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Trip Report – Power Management Functions

Tengiz Site Visit

25 February to 7 March 2003
prepared by T. Hazel

1 General operating philosophy

The site is operated with both 110kV busbars electrically connected via the 110kV bus-tie circuit-
breaker. To date the system has never been operated with the 110kV bus-tie opened (the bypass
circuit-breaker has been used when maintenance on the bus-tie is required). Loads are connected to
both busbars in an equal manner and the same applies to the generators. Thus power is provided
with a minimum current flowing through the bus-tie. One buffer transformer (110/110kV 20MVA
transformer at NPS) is connected to each 110kV busbar. As described below, power flows through
the 110kV bus-tie only when there is an imbalance in either the load or the generation. During our visit
only 3 of the 4 generators at GTS were operating and the result was a transfer of power through the
110kV bus-tie.

The power system is very stable and there are only minor variations in the load. Each sector is in
contact with the central dispatcher. The central dispatcher then gives information to each generation
site in order to maintain the voltage at each substation at a correct level. There seems to be no
contact directly between the NPS and GTS operators.

2 Observations at NPS
The power system was connected to the grid during all our observations and the grid frequency was
very stable. All load variations were therefore absorbed by the grid since the turbines are operating in
frequency droop (turbine output is constant if the frequency is unchanged). The load swings we
observed were typically  0.5MW every few seconds with maximum values up to  2MW. The voltage
level in the system was very stable and the result was little or no variation in the exchange of reactive
power with the grid.

During the visits made at NPS on 1st and 4th of March the tap position of the buffer transformers was
always at position +3. For a short time the operator modified this tap position in order to demonstrate
the effect on the exchange of reactive power with the grid. After the demonstration the tap position
was reset to +3. The tap position of the 110/10kV transformers varied very slowly during our visits.
They were set at 8 during our first visit but varied between 6 and 9.

(Note: For better understanding of this report the existing PMS is called "NPS PMS" and the PMS
which is to be delivered by Schneider Electric is called "future PMS".)

3 Operation at NPS
We visited the NPS substation on 1 March for most of the day. After it was learned that the power
system is not operated as described in the future PMS specification, we held many discussions with
the NPS operations staff and maintenance personnel in order to try to determine how the power
station was currently being operated. Based on the information received and observations made
during the day, we were able to determine that the following operation mode is being used at NPS:
 The turbines operate in a 4% frequency droop mode.
 The generator AVRs operate in voltage droop but with the droop set to 0%. This effectively results
in a constant generator output voltage. The generator Mvar output varies in order to maintain this
voltage. Since the output power is constant and the reactive output power varies, the power factor
of the machine varies also.
 The NPS PMS controls the power factor of the generators by secondary regulation. It does this by
adjusting the voltage set point of the generator AVR. The power factor set point is 0.85 leading
when the generator output voltage is 10.3kV  Un  10.6kV. It is 0.87 when 10.7kV  Un  10.9kV
and 0.83 when 10.2kV  Un  10.3kV. This simply means that the higher the generator output
voltage the lower the reactive power output.
 The 110/10kV step-down transformer AVRs set to "remote" meaning that they are controlled from
the NPS PMS. The transformer tap position is manually adjusted by the NPS PMS operator to
ensure that sufficient Mvars are exported from the NPS to maintain the voltage at the 110kV
busbar close to 110kV. Reactive power is exported since the GTS machines operate a high
power factor and the vars consumed by the CPS transformers are supplied from NPS. (Note:

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Reference is made to the CPS as it represents the current configuration of the power system.
CPS will be replaced by the new CDS substation prior to the implementation of the future PMS.)
 The 110/110kV buffer transformer AVRs are also set to "remote". The NPS PMS operator
manually adjusts the buffer transformer tap position to ensure that the transformer turns ratio
equals the ratio of the grid voltage to the 110kV busbar voltage resulting in low var exchange with
the grid.

