Avery Stare - Narrative Essay 1

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Avery Stare


Honors Literature and Composition

14 May 2024

For credit on the first narrative essay, make sure you have done the following:

Addressed the prompt

Meets the word count (450-650 words)
Essay has a clear beginning, middle, and end
Response is broken up into paragraphs with distinct ideas
Engaged in peer conferencing (evidence through either comments on your
document, or an attached notes sheet)
Highlight 2 attempts at sensory description (show don’t tell)
Highlight 2 attempts at incorporating figurative language
Turned in by due date


1 2 3 4

● Minimal ● Response ● Response ● Response

effort or meets some meets most meets all
response not requirements requirements requirements

Great use of language. Particularly the ideas of serendipity and the ideas of
melting together and unification. A pleasant little adventure.

A Night of Friendship

As the summer night descended in August in Nantucket, surrounded by my closest

friends, we went into the anticipation of adventure after a long day at the beach and exploring the
town. Dressed in our finest attire for dinner, we later slipped into casual wear. Excitement pulsed

as we headed to a beach fire. The music in the uber approaching the beach throbbed through the

car like a heartbeat, pulsing with infectious energy, we were all singing together like a choir in

perfect harmony, turning the vehicle into our own moving space.

As we exited the car, we were lost looking around where the bonfire was. We roamed

around until from a far we heard a roar of chatter and laughter. We ascended the dunes drawn by

the distant clamor, until the flickering glow of fire unveiled itself before us. An enclave of

youthful people, encircled by the flames, their faces illuminated, casting shadows that hinted at

the possibilities this night might hold. We walked around the fire, engaging in conversation with

unfamiliar faces, discovering shared bonds of youth and locality that bridged the gaps between


In those fleeting hours spent by the fire with new friends, I forged memories that I will

remember forever. Running through the night, encountering different personalities, our laughter

intertwining with the eccentricities of those around us, I found myself captivated by the

vividness of the moment, knowing it would linger in my thoughts after the embers dimmed. As

the night drew to a close and a directive to disperse echoed around the fire, I found myself

amidst the darkness with only two of my friends by my side, the others having vanished into the

obscurity of the night.

Opting to wait, we lingered at the crest of the dunes near the beach’s exit, where

serendipity introduced us to three kindred spirits, fellow travelers, similar ages to us. As we

reunited with our missing friends, our new friends stood by our side, unaware of the lengthy trek

that lay ahead of us. Amidst tales of their adventures, we collectively decided to order an Uber,

eager to venture into town for a late-night meal. However, our enthusiasm waned as we
discovered the reluctance of drivers to embark on a half-hour journey into the middle of nowhere

at such a late hour.

And so, we set forth, treading the dimly lit paths, encountering fellow wanders who, like

us, found themselves without a ride home. Among them, we encountered a kaleidoscope of

characters, each with their own brand of personality adding color to the nocturnal canvas.

Unified by circumstance, we remained inseparable from our newfound trio, their presence

seamlessly went with ours. As we traversed the seemingly endless paths, time became a paradox,

simultaneously stretched and compressed by the joyous company we kept.

A van rumbled around the corner, its door swinging open to reveal our friend calling our

names, echoing through the quiet street. We piled in, squeezing ourselves into the already

occupied seats, with me relegated to the trunk, feeling every bump in the road like loose nails

against my back. Arriving at Stubby’s we disembarked into a sea of familiar faces from the

earlier bonfire gathering.

Amidst the people, our recent friends melted into the crowd, and as we did the same, the

formalities of farewells eluded us. Yet, the memories of that unforgettable night linger like stars

scattered across the vast expanse of our minds, illuminating the mosaic of our experiences with

the enduring glow of serendipity’s constellations.

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