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Dear Mum and Dad

Actually, the atmosphere at home is oppressive. I'm sure

that as being a teenager,I've my part of responsibilities. I'm
not your little baby any more, I go out and I can understand
this is hard for you.
I don't also speak to you politely , like if you were my
enemies.It's a way , I guess to show you that I am not any
more the little boy you were taking to Disneyland, but soon
a young men.
I've grown up and you refuse to see it.....I'm still working
hard at school but, please, trust me a little more. I need to
live my teenager's life, to go out once a while on Saturday's
night as everyone does.
Are you afraid of drugs, of drink?? Talk to me , I'll answer
You don't trust me anymore and I feel like in a golden
And Adem, my little brother, your youngest child, is suffering
, I'm pretty sure, the most. Because they are no more
smiles, no more laughs, no nothing except yelings and
slammed doors...........
I am waiting your answer very soon because I love you ,
whatever you think, and you miss me so much !!!!
I know Ill stay your sweet baby , but let me grow up
Love to both of you

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