Chapter No 02 Xi by OBAID DAHER

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Chapter No 02 22. The total pressure on our body is ----tons.

23. The S.I unit of pressure is ---------.
01. If the volume of a gas is plotted against the (a) atm (b) K.g./m.sec-2 (c ) torr (d) mm Hg
total pressure , the curve obtained would be: 24. 1 atm is equal to --------------pa or Nm-2.
a. straight line b. parabolic curve
(a) 110398 (b) 101325 (c) 022.4 (d) 3110100
c. hyperbolic curve. d. none of the above.
25. PV= K is the equation of ----------law.
02. PV = nRT represents ------------
(a)Boyles (b ) Charles (c ) Avogadros (d) Grahm,s
( a) boyles law ( b ) Charles law
26. What will be the volume of 6 dm3 H2 gas when its
( c ) Newtons law ( d ) Equation of state
temperature changed from 20 0 C to 30 0C?
03. The least possible temp: is -------------
(a) 6.20 (b) 4.10 ( c ) 5.10 (d) 6.10
( a) O 0C ( b) O 0F ( c) O K ( d) +273K
27. The lowest possible temperature attained by
04. The gas which diffuses with slowest rate is ------
any gas is ?
(a) NH3 (b) CO (c) N2 ( d) SO2
(a ) 0 0C (b) 0 K (c ) 273K ( d ) 20K
05. 11g of carbon dioxide at S.T.P occupies volume.
28. Calculate the volume of 4.5 moles of CO2 gas?
(a) 22.4 dm3 ( b) 11.2 dm3 ( c ) 44.8dm3( d) 5.6dm3
( a ) 44.2 dm3 (b ) 100.8 dm3
06.Boyles law explains ------------of gases.
( c ) 789 dm3 ( d ) 89 dm3
(a) expansion (b) compression (c) contraction (d)
29. What will be the mass of 99.4 dm3 of O2 gas?
( a) 122.9 gram (b) 142 grams (c) 123.8 grams
07. The rate of diffusion between He and SO2 is ----
(d ) 140.7grams
( a) 2/1 ( b) 4/1 ( c) 3/2 ( d) 8/1
30. How many moles are present in 56 dm3 of Cl2?
08.Equal number of moles of all gases at S.T.P occupy
( a ) 1.8 (b ) 2.5 (c ) 3.8 (d ) 4.8
volume –
31. A mixture of gases at 700 torr contains 2 moles
(a) 11.2 dm3 (b) 22.4dm3 (c) 5.6 dm3(d) 44.8dm3
nitrogen and 4 moles of carbon doxide. What is the
09. The atmospheric pressure at sea level in psi is -----
partial pressure of each gas in torr?
(a) 7.1 ( b) 14.7 ( c ) 7.00 (d) 12.0
( a )233.33/466.66 (b ) 322.22/644.22
10. Force per unit area is called -------
( c ) 3.333/600 ( d ) 444.44/333.33
( a) Viscosity (b ) Pressure (c ) Work done (d) Surface
32. Calculate the density of methane gas at 0 0C and 2 atm?
(a)0.897 g dm3 (b ) 1.427g dm3 ( c) 1 g dm3 (d
11. 29.4 psi corresponds to atmospheric pressure….
) 2 g dm3
( a) 1 atm ( b) 2 atm ( c ) 3 atm ( d ) 4 atm
33. Calculate the mass of 1 dm3 of NH3 gas at 30 0C 1000 mm
12. 64g of O2 at S.T.P occupies volume
Hg pressure considering that NH3 behaving ideally.
( a) 22.4dm3 (b) 44.8 dm3( c) 11.2 dm3 ( d) 5.6 dm3
( a ) 0.907 g ( b) 1.9 g( c ) 2.9 g ( d ) 3. 9 g
13. In general gas equation when pressure is 101300 Nm2
34. 250 cm3 of a sample of hydrogen gas effuses four
then the volume of gas will be -------
times as rapidly as 250 cm3of unknown gas.
