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Timestamp Email Address 1 thing you liked 1 thing you learned

6/16/2023 14:26:17 cary.Zalba@givaudanThe level of The amount of code

information was
6/18/2023 20:47:36 jean_noel.ortuno@gi Start finish task not
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6/19/2023 9:59:33 Heike.zoll@givaudan before
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6/19/2023 11:21:29 jean-yves.benedeyt@Demonstration of in
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6/20/2023 13:42:29 quentin.gouedard@githe topics could
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6/20/2023 13:43:20 david.techer@givaud more experience
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the pull system
6/20/2023 15:33:05 israel.morales@giva Resource withneed
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above 40% does not rules like a pro so
The thing you would The thing you would The thing you would The thing you would
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projectOKRs Less handoffs from
at scale is
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Organization apply
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of projects
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Limit the number of teams respect
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IT&O fully integrated
available for
separate product parallel thingsortosprint
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less task principles to the 15/75/10
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Agility at before 3y
scale ;-)
Start following the start challenging the (in Management
6 months, Products team (self-
Agile Rules (and use of budget and starting 2024) - Start organising teams)
Term / Acronym Definition
Agile Manifesto On February 11-13, 2001, at The Lodge at Snowbird ski resort in the Wasatch mountains of Utah,
seventeen people met to talk, ski, relax, and try to find common ground—and of course, to eat. What
emerged was the Agile ‘Software Development’ Manifesto.
4 Values :
Invididual and Interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer colloboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

Agile Operating Model Dual Operating System - Dual Model along with the traditional org model - with people from
different teams / job levels having the right agile skills. Network more customer centric and
Agile@scale Practise. Agile accross the entire organization. The Agile at Scale definition describes the holistic
anchoring of agile principles, mindsets, values, and practices in a company. Therefore, the Agile at
ART Agile Release Train - Train of Agile Teams : A Cross-functional team of Agile Teams (above 50
people), who shares common mission and objectives, that incrementally define, design, develop,
Business Agility Ability to compete and thrive in the digital age by responding to market changes and emerging
opportunities with innovative digitally-enabled business solutions.
7 Competencies in the SAFe framework :
Enterprise Solution Delivery
Lean Portfolio Management
Agile Product Delivery
Organizational Agility
Team and Technical Agility
Lean Agile Leadership
Continuous Learning Culture

