Presentación Propuesta de Marketing Estrategia de Negocio Minimalista Morado

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Names: Catalina González
Dafne Álvarez
Dafne Gatica
Sebastian Valdivia
Aline Figueroa
Grade: 10th
Teacher: Catalina Soriano Bascur
Today we have to talk about water shortage
in the world and its triggers such as: Why
does water shortage occur? What
consequences does it have for us? One of
its biggest triggers is overpopulation
throughout the world, its inefficiency in its
use and the pollution that exists in it, since
it cannot be used by humans since it can
become toxic.
We will let you know all this information in
more depth on the next page.

Water scarcity occurs when the

demand for water exceeds the
available supply in a specific region or
area. This can be due to various factors
such as population growth,
overexploitation of water resources,
water pollution, climate change, and
poor water resource management.
Water scarcity can have serious
consequences on agriculture, human
health, industry, and natural
Why this topic is

Industries: They rely heavily on water. When water is scarce, it

can slow down production, reduce job opportunities, and slow
Water shortage is a major global problem due to several economic growth in affected regions.
key factors: Public health: Without enough clean water and proper
sanitation, people face higher risks of getting sick from diseases
like cholera and hepatitis, leading to more deaths in those areas.
Basic need: Water is essential for life. All forms of life,
Social tensions and conflicts: When there's not enough water, it
including humans, animals and plants, depend on water to can cause fights over who gets what's left. This can make people
survive. Water scarcity can compromise the health, well- move away and even cause bigger problems around the world.
being and food security of affected populations. Environment: Not having enough water can hurt plants and
animals, mess up natural cycles, and make disasters more likely.
Food security: Agriculture is the largest consumer of water This makes it hard for nature to do its job of keeping everything
worldwide. Water shortage can limit the ability to produce in balance.
food, affecting the availability and price of food on the To tackle water shortage, we need to manage water wisely, save
global market. This can lead to food insecurity, hunger and it whenever we can, build strong systems to deal with it, and
work together internationally to make sure everyone gets their
malnutrition in affected areas.
fair share.
name 2 negative aspects of water
1: Serious stomach illnesses: Lack of water also directly contributes to unsanitary
living conditions that cause diseases . According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), at least 2 billion people drink water contaminated by
human or animal waste.

2:Dehydration and constipation. One of the risks of water shortage is

dehydration. Dehydration can cause constipation and diarrhea. Both are related
to problems absorbing vitamins and minerals.

How does it affect us?
It will affect us in many possible ways but some of them are:

Impact on health, lack of access to safe, clean water

can lead to an increase diseases such as cholera and
hepatitis. Water shortage can also affect personal
and public hygiene.

1.- Drought Rationing: Reduction of water supply during prolonged droughts.

2.-Infrastructure Maintenance: Temporary cuts for repairs in distribution networks and treatment plants.

3.-Contamination Issues: Suspension of supply to prevent consumption of contaminated water.

4.-Water Resource Conflicts: Cuts due to disputes over shared water.

5.-System Overload: Temporary reduction during periods of high demand or massive events.
Water shortage is a serious problem
that requires immediate attention. It is
due to a combination of factors, such
as climate change.
Thanks for watching !!!!

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