( a) 22.4dm3( b) 2.24m3 ( c) 0.0224m3 (d) 11 m3
Calculate the molar mass of unknown gas.
14. KMT basis the properties of all states of
(a) 4 g (b) 8 g (c) 16 g (d) 32 g
matter on the -----------
35. Pressure remaining constant , at which temperature the
(a) Molecular motions (b) arrangements of atoms
volume of a gas will become twice of what it is at 0 0C ?
( C ) nature of atoms (d) type of bonding
(a)546K (b) 200 0C (c ) 546 0C (d ) 273 K
15. KMT was proposed by -----------------1738..
36. If absolute temperature of a gas is doubled and the
(a) Boyles (b) Charles (c) kelvin (d)Bernoulli
pressure is reduced to one half , the volume of the gas will
16. According to KMT the molecules of gas are--------.
be ?
(a) Very soft (b) very rigid (c) very light (d) large
(a ) remain unchanged (b) increases four times
17. Gas molecules travel in ---
(c ) reduce to half ( d ) be doubled
(a) Waves (b) linear path (c) zig-zag (d) spin
37. The molar volume of CO2 is maximum at .
18. The collisions of gas molecules are -------
(a)STP (b) 127 0C and 1 atm (c) 0 0 C and 2 atm (d)
(a) Elastic (b) rigid (c) in elastic (d) frequent
273 0C and 2 atm
19. In ideal gas there are ------attractive forces.
38. The value of general gas constant ----------------.when the
(a) Strong (b) weak (c) both (d) no
pressure is expressed in newtons per square meters.
20. Rate of diffusion is-------proportional to temperature.
(a)83.143JK-1 mole-1 (b) 8.3143JK-1 mole-1
(a) Directly (b) indirectly (c) both (d) none
(b) (c) 831.43 JK mole-1 (d) 0.83431 JK-1 mole-1
21. 2 dm3 is equal to -----------cm3.
(a) 20 (b) 200 (c) 2000(d) 200000
39. What will be the volume occupied by 14 g of nitrogen 58. Anisotropic solids are ------------------for different
at 20 0C and 740 torr pressure? properties.
(a)12.345dm3 (b ) 1.2345 dm3 (a )unidirectional(b)multidirectional( c ) both A & B (d )N.O.T
(c ) 0.12345 dm3 (d) 123.45 dm3 59. Luster in metallic solids is due to-----------
40. 12 atm pressure is equal to -----------psi. (a) Free electrons ( b ) excitement of free electrons due to
(a) 176.4 (b) 99.2(c ) 121.3 (d) 144.5 light ( c ) ionization ( d ) heat energy.
41. The density of a gas can be calculated by applying formula 60. Graphite has ----------m.p and b.p than diamond.
(a) PV=nRT (b) PV =K (c ) PM/RT (d) V/T =K ( a ) higher ( b ) lower (c ) average ( d ) minimum
42. -----------gases have maximum ideal character. 61. Vander waals forces arise between ----------
( a )Hydrogen and oxygen (b) nitrogen and hydrogen (a ) ion to ion (b ) molecule to molecule (c ) electrons of one
(c ) oxygen and nitrogen (d ) oxygen only molecule nuclei of other molecule . (d) electrons and ions
43. Daltons law is applicable on ------- 62. ----------is identical phenomenon of polymorphism.
( a ) gases collected over water (a ) isomerism ( b ) polymerization ( c ) allotropy ( d )
