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Rodriguez 1

Christian Rodriguez

Mrs. Ellen Acevedo

English 3 CP

25 March 2024

Abortion Laws

Imagine if my cousin told me she was pregnant? My cousin who is 24 years old and lives

in texas told me that she was raped by someone and got pregnant and needs an abortion but isnt

allowed to because of the abortion laws in Texas. What would you do? Abortion is used in the

U.S for many reasons, some for people who got assaulted and got pregnant and others for

financial reasons or just accidentally got pregnant. Abortion is important because people cannot

afford to take care of a baby or get assaulted and get pregnant. Without abortion in this world

there would be innocent babies in foster care, and without abortion in the United States the

maternal death rate would rise by 24 percent. Abortion should be legal to women in the U.S.

Women have been battling for decades against the law if abortion should be legal or not. Giving

birth can be very harmful to a woman's body and in some instances can be deadly. The second

and third reason is if the woman has gotten assaulted and cannot give birth to the child, as well as

not being financially stable enough to care for their child.

Women across the world are finding out how harmful birth can be to the body and are

wanting an abortion. In the United States, more than 800 people die every year giving birth. The

latest number shows that, out of every 100,000 births, more than 23 result in the death of the

person delivering. This fact alone can make women not want to give birth due to there being a
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chance of death during the labor process . (Frank Otto)

Some complications during pregnancies are that labor does not progress, perineal tears,

abnormal heart rate for the baby, water breaking early, perinatal asphyxia, shoulder dystocia,

excessive bleeding. These reasons can be very scary for a woman especially when it is an

accidental pregnancy. (what are common complications during labor and


Some women in the U.S. don’t get any support from their partner or their families so

when they have no support they have to care for their child by themselves and also some aren't

ready to take care of a child due to not being financially stable or other reasons like school. Most

women in the U.S aren't financially stable after pregnancy. A study showed that 24% of women

are not financially ready to care for their baby after pregnancy and that 60% of women can’t

afford healthcare in the U.S. (Beata Mostafavi ( The majority

of women who choose to have an abortion are unmarried. About 5% of women that choose

abortions say that they were influenced by family, and toxic relationships. (Dawn


Some people may argue that no matter how old the baby is inside your stomach you are

still killing an innocent child. When a baby is fully developed in the womb thirty-one weeks into

your pregnancy, your baby has finished most of his or her major development. So many people would

argue that you are murdering an innocent child. (Pregnancy week by week)


While that might be true but they dont take into account that women can get pregnant

from rape and get accidental pregnancies as well as not being financially ready to bare a child.
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Some also get abortions due to family reasons as well. A study shows that 40% of women who

are seeking an abortion are low income and not financially available, while that makes up most

of the abortion percentage there is still that 1% due to rape. As well as 5% due to family reasons.

(Table 2 Major themes and reasons women gave for seeking abortion)


As expressed, the debate over abortion in the United States is deeply enriched in our

history, with people’s opinions coming from individuals' morals, upbringing, and religious

convictions. While some advocate for the necessity of abortion, stating the challenges many

women face in caring for a child, others firmly oppose it on moral or religious grounds. This

diversity of perspectives takes into account the complexity of the issue and highlights the

importance of respectful dialogue and understanding. Ultimately, the subject of abortion in the

U.S. remains an issue that is shaped by individual beliefs and experiences.

I feel that a solution that can fix the struggle with abortion in America is allow the woman to

choose what she wants and allow her to make the decision. According to a report by the

Guttmacher Institute, countries with more restrictive abortion laws often have higher

rates of unsafe abortions, leading to significant health risks for women. In America there

is a struggle with pro life or pro choice and many people have followed the pro life decision as

you can see many countries have now banned or have very strict laws on abortion. A study

published in the Journal of Medical Ethics suggests that some individuals view the fetus

as a human life deserving of protection from conception.

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Works Cited

BMC Women’s Health. (2024, March 26). BioMed Central.

Pregnancy week by week. (2022, November 4). Mayo Clinic.


Know more. Feel better. (2020b, January 29). Verywell Health.

[Home] | Michigan Medicine. (n.d.).

Homepage | JME. (2024, January 31). JME.

Self-Assessment Score (1-4)

Hook 4 /4
Rodriguez 5

Main Claim/Thesis & Subclaims/Topic

Sentences 4/4

Research & Evidence 4 /4

Commentary 4 /4

Counterclaim & Rebuttal 4/4

Solutions 2/4

Organization & Cohesion 3/4

Style & Conventions 3/4

Overall Score
Note: do not total up each score; give
yourself an average score between 1 - 5.

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