Problem Solving in Mathematics Education Tracing Its Foundations and Current Research-Practice Trends

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ZDM – Mathematics Education


Problem solving in mathematics education: tracing its foundations

and current research-practice trends
Manuel Santos-Trigo1

Accepted: 18 April 2024

© The Author(s) 2024

In tracing recent research trends and directions in mathematical problem-solving, it is argued that advances in mathematics
practices occur and take place around two intertwined activities, mathematics problem formulation and ways to approach
and solve those problems. In this context, a problematizing principle emerges as central activity to organize mathematics
curriculum proposals and ways to structure problem-solving learning environments. Subjects’ use of concrete, abstract,
symbolic, or digital tools not only influences the ways to pose and pursue mathematical problems; but also shapes the type
of representation, exploration, and reasoning they engage to work and solve problems. Problem-solving foundations that
privilege learners’ development of habits of mathematical practices that involve an inquiry method to formulate conjec-
tures, to look for different ways to represent and approach problems, and to support and communicate results shed light on
directions of current research trends and the relevance of rethinking curriculum proposals and extending problem-solving
environments in terms of teachers/students’ consistent use of digital tools and online developments.

Keywords Mathematical problem solving · Conceptual frameworks · Digital and semiotic tools- · Mathematical
reasoning · Mathematics education developments · Digital technologies

1 Introduction and rationale to approach mathematical problems and to generate math-

ematical knowledge (Hilbert, 1902; Devlin, 2002). Thus,
Mathematical problem solving has been a prominent theme mathematical problems, results, and solution attempts pro-
and research area in the mathematics education agenda vide information regarding what areas and contents were
during the last four decades. Problem-solving perspec- studied at different times during the development of the dis-
tives have influenced and shaped mathematics curricu- cipline (Santos-Trigo, 2020a, b). Cai et al. (2023) stated that
lum proposals and ways to support learning environments “ …[E]ngaging learners in the activity of problem posing
worldwide (Törner et al., 2007; Toh et al., 2023). Various reflects a potentially strong link to the discipline of mathe-
disciplinary communities have identified and contributed matics” (p. 5). Thurston (1994) recognized that understand-
to connect problem-solving approaches with the students’ ing and applying a mathematical concept implies analysing,
learning, construction, and application of mathematical coordinating, and integrating diverse meanings (geometric,
knowledge. The mathematics community recognizes that visual, intuitive, and formal definition) associated with such
the formulation and resolution of problems are central concept and ways to carry out corresponding procedures
activities in the development of the discipline (Halmos, and operations in problematic situations.
1980, Polya, 1945). Indeed, the identification and presenta-
tion of lists of unsolved mathematical problems have been The centrality of problem-solving in mathematicians’
a tradition that has inspired the mathematics community own work and in their teaching, is incontrovertible.
Problem-solving is also a central topic for math-
ematics educators, who have developed conceptual
frameworks to formulate general ideas about problem-
Manuel Santos-Trigo solving (as opposed to the specific ideas needed for
solving specific problems) (Fried, 2014; p.17).
Centre for Research and Advanced Studies, Mathematics
Education Department, Mexico City, Mexico

