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Test Case ID TC001

Feature Name Search functionality

Test Scenario ID TS001

Test Case Title Verify the search result matches the search query


Step to Reproduce Open browser

Observe opencart homepage appears properly
Locate the search button
Type the desired product name
Click on the search button

Test Data

Expected Results System should generate accurate result based on the query

Actual Result System did not generate result based on the query

Testing Status Fail


Test Result

Remarks Internal server error message shows up.

Test Case ID

Feature Name Search functionality

Test Scenario ID TS002

Test Case Title Test search results are displayed on the page correctly


Step to Reproduce Open browser

Observe opencart homepage appears properly
Locate the search button
Type the desired product name
Click on the search button

Test Data

Expected Results System should generate result in the correct manner

Actual Result System generated result in the correct manner

Testing Status Pass


Test Result


Test Case ID

Feature Name Search functionality

Test Scenario ID TS003

Test Case Title Test search results are sorted on the page correctly

Step to Reproduce Open browser

Observe opencart homepage appears properly
Locate the search button
Type the desired product name
Click on the search button

Test Data

Expected Results System should sort the result in correct order

Actual Result System did not sort result in correct order

Testing Status Fail


Test Result


Test Case ID

Feature Name Search functionality

Test Scenario ID TS004

Test Case Title Check the search button is present and visible to user


Step to Reproduce Open browser

Observe opencart homepage appears properly
Locate the search button

Test Data

Expected Results The search should be present on the page and visible to user

Actual Result Search button is present and visible to user

Testing Status Pass


Test Result


Test Case ID

Feature Name Search functionality

Test Scenario ID TS005

Test Case Title The search button should accept input from the user


Step to Reproduce Open browser

Observe opencart homepage appears properly
Locate the search button
Type the desired product name
Test Data

Expected Results The search button should accept input from the use

Actual Result Search button accepted input from the user

Testing Status Pass


Test Result


Test Case ID

Feature Name Search functionality

Test Scenario ID TS006

Test Case Title The search button should give proper validation message


Step to Reproduce Open browser

Observe opencart homepage appears properly
Locate the search button
Type the desired product name
Click on the search button
Test Data

Expected Results The search button should give proper validation message

Actual Result Search button generated proper validation message

Testing Status Pass


Test Result


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