S3−S4 and S6−S7 were estimated by history matching
was about 13% OOIP (10% saturation units) compared to of the experimental pressure and production data. The results are
seawater injection. The water relative permeability at the end of shown in Figures 10 and 11. As for the water-wet cores, in this
LS injection was 0.4 (at Sor = 0.17% PV). case, the estimated capillary pressure and relative permeability
Figure 9 shows a comparison of pressure drop and recovery curve also indicated a more oil-wet state when the core was
profile for secondary-mode LS and secondary-mode SSW injections flooded with secondary-mode low salinity water, whereas the
for intermediate-wet cores. During the early period of the injection end-point permeability (most often reported in the literature)
(before breakthrough), the pressure increase in core S6−S7 was indicated a shift toward more water-wet conditions. The
greater than that in core S3−S4, which could be related to strong oil estimated capillary pressure suggests that spontaneous water
mobilization and two-phase flow in porous media. In the later part of imbibition was absent during the oil production, as spontaneous
the experiments, the higher differential pressure in core S3−S4 water imbibition is responsible for more oil trapping by snap-off
events during water flooding. The absence of spontaneous water
compared to that in core S6−S7 was due to the higher residual oil
imbibition and, therefore, the lack or weakness of snap-off events
saturation in this core (0.28% PV compared to 0.17% PV).
indicates the weakness of trapping mechanisms during
Later breakthrough, which is an indication of improved
secondary-mode LS flooding, where, as a consequence, the oil
displacement stability (shock front), and higher oil recovery is produced over the longer period before water breakthrough.
at breakthrough, were the characteristics of the secondary LS Combined LS/Polymer/Linked-Polymer Injection. The
injection in core S6−S7 compared to the secondary SSW goal of this part of experiment was to investigate the possible
injection in core S3−S4. positive interaction of low salinity water and polymer/linked-
A positive response to direct LS flooding has been observed polymer injection as a hybrid EOR process on final oil recovery
and reported by others (references have been included) and can efficiency. It has been previously reported that high tertiary oil
now be regarded as a general trend. The explanation of secondary recovery could be obtained by surfactant injection after stabilizing
versus tertiary LSE is still not conclusive, but a tertiary LS flood a low salinity environment as surfactant adsorption is reduced in low
might encounter already trapped oil that might be hard to salinity environments.12 This might also be applicable for anionic
remobilize, whereas direct LS injection will meet continuous oil polymers, such as hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM), where the
and avoid trapping/remobilization of oil. This seems to be a adsorption is strongly dependent on salinity29 and decreases at
plausible reason for higher oil recovery from direct LS flooding lower salinities. This could result in a lower loss of polymer from the
compared to tertiary LS flooding. Comparing secondary high- bulk solution, a longer-lasting favorable mobility ratio, and an
salinity to secondary low salinity waterflooding in our results, no improved sweep efficiency. In this study, polymer injection was
fines migration was observed, but other mechanisms as discussed initiated after low salinity residual oil saturation in both secondary
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Figure 12. Oil recovery profile, differential pressure, and injection rate as functions of volume injected during secondary-mode low salinity-polymer/
LPS injection for intermediate-wet core S6−S7.

Figure 13. Comparison of oil recovery and differential pressure as functions of volume injected during secondary-mode low salinity-polymer injection
for cores S6−S7 and S12.

