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English – 1 ● Composition Writing- Narrative, Story Writing, Picture Composition

(Lang.) ● Notice and Email
● Letter Writing- Formal and Informal Letters
● Integrated Grammar
● Reading Comprehension

English – 2 (Lit.) Drama- The Merchant of Venice

● Act 3 Scene 2, 3, 4 and 5
Poetry- Treasure Trove
● Abou Ben Adhem
● Nine Gold medals
Prose- Treasure Trove
● The Little Match Girl
● My Greatest Olympic Prize

Hindi साहित्य सागर – बात अठन्नी की, काकी, अपना-अपना भाग्य, भीड़ में खोया आदमी,
एकाांकी सांचय – संस्कार और भावना, मातृभूमम का मान, महाभारत की एक सााँ झ

व्याकरण -
● भाववाचक संज्ञा [पृष्ठ संख्या 220-222]
● मु हावरे [पृष्ठ संख्या 311-313 ] लोकोक्तियााँ [पृष्ठ संख्या 316-318]
● मवलोम शब्द [पृष्ठ संख्या 259-261]
● वचन, मलं ग, काल [संपूर्ण]
● वाक्ां श [पृष्ठ संख्या 273-275]
● तत्सम तद्भव [संपूर्ण]
● मवशे षर् शब्द [पृष्ठ संख्या 237-239]
● पयाण यवाची शब्द [पृष्ठ संख्या 251-253]
● अने कार्ण क शब्द [पृष्ठ संख्या 266] 1 से 35
● एकार्ण क प्रतीत होने वाले शब्द [1-20]
● उपसगण - [पृष्ठ संख्या 279] प्रत्यय - [1-20]
● वाक् पररवतणन
● वाच्य पररवतणन
● मचत्र लेखन/ मनबंध लेखन
● अपमठत गद्ां श
● पत्र ले खन

French ● Unite 8/9/10 ( vocabulary. Translation english-french and french-

● Unseen comprehension
● Composition
● Letter
● Dialogue
● Grammar - Tenses (Present, passe compose, imparfait, impératif, futur
proche, passé récent, futur simple, conditionnel,futur antérieur, plus
que parfait,subjonctif,conditionnel passé), Pronoms (COD, COI, y, en
and pronom tonique, possessive and demonstrative pronoun),
comparative/superlative, négative, pronom relative (simple and

Mathematics ● GST
● Banking
● Linear In-equations
● Quadratic Equations
● Problems on Quadratic Equations
● Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem
● Matrices

Physics ● Forces
● Work Energy Power
● Machines
● Refraction through Plane and Spherical surfaces.
● Spectrum
● Sound

Chemistry ● The Periodic Table

● Atomic Structure and Bonding
● Acids, Bases, Salts
● Analytical Chemistry
● Practical Chemistry

Biology ● Structure of Chromosomes, Cell Cycle and cell division

● Genetics
● Absorption by roots
● Transpiration
● Photosynthesis

History ● First War of Independence

● Rise of Nationalism
● Early Nationalists
● Assertive Nationalists
● Partition of Bengal
● Union Legislature
● Union Executive-President and Vice-President

Geography ● Climate of India

● Soil Resources
● Natural Vegetation
● Topographical Maps
● Map of India

Economics ● Factors of Production

● Theory of Demand
● Elasticity of Demand
● Theory of Supply & elasticity
● Inflation
● Money
● Consumer Awareness

Commercial  Stakeholders in Commercial Organisations

Studies  Marketing and Sales
 Advertising and Sales Promotion
 Consumer Protection
 E-Commerce
 Capital and Revenue Expenditure/Income
 Fundamental Concept of Cost

Economic  Elementary theory of demand

Applications  Elasticity of demand
 Theory of supply
 Factors of production
 Nature & structure of markets - Perfect competition & Monopoly

Computer Number Problems

Application ● Arrays
● String Handling in Java.
String Functions.
String Buffer and its Functions.
● Method Overloading
Default Constructor.
Parameterized Constructor.
Constructor Overloading.
● Library Classes.
● Introduction to wrapper classes, methods of
wrapper class and their usage with respect to
numeric and character data types.
Autoboxing and
Unboxing in wrapper classes.
● Encapsulation.
Access specifiers and its scope and visibility
Visibility rules for access specifiers.
Scope of variables,
Class variables, instance variables, argument variables,
local variables.
● Variables and Data Types
Conditionals, Switch Case
● Nested Loops
Patterns & Series

Fine Art ● Still Life

● Nature Drawing

PE ● Human Growth and Development

● Physical Education
● Body Types
● Physical Fitness
● Sports Training
● Cricket, Basketball

Applications Markets and Marketing

● Marketing Mix
● Advertising and Brand Promotion
● Sales and Selling Process
● Importance of Human Resource
● Recruitment, Selection, Training

Moral Education UNIT 1

● Economy and Globalisation
● BEnefits and Costs of Globalisation
● Inequality
● Fair Trade
● Role of History
● Early Human Migration
● Rise of Civilisation

Home Science ● Growth and Development during Middle Childhood

● Meal Planning

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