M. Santos-Trigo

That is, the mathematics education community is interested chapters published in recent mathematical problem-solving
in analysing and documenting the students’ cognitive and books. The initial search included 205 publications whose
social behaviours to understand and develop mathematical number was reduced to 55, all published in English, based
knowledge and problem-solving competencies. “…the idea on reviewing their abstracts and conclusions. Around 100 of
of understanding how mathematicians treat and solve prob- the initial selection appeared in the references of an ongo-
lems, and then implementing this understanding in instruc- ing weekly mathematical problem-solving doctoral seminar
tion design, was pivotal in mathematics education research that has been implemented during the last six years in our
and practice” (Koichu, 2014). In addition, other disciplines department. In addition, some well-known authors in the
such as psychology, cognitive science or artificial intelli- field were asked to identify their most representative publi-
gence have provided tools and methods to delve into learn- cations to include in the review list. Here, some suggestions
ers’ ways to understand mathematical concepts and to work were received, but at the end the list of contributions, that
on problem situations. Thus, members of various communi- appears in the references section, was chosen based on my
ties have often worked in collaboration to identify and relate vision and experience in the field. The goal was to iden-
relevant aspects of mathematical practices with the design tify main issues or dimensions to frame and analyse recent
and implementation of learning scenarios that foster and research trends and perspectives in mathematical problem-
enhance students’ mathematical thinking and the develop- solving developments. Thus, seminal reviews in the field
ment of problem-solving competencies. (Schoenfeld, 1992; Lester, 1994; Törner et al., 2007) pro-
vided directions on ways to structure and select the ques-
tions used to analyse the selected contributions. Table 1
2 Methods and procedures shows chosen issues that resemble features of an adjusted
framework that Lester (1994) proposed to organize, summa-
Research focus, themes, and inquiry methods in the math- rize, and analyse problem-solving developments in terms of
ematical problem-solving agenda have varied and been research emphasis (themes and research questions), meth-
influenced and shaped by theoretical and methodological odologies (research designs and methods), and achieved
developments of mathematics education as a discipline results that the problem-solving community addressed dur-
(English & Kirshner, 2016; Liljedahl & Cai, 2021). Further, ing the 1970–1994 period. Furthermore, relevant shifts in
research designs and methods used in cognitive, social, and the mathematical problem-solving agenda could be identi-
computational fields have influenced the ways in which fied and explained in terms of what the global mathematics
mathematical problem-solving research are framed. An education and other disciplines pursue at different periods.
overarching question to capture shifts and foundations in It is important to mention that the content and struc-
problem-solving developments was: How has mathemati- ture of this paper involve a narrative synthesis of selected
cal problem-solving research agenda varied and evolved in articles that includes contributions related to mathematical
terms of ways to frame, pose, and pursue research ques- problem-solving foundations and those that address recent
tions? In addressing this question, it was important to iden- developments published in the last 9 years that involve the
tify and contrast the structure and organization around some use of digital technologies. Table 1 shows themes, issues,
published problem-solving reviews (Lester, 1994; Törner et and overarching questions that were used to delve into prob-
al., 2007; Rott et al., 2021; Liljedahl & Cai, 2021; Toh et lem-solving developments.
al., 2023) to shed light on a possible route to connect semi- To contextualize the current state of art in the field, it is
nal developments in the field with current research trends important to revisit problem-solving principles and tenets
and perspectives in mathematical problem-solving develop- that provide foundations and a rationale to centre and sup-
ments. The goal was to identify common problem-solving port the design and implementation of learning environments
principles that have provided a rational and foundations around problem-solving activities (Santos-Trigo, 2020a, b).
to support recent problem-solving approaches for learn- The identification of mathematical problem-solving founda-
ers to construct mathematical knowledge and to develop tions also implies acknowledging what terms, concepts, and
problem-solving competencies. The criteria to select the language or discourse that the problem-solving community
set of published peer-reviewed studies, to consider in this has used to refer to and frame problem-solving approaches.
review, involved choosing articles published in indexed For example, routine and nonroutine tasks, heuristic and
journals (ZDM-Mathematics Education, Educational Stud- metacognitive strategies, students’ beliefs, mathematical
ies in Mathematics, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, thinking and practices, resources, orientations, etc. are com-
Journal of Mathematical Behavior, and Journal for Research mon terms used to explain, foster, and characterize students’
in Mathematics Education); contributions that appear in problem-solving behaviours and performances. Recently,
International Handbooks in Mathematics Education; and the consistent use of digital technologies in educational

Problem solving in mathematics education: tracing its foundations and current research-practice trends

Table 1 Main issues and dimensions to trace mathematical problem-solving developments

Categories or dimen- How do contextual issues and global mathematics education developments shape the mathematical problem-solv-
sions that influence and ing agenda? How have research methods varied and evolved to analyse students’ problem-solving competencies?
shape problem-solving To what extent have research results in the field influenced curriculum proposals and teaching/learning scenarios?
Contextual issues Themes and research orientations in mathematical problem-solving emerge and are characterized within a context
that is influenced by the international trends and theoretical advances of the mathematics education as a field of
inquiry (Törner et al., 2007; Liljedahl & Cai, 2021; Toh et al., 2023). Thus, in tracing problem-solving develop-
ments and research results, it is relevant to identify what research interest and themes were or are part of the
global mathematics education research and practice agenda and the extent to which they influenced the research
questions posed during the corresponding period.
Themes, relevant ques- At different times, research in the field has identified different themes and posed research questions that the
tions, and main results mathematical problem-solving community considers that are significant to pursue. Further, it is important to
discern and address the extent to which problem-solving developments in different periods have contributed to
identify and follow new research areas and directions in the field. Koichu (2014) pointed out that problem-solving
research has entered a new developmental cycle that “it seeks to provide new answers to some old questions; …by
employing and bridging methods, models and theories that have been produced both within and outside mathe-
matics education” (p. 132). Specifically, the use of different digital tools opens new ways to work on mathematical
tasks and to gather and analyse information regarding students’ problem-solving behaviours (Santos-Trigo, 2023).
Research methods to frame Quantitative and qualitative research designs and paradigms have permeated and used to frame mathematical
problem-solving studies problem-solving research. Each research methodology provides a rationale for aims and posing research questions
and for selecting a set of criteria to design tools for collecting data and to validate and fulfil the trustworthiness
and consistency of results. The goal is to identify possible relationships between methods used in mathematics
education and those applied in problem-solving research. In addition, individual and collective ways to develop
problem-solving proficiency demand that researchers constantly develop tools and conceptual frameworks that
integrate research methodologies from different fields such as cognitive science, computer fields, or psychology.
Features of curriculum How have research results in the field influenced the design and implementation of curriculum proposals? It
proposals and teaching/ is important to discuss the extent to which research results in mathematical problem-solving have shaped and
learning scenarios based influenced the design of mathematics curriculum and ways to structure and implement problem-solving learning
on problem-solving scenarios. Specifically, ways in which curriculum proposals endorse problem-solving approaches and what role
perspective. teachers and students play during the implementation of problem-solving approaches. Recently, a hybrid approach
that combine learners’ remote and face-to-face work requires changes or adjustments in curriculum proposals and
ways to assess students’ learning (Engelbrecht & Borba, 2023).