and tertiary modes to investigate the possibility of further polymer was only 1% OOIP, showing that a favorable mobility ratio
reductions in Sor. is a necessary but not sufficient condition for oil recovery
In strongly water-wet core S9−S10 after tertiary LS injection, improvement.
300 ppm linked polymer solution (LPS) was injected when the In intermediate-wet core S6−S7, which was used for
residual oil saturation was 0.38 PV. No more oil production was secondary-mode LS flooding, after LS injection at initial water
observed with LPS injection, even though the core experienced a saturation (Swi), the core, with a considerably low residual oil
considerably higher pressure differential than during LS saturation of 0.17% PV, was injected with 300 ppm polymer and
injection. then 300 ppm LPS at a constant injection rate of 0.1 cm3/min. In
Injection of 300 ppm polymer was performed in strongly this case, the core showed a very encouraging response to
water-wet core S11 at a residual oil saturation of 0.36 PV after a polymer flood as is shown in Figure 12. The increased oil
low salinity environment had been established by secondary- recovery was about 12% OOIP. The residual oil saturation was
mode LS injection. Similarly to core S9−S10, even though the reduced to a very low value of 0.08 PV (9 saturation units
core experienced higher differential pressure during polymer reduction in Sor due to polymer injection).
flooding, no reduction in Sor was observed. Examining the Reproducibility of Increased Oil
After tertiary-mode LS injection in intermediate-wet core Recovery by Combined Low Salinity Water/Polymer
S3−S4, where the residual oil saturation was 0.28 PV, the core Flooding. To confirm the reproducibility of increased oil recovery
was subjected first to 300 ppm LPS injection and then to 1000 ppm by combined secondary-mode LS/polymer flooding, the experiment
polymer flooding to examine the effect of a highly viscous force in was repeated by a second flooding. The intermediate-wet core S12,
reducing the residual oil saturation. The increased recovery factor which previously was used for a wettability test at an oil saturation of
from this sequence was about 5% OOIP, and the Sor reduced to 0.5% PV, was flooded with low salinity water to establish residual oil
0.24% PV. The increase in oil recovery upon injection of 1000 ppm saturation conditions. Then, the core at a residual oil saturation of
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Figure 14. Comparison of oil recovery and residual oil saturation as functions of volume injected during secondary-mode low salinity-polymer injection
for cores S6−S7 and S12.

about 0.16% PV was flooded with a 300 ppm polymer solution at Table 5. Summary of the Experimental Results
an injection rate of 0.1 cm3/min. As for core S6−S7, a significant
PV Soi RFLS SorLS RFf Sorf ΔRFP Krow at
increase in oil recovery of about 17% OOIP was recorded, and core ID (mL) (% PV) (%OOIP) (% PV) (% OOIP) (% PV) (% OOIP) SorLS
the residual oil saturation decreased to about 0.07% PV. Figures S9−S10 25.01 78 51.0 38 51.0 38 0 0.11
13 and 14 present a comparison of the differential pressure, S11 17.77 78 54.3 36 54.3 36 0 0.09
recovery factor, and residual oil saturations observed during S3−S4 25.80 79 64.8 28 70.1 24 5 0.37
polymer flooding in cores S6−S7 and S12. S6−S7 25.39 78 78.1 17 89.8 8 12 0.40
The results from these experiments confirm that the increased S12 15.18 50 68.7 16 85.8 7 17 0.36
oil recovery by combined secondary-mode LS/polymer flooding
was reproducible under the experimental conditions of this
especially during polymer flooding, were below the critical
study. desaturation number.

