A3-MOCK TEST - Khoi 10 - Hs

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Climate change is already affecting (1) _______ all over the world, but certain species are
suffering more than others. Polar animals (2) _______ icy natural habitat is melting in the warmer
temperatures – are particularly at risk. In fact, experts believe that the Arctic sea ice is (3) _______ at a
shocking rate – 9% per decade! Polar bears need sea ice to be able to hunt, raise their young and as places to
rest after long periods of swimming. Certain seal (4) _______, like ringed seals make caves in the snow and
to raise their pups, feed and mate.
It’s not just polar animals who are in (5) _______. Apes like orangutans, which live in the (6)
_______ of Indonesia, are under threat their habitat is cut down, and more droughts cause more bushfires.
Sea turtles rely on nesting beaches to (7) _______ their eggs, many of which are threatened by
rising sea levels. Did you know that the temperature of nest determines (8) _______ the eggs are male or
female? Unfortunately, with temperature on the (9) _______ rise, this could mean that many more females
are born than males, threatening future turtle (10) _______.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
6. A. heatwave B. facing C. balance D. nature
7. A. global B. smokeless C. focus D. effort
Choose the word whose main stress is different from that of the others
8. A. succeed B. melting C. combine D. event
9. A. encourage B. consequence C. endangered D. upsetting
Choose the best answer
10. Different kinds of tourism may have different effects____ the environment.
A. with B. for C. on D. in
11. . Responsible tourism often relates ____ specific actions of individuals, businesses, and communities.
A. to B. of C. at D. with
12. He lives in a small town _______ .
A. where is called Taunton B. which is called Taunton
C. is called Taunton D. that called Taunton
13. Tom’s suitcase is _______ .
A. heavier than mine B. more heavy than mine C. heavier than my D. as heavily as mine
14. I asked Martha ______ to join the Green Club.
A. whether she is planning B. if she was planning
C. when was she planning D. where she was planning
15. “Could you pass me the salt, please?” I asked the man next to me.
I asked the man next to me ______ me the salt.
A. pass B. if he passes C. to pass D. if he would pass
16. If it hadn’t been for his excellent talent, Kelvin ______ the first prize.
A. would not have won B. did not win C. had not won D. would win
17. If I knew that I damaged the environment when I traveled, I _______.
A. would have use recycled bottles B. would not use recycled bottles
C. had not used recycled bottles D. won’t use recycled bottles
18. William: “What do you think of the idea of space tourism?” Sam: “____”
A. I’m thinking about ecotourism benefits.
B. Space exploration has brought numerous changes.
C. Rich people tend to spend more money on travelling.
D. It might be a profitable industry in the future.
19. In addition, this problem leads to global warming and climate change. (synonym)
A. results from B. causes C. suffers D. destroy
20. Responsible tourism encourages tourists to be more than visitors. (antonym)
A. trustworthy B. accountable C. undependable D. stable
Identify the errors:
21. This (A) time yesterday (B) I were playing (C) tennis with (D) my classmates.
22. If (A) you do not understand (B) what was written (C) in the book, you could ask (D) Mr. Pike.
23. The lost of forests (A) not only have a negative impact (B) on the environment but also damage the
natural habitats (C) of many animals and put wildlife in danger. (D)
Cloze text:
These days, most people are aware of the environmental impact of motor vehicles, and they realise
that cars are responsible for a (24) ______ of problems facing their cities. Not many people, however, ever
stop to think about how much money they would save by (25) ______ from driving to cycling.
Cars cost a lot to buy, and unlike other major investments such as houses, they quickly lose their
value. On top of that, there are running costs such as repair bills, tax and insurance. All of (26) ______
seem to go up every year. Bicycles, (27) ______ , are far less expensive to purchase and maintain, do not
require petrol and are easy to park. And if a lot more people adopt cycling, the government could spend
less of the nation’s resources on roads, which at present their taxes help pay (28) ______ whether they
drive on them or not.
24. A. many B. few C. number D. some
25. A. exchanging B. changing C. adapting D. altering
26. A. them B. which C. that D. whom
27. A. for example B. in contrast to C. therefore D. on the other hand
28. A. on B. for C. with D. at
Reading Comprehension:
The dustbin is full to the top with colored plastic. In fact, it is so full that it is difficult to put the
lid on. But the Strauss family, who own this dirty, old dustbin, are very proud of it. Why? Because it
contains all the family’s rubbish for a whole year!
Two years ago, this family read an article about plastic bags and how they cause pollution and
harm sea creatures. They decided to stop using plastic bags completely. Now, when they buy food, they
reuse their own bags each time. They recycle as much as they can - glass bottles, plastic bottles, paper,
cardboard, cans - and they simply do not buy things if they cannot recycle the packaging
The family is keeping a record of their lifestyle on their website. They hope that other people will
read it and reduce their waste. If everyone recycled a bit more, it would make the environment better.
31. What is the passage mainly about?
A. A lifestyle that is harmful to the environment
B. A lifestyle that is good for the environment
C. An article about pollution
D. An old dustbin full of rubbish
32. The word contains in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. throws B. gives C. uses D. keeps
33. According to paragraph 2, the Strauss family read an article about ______.
A. plastic bags and how to make the environment clean
B. plastic bags and how to produce them
C. plastic bags and how they harm the environment
D. plastic bags and how they save sea animals
34. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT mentioned as the thing the Strauss
family recycles?
A. food B. bottles C. paper D. cans
35. The word it in paragraph 3 refers to ______.
A. environment B. family C. waste D. record
Choose an appropriate word from the box to fill in each blank. There are some words are unnecessary
sustainable tourism upsetting come down deforestation actually mass tourism loss
34. Illegal hunting is ________ the natural balance of ecosystems, which can be harmful to all living and
non-living things.
35. The ________ of forests can have a negative impact on the environment.
36. During winter, the clouds ________ as snow, blanketing the landscape in white.
37. I didn't want to say anything without ________ reading the letter first.
38. ________ is a kind of tourism which involves tens of thousands of people crowding the same places
at the same time of year.
39. The cashier counted the money ________, double-checking each bill for accuracy. (attend)
40. Remember that actions have ________. (consequently)
41. Lack of trust ________ many relationships. (destructively)
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
42. Nobody (use) _________ this room for ages.
43. There’s somebody behind us, so I think we (follow) _________
44. The milk (bring) _________ to my door every morning.
45. He pretends (not/ understand) _________ the situation.
46. I stopped (play) _________ volleyball when I started working.
47. “I’ll help my mum with the housework this weekend,” she said. (Reported speech)
She said ________________________________________________
48. “Did you watch the detective film on TV yesterday?” he asked her. (Reported speech)
He asked her______________________________________________________ .
49. He can’t go out because he has to study for his exam. (Conditional sentence)
→ If_______________________________________________________________.
50. Carol didn’t answer the phone because she was studying. (Conditional sentence)
→ If_______________________________________________________________.

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