tasks has extended the problem-solving language to include explored, and solved in terms of mathematical resources
terms such as subjects’ tool appropriation, dynamic models, and strategies (Santos-Trigo, 2023; Hiebert et al., 1996).
dragging or moving orderly objects, tracing loci, visual or Furthermore, students’ problem-solving experiences
empirical solution, ChatGPT prompts, etc. and behaviours reflect and become a way of thinking that
is consistent with mathematics practices and is manifested
in terms of the activities they engage throughout all prob-
3 On mathematical problem-solving lem-solving phases. Thus, they privilege the development
foundations and the problematizing of mathematics habits such as to always look for different
principle ways to model and explore mathematical problems, to for-
mulate conjectures, and to search for arguments to support
There might be different ways to interpret and implement a them, share problem solutions, defend their ideas, and to
problem-solving approach for students to understand con- develop a proper language to communicate results. In terms
cepts and to solve problems (Törner, Schoenfeld, & Reiss, of connecting ways of developing mathematical knowledge
2007; Toh et al., 2023); nevertheless, there are common and the design of learning environments to develop math-
principles or tenets that distinguish and support a problem- ematical thinking and problem-solving competencies, Polya
solving teaching/learning environment. A salient feature (1945) identifies an inquiry approach for students to under-
in any problem-solving approach to learn mathematics is stand, make sense, and apply mathematical concepts. He
a conceptualization of the discipline that privileges and illustrated the importance for students to pose and pursue
enhance the students’ development of mathematical prac- different questions around four intertwined problem-solv-
tices or reasoning habits of mathematical thinking (Cuoco, ing phases: Understanding and making sense of the problem
et, al., 1996; Dick & Hollebrands, 2011; Schoenfeld, 2022). statement (what is the problem about? What data are pro-
In this context, students need to conceptualize and think of vided? What is asked to find? etc.), the design of a solution
their own learning as a set of dilemmas that are represented, plan (how the problem can be approached? ), the implemen-
tation of such plan (how the plan can be achieved? ), and

