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Factors that helped Magadha Abul Fazl:Author of the Akbar Nama.

the Akbar Nama.Multilingual, Al-Beruni tried to explain the caste system by Sangam Society :The people during this period
Director general of archaeological survey in India at Harappa discovery: John
well-versed in Arabic, Persian, Greek philosophy, comparing it with other societies. He said practiced multiple subsistence form such as
 Agriculture was productive  and Sufism.Known for being a forceful debater and that in ancient Persia, there were four social hunting, food gathering, cattle rearing, plunder,
Great bath in mohenjodaro
Iron mines were accessible and an independent thinker.Opposed conservative categories: Knights and princes, monks, fire- slash and burn cultivation, wetland cultivation,
Traces of canals in harappa founded from Shortughai Decline
provided resources for tools and priests and lawyers, physicians, astronomers pottery making, metal smelting, fishing, salt
of Harappa: climate change,deforestation, excessive flood, Aryan invansion by Aryan
weapons  Elephants for the army ulama, impressing Emperor Akbar. and other scientists. He tried to understand making. The Sangam society was divided on the
invanders Contact with foreign
was available  Ganga and its Role in Akbar's Court:Chosen by Akbar as an that social divisions were not unique to india. basis of eco zones (Tinai) and occupation. The
culture of Harappan civilization: contact with Oman Mesopotamia Bahrain and
tributaries provided a means of adviser and spokesperson due to his Sangam period witnessed the emergence of
Persia.Copper mainly from Oman .Oman copper and Harappan artefacts have traces
cheap and convenient qualities.Helped shape and articulate the ideas He described about the four varnas such as specialized craft groups. Sangam works mentioned
of nickel .Large Harappan jar coated with black clay from Oman cities.Contact with
communication  Ambitious kings associated with Akbar's reign.Murdered by Bir Brhamana, Kshatriya,Vaishya and Shudra. He different occupational groups. Kuti was the kin
Dilmun,Magan and meluha in Mesopotamia text
like Bimbisara, Ajatasattu and Singh Bundela, an accomplice of Prince Salim said that everything which falls into a state of based occupational group. They were called as
Mahapadma nanda  Capital (Jahangir). impurity strives and succeeds in regaining its Kutimakkal. Ur was the basic kin based settlement
unit. It consisted of a number of kutis. Nadu was Features of Harappan seals --Major source of information,Greatest artistic creation
Rajagriha was well fortified and Akbar Nama:Important illustrated official original condition of purity. Al-Beruni’s
the wider resourceful settlement area. The of Harappan and made of soft stone called steatite,Used to mark the ownership of
located amongst hills  Pataliputra history.Contains around 150 full or double-page description of the caste system was deeply
megaliths and burial goods indicate that people property,Used to facilitate long distance trade
commanded routes of paintings depicting various events.Abul Fazl influenced by his familiarity with normative
communication along the Ganga worked on it for thirteen years, revising the draft Sanskrit texts which laid down the rules believed in life after death. They had separate
multiple times.Based on diverse sources including governing the system from the point of view space for the disposal of dead near their Urbanization in Mohenjodaro:
actual records, official documents, and oral of the Brahmanas. settlement area. Manimekhalai refers to different
In the first century CE, Buddhism
testimonies.Divided into three books, with the forms of burial practices such as body cremation, Indus Valley Civilization
underwent significant changes.
third being Ain-i-Akbari.Provides detailed exposure, pit burial etc.
The idea of Buddha as a saviour Ibn Battuta was an African traveller who came
information about political events during Akbar's from Morocco. He was born in Tangier. He Mohenjodaro a planned urban centre- Major city of Harappan civilization ,Most of
who could ensure salvation
reign. learnt literature and other scholarly works at Exchange : There were three kinds of exchanges: the information from town planning and seal from Mohenjo Daro,mohen.Means
emerged, along with the concept
Ain-i-Akbari:Presents the Mughal Empire as his young age. He considered that knowledge local, long distance and overseas. Local trade Mound of the death
of Bodhisattas, compassionate
diverse, with Hindus, Jainas, Buddhists, and gained through travels is more important Thechief tains redistributed the paddy among town planning- settlement divided into two session-citadel and lower town Citadel-
beings that could help others
Muslims.Highlights a composite culture within the source than books. He loved travelling, and various tribal groups. The goods of each Tinai were platform build in western side, buildings on it were constructed on mud brick
attain nibbana. Worship of Buddha
empire. Writing went far off places, exploring new worlds and exchanged with those of other regions. The local platform,Has wall and physically separated from lower town Lower
and Bodhisattas’ images became a
Style:Abul Fazl wrote in an ornate language, peoples. Before his visit to India ,he had exchange centres were known as Cantai, Angadi town- situated in Eastern side, also has wall, residential area, consisted of several
key part of this tradition. This new
emphasizing diction and rhythm, suitable for oral made pilgrimage to Mecca and travelled etc. brick house Drainage system- well
