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Assignment Cover

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Course and Module Information

Course Name Bachelor of Business - Finance
Module Name Tourism & Hospitality Management
Module Code MG2001
Lecturer Name Faseeha Harthim
Batch No. BBUS-FN-A10
Assignment Title
Tourism Sector in India
(where applicable)
Total number of pages
including this cover 7
Due Date 27th May 2024

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Nima Mohamed CYX27992

Nima Mohamed / CYX27992


Marker’s Feedback




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Date: Date:

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Assignment Cover

Marking Criteria:

Marks Marks
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Allotted Awarded


Report Total 80

Presentation 20

Total 100

Late Submission (5% of Total per day)

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Final Total Marks

Nima Mohamed / CYX27992



India is a beautiful Asian nation with incredible scenery and a vibrant culture. India is one of
the tourist destinations with the fastest global growth, according to a 2014 survey. But even
with this expansion, India's tourist industry is nevertheless challenged by a number of issues.
The country lacks appropriate infrastructure, which means that many tourist destinations
particularly those in isolated areas do not have enough accommodation, dining options, or
restrooms. Travelling inside the nation is challenging and time-consuming due to poor road
conditions and restricted connection. The inaccessibility of smaller towns and less renowned
tourist attractions is another significant problem. It can often be difficult for tourists to
explore and take in India's rich cultural heritage because these locations lack public transport
Furthermore, the country’s online marketing and promotion are lacking. In the current digital
era, attracting in foreign visitors requires efficient online marketing. Since online advertising
methods have not been fully adopted by india, many potential tourists are unaware of the
unique experiences that the country has to offer. The indian government must enhance public
transport and build more infrastructure in order to overcome these problems. Investing in
digital marketing efforts that promote india’s tourist destinations will also help in attracting in
more foreign visitors. India can strengthen its tourist industry and, consequently, its economy
by marketing its country more successfully on an international scale.


India is a wonderful vacation spot because of its stunning scenery and diverse culture. It is
not, however, as well-known as it should to be in the world of international tourism. There
are multiple reasons for this inadequate appearance. A major issue is the insufficient online
presence of the country in the tourism marketing sector. Despite its potential, India has not
done an adequate job of promoting its tourism destinations online, so many foreign visitors
are not aware of the distinctive experiences the nation has to offer. In addition, India’s tourist
industry faces challenges from poor infrastructure to inaccessible distant locations and tiny
communities. Travelling throughout the nation is challenging due to poor road conditions and
poor connectivity, which further turns off potential tourists. By overcoming these problems

Nima Mohamed / CYX27992 Page |


with better transportation, infrastructure, and digital marketing, India’s tourist sector may
experience a significant increase and finally receive the attention it so well deserves.

In 2024, India’s tourism industry is thriving and recovering, overcoming the losses caused by
the covid-19 epidemic. Both domestic and foreign tourism have increased as a result of
loosened travel restrictions and higher vaccination rates. Important travel locations like goa,
Kerala, Rajasthan, and the Himalayan states are experiencing a noticeable increase in tourists.
Expanded e-visa facilities and government campaigns such as ‘Dekho Apna Desh’ are
important factors driving tourism.

The industry is confronted with massive challenges in spite of this encouraging development.
Improved sanitation, safety concerns, and inadequate infrastructure in distant places are still
problems that require attention. An increasing number of people are concerned about
environmental sustainability, especially in well-known travel areas. Travel planning is
becoming more accessible and visitor engagement is rising as a result of the growing usage of
digital marketing and online travel agencies. The tourist industry in India appears to have a
bright future as long as it continues to strive for inclusive and sustainable growth, despite
ongoing challenges.

A major obstacle to India's tourism industry is its accessibility to smaller villages and towns,
there are no transportations for tourists to travel to these villages easily. This issue comes up
in a number of ways, including poor public transport options, insufficient road networks, and
restricted rail connectivity, particularly isolated locations. The Indian government must use
an extensive strategy focused on overall transportation development to address this issue,
learning from nations such as the UK. The United Kingdom's well-maintained and expansive
road network for example, makes it simple to reach even the most remote tourist locations.
Compared to the UK, traveling is difficult and time-consuming in many of India's popular
tourist destinations. Investing in the building and upkeep of rural roads and highways will
help India's infrastructure to be more resilient and safer while also maintaining compliance
with international standards. In the UK, public transport options including buses and trams
are known for their accessibility and practicality. Online services that offer smooth ticketing
options and real-time information are integrated with these systems. India could follow lead
by developing its metro systems in cities, boosting bus service frequency and dependability,

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and incorporating digital solutions for simple access to ticketing and information on public
transportation. India can greatly improve its infrastructure by concentrating on these sectors,
which will increase the country's accessibility and visitor appeal. New roads, trains, and
public transport systems assist every aspect of the economy; therefore, they will not only
increase tourism but also contribute to the overall growth of the economy.