As Figure 12 shows, the injection rate was increased stepwise
during LS flooding to eliminate or further reduce capillary end DISCUSSION
effects. Generally, if the differential pressure becomes high during
Secondary- versus Tertiary-Mode LS Flooding. The
polymer flooding but is lower than the pressure during the bump
design of an LS flooding process might be influenced by when the
rate, end effects are unlikely. If the pressure during polymer
injection was started. Previous studies have been mostly focused
injection exceeds the bump rate pressure, end effects are possible,
on examining increased oil recovery by LS injection in tertiary
but the increase in pressure could also be due to additional oil
mode, where the invading low salinity fluid is injected at residual
production (relative permeability effect). oil saturation left behind after high-salinity water flooding. Some
Considering the pressure differential during different rate researchers have investigated the oil recovery efficiency of low
increases and the corresponding oil recovery at each bump in the salinity water as an invading fluid in secondary mode (at initial
rate, it was possible to produce some oil from the region affected by water saturation). Zhang and Morrow6 compared the oil
capillary end effects. However, according to the differential pressure recovery obtained by LS flooding in secondary and tertiary
during polymer flooding, which increased by less than a factor of 2 modes upon changing the injection brine composition and
compared to that during LS flooding at a rate of 1 cm3/min, and concluded that, in the case of a positive response, injection of LS
comparing the oil recovery during polymer flooding with oil improves oil recovery for both secondary and tertiary modes but
recovery by the LSE when the injection rate was increased, we sometimes for only one or the other. Secondary-mode LS
believe that the majority of oil is produced from better sweep injection and the effect of wettability on oil recovery was
efficiency throughout the core. Furthermore, in other experiments investigated by Ashraf et al.7 They reported a higher oil recovery
in this study, for example, for core S9−S10, a considerable increase for secondary-mode LS injection than for high-salinity brine
in pressure gave no significant change in residual oil saturation. injection under different initial wettability states. They also found
Therefore, it seems that pressure accumulation is not a necessary the highest reduction in residual oil saturation by LS injection
condition for increased oil recovery in this study. under water-wet conditions. In research performed by Rivet et
A summary of the results obtained from different flooding al.,8 tertiary-mode LS did not produce incremental oil recovery.
experiments is presented in Table 5. Also, the capillary numbers They observed improved ultimate oil recovery by secondary-
(Nc) for all experiments at different flow rates and during mode LS injection only in intermediate-wet systems, whereas
injection of different fluids are reported in Table 6. The capillary water-wet systems did not show any recovery by secondary LS
number at which residual oil saturation tends to drop with flooding. Other researchers also reported better recovery
increasing capillary number is known as the critical desaturation response for secondary- compared to tertiary-mode LS
number or critical capillary number (Ncc) and is dependent on injection.9,31
wettability states of the porous media. From the literature,30 the The results of this experimental work indicate that an early
critical capillary numbers for water-wet and intermediate-wet start to LS injection is beneficial for oil recovery. Under the
Berea sandstone are ∼10−5 and ∼10−4, respectively. Therefore, reported experimental conditions of this study, during tertiary-
Table 6 shows that the capillary numbers during all experiments, mode LS injection, no oil recovery was observed for strongly
1231 | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 1223−1235
Energy & Fuels Article

Table 6. Capillary Numbers (Nc) for Different Experiments at Different Flow Rates of Different Displacing Fluids
injection rate (cm3/min) S3−S4 S6−S7 S9−S10 S11 S12
0.1 1.02 × 10−7 − 1.02 × 10−7 − −
0.2 2.04 × 10−7 − 2.05 × 10−7 − −
0.5 5.10 × 10−7 − 5.11 × 10−7 − −
1.0 1.02 × 10−6 − 1.02 × 10−6 − −
0.1 6.28 × 10−8 6.27 × 10−8 6.30 × 10−8 6.18 × 10−8 6.18 × 10−8
0.2 1.26 × 10−7 1.25 × 10−7 1.26 × 10−7 1.24 × 10−7 −
0.5 3.14 × 10−7 3.13 × 10−7 3.15 × 10−7 3.09 × 10−7 3.09 × 10−7
1.0 6.28 × 10−7 6.27 × 10−7 6.30 × 10−7 6.18 × 10−7 6.18 × 10−7
0.1 1.34 × 10−7 1.58 × 10−7 1.35 × 10−7 1.56 × 10−7 1.56 × 10−7
0.2 2.68 × 10−7 − − − −
0.3 4.03 × 10−7 − − − −
0.4 5.37 × 10−7 − − − −

