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Manufacturing and Distribution Industry
Distribution management is an important part of the business cycle for distributors and wholesalers. The
profit margins of businesses depend on how quickly they can turn over their goods. The more they sell,
the more they earn—hence, a better future for the business (Kenton, 2019).
Manufacturing companies such as Universal Robina Corporation (URC), Proctor & Gamble (P&G), and
Coca-Cola Company are examples of businesses that engage in high logistics utilization. Most of the
products of these companies come from a central manufacturing plant, which are distributed to a
massive number of conglomerates, retail stores, and partners across the country and even abroad.
Follow the suggested outline below in completing the written output:
I. Company Background
a. Include a brief history and description of the chosen firm. Discuss in detail the supply
chain strategies, opportunities, and challenges of the company.
II. Statement of the Problem
a. Include a clear and concise logistics problem derived from complex research and analysis
of the company’s supply chain strategies, opportunities, and challenges.
For instance, ABC Company has a major problem on accommodating increased customer
returns due to defective products. From this scenario, a statement of the problem could
be any of the following:
 “How can ABC Company promptly deliver product replacements despite its
limited logistics capabilities?”
 “What is the optimum logistics process that ABC Company should employ to
effectively manage its product replacements?”
b. The statement of the problem can also be derived from any identified gaps in the
company operations or any mishap that hinders the company to do better or perform
based on standards.
III. Alternative Courses of Action
a. It must contain at least three (3) courses of action that will resolve the given statement of
the problem. It must present the advantages and disadvantages of each course of action.
b. This part must also reflect some, if not all, concepts of logistics management such as
demand planning, inventory planning and control, aggregate planning and scheduling,
economic decisions, logistics systems, warehouse management, order management, and
customer relationship management.
IV. Recommendation
a. Present the best course of action among the presented alternatives in resolving the given
statement of the problem.
b. This part must clearly present why a particular alternative was chosen over the other
proposed alternatives.
V. Implementation Program
a. This part must present that the recommended strategy is feasible for wide company
implementation. For instance, the recommendation for ABC Company is to increase their
logistics partners temporarily in order to manage product replacements effectively. This
proposal technically falls under economic decisions—outsourcing, in particular. Basically,

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before outsourcing, a business must consider if it would be more cost-efficient to pay for
a third-party service provider or simply increase their manpower to perform the needed
task. From this analysis, if it is more cost-efficient to simply outsource the services, then
the recommendation for ABC Company is feasible for implementation.
VI. Management Lessons Learned
a. Discuss the takeaways from the research.

Rubric for written report:

Wrote a concise and complete company background based on
Company Background 10
the provided guidelines
Adhered to the correct outline and organized the content clearly
Organization of Ideas 10
and logically
Provided all the necessary research and analysis in support of the
Analysis 20
statement of the problem
Recommendation Proposed a well-thought and well-researched solution to the 20

Rubric for oral report:

Holds attention of the entire audience with the use of direct eye
Delivery contact; seldom looking at notes; and speaks with fluctuation in 10
volume and modulation to maintain audience interest
Provides clear purpose and subject; pertinent examples, facts,
Organization of Ideas 20
and/or statistics; supports conclusions/ideas with evidence
Significantly increases audience understanding and knowledge
Audience Responsiveness of the topic; convinces the audience to recognize the validity 10
and importance of the subject

Kenton, W. (2019). Distribution management. Retrieved on November 12, 2019, from

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