Business Capabilities A particular ability that a business may possess or exchange to achieve a specific purpose
Business Product Not to be used - as no common definition
Capabilities Not to be used - as too vague and could be mixed with Business Capabilities
Context switching Typical of waterfall project landscape : 50% of knowledge gets lost in handoffs. As opposed to what
happens in agile teams - working in a pull mode.
Cost of Delay Cost of Delay in delivering value. Basic element to quantify and prioritize based on value - and
therefore sequence work -
Design Thinking Design Thinking is a clear and continuous understanding of the target market, Customers, the
problems they are facing, and the jobs to be done.
DORA DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics : four key metrics, divided into two core areas
of DevOps :
Develop on Cadence, Helps to control the variability of the product development. Release when the customer wants
Release on Demand (Possibility to activate from PRD when needed). Devops is a mindset that requires Human and tech
Digital Product Digital Product = Product
DoD Definition of Done (and artifacts standards) - part of the Scrum Board. Part of the Agile good
practises to ensure Quality. DoD ensures a consistent quality of each product done.
DoR Definition of Ready - The DoR is the less well known cousin of the Definition of Done. Having a
Definition of Ready which the team and stakeholders agree on allows everyone to know what needs
Enabler Enabler defines the existing code, hardware components, marketing guidelines, and other variables
that enable near-term business Features (SAFe). Part of the Architecture runway.
Epic JIRA: An epic is a large body of work that can be broken down into a number of smaller stories
SAFe : EPICs are more major initiatives (enablers and features) defined to reach the vision spanning
Feature A Feature represents solution functionality that delivers business value, fulfills a stakeholder need
(SAFe.). A feature is described with a benefit hypothesis and acceptance criteria. A Feature can be
Flow efficiency nb of hours spent on value / duration to deliver the value
Fusion team Colocated x functional - pluri disciplinary teams
Teams from different business areas as well as from the formal IT organization(s) sharing business
Guardrail Budget Guardrail describes portfolio budgeting, spending and governance policies (group of
Investments by horizon, Capacity allocation Check, Continuous Business Owner Engagement,
Goal A goal represents what needs to be achieved to reach the vision
Iteration In SAFe, Iterations of PI planning are a standard, fixed-duration timebox during which Agile Teams
and ARTs individually and collectively deliver incremental customer value while working towards
LACE The Lean-Agile Center of Excellence (LACE) is a small Agile team dedicated to implementing the
SAFe Lean-Agile way of working within an enterprise. Can also be called Transformation Office
Lean Canvas 1 pager on a pb that needs to be resolving and its solution summarized in a value proposition
Lean Portfolio Management Link between Strategy and Execution. SAFe portfolio is a collection of development Value
(LPM) Streams. Funding at Value Streams level. Take the number of people in the team * their cost. LPM is
Lean Thinking 5 principles part of SAFe Lean Agile Mindset to provide value and avoid delays :
Precisely specify value by product
MTTD Mean Time to Detect
MTTR Mean Time to Resolution (SAFe) / Mean Time to Repair
MVP A MVP is a product that has just enough features to satisfy the needs of early customers and, more
importantly, give them something to provide feedback on to shape the future of the product.
NFR Non Functional Requirements (SAFe) - system qualities that guide the design of the solution and
often serve as constraints across the relevant backlogs
OKR Objectives and Key Results or Strategic Themes influcing portfolio strategy and provide business
context for portfolio decision making.
Operational Value Stream Contains the steps and the people who deliver end-user value ("Value Stream Business") using
Solutions created by the Dvt Value Stream
PI Planning PI Planning stands for Planning Interval Planning. PI Planning sessions are regularly scheduled
events held throughout the year where multiple teams within the same Agile Release Train (ART)
Pizza Kanban Game This Pizza Game is a great way for new or established teams to understand the principles of Lean &
Agile by diving into Kanban in a quick and fun way that is hard to communicate through words
alone. It teaches you how to get from an existing process to a Kanban system, how to visualize the
system, and start modifying it.
POC A POC will help validate the technical capabilities that will realize the idea
Product A product is a solution, system, or service that provides value to internal or external customers (©
Scaled Agile, Inc.)
Product Management Product Management is the function responsible for defining desirable, viable, feasible, and
sustainable solutions that meet (or anticipate in the DI context) customer needs and supporting
Product Manager Consolidates the backlog from the product owners group but is also key in making the vsion and the
roadmap will be translated in the Agile teams (both ways). In the team of thinkers (Ratio Thinkers
Product Owner Essential to the Agile team. Needs to grant focused time (at least 50%) - refining requirement, user
story, priorities and validating the testing. Owns the backlog and has the content authority
Product Roadmap The Product Roadmap is a schedule of events and milestones and a visual tool that forecasts and
communicates planned solution deliverables over a time horizon.
Prototype A prototype helps to showcase the concept to the users with a minimum cost and effort

Resource utilization trap Not focusing on the flow and the value - focusing on optimizing the team utilization - therefore
having parallel tasks instead of focused time. Focus is to have the capacity to do the work.

ROTI Return on Time Invested
RTE Release Train Engineer. At the level of the product working with the product manager. Acts as the
chief Scrum Master for the train (ART)
SAFe Practise. The Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) is a set of organization and workflow patterns for
implementing agile practices at enterprise scale. It was formed around three primary bodies of
Scrum Master Essential to the Agile team. Can not be merged with the Product Owner role. Is the organisational
leader to get the things done or Team Coach. Is responsible for the flow going through and facilitates
Season The Seasons of the Year retrospective is a way of gauging how your team felt about the various
elements of the last iteration. Using the seasons as a barometer for people to share their perspective
Shu Ha Ri Follow the rules (start with the rules and the basics) / Bending the rules / Is the rule (Lean Agile
Smoke Test Smoke testing (also confidence testing, sanity testing,[1] build verification test (BVT)[2][3][4] and
build acceptance test) is preliminary testing to reveal simple failures severe enough to, for example,
SoS Practise. Scrum of Scrum. Is an alignment meeting with the different scrum masters. Is now called
Coach sync.
Sprint Always the same period. Ideally 2 weeks. Backlog items selected to find Value. Sprint Goal /
Planning based on backlog review / Demo / Retrospective. In SAFe - called Iteration
Squad Squads – a concept inspired by Spotify’s engineering culture – are small, flexible teams that are
responsible for the end-to-end delivery of each product. Each squad has no more than 8 - 10
Story Point Used to assess User Story based on Volume / Complexity / Knowledge and Uncertainty (Relative
size assessment)
Strategic Themes Strategic themes are portfolio-level business objectives that provide competitive differentiation and
strategic advantage. They provide business context for portfolio strategy and decision-making,
US User Story is a small increment of value that can be developed in days and are relatively easy to
estimate. It is a piece of work that can be completed in an iteration, typically a 2-week period of time
Value Creation Value lies as much in the Business volume as in the lessons learned
Value Stream A multitude of people, (business capabilities ?), processes, tools, and information to create and
deliver Value to Customers - starting from identifying the requirement till the value creation and
Vision Ideal and desired future state.
WSJF Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)
Used to prioritize the ART Backlog.
X-Matrix The X-Matrix is a single page document which aligns
Vision - State at the end of the strategic cycle
SRE Site reliability engineering (SRE) is the practice of using software tools to automate IT infrastructure
tasks such as system management and application monitoring. Organizations use SRE to ensure their
Theme Comment - Link
Concept /