According to the operators at NPS the commissioning of the NPS PMS took about 6 months before a
stable operating condition was achieved. Initially the transformer AVRs were operated in the
automatic mode (tap position determined by the AVR) but this was changed to remote since the tap
changer operated over a hundred times per day. There were no records available at the site to enable
determination of what the initial control scheme was, why it didn't work as planned, and what other
schemes had been tried up to the current control scheme. No documentation was available that
described the current operation philosophy and settings.

4 Interface to grid at NPS

The values to be respected by the NPS PMS operators concerning the interface to the grid are:
  1.0 MW (0.5MW per buffer transformer)
  4.0 Mvar (2.0Mvar per buffer transformer)

For the Mvar exchange, at  4.0 Mvar the NPS PMS will generate and alarm and at  7.0 Mvar the
NPS PMS will change the position of the buffer transformer tap changer to reduce the exchange of
reactive power.

To date the maximum power taken from the grid was 26MW for 3 minutes. The grid connection is
considered very unreliable by the operating personnel and cannot be counted on to constitute part of
the spinning reserve. When a major incident occurs the buffer transformers are to be tripped in order
to prevent a worsening of the situation due to the weak connection to the grid.

5 Other observations at NPS

All transformer AVRs are VC100-BU type manufactured by MR. The exact details for one 110/10kV
transformer (0-1720-PVR-401) was VCBU02-181297/1998, serial number F21033. The tap position is
via a 4-20mA signal. For one buffer transformer (0-1720-PTR-201) the details are VCB02-
181279/1998 serial number F22137. All AVRs were set to LDC as opposed to Z comp but since the
AVR was not in automatic, these settings as well as all of the others in the AVR have no meaning.

It was impossible to get the setting details of the Brush governors. To do this would have required the
use of a hand held interface unit that is plugged into a port on the front of the AVR. No hand held units
were available and the operators are not trained to use them. The lights on the front of the AVR
seemed to confirm that power factor control was not implemented in the AVR. There were no records
in the power station giving the actual set points of the AVR. It is recommended that consideration be
given to connecting the Brush AVR to the future PMS in order to be able to read the settings without
requiring a hand held interface.

Generator output varied during our visits. One set of measurements at 9:00 a.m. from the Mark V
screens on 1 March were:
 GT1: 15.8MW, 9.4Mvar, 10.29kV, pf 0.841
 GT2: 15.8MW, 9.8Mvar, 10.22kV, pf 0.849

Another set taken from the Mark V screens on 4 March were:

 GT1: 20.2MW, 12.5Mvar, 10.36kV, pf 0.850
 GT2: 20.6MW, 12.6Mvar, 10.28kV, pf 0.854

Measurements taken on the NPS PMS control station on 1 March at about 11:00 a.m. showed:
 GT1: 16.47MW, 10.5Mvar, 17.87MW spinning reserve
 GT2: 16.66MW, 9.98Mvar, 17.73 spinning reserve
 110kV bus-tie: 9.6MW + 4.5Mvar Note: This power flow is due to the unbalanced conditions at
the CPS substation. On 4 March the unbalance measured was 11.2MW (line 157 to CPS read
0MW +8Mvar whereas line 156 to CPS read 11.2MW and +8.1Mvar).

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To date the generators at NPS have never been operated in parallel by closing the 10kV bus-tie (they
are effectively operated in parallel via the 110kV NPS bus-tie circuit-breaker). Due to the 0% voltage
droop setting of the generator AVRs it is probable that parallel operation is impossible using the
current set points.

There are 3 earthing points in the NPS room in which the generator control panels are housed. Each
earthing point has 2 electrically independent bars, one for power and the other for instrumentation.
This was seen in other substations also. It is not clear where the common connection between the
power earthing and instrumentation earthing is made. I could also not get a clear confirmation that
such a connection is made. This point should be checked since it is necessary to have all earthing
systems connected together at least at one point.

Synchronizing for the generators is made at the generator control panel. It is possible to synchronize
across the generator circuit-breakers, bus-tie, and transformer incoming circuit-breakers. Immediately
after a generator has been synchronized, the Mark V will increase its power output to 4MW. This
minimum value ensures stable firing and should be considered as an absolute minimum set point for
the future PMS.

