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Business communication

Business communication is the discussion, transferal, retention, and processing of information
in a business environment. Many situations can involve business communication, such as
colleagues discussing processes, managers providing instructions and businesses sharing a
product through advertisements. You might define business communication as any time a
professional entity conveys information to its stakeholders. Communication is often one of the
most crucial elements of a successful operation, from internal processes to marketing and sales

Different scholars have given different definitions of Business Communication. Few of them
are mentioned below:

According to Ricks and Gow defined Business Communication as a system that is

responsible to affect change throughout the whole organization.
According to W.H. Business Communication is exchanging business-related different
views, ideas, and news within the related parties.
Prof. J. Haste stated that when the communication occurs between either two or more than
two business people for the purpose of effective organization and administration of business
then it is considered as Business Communication.

Basic elements of Business communication

▪ Sender
▪ Business information
▪ Receiver
▪ Feedback
The above elements indicate business communication as a process in which information or
news related to business is exchanged between different business parties like customers,
suppliers, business clients, employees, etc. for the purpose of effective administration of the

Moreover, it involves a regular flow of information and feedback is considered as a crucial and
important aspect of business communication. Due to different levels of hierarchy and
involvement of a huge number of people, business communication plays an important role in
different management functions i.e. planning, coordinating, organizing, directing, and
Types of business communication
Different business communication channels usually define the nature of the information and
participants engaged in the communication. Each channel typically serves a unique purpose.
Below, you can explore details about each type of business communication:

Upward communication
Upward communication refers to the direction of information flow relative to a business's
hierarchal structure. If you imagine a business structure as a hierarchal pyramid, company
executives, directors and senior management usually represent the top of the pyramid. Lower
levels of the pyramid represent middle-management and employees with minimal executive
power. Upward communication refers to the source of information originating from the lower
levels of the pyramid, such as employees, supervisors and team leaders. Examples of this
communication may be feedback forms, complaint forms and suggestion boxes.

Downward communication
With the hierarchal pyramid in mind, downward communication refers to the flow of
information from senior management and executives to middle management and employees.
An example of downward communication might be a company director emailing senior
management about changes to internal strategies. The senior managers then convey this
message to team leaders and supervisors, who then inform the employees. The information
originates at the top of the hierarchal pyramid and flows downward until it reaches the

Lateral communication
Relative to the hierarchal pyramid, lateral communication is the transfer of information
between individuals at the same hierarchal level. It's often a crucial type of communication that
can ensure collaboration, unity and teamwork between departments. Examples of lateral
communication may include colleagues discussing their processes with each other, meetings
between managers and discussions between members of an executive board.

This type of communication is when a business and its workforce communicate with external
stakeholders, such as suppliers, customers and investors. There are many examples of external
communication, such as adverts, public announcements, product reveals, customer support and
social media engagement. External communication can often be crucial for the success of a
business's external operation. Effective communication with external stakeholders can improve
brand awareness, foster a positive brand image, generate sales and increase brand loyalty.
According to Forbes there are Five Ways to Communicate In Business

1. Face-To-Face Communication

The main form of communication for nearly everyone is in-person. It's easy to get your point
across and communicate the nuances of a situation. Because of the pandemic, society has opted
out of much in-person communication. But if you can meet in person, then do so. It helps
prevent miscommunication and easily gets your feelings across organically. Incorporating
attentive body language, like nodding your head to indicate understanding and encouragement,
is key to effective in-person communication.

2. Email Communication

Email is used every day in business. It's often thought of as an instant communication method,
but nowadays, most people have full inboxes, so it can take hours or even days to receive a
response. The most effective emails are made up of multiple parts: an introduction, the main
concern and a courteous conclusion. Make sure to always be professional in your tone and be
patient as you wait for a response. If you haven't received a response after four or five business
days, then you should follow up, reiterating your previous statements.

3. Business Meetings

A business meeting with your entire team or department is an ideal way to notify everyone of
an important matter. This can eliminate confusion and answer all questions at one time but
should be used sparingly. Smaller, more regular meetings work well when your team has a
project to work on together. Just as with one-on-one, face-to-face communication, make sure
your body language is positive, make eye contact with people and nod when someone is
speaking to demonstrate attentiveness.