M. Santos-Trigo

the looking-back phase that involves reviewing the solution or routine textbook problems into a series of nonroutine
process (data used, checking the involved operations, con- tasks in which students have an opportunity to dynami-
sistency of units, and partial and global solution), generaliz- cally model, explore, and extend, the initial problem. Here,
ing the solution methods and posing new problems. Indeed, the use of technology becomes important to explore the
the looking-back phase involves the formulation of new or behavior of some elements within the model to find objects’
related problems (Toh et al., 2023). “For Pólya, mathemat- mathematical relationships. That is, students work on tasks
ics was about inquiry; it was about sense making; it was in such a way that even routine problems become a start-
about understanding how and why mathematical ideas fit ing point for them to engage in mathematical reflection to
together the ways they do” (cited in Schoenfeld, 2020, p. extend the initial nature of the task (Santos-Trigo & Reyes-
1167). Martínez, 2019). Recently, the emergence of tools such as
Likewise, the Nobel laureate I. I. Rabi mentioned that, the ChatGPT has confirmed the importance for learners to
when he came home from school, “while other moth- problematize situations, including complex problems, in
ers asked their kids ‘Did you learn anything today?’ [my terms of providing prompts or inputs that the tool processes
mother] would say, ‘Izzy, did you ask a good question and answers. Here, students analyze the tool’ responses and
today?’” (Berger, 2014, p.67). assess its pertinence to work and solve the task. Indeed, a
Thus, the problematizing principle is key for students way to use ChatGPT involves that students understand or
to engage in mathematical problem-solving activities, and make sense of the problem statement and pose questions
it gets activated by an inquiry or inquisitive method that (inputs or prompts) to ask the tool for concept information
is expressed in terms of questions that students pose and or ways to approach or solve the task. Then, students ana-
pursue to delve into concepts meaning, representations, lyze the relevance, viability, and consistency of the tool’s
explorations, operations, and to work on mathematical tasks answer and introduce new inputs to continue with the solu-
(Santos-Trigo, 2020a, b). tion process or to look for another way to approach the task.
Based on the ChatGPT output or task solution, students
could always ask whether the tool can provide other ways
4 The importance of mathematical tasks to solve the task.
and the role of tools in problem-solving
5 Main problem-solving research themes
In a problem-solving approach, learners develop a way of and results
thinking to work on different types of tasks that involve a
variety of context and aims (Cai & Hwang, 2023). A task In this section the focus will be on identifying certain prob-
might require students to formulate a problem from given lem-solving developments that have permeated recent direc-
information, to estimate how much water a family spend tions of the field. One relates to the importance of extending
in one year, to prove a geometry theorem, to model genetic research designs to analyse and characterize learners’ prob-
sequences or to understand the interplay between climate lem-solving process to work on different types of tasks.
and geography. In this process, students identify mathemati- Another development involves ways in which theoretical
cal resources, concepts, and strategies to model and explore advances in mathematics education have shaped the math-
partial and global solutions, and ways to extend solution ematical problem-solving research agenda and the extent to
methods and results. Furthermore, mathematical tasks or which regional or national educational systems or traditions
problems are essential for students to engage in mathemati- influence the developments of conceptual frameworks in
cal practice and to develop problem-solving competencies. the field and ways to implement problem-solving activities
Task statements should be situated in different contexts within the corresponding system. Finally, research results in
including realistic, authentic, or mathematical domains, and the field have provided directions to design and implement
prompts or questions to solve or respond or even provide curriculum proposals around the world and these proposals
information or data for students to formulate and solve their have evolved in terms of both content structure and class-
own problems (problem posing). Current events or prob- room dynamics including the use of digital technologies.
lematic situations such as climate change, immigration, or Santos-Trigo (2023) stated that the teachers and students’
pandemics not only are part of individuals concerns; but systematic use of digital technologies not only expands
also, a challenge for teachers and students to model and their ways of reasoning and solving mathematical problems;
analyze those complex problems through mathematics but also opens new research areas that aim to analyse the
and others disciplines knowledge (English, 2023). Santos- integration of several digital tools in curriculum proposals
Trigo (2019) proposed a framework to transform exercises and learning scenarios. The focus of this review will be on

Problem solving in mathematics education: tracing its foundations and current research-practice trends

presenting problem-solving directions and results in the last competencies (Cai et al., 2023). In general, the initial quali-
9 years; however, it became relevant to identify and review tative research tendency privileged case studies where indi-
what principles and tenets provided bases or foundations to vidual students were asked to work on mathematical tasks
support and define current research trends and directions in to document their problem-solving performances. Later,
the field. That is, accumulated research that has contributed research designs include the students’ participation in small
to advance and expand the problem-solving research agenda groups and the analysis of students’ collaboration with the
included shifts in the tools used to delve into learners’ prob- entire group (Brady et al., 2023). Bricolage frameworks
lem approaches, the development of conceptual frameworks that share tenets and information from different fields have
to explain and characterize students’ mathematical thinking, become a powerful tool for researchers to understand com-
the tools used to work on mathematical tasks (from paper plex people’ problem-solving proficiency (Lester, 2005;
and pencil, ruler and compass or semiotic tools to digital English, 2023).
apps), and in the design of curriculum proposals and the
implementation of problem-solving learning scenarios. 5.1.2 Theoretical developments in mathematics education