water-wet cores, and only very limited oil was recovered from difference in ionic strength of LS and connate water) is likely and
intermediate-wet cores. Low salinity water injection as a could lead to destabilized oil layers (movable oil).
secondary recovery mode was promising. Both water-wet and The results obtained in this study show that the initial
intermediate-wet cores showed positive response for this wettability state of a porous medium is a key factor in the
flooding mode. Unlike the observations by Rivet et al.,8 this waterflooding efficiency of LS injection and that more
study showed increased oil recovery of about 3.3% OOIP in intermediate-wet cores give a better response; however, this
strongly water-wet cores by secondary-mode LS injection factor alone cannot explain the mechanism(s) behind the success or
compared to secondary-mode SSW injection (Table 5). failure of LS injection. It is commonly believed that wettability
However, a substantial increase in oil recovery by secondary alteration toward a more water-wet state is the reason for oil
LS injection was obtained in intermediate-wet cores, where the mobilization and production. However, there are also some reports
oil recovery was 13% OOIP more than that of secondary SSW of shifting to a more oil-wet state (this study and article by Fjelde
injection in intermediate-wet cores. The results showed that the et al.34). The discussion here is that, if the wettability alteration is a
reduction in residual oil saturation by secondary LS injection is mechanism for the LSE, it is not always toward a more water-wet
higher for intermediate-wet cores than for strongly water-wet state (as most researchers have reported), but it could also be toward
cores. This contrasts with the observations by Ashraf et al.,7 who a more oil-wet (less water-wet) state as well. The mechanism leading
found a higher reduction in Sor under water-wet conditions. to this effect is an increase in the adsorption of organic components
The pressure profiles during all experiments, especially during with salinity reduction, because of the competition between the
LS flooding, were stable, and no fines production was observed. different active species toward the negative sites of the clay. Thus, a
This indicates that microscopic flow diversion by fines migration negative salinity gradient will increase the adsorption of organic
was not a key contributing mechanism to the increased oil material onto the clay. This will shift the wettability to lower water
recovery by LS injection in our cases. This is in accordance with
Adhesion mapping studies by Buckley et al.35 also showed that
other observations in the literature, among them those of
there are regions of stability and instability of water films, where
Boussour et al.18 and Cissokho et al.32
nonadhesion or adhesion of crude oil components onto the rock
The reason for high oil recovery in secondary-mode compared
surface could be observed, depending on brine salinity. This
to tertiary-mode LS flooding might be effective trapping31 of oil adhesion mapping shows that, under low salinity conditions,
clusters during high-salinity water injection before initiation water films are unstable and, therefore, adhesion of crude oil
of tertiary-mode LS flooding. Referring to Figure 1, the components could alter the wettability to a less water-wet state.
wettability of the cores during aging with crude oil was changed Combined Low Salinity Water/Polymer Injection. The
to an intermediate-wet state, where possibly the larger pores were results of this study indicate that combined LS/polymer flooding
oil-wet and the smaller pores remained water-wet.33 During high- containing a low polymer concentration of 300 ppm could
salinity water injection, the invading fluid first occupies smaller mobilize residual oil in porous media and further increase the oil
pores through film flow, which might lead to snap-off oil clusters recovery factor. The concentration of polymer solutions used in
in the larger pores. This might limit the continuity of oil through this hybrid EOR process (300 ppm) is low enough from the
porous media and increase the chance of oil trapping. Tertiary- point of view of their practical applicability (injectivity), because
mode LS would pass through “open-to-flow” channels and pores, the viscosity of such solutions is only 2.6 cP compared to a water
in which case the pores with trapped oil would be bypassed by viscosity of 1 cP at room temperature. The increased oil recovery
low salinity water. No contact with low salinity water would by LS/polymer flooding was examined for reproduc-
prevent any reaction of low salinity water with pore elements ibility by a second flood, and the results were in line with those
(pore throats and pore walls) to mobilize trapped oil. Oil of the primary experiments. The results also suggest that,
mobilization in secondary-mode LS is possible by maintaining although polymer injection could mobilize residual oil after
film continuity and allowing for fewer snap-off events in a weaker tertiary-mode LS flooding, higher oil recovery by polymer
water-wet state for direct LS injection. Also, multicomponent ion injection occurs when the low salinity environment is established
exchange together with expanding double layer (due to the at initial water saturation (Swi) rather than Sor (i.e., when the
1232 | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 1223−1235
Energy & Fuels Article

Figure 15. Comparison of propagation of 300-ppm polymer/LPS solution through water-wet and intermediate-wet sandstone cores based on the
differential pressure at each wettability state.

