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College Clubs - SRS

Maintaining a clean and well-organized environment is crucial for ensuring comfort,
safety, and satisfaction in any facility. The Housekeeping Project was initiated to
address and enhance the operational efficiency, cleanliness standards, and overall
effectiveness of the housekeeping department. In light of growing customer
expectations and the need for sustainable practices, this project sought to revamp
existing procedures, train staff comprehensively, and implement innovative solutions
for continuous improvement. By optimizing resources, integrating modern
technology, and focusing on quality control, the project aimed to create a cleaner,
more efficient, and environmentally friendly housekeeping operation

• Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe the requirements for the College Clubs
Management System (CCMS). This system will facilitate the management and
coordination of college clubs, enabling efficient communication, event management,
and member engagement.

• Scope
The CCMS will be a web-based application allowing students to join clubs, participate
in events, and communicate with other members. It will also provide administrative
tools for club leaders to manage memberships, schedule events, and disseminate

• References
IEEE Std 830-1998, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements

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College Clubs - SRS

2. Overview
The College Clubs Management System (CCMS) is a web-based application designed
to streamline the management of college clubs. It enables students to join clubs,
participate in events, and communicate with fellow members, while providing
administrative tools for club leaders to manage memberships, schedule events, and
make announcements. The system integrates with the college's existing
authentication system to ensure secure and seamless access for all users.

• Product Perspective
The housekeeping software will be a standalone system that integrates with existing
hospitality management systems via APIs. It will be used by housekeeping staff and
management to streamline operations.

• Product Features
- User Management: Role-based access control for different user types.
- Task Scheduling: Automated task assignments and calendar integration.
- Inventory Management: Tracking and managing cleaning supplies and equipment.
- Reporting and Analytics: Generation of performance and compliance reports.
- Notifications and Alerts: Real-time alerts for task updates and inventory needs.

• User Classes and Characteristics

- Housekeeping Staff: Users who will perform and update tasks.
- Managers: Users who will oversee operations and generate reports.
- Administrators: Users who will manage system settings and user roles.

• Operating Environment
The system will be web-based, accessible via standard web browsers on desktops,
tablets, and smartphones. It will be hosted on cloud infrastructure.

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College Clubs - SRS

• Design and Implementation Constraints

- Must comply with GDPR for data privacy.
- Should support integration with major hospitality management systems.

• Assumptions and Dependencies

- Users have access to the internet and modern web browsers.
- The underlying infrastructure will be maintained by the hosting provider.

3. System Requirements

• Functional Requirements
- User Registration and Authentication
- The system shall allow users to register using their college credentials.
- The system shall authenticate users using the college's authentication system Task

• Club Management
- The system shall allow club leaders to create and manage their clubs.
- The system shall allow club leaders to approve or reject membership requests.

• Member Management
- The system shall allow members to join or leave clubs.
- The system shall allow club leaders to view a list of all members.

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College Clubs - SRS

• Event Management
- The system shall allow club leaders to schedule events.
- The system shall allow members to RSVP to events.

• Communication Tools
- The system shall provide messaging capabilities between members and leaders.

• Notification System
- The system shall send notifications for new events, announcements, and messages.
- The system shall provide a way for club leaders to make announcements.

3. Non-Functional Requirements
• Performance
- The system should handle up to 10,000 concurrent users.

• Reliability
- The system should have an uptime of 99.9%.

• Usability
- The system should be easy to use with a clear, intuitive interface.

• Security
- The system shall protect user data according to college policies.
- The system shall use encryption for sensitive data transmissions.

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College Clubs - SRS

• Software Quality Attributes

➢ Performance Efficiency
- Response Time: The system should respond to user requests within 2 seconds for
95% of all interactions.
- - Scalability: The system should efficiently handle up to 10,000 concurrent users
without significant performance degradation.

➢ Reliability
- Availability: The system should have an uptime of 99.9%, ensuring it is
accessible most of the time.
-Fault Tolerance: The system should be able to handle unexpected failures and
maintain operations, such as by using redundant servers or data backups.

➢ Usability
- Ease of Use: The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly,
requiring minimal training for students and club leaders.
- Accessibility: The system should be accessible to users with disabilities,
following WCAG 2.1 guidelines.

➢ Security
- Data Protection: User data should be encrypted both at rest and in transit to
ensure confidentiality.
- Authentication and Authorization: The system should integrate with the
college's authentication system to securely verify user identities and manage
access control.

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College Clubs - SRS

➢ Maintainability
- Modularity: The system should be designed with a modular architecture,
allowing individual components to be easily updated or replaced.
- Code Quality: The code should follow best practices and standards, making it
easier to understand, debug, and extend.

➢ Portability
- Platform Independence: The system should be web-based and compatible
with all major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
- Deployment: The system should be easily deployable in different
environments (development, testing, production).

The College Clubs Management System (CCMS) is designed to streamline and enhance
the management of college clubs, providing a centralized platform for club leaders
and members to interact, manage events, and communicate efficiently. By
incorporating essential features such as secure user authentication, comprehensive
club and event management tools, and effective communication functionalities, the
CCMS aims to foster increased student engagement and participation in campus

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