approach was termed Mahayana,
reading.His Indo-Persian style was influential at extensively in Syria,Iraq,Persia,Yemen,Oman planned drainage system, pay attention to health and the cleanliness, each house
the “greater vehicle”, while the
court, inspiring other writers to emulate him. and a few trading ports on the coast of East Tinai : The anthologies of ancient Tamil poetry connected with it, the most complete ancient system as yet discovered
older tradition was referred to as
Hinayana, the “lesser vehicle”. Badshah Nama: Africa. popularly referred to as Sangam literature
mentions five Tinais or eco zones. According to it, Granary- large building in Mohenjodaro, lower portion build with bricks and upper
He set off his travel to India in 1332-33 and Tamizhakam was divided into five zones portion with wood,to store surplus Food grain
The Subsidiary Alliance imposed on Author: Abdul Hamid Lahori, a pupil of Abul Fazl, reached Sind in 1333. He was able to get the Great bath-rectangular tank in the Courtyard surrounded by corridor, 2 flight steps
Awadh in 1801 led to the Nawab’s wrote the Badshah Nama.Commissioned Work: reputation of the sultan of Delhi; Muhammed from North and South, floor was made water tight with bricks and mortar of
Emperor Shah Jahan commissioned Lahori to write Communalism Communalism refers to a politics gypsum, rooms on the three sides, arrangement to fill and empty the tank domestic
dependency on the British, as he had bin Tughlaq. The sultan was impressed by the
a history of his reign, modeled after the Akbar that seeks to unify one community around a architecture- houses in lower town arranged according to grid system, houses build
to disband his military and allow scholarship of Ibn Battuta and appointed him
Nama. Structure: The Badshah Nama consists of religious identity in hostile opposition to another on the both side of the road, all houses had a Courtyard and rooms, has bathroom
British troops within the kingdom. as the qazi or judge of Delhi. He remained
three volumes (daftars), each covering ten lunar community. It seeks to define this community build with bricks and connected to drains, some have staircase, difference in size,
The British, attracted by Awadh’s judge for many years. The sultan appointed
years.Content: Lahori’s volumes cover the first two identity as fundamental and fixed.
fertile soil for indigo and cotton him as his ambassador to China. During his Wells:700 in Mohenjodaro
decades of Shah Jahan’s rule (1627-
cultivation and its strategic location 1647).Revisions: Sadullah Khan, Shah Jahan’s journey to China, he also visited Malabar
for trade, annexed it, completing a wazir, later revised these volumes.Third Decade: Coast, Maldives, Bengal, Assam and Sumatra.
territorial acquisition that began The historian Waris chronicled the third
with Bengal a century earlier. This decade.Interest in Indian History:British
Ibn Battuta’s book of travels called Rihla was
administrators sought to understand the
annexation, justified by alleged written in Arabic provides the social and
subcontinent and its people to govern
maladministration, overlooked the effectively.The Asiatic Society of Bengal: cultural life in the subcontinent in the 14th
popularity of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, Founded by Sir William Jones, it published and century. He carefully recorded his
who was widely loved. edited versions of the Akbar Nama and Badshah observations about new cultures, peoples,
Nama in the 19th century.English Translation: beliefs, values etc.
At the annual congress, held in Unlike the Akbar Nama, the Badshah Nama
Lucknow in December 1916, Mahatma remains untranslated in English to this day.
The coconut and plan_-The best example of
Gandhi was approached by a peasant
Ibn Battuta’s strategies of representation are
form Champaran and he told
Factors leading to the Non-cooperation clear in the ways in which he described the
Mahatma Gandhi about the harsh he
Movement  The First World War (1914-18) and coconut and the paan ,two kinds of plant
peasants received by the British. In
laws introduced by the British  Censorship of the produce that were completely unfamiliar to
1917, Mahatma Gandhi organized a
Press  Introduction of Rowlatt Act (1919) which his audience.
Satyagraha in Champaran (Bihar)
seeking the securityof tenure as well permitted detention without trial  Campaign
as the freedom to grow crops as per against Rowlatt Act  Gandhiji detained while Battutha &Indian Cities_ = Ibn Battuta found
their wish. Gandhiji was involved in proceeding to Punjab  Prominent local cities in the subcontinent full of exciting
two campaigns in his home state of congressmen arrested  Jalliawala Bagh massacre opportunities for those who are able and
Gujarat. Firstly, he participated in the have resources and skills. The cities were
Ahmadabad textile mill strike of  Students stopped going to schools and colleges densely populated and prosperous. Cities
February-March 1918, demanding run by the British government.  Lawyers refused were disrupted during wars invasions. His
account said that streets in many cities were  The year 1935 saw the coming of the
better working conditions for the to attend the court.  The working class went on
crowded and bright and colourful markets Government of India Act of 1935, which
textile mill workers. Secondly, he strike in many towns and cities.  Hill tribes in
were with full of many varieties of goods. He promised some form of representative
joined the peasants in Kheda Northern Andhra violated the forest laws. 
