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Khutbatul wada’ (sonny nur prasetyo utomo)

Your Excellency the founder of madinatunnajah Islamic boarding school :

K.H.Drs.Mahrus Amin , yourexelncy the head of madinatunnajah : K.H.M.Agus Abdul
Ghofur M.Pd, the honorable deputy director of the teaching division Ustadz Syukron
Jalaluddin S.THI.MM , the honorable deputy director of the cleric Ustadz Subhan
Hasyim. Lc, the honorable head of madrasah Aliyah Ustadz Saefullah Syair Lc.M.Ag,
the honorable head of madrasah tsanawiyah Ustadz Abdurrohim.MM, the honorable
teaching class of 6 TMI Ustdaz Mas Lingga Mochammad Cung, S.Pd.I , The honorable
of head master caretaker of student bureau Ustadz M.Arsan S.Pd.I. MM, and also to all
the ranks of teacher that I respect, My Proud friends of REVIVAL GENERATION and all
residents of the pesantren Madinatunnajah peace be upon you, and may Allah mercy
and blessing us Aamiin.

Assalamu'alaikum wr. Wb.

. Introduce me from grade six name sonny. I of bekasi. Born in Jakarta, eight juli
thousand months hundred sebilan I class intensive has felt right how to become
members and siplin school and speak twenty four hours only in the hut boarding
school. Since then I ride to the fourth grade,I feel administrators rayon and could feel
the organisers stady watching tour and the health and up to class five dear up the be
administrators osmn at the health and hygiene and follow the seminar every there is a
and feel stady appeal we learned in there and take good for in a cottage. And up to
grade six we dropped the of osmn and a lot of her activities in front of the class of six
until today. All of you will feel right what we feel today. Sorry if there is one of the word
and the words of walasamualaikum

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