5.1 Relevant shifts in problem-solving In mathematics education, the constructivism perspective

developments and results became relevant to orient and support research programs.
Specifically, the recognition that students construct math-
Questions used to analyse important developments in the ematical concepts and ideas through active participation as
field include: What research designs and tools are used to a part of a learning community that fosters and values what
foster and analyse learners’ problem-solving performances? they bring into the classroom (eliciting students’ under-
How have conceptual frameworks evolved to pose and standing) and sharing and discussing with peers their ways
frame research questions in the field? How have accumu- to work on mathematical activities. Further, it was recog-
lated research results in the field been used to support cur- nized that students’ learning of mathematics takes place
riculum proposals and their implementation? within a sociocultural environment (situated learning) that
promotes the students’ interaction in small groups, pairs,
5.1.1 Methodological and research paradigms and whole group discussions. Thus, problem-solving envi-
ronments transited from teachers being a main figure to
Research designs in problem-solving studies have gradu- organize learning activities and to model problem-solving
ally moved from quantitative or statistical paradigms to behaviours to being centred on students’ active participa-
qualitative perspectives that involve data collection from tion to work on a variety of mathematical tasks as a part
different sources such as task-based interviews, fieldnotes of a learning community (Lester & Cai, 2016). English
from observations, students’ written reports, etc. to analyse (2023) proposed A STEM-based problem-solving frame-
students’ problem-solving approaches and performances. work that addresses the importance of a multidisciplinary
Trustworthiness of results included triangulating and inter- approach and experiences to work on complex problems.
preting data sources from students’ videotapes transcrip- Here, students develop a system of inquiry that integrates
tions, outside observer notes, class observations, etc. (Stake, critical thinking, mathematical modelling, and a creative
2000). Hence, the work of Krutestkii (1976) was seminal in and innovative approach to deal with problematic situations
providing tools to delve into the students’ thinking while situated in contexts beyond school problems. The STEM-
solving mathematical tasks. His research program aimed based problem-solving framework enhances and favours
to study the nature and structure of children’ mathematical the students’ development of multidisciplinary thinking to
abilities. His methodological approach involved the use of formulate and approach challenging problematic situations.
student’s task-based interviews, teachers, and mathema- To this end, they need to problematize information to char-
ticians’ questionaries to explore the nature of mathemati- acterize local and global problems and to collaboratively
cal abilities, the analysis of eminent mathematicians and work on feasible approaches and solutions. It integrates
physicists regarding their nature and emergence of their 21st century skills that include an inquiry problem-solving
talents and case studies of gifted children in mathematics. A approach to develop and exhibit critical thinking, creativity,
major contribution of his research was the variety of math- and innovative solutions.
ematical tasks used to explore and analyse the mathemati-
cal abilities of school children. Recently, the mathematical
problem-posing agenda has been revisited to advance con-
ceptual frameworks to enhance the students’ formulation of
problems to learn concepts and to develop problem-solving

M. Santos-Trigo

5.1.3 Countries or regional education traditions and their 5.1.4 Curriculum proposals and problem-solving teaching/
influence on the problem-solving agenda learning scenarios

The emergence of problem-solving frameworks takes place In the USA, the Common Core State Mathematics Standards
within an educational and socio-cultural context that pro- curriculum proposal (CCSMS) identifies problem solving as
vides conditions for their development and dissemination, a process standard that supports core mathematical practices
but also limitations in their applications inside the math- that involve reasoning and proof, communication, represen-
ematics education community. Brady et al. (2023) pointed tation, and connections. Thus, making sense of problems
out that: and persevering in solving them, reasoning abstractly and
quantitatively, constructing viable arguments and critiquing
…shifts in the theoretical frameworks of mathemat- the reasoning of others, modelling with mathematics, etc.
ics education researchers favored a widening of the are essential activities for students to develop mathematics
view on problem solving from information-processing proficiency and problem-solving approaches (Schoenfeld,
theories toward sociocultural theories that encouraged 2023). In Singapore, the curriculum proposal identifies
a conception of problem-solving as situated cognition problem solving as the centre of its curriculum framework
unfolding within a community of practice (p. 34). that relates its development with the study of concepts,
skills, processes, attitudes, and metacognition (Lee et al.,
In addition, regional or national educational systems and 2019). Recently, educational systems have begun to reform
research traditions also shape the problem-solving research curriculum proposals to relate what the use of digital tech-
and practice agenda. For example, in France, problem- nologies demands in terms of selecting and structuring
solving approaches and research are framed in terms of mathematical contents and ways to extend instructional set-
two relevant theoretical and practical frameworks: Theory tings (Engelbrecht & Borba, 2023). Indeed, Engelbrecht et
of Didactic Situation and the Anthropological Theory of al. (2023) identify what they call a classroom in movement
Didactics (Artigue & Houdement, 2007). While, in the or a distributed classroom- that transforms traditional cubic
Netherlands, problem-solving approaches are situated spaces to study the discipline into a movable setting that
within the theory of Realistic Mathematics that encour- might combine remote and face-to-face students work.
ages and supports the students’ construction of meaning of It is argued that previous results in mathematical prob-
concepts and methods in terms of modelling real-life and lem-solving research not only have contributed to recognize
mathematical situations (Doorman et al., 2007). Ding et al. what is relevant and what common tenets distinguish and
(2022) stated that the Chinese educational system refers to support problem-solving approaches; but also have pro-
problem solving as an instructional goal and an approach vided bases to identify and pursue current problem-solving
to learn mathematics. Here, students deal with different developments and directions. Hence, the consistent and
types of problem-solving activities that include finding coordinated use of several digital technologies and online
multiple solutions to one problem, one solution to multiple developments (teaching and learning platforms) has opened
problems, and one problem multiple changes. Thus, ‘teach- new routes for learners to represent, explore, and work on
ing with variation’ is emphasized in Chinese instruction in mathematical problems; and to engage them in mathemati-
terms of “variations in solutions, presentations, and condi- cal discussions beyond formal class settings. How does the
tions/conclusions” (p. 482). Cai and Rott (2023) proposed students’ use of digital technologies expand the ways they
a general problem-posing process model that distinguishes reason and solve mathematical problems? What changes in
four problem-posing phases: Orientation (understanding classroom environments and physical settings are needed
the situation and what is required or is asked to pose); Con- to recognize and include students’ face-to-face and remote
nection that involves finding out or generating ideas and work? (Engelbrecht et al., 2023).
strategies to pose problems in different ways such as vary- In the next sections, the goal is to characterize the
ing the given situation, or posing new problems; Genera- extent to which the consistent use of digital technologies
tion refers to making the posed problem visible for others to and online developments provides affordances to restruc-
understand it; and Reflection involves reflecting on her/his ture mathematical curriculum proposals and classrooms or
own process to pose the problem including ways to improve learning settings and to enhance and expand students’ math-
problem statements. The challenge in this model is to make ematical reasoning.
explicit how the use of digital technologies can contribute
to providing conditions for students to engage in all phases
around problem- posing process.