polymer solution is injected after residual oil saturation enhanced oil recovery reported by Mohammadi and Jerauld,39 as
established by secondary-mode LS flooding). well as the experimental studies by Kozaki.40 Mohammadi and
The reason why combined LS/polymer injection produces Jerauld39 demonstrated that addition of polymer to a low salinity
more oil can be attributed to an improvement of the stability of aqueous base fluid enhances recovery efficiency in both
the LS flood by addition of polymer,36 which improves the secondary and tertiary modes, but secondary mode gives better
efficient banking of oil through a favorable mobility ratio and/or timing of oil recovery. They attributed most of the benefit of the
inaccessible pore volumes, thereby increasing the displacement polymer to an improvement in fractional flow behavior. The
efficiency. The inaccessible pore volume (IPV) indicates the difference between this experimental work and the simulation
portion of the pore volume for which the entrance radii of the study by Mohammadi and Jerauld39 is that they injected a low
pore elements are smaller than the polymer particles (especially salinity polymer solution at Swi (in secondary mode) or after
when a high-molecular-weight polymer is used). This volume high-salinity residual oil saturation, whereas in the current work,
is mostly occupied by the irreducible or connate water. first low salinity water was flooded in secondary or tertiary mode
Inaccessibility of this volume to the polymer would result in to establish a low salinity environment in the porous media and
the absence of a highly mobile connate water bank, and therefore, then polymer solution was injected.
the polymer solution would not displace the connate water.37
The consequence is a better sweep efficiency of the polymer
solution and increased oil recovery.
Injection of low salinity water (LS) was found to increase oil
Moreover, the results of this study show that the initial recovery compared to injection of seawater even in the water-wet
wettability state of a porous medium is important for the state, but injection of LS after high-salinity water gave no change
combined LS/polymer effect, where the strongly water-wet cores in Sor in the water-wet state. This behavior can be explained by
did not display any reduction in residual oil saturation as a result effective trapping (snap-off of oil clusters in larger pores) during
of this combined process, despite the considerably high seawater injection.
differential pressure experienced in the system. The differential The initial wettability state of a porous medium seems to be a
pressure in intermediate-wet cores was much lower than that in key factor in the waterflooding efficiency of LS injection as more
water-wet cores, as presented in Figure 15. This figure shows the intermediate-wet cores give a better response.
differential pressure across water-wet and intermediate-wet cores Wettability alteration by low salinity can be interpreted as a
during first three pore volumes of polymer flooding. shift toward either more water-wet or more oil-wet conditions,
The higher pressure buildup in water-wet cores could possibly possibly depending on the wettability indicator detected. The
be related to higher adsorption/retention of polymer on water- derived capillary pressure and relative permeability in our
wet rock surfaces compared to intermediate-wet media. During a experiments indicate a shift toward a more oil-wet state.
polymer flood in an intermediate-wet reservoir, the injected Wettability shift in our experiment is very uncertain, and other
polymer will interact with significant portions of oil-wet rock. In possible factors such as clay swelling, internal fines migration, and
this case, it is possible that rock wettability will have a considerable residual oil distribution might all affect the differential pressure
effect on polymer adsorption.38 The adsorption of crude oil and production in a manner to be interpreted as an alteration in
components reduces the adsorption sites on rock surface, and wettability.
therefore, the tendency of polymer molecules to interact with the A stable pressure profile during LS flooding and the lack of
rock surface is decreased. Higher polymer adsorption on water-wet fines production indicate that, in our cases, microscopic flow
rock surfaces results in a poor sweep efficiency of polymer solution diversion by fines migration is not a key mechanism and
as a result of retention in porous media and intensification of the multicomponent ion exchange together with an expanding
trapping of oil in the blocked pores. double layer is likely and could lead to destabilized oil layers
The increased oil recovery from combined low salinity water/ (movable oil).
polymer flooding in this study is in line with the simulation study Combined low salinity water/polymer flooding was found to
of the benefit of combining polymer with low salinity water for lead to very high total oil recovery, probably because of the
1233 | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 1223−1235
Energy & Fuels Article

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Corresponding Author (7) Ashraf, A.; Hadia, N. J.; Torsæter, O.; Tweheyo, M. T. Laboratory
*E-mail: investigation of low salinity water flooding as secondary recovery
process: effect of wettability. Presented at the SPE Oil and Gas India
Notes Conference and Exhibition, Mumbai, India, Jan 20−22, 2010; Paper SPE
The authors declare no competing financial interest. 129012.

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