For all 110kV circuits at NPS synchronization is made from a panel located in the NPS control room.
The 110kV circuits that can be synchronized are:
 CB 01: 110kV NPS bus-tie
 CB 02: 110kV bypass CB
 CB 03: 110/10kV step-down transformer to NPS
 CB 04: 110/10kV step-down transformer to NPS
 CB 06: Line 156 to CPS
 CB 10: Line 157 to CPS
 CB 08: Line 155 from buffer transformer
 CB 11: Line 154 from buffer transformer

Synchronization can be completely manual from the synchronizing panel, fully automatic from the
PMS, and semi-automatic (from the synchronizing panel but using a synchronizing relay). The speed
and voltage signals seem to be sent to both machines since the labels are "common speed" and
"common voltage".

One the PMS screen the spinning reserve in MW is indicated (for example 13.29MW for GT1 and
13.26MW for GT2). There were also indications of Mvar reserve but the readings were essentially 0.
The meaning of Mvar spinning reserve doesn't seem to be clear and should be clarified if this concept
is to be used with the future PMS.

6 Observations at GTS
The GTS substation was visited on 3 March. At the time of the visit 3 of the 4 machines were
operating. The voltage of each machine was 10.5kV to 10.6kV as seen on the exciter display. The
power output of the machines at the time of the visit was:
 GCP-6.1: 29.9MW, 15.4Mvar (after the operator manually boosted the exciter output)
 GCP-6.2: off
 GCP-6.3: 29.8MW, 8.5Mvar
 GCP-6.4: 27.7MW, 7.5Mvar

GCP-6.1 is cross-coupled to GCP-6.3 and GCP-6.2 is cross-coupled to GCP-6.4. All control is from
the generator control panels. The existing NPS PMS workstation in the GTS substation is used
exclusively for monitoring. There was a large discrepancy in the readings for GCP-6.1 between the
values displayed on the Mark V console and the values shown on the generator control panel meters.
The operators stated that the values on the meters were correct since the meters had been calibrated.
The meters receive their signal from transducers manufactured by Alstom, these same transducers
being connected to the Mark V. The reason for the discrepancy should be investigated.

The transducer data is as follows:

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 power factor: 4-12-20mA, 0-750, 60...0...-60°, 1% accuracy, VT=110V, CT=1A, aux=24V+40%-
2% dc, diagram TN7109-002
 active power: 4-20mA, 0-750, 0...50MW, class 0.2, VT=105000/110VL-L, CT=3000A/1A,
aux=24V+40%-2% dc, diagram TN7117-002
 reactive power: 4-20mA, 0-750, 0...-50Mvar, class 0.2, VT=105000/110VL-L, CT=3000A/1A,
aux=24V+40%-2% dc, diagram TN7117-002
The maintenance personnel measured the resistance of the circuit connected to the active power
transducer of GCP-6.2. It was found to be 403. It seems that the tranducers can be used to
interface to the future PMS but this must be reviewed during the detailed design of the PMS.

Based on the drawings, the position of the exciter control switches and the printout of the DECS
exciter internal settings it was possible to confirm that the exciter has a 5.5% voltage droop setting.
The DECS nameplate data was: DECS125-15-B2CIV 2.0.7 S/N 1850 REV M

The display on the Mark V consoles in GTS is different than the display in NPS. A printout of the
display in NPS was made.

The synch-check relay settings were 10% U, 15°, 0.5 second time delay.

7 Operation at GTS
The operators confirmed that the GTS turbines operate in 4% frequency droop and the generator
AVRs operate in 5.5% voltage droop. Any changes in the power or voltage settings are made by the
operators at the generator control panels. The operator demonstrated this by increasing the AVR
setting on one GCP-6.1. It was confirmed by the operator that the generator output was based on a
power factor of 0.9 to 0.95. No reason was given for the use of these values. These high power
factors are the reason why the NPS generators must export reactive power.