Problem solving in mathematics education: tracing its foundations and current research-practice trends

6 Current mathematical problem-solving this process, students not only exhibit diverse problem-
trends and developments: the use of digital solving strategies; but also, identify and integrate and use
technologies different concepts and resources that are studied in algebra,
geometry, and calculus. That is, the use of technology pro-
Although the use of technologies has been a recurrent vides an opportunity for students to integrate and connect
theme in research studies, curriculum proposals, and teach- knowledge from diverse areas or domains. For instance,
ing practices in mathematics education; during the COVID- Sinclair and Ferrara (2023) used the multi-touch application
pandemic lockdown, all teachers and students relied on (TouchCounts) for children to work on mathematical chal-
digital technologies to work on mathematical tasks. At dif- lenging tasks.
ferent phases, they developed and implemented not only
novel paths to present, discuss, and approach teaching/ 6.2 The use of digital technologies to design a
learning activities; but also, ways to monitor and assess didactic route
students’ problem-solving performances. When schools
returned to teachers and students’ face-to-face activities, There is indication, that the use of digital technologies
some questions emerged: What adjustments or changes in offers different paths for students to learn mathematics
school practices are needed to consider and integrate those (Leung & Bolite-Frant, 2015; Leung & Baccaglini-Frank,
learning experiences that students developed during the 2017). For instance, in the construction of a dynamic model
social confinement? What digital tools should teachers and of a problem, they are required to think of concepts and
students use to work on mathematical tasks? How should information embedded in the problem in terms of geomet-
teaching/learning practices reconcile students remote and ric representation or meaning. Thus, focusing on ways for
face-to-face work? To address these questions, recent stud- students to represent and explore concepts geometrically
ies that involve ways to integrate technology in educational could be the departure point to understand concepts and
practices were reviewed, and their main themes and findings to solve mathematical problems. In addition, students can
are organized and problematized to shed light on what the explore problems’ dynamic models (dragging schemes) in
use of digital technologies contributes to frame and support terms of visual, empirical, and graphic representations to
learning environments. initially identify relations that become relevant to approach
and solve the problems. Thus, tool affordances become rel-
6.1 The use of technology to reconceptualize evant for students to detect patterns, to formulate conjec-
students mathematical learning tures and to transit from empirical to formal argumentation
to support problem solutions (Pittalis & Drijvers, 2023).
There are different studies that document the importance Engelbrecht and Borba (2023) recognized that the promi-
and ways in which the students’ use of tools such as CAS or nent use of digital technologies in school mathematics has
Excel offers an opportunity for them to think of concepts and produced pedagogical shifts in teaching and learning prac-
problems in terms of different representations to transit from tices to “encourage more active students learning, foster
intuitive, visual, or graphic to formal or analytical reasoning greater engagement, and provide more flexible access to
(Arcavi et al., 2017). Others digital technologies, such as a learning’ (p. 1). Multiple use technologies such as internet,
Dynamic Geometry System1 DGS, provide affordances for communication apps (ZOOM, Teams, Google Meet, etc.)
students to dynamically represent and explore mathemati- become essential tools for teachers and students to pres-
cal problems. In students’ use of digital technologies, the ent, communicate, and share information or to collaborate
problematizing principle becomes relevant to transform the with peers. While tools used to represent, explore, and delve
tool into an instrument to work on mathematical tasks. San- into concepts and to work and solve mathematical problems
tos-Trigo (2019) provides examples where students rely on (Dynamic Geometry Systems, Wolframalpha, etc.) expand
GeoGebra affordances to reconstruct figures that are given the students’ ways of reasoning and solving problems. Both
in problem statements; to transform routine problem into an types of technologies are not only important for teachers and
investigation task; to model and explore tasks that involve students to continue working on school tasks beyond formal
variational reasoning; and to construct dynamic configura- settings, but they also provide students with an opportunity
tions to formulate and support mathematical relations. In to consult online resources such as Wikipedia or KhanAcad-
emy to review or extend their concepts understanding, to
analyse solved problems, and to contrast their teachers’
The term Dynamic Geometry System is used, instead of Dynamic
Geometry Environment or Dynamic Geometry Software, to emphasize explanation of themes or concepts with those provided in
that the app or tool interface encompasses a system of affordances that learning platforms.
combines the construction of dynamic models, the use of Computer
Algebra Systems and the use spreadsheet programs.