4. Social Media

Social media messaging allows for immediate communication with customers. Social media
can also help you learn more about a client by viewing their profiles before you build a
professional relationship. Using social media to speak with clientele is great for fast replies and
getting your ideas across quickly.

5. Team Messaging Applications

Specific applications for messaging team members like Slack, Telegram and GroupMe are
great for instant communication within your workspace. These apps enable you to focus on
what your team needs to accomplish but still offer everyone involved instant responses when
necessary. Unlike emails, messaging applications are generally considered instant forms of
communication. So when you receive a message, try to respond as soon as possible. If
necessary, you can follow up with more depth and examples in other messages or in person.
Importance and purpose of communication
Just as communication is vital for our existence in civilizes society, so also it is essential for
functioning of organization. So without communication there would be no organization.
Needless to say, communication is the ingredient that makes organization possible. It is the
vehicle through which the basic management functions are carried out. Managers direct
through communication; they coordinate through communication; and they staff, plan, and
control through communication. Virtually all actions taken in an organization are preceded by

Purpose Of Communication
For instruction: The instructive function unvarying and importantly deals with the
commanding nature. It is more or less of directive nature. Under this, the communicator
transmits with necessary directives and guidance to the next level, so as to enable them to
accomplish his particular tasks. In this, instructions basically flow from top to the lower level.
For integration: It is consolidated function under which integration of activities is endeavored.
The integration function of communication mainly involves bringing about inter-relationship
among the various functions of the business organization. It helps in the unification of different
management functions.
For information: The purposes or function of communication in an organization is to inform
the individual or group about the particular task or company policies and procedures etc. Top
management informs policies to the lower level through the middle level. In turn, the lower
level informs the top level the reaction through the middle level. Information can flow
vertically, horizontally and diagonally across the organization. Becoming informed or inform
others is the main purpose of communication.
For evaluation: Examination of activities to form an idea or judgement of the worth of task is
achieved through communication. Communication is a tool to appraise the individual or team,
their contribution to the organization. Evaluating one’s own inputs or other’s outputs or some
ideological scheme demands an adequate and effective communication process.
For direction: Communication is necessary to issue directions by the top management or
manager to the lower level. Employee can perform better when he is directed by his senior.
Directing others may be communicated either orally or in writing. An order may be common
order, request order or implied order.
For teaching: The importance of personal safety on the job has been greatly recognized. A
complete communication process is required to teach and educate workers about personal
safety on the jobs. This communication helps the workers to avert accidents, risk etc. and avoid
cost, procedures etc.
For influencing: A complete communication process is necessary in influencing others or
being influenced. The individual having potential to influence others can easily persuade
others. It implies the provision of feedback which tells the effect of communication.
For image building: A business enterprise cannot isolate from the rest of the society. There is
interrelationship and interdependence between the society and an enterprise operating in the
society. Goodwill and confidence are necessarily created among the public. It can be done by
the communication with the different media, which has to project the image of the firm in the
society. Through an effective external communication system, an enterprise has to inform the
society about its goals, activities, progress and social responsibility.
For employees orientation: When a new employee enter into the organization at that time he
or she will be unknown to the organization programs, policies, culture etc. Communication
helps to make people acquainted with the co-employees, superior and with the policies,
objectives, rules and regulations of the organization.

Advantages of Business Communication

Effective business communication is essential for any organization. It enables team members
to exchange valuable information, feedback, and ideas. Business communication offers
numerous advantages, such as improved collaboration, efficient decision-making, enhanced
productivity, and strengthened relationships, enabling organizations to thrive in a competitive
business environment.

Why is Business Communication Important?

Business communication is the backbone of every organization. It builds a critical bridge to
connect different departments, stakeholders, and organizations. Effective communication
ensures that all the organizational members understand the goal and coordinate with each other
to achieve that goal. Therefore, communication drives the organization’s growth and

On the contrary, a lack of communication leads to organizational conflicts and

misunderstandings. It impacts an organization's internal operations as well as external
relationships. Good internal communication fosters teamwork and inspires employees to do
their best. Likewise, good external communication is vital to achieve customer trust and build
brand image.

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