8 Other observations in GTS

The generator differential protection is now provided by DTM7033 relays set at 5%. These relays
replace the 100LD initially provided in the Merlin Gerin F200 switchboard. The 100LD is still used for
other differential protection in the switchboard.

The switchboard has undergone several modifications since it was originally designed for use with 12
turbines and there are only 4 today. The current limiting reactors in each busbar section are closed
during normal operation. This means that the 4 generators are coupled together at the CPS by means
of the CPS cross-coupled transformers. After the modifications at CDS (replacement of the 10kV
switchboard by a 35kV board) the generators will still be connected in parallel at the CDS 35kV level
whether or not the 35kV bus-tie circuit-breaker is closed. This must be taken into account in the
operation of the system as a whole since it means that it is impossible to separate the 2 each 110kV
busbars simply by opening the 110kV bus-tie circuit-breakers. There will be a coupling at the 10kV
GTS generator switchboard level and, if the 35kV bus-tie breaker is closed, also at the 35kV level.
This can lead to undesirable circulating currents over which the future PMS will have no control.

9 KTL substations

9.1 KTL 1
The power factor of the 10kV incoming circuits varied between 0.96 and 0.98. This high power factor
was due to the use of over-excited synchronous motors in the plant. The asynchronous motors had
full load amp (FLA) ratios varying between 0.6 to 0.92.

On both incoming circuits a GE DFF (reference: DFF12013C2H002A1) relay had been installed but
never commissioned. This relay was to provide load shedding based on df/dt. According to the
operator, it was never commissioned since GE never provided the information required to set it

9.2 KTL 2
The synchronous motors in KTL 2 operate with a leading power factor of 0.92. The setting of the
synch-check relays was U=3% (max=30%), f=0.01 (max=0.16), =10° (max=40°).

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The operator confirmed that frequency based load shedding was provided by the protection relays
installed on particular loads.

9.3 KTL 2.3 (train 5)

There is a frequency based load shedding system installed in KTL 2.3. The priority of the loads to be
shed and other information can be changed using the existing PMS in KTL 2.3. The load shedding
system consists of a command module (interfaced with the PMS) and output modules having relays
hard wired to a trip input of the Multilin relay associated with each motor to be shed. After receiving a
signal indicating the crossing of a low frequency threshold, the command module sends the
appropriate signal to the output modules to trip the motor. The origin of the signal indicating that a low
frequency threshold has been crossed was not clear. The drawings showed a frequency converter
connected to the load shedding system but the operator stated that these signals were received from
the CPS.

10 Meeting with Central Dispatcher

After being informed by operators in both the NPS and GTS that they received operating instructions
from the central dispatcher, we requested a meeting with him. The dispatcher confirmed the following:
 The generators in GTS should operate with a power factor of 0.9 or better even though this is not
sufficient to compensate for reactive power losses in the transformers. The power factor value is
based on the manufacturers recommendations.
 The voltage on the GTS busbar should not exceed 105kV. If the voltage on the GTS busbar is
low, the GTS operator calls the dispatcher. The dispatcher then calls the NPS operator to request
an increase in the reactive power output of the generators in NPS. If for some reason this is not
enough to support the voltage, the tap position on the CPS transformers are changed.
 The current load of the plant is approximately 130MW and very stable.
 The guide line for load sharing among different machines in GTS is 5MW (I'm not sure that the
dispatcher understood the question).
 Prior to starting large motors (6.4MW) the voltage is increased by changing the tap position of the
CDS transformers by 2 steps. The connection to the grid is also necessary for starting such
motors. The voltage drops from 10.5kV down to 9.8kV when starting the motor and it is necessary
to keep the voltage on the low voltage boards > 80% Un in order to prevent contactors from
dropping out.
 The frequency relays for the load shedding in train 5 are located in CPS.
 TCO pays for every MWh consumed from the local grid but gets virtually nothing when MWh are
provided to the grid. There is no money involved in the exchange of reactive power with the grid.