described Delhi as a vast city, with a great government.  In 1937, for the first time,
Satyagraha who demanded remission Farmers in Awadh refused to pay taxes.
population, the largest in India. Bazaars were elections were held on restricted franchise
of taxes from the state following the
not only places of economic transaction but and congress party held a majority in the
failure of their harvest. It was in Kheda
The Quit India Movement, launched by also the hub of social and cultural activities. legislature. It won the election in 8 out of 11
that Mahatma Gandhi initiate the first
Mahatma Gandhi in August 1942 after the Many bazaars had mosque and temple with provinces.  In 1939, World War II broke out
Satyagraha revolution.
failure of the Cripps Mission, was a significant spaces for public performances by dancers and the Indian leaders agreed to support
anti-British movement. Key leaders were jailed, and singers. Ibn Battuta noted that the cities the British as long as they promised to grant
Salt Satyagraha leaving younger leaders to organize strikes and obtained its wealth from villages. This was Indian Independence after the war. The
sabotage. Notably, socialist Jayaprakash Narayan because of the agricultural production with offer was refused and in October 1939,
Lahore session,Jawaharlal nehru,civil was active in the resistance. Independent two crops a year. He says that there was a congress ministries resigned.  In protest a
disobedience movement governments were set up in districts like Satara great demand for Indian textiles like cotton series of Satyagraha were organized by the
and Midnapur. The movement mobilized cloth, fine muslins, silks, brocade and satin. congress to pressurize the British to promise
The meeting was significant for two masses, particularly energizing the youth. In He further says that certain varieties of fine the freedom once t he war ended.  In
reasons: the election of Jawaharlal Nehru 1943, young leaders in Satara established a muslin were so expensive that could be worn March 1940, Muslim League passed a
as president, signifying the passing of the parallel government, organizing constructive only by the nobles and the very rich. resolution demanding and planning to
leadership of congress to younger work. create a separate nation for Muslims.  In
generation, and the proclamation of Communications = Almost all trade routes 1942, worried on the continuous spread of
commitment to “poorna swaraj” or were well supplied with inns and guest nationalist movement prime minister of
complete independence. On 26 January houses. Ibn Battuta was amazed by the England Winston Churchill sent Sir Stafford
 Stupa is a Sanskrit word meaning a heap. The
1930,”Independence Day” was observed, efficiency of the postal system. The Postal Cripps to India to try to reach to a
structure of stupa originated as a simple circular
with the national flag being hoisted at system was of two kinds. One was called compromise with Gandhi and the congress.
mound of earth called anda. Gradually, it
different venues. uluq(horse post) and the other was dawa(foot The Cripps Mission failed as no agreement
developed into a more complex structure. 
Above the anda was the harmika,a balcony like post). This system enabled merchants to send to grant Independence to India could be
structure that represented the abode of the information, remit credit across long made.  In August 1942, Quit India
gods. Arising from the harmika was the mast distances and to dispatch goods required at Movement was launched and all the major
called the yashti surrounded by a chhatri or an short notice. leaders were arrested.
 Firstly, this event brought Mahatma
Gandhi to world attention. The March umbrella.  Around the mound was a railing,
was widely covered by the European and separating the sacred space from the secular
American press.  Secondly, it was the world.
first nationalist activity in which women
participated in large numbers. The Vascoda Gama-1498/The Portuguese
socialist activists Kamaladevi established printing- 1577 / Dutch reaches
Cahttopadhyay had persuaded Gandhi Calicut – 1604 / Attingal Revolt – 1721 /
not to restrict the protests to men alone. Marthanda Varma Travancore – 1729 / Battel
She herself courted arrest by breaking of Colechal – 1741 / first printed book – 1772 /
salt and liquor laws.  Thirdly, it made the Sreerangapattanam – 1792 / Pazhassi Revolt –
British realize that their rule was not to 1793 / Subsidary Travancore – 1805 / Kundara
last forever, and they would have to Proclamation – 1809 /Kurichya Revolt – 1812 /
share some power with the Indians. compalsary education – 1817 / English School
Rev – 1841 / Rajyasamacharam – 1847 /
Channar Jacket – 1859 / Brennen thalassery –
Manjeri Conference 1920 / All keral 1862 / Victoria school – 1866 / Maharajas
acongress meeting 1921 / Vaikom collage – 1875 / Malayali Memmorial – 1891 /
Satyagraha 1924-25 / Guruvayoor Amaravathi Session - 1897
Satyagraha 1931-32 / Pattini Jatha
Gopalan 1936 / Travankore University
1937 / Kayyoor Revolt 1941 / Quit India
Kizha 1942 / punnapra Revolt 1946
/PALIYAM Satyagraha 1947 /
travankoore kochi 1949 / Formation of
Kerala State 1956

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