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Diary trip Brighton

Day 1:
On the first day we didn’t do much aside from traveling. We had to be in school at 7:30, so
we could leave by bus at eight. We travelled the first 4 hours by bus, to France: Calais. When
we arrived we hopped on the ferry to continue our little journey. The ferry ride was about 2
hours, when we arrived in England we had to continue by bus for another two hours. So the
journey itself was already 8 hours! When we
arrived at our hostel I was a little disappointed,
honestly, it looked nothing like the pictures, the
rooms were incredibly small and very hot. And
the food was also disappointing.
Day 2:
The second day we actually did something fun, we had a walk in the forest with birds of prey,
which was very exciting. There were hawks, owls,
eagles but I liked the owls the most. Especially
Bramble, that’s the little owl you see in the
picture, he was very cute and cuddly. I loved him.
After that we went to see the seven sisters,
although I was lucky, the others had to walk all
the way up which took 1,5 hours. But I went up by
bus with a few people from other classes. That’s
pretty much it, but we did have a really good
Day 3
The third day was exiting, we went to Bridgton beach in the morning and we had a tour.
There were four tours to be precise, I went on a murder mystery tour. We walked around
Brighton while the tour guide told us about the various murders that had happened around
Brighton. It was very interesting. After we had 3 hours of free time to walk around Brighton
this was also very fun! I went to the arcade on the pier with some friends. Later in the
evening we played crazy 88’ this was also very fun.
Day 4
Day four wasn’t really special, it was the day we were leaving England. We had to wake up
quite early in the morning and pack our bags. And then we simply left. This time we took
another ferry, and it was wayyyyy more luxurious than the last one. It had all sorts of shops,
Lego shops, perfume shops, clothing shops. It was really nice, that was until I began feeling
sick. I wasn’t really expecting to be seasick because the first ferry ride I was perfectly fine.
And so I basically slept for most of the ride, because I would’ve thrown up otherwise. When
we arrived in Calais I was very relieved. But we still had a 4 hour drive to go, but for the
majority of the bus ride I ate chips and listened to music with my friend Keone. That was our

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