(b) Human inhalation ( c ) scuba divining ( d ) A.O.T isomorphism
44. The rate of diffusion is slower in liquids due to --------- 63. there are -------systems of crystals.
(a ) low pressure (b ) high energy (a ) 05 (b ) 06 (c ) 07 (d ) 08
(c ) attractive forces ( d) large number of collisions 64. The amount of pressure required to liquefy a gas
45. Large number of physical properties of liquids depend upon at critical temperature is called -----
--------- (a) critical temperature (b ) critical pressure (c) critical
(a) Temperature (b) pressure volume (d) critical mass
(c ) volume (d ) intermolecular forces of attractions 65. The temperate above which it is impossible to liquefy
46. The S.I unit for viscosity is-------- a gas no mater how high pressure is applied is called --
( a ) N.s..m3 (b ) ) N.s.m—2 (c ) ) N2 .s.m2(d) ) N.s2.m2 (a) critical temperature (b ) critical pressure (c) critical
47. Viscosity is ----------proportional to oil grade. volume (d) critical mass
(a) Directly (b ) inversely (c) normally (d )not 66. When a compressed gas allowed to expand suddenly
48. surface tension tends to ------------surface area of a liquid. in a region of low pressure , the temperature of gas
(a) Increase ( b ) decrease (c ) normalize (d) doesn’t changes falls and cooling is produced is called-------
49. Water has --------meniscus. (a) critical temperature (b ) critical pressure (c) critical
(a) Convex ( b ) concave (d ) linear (d ) both A & B volume (d) joule Thomson effect
50.Vapors pressure ----------------- 67. Boyles laws graph shows ---------------
(a ) depends on amount of liquid (a) isotherm (b) isobaric (c) isochoric (d) isotonic
(b) Doesn’t depend on amount of liquid 68. Charles laws graph shows ----------
(c) Depend on liquids pressure and amount (a) isotherm (b) isobaric (c) isochoric (d) isotonic
(d) Depends on liquids amount and temperature 69. Number of molecules in one dm3 of water is close to
51.The boiling point depends on ----------pressure. 6.02 12.02 18 55.6
(a) x 1023 (b) x 1023(c) x 1023(d)
(a ) liquids (b) atmospheric ( c) vapour (d ) internal 22.4 22.4 22.4 6.02
52. The normal boiling point is calculated at----atm of pressure x 1023
(a ) 1 (b) 2 ( c ) 3 (d ) 4 70. Dipole –dipole forces or interaction are the
53. Solids atoms and molecules posses -----of type of energy. intermolecular forces of attraction which exist in -------
(a) Translational ( b ) vibration (c molecules.
) spin (d ) revolution (a) polar (b)polar and non polar (c) all types (d) only in
54. Solids are shattered or deformed due to----- non polar
(a ) high pressure (b ) low pressure 71. Dipole –induced dipole forces exist in -------molecules.
( c ) high temperature ( d ) low temperature (a) polar (b) non polar(c) polar and non polar (d) A.O.T
55. Solids are diffusible due to ----------------energy. 72. Instantaneous dipole –induced dipole forces or
(a ) Translational ( b ) vibrational(c ) spin (d ) revolution London dispersion forces exist in--------molecules.
56. -----------are called true solids. (a) polar (b) only in nonpolar(c) all types (d) non polar
( a ) crystalline ( b ) amorphous and polar
( c ) both A & B ( d ) N.O.T 73. --------are strongest physical type of bonding.
57. Crystalline solids break up into ------same unit cells (a) London forces (b) vander waals (c) hydrogen
due to --------------------- bonds (d) dipole induced dipole forces
(a ) fixed cleavage plane ( b ) due to crystal formation
( c ) due to bonding (d ) due to arrangement of atoms or ions
Answer key Chapter No. 02 XI Q.No
Option Q.No. Option
Q.No Option Q.No. Option
1 B 29 B
57 A
2 D 30 B
58 B
3 C 31 A
59 B
4 D 32 B
60 A
5 D 33 A
61 C
6 B 34 D
62 C
7 B 35 A
63 C
8 B 36 B
64 B
9 B 37 A
65 A
10 B 38 B
66 D
11 B 39 A
67 A
12 B 40 A
68 B
13 C 41 C
69 A
14 A 42 A
70 A
15 D 43 D
71 C
16 B 44 D
72 B
17 B 45 D
73 C
18 A 46 B
19 D 47 A
20 A 48 B
21 C 49 B
22 B 50 B 78
23 B 51 B 79
24 B 52 A 80
25 A 53 B 81
26 A 54 A 82
27 B 55 B 83
28 B 56 A 92
29 61 93
30 62 94
31 63 95
32 64 96

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