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 Basic Intermediate  Advanced

Lesson Plan
Micro Lesson Video Link:

Business/Materials Lesson Objectives

- A list with guide -Learner will be able to explain how to get somewhere
expressions orally using Google Maps
- A list with the places of the
- Google Maps

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

Start the class with this question on the board: What do you love (and hate) about your city?
Talk with the students about what they love or hate, why they do that, how could it change.
Use the opportunity to connect this topic with future and ask: where are you going to live in 10
years from now?
Objective discussion
Explain students that learn the part of the city and how to guide and be guided are
fundamentals abilities to live or visit any country, those are abilities that are going to be useful
and necessary. That’s why they are going to learn how to guide and be guided orally, to find
any place. That’s going to be assess in a final project in pair groups.

Instruct and Model  R  W  L  S

The first thing that they’re going to learn is the important of the guide expressions. Those
expressions are going to be their compass, and without your compass, they can’t go anywhere.
(metaphor) Those expressions are “where is…?’’, “turn left/right”, “go straight”, “go
north/west/…”, “walk down this avenue”, “it’s across the street”, “it’s two blocks away”, etc.
While I mentioned it, I write in the board and use body language to reinforce the phrases. To
give a correct direction they have to know the different parts of the city, ask them which of
them they know and write it on the board, some examples are: avenue’s names, markets,
schools, cinemas, churches, squares, stadiums, universities, banks, hotels, museums, libraries,
restaurants, shopping centers, etc.
By the projector, use Google Maps to guide them through Paris, to model the next activity.

Guided Practice  R  W  L  S
Guided Practice
Give students the list with guide expressions and the list with places of the city. Make them
write three sentences using it. While they are writing, walk around the class and answer any
Less-guided practice
Transform the sentences in questions. Make the students stand up and ask to three different
persons any of that questions, and answer when their classmates ask them. Finally, when they
go back to sit, ask them what did they learn about each other.

Independent Practice  R  W  L  S

Write a paragraph guiding someone through any city they want, using the material that we
learned. This paragraph has to include 6-7 sentences, be clear and conduce to a final place.
They can use Google Maps as a tool to make their text more real.

Assessment  R  W  L  S
- Provide students a rubric with your criterions to this assessment, so they will know exactly
what do you expect from them.
-By Google Maps, guide the rest of the students to a final place. The teacher is going to ask
some questions and the student has to answer it using the phrases that they learned.

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