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Thursday April 24 2024

Montreal Protoc Spreading awarenes

Sophia Sommerhalder

What is the Montreal Protocol ?

The Montreal Protocol is a significant global
agreement that controls nearly 100 man-made
chemicals known as ozone-depleting substances
(ODS). These chemicals harm the ozone layer,
which shields the Earth from harmful UV
radiation. The protocol was signed on September
16, 1987, and has been universally agreed and

It gradually reduces the production and use of

ODS, with different timelines for developed and
developing countries. All parties have
responsibilities concerning the phase-out of
ODS, trade control, reporting data, and more.
Both developed and developing nations have
binding commitments.

The protocol covers various aspects like control

measures, calculation of control levels, trade
control with non-parties, special considerations
for developing countries, data reporting, non- Background
compliance, and technical assistance. The
substances controlled by the treaty are listed in What’s Ozone and why is it important?
different annexes. Ozone, also known as trioxygen, is an The ozone layer acts as a protective shield,
inorganic molecule (03), the molecule absorbing harmful ultraviolet (UV)
The treaty adapts to new scientific, technical, contains three atoms instead of two. It's radiation from the sun, particularly UV-B
and economic developments and undergoes found naturally in small amounts in the radiation, which can cause sunburn and
amendments. The Meeting of the Parties governs Earth's stratosphere. It absorbs solar pose health risks to humans and
the treaty, with support from an Open-ended ultraviolet radiation, which could otherwise ecosystems
Working Group. The Ozone Secretariat, based in harm living things on the Earth's surface.
Nairobi, assists the parties. These include an elevated risk of skin
The stratospheric ozone layer is essential for cancer, eye damage such as cataracts and
human and ecosystem health, as it blocks photokeratitis, weakened immune system,
harmful UV radiation from reaching the premature aging of the skin, sunburn, and
Earth's surface. However, the use of ozone- DNA damage in skin cells.
depleting substances (ODS), such as
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), has led to the Ozone absorbs UV-B radiation in the
thinning of the ozone layer, particularly in stratosphere, preventing excessive levels
the "ozone hole" near the South Pole. of this harmful radiation from reaching the
Earth's surface. The ozone layer is crucial
According to the UN Environment program, for safeguarding life on Earth by shielding
environmental effects assessment in 2022 against the damaging effects of UV
without the Montreal Protocol, UV radiation radiation on humans, animals, plants, and
would have increased significantly, microbes
particularly in southern latitudes, by up to
100% in some areas.

Ozone, Trioxygen
Thursday 25 April 2024
NEWS TODAY Issue #10

Sophia Sommerhalder

The problem
ODS and CFCs
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other The impact of ODS on stratospheric
ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are ozone has prompted global efforts to
known to decrease the concentration regulate and phase out their use. The
of stratospheric ozone, which is Montreal Protocol, an international
critical for protecting life on Earth agreement, has been instrumental in
from harmful UV radiation. These banning the use of ODS like CFCs to
substances, including CFCs, protect the ozone layer and mitigate the
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), risks associated with ozone depletion.
halons, methyl bromide, and others, Despite these regulations, ongoing
are stable in the troposphere but act as research highlights the importance of
catalysts in the stratosphere, leading to continued monitoring and action to
ozone depletion address the environmental and health
consequences of ODS-induced ozone
ODS are emitted at the Earth's surface depletion.
and eventually transported into the
stratosphere over a period of two to In summary, ODS such as CFCs play a
five years. Once in the stratosphere, significant role in depleting stratospheric
these substances degrade under intense ozone, which is essential for shielding
ultraviolet light, releasing chlorine or life on Earth from harmful UV radiation.
bromine atoms that then deplete ozone International agreements like the
molecules . The breakdown of ODS in Montreal Protocol have been crucial in
the stratosphere contributes to the addressing this issue and working
formation of an "ozone hole," towards protecting the ozone layer for Diagram of ODS being emmitted in the earths surface
particularly notable over Antarctica future generations
during the spring season

Sophia Sommerhalder

Researchers have observed this depletion of
the ozone layer over the South Pole annually,
typically between August and October, with
the hole reaching its maximum size between
mid-September and mid-October