Concept / SAFe
Concept / SAFe
Delivery SAFe
Concept / SAFe

Architecture OM Definitions linked to Product

Architecture OM Definitions linked to Product
Architecture OM Definitions linked to Product
Concept /
Value SAFe
Concept / SAFe
Delivery Gitlab Velocity in SAFe
Delivery SAFe
Architecture OM Definitions linked to Product
Delivery Product Roadmap OM and EA document
Strategy Product Roadmap OM and EA document
Delivery Product Roadmap OM and EA document
Organization & Gartner : Why fusion team matters :
Strategy SAFe
Strategy Product Roadmap OM and EA document
Delivery SAFe
Organization &
Methodology &
Strategy SAFe
Concept / SAFe
Delivery Other links :
Delivery SAFe
Value Product Roadmap OM and EA document :
Organization & SAFe
Delivery SAFe
Methodology &

Architecture OM Definitions linked to Product
Architecture Product Roadmap OM and EA document
Organization & Agile Toolbox :
Organization & Agile Toolbox :
Delivery Product Roadmap OM and EA document

Concept /

Methodology &

Organization & SAFe
Concept / SAFe :
Organization &
Concept /
Methodology &
Organization &
Delivery SAFe :
Strategy Product Roadmap OM and EA document
Delivery OM Definitions linked to Product
Strategy Product Roadmap OM and EA document
Value SAFe
Strategy Product Roadmap OM and EA document
Delivery Related to COE DevSecOps & SRE





