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Computer Norse

 What is computer?

Computer is an electronic which accepts data from input device and process it into useful
information which it display on its output devices.

 Important of computer

We use computer in many department and at home for personal use include technology and its
usage is very important nowadays. We will start from what is computer and its functions.

 Types of Computer

Desktop: Desktop Computer we commonly use at home and offices it is also called PC (Personal

Laptop: Laptop is Mini size Computer we can use any where we want to.

Tablet: It is Palm size Computer we use for any company for orders submission.

Smart Phone: It is commonly use device it is hand size Computer mostly used for Application

 What is different between desktop and laptop?

 Size is heavy  Small size
 There are multiple internal hard  Internal hard disks are limited
disks  Portable
 Fixed in one place  Have internal mouse and
 External keyboard and mouse is keyboard, but is also compatible
connected with external keyboard and
 Depend on electricity mouse
 Depend on battery

 Common Components of Computer

 CPU (Central Processing Unit): All the type of processing performed in CPU and all
input and output devices attached to CPU it is also called System Unit
 Monitor: It is output Device on which we can get output as a displayed Picture it
gives output of soft copy of data.
 Keyboard: Keyboard is the input device which use to input letters, symbols,
punctuation and numbers into the system.
 Mouse: Mouse is the clicking input device we instruct the computer through
 Main components of computer are those components by which computer is
 Ram : RAM stands for random access memory, and it's one of the most fundamental
elements of computing. RAM is a temporary memory bank where your computer
stores data it needs to retrieve quickly
 Motherboard: A motherboard is the main printed circuit board (PCB) in a computer.
The motherboard is a computer's central communications backbone connectivity
point, through which all components and external peripherals connect.
Motherboards can be found in virtually all computers, especially desktop and laptop
 Power supply: A power supply is an electrical device that supplies electric power to
an electrical load. The main purpose of a power supply is to convert electric current
from a source to the correct voltage, current, and frequency to power the load
 Hard disk: A hard drive or hard disk drive (HDD) is a type of data storage device that
is used in laptops and desktop computers. An HDD is a “non-volatile” storage drive,
which means it can retain the stored data even when no power is supplied to the
 PC Turning on and off a computer
 There is a power button simply press the power button in CPU to turn On a
 For turn Off a Computer don’t try to switch off electric button but need to click
window icon in the task bar and click power button will display a windows of
shutdown then click ok to Shutdown. (Make it practically)
 Shut cut key of shout down Alt F4
 Introduction to Operating System
 Operating system is the system software which support System to run and
also support all application software's and all input and output devices.
System software’s are Windows, Android, DOS (Disk operating system),
Linux, Unix, Mac.
 Navigating the Windows 10 desktop · Taskbar · The Start Menu · Account
Settings and Power options · Search Windows · Task View · File Explorer ·
Web Browser.