M. Santos-Trigo

6.3 Students’ access to mathematics learning of real-world events that lead them to formulate, represent,
and deal with a variety of problem situations. “Educators
Nowadays, cell phones are essential tools for people or stu- now increasingly seek to emphasise the practical applica-
dents to interact or to approach diverse tasks and an educa- tions of mathematics, such as modelling real-life scenarios
tional challenge is how teachers/students can use them to and understanding statistical data (Engelbrecht & Borba,
work on mathematical tasks. During the COVID-19 social 2023, p. 7). For instance, during the pandemic it was impor-
confinement, students relied on communication apps not tant to problematize the available data to follow, analyze
only to interact with their teachers during class lectures; and predict its spread behavior and to propose health mea-
but also, to keep discussing tasks with peers beyond for- sures to reduce people contagion. Thus, exponential func-
mal class meetings. That is, students realized that with the tions, graphics, and their interpretations, data analysis,
use of technology they could expand their learning space to etc. were important mathematics content to understand the
include sharing and discussing ideas and problem solutions pandemic phenomena. Drijvers and Sinclair (2023) recog-
with peers beyond class sessions, consulting online learn- nized that features of computational thinking share common
ing platforms or material to review or extend their concepts grounds with mathematical thinking in terms of problem-
understanding, and to watch videos to contrast experts’ con- solving activities that privilege model construction, the use
cepts explanations and those provided by their teachers. In of algorithms, abstraction processes and generalization of
this perspective, the use of digital technologies increases the results. Thus, “a further integration of computational think-
students’ access to different resources and the ways to work ing in the mathematics curriculum is desirable”. In terms of
on mathematical tasks. Thus, available digital developments ways to assess and monitor students’ learning, the idea is
seem to extend the students collaborative work in addition that with the use of a digital tool (digital wall or log), stu-
to class activities. Furthermore, the flipped classroom model dents could organize, structure, register, and monitor their
seems to offer certain advantages for students to learn the individual and group work and learning experiences. That
discipline and this model needs to be analysed in terms of is, they could periodically report and share what difficulties
what curriculum changes and ways to assess or monitor stu- they face to understand concepts or to work on a task, what
dents learning are needed in its design and implementation questions they posed, what sources consult, etc. The infor-
(Cevikbas & Kaiser, 2022). mation that appears in the digital wall is shared within the
group and the teacher and students can provide feedback or
6.4 Changes in curriculum and mathematical propose new ideas or solutions (Santos-Trigo et al., 2022).
6.5 The integration of technologies and the
It is recognized that the continuous development and avail- emergence of conceptual frameworks
ability of digital technologies is not only altering the ways
in which individuals interact and face daily activities; but is Institutions worldwide, in general, are integrating the use
also transforming educational practices and settings. Like- of different technologies in their educational practices, and
wise, people’s concerns about multiple events or global they face the challenge to reconcile previous pandemic
problems such climate change, immigration, educational models and post confinement learning scenarios. “A peda-
access, renewable resources, or racial conflicts or wars are gogical reason for using technology is to empower learners
themes that permeate the educational arena. Thus, curricu- with extended or amplified abilities to acquire knowledge…
lum reforms should address ways to connect students’ edu- technology can empower their cognitive abilities to reason
cation with the analysis of these complex problems. English in novice ways (Leung, 2011, p. 327). Drijvers and Sinclair
(2023) stated that: (2023) proposed a five-dimensional framework to delve
into the rationale and purposes for the mathematics edu-
The ill-defined problems of today, coupled with unex- cation community to integrate the use of digital technolo-
pected disruptions across all walks of life, demand gies in mathematical teaching environments and students
advanced problem-solving by all citizens. The need to learning. The five interrelated categories address issues
update outmoded forms of problem solving, which fail regarding how teachers and students’ use of digital tech-
to take into account increasing global challenges, has nology contributes to reconceptualize and improve math-
never been greater (p.5). ematics learning; to understand and explain how students’
mathematics learning develops; to design environments
In this perspective, mathematics curriculum needs to be for mathematics learning; to foster and provide equitable
structured around essential contents and habits of math- access to mathematics learning; and to change mathematics
ematical thinking for students to understand and make sense curricula and teaching and assessment practices (Drijvers