India is a large, diverse nation with a lot of untapped tourist potential, but it can't take full
advantage of this potential because of its insufficient infrastructure. Travelling is difficult and
uncomfortable for visitors in many parts of India due to poor road conditions, especially in
smaller villages and towns. In addition, travelers who depend on digital connectivity for
communication, navigation, and sharing their travel experiences may become frustrated due
to the frequently erratic phone and internet networks in these places. India can improve its
infrastructure in a number of ways to improve the entire tourism experience; it can take a
lesson from nations like Japan, who have excellent infrastructure. The road network is one
important area that has to be improved. India can make investments to modernize and
develop its roads, making sure they are maintained properly and equipped for a high volume
of tourist traffic. This entails expanding the number of roads and highways that connect
isolated locations and popular tourist attractions. Tourists can take in more of the nation's
attractions in more comfort and efficiency by connecting and maintaining better roads.
Improving the phone and internet networks is another important issue. Even in remote
locations, strong and dependable networks are standard in Japan. To guarantee that visitors
have access to dependable and quick internet services wherever they go, India should make
investments to increase the coverage of its mobile and broadband networks. This enhances
the tourist experience and promotes the use of digital platforms for reservations, directions,
and information exchange, all of which help to grow the tourism industry. India has to solve
its sewage and electricity supply systems in addition to these other issues. Japan's efficient
sewage systems uphold high standards of cleanliness and hygiene, and its dependable power
supply guarantees that visitors rarely experience outages. India can make investments in
improving its electrical infrastructure to give tourism destinations a steady and continuous
supply of electricity. Enhancing the overall visitor experience also requires improving waste
and sewage management systems in order to keep the area clean and stop environmental
degradation. By concentrating on these areas and learning from Japan's excellent
infrastructure, India can greatly enhance its tourism infrastructure and attract more foreign
visitors by providing a more comfortable and appealing travel destination.

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In contrast to nations like the Maldives, who actively invest in advertising and destination
advertising, India's digital marketing efforts in the tourism industry have been rather modest.
India can greatly improve its internet marketing methods in order to draw in more tourists
and grow its tourism sector. Firstly, India should make a greater effort to be seen on social
media sites where prospective tourists frequently socialize, like Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter. India can engage a worldwide audience by consistently sharing exquisite photos,
films, and narratives that highlight the country's diverse landscapes, rich cultural legacy, and
unforgettable experiences. Moreover, India can collaborate with influencers and travel
bloggers who have a substantial following to create engaging content that highlights the
country’s attractions. This strategy has been effectively used by the Maldives, where stunning
visuals of pristine beaches and luxury resorts frequently appear on social media, enticing
travelers worldwide. Additionally, India can invest in targeted online advertising campaigns,
using data analytics to identify and reach potential tourists based on their interests and
preferences. Creating an engaging and dynamic official tourism website can also be quite
important. This website needs to offer in-depth details on a range of locations, travel
schedules, lodging choices, and cultural insights. Incorporating augmented reality
experiences and virtual tours can improve the attraction even further. Finally, networking
with travel companies and tour operators may help India become more visible and appealing
as a travel destination. This can be achieved by taking part in international travel fairs and
expos both physically and electronically. India can efficiently market its tourism potential
and attract in more foreign tourists by using these strategies.

In conclusion, India's tourism sector, despite its vast potential and diverse attractions, faces
significant challenges due to poor infrastructure, poor connectivity, and insufficient digital
marketing. The country's roads, public transportation, and internet networks need substantial
improvements to enhance accessibility and comfort for tourists. Learning from countries like
the UK and Japan, India can develop a better infrastructure and reliable digital connectivity,
ensuring a smooth travel experience. Additionally, by investing in online marketing
strategies, including social media presence and collaboration with influencers, India can
effectively promote its unique destinations. Addressing these issues will not only boost
tourism but also contribute to the overall economic growth of the nation. By adopting these
measures, India can unlock its full tourism potential, attracting more international visitors and
strengthening its position in the global tourism market.

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