 Introduction to terms such as desktop, file, folder, icon

 Icons are small pictures that represent files, folders, programs, and other
items. When you first start Windows, you'll see at least one icon on
your desktop.
 A desktop is a computer display area that represents the kinds of objects
found on top of a physical desk, including documents, phone books,
 To open File Explorer, click the File Explorer icon on the taskbar, or double-
click any folder on your desktop.
 A folder is not a file itself, but contains files such as word-processing
documents, videos and software.
 Using the Mouse and Keyboard
 Use a keyboard and mouse is an important part of using a desktop
computer or a laptop.
 Mice typically have two buttons, a scroll wheel and a laser sensor. They are
used to move the cursor on the screen, select objects and click on buttons.
 The left button on a mouse is the default button used to click, select, drag to
highlight a word and/or object and used as a pointer
 The right button on a mouse is typically used to provide additional information
and/or properties of an item selected
 Basic Keyboard Short Cut keys we Use Ctrl + C for copy an item and Ctrl + V
for paste copied item and Ctrl + Z for Undo.
 A computer keyboard is an input device used to enter characters and
functions into the computer system by pressing buttons, or keys. It is the
primary device used to enter text. A keyboard typically contains keys for
individual letters, numbers and special characters, as well as keys for specific
 Introduction to File Management
 File management in an operating system refers to the processes and
techniques involved in creating, organizing, accessing, manipulating, and
controlling files stored on storage devices. It includes tasks such as file
creation, deletion, naming, classification, and access control.
 It centralizes important documents in one place
 It reduces rework
 It helps you maintain document versions (make it Practically)
 Internet Basics
 Intranet: Intranet is the network that we use within building or office or Lab
which connect limited computers with each other.
 Extranet: Extranet is the network that we use in the multiple buildings and
organizations which connect more then one network with each others
 The Internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world.
Through the Internet, people can share information and communicate from
anywhere with an Internet connection.
 The most popular web browsers that are used today are Mozilla Firefox,
Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, and the Opera
browser. These browsers are free and available for download and use. Web
browsers allow users to view resources that are stored on a server.
 Ms office 9 branches
 Ms word
 Ms excel
 Power point
 Ms access
 Info Path
 Out look
 Ms Groove
 One note
 Publisher
 Introduction to Word Processing
 A word processor is a device or software program capable of creating,
storing, and printing text documents. It allows users to write and modify text,
display it on a screen, save it electronically, and print it out.
 Formatting text. Select Text. Before editing text, you'll need to select it.
 Save your document with the formatting changes you want
 Word Processing refers to the act of using a computer to create, edit, save
and print documents
 The basic styles feature lets you apply the most essential formatting such
as bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, subscript, superscript.
 Formatting Text
 Apply Bold, Italic, or an Underline · Select the text you want to change. Select
Bold, Italics, or Underline. Shortcuts: To bold: Ctrl + B; To italicize: Ctrl + I
 Click the Increase Font Size or Decrease Font Size buttons to increase or
decrease by one point at a time.
 Font size is measured in points that are 1/72 of an inch.
 Working with Images and Tables
 Insert a table or picture into your document to give it structure or a visual
touch. Select Insert > Table. Highlight the number of columns and rows you
want, and then select them. To create a larger table, select Insert > Table >
Insert Table.
 Insert a picture in Word, PowerPoint, or Excel
 Click the location in your document where you want to insert a picture.
 On the Insert tab, click Pictures.
 Select the option you want to use for inserting pictures.
 To do this, double click on the image. You'll then see the Picture Tools Format
Tab. (Make it Practically)
 Spell Check and Proofreading
 How to Spell Check on Microsoft Word
 First, open the program and go to the “Review” tab. Find the “Spelling &
Grammar” button.
 Word will scan your document for spelling errors. Mistakes will be underlined
with a red squiggly line.
 Proofreading means examining your (yet to be finally printed) text carefully to
find and correct grammatical errors.
 Shut Cut key of this F7
 Document Printing and Saving
 To print a document: · Navigate to the Print pane, then select the
desired printer -- Selecting a printer -- Enter the number of copies you want
to print. You can Randomly print pages like 1,2,4,6,8,10 and you can Print in
a range like 7-12 it will print from page 7 to page 12.
 Shut key of Print Ctrl P
 Open the file you want to save under a different name and file type. · Go to
the "File" menu, then select "Save As". · In the "Save As" dialog box
 Shut cut of Save Ctrl S and F12
 Introduction to Spreadsheets
 Data in a spreadsheet is organized in a series of rows and columns and can
be searched, sorted, calculated and used in a variety of charts and graphs.
Best Example is MS EXCEL.
 Basic features: cells, rows, columns, entering data
 Columns (16384) A to last cell XFD
 Rows 1048576
 Cells 17179869184
 Entering Data in Excel: Cells, Rows, and Columns Explained Microsoft
Excel is a powerful tool for organizing, analyzing, and storing data. (Do it
 Every formula in Ms Excel start with Equal Sign (=)
 Understanding basic mathematical operations
 Basic operations are Minus (-), Plus (+), Division (/), Multiplication (*)
 We use above symbols for basic operations here is some example
 For use of operation we will start with equal sign like =F1-F5 mean value of F1
cell is being minus with F5 cell value and same will be =F1*F5 means being
multiply and =F1/F5 means being divide and =F1+F5 means being addition
 Using SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT functions
 For SUM use for addition like =SUM(Number1,Number2,Number3….) it
means start with = sign and then Bracket start and then will give number and
any cell like F1,F2,F3 and also can give range of numbers like =SUM(F1:F5)
it will add the value from Cell F1 to Cell F5
 For AVERAGE Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguments.
Same Like we do for SUM formula =AVERAGE(F1,F2,F3) or
 For COUNT it will count the number of cells and same like we do SUM and
AVERAGE =COUNT(F1,F2,F3) it will return result 3 means number of cells
are 3 F1 and F2 and F3 and we can do it like =COUNT(F1:F3)
 Formatting and Customization
 Cell formatting options
 On the Home tab, select Format > Format Cells, which will open the Format
Cells dialog box. Click on the Alignment tab. From there, you will see Text
Alignment (Horizontal; Vertical), Text Control (Wrap text, Shrink to fit, Merge
cells) and Text Direction (Context; Left-to-Right; Right-to-Left).
 Customizing the appearance of the spreadsheet
 Click Page Layout > Colors, and pick the set of colors you want. The first set
of colors is used in the current theme. To create your own set of colors, click
Customize Colors.
 Introduction to chart creation
 Click anywhere in the data for which you want to create a chart.
 Select Insert > Charts > and the chart type you want.
 On the menu that opens, select the option you want.
 To edit the chart (titles, legends, data labels), select the Chart tab and then
select Format.
 Representing data visually
 Step 1: Organize your data. Ensure that your data is properly organized in
rows and columns within the Excel sheet.
 Step 2: Select the data.
 Step 3: Choose a chart type.
 Step 4: Insert the chart.
 Step 5: Customize the chart.
 Step 6: Edit the data.
 formula of sum , count , percentage, average
 What is the different between word and excel?
 MS Excel is a spreadsheet program that is used to save data,
make tables and charts and make complex calculations and
 Microsoft Word is a word processing program that is used for
letter writing, creating documents and reports, etc.

 HHD full Foam (Hard Disk drive)

 RAM ( Random Access memory)
 ROM ( Read only Memory)
 USB ( universal serial Bus)
 CD (Compact Disk)
 DVD (Digital versatile disk)
 DOS (Disk operating system)
 ALU ( Arithmetic logic Unit)
 CU (Control Unit)
 MU (memory unit)

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