In 2023, the Antarctic ozone hole reached its

maximum size on September 21, covering an
area of 10 million square miles or 26 million
square kilometers, making it the 12th largest
single-day ozone hole since 1979. During the
peak of the ozone depletion season from
September 7 to October 13, the hole averaged
8.9 million square miles (23.1 million square
kilometers), approximately the size of North

The size and depth of the ozone hole fluctuate

The Plan due to variations in stratospheric temperature
and circulation. Colder conditions lead to
MEDCs and LEDCs larger areas and lower ozone values at the
center of the hole. Human activities,
MEDCs have taken significant steps The timeline for phasing out ozone- particularly the release of
to reduce their ODS emissions and depleting substances (ODS) in more chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-
transition to safer alternatives. In economically developed countries depleting substances into the atmosphere,
contrast, LEDCs may have different (MEDCs) has been significant, with the have contributed to the formation of the
timelines for phasing out ODS due to European Union (EU) implementing ozone hole by releasing chlorine atoms that
economic considerations and the phase-out of ODS use in line with destroy ozone molecules
technological capabilities the Montreal Protocol requirements
over the period 1987-2010. This
To support LEDCs in this process, timeline was 10 years ahead of the legal
MEDCs have created funds and provision, showcasing proactive
initiatives to assist with the transition measures taken by MEDCs to reduce
away from ODS. These financial
ODS emissions and transition to safer
mechanisms aim to provide resources,
technology transfer, and capacity- alternative
building support to help LEDCs comply
with ozone protection regulations and
reduce their environmental impact
Fluctiations in the Ozone layer from 2014-2019

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Thursday 25 April 2024
NEWS TODAY Issue #10

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Problems encountered during the implementation of the Montreal Pro

Imperfect substitutes, global warming potential & black markets
During the implementation of the The Antarctic ozone hole is expected to close by the 2060s,
Montreal Protocol, several problems with other regions returning to pre-1980s values even earlier.
and limitations were encountered, This progress has resulted in an estimated two million people
including issues with imperfect being saved from skin cancer annually, along with broader
substitutes, the Global Warming benefits such as mitigating global temperature increases.
Potential (GWP) of alternative
Montreal Protocol substances, and the emergence of a
black market for ozone-depleting
substances like CFCs.
Imperfect Substitutes: One challenge faced during the phase-
out of ozone-depleting substances was the availability of
imperfect substitutes. While efforts were made to transition to
safer alternatives to ODS, some of these substitutes posed their
own environmental challenges. For example, some substitutes Despite the success of the Montreal Protocol, challenges
for CFCs and HCFCs are potent greenhouse gases with high remain. The ozone hole over the South Pole has recently grown
Global Warming Potentials (GWPs), contributing to climate larger than Antarctica itself, indicating ongoing fluctuations in
change its size and confirming the need for continued monitoring and
action. The use of synthetic compounds like
Global Warming Potential (GWP): The phase-out of ODS chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) has contributed to ozone depletion,
led to the introduction of alternative substances like emphasizing the importance of strict regulations and
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) as non-ozone depleting enforcement to protect the ozone layer .
alternatives. However, some of these alternatives have high
GWPs, which can contribute significantly to global warming. Looking ahead, the Montreal Protocol's control measures are
Balancing the need to protect the ozone layer while mitigating expected to return the ozone layer to pre-1980 levels. The
climate change impacts posed a complex challenge during the World Meteorological Organization predicts that the ozone
implementation of the protocol layer over most of the northern hemisphere and mid-latitudes
should fully recover by the 2030s, with recovery over the
Black Market for CFCs: Despite regulations and efforts to southern hemisphere by the 2050s and above Antarctica later in
phase out ozone-depleting substances, a black market for CFCs this century. Continued international cooperation and
emerged in some regions. Illegal trade in banned substances adherence to the protocol will be crucial in ensuring the long-
like CFCs undermines the progress made in protecting the term recovery and protection of the ozone layer for future
ozone layer and poses enforcement challenges for authorities generations.
tasked with regulating ODS use

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