11 Busbar differential protection

The types of busbar differential protection used in the various 10kV switchboards at site were noted.
The following types were found:
 NPS: MFAC (settings at maximum value)
 KLT5: MCAG (setting 0.05)
 KTL2: IAG7034 (set at 25%) together with 3 each TTX7111 set at 5%
 GTS: 100LD
None of the busbar differential protection relays are microprocessor type.

12 Documentation
As-built documentation was obtained from several places. John Cook will list all documents that were
found and will send a hard copy by express mail early week 10. Some documents could not be found.
These include the following:
 tap-changer control panel for the new transformers for CDS (the transformers have already been
delivered to site)
 Brush governor setting document
 Actual PMS operation mode and algorithms used.

A more detailed list of missing information will be made after examination in detail of the documents

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13 Discussions after site visit
The following points were discussed after the site visit was finished. PFD stated that the first 2 points
listed below are top priority.
 It is not known for what reason the power system does not operate in accordance to what was
previously thought. It could be due to inherent instability of the system. Since operation with just
NPS and CDS is required we must be able to determine during the design stage what the
operation mode should be. For this additional simulations are required that cannot be performed
by using ETAP or similar programs. =S= will look into this matter on an urgent basis to see what
type of simulations can be performed in order to guarantee correct performance of the PMS for all
operating configurations.
 TCO requires references for =S= PMS for which they can contact the operating personnel.
 PFD confirmed that any modifications on existing equipment at site would be designed and
executed by PFD. =S= would be involved during the definition of what was required.
 There were no indications in the existing documentation of the ramp rates for changes in active
and reactive power output. The PMS will be designed such that all values such as ramp rates,
time delays etc. will be configurable. For the initial design standard ramp rates of frame 6
machines will be used. PFD will contact the exciter manufacturers to try to get information
concerning exciter ramp rates.
 When the PMS must calculate the maximum available power, the ambient temperature will be
used as the sole input. The actual curve to be used will be agreed between PFD and =S= based
on PFD experience at this site.
 The PMS will not consider the possible overload capacity of machines. The PMS will also not
consider the possibility of operating the generators at a leading power factor (i.e. underexcited).
 The dead band around the NOX level of the frame 9 is to be avoided. This value will be
determined after testing by GE and will be a modifiable variable in the PMS.
 The grid connection is to be considered weak for the future PMS. Should a major disturbance
such as the loss of a frame 9 machine occur, the future PMS should generate a trip signal to
isolate the site from the grid. The site should have sufficient spinning reserves at all times which,
together with load shedding if required, will avoid a major loss of power. For smaller incidents
such as the trip of a frame 6 machine, the tie to the grid should be maintained.
 Transducers for active and reactive power flow in all generator and system interconnection circuits
will be provided for use by the future PMS. Voltage and frequency measurements via transducers
will also be made available for each main busbar section.
 The loss of a portion of the future PMS (example loss of a redundant PLC) shall be considered
during the design stage to determine consequences and preventative action.
 The configurations of the power system for which the future PMS should operate were briefly
reviewed. According to the current operation philosophy the only time that the 110kV bus-tie
could be in the open position would be after a busbar differential protection trip. If, due to some
operator error or similar cause, the 110kV busbars are not connected together via one of the
110kV bus-tie circuits, the PMS will not attempt any load sharing or control of the voltage. This is
due to the fact that the two busbars will be connected via the 35kV and 10kV switchboards in CDS
and GTS. Should the circulating current be small enough to avoid tripping the bus-tie circuit-
breakers in either of these boards, the PMS operator will be able to manually adjust generator
settings and transformer tap positions but such will not be done automatically by the PMS. The
PMS could respond to the loss of one busbar due to the action of the busbar differential protection
if the load and generation is equally split among the busbars. This would be an extra case of
islanding. In cases where only one frame 9 is operating, it is not evident that the power system
will be in a viable condition after loss of one busbar. Such conditions should be discussed in more
detail during the next meeting.

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