Vision Future state - Ideal state
Mission Why are we doing what we are doing and for whom
Goal What needs to be achieved to reach the vision - can be intangible and non measurable
Objective Defines measurable actions to achieve the goal
KR Metrics that measure the progress twd the obj
e and non measurable
Term / Acronym Definition
Agile Manifesto Concept / Theory
On February 11-13, 2001, at The Lodge at Snowbird ski resort in the Wasatch mountains of Utah,
Agile Operating Model Concept / Theory
Dual Operating System - Dual Model along with the traditional org model - with people from
Agile@scale Concept / Theory
Practise. Agile accross the entire organization. The Agile at Scale definition describes the holistic
ART Delivery
Agile Release Train - Train of Agile Teams : A Cross-functional team of Agile Teams (above 50
Business Agility Concept / Theory
Ability to compete and thrive in the digital age by responding to market changes and emerging
Business Capabilities Architecture
A particular ability that a business may possess or exchange to achieve a specific purpose
Business Product Architecture
Not to be used - as no common definition
Capabilities Architecture
Not to be used - as too vague and could be mixed with Business Capabilities
Context switching Concept / Theory
Typical of waterfall project landscape : 50% of knowledge gets lost in handoffs. As opposed to what
Cost of Delay Value
Cost of Delay in delivering value. Basic element to quantify and prioritize based on value - and
Design Thinking Concept / Theory
Design Thinking is a clear and continuous understanding of the target market, Customers, the
DORA Delivery
DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics : four key metrics, divided into two core areas
Develop on Cadence, Delivery
Release on Demand Helps to control the variability of the product development. Release when the customer wants
Hoshin Kanri
Hoshin Kanri is a powerful method for effective strategic management
Digital Product Architecture
Digital Product = Product
DoD Delivery
Definition of Done (and artifacts standards) - part of the Scrum Board. Part of the Agile good
DoR Delivery
Definition of Ready - The DoR is the less well known cousin of the Definition of Done. Having a
Enabler Delivery
Enabler defines the existing code, hardware components, marketing guidelines, and other variables
Epic Strategy
JIRA: An epic is a large body of work that can be broken down into a number of smaller stories
Feature Delivery
A Feature represents solution functionality that delivers business value, fulfills a stakeholder need
Flow efficiency Value
nb of hours spent on value / duration to deliver the value
Fusion team Organization & People
Colocated x functional - pluri disciplinary teams
Guardrail Strategy
Budget Guardrail describes portfolio budgeting, spending and governance policies (group of
Goal Strategy
A goal represents what needs to be achieved to reach the vision
Iteration Delivery
In SAFe, Iterations of PI planning are a standard, fixed-duration timebox during which Agile Teams
LACE Organization & People
The Lean-Agile Center of Excellence (LACE) is a small Agile team dedicated to implementing the
Lean Canvas Methodology & Tools
1 pager on a pb that needs to be resolving and its solution summarized in a value proposition
Lean Portfolio Management Strategy
(LPM) Link between Strategy and Execution. SAFe portfolio is a collection of development Value
Lean Thinking Concept / Theory
5 principles part of SAFe Lean Agile Mindset to provide value and avoid delays :
MTTD Delivery
Mean Time to Detect
MTTR Delivery
Mean Time to Resolution (SAFe) / Mean Time to Repair
MVP Delivery
A MVP is a product that has just enough features to satisfy the needs of early customers and, more
NFR Delivery
Non Functional Requirements (SAFe) - system qualities that guide the design of the solution and
OKR Value
Objectives and Key Results or Strategic Themes influcing portfolio strategy and provide business
Operational Value Stream Organization & People
Contains the steps and the people who deliver end-user value ("Value Stream Business") using
PI Planning Delivery
PI Planning stands for Planning Interval Planning. PI Planning sessions are regularly scheduled
Pizza Kanban Game Methodology & Tools
This Pizza Game is a great way for new or established teams to understand the principles of Lean &
POC Delivery
A POC will help validate the technical capabilities that will realize the idea
Product Architecture
A product is a solution, system, or service that provides value to internal or external customers (©
Product Management Architecture
Product Management is the function responsible for defining desirable, viable, feasible, and
Product Manager Organization & People
Consolidates the backlog from the product owners group but is also key in making the vsion and the
Product Owner Organization & People
Essential to the Agile team. Needs to grant focused time (at least 50%) - refining requirement, user
Product Roadmap Delivery
The Product Roadmap is a schedule of events and milestones and a visual tool that forecasts and
Troika Consulting
Explore the questions “What is your challenge?” and “What kind of help do you need?”
Prototype Delivery
A prototype helps to showcase the concept to the users with a minimum cost and effort
Resource utilization trap Concept / Theory
Not focusing on the flow and the value - focusing on optimizing the team utilization - therefore
Retrospective Methodology & Tools
ROTI Value
Return on Time Invested
RTE Organization & People
Release Train Engineer. At the level of the product working with the product manager. Acts as the
SAFe Concept / Theory
Practise. The Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) is a set of organization and workflow patterns for
Scrum Master Organization & People
Essential to the Agile team. Can not be merged with the Product Owner role. Is the organisational
Season Delivery
The Seasons of the Year retrospective is a way of gauging how your team felt about the various
Shu Ha Ri Concept / Theory
Follow the rules (start with the rules and the basics) / Bending the rules / Is the rule (Lean Agile
Smoke Test Methodology & Tools
Smoke testing (also confidence testing, sanity testing,[1] build verification test (BVT)[2][3][4] and
SoS Delivery
Practise. Scrum of Scrum. Is an alignment meeting with the different scrum masters. Is now called
Sprint Delivery
Always the same period. Ideally 2 weeks. Backlog items selected to find Value. Sprint Goal /
Squad Organization & People
Squads – a concept inspired by Spotify’s engineering culture – are small, flexible teams that are
Story Point Delivery
Used to assess User Story based on Volume / Complexity / Knowledge and Uncertainty (Relative
Strategic Themes Strategy
Strategic themes are portfolio-level business objectives that provide competitive differentiation and
US Delivery
User Story is a small increment of value that can be developed in days and are relatively easy to
Value Creation Value
Value lies as much in the Business volume as in the lessons learned
Value Stream Value
A multitude of people, (business capabilities ?), processes, tools, and information to create and
Vision Strategy
Ideal and desired future state.
WSJF Value
Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)
X-Matrix Strategy
The X-Matrix is a single page document which aligns
SRE Delivery
Site reliability engineering (SRE) is the practice of using software tools to automate IT infrastructure

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