Problem solving in mathematics education: tracing its foundations and current research-practice trends

& Sinclair, 2023). Schoenfeld (2022) stated that “The chal- to organize their subject or disciplinary learning (how to
lenge is to create robust learning environments that support interact with teachers or experts and peers; what material to
every student in developing not only the knowledge and consult, what tools to use, how to monitor their own learn-
practices that underlie effective mathematical thinking, but ing, etc.) and to engage in disciplinary practices to achieve
that help them develop the sense of agency to engage in their learning goals. Both strategic and tactic decisions
sense making” (p. 764). Højsted et al. (2022) argue about shape teachers and students’ ways to work on mathematical
the importance of adjusting theoretical frameworks to tasks. Kahneman (2011) shed light on how human beings
explicitly integrate the use of digital technologies such as make decisions to deal with questions and problematic
DGS and Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) in teaching situations. He argues that individuals rely on two systems
practices. They referred to the Danish “Competencies and to make decisions and engage in thinking processes; sys-
Mathematical Learning framework” (KOM) that gets artic- tem one (fast thinking) that involves automatic, emotional,
ulated through tenets associated with the Theory of Instru- instinctive reasoning and system two (slow thinking) that
mental Orchestration (TIO) and the notion of Justification includes logical, deliberative, effortful, or conscious rea-
Mediation (JM). In general terms, the idea is that learners soning. In educational tasks, the idea is that teachers and
get explicitly involved in a tool’ appropriation process that students develop experiences based on the construction
transforms the artifact into an instrument to understand con- and activation of system two. Thus, how teachers/students
cepts and to solve mathematical problems. That is, learners’ decide what tools or digital developments to use to work on
tool appropriation involves the development of cognitive mathematical problems becomes a relevant issue to address
schemata to rely on technology affordances to work on in the mathematics education agenda. Recent and consis-
mathematical tasks. Koichu et al. (2022) pointed out that the tent developments and the availability of digital technolo-
incorporation of problem-solving approaches in instruction gies open novel paths for teachers and students to represent,
should be seen as a specific case of implementing innova- explore, and approach mathematical tasks and, provide dif-
tion. To this end, they proposed a framework of problem- ferent tools to extend students and teachers’ mathematical
solving implementation chain that involves “a sequence of discussions beyond classroom settings. In this perspective,
actions and interactions beginning with the development of it becomes important to discuss what changes the system-
a PS resource by researchers, which teachers then engage atic use of digital technologies bring to the mathematics
with in professional development (PD), and finally, teachers contents and to the ways to frame mathematical instruction.
and students make use of in classrooms” (p. 4). In this case, For example, the use of a Dynamic Geometry System to
problem-solving resources include the design of problem- model and explore calculus, geometry or algebra classic
atic situations (tasks) to engage students in mathematical problems dynamically not only offer students an opportu-
discussions to make sense of problem statements or to ask nity to connect foundational concepts such as rate of change
them to pose a task. or the perpendicular bisector concept to geometrically study
variational phenomena or conic sections; but also, to engage
them in problem-posing activities (Santos-Trigo et al.,
7 Reflections and concluding remarks 2021). Thus, teachers need to experience themselves differ-
ent ways to use digital technologies to work on mathemati-
Throughout different periods, the research and practice cal tasks and to identify instructional paths for students to
mathematical problem-solving agenda has contributed sig- internalize the use of digital apps as an instrument to under-
nificantly to understand not only essentials in mathematical stand concepts and to pose and formulate mathematical
practices; but also, the development of conceptual frame- problems. Specifically, curriculum proposal should be struc-
works to explain and document subjects’ cognitive, social, tured around the development of foundational concepts and
and affective behaviours to understand mathematical con- problem-solving strategies to formulate and pursue complex
cepts and to develop problem-solving competencies. Leikin problems such as those involving climate changes, wealth
and Guberman (2023) pointed out that “…problem-solving distribution, immigration, pollution, mobility, connectivity,
is an effective didactical tool that allows pupils to mobi- etc. To formulate and approach these problems, students
lize their existing knowledge, construct new mathematical need to develop a multidisciplinary thinking and rely on dif-
connections between known concepts and properties, and ferent tools to represent, explore, and share and continuously
construct new knowledge in the process of overcoming report partial solutions. To this end, they are encouraged to
challenges embedded in the problems” (p. 325). The study work with peers and groups as a part of learning community
of people cognitive functioning to develop multidisciplinary that fosters and values collective problem solutions. Finding
knowledge and to solve problems involves documenting multiple paths to solve problems becomes important for stu-
ways in which individuals make decisions regarding ways dents to develop creative and innovative problem solutions

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