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Karl Druid presents

1. The Crossroads. The craggy gates to Bonesome Gulch, dry and dusty.
◼ A plateau cuts the path ahead in two, one left and one right. ◼ Behind are
the Dust Barrens, and the telltale dirt clouds of approaching horses.

You did it. You rustled rancher Clammon’s prize cattle—all 40 head. The only hickup? The law’s hot on 3. Remains of a Wagon Train. Broken wood and sun-bleached bones.
your hooves. Up ahead, a ridge rising from the dust, and there, the gate to your salvation: Bonesome ◼ A wagon wreck, sailcloth cover waving in the arid wind. ◼ Inside the
Gulch. Go through the canyon and you’re in the Big Nothing; in the jurisdiction of the Outlaw Union. wreckage, a skeleton clutching a double-barreled shotgun (d6/2d6), and a
Make it to the other side and the fence in Sickwater will pay 25 silver for each cow still breathin’. It’s no slot’s worth of shells. A piece of scrawled parchment in the skeleton’s pockets
use going back the way you came; more law’s on its way. shows a dog’s head with an X for its left eye. ◼ There’s a cave in the plateau
ahead, once hidden behind a since dried-up waterfall.
The law’s coming. The GM check a box (starting at Area 1) whenever the PCs...
◼ Fail an ability check. ◼ Backtrack. ◼ Loiter. 5. Den of the Cave Hyenas. Humid, and the smell of wet dog.
The lawfolk follow the dashed (- - - - - -) route on the map. Once an area’s boxes ◼ The home of two dozen hyenas, snarling and howling when intruders
are all checked, they arrive in that area. If the PCs are also there, a fight ensues. arrive. Roll initiative. ◼ Most go for the cattle, but the matriarch and 4 others
Should the lawfolk reach area 11 before the PCs do, they will stage an ambush. charge the PCs. The beasts turn tail when the matriarch dies, but until then,
And they won’t stop coming. After a wave of lawfolk has reached area 11, begin lose d6 cows each turn. ◼ A Strange Relic (p. 63) lies in a pile of debris.
tracking the location of the next wave, starting at Area 1.
Each wave of lawfolk is lead by a sheriff, bringing 2 deputies for each PC. Matriarch. Bear-sized and fearless. Cave Hyena. Slobbering lapdog.
HP 10 Morale 11 Bite d6* Hide -1 HP 5 Morale 7 Bite d6
Sheriff. Bad as they come. Deputy. Sniveling lapdog.
Frightening roar. Horses check Lot’s of ‘em. Upon death, another
HP 8 Morale 10 Revolver d6* Heavy coat -1 HP 5 Morale 7 Repeater rifle d6* morale or throw their riders. cave hyena takes its place.
Take ‘em alive. Victim makes Drop Checks Stray shots. On a 1, victim loses
instead of Death Checks, even when shot. their hat but takes no damage. 8. Potter’s Hut. A small hut with a well out front and a man in a rocking chair.
◼ Countless vases and pots in the yard: Check DR16 Wits when entering and
leaving the area. Fail and the cattle smashes d20 potteries, each worth 2s. If
2. Pit of the Leech Cacti. A sweet-smelling pit, 6 ft. wide and 6 ft. deep. the PCs won’t pay what’s owed, Gobias’ rifle might persuade them otherwise.
◼ Below, a bone-scattered feeding ground for bloodsucking succulents. ◼ About his pottery: “I makes ‘em. You breaks em’, you buys ‘em.”
Check Wits to stop the cattle in time. On a failure, 10 cows go into the pit, ◼ About the town: “Yup, name o’ Grift’s Creek. Gone now. Done got grifted.”
falling prey to the bloodparched cacti but creating a bridge for the others. ◼ About why cows won’t enter the Quiet Valley (Area 7): “They says cows got a
seventh sense about these things. Best take their word, I says.”
4. The Creek’s Crook Saloon. A widowed saloon door creaking in the wind. ◼ About the dog’s head on the map from Area 3: “That there’s Dog Rock. Can’t
miss it. On the way out the canyon there, yup. Can’t miss it.”
◼ An abandoned saloon; inside are dusty tables, a crusty spittoon, and
broken bottles. The skull of a huge canine (?) is mounted on the wall. In the Gobias Potter. Old and rickety at a glance, but tough living makes tough folk.
back are 4 bedrooms with yellowed linens, and an office with a locked door.
◼ A safe in the office: DR10 Luck to guess the combination (1234). It HP 7 Morale 9 Hunting rifle d8 Ceramic dagger d4*
contains a box of 10 cigars and a bottle of Galgenburg Red (Drunk 2, 6 Hard to crack. Only dies if dealt damage equal to his remaining HP.
drinks). ◼ The next-door livery is empty, but for horse bones and a turned-
over wheelbarrow. ◼ A snake under the wheelbarrow: check Slick or
become Snakebit d6 (check Grit every hour or take d6 damage until you succeed). 9. Collapsed Mine. Sunworn mine-cart rails running into a rock-filled entrance.
◼ A mine entrance covered with debris; broken shovels and pickaxes half-
6. Burned Down Town. Wayward ashes run in the sun, and a burnt smell. buried under fallen rock. ◼ The remains of a campsite, coal still hot.
◼ Rummage in the debris: a skeletal arm gripping a red wooden box
◼ Two rows of burned wooden houses, and a fire-licked building with a containing d4 sticks of dynamite (d4*+4 damage). ◼ The sun’s sweltering
sign that says “Bank of Grift’s Creek”. A dried-up stream runs from the cave here: PCs must check Grit or become Miserable 1 (Hot).
(Area 5) through town; there’s still the shimmer of silver dust in the
sediment. ◼ Search a house: Roll on the House Loot table (p. 60).
◼ The bank doors are barred from the outside. Inside are the desiccated 10. Dog Rock. Boulders and rocks aplenty; the biggest in the shape of a dog’s head.
corpses of the townsfolk. The vault’s open and picked clean, but for 4 stray ◼ Dog Rock is huge, climbing up it requires a successful Slick check. A locked
silver coins and a note reading “Needs must, cheers”. metal box is hidden in the left eyehole. PCs can check Grit to smash it open or
Slick to pick the lock. The box contains 232 silver coins.
7. The Quiet Valley. Stillness in the air, the valley ahead is foreboding and quiet.
◼ The cows stop dead in their tracks, unwilling to go any further into the 11. The Home Stretch. The Big Nothing in sight; an endless expanse of sand.
valley. ◼ Dozens of vultures gather in the sky and along the ridge, hoping ◼ Lots of boulders, the perfect place for an ambush. ◼ If the lawfolk haven’t
for an easy meal. ◼ PCs can check Wits to urge the cows forward: On a reached this area yet, the PCs are victorious, riding out into the sunset
success, the first ten cows to enter the valley wail as their bodies bend and sands towards Sickwater Oasis. ◼ If the lawfolk are here, they’re hiding
break, as if mangled by an invisible meat grinder. The cows behind them behind the rocks, waiting to strike. The PC with the highest Wits has to
halt and absolutely refuse to go any further in this direction. succeed on a Wits check, or the PC(s) with the lowest Luck get shot before
◼ PCs can ride through without incident, but cattle cannot go this way. initiative is rolled, taking d6 damage.
FRONTIER SCUM is © Den of Druids

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