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Daisy: Some people may commit crimes out of desperation, and so they’re able to
provide for their families

Ash: Research indicates that structural inequalities, such as access to educational and
economic opportunities, can contribute to increased crime rates in impoverished areas

Daisy: This creates a breeding ground for criminal activity

Ash: Additionally, the indirect links between poverty and crime, such as structural
inequality and systemic racism, contribute to the prevalence of crime in deprived areas

Daisy: We need to address the structural barriers that prevent people from escaping
poverty in order to reduce crime and create a more equal society


Ash: Many addicts cannot think about anything else but their next 'fix'. They will
do anything to feed their habit, even if that means hurting family or friends; some will
even turn to criminal activity if it means allowing them to continue with their habit –
paying for drugs or being a drug dealer yourself.

Daisy: both cocaine and heroin to be strongly associated with aggressive behavior. And
especially in todays society is one of the main factors crime occurs.

Ash: By lowering inhibitions and impairing judgement alcohol can increase both
aggression and the willingness to take risks- 47% of violent crimes carried out in
England are committed while the offender was under the influence of alcohol.

Daisy: Some people could argue that Addiction is just an excuse used to get away with
crimes. But you don’t know how hard a habit addiction is, until you’ve experienced it
yourself. And if you haven’t, then do you think you really should have the right to be able
to criticise people who are suffering with addictions?


Daisy: Upbringing has a massive effect on a person’s future and life

Ash: For example, Aileen Wuornos . Her father left before she was born, and later
committed suicide in prison

Daisy: Her mother left before she turned four leaving her in the care of her sexually
abusive grandfather
Ash: When she was 14 she was raped by her grandfather’s friend which resulted in a
pregnancy where she placed the child in adoption

Daisy: She then was homeless and had to resort to prostitution herself where she
remained for years and eventually murdered seven men

Ash: She did this because she found men repulsive after the way she was treated

Daisy: We’re not justifying what she did, but this is an example of how greatly
someone’s upbringing can affect someone’s life

Ash: And lead to a life of crime

Opposition to just law

Ash- The suffragettes had committed crimes against the police force, in order to gain
rights. The suffrigists who did not result in vilonce did not receive justice. If the
suffragettes never resulted in vilonce and threat, it would make a large impact in
women's rights in todays society.

Daisy- Rosa Parks invigorated the struggle for racial equality when she refused

Mental Illness

Daisy: Patients with mental illness may be more prone to violence if they do not receive
adequate treatment

Ash: If patients are experiencing delusions or hallucinations they may perceive people
as posing a serious threat to them, when in fact none exists

Daisy: Furthermore, evidence suggests that psychopaths are 6 times more likely to
commit a violent crime then non-psychopaths

Ash: But what if psychopaths are born the way they are, and they can’t help their violent

Daisy: James Fallon did a study where he brought killers in for scans that were shackled
under the watch of a SWAT team

Ash: Among this he also scanned groups of healthy people, people with Alzheimer's and
also people with schizophrenia

Daisy: He found out that the reigions of the amygdala the prefrontal cortex were smaller.
Which effect things such as processing emotions, especially fear and also affects
decision making
Ash: As well as the astonishing fact that he himself was a psychopath

Daisy: This study proves that there can be a reason for why murders kill people and why
criminals can commit crimes

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