Quiz 2 STS

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They are inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to people and
the environment. Indigenous Peoples
2. According to the author ______, 'Indigenous science is part of the indigenous knowledge
system practiced by different groups of people and early civilizations.' Gribbin, 2001;
Mkapa, 2004; Sibisi, 2004
3. According to ________, Indigenous science includes complex arrays of knowledge,
expertise, practices, and representations that guide human societies in their enumerable
interactions with their natural milieu: agriculture, medicine, naming and explaining natural
phenomena, and strategies for coping with changing environments. Paliwen, 2005
4. Indigenous science is composed of ________ practiced and valued by people and
communities such as ethno-biology, ethno-medicine, indigenous farming methods, and folk
astronomy. Traditional Knowledge
5. He claimed that it is collectively lived and experienced by the people of a given culture.
Ogawa, 1995
6. It is embedded in the cultural traditions of regional, indigenous, and local communities. It is
also passed down orally, evident in stories, poems, and songs. Indigenous Knowledge
7. According to the statement by ________, Indigenous science includes everything, from
metaphysics to philosophy and various practical technologies practiced by indigenous
peoples both past and present. Cajete, 2004
8. He collaborated this idea by explaining that science is a part of culture, and how science is
done largely depends on the cultural practices of the people. Iaccarino, 2003
9. He explained that Indigenous knowledge has developed diverse structures and contents
through the interplay between society and the environment. Pawilen, 2005
10. He pointed out that indigenous science provides the basics of astronomy, pharmacology,
food technology, or metallurgy, which were derived from traditional knowledge and
practices. Sibisi, 2004
11. It helped the people in understanding the natural environment and in coping with everyday
life. Indigenous Science
12. An Act to recognize, protect, and promote the rights of Indigenous Cultural
Communities/Indigenous Peoples; creating a National Commission on Indigenous Peoples;
establishing implementing mechanisms; appropriating funds therefor; and for other
purposes. Republic Act No. 8371
13. Recognized indigenous science as a valuable historical contribution to science and
technology. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
14. Indigenous science uses science process skills such as observing, ___________, classifying,
measuring, problem solving, inferring, communicating, and predicting. Comparing
15. Indigenous science gave birth to the development of science and technology as a field and
as a __________. Discipline

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